Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015.
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Spin Polarization and Electronic Structure calculation of Nickel and Co2MnSi thin film interface[Full-Text ] Jibon Krishna Modak, Prof. Dr. Ariful Islam NahidSpintronic is an advanced branch of microelectronics based on the transport of electrons spin instead of charge. Spintronic device are superior compare to present electronic devices. Semiconductor based spintronic devices need to combine the magnetic and semiconductor technology. The spin polarization and electronic structure calculation plays an important role in the development of devices. The specific objective of this thesis is to investigated the spin polarization and electronic structure calculation of Heusler alloy/Semiconductor interface. This is very important for efficient spin injection into semiconductor. In broad sense, the research objectives of this thesis are to start and develop research capability in the spintronics researches and to cope with the global standard researcher.
Machine Utilization Evaluation Model for Nigerian Industries[Full-Text ] P. K. Oke; A. A. AtoyebiIn Nigeria industries, machines are procured most times without taking into consideration the utilization of available machines(s) because there is no too tool for evaluation. Therefore, there is a need to develop a mathematical model to serve as a tool to be used to analysis and evaluate the machine(s) throughput per month and to know the number of machine(s) to service customers. All the factors affecting machine utilization were identified in this work and used in the model development to determine the machine throughput per month. The model was validated with data which were collected from two industries which include Top Stay Nails and Wires Company (T.S.N.W.C) Osogbo and Aquados Table Water Company (A.T.W.C), Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. It was observed that from the result, T.S.N.W.C had M_T of 49240.58 kg/month of September with eleven (11) machines which is k and A.T.W.C had M_T of 48567 bags/month and 43056 cartoons/month of October with two (2) machines each. Machine utilization evaluation model will help to minimize or eradicate low production output of the company and facilitate effective machine procurement process for future expansion. This will also help the company to know actual number of machines to service customers. This developed model is highly recommended to any company, small, medium and large scale that servicing of customers is paramount to them as a result of competitive products.
Can Ordinary Leadership Skills Influence and Boost Employees’ Moral?[Full-Text ] Abdulraheem AlhosaniThe study of leader traits has a long history. While researches show that the possession of certain traits alone does not guarantee leadership success, there is evidence that effective leaders are different from other people in certain key respects. This paper is to find out about the leadership ordinary situations with the subordinates that are being covered under different key leader traits including: listening, communicating the vision and mission, getting people to think, influencing the process, team working, encouraging creativity, informal talk, and being cheerful.
SideLobe Level Reduction of Compound Barker codes using mismatched filter techniques[Full-Text ] B. Kiranmai, Dr. P. Rajesh KumarThe major advantages of pulse compression are low pulse-power which makes it suitable for solid-state devices, higher maximum range, good range resolution and better jamming immunity. The matched filter is the optimal linear filter for maximizing the signal to noise ratio (SNR) in the presence of additive stochastic noise. Pulse compression is an example of matched filtering. But this matched filter output consists of unwanted but unavoidable side lobes. For multiple-target radar, the side lobes of the compressed pulse must be considered in the system design because of the likelihood of false alarms. At the receiver the signal processor uses weighting filters which are not matched to the transmitted waveform. When this filter is not matched to the transmitted waveform then filter output consists of unwanted but unavoidable side lobes. In this paper a new technique is proposed to suppress the side lobes of radar signals that result from standard matched filtering. This technique produces better peak side lobe ratio than all other conventional side lobe reduction techniques. In simulation the results of this filter technique for compound Barker codes is compared with the other side lobe reduction techniques.
Glacier Shrinkage And Environment- A Review[Full-Text ] Noor Ul AneThis study was conducted in the form of a term review paper as M.Phil. Scholar at Department of Zoology, University of Gujrat, Pakistan during 2015. The data of last three decades concerning glacier shrinkage and its impacts was compiled through a thorough review of thirty research papers, review papers and articles published in journals of national and international repute. The status of different glaciers in different continents of the world except Australia was estimated. Common factors in all the continents included continuously rising temperature and glacier disappearance in past few decades. The factors affecting glacier shrinkage like global warming and climate change had been pointed out. Possible impacts of glacial shrinkage included floods, rising sea level and water shortages. It was concluded that glacier shrinkage is occurring globally and it may lead to catastrophic events if it occurred continuously.
The Challenges of Access To Infrastructure And Social Services in Selected Rural Communities in Etche Local Government Area Of Rivers State[Full-Text ] Ibama Brown, Wocha ChikagbumThis paper examined the challenges of access to infrastructure and social services in selected rural communities of Etche Local Government Area. The objective of this research was to ascertain the level of infrastructural provision and how rural dwellers are accessible to them. However, the research adopted the simple random sampling technique. Three communities and thirteen settlements were sampled they included Chokocho - Umuchoko, Umundu, Umunabenram, and Umuokorogbadim, Igbo –Umuoke Ikwerre-Ngwo, Umuasukpo, Edegelem, Chokota and Umuodogo and Nihi - Umuaworo, Owuozo, umuama and Umuoji. The study revealed that facilities like schools, electricity, water supply and roads were inadequately provided while facilities like banks, recreation centres were not provided at all. The study also revealed that the study area being an agricultural hub; lacked agro allied industries which would have involved in the large scale processing of agricultural produce. However, the study recommended that facilities should be equitably distributed within the various communities. Also, the community should be involved in decisions making process. Also more roads should be, constructed and broken down roads maintained for easy transportation of their farm produce
An Efficient Approach to Elliptic Curve Cryptography[Full-Text ] Rabindra Bista and Gunendra Bikram BidariThi paper has analyzed a method for improving scalar-multiplication in cryptographic algorithms based on Elliptic Curves owing to the fact that has established the superiority of the Elliptic Curve next generation cryptographic algorithms over the present day cryptographic algorithms. For the implementation of the method, the algorithms have been implemented and discussed with the relevant values such the results obtained are recorded, analyzed and compared with contemporary algorithms. More specifically, this paper carried out research on various aspects of elliptic curves and alternatives to reduce the cost incurred for scalar multiplication in Elliptic Curve Cryptography thereby making it possible to construct easy reluctant additive sequence which backtracks whenever the anomalies are encountered thereby making the operation of scalar multiplication operation efficient both in terms of the required operations to be performed and the number of bits to be recorded. Although research in questions related to elliptic curves was pursued earlier for aesthetic reasons, these questions have placed themselves as prominent in several applied areas such as pseudorandom number generation, coding theory and cryptography.
Oil Fired Furnace and Induction Furnace: A Review[Full-Text ] Bhaskar Dhiman, O.S. BhatiaHeat treatment is the linked process for treatment of machined and forging components. Furnaces can be used for heat treatment process. We have observed that the major problems in oil-fired furnace are non-uniform flame distribution, oxidation of metal, scale formation, carbon loss of metals and emission of pollutants. Oil fired furnaces have low productivity and long start-up time. To avoid these problems the new technology induction furnace should be used. By using the induction furnace instead of oil fired furnace the productivity may be increased and production cost may be reduced. So it is necessary to design, optimize and install the induction furnaces over the oil fired furnaces. This paper presents the reviews on latest trends and developments available in the area of furnaces so that the total equipment cost and losses can be minimized.
Computer Aided Drafting and Construction Of Standard Drafting Table For College Of Engineering Studio In Afe Babalola University[Full-Text ] Bankole I. Oladapo, Aban Stephen, Azeez M. Temitayo, Afolabi S. OluwoleThere is a serious need to design and construct a more convenient drafting table with a reduce cost for the high number of Students using design studio in mechanical and mechatronics department, Afe Babalola University Ado Ekiti, Nigeria. This project presents the design and fabrication of a standard drafting table with the use of “AutoCAD TM” software. The design helps to find out a precise dimensions of various part of table with great accuracy within small time and gives fine representation of drafting table. The detail drawing enhance the speed of production as each technician working on the table work on different part which makes the fabrication more faster and précised. The joining of the part was done through arc-welding using gauge 10 electrode. The slot on the adjusting hanger was machine on milling machine. The table was fabricated using a 2”*2” square pipe of 2mm thick of mild steal material commonly available in market. Main part are: stand of 2”*2” 3ft long, middle and stand brace 2”*2” 2.5ft long, the base of 1ft and the top was made of a plywood of 3ft by 4ft as the standard size for A1 paper for drafting. The straight edge of the board help in the squaring of the drafting table and a accurate drafting. The total cost of production per one is approximately N22,300. Compare to the market price from some other company of the same product of $250 as at the time of production. This makes the institution to produce 50pieces of the drafting table.
Telecom Infrastructure Sharing, A Panacea for Sustainability, Cost and Network Performance Op-timization in Nigeria Telecom Industry[Full-Text ] Nosiri O.C., Agubor C.K., Akande A.O., Ekwueme E.UThe article emphasized the importance and the necessity for mobile network operators to visualize infrastructure sharing as an essential phase of development in the life cycle of mobile telecommunication industry in Nigeria. With the unprecedented network infrastructure challenges characterized by unfavourable business environment and the need for quick network deployment, prompted the need for harmonizing, collaboration and consolidation by the key service providers to reduce the OPEX and CAPEX while at the same time provide quality service delivery. The idea of telecom operators to pursue the policy of doing it alone on the ground to be the first network to reach a certain subscribers base should never be entertained in the Nigerian telecom industry. Numerous benefits ranging from network availability, reliability, innovation, expansion, customer satisfaction and economic sustainability are harnessed from telecom infrastructure sharing and therefore should be enforceable by the regulatory agency to ensure collaboration by the Nigerian network providers.
The Impact Of Urban Growth On Housing Demand In Emerging Settlements Of Port Harcourt Metropolis: The Rukpokwu Experience[Full-Text ] Ibama Brown, Eyenghe Tari and Evangeline Nkiru Anthony Le-olThe Research looks at housing demand as a result to urban growth. The study attempts to identify the effects of urban growth on housing demand in emerging settlements like Rukpokwu Town with respect to the identification of the causes of the upsurge in population, the impact of it on the immediate environment, challenges of residence in terms of housing need and demand, the solution of this housing challenge faced by both indigenes and other settlers in Rukpokwu Town. The study employed the multistage sampling technique which started from the identification of the five contiguous enclaves that make up Rukpokwu Town to the enumeration of the existing streets of the Rukpokwu Town, which were about one-hundred streets to the random selection of ten longest streets (two from each community), and questionnaire were administered at random. Data got from the field was collected, collated and analyzed. Results were represented by simple charts and tables. From the data got from the field it was established that the influx of people from other parts of Port Harcourt Metropolis to Rukpokwu is as result of the increased spate of violence caused by the militancy crisis which engulfed Port Harcourt between 2003 and 2006 that lead to the destruction of lives and properties that made people to find themselves out of the crisis prone areas to settle mostly at Rukpokwu Community for safety of lives and properties. Also the cheapness in the cost of the land contributed to the increase in the growth of Rukpokwu Town. However most of the houses found in Rukpokwu Town are mainly rooming wagon type houses with little or no provision of the basic facilities that aids convenience in the houses. Based on the above findings, it became very imperative to posit that; the government at the state level should embark on massive acquisition and construction of low cost housing units to accommodate the rising demand for the housing by the people, the encouragement of private sector participation in housing delivery, the state government should upgrade and in some places carryout urban renewal schemes to reduce the influx of the people to the fringes of Port Harcourt and the government’s provision of subsidized building materials to encourage land owners to build standard houses to improve on the housing quality in Rukpokwu Town. Urban growth however should not be seen as a threat to the receiving location rather it should be seen as a community.
Influenced of EPDM viscosity index improvers on Kurdistan manufacturing oils[Full-Text ] Abdulsalam R. Karim, Kareem J. Al-Salihi, Nawzad N. AhmedEffects of different types of EPDM (ethylene-propylene-dine monomer) improvers in manufacturing of engine oil grades (SAE-30, SAE-40, and SAE-50) on thermal properties of these oils have been investigated. The additives type (KEP270, DE3071, K 4802, DCR3 and PA 6205) were used to prepare grades (SAE-30, SAE-40 and SAE-50). The solutions were characterized by determination specific gravity, viscosity index, flash point and pour point. The effect of temperature (from40 oC to 100 oC) and concentration (from 0.5 to 3.5 w/v %) have been also studied.
Optimization Method of the Total Weighed Holding Time in a P2P Network[Full-Text ] Naors Y Anad AlsaleemIn this paper the formulation of optimization problem of the total weighed holding time is given by working out of mathematical model in peer-to-peer networks communication. The mathematical model Optimization constructed on the schedules theory. The described models and the schedules theory methods allow to display adequately structure and a P2P network function and to consider their dynamics, restriction of previous information, shifts, interruptions and other typical technological decisions that can be used for increase of a network productivity and granting quality of services QoS, QoE.
Effects of Practical Work Approach on the Performance of College Students in Graph Theory[Full-Text ] Raquel D. QuiambaoThe role of mathematics in man’s life is an established fact. However, the marked difficulty experienced by students in learning mathematics as noted by the researcher calls for the need of alternative approaches to enhance performance. This paper dealt with the effects of practical work approach on the performance of college students in Graph Theory, specifically on the interaction effects of teaching approach with mathematical ability and manipulative skills. The post test-only control group true experimental design was used. Findings showed that below-average and above-average mathematical ability students taught by practical work approach performed better than their counterparts in the conventional approach. Moreo-ver, the students with high and low manipulative skills taught by the practical work approach performed better than those students with high and low manipulative skills taught by the conventional approach. Furthermore, results of the ANCOVA revealed a significant interaction between teaching approach and mathematical ability. Overall, the practical work approach as a teaching strategy was shown to be significantly effective in improving performance of the students in Graph Theory. Practical work approach should be adopted by teachers to enhance performance of students in said course.
Study of Flow Structure in Street Canyon between Dome shaped buildings through CFD[Full-Text ] Mr. Rohit Sharma, Prof. K. K. ChaudharyThis article presents the findings of some tests run using Computational Fluid Dynamics. The software used was FLUENT. Simulation was carried out for study of air flow structure in street canyon formed between two dome shaped buildings. The main issue considered was the ability of the air in the street canyon to be enriched. For this the simulation was carried out for 2D model of street canyon using computational fluid dynamics. Reynold’s Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equation is equipped using realizable K-ε model. Various results for different aspects ratios are measured for comparison. Aspect Ratios considered are 0.5, 1 and 2. Three basic entities were focused upon i.e. Wind Velocity, Static Pressure and Turbulent Kinetic Energy. This determines the effectiveness in enriching the street canyon.
Role of Proplis administration in boldenone-induced oxidative stress, Ki-67 protein alterations and toxicity in rat liver and kidney[Full-Text ] Ehab Tousson, Wafaa Ibrahim, Lamiaa, A.A Barakat, and Aya Abd El-HakeemBoldenone is a derivative of testosterone. The aim of this study, the effect of propolis as co-administrated in liver and kidney toxicity induced with boldenone. Sixty albino rats were divided into 4 groups; 1st control group were rats receive olive oil, the 2nd group were rats receive propolis, 3rd experimental group include animals that receive intramuscular injected with boldenone and 4th group were co- administrated group were rats receive boldenone and propolis at the same time. Ki-67 expression in liver and kidney sections were a significant increase in boldenone group when compared with the control group. Intramuscular injection of rats with boldenone showed a marked disturbance of the hepatocytes with multifocal hepatocellular vacuolations in the liver and marked glomerulus mass reduction with multifocal glomerular injury in the kidney. Co-administration of boldenone with propolis a moderate improved the renal and hepatic injuries induced by boldenone and decrease Ki-67 expression.
Utilization of Saw Dust in Cement Mortar & Cement Concrete[Full-Text ] K.GOPINATH, K.ANURATHA, R.HARISUNDAR, M.SARAVANANThe use of sand (river sand) plays a major role in all type of construction, especially in cement concrete & cement mortar. The ultimate aim of the saw dust concrete is to recycle the waste material from saw mill & utilizing in concrete ingredients in the state of partial replacement.
Assessment Accuracy of Static Relative Positioning Using Single Frequency GPS Receivers[Full-Text ] Mahmoud I. El-Mewafi, Ashraf A. Beshr, Ismail ZaherGlobal Positioning System (GPS) technology today plays a very major role, for surveyors and geodesists especially for engineering works, mapping, and several geodetic applications. Many surveying projects are preferring low cost and accurate positioning technology for various applications. GPS applications can be grouped into static and kinematic applications. Static applications of GPS can be used for various precise applications such as position fix, establishing the geodetic networks and monitoring the structural deformation; while kinematic applications of GPS can be used in mapping of natural and artifial features. GPS receivers can be categorized also into single and dual frequency receivers. Dual-frequency receivers are the most accurate receivers due to their capabilities for eliminating a major error component (the Ionospheric effect), but these receivers are very expensive and therefore not very attractive to many applications. The low cost of single-frequency receivers is attractive, but these receivers are affected more by ionospheric errors than dual frequency receivers.
Assessment of QoE Metrics of Voice, Video traffic in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] A.Sivagami, S.MalarkkanRemote Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) guarantee a wide extent of developing potential applications in both non military personnel and military regions, which oblige visual and sound data to upgrade the level of gathered data. The transmission of mixed media substance obliges a negligible feature quality level from the client's point of view. Be that as it may, connects in WMSN correspondences are normally temperamental, as they regularly encounter changes in quality and frail integration, and accordingly, the steering convention must assess the courses by utilizing end-to-end join quality data to build the parcel conveyance proportion. Also, the utilization various ways together with key feature measurements can upgrade the feature quality level. In this paper, we propose a real- time power aware routing protocol (RPARS) for proficient interactive media transmission.Thus, convention guarantees sight and sound transmission with Quality of Experience (QoE) and vitality productivity support. The recreation results demonstrate the profits for scattering feature content by a method for vitality effectiveness and QoE investigation with the help of VQM, SSIM, and MOS metrices.
A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS: PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES[Full-Text ] Adetoba B. Tiwalola., Yekini N. AsafeRecommender systems (RSs) automate some of these strategies with the goal of providing affordable, personal, and high-quality recommendations. Recommender Systems are software tools and techniques aimed at providing suggestion to support users in various decision-making processes. Development of recommender systems is a multi-disciplinary effort which involves experts from various fields such as Artificial intelligence (AI), Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Information Technology (IT), Data Mining, Statistics, Adaptive User Interfaces, Decision Support Systems (DSS), Marketing, or Consumer Behaviour. Recommender systems have proven to be valuable means for online users to cope with information overload and various techniques for recommendation algorithms have been proposed and successfully deployed in commercial environments. In this paper, a comprehensive study of recommendation systems and various approaches are provided with their major strengths and limitations thereby providing future research possibilities in recommendation systems.
Search Engine Refactoring tool for Code Clone Detection of Static and Dynamic WebPages[Full-Text ] S.AngelToday cloning of codes of an authorized person leads a positive approach. But the code cloning is done by unauthorized person leads a negative approach. In the recent years, many clone detection tools have been proposed. It produces an over whelming volume of simple clones of data or structure [3]. Code clone detection the content similarity between the programs or webpages. An attempt is made to design a method called “CCDT Code Clone Detection Technique” for both static and dynamic web pages. It is based on levenshtein’s approach. This method comprises some steps like, parsing & analysis, tree construction, code similarity measure and clone detection. Experiments are carried out with open source websites and WebPages created by some volunteers. Experimental results are recorded and are showing the better detection rate.
Effect of Limiters on Higher Order Computation of Shock Tube Problem[Full-Text ] Mohammad Asif Sultan, Manash Jyoti KonwarIn this paper, some Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques have been used to compute the variations in different parameters like pressure, density etc. by solving the Euler Equations for shock tube problem. The governing equations are discretized on a Finite Volume framework. Van Leer’s first, second and third order flux vector splitting method have been used to compute the inviscid flux terms. For the second order computations, MUSCL approach has been adopted. The effect of the order of the scheme on the accuracy of the solution is studied. Also for higher order schemes the effect of the limiter type on the performance of the scheme are investigated. The performance of the scheme is judged by its ability to resolve shocks, expansion fans and contact discontinuities present in the shock tube problem. Two types of limiters namely Minmod limiter and Van Albada limiter are used for the implementation of MUSCL scheme. Van Albada limiter is found to be more robust and accurate as compared to Minmod limiter.
Enhanced Production of Catalase by Penicillium Chrysogenum in Benchtop Bioreactor[Full-Text ] Fatma Hussein, Ragaa R. Hamed, Fawkia El-beih, Enas M. Mostafa and Asmaa El-shershabyBatch cultures of P. chrysogenum were grown in a 7.5-L benchtop bioreactor under the optimum culture conditions previously established at the flask level and new parameters like agitation (300 rpm) and aeration (1vvm). Time courses of growth, enzyme production, protein content, substrate consumption and pH were followed for 7 days. Maximum intracellular catalase activity (44491 U/l) was obtained after 7 days of growth. pH control (pH 6) enhanced the production of catalase by more than 300 % while increasing agitation to 400 rpm destroyed the growth and reduced catalase production by more than 70 %. Just low concentrations (> 0.03 U/ml) of the produced enzyme were found to be sufficient to completely degrade the residual H2O2 in the bleaching liquor of textile industry after 10 min.
Characterization of As Cast and Heat Treated Aluminium Based Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites[Full-Text ] Gokul Prashanth D, Manoj Karthick C, Mahmoodul Hasan A, Jeeno Amarnath K CAluminium alloys are widely used in automobile industries and aerospace applications due to their good mechanical properties as compared with conventional metals and alloys. The low production price and better mechanical properties of the composites make them very useful for various applications in many fields. Even though the mechanical properties are better in Al 6061, due to its high wear behavior constrains its application. The present investigation has been focused on the development of hybrid composite involving Aluminium metal matrix reinforced with particulates of Silicon carbide and graphite. The composites are fabricated using liquid metallurgy routing. The Al 6061 composites were cast by stir casting liquid metallurgy route with a percentage of graphite varying from 2%wt to 6%wt in steps of 2%wt whereas the percentage of silicon carbide is kept constant at 10 %wt. The cast composites were tested for hardness, wear characteristics with, without heat treatment (T-6) and obtained results were correlated with microstructure. The result indicates that there is a nominal improvement in the hardness values and wear properties of both with and without Heat treated specimens.
Measurement of Bug in Documentary Specification of Software Requirement by Data Mining[Full-Text ] Dhyan Chandra Yadav, Saurabh PalDocumented software specification is often missing, incomplete or outdated. This causes difficulties in software maintenance efforts especially when a software project involves many people or the project continues over a long period of time. Lack of documented software specification also causes difficulty in testing or verifying the correctness of a software system. In this paper, classification of the data collected from a software project or department in MASC that raises the problem report has been discussed. This data is pre-processed to remove unwanted and less meaningful attributes. These software requirements specifications are then classified into different categories like low, average, high. The processing is done using WEKA data mining tool and compares results of classification with respect to different performance of parameters. This paper has presented the combination of Software Engineering with Data Mining Techniques. In this paper we classified and detect software requirements specification defect in data set by Lad Tree, Random Tree and J48 of data mining. Experimental results show the performance of, Accuracy, Recall, probability of detection, probability of false Alarm, Type-I error, Type-II error and overall misclassification rate parameter takes care of these two error parameters.
“Who Are They?”: The Third Sex in India[Full-Text ] Lopamudra GangulyThe word “Third Sex” is a jargon in the socio-economic structure of Indian society. “Neither man nor woman”-this concept is not very clear for the present Indian culture. But it is a striking fact that Indian ancient documents gives a witness of this “Third -Sex “phenomena. “Hjra” (common term used for Third Sex) sometimes related with another argot term prostitution. This paper accumulated the fact from ancient past with the present day scenario relates with the societal structure with this “Third Sex”.
Review on Digital Image Restoration Methods and Future Direction[Full-Text ] K. Praveen Kumar, Dr. C. Venkata Narasimhulu, Dr. K. Satya PrasadThe aim of image restoration is to estimate the original image from an observation image degraded by blur and additive noise as much as possible. Different image restoration methods have developed by many researchers. The methods reviewed in this paper are Non Linear Total Variation, PDE noise removal algorithm, Hybrid image restoration and Wavelet Analysis method. These methods having some drawbacks like stair case effect, blocky effect without gradient parameter, proper estimation of PSF, artifacts in the image respectively. The analysis and discussions indicate to that wavelet frame is a new way of solving PDEs in general, which will impart a new insight that will enrich the existing theory and applications of numerical PDEs, as well as, those of wavelet frames to get better results.
Study of RCC Structure Considering the Effect of Flexible Base[Full-Text ] Prof. Milind V. MohodThough the structures are supported on soil, most of the designers do not consider the soil structure interaction and its subsequent effect on structure. When a structure is subjected to an earthquake excitation, it interacts the foundation and soil, and thus changes the motion of the ground. It means that the movement of the whole ground structure system is influenced by type of soil as well as by the type of structure. Tall buildings are supposed to be of engineered construction in sense that they might have been analyzed and designed to meet the provision of relevant codes of practice and building bye-laws. IS 1893: 2002 “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures” gives response spectrum for different types of soil such as hard, medium and soft. An attempt has been made in this paper to study the effect of Soil-structure interaction on multi storeyed buildings. Also response of buildings subjected to gravity and lateral loading is finding out by ANSYS 11.0.
Design of application specific non-linear ADC for neural signal recording in Brain Machine Interfaces[Full-Text ] Pratibha Dwivedi, D. K. MishraIn the linear ADC the useful as well as the non-useful information is digitized with the same resolution. Non-linear analog to digital converter (NLADC) are designed in order to focus more on the segment where greater information is concentrated. In this work a NLADC is designed for neural signal recording to be used in biomedical sensor applications. This ADC utilizes the exponential quantization function, consolidated into linear SARADC such that the conversion is performed based on the non-linear quantization function. It is designed for 1.5 V supply voltage and implemented in 0.18 µm technology. The maximum resolution obtained is 9.7 bits and the minimum resolution is 2 bits. The clock frequency is 250 KHz. Its dynamic range is 64.1 dB, which is 15.9 dB higher than the linear ADC with 8 physical bits. It occupies an area of 0.03521 mm2 and power dissipation of 31.04 µW has been achieved.