Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015.
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Formulation of a New Generalized Equation for the Axial Force during Cold Extrusion[Full-Text ] A. Nassef, W. H. El_GaraihySlip-line field solutions are utilized throughout the literature upon dealing with prediction of the back pressing force during axi-symmetric plain strain extrusion. Here-after, another solution is offered. An ambitious generalized equation for the computation of the cold extrusion axial force is, systematically, deduced basing upon the slip-line field theory. In order to get a general equation which may be suitable for any friction condition, no dead zone is assumed to exit at the die exit internal inclined surface. Frictional stresses at that surface are assumed to be linearly proportional to the yield strength in shear of the workpiece material. The factor of proportionality ranges between zero for frictionless situations to unity for sticking friction conditions. The proposed equation gives the relationship among the needed pressing force and each of the material yield strength in shear, die inlet radius, radii ratio, die semi-angle of inclination and the friction condition at the workpiece-die exit.
Implementation of 5S Methodology in a Manufacturing Industry[Full-Text ] Soumya R. Purohit, V. Shantha5 S is a step wise method to remove unnecessary items, reduce the searching time of the items, inspect while cleaning, standardize arrangement to avoid misplacing and sustain all the above through self discipline. This simple housekeeping methodology has helped effectively reduce waste and improve productivity. It has gained popularity in India through the past decade and has helped many industries improve without much capital investment. This paper highlights the step by step implementation guideline required for successful exercise of 5s as a part of the daily management practices. It shows the method to implement each pillar of the 5S Methodology- Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke in the industry in order to bring about an overall improvement in its performance. The result of implementation of each step of the 5S Methodology at Sphoorti Machine Tools Private Limited, Bangalore, India has also been shown in this paper.
Numerical Simulation for Unsteady Flow Analysis of Kaplan Turbine[Full-Text ] Vaibhav Chandrakar, Dr. Ruchi KhareThe presence of stationary and rotating blades in Kaplan turbine makes the flow complex in the turbine space. Actual flow inside the turbine passage is highly fluctuating. Model testing provides the variation of global hydrodynamic design parameters and it is impractical to test different design variants due to cost and time. The flow and pressure distribution inside the turbine can be analyzed more accurately through numerical simulation under unsteady flow condition. The courant number which is associated with time step variation directly signifies the unsteady flow conditions. The approximate solution of various non-linear partial differential equations governs the nature of flow. In the present work the overall performance of a Kaplan turbine is studied under unsteady flow conditions. The analysis is carried out at a fixed runner blade angle and three different guide vane openings by using ANSYS CFX software.
Segmentation and Detection of Optic Disc Using Kmeans Clustering[Full-Text ] Neeraj Sharma, Dr. Amandeep VermaDiabetic retinopathy and glaucoma are one of the major cause of blindness. Early stage segmentation and detection of optic disc may be of great help to ophthalmologist for treatment of patient before any serious complications. In this paper new methodology is proposed for the detection of the optical disk from the retinal images. Input image is first preprocessed using spatial average filtering on the green color band. Then the preprocessed image is divided into clusters using kmeans clustering algorithm. Cluster with maximum intensity is filtered using connected component to segment out the optic disc. Optic disc is detected by comparing the segmented optic disc and the ground truth respectively. The proposed method is tested on four public available data sets, DIARETDB0, DIARETDB1, DRIVE and STARE. This method offers a successful detection of OD which may help in diagnosis of various retinal abnormalities.
Performance Evolution of Quasi Orthogonal Space Time Block Code using Bit Rate[Full-Text ] Prof. Keyur Chauhan, Prof. Sanjay Shah, Prof. Deven Trivedi, Prof. Sagar Patel, Prof. Hitesh ChaukikarThis Multipath fading is inherent in wireless communication systems. Diversity is the technique which takes the advantage of multipath and mitigates the effect of fading and increase received signal strength. Space Time Block codes (STBC) is a promising way to improve the performance of wireless communication system by maximizing transmit diversity in space as well as time for flat fading channel using multiple antennas at the transmitter side and multiple antennas at the receiver side which is called as MIMO.
Study Habits and the Performance of BSCS Students in Computer Programming-1[Full-Text ] Duran, Isidro L, Llavore, Darwin C., Dungan,Belinda MThis study aimed to seek whether the study habits of the students affect the performance of the students in Computer Programming I. Specifically, it determined the profile of the students as to their IQ and performance in computer programming-1; the level of strengths and weaknesses of the student’s study habits as to the time management, study environment, test taking as well as in note taking, reading, writing and math skills; and lastly the relationship between study habits and performance of the students in computer programming-1. Descriptive survey research design was employed in this study where questionnaire was the main instrument to gather data. Respondents consisted of 85freshmen students in the Ladderized education program which was obtained with the use of the Cochran’s formula. The study found out: IQ and final grade are extremes as reflected in the standard deviation. Also, the respondents 65.9 % or 56 are female while the remaining 34.1% or 29are male. Students responded that they need help on the different criteria on the student habits except the criteria time management. Finally, the study showed that only mathematics skill is correlated positively and significantly to the performance of students.
Constructing Intranet For Human Resources of a Collage System[Full-Text ] Prof. Mannar Younes Kashmoula , Haifa Hazim al-TaiBeen in this business adopt the idea of databases system distributor DHR design, design and adopt the way from top to bottom (Top-Down Design) in system analysis. Where the application of the system to manage the work of the Human Resources Division to cancel irregular work work , and build a database of affiliated service include the premium, and upgrade / promotion, holidays, and certificates obtained. As well as the easy transmission of data to the people and units of college and received. The transmission of data between people / college units. And to provide statistics on the data stored and displayed using the (view). And the division of tasks between workers users, according to the administrative structure of the Division of Human Resources.
Flood Detection and Management[Full-Text ] Chandni Ahuja, Resham Raj ShivwanshiThis paper aims at the research of a system for flood prevention and reduction along with an idea of recycling the flood water for future use. CWC (Central water commission) India are operating about 878 hydrological and hydro-meteorological sites covering 20 river basins for gauge, discharge, sediment and water quality observation across the country helping GIS (geographical information system) for detection of floods. This paper describes the flood prone areas of India along with the flood prevention and management techniques. Through this paper we want to introduce a new perspective of flood management system which aids to the recycling and reuse of flood water by ground water storage.
ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF ELEVATED TENNIS COURT BY VIRTUE OF VERTICAL SPACE UTILIZATION CONCEPT BY STAAD.Pro[Full-Text ] CH. PRASHANTHI, B. VAMSI KRISHNAThe principle objective of this project is to analyse and design a Tennis Court using STAAD Pro. The design involves load calculations manually and analyzing the whole structure by STAAD Pro. The design methods used in STAAD-Pro analysis are Limit State Design conforming to Indian Standard Code of Practice. STAAD.Pro features a state-of-the-art user interface, visualization tools, powerful analysis and design engines with advanced finite element and dynamic analysis capabilities. From model generation, analysis and design to visualization and result verification, STAAD.Pro is the professional’s choice. Initially we started with the analysis of simple 2 dimensional frames and manually checked the accuracy of the software with our results. The results proved to be very accurate. We analysed and designed Tennis Court [2-D Frame] initially for all possible load combinations [dead, live, wind and seismic loads]. STAAD.Pro has a very interactive user interface which allows the users to draw the frame and input the load values and dimensions. Then according to the specified criteria assigned it analyses the structure and designs the members with reinforcement details for RCC frames.
OBSERVATIONS ON THE PEROXIDASES SYSTEM IN THE LOCUST, SCHISTOCERCA GREGARIA (FORSKAL)[Full-Text ] TAKWA E. ELLAKWA AND TAREK R. AMINEffects of physical and chemical treatments to peroxidases from the haemolymph of the 4th nymphal instar of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria were studied to detect some properties of this enzyme system. The results showed that peroxidases oxidation of O-phenylenediamine was significantly inhibited by ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid disodium salt (EDTA) and Na azide, but activated by the reducing agent (ascorbic acid) and CUSO4. The inhibition of peroxidases activity by EDTA as a chelating agent suggest that locust peroxidases are metaloenzymes. Peroxidases were more stable in acidic than alkaline media, and had optimum activity at pH 6. Peroxidases, as shown by the study, were less thermostable than some other enzyme systems. The relatively high temperature degrees (>50°C) affected thermostability of the enzyme. Locust haemolymph peroxidases activity increased gradually from 15 to 25°C and reaching to its optimal activity at 35°C. It is likely to take into consideration, during peroxidases studying, that they are sensitive to high temperature, alkalinity of the medium, and some salts and compounds, the situation that might affect locust peroxidases catalysis.
Bioformation of carotenoids in tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) under two ripening conditions: A Kinetic study[Full-Text ] Misbaudeen Abdul-Hammed, Olugbenga Solomon Bello, Musibau Adewuyi Azeez and Nafisat Olamide AdedejiLycopene, the main pigment responsible for the typical deep-red color of ripe tomatoes and tomato products, has attracted attention due to its ability to act as a singlet oxygen quencher. Its biosynthesis and cyclization to beta-carotene are responsible for powerful antioxidant functions of tomatoes. In the present study, the rates at which tomato fruits ripe were investigated via the bioaccumulation of lycopene and beta-carotene under field and postharvest ripening conditions in four local cultivars commercially available in Nigeria. Results showed that the bioaccumulation of lycopene in the tomato cultivars studied under both ripening conditions follows first order kinetics with the rate constants of 0.050, 0.079, 0.101 and 0.075 per day in Ajindi-Kerewa, Beske, 3-Lobes and big local cultivars respectively under field temperature ripening. These rate constants are lower for the postharvest ripening except in big local cultivar. The bioaccumulation of beta-carotene also follows first order kinetics except in Ajindi-Kerewa and Beske cultivars. The rate constants obtained were slightly higher for beta-carotene than that of lycopene accumulation for all the four cultivars evaluated and compared under the two ripening conditions. The mechanisms of the bioaccumulation of the carotenoids are discussed. The kinetic parameters so obtained could prove useful in developing countries as a future biotechnology tool in monitoring the pace of improvement in nutritional qualities of tomato fruits during plant breeding programs.
PPAR dependent and independent effects contribute to the anti-proliferative effect of ciglitazone in ER negative breast cancer cells[Full-Text ] Sankar Jagadeeshan, Anand Krishnan, Diana David, Jem Prabhakar, R. Malathi, S. Shabin Ghouse, S. Asha NairBackground: Ciglitazone is a synthetic ligand of PPARγ (Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor gamma) and possess potent anti-proliferative effect in cancer cells. Given the complexity in the mechanism of action of synthetic ligands of PPARγ which is strictly context dependent, we analyzed the molecular alterations associated with the cytotoxic effect of pioglitazone in ER negative breast cancer cells.
AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF GEOPOLYMER CONCRETE PARTIALLY REPLACED WITH RECYCLED COARSE AGGREGATES.[Full-Text ] M.KThangamanibindhu, Dr.D.S.Ramachandra MurthyThe large global production of fly ash and rapid advances in geopolymer technology leads to the alternate material for OPC that is Geopolymer concrete (GPC). Geopolymers are showing great potential in future. Recycling aggregate by using it as replacement to new aggregate in concrete could reduce concrete waste and conserve natural sources of aggregates. In this paper, results of the studies carried out on the compressive strength of Geopolymer concrete partially replaced with recycle coarse aggregates have been presented.. A total of 9 mixes were tested, out of which three were conventional concrete mixes and six GPC mixes having varying combinations of flyash, GGBS and recycled coarse aggregates. The test specimens were of size 100mm x100mm Cubes and 100mmx200mm cylinders heat cured at 90°C in an oven and specimens of size 150mmx150mm Cubes were cured at ambient temperature conditions. The studies showed that the compressive strength and spilt tensile strength of different mixes were decreased with the increase in the percentage of recycled coarse aggregates.
Dictionary Based Translation Approaches in Cross Language Information Retrieval: State of the Art[Full-Text ] B.N.V Narasimha Raju, M S V S Bhadri RajuInformation Retrieval (IR) is the process of finding set of documents or texts that are required by the user. In the past decade internet content in English is shrunk from 39 percent to 27 percent. By the end of 2011, the content available in web was 24 percent of Chinese and 27 percent of English. Soon, the Chinese content will overtake English content. Other languages like Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Tamil, Malay, Thai, Vietnamese, Arabic etc. has a gradual growth in the web content. This causes more importance for multilingual approach. So, the user may have the necessity to retrieve the information in another language; this kind of problem is solved by using Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR), a sub field of IR. CLIR retrieves the information that is different from user query language. For retrieving information, CLIR presents different methods such as dictionary based translation, Machine translation and Corpus based translation. In these methods the importance of dictionary based translation has been increased due to growth in the availability of machine readable dictionaries. This article presents a detailed review of dictionary based translation, with emphasis on recent developments.
Management Strategy of Water Resources Base on Rainfall Characteristics in The Semi-Arid Region in Indonesia[Full-Text ] Jakobis J. Messakh, Arwin Sabar, Iwan K. Hadihardaja, Zadrach DupeEvery area has its own rainfall characteristics, which needs to be analyzed for the shake of water management in a particular areas such as Kupang whose location lies in the semi-arid area in the Indonesian archipelago. This study assesses rain characteristics by means of indicators of hydrology alteration. Results analysis from five rain stations reveal that rain fall intensity is high within a very short time interval. Generally, there is an increasing of rainfall magnitude, rainy days, and maximum daily rainfall, although there are also stations experiencing decrease. During rainy season, the area is mostly wet, in reverse to the dry season where the site is completely dry. This is to imply that rainwater run-off is very high, in one hand while on the other hand infiltration of ground water in very low. As a result, flood and dryness could not be avoided. Building reservoirs or ponds might be one of the solutions of water management in the researched area for the purpose of harvesting more rain water during brief rainy season period for use in the long drought time. This research study should facilitate users of water management institution to continuously comprehend, not only the risks but also resistances in rainfall characteristics in this researched area.
Kinetics reduction of El-Baharia iron ore (Egypt) via coke breeze[Full-Text ] Hashem N.M, Salah B.A , El-hussiny N.A, Sayed S.A, Khalifa M.G, Shalabi M.E.HKinetics reduction of El-Baharia iron ore via solid coke breeze briquettes in nitrogen atmosphere were investigated at different temperatures ranging from 700ËšC to 1050ËšC. It was found that the best reduction properties were found at 1050ËšC, so the kinetic models were determined. Also the main crystalline phases of reduced briquettes at 1050ËšC were metallic iron (syn. Fe).
Intelligent System for Automobile Accident Prevention[Full-Text ] Shubham Surse, Rushab Kumat, Akshay KapadeNow a day’s accidents are increasing at a large pace. Road accidents claim a staggeringly high number of lives every year. Hence various technologies are being introduced to reduce the accidents. In this project, we provide means of accident prevention using eye blink and heart beat sensor wherein the vehicle is stopped immediately. We can’t take care of ourselves while being less conscious. It was demonstrated that driving performance deteriorates with increased drowsiness and heart attacks resulting in crashes constituting more than 30% of all vehicle accidents. But the life lost once cannot be re-winded. If we adopt all the vehicles with automated security system that provides high security to driver then these ‘Drink and Drive’ accidents can be easily prevented. The main objective of this project is to develop a system to keep the vehicle secure and protect it by stopping the vehicle as soon as drowsiness and change in heart beat is detected.
Development & Evaluation of Weaning Education Tool among Mothers Infants Aged 6-24 Months in Ur-banSlum of Lahore, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Ayesha Saeed, Shafya Shahid, Fatima Hassan, Mahnaz Nasir Khan, Amina Muhammad SaeedMalnutrition is the burning crisis among the infants and the link between infant weaning practices and malnutrition is well well-known. Enabling mothers through education seems to be very promising for improving nutritional status of children during weaning age. The study objective was development and evaluation of effectiveness of weaning education tool in Urdu among mothers of infants aged 6-24 months. Two staged study design was used to evaluate effectiveness of weaning education tool. Stage 1 consisted of need assessment and stage 2 was a quasi experimental research design without a control group. The tools were developed and administered face to face. The tools were role play, pictorial banner, pamphlets, activities and demonstration. The tools were evaluated by a knowledge questionnaire developed by researcher and administered as pretest on first day and as posttest on third day. The study settings were urban slums of Lahore. Participants were 30 mothers selected purposefully with infants aged 6-24 months. The data could be completed for 19 mothers only; response rate was 64%. The mean age of the mothers was 28 years; mean education 5 years and mean household income $ 124/month. Weaning education was the independent and weaning knowledge was dependent variable. Descriptive statistics were calculated for demographic data and the non-parametric McNemar test of the paired t-test was applied to observe differences between pretest and posttest. A p-value < 0.05 was taken as significance. Results revealed that there was a significant increase in nutrition knowledge regarding weaning (P- value 0.031, 0.000, 0.000, 0.002, 0.000, 0.031, 0.002, 0.000). It was concluded that weaning education of mothers can improve knowledge regarding weaning foods and thus play an important role in the health of the weaning-age child.
Modeling and Analysis of Free Energy Magnet Motor Using Finite Element Method[Full-Text ] Dr. Suad Ibrahim Shahl, Salam Mohammed AtiyahThis paper is proposed a free energy magnet motor to study the feasibility of the magnet motor that replaced electric coils by permanent magnets which do not depend on the source of energy to generate movement. This is done by generating mechanical movement on a continuous basis in a certain direction through the force of attraction or repulsion force according to the position of the rotor. The free energy can be extracted from the permanent magnets by arranging the magnets in linear and circular configuration. In this work, building of engineering models of magnet motor adopted on a set of simulation experiments by using finite element method. The simulation result of magnets in circular configuration was calculated doing a positive torque and work. Moreover, the magnets in circular arrangement were not found having any losses for all cases.
A Detailed Comparison of Image Encryption Algorithms and MIE and VC algorithms have been improved by adding compression capability[Full-Text ] Syed Shabbeer Ahmad, Dr.Angajala Srinivasa RaoWith the fast progression of data exchange in electronic way, information security is becoming more important in data storage and transmission. Because of widely using images in industrial process, it is important to protect the confidential image data from unauthorized access. In this paper, we analyzed current image encryption algorithms and compression is added for two of them (Mirror-like image encryption and Visual Cryptography). Implementations of these two algorithms have been realized for experimental purposes. The results of analysis are given in this paper.
Detection of Staphylococcus aureus from fish and water samples collected from Lake Qarun[Full-Text ] Fagr Kh. Abdel-Gawad, Wedad E. Eweda, Gamila E. El-Taweel, Sawsan F. Shehata, Marwa I. Abdel TawabStaphylococcus aureus is considered to be one of the most frequently prevailing food-borne pathogen worldwide. The number of outbreaks and number of cases of staphylococcal gastroenteritis is much higher than several other microbial food borne diseases outbreaks. Staphylococcus spp. is one of the zoonotic bacteria which could be found on fish and also could reach the aquatic environment as it was isolated from different water types (fresh or brackish water) in many countries. The present study focused on detection of total staphylococci and S.aureus in Lake Qarun,, Egypt. Staphylococci isolates were isolated from Lake Qarun, water and Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fish within the period of 2010 to 2011. The determination of the four hundred typical colonies of total staphylococci and one hundred and eighty of typical colonies of S.aureus were carried out using surface plate technique. Moreover, molecular and biochemical confirmation of the S.aureus isolates were carried out by PCR analysis and biochemical reactions. Three hundred and twenty six isolates were total staphylococci +ve when tested by PCR. Also, one hundred and eighty isolates were S.aureus isolates +ve when confirmed by biochemical reactions.
Experimental evaluation of saturation thickness for 662 keV in Lead at scattering angle 120o[Full-Text ] Gurvinderjit Singh, B.S. Sandhu and Bhajan SinghFor sample having finite dimensions both in depth and lateral dimensions, the incident photons undergo a number of scatterings within the sample before finally emerging out. The multiple scatterings of photons act as a background in Compton scattering measurements and should be minimized for correct evaluation of Compton profile, The study of multiple scattering of photons is considered as a tool for the correct determination of electronic momentum distribution in an atom, non-destructive testing, effective atomic number of composite materials, reactor shielding etc. In the present work, intensity and energy distribution of multiply scattered photons originating from interactions of 662 keV photons in thick targets of lead is determined with the help of an inverse response matrix that converts the pulse-height distribution to a photon energy spectrum.
Assessment of DNA damage in Fish collected from Nile River[Full-Text ] Zeinat K. Mohamed, Ahmad M. Shaban, Noha M. Sabry and Fagr Kh. Abdel-GawadDNA damage has been introduced as a useful tool for genotoxicity evaluation in polluted environment. In this study, the influence of environmental pollutants on the DNA damage was assessed in tilapia fish collected from three different sites including non polluted (served as control site), agricultural mixed point and industrial mixed point with Nile River Damage in DNA was assessed by calculating DNA fragmentation percentage. Results demonstrated that the collected samples from the mixed point of waste water represented the highest degree of DNA damage followed by the mixed point of agriculture drain when compared with samples collected from control site. The results suggested a genotoxicity of the aquatic environment of some regions at River Nile. Additionally, the DNA fragmentation in fish provided adequate sensitivity to be utilized as a tool in the monitoring of water pollution and environmental risk assessment.
Drones- Characteristics & Development Needs[Full-Text ] Utkarsh MittalDrones or ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’ (UAVs) is an aircraft without a human pilot on board. Its Flight is either controlled autonomously by onboard computers or by remote control. This domain has seen rapid developments in recent years and there is more to come. The main characteristics of a drone depend upon its degree of autonomy and the endurance. A number of factors affect these characteristics. There is a crutial need for advancements in the filed of Drones and to keep up with these advancemets, changes in the rules and regulations are required. Various government agencies in different countries decide the rules and regulations for the use of drones in their respective jurisdrictions.
Spectrum Occupancy Survey in Leicester, UK, For Cognitive Radio Application[Full-Text ] Sunday Iliya, Eric Goodyer, John Gow, Mario Gongora and Jethro ShellCognitive radio (CR) technology has emerged as a promising solution to many wireless communication problems including spectrum scarcity and underutilization. Knowing the current state of spectrum utilization in frequency, time and spatial domain will enhance the implementation of CR network. In this paper, we evaluate the spectrum utilization of some selected bands in Leicester city, UK; based on long time spectrum measurements using energy detection method. This study provides evidence of gross underutilization of some licenses spectrum which can be exploited by CR for efficient spectrum utilization.
An Effective Approach for Semantic Text Analysis using SVM[Full-Text ] Swati Gautam, Hansa Acharya, Prof. Anurag JainHence an efficient model for the text analysis is proposed using a supervised learning approach such as SVM for the clustering of text having similar semantics at word level or sentence level. The text for the analysis using semantic models needs tagging based approach and method on words and sentences at the single gram and n gram and then semantic similarity can be calculated along with the co-occurrence between words and a pair of words. Finally these pairs of words are trained and clustered using a supervised learning approach to get classification of sentence polarity i.e. positive or negative. The existing technique implemented doesn’t provide effective refinement of lexicons and also doesn’t provide higher accuracy and co-relation matrix for the text. The proposed methodology provides an effective model for the analysis of texts such as sentiment words.
Improving the Detection of Power Quality Events in Real-Time Electrical Voltage Waveform Using a Multi-detector Approach[Full-Text ] Okelola, M.O; Komolafe, O.A; Aborisade, D.OReliable and uninterrupted power supply is the main goal of power industries; however, the continually changing load demand often leads to power quality (PQ) events which impose severe problems towards end-users or utilities. Accurate and timely detection of these PQ events is very essential for corrective measures. In this paper, a multi-detector scheme termed joint triggering point detection (JTPD) is proposed with a view to achieving a more accurate PQ event detection in a real-time voltage waveform. The JTPD combines the advantage of the cumulative sum (CUSUM) algorithm for the statistical distribution of a signal waveform and the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for change-point detection. The detection rate performance of the proposed JTPD scheme is compared with each of cumulative sum (CUSUM) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) schemes; and the results show that the proposed JTPD scheme outperforms both CUSUM and DWT.
Upgrading the Commercial Gasoline A80 by Using Ethanol and Refinery Products[Full-Text ] Abdel-Monem A. El-Bassiouny, Tarek M. Aboul-Fotouh, Tamer M. M. AbdellatiefGasoline A80 has high percentages of benzene and aromatic content which are carcinogenic materials. Upgrading gasoline A80 has a positive effect on our environment because it produces an environmental gasoline which has less percentages of benzene and aromatic content in order to serve our country. Furthermore, upgrading gasoline A80 is the main target to produce an environmental gasoline by using blends of gasoline A80 and Refinery products from upgrading and conversion units and thus the Environmental gasoline is produced to approach to the standard European regulations of A92. In other words, three samples of reformate, isomerate, Coker naphtha and hydrocracked naphtha are blended separately with gasoline A80. In addition, the three samples of oxygenated compounds (Ethanol) and gasoline A80 are blended to produce the environmental gasoline. The physico-chemical characteristics have been studied such as density, Reid Vapor Pressure, ASTM distillation, Research Octane Number, Motor Octane Number, posted Octane Number, PIONA and benzene content to select the optimum sample of an environmental gasoline. Moreover, the composition of the optimum sample, a new blend of environmental gasoline, is E7.5 C3.75 H14 R27.5 I2.5 G44.75 and it is chosen according to Standard European regulations. This sample contains mainly 39.5 vol. % aromatic content, 28.9 vol. % isoparaffins and 1.1 vol. % benzene content. Therefore, this optimum sample in the overall case exactly meets the conditions of Euro-3 and approach to Euro-6 regulations. Finally, upgrading for gasoline A80 is achieved to obtain gasoline A92 as an environmental gasoline (It is the best solution in the short run).
Total Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic and Total Flavonoid Content of Some Plant leaves in South-West Nigeria[Full-Text ] Olufunmilayo D. Ayodele, Dolapo E. OlabodeFolk medicine reportedly uses the leaves of Carica papaya (Caricaceae), Magifera and Moringa oleifera as herbal remedies for the management of some diseases. This study was carried out to screen the leaf extracts of these plants and determine the total antioxidant activity, total phenolic content and total flavonoid content using standard chemical and chromatographic procedures. Phytochemical screening confirmed the presence of antioxidant, flavonoids and phenols. The result further showed that total flavonoid, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of the dried leaves of Moringa oleifera, Mangifera L and Carica papaya L are significantly higher than those of the fresh leaves. The highest values of antioxidant activity (3278±0.02 µmol/g), total flavonoid content (0.80±0.02mg quercetin eq/g) and total phenolic content (5.275±0.015mg gallic acid/g) were found in the dry leaf extracts of Moringa oleifera while the least values of total antioxidant activity (1034.58±0.02 µmol/g), total flavonoid content (0.275±0.0015mg quercetin eq/g) and total phenolic content (2.35±0.01 mg gallic acid/g) were obtained in fresh leaves of Carica papaya L. This study also revealed that there is a strong positive correlation between the total antioxidant activity and the total flavonoid content of the leaves of the three plants studied. Also a strong positive correlation between the total flavonoid content and the total phenolic content and the strong positive correlation also existed between the antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of the leaves of the three plants studied.The results indicated that the previously reported anti-sick ling properties of these plants may be due to their inherent antioxidant nutrient composition, thus supporting the claims of the traditional healers and suggests a possible correlation between the chemical composition of these plants and their uses in traditional medicine.
Design and Implementation an Automatic Secure Control System for Entrance Ports[Full-Text ] Mohamed M. M. Omar, Hatem Khater and Ahmed El-MekawyThe stage of processing at port entry/exit has many shapes of obstacles such as checking a large number of passenger's documents every day. The passengers spent long time at ports until their documents have been checked by the airport's clerks since the port entry/exit procedures have been processed manually. This intern takes a long time for entrance processing and makes burdens on port's clerks. Each single sheet may contain many different names, and these names may have no relationshipwith each other.