Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015.
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Effect Of Compatibilizer and Kolanut Filler Contents on the Sorption Characteristics of Low Density Polyethylene Composite[Full-Text ] Onuegbu G. C., Anyiam C. K., Akanbi M. N., Obidiegwu M. U. and Onuoha F.N. The effect of kola nut filler and compatibilizer contents on the transport of benzene through low density polyethylene (LDPE) composite was studied at the following temperature 400C,600C and 800C .The kola nut powdered used was ground at 25µm particle size 0-5Wt% of kola nut powder and 0-2.5Wt.% of compatibilizer were mixed with 200g of low density polyethylene in an injection moulding machines. The injected polyethylene/kola nut composites were taken for sorption test. The sorption data obtained for kola nut powder filled low density polyethylene at the different temperature investigated were expressed as the molar percentage uptake (%Qt) of solvent per gram of the kola nut composites. Results show that the solvent uptake for any particular solvent at the five filler content (0-5 Wt %) generally increased with increase in sorption temperature but decreased with increase in compatibilizer and filler contents.
Forecasting Inflation in Nigeria by State Space Modeling[Full-Text ] Raphael A. Yemitan, Olanrewaju I. Shittu In recent times, inflation figures used by policy makers and investors are usually at lag one (i.e. previous month's inflation rate). The reality of the present day situation where changes in the economy increases with a high degree of uncertainty, decision of monetary policy tools requires the use of current figures of macroeconomic indicators such as inflation. This paper, therefore aims at modelling and forecasting Nigeria's inflation rate for the current period, using the Kalman filter methodology. This paper reveals that estimating the Nigerian headline inflation rate using the Kalman filter approach is more efficient than the popular Box-Jenkins ARIMA(0,1,0). The efficiency of the Kalman Filter was mainly as a result of its built in specification for updating the estimation with the latest available information. This is evident the unbiased insample estimation of the headline inflation as well as the significant result of the results of the diagnostics test. Hence, the result imply that switches in the inflation series could cause the regime of the series to shift from a linear space to a non-linear regime. Therefore, an introduction of non-linear estimation methodologies may provide a starting point for further research and development of a modified state space methodology by redefining Kalman filter transition equation and its estimation procedure.
The Design of Smart Shopper Applications Integrating Mobile Devices with Barcode Technologies[Full-Text ] Solomon Mwanjele Mwagha, Opiata M AElectronic shopping is increasingly being used for enhancing customers shopping experience. This paper explored on mobile devices for Smart Shopping, where a mobile based shopping management tool based on mobile phone and barcode technologies that applies to an individual’s shopping set-up was designed and implemented. Results of a preliminary study showed that a typical way of planning a shopping budget is by making shopping lists. This method is usually cumbersome since calculations are done manually while tallying the total prices for the listed items counting on to time loss. In this study we collected and analyzed information about the ordinary way of managing shopping from local shopping malls. The analysis results were used in designing the Smart Shopper application using the Rational Unified Process methodology. The application was built to run on the Android Operating System which mapped product details to a remote database.
The Use of Web and Mobile Technologies in Enhancing Intelligence Crime Monitoring and Reporting[Full-Text ] Solomon Mwanjele M, Mwachaka P MIntelligence Crime Monitoring and Reporting (ICMR) is a concern to security systems across the nations. Security systems have the objective of crime detection and prevention. The conviction of crime doers relies mostly on responsive systems of information management. The efficiency of the security agents (such as the police) and the effectiveness with which agent’s tackles crime depends on not only the quality of information derived from crime records but also how fast information is accessed. In the current competitive world of work public establishments need quality and systematic processes to increase their working efficiency and also enhance their productivity. ICMR can handle all aspects of managing crime using first hand information reports lodged by citizens. ICMR can also perform for tracking and monitoring intelligence (or web tips) provided by the public to the security agents.
AN EFFICIENT KEYWORD BASED SEARCHING FOR MINING FREQUENT DATASETS[Full-Text ] N. Sivashanmugam, Dr. C. Jothi Venkateswaran Data Mining extracts knowledge from large databases to discover existing and newer patterns. Data mining is the technique of automatic finding of hidden valuable patterns and relationships from huge volume of data stored in databases in order to help make better business decisions. Discovering useful patterns hidden in a database plays an essential role in several data mining tasks. Frequent patterns are patterns (such as itemsets, subsequences, or substructures) that appear in a data set frequently. A substructure can refer to different structural forms, such as subgraphs, subtrees, or sublattices, which may be combined with itemsets or subsequences. If a substructure occurs frequently, it is called a (frequent) structured pattern. Finding such frequent patterns plays an essential role in mining associations, correlations, and many other interesting relationships among data. Moreover, it helps in data classification, clustering, and other data mining tasks as well. Thus, frequent pattern mining has become an important data mining task and a focused theme in data mining research. Frequent itemsets find application in a number of real- life contexts. The proposed system retrieves the optimized dataset in an efficient manner thereby mining the efficient data from the wide range of datasets.
Efficient Serial Communication using Optical Fiber Cable[Full-Text ] Miss Rimi Chauhan, Prof. R. A. PagareThe fiber optic option board (F) provides an RS232C serial interface via a fiber optic cable. A fiber optic port is treated the same way as a standard serial port except a fiber optic cable is used for the communications medium. Optical USB Communication protocol is used for long distances which are used for Communication between point to point and point to multipoint. Fiber does not radiate any of the signals it communicates the way copper based transmissions do. Fiber optic networks operate at high speeds . A fiber optic link offers excellent electrical isolation and a high data rate. Two fiber optic cables are required for each fiber optic port. It is also used in many applications such as high speed cable internet access and optical storage systems. We are going to implement and demonstrate prototype of Optical USB (2.0) system for long distances by using PIC microcontroller to a PC via the USB port using fiber.
Study of Water Uptake into Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Aggregate Poly Brick Using Neutron Radiography Technique[Full-Text ] Md. Sayeedur Rahman, Md. Khurshed Alam, Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Md. Al Amin and S. M. Azharul IslamA powerful non-destructive testing (NDT) technique is adopted to study water penetrating height, water absorption, initial rate of absorption (IRA) and incremental water intrusion area in EPS sample. The measurement of gray value/optical density of the neutron radiographic images of the wet sample are used. From this measurement it is found that water absorption behavior of EPS poly brick is capillary in shape at different immersion time, the IRA is very low for the first 5 minutes compare to 10-20 minutes immersion time, water uptake height is 1.2 to 6.03cm, incremental intrusion area increasing slowly with immersion time. Lightweight expanded polystyrene (EPS) brick products that have been used in engineering applications including blocks, wall panels, floor and roof panels, cladding panels and Intel’s.
Micro-Encapsulation Technique for Effective Remediation of Hydrocarbon Contaminants[Full-Text ] Wami, Emenike .Nyeche. and Nmegbu, Chukwuma Godwin J.The menace of soil contamination from petroleum exploration, production and refining must be checkmated so as to conserve the environment from the prevailing pollution problems. This research investigates the subjection of some contaminated soil samples to the Micro-encapsulation remediation technique. Three soil samples (clay, sandy silt and sandy soil) contaminated with gasoline, diesel, multiple fuels, refinery wastes and weathered crude, each for all soil samples were tested for leaching and toxicity. The technique was found to be most effective in sandy soil and least in clay soil for all pollutants. The efficiency of the entire micro-encapsulation process was observed to depend on the nature of the soil, type of contaminants and also the inherent properties of the soil samples. Soils of granular, porous, permeable and uniform mineralogy promoted the remediation process. Results obtained from this investigation indicated a considerable reduction above 94% in contaminant level after the micro-encapsulation technique was employed for all soil samples. A tolerable level lower than 10mg/l as recommended by environmental agencies was achieved after the remediation process for all contaminated soil samples.
Quality of Roof Harvested Rainwater in Akwa Ibom State, Southern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Comfort Ema Michael, Ogbonnaya Uzo Osuoji, Ema Michael Abraham, Owens Monday Alile, Imaobong UdousoroThis study assesses the concentration of micro pollutants (heavy metals – Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb) in rainwater from various roofing materials and ambient source in southern Nigeria. The physicochemical properties of rainwater samples are also analyzed using standard procedures. Rainwater harvested from various rooftops indicates a mean pH of 6.68 and a value of 6.02 for the ambient rainwater. Conductivity ranged from 4.96 – 67.4 μS/cm and may be due to the dissolution of deposited aerosols and leaching of roofing materials. Turbidity and Cu exceeded allowable limits for drinking water with inputs from the rooftops. Total dissolve solid (TDS) concentration were generally low compared with WHO’s allowable limits for drinking water. Significant presence of heavy metals has also been noted in the rainwater. Water quality from asbestos was the worst among the various roof runoffs examined. Results indicate that rainwater in the region requires proper treatment before ingestion although it could be directly used for regular washing. The activities of the oil and gas exploration companies in the region could contribute to the contaminants noted in the results. While runoffs from the various roof materials could be directly used after light treatment, rainwater runoffs from asbestos roof should be thoroughly treated before usage. Results from this study would be useful for city planning and with proper treatment, may benefit the promotion of rainwater as alternative water supply towards avoiding flood and water scarcity.
Performance Analysis of Energy Consumption Rate Based Multi-Hop Routing Protocol[Full-Text ] Kajol Batra, Charanjit SinghIn Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Hierarchical clustered based routing protocol is one the most significant routing protocol. In Hierarchical Cluster protocol, network field is separated into clusters with each cluster having a Cluster Head (CH). In proposed protocol, on the basis of the location of sensor nodes, the sensor network field is separated into four logical regions. If sensor node’s distance is less than the predefined distance then the data is directly transmitted through nodes. Otherwise the regions are separated into clusters with each cluster having a cluster head for aggregating and transmitting the data to gateway which further transmits the data to the base station. Cluster head election in each region is based on the Energy Consumption Rate (ECR) of each node in the previous round. Simulation results show that ECR based multihop routing protocol which provides efficient usage of node’s available energy thus increases the scalability compared with existing protocols.
Effective Listening To Be a Good Leader[Full-Text ] Nahhal AlazzamThis article describes the effective listening in a workplace and how that effect an employee to be a good leader. Also, you will find the reasons why should any employees have good listening skills. Beside some techniques to become a good listener.
Community Based Dengue Control Interventions for Behavior change and Sustainability[Full-Text ] Dengue is a viral disease which is transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Every year an estimated 50 to 100 million cases of dengue are reported worldwide. The aim of this overview was to investigate community based dengue prevention interventions for behavior change by available evidence of literature. We reviewed studies which were explicitly linked with community based behavior change and sustainability in dengue control interventions from available published evidence.
GAS TURBINES- Current Scenario and Future Prospects in India[Full-Text ] SUMIT SHARMA, AJAY SHARMA, MEGHA SHARMAThe gas turbine is the most versatile item of turbo machinery now days. Today, when we talk about the most widely used power generation, we think about the gas turbine technologies because these are the most widely used power generation technologies now a days. Gas turbine could play a key role in future power generation addressing issues of producing clean, efficient and fuel flexible electric power. Gas turbines are the parts of the internal combustion engine in which burning of the air-fuel mixture produces hot gases to run the turbine which therefore produces power. In gas turbines, combustion occurs continuously as compare to the reciprocating internal combustion engines in which it occurs intermittently. Currently the total design capacity of gas turbine power plants in INDIA is about 26699.9MW which is increased by 51.3% as compare to the year 2011 in which it is 13711.27 MW and most of these are installed in Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tripura, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Pondicherry, Karnataka, Kerala, Haryana, Delhi.
Shear Behavior of Recycled Beams[Full-Text ] Raviinder Singh, Dr. Neeru Bansal, Er. K.S.BediThe present study will focus on the utilization of aggregates created mainly from crushing old concrete masses, the type of recycled aggregates that contains little or no impurities. Use of recycled aggregate in concrete can be useful for environmental protection and economy. Thus, use of recycled aggregates is an important and relevant area of research While the constant and variable angle truss models are known to provide reliable bases and to give reasonable predictions for the shear strengths of members with shear reinforcement, in the case of members without shear reinforcement, even advanced models with complicated procedures may show lack of accuracy or lead to fairly different predictions from other similar models. For this reason, many research efforts have been made for more accurate predictions. The dissertation compares the shear resistance of RAC based on the results of experimental investigation on 12 flexuraly reinforced beams without shear reinforcements with different models. Experimental investigations have been carried out to study shear strength of Recycled concrete beams having different shear span to depth ratio and having different percentage of longitudinal reinforcement.
GNP assisted hydrolysis of Methyl Parathion and catalytic reduction of its hydrolysed product[Full-Text ] Gadadhar Barman, Swarnali Maiti and J. Konar LahaWe report a method for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles (GNP) using the aqueous extract of Andrographis Paniculata. In the synthesis of GNP, the aqueous extract of Andrographis Paniculata acts as reducing agent and neutral surfactant Triton® X100 as stabilizing agent. This bio-synthesized GNP has been used as colorimetric sensor for detection and estimation of pesticide (methyl parathion) present in water. One of the hydrolysis products of methyl parathion is p-nitrophenolate is easily reduced by NaBH4 in the presence of the bio-synthesized GNP. The reduction of p-nitrophenolate to p-aminophenolate is evidenced by a decrease in absorbance at 400 nm and simultaneous growing of a new peak at 295 nm associated with formation of p-aminophenolate. The reduction progress was observed for a period of 300 S. The plot of natural log of the absorbance at 400 nm (ln A400nm) versus time produced a straight line. As the reduction reaction is pseudo-first-order in the presence of excess NaBH4 and catalyst, the slope of the plot, yields the apparent reaction rate, kapp (3.13×10-3 s-1). Thus, this is found to be an easy method for determining reaction rate by UV−Visible spectroscopy.
Enhanced Production of Catalase by Penicillium Chrysogenum in Benchtop Bioreactor[Full-Text ] Fatma Hussein, Ragaa R. Hamed, Fawkia El-beih, Enas M. Mostafa and Asmaa El-shershabyBatch cultures of P. chrysogenum were grown in a 7.5-L benchtop bioreactor under the optimum culture conditions previously established at the flask level and new parameters like agitation (300 rpm) and aeration (1vvm). Time courses of growth, enzyme production, protein content, substrate consumption and pH were followed for 7 days. Maximum intracellular catalase activity (44491 U/l) was obtained after 7 days of growth. pH control (pH 6) enhanced the production of catalase by more than 300 % while increasing agitation to 400 rpm destroyed the growth and reduced catalase production by more than 70 %. Just low concentrations (> 0.03 U/ml) of the produced enzyme were found to be sufficient to completely degrade the residual H2O2 in the bleaching liquor of textile industry after 10 min.
Performance Analysis of three phase induction motor drive for Various PWM control Methods[Full-Text ] Amol R. Sutar, Girish G. Bhide This paper presents performance analysis of three phase induction motor drive for various control methods. Three phase inverters are mostly used in industries for adjustable and variable speed three phase induction motor drive systems. The working of three phase induction motor drive system is discussed. The simple method of generation of PWM signals in different modes of operation using single timer feature of PIC microcontroller are discussed and presented. Four different PWM control methods and there implementation using microcontroller chip to operate three phase inverter in four different modes is discussed. The desired control signals are generated using PIC microcontroller and applied to three phase inverter through driver circuit. Three phase inverter performance parameters are determined and compared for single pulse PWM modes such as simple 1200 conduction mode, 1800 conduction mode, and multiple pulse PWM modes such as advanced SPWM and harmonic injected PWM mode. The complete three phase induction motor drive system is designed, implemented and tested for results. The experimental and theoretical results are compared and verified.
Finite Element Analysis for Predicting Residual Stresses of Autofrettaged Spherical vessels considering Bauschinger Effect[Full-Text ] Rupali, S.C.MondalThis paper provides FE model analysis of high pressure vessel considering von Mises yield criterion to predict behavior within the plastic zone. Residual stress distribution in autofrettaged spherical vessel subjected to different autofrettage pressure are evaluated. The optimum auttofrettage pressure and residual stresses are determined for different percentage of overstrain .The material model is currently bilinear and allows consideration of strain hardening. whether re -autofrettage results in a more beneficial compressive stress distribution and, therefore, in extension of life is examined in this study. The effect of Bauschinger effect and yield criterion on residual stress is discussed based on the FE model. The increasing application of spherical vessels for high pressure application motivates the use of autofrettage technique for an efficient and economic design.
Analysis of Android Smart Watch Artifacts[Full-Text ] Shreyas Parikh, Dhaval Chavda, Shourjo Chakraborty, Dr. Parag H. Rughani, Dr. M. S. DahiyaInnovations of smart phones have made this era as an era of smart devices. People are using smart phones more than any other device / tool in their day-to-day life. Since, android entered to this market, use of wearable devices became possible technically and economically. These days, wearable devices like wrist band, earring, smart watch, smart shoes, etc. have become easily available and affordable. Android based smart watch is one of such popular devices being used by many people around the world. Though the watch is dependent on android smart phone, it contains lots of useful information about user. The user information stored on the device can be important in tracing any cyber crime / traditional case. This paper discusses what information the Android Smart Watch sores and analysis of this information from forensics point of view.
A Review on Risks and Project Risks Management: Oil and Gas Industry[Full-Text ] Khairul Azizan Suda, Nazatul Shima Abdul Rani, Hamzah Abdul Rahman, Wang ChenThis paper is a literature reviews of risks and projects risk management for oil and gas industry. Overview of the oil and gas operations such as upstream and downstream activities forwarded and elaborated for further understanding. Literatures on risks, definition, types of risks forwarded in this paper to illustrate the importance of risks management. Poor risks management normally lead to project failures, hence project risks management discussion forwarded in this paper. Usually, project risks management for oil and gas industry will be centered towards upstream activities, if wrong decisions were made it might cause losses of trillion or billion or millions of USD. Hence, this paper is to highlights possible areas to be explored for oil and gas practitioners and academics to further enhance their operations, and eliminate losses due to poor project risks management.
Water Equivalent Determination of a Known Calorific Value Using Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter[Full-Text ] Oni Babalola Aisosa, Ibegbu Anayo JeromeCalorific value is the most important characteristics of fuel. 2g of kerosene and diesel respectively was weighed into the crucible and a firing wire of 10cm length (of about 0.1mm diameter nickel chrome wire) is stretched between the electrodes. It was ensured that the wire is in close contact with the kerosene, while the bomb head was set. Care must be taken not to disturb the sample when moving the bomb head from the support stand to the bomb cylinder. To absorb the combustion products of sulphur and nitrogen, 10 ml of water was poured into the bomb. The bomb was connected to the oxygen cylinder via the oxygen valve and the thin bore tube. Oxygen is admitted into the bomb and the pressure is adjusted to about 25 to 30 atmospheres. The bomb is then placed in a 3000g quantity of distilled water in the inner barrel of the calorimeter. Necessary electrical connections were made. The water in the calorimeter is constantly stirred and temperatures noted. The graph of temperature against time was plotted for kerosene and diesel. The known calorific values were used to determine the water equivalent of the calorimeter which gives 321.234g and 221.321g for kerosene and diesel respectively.
Dynamic Modeling And Simulation Of Shiroro Hydropower Plant In Nigeria Using Matlab/Simulink[Full-Text ] Gbadamosi S. L and Ojo O. AdedayoHydroelectricity is an important component of world renewable energy supply and hydropower remains a major source of electricity generation due to its environmental friendly nature. This paper aimed at modeling and simulating hydropower plant with a view of increasing the efficiency and stability of the generating station. The hydropower plant model was developed using Matlab/Simulink software. The designed model comprises: Hydraulic turbine (PID governor, servomotor and turbine), Synchronous generator and an excitation system. The dynamic response of the system to the disturbances on the system network was studied. A three phase fault was introduced in the SHPP model at 0.1 sec and cleared at 0.2 sec. The simulated result shows that the generated voltage quickly regained its stability on the removal of the fault, the stator currents went into transient after the fault was cleared and become stable at 0.4 sec. The excitation voltage also regains its stability but it was slower and the speed of the rotor was out of stable after the occurrence of the disturbance on the system. The simulated result shows an improvement in the static and dynamic behavior of SHPP and an increase in the generating performance of the generating station.
Stabilization system of aviation gravimeter[Full-Text ] Igor Korobiichuk, Olena Bezvesilna, Andriі Tkachuk, Michał Nowicki, Roman SzewczykThe article analyzes the existing aviation gravimetric system and their characteristics. Also the article analyzes of the most precise aviation gravimeters. Analyzed the methods of reducing the impact of factors on the output signal of aviation gravimeters, which allows to increase accuracy.
Situational Analysis of Flood and Drought in Rwanda[Full-Text ] Samuel Asumadu-Sarkodie, Patrick Rufangura, Herath MPC Jayaweera, Phebe Asantewaa OwusuIn this paper, a situational analysis of flood and drought in Rwanda were assessed using AQUEDUCT Global Flood Analyzer based on the population, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and urban damage for current and future projections (2030). In order to estimate future changes, three scenarios from: Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) and Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSP) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 5th Assessment Report which represents climate change and socioeconomic change scenarios respectively were employed. Data from 1981-2010 were used to determine the average monthly precipitation for current years and IPCC scenario A2 was employed to generate datasets that predict the average monthly precipitation from 2011-2100 using Meteonorm 7 software. A 10-year flood protection level was employed to ascertain the rate of urban damage, its effects on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Population at risk. The study revealed that, Rwanda has more than 20% probability of inland flooding in any given year; a 10-year flood has a 10% probability of occurring in any given year and could cause roughly $6.1 million urban damage; $865.6 million affected GDP and 837.2 thousand affected population, if there is no flood protection. Flood and drought events cannot be totally eradicated but with mitigation approach and preparedness before its occurrence: social and economic losses can be minimized.
Genotoxic Effect of Cadmium on NileTilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)[Full-Text ] Azza A. Ashmawy, Mohammed A. Rashed, Aiman H. Atta, Amr G. Ibrahim, and Fagr Kh.Abdel-GawadMicronucleus test has been an excellent tool for assessing genotoxicity of waterborne substances in Nile Tilapia. Also, comet assay is a rapid, simple and sensitive procedure for quantifying DNA in individual cells. The current study was conducted to evaluate toxic effects of cadmium on Nile tilapia using cytogenetic and molecular methods. Fish were exposed to several doses of cadmium at different time intervals. The results revealed that micronucleus formation was proven to be less with low concentration of cadmium and short time interval than that obtained with high concentration and long exposure time interval giving evidence that treatment duration has affected the genomic system. Comet assay in erythrocytes of Nile Tilapia revealed that fish treated with high dose of cadmium and long duration of exposure showed a significant increase both in the number of damaged nucleus and in the comet scores compared with negative control of fish. The results suggested that formation of the micronuclei exhibited significant variations which might be related to the inhibition of the cadmium on the antioxidant enzymes. Moreover, the significant increase in DNA damage estimated by comet assay could be probably due to the elevation of cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS).
APPLICATIONS OF LAGRANGE’S THEOREM IN GROUP THEORY[Full-Text ] MAMIDISAIAKASHThe objective of the paper is to present applica-tions of Lagrange’s theorem, order of the ele-ment, finite group of order, converse of La-grange’s theorem, Fermats little theorem and re-sults, we prove the first fundamental theorem for groups that have finite number of elements. In this paper we show with the example to motivate our definition and the ideas that they lead to best results. It can be used to prove Fermat's little theorem and its generalization, Euler's theorem. These special cases were known long before the general theorem was proved. In this paper some Corollaries gives the famous result called the Fermat’s Little Theorem. In this paper we see that given a subgroup H of a group G, it may be possible to partition the group G into subsets that are in some sense similar to H itself
Algorithm of evaluation of the unstable equilibrium state of dynamically tuned gravimeter[Full-Text ] Igor KorobiichukThe article describes the development and investigation of the algorithm of valuation of the dynamically tuned gravimeter state using the least-squares method on the basis of information about the movement of sensors regarding the unstable equilibrium; evaluation errors caused by the inadequacy of the accepted approximation of the model and the real signal, and the errors caused by the kinematic nonlinearity have been also studied and described.