Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015.
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Synthesis and characterization of Hydroxyapatite based Nanocomposites for structural applications[Full-Text ] A. Mishra, M.Gond, S.B.Kumar, D.RoyBone is a composite material consisting of hydroxyapatite Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 [HAp] crystals as a main phase embedded in biologically produced organic matrix. The immune system of the human body exclusively rejects any materials foreign to the body [1]. Synthetic biomaterials need HAp at least in the structure including it to avoid being rejected by living bone. Hydroxyapatite is chemically similar to the mineral component of bones and hard tissues in mammals. It is one of few materials that are classed as bioactive, meaning that it will support bone ingrowths and osteointegration when used in orthopedics, dental and maxillofacial applications. HAp ceramics are reported with osteoconductivity that is being capable of supporting bone apposition and forming a chemical bond with bone [2]. But HAp does not have the mechanical strength to enable it to succeed in long term load bearing applications.
Energy consumption and carbon footprint analysis of Fused Deposition Modelling: A case study of RP Stratasys Dimension SST FDM[Full-Text ] Vincent A Balogun, Neil Kirkwood, Paul T MativengaIt is envisaged and expected that professional engineers, process and product developers plays an active role in the sustainable development of manufacturing activities to overcome the global challenges of depletion of natural resources, environmental pollution and damage to the ecosystems. This however calls for the necessity of the industry to adapt and improve on the various manufacturing processes employed for their products not only to keep up with global competition by reducing its variable costs, but also for the sustainable manufacture of their products. Rapid prototyping is one of the new 3D and additive manufacturing technology available globally. This technology has been viewed as a sustainable technology since it optimises electrical energy demand and promotes zero waste technology. This overstretched hypothesis need to be tested. This work evaluate the direct electrical energy demand in fused deposition modelling FDM machine using the Stratasys Dimension SST FDM as a case study and as a panacea to understudy the electrical energy requirement and carbon footprint for rapid prototyping.
Recurent Neural Network as a Tool for Parameter Anomaly Detection in Thermal Power Plant[Full-Text ] A. Hajdarevic, L. Banjanovic-Mehmedovic, I. Dzananovic, F.Mehmedovic, M. Ayaz AhmadAnomaly detection refers to the problem of finding patterns in data that do not conform to expected behavior. It is very important to timely detect parameter anomalies in real-world running thermal power plant system, which is one of the most complex dynamical systems. Artificial neural networks are one of anomaly detection techniques. This paper presents the Elman recurrent neural network as method to solve the problem of parameter anomaly detection in selected sections of thermal power plant (steam superheaters and steam drum). Inputs for neural networks are some of the most important process variables of these sections. In addition to the implementation of this network for anomaly detection, the effect of key parameter change on anomaly detection results is also shown. Results confirm that recurrent neural network is good approach for anomaly detection problem, especially in real-time industrial applications.
Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Bauhinia rufescens[Full-Text ] Samaila Samaila Yaradua, Abubakar Abdullahi LemaEvaluation of antioxidant activity of Bauhinia rufescens stem bark extract was studied for its free radical scavenging property using hydrogen peroxide scavenging assay (H2O2). The acetone, methanol and water extract showed good dose dependant free radical scavenging property in the Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) scavenging assay. The result shows that Bauhinia rufescens pocesses antioxidant activity when compared to the standard ascorbic acid. As the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) decreases while the concentration of the extract increases. This proved that Bahaunia rufescens is a promising agent of antioxidant activity.
Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Some Virulence Factors in Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolated from Patients with LRTI in Najaf Province/Iraq[Full-Text ] Zahraa Y.Motaweq, Habeeb S. Naher, HawraaA.Ali.Al-DahhanThis study provides genotypic data on 74 isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae recovered from lower respiratory tract infections. In this study, some of them were detected by traditional phenotypic methods while others detected by phenotypic and then genotipically by using monoplex-PCR technique. The results showed that all (100%) isolates were encapsulated isolates. The molecular detection of cspA gene by using specific primer for S. pneumoniae revealed positive amplification for all isolates (100%). The results showed that overall, 89.2% of investigated isolates contained the lytA gene. In spite of, all (100%) of pneumococcus isolates have autolysin phenotypically. The results of this experiment indicated for positive amplification and it has been found that ply gene is found in 97.3% of pneumococcal isolates. In this study, the nanA and nanB genes were found in all S. pneumoniae isolates (100%) and (62.2%) respectively.
Decision Making for Time and Profit Optimization as Applicable to Job –Type Production Company[Full-Text ] Ogundola J, Yakubu A.MComputational analyses that enable the selection of appropriate job selection based on the time allocated to each job for an optimum profit. This paper work proposes a computational analyses framework for deciding which job to venture into on the account of the resources available viz: Machines, Time and other logistics. Cost optimization aims at reducing the cost attached directly to the realization of a product, this will certainly assist in increasing the profit margin, which is one of the objectives of any manufacturing company or organiza-tion. Organization could determine to embark on a project or not if the available hour and cost of material are known from the onset. A respective unit order of component, A, B, C, D, E, and F, were made and the cost of production, profit margin and operation time per unit job were estimated as presented in this paper. To decide which product and at what quantity could yield maximum profit, a computational software called Excel solver was used. It was discovered that 20 units of Component, C and 10 units of Component, F yielded an optimum profit of Six Hundred and Ten Thousand Naira (₦610,000:00) only with the mind-set of avoiding other non-profitable components in the subsequent order. For Optimal profit, it is advisable for the company to engage in the production of component C and component Fand for any other one would result to big loss for the company.
Etching Effect on Sensing Behavior of ZnO/PS Gas Sensor[Full-Text ] Isam M. Ibrahim, Shahad I.sharhanPulse laser deposition was used in this research by Nd:YAG laser with λ=1064 nm average frequency 6 Hz and pulls duration 10 nm) to deposit ZnO thin films with thickness 100 nm. From Atomic Force microscope of prepared samples show an decrease in average diameter with increase etching time. From FTIR spectra of porous silicon with constant current 40 mA and different etching time .The peaks at around 626 cm-1 for Si-Si , 875 cm-1 wagging mode,1073 cm-1 stretching mode and the transmittance peak at 2097 cm-1 reveal to bending mode (Si3SiH). The photolumincense spectroscopy shows that the blue shift with increasing etching time. The operation temperature of gas sensor was studied for different temperature and found the maximum sensitivity (85.3) for 30 min porous silicon time.
Controlling Articulated Robot System using 3D Kinect Visionary Sensor[Full-Text ] Dr. Wael R. Abdulmajeed, Eng. Alaa A. HajrVisionary system has been played a significant role in industrial environment especially in controlling the movement of industrial robot from objects to targets. In this paper implemented visionary system for articulated robot system has been build 3D Kinect camera as visionary sensor linked with controller of articulated robot system (lab-volt robot model 5250). The 3D visionary sensor is employed to detect a target object, dimensional properties as length and determine its location in 3D environment; the visionary system shows agreed capability for detecting the location and controlling movement of the articulated robot from object to target with Minimizing errors.
Osteoporotic Spine Fractures: Incidence and Management Outcomes[Full-Text ] Dr Shaival Dalal, Dr Karn maheshwari, Dr Jayprakash Modi, Dr Zulfikar Patel, Dr Kalpesh Mehta, Dr Mohit Patel Multiple medical treatments available for Osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures including hormone replacement therapy, calcitonin, and bisphosphonates--are effective in maintaining or increasing bone mass and reducing the risk of compression fracture.
Anti-Islanding Strategy for a tied PV Power Plant with grid[Full-Text ] ESAM.ZAKI, DALAL.HELMY, FAHMY BENDARYIn this paper: a new strategy of anti-islanding photovoltaic (PV) power plant will be introduced. A new islanding detection scheme based on power electronic signaling technology has been proposed in the literature. By generating, detecting and comparing between signals on the distribution feeders from the substation to the down-stream Distributed Generation (DG), the absence of the signal at the DG site will be a sign of islanding. The scheme is a remote effective detection technique and more expensive than other techniques. The strategy depends on the embedded system containing the power line signaling and both PV inverters and Numerical (microprocessor based) relays. Inverter technology and control have been discussed.
Optimal Adsorption Parameters of Banana (Musa paradisiaca) Stalk based Activated Carbon for removal of Lead (II) from Aqueous Solution[Full-Text ] Ogunleye, O. O, Adio, O. , Salawudeen, T.O. and Agbede, O.O.The present study investigated the effect of operating parameters on the adsorption process of lead ion from aqueous solution using Banana Stalk- based Activated Carbon (BSAC). A five factor, five levels Central Composite Design (CCD) was applied to determine the effects of five independent variables (initial metal concentration, contact time, temperature, adsorbent dosage and solution pH) on adsorption capacity of BSAC. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was employed to optimize the parameters in the experiment. Data analysis showed that all the variables significantly affected the adsorption capacity at p < 0.05. The square of the adjusted coefficient of determination for regression model of adsorption capacity is 0.9577. Optimum adsorption capacity of 85.15mg/g was obtained when the initial metal concentration, contact time, temperature, dosage and solution pH were 200g/mL, 140minutes, 50oC, 0.15g and 8.00, respectively. There absolute error between the experimental and the predicted optimum adsorption capacity values was less than 1%.
An Efficient Approach to Enhance Throughput in Layered Overlay Multicast using Network Coding Technique[Full-Text ] G.Charlyn Pushpa LathaIn overlay networks, the available bandwidth between sender and different receivers are different.In this paper, a solution is proposed to improve the throughput of an overlay multicast session with heterogeneous receivers by organizing the receivers into layered data distribution meshes and sending substreams to each mesh using layered coding.Recent advances in information theory show that the throughput of a multicast session can be improved using network coding.The solutions utilize alternative paths and network coding in each mesh.The problem is first formulated into a mathematical programming,whose optimal solution required global information.Hence we present a distributed heuristic algorithm. The heuristic progressively organizes the receivers into layered meshes. Each receiver can subscribe to a proper no of meshes to maximize its throughput by fully utilizing its available bandwidth. The benefits of organizing the topology into layered mesh and using network coding are demonstrated clearly through extensive simulations. Numerical results indicate that the average throughput of a multicast session is significantly improved (up to 50% to 60%) with only slightly higher delay and network resource consumption.
Application of Piezoelectric Materials for Aircraft Propeller Blades Vibration Damping[Full-Text ] Alaa M. Morad, Aly Elzahaby, S. Abdallah, M. Kamel and Mohamed K. KhalilVibrations of turbomachinery blades are critical to jet engine durability and performance. Active vibration control using piezoelectric sensors and actuators have recently been emerged as a practical and promising technology. This paper deals with a new vibration damping technique for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) propeller (BIELA 24 in diameter and 12 in pitch) utilizing piezoelectric transducers (sensors and actuators). The propeller blades are one of the main sources of turboprop engine vibration. The damping performance depends on the type and location of the piezoelectric transducers with respect to the mode shape of the blade mechanical strain. Numerical simulations are carried out for the propeller blades. A finite element modal analysis of non-rotating propeller without piezoelectric transducers is built in ANSYS-Workbench 15.0, where the numerical results are compared to the experimental measured modal data for verification. The numerical results are in very good agreement with the experimental measured data. A numerical model of the propeller without and with piezoelectric transducers is built in ANSYS. The results indicate the feasibility of using piezoelectric transducers as a smart material for vibration suppression in turboprop engines by applying these transducers to propeller blades at the first mode high modal strain areas.
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Noise from Micro Turbojet Engine[Full-Text ] Tamer M. Raef, Aly Elzahaby, S. Abdallah, Mohamed K. Khalil and S.WagdyJet noise remains a significant noise component in modern aero-engines. A high-speed flow mixing with the surrounding air constitutes noise sources behind the nozzle. Since experimental activities on real aeronautical engines can be very complex and expensive, the use of parts of real engines or small-size turbojets can be very useful for research activities. The present paper describes a test rig constructed for the study of jet noise from Jet Cat micro turbojet engine used for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) with a nominal thrust of 230 N at 112000 rpm. The aim is to investigate the near field noise generated by turbulent high subsonic single stream jet at different exit Mach numbers (0.4, 0.7, and 0.8). The overall sound pressure levels and pressure spectra are measured using 6 B&K ½ inch condenser microphones. The microphones are mounted on a linear rake that is setup outside the flow field to account for the growth of the shear layer. The measurements of noise source distribution along the length of the high-speed jet are taken at a grid of six axial and five radial positions. All the test instrumentation, data acquisition system and detailed measurements are presented. The data show that the peak overall sound pressure levels are observed at axial position X= 2.5-7.5 jet diameters with different radial positions. In addition, numerical solutions are obtained using three-dimensional unsteady- Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations based on the RSM turbulence model.
The sustainability of tourist destinations which have strong sense of place[Full-Text ] Faisal AlsalamahThis paper aims at investigating the sustainability of those tourist destinations which have strong sense of place. It also describes differences between the places which have a strong sense of place than those which do not have it. I have described the importance of sense of place with reference to the literature. Some tourist destination places of United States have been discussed to describe why these places have more visitors annually than others. This research also provides several recommendations and solutions to build up sense of place of certain tourist destination. The importance of tourism industry and some components for the development of the industry have also been discussed.
ERP System in Organizations[Full-Text ] Hafedh Ibrahim AlfouzanERP will be advances in data compression, storage and memory costs, and distributed computing should allow for real-time processing and analysis of internal and external data feeds. ERP’s supporting organization displays symbols of letting for multi-tenant public cloud, cloud-based loyal applications (so-called “virtual private”), and on-premise appliances for solutions in their catalog. Options for in-memory versus disc-based solutions will also be available.