Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015.
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Reliability Estimate of Unconfined Compressive Strength of Black Cotton Soil stabilized with Bagasse Ash and Cement Kiln Dust[Full-Text ] Hamidu, H. I, Sani J. E, Bello A. O., and Yisa G. LReliability of estimates of strength characteristic values from laboratory results for specimens compacted at the energy levels of British Standard Light (BSL), West African Standard (WAS) and British Standard Heavy (BSH) for compacted bagasse ash treated black cotton soil using cement kiln dust (CKD) as an activator was developed by incorporating data obtained from Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) test gotten from the laboratory test to produce a predictive model. Data obtained were incorporated into a FORTRAN-based first-order reliability program to obtain reliability index values. variable factors such as water content relative to optimum (WRO), hydraulic modulus (HM), bagasse ash (BA), cement kiln dust (CKD), Tri-calcium silicate (C3S), Di-calcium silicate (C2S), and maximum dry density (MDD) do not produced acceptable safety index value of 1.0 at the three energy levels namely BSL, WAS and BSH compactive effort at coefficient of variation (COV) ranges of 10-100%. Observed trends indicate that the WRO, HM, BA and MDD is greatly influenced by the COV and therefore must be strictly controlled in CKD/BA treated black cotton soil. Stochastically only BSH compactive efforts are the only energy levels that can be used to model the 7 days unconfined compressive strength of compacted CKD/BA treated black cotton soil because the safety index values obtained are closer to the acceptable 1.0 safety index for serviceability limit state design (model 1) of structural components.
An investigation in cloud computing security: problems and challenges[Full-Text ] Mohammadjavad Hosseinpoor, Mortaza zolfpour- ArokhloCloud computing is a model in order to provide easy access to a common source in term of demands from adjustable computing sources (networks, servers, storing, applications and services) which Is capable of being provided quickly and deployed with the leas managerial efforts or interaction with service provider. In this regard, one of the main problems is security. In this research various security challenges in cloud computing was investigated in three sections and their importance is evaluated from least to most important.
Study on reducing briquettes of El-Dekhaila iron oxide waste by hydrogen gas[Full-Text ] N.A. El-Hussiny,Hala. H. Abd El-Gawad, F.M.Mohamed, M.E.H. ShalabiReduction of El-Dekhaila iron oxide waste briquettes was carried out in the temperature range 700 to 950 oC. In reduction kinetic study the most satisfactory model was to take the slope of the initial linear region of fractional reduction vs. time curve as a measure of rate constant (k). In k vs. 1/T plots were straight line from which Activation Energy was calculated.
Heavy metal copper uptake by adsorption using Crotalaria burhia as an adsorbent[Full-Text ] Himmat Singh PanwarThe wastewater containing bivalent copper was treated with adsorbent prepared from Crotalaria burhia (a plant of western Rajasthan) was investigated in batch experiments. The results showed removal of 74.8% of copper in the 60 mgl-1 copper solutions. The adsorptive capacity of the Crotalaria burhia was dependent on the pH of the copper solution, with pH 6 being optimal. The adsorption data fit well with the adsorption isotherm models. Comprehensive characterization of parameters indicates Crotalaria burhia to be an excellent material for adsorption of Cu(II) to treat wastewaters containing low concentration of the metal
Stratified Visco-Elastic Fluid Flow in a Slip Flow Regime Past a Porous Surface in Presence of Heat Source/Sink[Full-Text ] Kamal DebnathA steady stratified visco-elastic fluid flow past a porous plate in a slip flow regime has been investigated under the influence of heat source/ sink. The plate is subjected to a constant suction veloctiy. In this study, generalized boundary conditions for the slip flow regime at the plate are used. The mechanism of visco-elastic fluid flow contains both viscous and elastic responses and it is characterized by Walters Liquid (Model BËŠ) for short relaxation memories. The governing equations are solved analytically by using perturbation technique. Velocity profile and temperature fields are presented graphically and shearing stress and Nusselt number (rate of heat transfer) are represnted in tabular form for various values of flow parameters involved in the solution with special emphasis given on the effects of visco-elasticity and stratification.
Design of Controller for Inverted Pendulum System[Full-Text ] Rupali Khairnar, Chandrakant KaduIn this paper PID Controller and LQR is designed for Cart- Inverted pendulum system to obtain optimal control. While calculating PID values here wind disturbance (Fw) is taken into account. The designed controller gives better set point tracking and disturbance rejection. Using Pole placement and linear quadratic regulator controller gain of PID’s are calculated. Further this robust technique is verified using two different laws with disturbance input by using MATLAB and SIMULINK.
Water Quality Of Some Polluted Lakes In Ghmc Area, Hyderabad - India[Full-Text ] T.Vidya SagarThe present research work has been carried out in surface water in Greater Hyderabad Metropolitan City (GHMC), Telanga State, India during 2012-2013 to assess its quality for drinking and irrigation. Out of many lakes in GHMC, Saroornagar Lake, Miralam Tank, Hasmathpet Lake, Nallacheruvu, Safilguda Lake, Kapra Lake, Fox Sagar, Mallapur Tank, Pedda Cheruvu in Phirjadiguda, Noor Md. Kunta and Premajipet Tank are presented in this study. Results of the water quality shows alkaline character (pH: 6.4 to 7.6) with TDS varying fresh (878 to 950 mg/L) to brackish (1,056 to 3,984 mg/L). The Lakes show RSC negative (-1.3, to -4.1 and Premajipet Tank counts -28 me/L) indicates reduced risk of sodium accumulation due to offsetting levels of calcium and magnesium. The lakes represent Medium Hazard Class under Guidelines of Irrigation Hazard Water Quality Rating (Ir.HWQR) in respect of %Na, and Excellent (non hazard) in respect of SAR. Average EC are in the range 1463 – 2275, represent Medium except Noor Md. Kunta and Premajipet Tank, which represent High and Very High Hazard Class under Ir.HWQR with large negative RSC (-28). Premajipet Tank is Heavy Pollution receptor and Noor Md. Kunta follows it. The Lakes lie on Class E due to Low DO and High BOD as per CPCB Primary water quality criteria for "designated best uses" except Premajipet Tank and Noor Md. Kunta.
Cost Effective Grounding Grid Design for Substation[Full-Text ] Soni M, Dr. Abraham GeorgeWell-designed grounding system is very much essential as far as the safety of the crew and the substation equipments are concerned. Optimal design of grounding system for a substation is complex due to the involvement of numerous parameters. In this paper grounding system is cost optimized by MATLAB simulation and the results are analyzed. Variation in touch and step voltages for different values of fault currents with variations in conductors spacing, depth of burial and number of ground rods are plotted. The grid design parameters such as ground resistance, ground potential rise, step and mesh voltages, total length of grid and ground rods are calculated based on IEEE Std. 80-2000.
Modification in the Design of a Service Truck Used in the Mining Sites[Full-Text ] Simons Anthony, Ofori-Ntow Eric jnrHeavy duty (off- high- way) trucks used in the mines and road construction sites need to be supplied with fuel and lubricants on the work field without moving them to the fuel filling stations due to the time lock up required to move them and the space to accommodate them. A service truck designed for the purpose of supplying the off- high- way trucks with these fuel and lubricants has it supplying hoses exposed to dust and water when it rains. Subsequently introduce dust and water to the lubricants and fuel during supply. The dust and water cause regular breakdown of the trucks’ gear box, hydraulic pumps and valves. Laboratory analysis of the used oil from the off- high- way trucks indicates high rate of foreign materials such as dust. This paper looks at how best to modify the design on the service truck to eliminate the exposure of its supplying hoses from dust and water which are the main contaminates found in the used oil analysis. Manufacturing techniques, design procedures and the effect of the environment were considered in selecting materials for the modification. It is concluded that, the provision of a galvanized steel formwork to house the supplying hoses will prevent dust and water from getting into contact with the fuel and lubricants, therefore reducing the rate of breakdown of the off- high- way trucks. This will ensure that the trucks are available all the time.
Design of a Handheld Multipurpose Telescopic Device for High Altitude Jobs in Rural Areas in West Africa Sub Region[Full-Text ] Simons Anthony, Osei Nyantekyi Abednego, Olisama Awele DarylThis work sought to design a handheld multipurpose telescopic device for high altitude jobs in rural areas, in order to minimise the difficulties, risks and cost involved in undertaking such jobs. This handheld device comprises a telescopic pole, locking keys, an adjustable head, and various attachments for the head. The attachments designed for this telescopic pole include paint roller, cleaning brush, sweeping brush, and harvesting bag. The telescopic pole could be folded up to about 2.5 m for easy mobility and storage, and it can be extended up to 9 m. The maximum mass of attachment that the device can carry without failure is 7.304 kg, which is the weight of about 16 fruits It is recommended that additional studies should be conducted to design more attachments for the device.
Impact of Cloud Computing on Reliance & Privacy to Enhance Online Shopping in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Miss Robina Kousar , Dr. Abdul Hyee , Miss Khoula Saleem, Miss Noreen RafiCloud computing is what people dreamt about as services on internet for their business. This study focused on the buying online in Pakistan. Reliance, privacy and cloud computing are the factors that affect the online buying. For this perseverance, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire. SPSS 21 registered version was used and correlation and regression analyses were run. It was proved that there is a positive impact of independent variables on dependent variable. The scope of this study covered up that population of Pakistan which was using internet and cloud applications.
Challenges Facing Assessment of Accident Vehicles in Ghana[Full-Text ] Anthony Simons, Eric Kofi GbadamIn this paper, reports of assessment of accident vehicles over a four-year period for an insurance company in the Western Region of Ghana were analyzed; three of such reports were considered as case studies. General difficulties facing mutual assessors in performing their duties and ignorance on the part of policy holders, engineers and garage managers, about the procedure for claims of accident repairs were outlined. It was observed that of the forty eight cases that were assessed, 64.58% did not follow the right procedure for accident repair works, 77.08% of the total cases had the prices of the damaged items inflated and 43.75% of the cases had other parts not affected by the accident included in the accident repair works. Repair works which were not inspected by mutual assessors before commencement of work were 47.92%. Finally, ways to avoid delays in assessing accident vehicles and payment of indemnity are recommended.
A Novel Routing Protocol based on Efficeincy Division Factor[Full-Text ] Anzaar Ahmad, Dr. S .C Gupta, Dr. R.C JoshiMobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) network is very dynamics in nature and hence provides many challenge to routing protocol. MANETs network have two different topologies: f hierarchical architecture and flat. In a flat network design, each node has essentially the same job and is adequate for small networks and is easy to design, implement and maintain as long as the network stays the same. When the network become large in number of nodes, a flat network becomes unmanageable and undesirable because it provides delay and jitter and put makes the network unstable. So hierarchical network becomes a better choice. In a hierarchical network, the nodes are divided into clusters. Each cluster have a cluster head (CH) which is mainly responsible for the route calculation and communication with in the cluster and outside the cluster. This work proposes a novel routing protocol for clus-tering that divides the larger network into small clusters. The scheme , used to choose the cluster head (CH) is based on efficiency division factor (EDF).
Solid Waste Classification, Quantification and Management Practices in Lahore[Full-Text ] Muhammad Qasim, Mubashar Tanveer, Aroj Bashir, Malik Muhammad Anees, Moeen Khalid, Iqra Sanam, Maham Abbas, Muhammad Ummad Jabar & Farwa TalatThe rates of Solid waste generation vary in various sectors of country. Waste is classified and sorted on the base of supply instead of kind. Currently, there aren't any standards or regulations for the assortment of solid waste and its disposal. In Pakistan 40-65% of solid waste is comprising bio degradable stuff. The study is about solid waste management in Lahore, the study represent work with Citizens Commission for Human Development (CCHD). CCHD is a non-governmental organization that provides social and environmental services like solid waste management, awareness and education to the people of city Lahore, Pakistan. The organization provides environmental services to over 70,000 residents in Johar Town, Township, and Model Town in Lahore. The study is about environmental protection, pollution prevention, reduction of solid waste from the environment and its proper disposal as well as awareness to the people about importance of cleaner environment and reducing the burden on environment.
The Role of Educational Software in Improving the Performance of Students[Full-Text ] Mohammad Ali Bani YounesThe use of educational software as a tool in teaching and computerized learning increases the learner’s skills that are needed during his/her study. It also helps in providing a proactive environment between the student and the teacher from one side and among students from another side, which will result in the best results. It was clear that the use of these educational software increases the advancement of students in their achieved schools work as well as their push towards learning in all steps of the educational process. Research confirmed that the deployment of computer in education and considering it as a tool to help elevate the level of the push of students to learn becomes an ongoing necessity. This in turn requires providing specialized training sessions in this field, expanding the base of teachers who benefit from these sessions and equip them with skills on how to deal with the computer and how to design the educational software that is needed to serve the educational process. The use of new techniques in public schools that go alongside with updating curriculum produced better results. So, it is become necessary to do periodical training sessions to make the importance of using the educational software in education clear to the students and encourage them to participate in the educational process and deploy their rule more than before. This way it will be possible to overcome most of the difficulties that prevents the deployment of educational software in serving education.
Estimating the Yield of Rice Farms in Southern Iraq using Landsat images[Full-Text ] S.M. Ali, S.S. SalmanForecasting rice yield before harvest time is important to supporting planners and decision makers to predict the amount of rice that should be imported or exported and to enable governments to put in place strategic contingency plans for the redistribution of food during times of famine. This study used three Vegetation Indices (i.e. NDVI, EVI, and RGVI) to predict the amount of rice yields from temporal satellite imagery (i.e. Landsat 7 and 8) for the periods 2012 and 2014. Scatterplot classification technique is also implemented to estimate the rice yield for the same periods. The estimated results obtained by both the vegetation indices and the scatterplot classification techniques have been compared with true amount of the rice product for the same periods to verify the validity of the adopted methods.
Comparative Study of Antioxidant Properties and Cytotoxic effect of Three Different Plants of Myrtacea Family[Full-Text ] S.B.Nasrin Fathima, Dr.R.Pandian and Florida TiltonThe antioxidant activity of the ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Syzygium tamilnadensis, Syzygium densiflorum and Eugenia candolleana was evaluated using various antioxidant tests such as H2O2, NO, SO, FRAP and DPPH scavenging activities. The cytotoxicity activity of the extracts was also determined against the breast cancer cell line MCF-7 using the MTT assay. The various antioxidant activities were compared to the standard ascorbic acid. Compared to the results of all the antioxidant assays the methanol extract of the plant Syzygium tamilnadensis exhibited the highest scavenging activities. The results of the MTT assay also provide evidence that the methanol extract of the plant Syzygium tamilnadensis has good cytotoxicity when compared to the other extracts.
Synthesis, Antibacterial and Antifungal Screening of Three new of Alpha-aminophosphonic acids[Full-Text ] Hellal Abdelkader, Chafaa Salah, Chafai NadjibDue to the medicinal importance of α-aminophosphonic acid derivatives, the biological property of three synthesized α-aminophosphonic acids derivatives were screened in vitro against some Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria and some pathogenic fungi. The results obtained are compared with those of the starting compounds. In this study, three compounds ([(4-Hydroxyphenyl) phosphonomethyl-amino]-methyl)-phosphonic acid (S1), ([(3-Hydroxyphenyl) phosphonomethyl-amino]-methyl)-phosphonic acid (S2) And ([(2-Hydroxyphenyl) phosphonomethyl-amino]-methyl)-phosphonic acid (S3) have been synthesized from 2-aminophenol (2AP), 3-aminophenol (3AP) and 4-aminophenol (4AP). The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) were assessed by serial dilution technique. The synthesized compounds showed good antimicrobial and antifungal activity against all the tested organisms and the results are comparable to standard antibiotic chloramphenicol. The low MIC and MBC values and high sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to the compounds led to conclude that the α-aminophosphonic acids derivatives have potential antimicrobial and antifungal properties
Self Medication Among Students[Full-Text ] Nkwoka I. J, Egua M.O, Abubakar S. AFor improved health in the community required is the full involvement of individuals looking after themselves through self care .The study was carried out in September 2014 to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of self medication among Sokoto state polytechnic students. A total of 140 students were chosen by simple random sampling method. Pre-tested self administered questionnaires were used to collect data for the study. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20 statistical software packages. There is a relatively poor knowledge of the meaning of self medication among student (of Sokoto State Polytechnic) and a high prevalence that cuts across ages, gender, tribes, religious groups and faculties. The top 5 conditions treated by self medication being fever, diarrhea, cough, headaches and catarrh and the common drugs self medicated are anti malaria, analgesics and antibiotics. There should be organization of frequent enlightenment programs aimed at clarifying the various misconceptions some of the students have about self medication which should involve the participation and leadership of young people and the mass media.
Comparative Study Of Diesel Engine By Using Diesel & Biodiesel As Fuel[Full-Text ] Anand Kumar Singh, Kaustubh NatekarThis experimental study gives the result analysis of emission parameter and thermal efficiency in terms of brake thermal efficiency (BTHE), volumetric efficiency (VE), brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), brake mean effective pressure (BMEP). The biodiesel selected to conduct this experimental investigation is soybean biodiesel. The experimental study is conducted on a four stroke, single cylinder diesel engine using soybean biodiesel and its blends with diesel. The thermal performance and emissions characteristics are evaluated by operating the engine at different load condition, varying from 0kg to 6 kg difference of 3kg. The emission constituents measured are carbon monoxide (CO), unburnt hydrocarbons (HC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2).
Fabrication and characterization of electrospun poly(e-caprolactone) / TiO2 nanocomposite membranes with synergistic antibacterial property with gentamicin against MRSA[Full-Text ] Manjula Sudhakaran, S Shabin Ghouse, Nandagopal S, Sankar JagadeeshanElectrospinning is an efficient technique for the fabrication of polymer nanofiber composites. In this study, micro to nanoscale fiber composites of poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) / Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) were prepared through electrospinning by varying the concentration of TiO2 nanoparticles and electrospinning parameters such as applied voltage, feed-rate and distance between the tip and the collector. These electrospun fibers were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Diffractometry (XRD) and Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). The diameters of the fiber and the interstitial pore spaces of the as prepared electrospun fibers were measured. The fiber diameter was in the range of 130 nm – 4 µm and the interstitial pore space was approximately between 200 nm – 20 µm. Furthermore, variation in the fiber diameters and the interstitial pore with the electrospinning parameters as well as concentration of TiO2 nanoparticles were also discussed.
Design of TPVDF Based Muscular Signal Sniffing Sensor Mechanism for collaborative control system of Human Shoulder Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Robot[Full-Text ] Muhammad Asif Munir, Shoaib Mohammad, Sardar Badar Hamayun Khan, Khurram M. ButtThe core intention of this research work is to sniff the muscular movement of human shoulder muscles to develop an exoskeleton robot for rehabilitation of physical weak person like elderly, handicapped and stroked one. In this paper we propose a novel design of a sensor mechanism for the sniffing of muscular movement. A piezoelectric phenomenon is used to convert the muscular movement into voltage levels. The thread type Polyvinylidene Difluride (TPVDF) piezoelectric polymer and gold terminal is selected for this purpose after cytotoxicity analysis. This TPVDF is proposed to be stitched or pasted on the human shoulder muscles to sniff the muscular movement. To verify the feasibility of this proposed design two experiments are performed and results are shown.
Secure voice frequency signal transmission in 3D MIMO encoded 4 x 2 mmWave wireless communication system[Full-Text ] Mousumi Haque, Shaikh Enayet Ullah and Md. Rezaul IslamIn this paper, we made a comprehensive BER performance simulative study on encrypted voice frequency signal transmission in a 3D MIMO encoded 4 x 2 mmWave wireless communication system. The simulated system under investigation implements various types of modern and classical channel coding schemes such as Repeat and Accumulate(RA), cyclic redundancy check(CRC), Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem(BCH), low-density parity check (LDPC), AES Block Cipher aided and ½-rated Convolutional. Based on the simulation result with MATLAB, it is quite noticeable that the simulated system is highly robust in retrieving transmitted data under mmWave MIMO fading channel in QAM digital modulation and LDPC channel coding schemes.
DEM Processing for Watershed Delineation using QSWAT[Full-Text ] M.V.S.S. Giridhar, Ramaraju Anirudh, G. Sreenivasa Rao, P. SowmyaThe study of water resources at watershed scale is widely adopted as approach to manage, assess and simulate these important natural resources. The development of remote sensing and GIS techniques has allowed the use of spatially and physically based hydrologic models to simulate as simply and realistically as possible the functioning of watershed systems. Indeed, the major constraint that has hindered the expansion use of these tools was the unavailability or scarcity of data especially in the developing countries. Soil and Water Assessment Tool is widely used to support water quantity and quality studies. SWAT and digital elevation models (DEM) can be used to perform watershed delineation to a point, a reach, or an area of interest, which is usually one of the first steps in such studies. This paper presents the methodology that preprocesses the DEM in order to facilitate interactive watershed delineation. As a result, watersheds can be delineated quickly and with consistent time response, regardless of the DEM size, or the size of the resulting watershed. In present study area Kaddam watershed of Godavari river basin has been selected. With the help of DEM file generated, Soil and Water Assessment Tool is used for delineation of Kaddam watershed. The stream line generation, number of subbasins and subbasins area has been established.
Applications of Infiltration Studies for Effective Management of Water Resource in a Coastal Belt[Full-Text ] Giridhar M. V. S. S, Trisul Kumar.G and Anirudh RamarajuSurface water bodies are the water on the surface of the planet such as in streams, river, lake, wet land, or oceans. Non saline surface water is replenished by precipitation and by recruitment from ground water. It is lost through evaporation, seepage and abstracted by mankind for agriculture, living, industry etc. The present study deals with applications of infiltration studies for effective management of water resources in costal belt - Gara Mandal of Srikakulam District. The rainfall data between the years 1995 – 2010 has been collected and rainfall intensity was observed by collecting monthly rainfall data. The collected rainfall data is analyzed to understand the characteristics of rainfall data such as statistical parameters and frequency parameters. The trend is determined with the help of moving average curves. Based on the moving average curves developed for the study area it is observed that the rainfall trends are decreasing for the months of January, February, April , May, September, October, November , December. For the remaining months rainfall trend id fluctuating. From the infiltration curves it is found that, at 3 locations the rate of infiltration obtained is in the range of 300 to 800mm/hr and other remaining locations are below 100mm/hr. It is also observed that in future there may be less rainfall in potential months. So, Ground water levels in the study area may decrease and may cause salt water intrusion because of costal belt.
Estimation of Hourly Reference Evapotranspiration[Full-Text ] M.V.S.S. Giridhar, Siva Vani N and Ramaraju AnirudhEvapotranspiration is one of the major components of the hydrologic cycle. Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration is essential in many studies such as hydrologic water balance, irrigation scheduling, and efficient water resource planning and management. The precise estimation of water requirement of crop is very important factor in the application of irrigation design and scheduling. Irrigation futures aim to identify an appropriate method for the calculation of reference crop evapotranspiration. The evapotranspiration rate from a reference surface, not short of water, is called reference crop evapotranspiration or reference evapotranspiration and it is denoted by ETo. The present study evaluates the use of FAO-56 Penman Monteith method for calculating ETo hourly, daily for twelve years from march 2000 to 2012, for Dowleswaram station in Andhra Pradesh, by collecting the climatic data from the department of Hydrology data centre, I and CAD project, Hyderabad. Average of monthly reference evapotranspiration was calculated for the study area and observed the trend line, this can be used to predict the ETo for the future years, this can be useful in the irrigation of crop pattern and amount of water to be supplied. It is found that Maximum reference evapotranspiration is observed on 11th may 2002, with a value of 14.1mm. Minimum reference evapotranspiration is observed on 31stoctober 2006, with a value of 1.46mm.
Location Tracking and Security in Information Technology[Full-Text ] Winfried Yao BonsiTechnological innovations in information technology have become very famous across the globe. Many of these technologies have great merits but they equally pose threats in security and privacy. One of such technologies is location tracking. The main objective of this technology is to ensure security and safety. This service uses information on the geographical position of a mobile device or uses Radio Frequency Identification Tags (RFID) or Closed Circuit TV cameras (CCTV) to track locations. It is used in areas such as health, indoor object search and personal security. It is used to identify the location of a person, which most American parents use to track the movement of their children. This service is also useful in tracking stolen items such as cars, mobile devices and laptops, store products and also very useful for the police in tracking criminals.