Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015.
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Device for Intrapartum Materno-Fetal care (IMFC device)[Full-Text ] Vichal P.M, Appaji M Abhishek, Dr. Manish AroraMaternal and fetal care during labor is of utmost importance, lack of which is the major cause of neonatal and maternal mortality. Partograph is a graphical record of important data measured during labor. The main parameters that are to be recorded in the partograph are many. But the ones that can be electronically measured and recorded are the number and duration of uterine contractions, fetal heart rate, maternal pulse rate and body temperature of the mother. This project involves the design of a wearable device which can continuously monitor these parameters, display them continuously and alarm in the case of any abnormalities.
AMCD: Control and Monitor the Flow of Water Based on the Temperature[Full-Text ] Prof Ashwin Patani, Prof Miloni GanatraIn any industry (e.g. manufacturing plant, process plant etc) majority of final control elements are control valves and motors. They are used indiscreetly in some or the other way. Whether you want to move something or control something they are only used. The controlling of such variables is done by PLC or through some other techniques that might be suitable to the industry. But the problem with these controlling parameters is that they are voluptuous and at instances can make a hole in your pocket. System-on-chip solutions based on ARM embedded processors address many different market seg¬ments including enterprise applications, automotive systems, home networking and wireless technolo¬gies. The ARM Cortex™ family of processors provides a standard architecture to address the broad performance spectrum required by these diverse technologies .SOC is where the world is headed. Creating a single hardware that is compatible with all software can be used for variety of application in much more reliable and cheaper way. The outcome is a hassle free easy atomization in industry with the use of tablet that can perform multitasking.
Production of Exogenous Enzyme Using CHAETOMIUM THERMOPHILE FUNGUS through fermentation of wheat straw under opti-mal conditions required for Maximum Enzyme Production[Full-Text ] S. Raza, T.N. Pasha, A. S Hashmi, F.Latif and H.MubeenThe study was conducted to determine the possibilities of degrading the fibre content of sunflower oil meal (SFOM) by converting complex cellulose and hemicellulose into simple sugars. It was done by treating SFOM with a multi enzyme product from a fungus, Chaetomium thermophile, through fermentation of wheat straw under optimal conditions required for maximum enzyme production. Four enzyme activities viz, total cellulase, endo-ß-1, 4-glucanase, ß-glucosidase and xylanase were determined in the multi enzyme. The effect of fermentation duration was determined. Optimum fermentation time found was 96 hours. The thermostability of enzymes was checked at 50, 60, 70 and 80°C. Activities of these enzymes were found to be 1.0, 2.0, 0.95 IU/ml/min. and 12.0mg/ml/min. of Fpase, endoglucanase, ß-glucosidase and Xylanase, respectively. Optimum incubation time was determined as 15 hours at 56°C. Crude fibre contents of SFOM treated and incubated with enzyme was reduced from 24% to 16.0%. The enzyme was also applied to SFOM without incubation
BRICKYARD PRACTISES IN NIGERIA; IMPROVING THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CEMENT STABILISED EARTH BRICKS THROUGH SOIL SELECTION[Full-Text ] Adenaike F. A.There are many variables that determine the final strength of cement stabilized earth bricks. This research considers the soil composition. The soil is the basic material for the production and should be the starting point in the quest to improve compressive strength. Four brickyards were visited in Owode Egba and the general practice is to increase the cement water ratio of the mix by thumb rule once the final product appears to be weak as the excavated soil varies from place to place and depth.
Dynamic Clustering of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks using a Genetic Algorithm, Towards Balancing Energy Exhaustion[Full-Text ] Mohamed Elhoseny, Khaled Elleithy, Hamdi Elminir, Xiaohui Yuan, and Alaa RiadPlacing few heterogeneous nodes in Wireless Sensor network (WSN), such as nodes with more computing powers, is an effective way to increase network availability in terms of lifetime. Despite the success of various clustering strategies of heterogeneous WSN, the numerous possible sensor clusters make searching for an optimal network structure an open challenge. In this paper, we propose a heterogeneous sensor node clustering method using a Genetic Algorithm to optimize the energy exhaustion namely Dynamic Clustering of Heterogeneous WSNs using Genetic Algorithm ’DCHGA’. In DCHGA, the structure of the network is dynamically decided after each message transmission round. Compared with state-of-the-art methods, DCHGA greatly extended the network life and the average improvement with respect to the second best performance (using stable nodes) based on the first-node-die and the last-node-die were 33.8% and 13%, respectively. While in case of mobility heterogeneity of sensors, the improvement was between 12.6% and 9.8%. The balanced energy consumption greatly improved the network lifetime and allowed the sensor’s energy to evenly deplete. The computational efficiency of DCHGA is comparable to the others and the overall average time across all experiments was 0.6 seconds with a standard deviation of 0.06.
Sequence Analysis of Human HBA and HBB Thalassemia Genes[Full-Text ] Shahid. R, Muhammad. W. S, Sadaf. S, Saima. J and Hira. MThalassemias are diverse group of hereditary disorders in which there is a low rate of synthesis of one or more of the globin polypeptide chains. Also, one of most common autosomal recessive disorders worldwide. Thalassemia are quantitative abnormalities of polypeptides globin chain synthesis. Normally an individual inherits two β-globin genes located one each on two chromosomes 11, and two alpha globin genes one each on two chromosome 16, from each parent i.e. normal adult hemoglobin is α2β2. The study is focused on analysis of mutated genes, their sequences and protein domains. The human alpha (HBA1) and beta (HBB) loci determine the structure of the 2 types of polypeptide chains in adult hemoglobin HbA.
Wireless Acquisition of Biosignals for Physiological Variability[Full-Text ] Manasi M. Gharat, Laxmi S. Sargar, Aarti Bokade, U.R.BagalFunctional disorder of the human systems can be estimated using the parameters obtained from physiological signals. An electronic system for real-time acquisition and wireless transmission of an electrocardiogram is designed. It can be used for monitoring of physiological parameters, short term variability at rest, during surgery and in stress. ECG is picked up using surface electrodes in lead II configuration and amplified using AD620 instrumentation amplifier from Analog Devices. An Ultra low powered MSP430FG4618 microcontroller from Texas Instruments is used for digitization and wireless transmission of ECG through Bluetooth module HC-05. The ECG is received by computer with inbuilt Bluetooth support. The signal is acquired and displayed in user friendly GUI using LabVIEW from National Instruments.
Automated Detection of R-peaks in Electrocardiogram[Full-Text ] Laxmi S. Sargar, Manasi M. Gharat, Sushma N. Bhat, U.R. BagalElectrocardiography is a method of picking up the biopotentials generated in the myocardium using electrodes put on the heart or body surface. The record of the biopotential is called as electrocardiogram (ECG). The ECG is characterized by P-wave, QRS complex, T-wave, S-T segment etc. The analysis of these characterized features can be used for estimation of cardiovascular function. An algorithm for detection of ECG peaks has been developed using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). It was implemented for MIT/BIH ECG database. The ECG R-peak detection was automatically detected with tolerance variying from 0 to 6 ms. The sensitivity, positive predictivity and detection error was calculated for the investigated algorithm.
Analysis of Dispersion Compensation System for Optical Fiber Communication in a WDM Network[Full-Text ] Md.Abul Bashar Sarkar, Kazi Saiful AlamFiber-optic dispersion and its effect on optical transmission system are analyzed. In Opti-System simulation environment a dispersion com-pensation system is built with a simple WDM network. Input optical power is varied from 10-20 dB. To compensate the dispersion of fiber, most commonly used dispersion compensation fiber (DCF) technology is used. Three DCF schemes (pre-compensation, post-compensation, mix-compensation of dispersion compensation) are compared. It was found that the mix- compensation scheme gives best result (Q-Factor and BER performance). Simulation result also showed the effect of Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) in optical fiber transmission to reduce the losses. Design also includes the optimum power level that can be used for this system in the mentioned power range.
Synthesis and Characterization of ZIF-8 Filler for Preparation of Mixed Matrix Membrane[Full-Text ] R.M. Abhang, K.S. Wani, V.S. PatilDevelopment of mixed matrix gas separation membranes by utilizing nano sized inorganic particle with polymer matrix is new approach for improving the separation properties of polymeric membranes. To overcome the several challenges of mixed matrix membrane (MMM) like dispersion, contact of fillers with polymer, percentage of filler loading, size and shape of crystal, stability of membrane in harsh conditions, selective separation of gases needs to find material in such a way that the permeability of polymer should match with the permeability of inorganic fillers. Zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIFs) a subclass of metal organic framework is an emerging class of porous solid nano sized crystals comprised of imidazolate linkers and metal ions with structure similar to zeolite. It exhibit permanent porosity and high hydrothermal and chemical stability. Due to their molecular sieving effect, facile syn sis and compatible with the polymers, it reveals its im-portance during preparation of mixed matrix membrane.
Quantum computing models for algebraic applications[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn our days the quantum computers may be used for a great number of algebraic applications exponentially faster in comparison to the classical computing equipment. In this article are considered key aspects of quantum models algebraic applications in terms of the application of the algorithms in a quantum circuit using only elementary quantum operations, which is important for determining the potential applicability of the models in the practice.
Algorithm for switching 4-bit packages in full quantum network with multiple network nodes[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn this research are offered two versions of an algorithm for superdense encoding of а 4-dimensional qubit vector. The algorithm for switching of 4-bit packages in a full quantum network with multiple network nodes includes superdense encoding and is implemented as quantum logic circuit. The proposed two algorithmic solutions and the applied quantum circuit open new perspectives for more effective methods for establishment of a full quantum switching network.
Indexed cluster of controlled computational operators[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn this article is considered how to turn a n-bit increment operator into an O(n) cluster of controlled indexed computational operators CNOT, NOT and Toffoli. The incrementing cluster computational operators are an extension of the work of the author on the construction of controlled cluster computing NOT-s and the expansion of a NOT operator with many controls into a linear number of NOT-s with two controls. In order to reach the final goal, namely construction of NOT-s with many controls without an ancilla bit, is required the ability to perform large incrementations.
Mathematical approaches for modified quantum calculation[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn this report is proposed a programming technique for presentation of an operation modifier as an operation and are examined some of the mathematics around this programming technique.
Quantum multidimensional operators with many controls[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn this report is proposed an approach for constructing a quantum circuit, containing O(n^2) Toffoli gates, CNOT gates and single qubit gates that implements а C^n(X) gate for n > 3, without using work qubits. For solving the problem is constructed a C^n NOT gate from linear number of Toffoli gates and single qubit gates, without using ancilla bits.
Theoretically optimal computing frontiers for rapid multiplication through decomposition[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevThe productivity of the computation systems is determined to a high degree by the speed of multiplication, which is а basic element in multiple applications for digital signal processing, quantum computations, etc. The various approaches for design of asymptotically rapid algorithms for multiplication have developed in parallel with the evolution of the effective multiplicator architectures. This article examines different approaches for optimal rapid multiplication.
New solitary wave solution of the generalized Hirota-Satsuma couple KdV system[Full-Text ] Mostafa M. A. Khater, Emad H. M. ZahranIn this research, we find the exact traveling wave solutions involving parameters of the generalized Hirota-Satsuma couple KdV system according to the modified extended tanh-function method with the aid of Maple 16. When these parameters are taken special values, the solitary wave solutions are derived from the exact traveling wave solutions. It is shown that the modified extended tanh-function method provides an effective and a more powerful mathematical tool for solving nonlinear evolution equations in mathematical physics. Comparison between our results and the well-known results will be presented.
DEVELOPMENT OF AN ADAPTIVE ALGORITHM FOR AN IMPROVED CONGESTION CONTROL IN A GSM NETWORK[Full-Text ] G. K. Azever, S. M Sani, A. M. S Tekanyi and A. D UsmanIn this paper, we developed an adaptive algorithm for improved bandwidth utilization in a GSM network and to reduce congestion. The work adopted the joint scheme based on call admission control (CAC), bandwidth degradation and load balancing techniques, while using Dijkstra algorithm to determine the shortest path to route calls among the collocated base station cells. The developed joint scheme algorithm is implemented using NetBeans IDE 6.9.1 platform to generate call traffic so as to obtain call parameters results, including NCBP and HCDP values of interest. These performance metrics namely, New Call Blocking Probability (NCBP) and Handover Call Dropping Probability (HCDP) were evaluated to determine the results prior to, and after, the application of the joint scheme algorithm. Simulation results shows that call blocking and call dropping reduced by 48.3% and 52.3% respectively of the algorithms used before and after the application of joint scheme. This signifies that the developed congestion control scheme has better quality of service due to minimum number of call blocked and call dropped in the network.
Studies on the Enhancement of Soil Stabilization Using Electro-Kinetic Process[Full-Text ] C.A Poornima, Dr V.StalinTo study the effect of Geo-synthetics material for varying orientation and number of layers in the dewatering process of soft clay subjected to electric field, for varying Initial Moisture Content, spacing of electrode and voltage across the terminals. Using electro kinetic cell experiments were conducted by varying voltage of 40 and 60 V, IMC of 65% and 75% and electrode spacing of 20 to 40 cm. It is concluded that the number of Geotextiles increases, the time taken to attain steady state considerably decreases. Regarding the orientation, for vertical orientation is only marginal increase in rate of dewatering but for horizontal orientation the enhancement in dewatering rate is appreciable. In another attempt is made to enhance the soil-lime stabilization by Electro-kinetic process, with and without electrical field it is found that the pH variation is negligible initially and appreciable variations were seen at 24hrs and 48hrs when voltage is not applied. When voltage is applied the pH increases in cathodic region and decrease in anodic region and also dewatering take place from anode to cathod. Hence the strength increases due to calcium accumulation and dewatering process. The same influence is observed for increasing spacing (20cm and 30cm) and voltage (20V and 40V). Thus it may be summarized that Electro- Kinetic process of dewatering for horizontally placed geotextiles are effective and also soil-chemical reaction can be substantially enhanced using the same
Protection of Source and Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Prabhjot Kaur,Mandeep KaurIn wireless sensor networks messages are sent from source to sink, but it sometime becomes a risky communication way because of presence of eavesdropper. During transfer of packet or message from source to sink an eavesdropper may attack on the network and creates problem for the sender or receiver, as the eavesdropper may trace the path and detect the location of source or sink very easily. Because of this security is always remained a concern topic in wireless sensor networks. Different techniques introduced time to time for the protection of source and sink in wireless sensor networks. I n this paper we have also introduced a scheme for the location privacy. This technique especially effective when eavesdropper will try to locate the location of source or sink by using DREAM protocol. In this scheme deviate location information and false identity of sensor nodes is provided to the eavesdropper which can confuse the attacker and protects our source as well as sink.
Color Document Image Authentication With Data Repair Capability[Full-Text ] Ms.Lekshmi.C.R, Mr.K.SaravanamoorthyA new authentication technique for color images with data repair capability.The RGB channels are first transformed into three secret embedding channels SEC using reversible integer transform.Agroup of 2×2 blocks which is the strongest points of non overlapping spacially adjacent pixels in S,E and C image is selected as the valid blocks for embedding the secret message.Then adaptive mod 4 embedding operation is further applied to all the valid blocks to embed a pair of binary bits using the shortest route modification scheme.Each secret message is alsoencrypted by RSA encryption algorithm to provide the system wih more security.Data will be embedded inside the image using the pixels.Then the pixels of the stego image can then be accessed back inorder to retrieve back the hidden data inside the image.However, a secret key is needed by the receiver inorder to retrieve back the data.This secret key is generated by RSA decryption algorithm.By using the secret key to retrieve the data,it maintains privacy,confidentiality and accuracy of the data.The proposed method was tested on different color images.From the experimental results,compared with the some well known adaptive and non adaptive authentication techniques,the proposed method provides larger embedding capacity,while being less detectable by steganalysis methods.
BRICKYARD PRACTICES IN NIGERIA: IMPROVING CURING TECHNIQUES FOR SANDCRETE BLOCKS.[Full-Text ] Adenaike F. A.Structural failure and building collapse are common phenomena in modern Nigeria. As the pressure on housing increases with the population, the need to procure cheaper alternatives and improve on delivery time for construction are bearing heavily on quality. This is more evident in the erection of the new buildings. Since most of the modern buildings are framed in reinforced concrete, the low compressive strength of the blocks used for such buildings do not cause immediate failure. However when the structures are exposed to extra loading and use, they start to fail. Cracks, deflections, excessive moisture penetration and low bearing capacity are the bane of these structures erected with the sandcrete blocks.
Influence of Automotive Air Conditioning load on Fuel Economy of IC Engine Vehicles[Full-Text ] Mr. Kaustubh SheteRecently, scientists at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in United States were able to figure out that United States could save over $6 billion annually if all the light-duty vehicles in the country achieved a modest 0.4-km/L (1-mpg) increase in fuel economy. Their study also showed that the US uses 27 billion liters of gasoline every year for air conditioning vehicles. Factors affecting the AC load on the engine include climatic conditions, cabin conditions, compressor speed, difference between the climatic (outside) conditions, and overall efficiency of the AC system etc. The opportunities to reduce this AC load on the engine include thermal load reduction by use of advanced window glazing & parked car ventilation, the use of seat based climate control, recirculated air & by application of alternative cabin cooling techniques. By the application of these techniques significant reduction in the AC load can be achieved which will benefit us especially because of the large number of new cars sold each year. In a country like India where fleet penetration has reached a high level, we can save substantial amount in foreign exchange & reduce the dependence on crude oil imports & reduce the extra atmospheric pollution caused due to the use of automobile air conditioning systems. Therefore, reductions in automotive air conditioning loads on the engine are quite clearly the need of the hour, making tomorrow’s vehicles more fuel efficient, while keeping passengers comfortable.
Shoulder Surfing Proof Secure Authentication Algorithm Using Textual Passwords[Full-Text ] P Aditya Kiran, Dr. A Sri KrishnaAuthentication is the basic requirement of information security. Many real life applications require the identity of a user. Strong text based password scheme which are difficult to memorize provides certain degree of security. It has motivated graphical authentication as an alternative to the text-based authentication. The graphical implementation has a disadvantage of user selecting the wrong order. It was observed that the selection of images and the rule that controls the choice of the images were critical in the implementation of the system. The paper proposes a new method which is the enhancement of the login and password system. The system is more secure and vulnerable to shoulder surfing. The system has been tested with various passwords by novice users.
Conceptual Design Knapsack Sprayer for Palm Oil Cultivation by Ergonomic Approach[Full-Text ] Tineke Mandang, M Faiz Syuaib, Brian HoffniDesigning a tool/machine needs ergonomics approach in order to match between man-machine system. One of the important tools in oil palm cultivation is knapsack sprayer. This study was conducted in aiming to understand occupational risk on the knapsack sprayer operation. So, ergonomic analysis is needed for these activities to understand the need of intervention to reduce the risks of working and complaints that occur. Based on Nordic Body Map questionnaire, the operator of knapsack sprayer suffered musclular fatigue and pain on the leg (28%), the upper arm left (27%) and the neck (14%). Based on Range of Motion’s criteria, dangerous zone (Zone 3) are the flexion of hip, shoulder, and neck. Futhermore, REBA method was applied to evaluate work posture in detail. The REBA revealed that score of 8 or more were resulted on “Loading”, “Pumping” and “Spraying” work elements. These mean that work elements were high level of MSD’s risk thus changing in the working condition is needed soon. Workload analysis found that 17 kg of total weight knapsack sprayer with the dimension of knapsacks sprayer’s tank is (390 x 171 x 534) mm. Recommanded resting time for knapsack sprayer operator is 125 minutes for 4 hours working time.
Enhancing Unemployment and Development Opportunities through Petroleum Refining and Product Industries in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Olayande. J.S, Aikhuele.J.G, Manzo.H, Fasipe. OThe Nigerian Economy is dependent on the Oil and Gas sector, though the Agricultural sector still has its role to play in development too. Opportunities to enhance employment and development in Nigeria rely on the Gas, Petroleum Refinery, Petrochemicals and Fertilizer industries. Points where highlighted and research comparison for both past and present where made in different sectors with statistics taken for employed and unemployed citizens and economic performance by various industries. Recommendations were enumerated and a conclusion was drawn on how to enhance the present unemployment and development rate in the various industries in Nigeria.
Suggested Approach to Stocks' Selection for Enhancing Portfolio Performance[Full-Text ] Mona N. Abdel BaryFinancial time series data are a sequence of prices of some financial assets over a specific period of time [10]. In this paper we will focus our research on the most volatile and challenging financial market; the stock market. All the financial analysts carry out many kinds of research in the hope of accomplishing one goal; to beat the market. To beat the market means to have a rate of return that is consistently higher than the average return of the market while keeping the same level of risk as the market. This paper introduces approach to stock'selection for enhancing portfolio performance.The process of selection of a portfolio can be divided into two main stages; namely evaluation of the performance of available stocks and the choice of the portfolio. Markowitz (1952), (1959) is concerned with the second stage in which the portfolio is selected only without evaluation and stocks' selection [7], [8]. Hence, an emphasis should be given to the first stage to enhance the second stage performance. There are two major problems affecting the optimization portfolio process; outlier and multicollinearity problems. To explain this, the outlier problem leads to wrong expectation of both the rate of the return and the rate of the risk. Therefore, this problem may result in wrong selection of the optimal portfolio. Additionally, the multi-collinearity problem causes increase of risk in a certain manner in which the drop down of one stock in the portfolio leads to the drop down of the whole portfolio. It is necessary to introduce the approach of stocks' selection in a portfolio to avoid the portfolio drop problem, and to avoid the bad effect of the stock market movement, and to gain an un-expectation return. Thus, this paper aims at introducing complete analysis of the stock market which presents a useful analysis for all investors of the stock market in order to be able to analyze the outlier problem, determine the multiicollinearity stocks groups, determine the stocks group controlling the stock market movements, and the outstanding stocks group, constrain the sum weights of each group in the portfolio frame to enhance the portfolio performance.
Techniques for Detection of Misbehaving Nodes in MANET: A Study[Full-Text ] Rasika Mali, Sudhir BagadeMobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) can be defined as a collection of large number of mobile nodes. MANET has variety of applications such military, disaster stuck areas and the characteristics like dynamic topology, no fixed infrastructure etc. Still there are some security issues and challenges in it. MANET is vulnerable to various attacks due to its open medium. Hence there is need to study in detail about how to detect malicious or misbehaving node present in network. In this paper we present different techniques for detection of misbehavior of node. Techniques studied in this paper are: Watchdog, ExWatchdog, TWOACK, S-TWOACK, 2ACK and Adaptive ACKnowledgment (AACK), CONFIDANT, Record and Trust Based Detection. All techniques are analyzed with parameters like type of misbehavior, key mechanism used, advantages, limitations and performance evaluation using packet delivery ratio (PDR) and throughput. We also suggested with the further research directions.
A Correlate of Criterion and Norm Referenced Tests on Secondary School Students’ Biology[Full-Text ] Casmir N. Ebuoh (Ph.D)The purpose of this study was to correlate the students’ performance in criterion and norm referenced tests in senior secondary Biology in Nkanu West Local Government Area of Enugu State. The design of the study is co relational study. The population for the study consisted of all the 1596 students of senior secondary two (SS 11) of 2014/2015 academic session. The sampling techniques were multi-stage stratified and proportionate random sampling. The sample size comprised 735 students sampled from the seventeen (9) secondary schools. Method of data collection was on students’ scores on criterion and norm referenced tests administered to the students in Biology. In data analysis, students’ scores in criterion and norm referenced tests were correlated using Pearson’s ‘r’ The significance of the correlation coefficient results obtained was tested with T-test at five percent (5%) level of confidence. The result showed that there was positive and high relationship between criterion and norm referenced test scores in all the various schools. There is significant relationship between students’ performance in criterion and norm referenced tests scores in secondary schools Biology.
Effects of Individual and Group Test Administration on Students’ Achievement in Biology in Secondary Schools[Full-Text ] Casmir N. Ebuoh (Ph.D)The type of test administration used by teachers in assessing students in Biology in Nigerian secondary schools had been implicated. In view of the above problems, the present research work was designed to find out the effects of individual and group test administration on SS3 students’ achievement in Biology. The researcher adopted a non-equivalent quasi-experimental design. A sample of 320 SS3 students was drawn from the four schools in Enugu south Local Government Area of Enugu State. In each school used, two intact classes were randomly drawn; one intact class was then randomly assigned to the experimental groups 1 and II. The two groups were assessed using individual and group test administrations respectively. A research question and hypothesis guided the study. Relevant data for the study were collected using individual and group tests on Biology Achievement Test (BAT). Research question was answered using mean and standard deviation while hypothesis was tested using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The results revealed that the use of individual test administration in assessing students in Biology in the secondary schools was found to achieve higher than group test administration. Some recommendations were made based on the findings of the study
Towards an Automated Contact Centers ( An Implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Text Mining techniques for CRM)[Full-Text ] Mohammed Mahmoud Ibrahim SakreCustomer Relationship Management (CRM) is an important tool for organizations to win a good share of the market for their products. Call Centers are the backbone of the operational side in Customer service and support of CRM. Contact centers have been typically human-based service systems. This research presents a future vision which involving multidiscipline system that achieves many goals for CRM and Business Intelligence using database, Artificial Intelligence and Text Mining techniques for unstructured data. The objective of this research is to design and implement an automated system to support customers and reduce the tasks of the Contact center human resources. The proposed system is composed of many modules which are implemented in stages. This research presents a usage of a proposed Arabic Question Answering (QA) Module as a main module in an automated contact center. The proposed system receives a natural language query from the user in a form of a speech or text. It presents an answer, in a form of a speech or text, as a response, based on the stored data. The stored data may be in a form of a database of questions, which had been asked before, with their answers and/or may be in a textual form. The proposed QA Module uses information retrieval, text mining and Arabic natural language processing approaches to get a list of the closest answers to the input query. The Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is used to enhance the selection of the final and closest answer from the list. Arabic natural language processing is used in the proposed system along with LSI. The proposed QA Module is tested for Arabic language and showed average precision, recall, F-measure and MRR as 92%, 92.8%, 0.936 and 0.906 respectively.
Bibliometric Analysis of Water Resource Development and Utilization Based Research Studies in Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] Navaneethakrishnan, S and Sivakumar, S.SSri Lanka’s science and technology research and development activities are now being directed towards facilitating the country’s development process. In this connection main scope of this study is focused on Water Resource Development Studies based publications of Sri Lankan scholars. Studies on evaluation, development and quality of water Water Resource Development Studies based research of Sri Lanka will led to development of new scholarly activities. A total of 1026 records of contributions of 2254 authors with Sri Lankan affiliation were analyzed in this study to identify the research trend of Sri Lankan contributions in water Water Resource Development Studies based research with bibliometric indicators. The analysis of the data reveals that generally there is no progressive increase in Relative growth rate of contributions and Degree of Collaboration was 0.83 during the study span. Among the productive authors Giordano, M. is in the top position and ‘Agricultural Water Management’ was preferred by scholars for scholarly communication.
Evaluation of Wastewater Network of Al-Anwaar in Al-Kut City, Iraq by Using SWMM and GIS Techniques[Full-Text ] Mashaan O. Hadi,Mahmoud El-Mewafi, Metwally S, Ahmed Awad and Saleh Suliman Sewerage network in urban areas, such most other infrastructure, buried underground, making access to data difficult and expensive. So, there are some Institutions that all or any data from their own sewage network is limited .The study provides an Various choice and appropriate modern technology in the design, development and expansion of sewerage networks instead of the usual ways to process a wide survey method, which requires a lot of time, effort and money with a high rate of errors. That the process of evaluation and expanding sewage adopted on parameters, they are provided by Remote Sensing and GIS .The study has addressed Al-Anwaar in Al-Kut city, is Iraqi city , as a study area that wastewater systems where needed analysis for manholes and pipes by using SWMM. Comparison between the slopes of the wastewater and surface slopes of the lines of the interview was conducted. Design of sanitation depends on two parameters, hydraulic engineering parameters and parameter which requires a substantial and broad sweep and accurate drawing. It was noted that the study of the pipeline is working adequately. Using GIS tools in the sewer pipes system is a suitable method in analysis sewer network and provides the data that used in SWMM program.
Effect of HRT on the biodegradability of textile wastewater in an Anaerobic Baffled Reactor[Full-Text ] BHUVANESWARI.A and ASHA.BThe effect of operational parameters such as HRT, influent COD concentration, co-substrate was investigated to achieve the maximum COD removal efficiency in the reactor. Results indicated that anaerobic treatment of textile wastewater studied was possible with the supplementation of an external carbon source in the form of glucose (about 3g/l) to achieve a maximum COD removal efficiency of 91.67% with a HRT of 1.748 h and OLR of 7.962kg COD/m3. day. The present study was conducted to evaluate the potential applicability of ABR system for the treatment of textile wastewater with varying HRT from 1.748,1.165,0.874,0.699 and 0.582 days.
Shock Analysis of E-Glass/Epoxy Composite Submersible Hull Subjected to Pressure Loads of Underwater Explosion using Finite Element Method - Experimental Validation[Full-Text ] A. Chennakesava ReddyUnderwater explosion is a most important peril to ships and submarines, given that detonation underneath a hull can produce greater damage than an above-surface one of the same explosive size. In this paper, an attempt has been made to predict the influence of shock pressure loading on the submersible hull using finite element analysis. The maximum displacement of the submerged hull has been found to be 0.0712 m for the explosion charge weight of 25 kg. The damage has occurred in the submersible hull exposed to explosion charge weight of 25 kg. The impact test by falling weight results were in good agreement with the results obtained through finite element analysis. The hull damage can be endorsed due to failure of fibers in tension and the failure of matrix in shear.
On the study of optical and structural properties of zinc oxide thin films by sol-gel dip coating technique[Full-Text ] Ajayi Jonathan Olanipekun, Oluwatomi Similoluwa and Adedokun OluwaseunThis paper reports the study of optical and structural properties of ZnO thin films by sol-gel dip coating technique. ZnO thin films were prepared by sol-gel process using zinc acetate di-hydrate, ethanol and di-ethanolamine as the precursor, solvent and stabilizer, respectively. The dipping time of the substrates and annealing temperature of the thin films were varied. And then structural and optical properties of the as-prepared ZnO thin films were investigated by X-ray diffractometer and UV-Vis spectrophotometer, respectively while the thickness of the as-deposited thin films were determined using a gravimetric method. The structural analysis shows that the films are polycrystalline with a hexagonal wurtzite structure and a preferential c-axis orientation. The films have high transmittance in the VIS/NIR region and low transmittance near the fundamental absorption. The absorbance of the ZnO thin film was observed to be low in the VIS/NIR regions and high in the UV region. From these results, an increase in dipping time, leads to an increase in the thickness of the thin films which also leads to a better uniformly distributed films with smooth absorption spectra of the ZnO thin films. Decrease in the average transmittance of the deposited ZnO thin films was found to be related with increase in annealing temperature of the ZnO thin films.
Library & Information Science Journals in DOAJ: A Bibliometric Study[Full-Text ] Dr. Shipra Awasthi and Dr. Babita JaiswalThis paper presents a bibliometric study of library and information science journals archived in the directory of open access journals. A total of 72 LIS journals are focused and included in the paper. The analysis has been done on different parameters like country wise distribution, language wise distribution, etc.
Design Optimization and Installation of Induction Furnace over Oil Fired Furnace[Full-Text ] Bhaskar Dhiman, O.S. BhatiaBy installing the induction furnace in place oil fired furnace the productivity increased and production cost decreased. Due to high cost saving its payback time is very short. Optimization of induction furnace is done carefully in area of billet feeding. The stress given on to minimize the human labor and to gain more automation. While designing various components economy, compactness, cost reduction and weight reduction are kept in mind. Cost estimation of each component done suitably. In the end cost analysis done between oil fired and induction furnaces in order to observe differences obtained in production cost and productivity.
An Overview of Human Resource Management Strategies applied in Knowledge Management[Full-Text ] N.Sivasubramanian, Dr U.Syed Aktharsha, Prof. M.Sheik MohammedThe paper attempts to compile an overall view on the impact of Human Resource Management (HRM) on Knowledge Management (KM). To establish a good knowledge management system in a firm, human resources are vital tool. The productivity of the firm and to remain competitive in the field, human resources are fore most important. The challenge lies with the conversion of tacit knowledge residing in the human resources has to be brought out in code able form by means of training, documents, lecture etc. By adapting proper strategies, it could be feasible to meet the organizational goal, and sustain in competitive manner. Various steps followed and approach to be taken are to be modelled depending upon the nature and organizational culture of the firm.