Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2014 Edition
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Design Analysis of Shafts using Simulation Softwares[Full-Text ] Jeegar Joshi, Chirantan Andhariya & Jayraj GorechaA shaft is a mechanical component for transmitting torque and rotation, usually used to connect other components of a drive train that cannot be connected directly because of distance or the need to allow for relative movement between them. As torque carriers, shafts are subject to torsion and shear stress, they must therefore be strong enough to bear the stress, whilst avoiding too much additional weight as that would in turn increase their inertia. Now, generally the shafts are cylindrical in shape and have a keyway (a slot or pocket in which a key fits). A key is a machine element used to connect a rotating machine element to a shaft. A keyway or a slot is thus a point of high stress concentration and as the shafts are subjected to high torsion and shear stress, in order to have required optimal strength, additional weight has to be used, which inturn increases inertia and cost. Moreover, in long run wear & tear and the maintainance cost is also to be taken into consideration. In this research, we have analysed shafts having shapes other than circular (cylindrical shape) cross-section such as triangle, rectangle, ellipse, hexagon and pentagon. The stress has been calculated for each shape to get the shape with less stress value than the cylindrical one. This result will help us in reducing the additional weight added thereby reducing inertia and decreasing the overall material cost. The Factors such as cost and material (weight) used is important because of the application of the shafts, for example in gear boxes, ships, refineries, automobiles.
Motion Vector Estimation based Uncompressed Video Watermarking Using Extreme Learning Machine[Full-Text ] Anurag Mishra, Preeti ChuttaniMultimedia processing with real time constraints requires fast execution of processing algorithms. This is one of the most challenging tasks of the present day research. Moreover, copyright protection of video content is another important issue to ponder with. This paper presents a novel uncompressed video watermarking scheme using a newly developed Single Layer Feed-forward Network (SLFN) popularly known as Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) by computing its motion vectors in uncompressed domain. To achieve this, firstly RGB uncompressed video is divided into frames and extract the frames of blue component. From these frames which are having maximum motion are determined by using block matching method. Secondly, every selected video frame is transformed using DCT and these coefficients are used to train ELM. The trained ELM produces a normalized output vector used as watermarks to be embedded in the low frequency DCT coefficients of the frame. The embedded frames are further examined for its visual quality by average PSNR of all watermarked frames put together. The resultant video exhibits good visual quality. The average PSNR is high which shows that visual quality of frames post embedding is good. The extraction of the watermarks from these frames yield high normalized correlation (NC) and low bit error-rate (BER) values which indicate successful watermark recovery. The result indicate that the watermarking scheme successfully carry out embedding and extraction processes. Further, it shows that the proposed scheme is robust against common video processing attack. Three different video processing attacks are carried out over signed frames to examine robustness of the embedding scheme. Attacked frames also yield high NC and low BER values which clearly indicate that watermark recovery post attack is good. The proposed scheme encompassing ELM training, embedding and extraction completes its execution in seconds which is indicative of the fact that the scheme is quite suitable for real time video watermarking applications.
Performance analysis of watermarking video formats and streaming them in cloud[Full-Text ] Dinesh Goyal, Chetan Sharma Moulekhi, Dr.Naveen HemrajaniA revolution in digital video era is being promoted by continued enhacements in the transmission methods, storage capacity, processing performance
Increased prevalence of liver disease and fragmented germ cells with reduced endogenous Estrogen; Increasing prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus and rising environmental Estrogen[Full-Text ] Elizabeth JeyaVardhini Samuel; Sanjoy Joseph George; Gouthaman Thiruvenkadam; Kevin T John Keeppallil; Dayanandan Y; Jobin JohnBackground : Era of contraception, abortions, [20th, 21st centuries] implemented as family welfare schemes witnessed, increased global incidence of liver disease including hepatitis B, C viral infections, nonalcoholic steatotic hepatitis. Rising estrogen particles were detected in air and water in 1998, 1994 respectively. Objectives: altruistic association of contraception, abortion [if any], with increasing liver diseases, hepatitis B, C viral infections and rising environmental estrogen was sought after; Methods: In 2012, retrospective analysis of, prevalence of liver diseases, in 350 patients of 20-35 years, 35-50 years, >50 years age groups, from data collected by convenient, stratified random sampling, from different geographical locations, between 2003-2012 and its association with presence, absence of contraception, abortion was undertaken; simultaneously, serum estrogen levels obtained from 105 patients, was also analyzed.
Exploring Body Dimensions To Predict Scale Weight Of Teenagers In Imo State, South-East, Nigeria.[Full-Text ] Anyiam Kizito E. and Uchegbulem-Asiegbu Nwaoma P.In this work, the multiple linear regression models were used to explore the relationship in body dimensions and to predict scale weight for teenagers in Imo state, Nigeria. The scale weight was predicted via anthropometric measurements as well as age, height and gender for 604 physically active secondary school students-283 boys and 321 girls within the age range of 10-21 years (in completed years). The work resulted in twelve different linear regression models. The ordinary regression procedure was used to obtain the first nine models while the forward stepwise selection procedure was employed to check the performance of first three models. Studying the effects of skeletal diameter, girth circumference measurement and gender, on the response variable (scale weight). The dataset was split accordingly and the results of the individual models were compared with the full model. The goodness and adequacy of the fitted models were studied on the basis of F-value, t-value, R-squared criterion, standard error of estimate and Mallow’s C-P statistics. Results of the analysis showed that body scale weight is better estimated by anthropometric, skeletal and girth variables as well as age, height and gender than any of the reduced sets of variables. The result also indicated that all the models were of good fit and adequate.
DNA manipulation by artificial mechanism of rupturing the H2 bonds of the base proteins for humans with higher Immunity[Full-Text ] Mr. Vijay A. KanadeDNA is the prime genetic molecule, carrying all the hereditary information within chromosomes. The concept presented here deals with the manipulation of the DNA strands artificially during initial stages of cell division and incorporating a protein in a DNA which will have a chemical composition to sustain the attacks by the viruses, bacteria, germs, or any foreign body. This technique of editing the DNA will enhance the immune system of humans to a higher level making them lesser susceptible to any sort of disease. The method of DNA edition will modulate the genetic information sent during DNA replication without disturbing the sequencing of the base proteins which are the building blocks of a DNA.
On Painlevé analysis for some non–linear evolution equations[Full-Text ] M. El-Sabbagh, R. Gad, A. Shehata, and A. Saleh.In this paper, we present explicit Painlevé test for the potential Boussinesq equation, The murrary equation, The (2 + 1) Calogero equation, The Rosenau – Hyman equation (RH), Cole – Hopf (CH) equation, The Fornberg – Whitham equation (FW), Some of these equations have shown to possess Painlevé property, therefore, are Painleve integrable while the rest did not pass the test and reasons for that are conjectured.
Decision-Making Style and Decision Quality of Department Chairmen of DMMMSU-SLUC, Agoo, La Union[Full-Text ] Eduard M. AlbayThis study determined the decision quality and decision-making style of department chairmen of DMMMSU-SLUC, Agoo, La Union applying the Vroom-Yetton-Jago Normative Decision Model. Specifically, the study determined the profile of the department chairmen as to age, sex, highest educational attainment, number of years in the institution, number of years in the position as department chairman, and gross monthly salary; the type of the most important decision made by the respondents for the past two years; the important objectives related to the decision made and extent of these objectives’ attainment; and the decision-making style and the quality of the decision made by the respondents. Data were gathered through a survey questionnaire. Results of the data analysis showed that the department chairmen have varying leadership decision-making styles, yet dominated by Autocratic Type I. The quality of the most important decision made by them for the past two years is also diverse. In average, the department chairmen made decisions with moderate quality.
Synthesis of C5-C22 Hydrocarbon Fuel From Ethylene-Based Polymers[Full-Text ] Chikaodili Chukwuneke,O’Donnell Sylvester, Karri Kubor, Salem Lagre,Jay Siebert, Obioma Uche, Bolade Agboola, Linus Okoro, and Wan Jin Jahng The current study tested the hypothesis whether polyethylene-based plastic can be converted to liquid fuel by thermal catalytic cracking over metal oxide catalysts, including Ca(OH)2, Al2O3, and ZnO. To determine the optimum condition for the highest yield of low molecular weight (C5-C22, MW=100-300) liquid fuel production, the catalyst vs. polymer ratio was investigated at various temperature and reaction times. The initial liquid product obtained from each catalyst was further cracked to yield hydrocarbons of lower molecular mass. The obtained final products were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), infrared resonance (FT-IR), and elemental analysis (EA). The GC/MS analysis demonstrated that the fuel obtained had constituents ranging from carbon numbers of 5-22. The FT-IR spectra showed the expected functional group and the element analyser indicated the gross and net heating values of the fuel to be within the range 61-383 MJ/Kg. Comparative analysis showed that Ca(OH)2 has the highest total conversion yield followed by Al2O3 and then ZnO.
Optimization of Double Wishbone Suspension using MATLAB[Full-Text ] Rakholia MeetOptimization is a mathematical technique that concerns the finding of maxima or minima of functions in some feasible region Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is most widely used and accepted optimization technique for many of the optimization problems. In this present work, the optimization of the double wishbone suspension geometry is carried out by the above method. Two most critical parameters of the suspension geometry namely, WHEEL RATE and CAMBER GAIN are used to gain optimum SPRING ANGLE. The results obtained are fed into simulation software to see the response of the suspension system. Also the result is shown in the form of graph showing the global best and local best positions. The Wheel Rate is the force required for a unit displacement of wheel i.e. it is significant from the response point of view. The Camber Gain is related to the camber change of the wheels during turning i.e. it controls maximum tyre-road contact area during turning of the vehicle.
Analysis and Quantification of melamine in Cow milk collected from different Milk Diaries using cation-exchange based liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry.[Full-Text ] Shalini Sharma, Dr.Rajeshwari shivaraj, Dr.A.RadhakrishnaMelamine and cyanuric acid have been implicated as adulterants in baby formula in China and pet foods in North America. In China, the effect of melamine or melamine–cyanuric acid adulteration leads to kidney stone development and acute renal failure in thousands of Chinese infants. A selective and sensitive analytical method was developed to measure melamine in Cow milk in order to evaluate the extent of potential health implications resulting from the consumption of these types of adulterated products in the general Indian population. This method involves extraction of melamine from Cow milk using cation-exchange solid-phase extraction, chromatographically separating it from its matrix co-extracts on a silica-based, Inertsil ODS-3 C18 (150mm x 4.6mm x 3µm analytical column using liquid chromatography, and analysis using positive mode electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Quantification was performed using modified, matrix-based dilution calibration covering the concentration range of 0.50–10 ng/ml. The limit of detection, calculated using replicates of blank by S/N ratio was 0.2 ng/ml and the limit of Quantification was 0.6 ng/ml. The relative recovery of melamine was 113 to 117%. This method was tested for viability by analyzing 80 samples of milk collected from Cows in different Milk dairies located in East, West, North, and south local zone, India. Melamine was detected in traces for 17% of the samples tested, with an Arithmetic mean of 1.31 ng/ml, values which are below the limits set by the US FDA, indicating that this method is suitable for reliably detecting background exposures to melamine or other chemicals from which it can be derived.
Causal factors of Textile sector growth: An Econometric Case study In Pakistan.[Full-Text ] Kiran Jameel, Muhammad Naveed Akhtar, Kiran Azeem, Syed Shabib ul HassanThe aim of this study is to empirically analysis the relationship between interest rate, inflation, loan disbursed to textile sector, energy crises and yarn prices with textile sector growth in Pakistan during 2001 to 2011.Dependent variable is Textile sector growth Independent variables are Interest rate,, Inflation, Energy crisis, Price of cotton yarn and Loan disburses to textile sector. Data has been composed of secondary sources. The data collected from economic survey of Pakistan and financial stability review issued by state bank of Pakistan during 2001 to 2011.Quantitative data examined by using Econometric models with the help of Eview software. This study explains that inflation, interest rate, electricity crisis and yarn price have a negative relationship with the growth of textile industry. The high cost of production resulting from electricity crisis inflation, high interest rate, has been the primary cause for negative growth of the textile. These variables affected the production of Pakistan’s textile industry very badly.
AVAILABILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION AS A DETERMINANT OF FINANCIAL RISK OF COMPANIES LISTED ON THE NAIROBI SECURITIES EXCHANGE IN KENYA[Full-Text ] Caroline Ayuma Okelo, Gregory S. Namusonge, Mike E.IravoThe purpose of this study was to assess the effect of availability and accessibility of financial information on the financial risk of Companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) in Kenya. The study used the existing theoretical underpinnings to identify the factor and purposive sampling method to assess the impact. The research design used in this study was mixed design where both qualitative and quantitative analysis of data is employed. Primary and secondary data collection methods were used. Secondary data was extracted from the NSE database and journals. Primary data was acquired through administering questionnaires and interviews to a purposive sample of Chief Executive Officers, Chief Financial Officers or Risk Officers of companies publicly listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange as at 2013. A pre-test on a different sample gave a cronbach’s alpha greater than 0.7 for all the constructs. Data was analysed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24. Linear regression analysis and correlation analysis were used to quantify the relationship between the independent and dependent variable. Pearson chi square and Analysis of variance were used to assess the significance of the relations, hence established that availability and accessibility of financial information negatively affects the financial risk of companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya.
Enabling Secure Ranked Multiple Keyword Search Over Outsourced Cloud Data[Full-Text ] Pooja RanjanAs Cloud Computing becomes popular, sensitive information are being increasingly centralized into the cloud. To protect data and to keep privacy, sensitive data has to be encrypted before outsourcing. Besides, in Cloud Computing, data owners may share their outsourced data with a large number of users, who might want to only retrieve certain specific data files they are interested in during a given session. One of the most popular ways to do so is through keyword-based search. In this paper, we define and solve the problem of secure ranked keyword search over encrypted cloud data.To increase the security a secure and efficient keyword search can be done using ranked keyword index search scheme. System should provide security guarantee, ranked keyword search and efficiency. Data and index is stored in cloud server in an encrypted format. Whenever user wants to retrieve data submit request in secret format. The server search the data stored in database and returns the result according to the rank.
Buffer Analysis and Modified K-Means Clustering for Geo-Spatial Amenities on Gujarat state[Full-Text ] Shikhar Brajesh, Karan Katyal, Manoj Pandya, Bharat Chaudhary, Hitesh Bodar, Paru Thakkar, Leenal Patel, Bhoomi Patel, Krunal PatelIncreasing digitization of demographic data provides us with an excellent opportunity to combine it with available geo-spatial data about facilities like schools to derive meaningful conclusions from the data and formulate better plans for betterment of these facilities. Various data mining techniques can be studied and extended to use with geo-spatial data.In this effort; we have used the concept of spatial buffers along with a modified K-Means clustering algorithm for knowledge discovery from the available data on assets like schools in Gujarat State.
Analyze the Effect of Western Classical Music in Chennai using Categorized CETD Matrix[Full-Text ] A.Victor Devadoss, S.AseervathamThe objective of this paper is to find out the maximum age group of people who realize musical emotions for the western classical symphonies in Chennai. To analyze this, we have taken the emotion model with the nine factors according to Zentner et al., (2008). For the first time in the year 1998 matrix theory was developed by W. B. Vasantha and V. Indira to study the passenger transportation problem. To study this problem, they divided and defined four types of matrices are called Initial Raw Data Matrix, Average Time Dependent Data Matrix (ATD Matrix), Refined Time Dependent Data Matrix (RTD Matrix) and Combined Effect Time Dependent Data Matrix (CETD Matrix). In the year 2003 the same technique was used by W. B. Vasantha to study the migrant laborers who were affected by HIV/AIDS. In 2004, W. B. Vasantha and A. Victor Devadoss used to study the agriculture laborers. Now we use this new model to study the musical experience of the people in Chennai.
THE PHILOSOPHY OF “ZERO HOUR”?...[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaThis scientific research focused that “ZERO”, “ZERO HOUR” shall be considered as having in depth meaning and more energetic value. Zero means no value?... Zero hour means no power?... NO… NO… NO… In global level parliamentary legislative system the philosophy of “Zero hour” refers to open session for asking New questions by the members of the parliament about important issues of the country without deviating the systematic parliamentary “Predefined” (scheduled) programme. Zero hour is the very sensitive session as equivalent to “INDIVIDUAL HUMAN SOUL” and more valuable. Sometime during the session the members raise unhealthy questions and making the session into “PLASMA STATE” environment and run out of house for evening entertainment.
S-parameter analysis of dual gain mode fully Differential CMOS Low Noise Amplifier for Ultra Wide Band system[Full-Text ] Md. Tanvir Ahad, Md. Mosfiqur Rahaman, Akib Yusuf, Md. Rifat Rahamatullah, Safayat-Al ImamThe object of this paper is to observe the S-parameters of Ultra Wide band(UWB) low noise amplifier by utilizing inductively degenerated LNA with resistive feedback into the differential topology. The proposed LNA is implemented in 0.18µm RF CMOS technology considering BSIM3 model and simulated by using HSPICE. By scrupulous optimization this proposed LNA is obtained at flat gain 5.5dB, bandwidth of 5Ghz which having a low level noise figure of an amplifier. This design has a measured power gain of 14.7dB, return loss( output) of -15db at 8.4 GHz and noise figure is lower than 3db, while consuming 27 mW of D.C dissipation at 1.8 v supply voltage. This specifications adopts the ultra wide band characterizations and noise margin.
Framework for Automated Dobby Based Fabric Design System[Full-Text ] Farhan Khalid, Tasweer Ahmad, Ali KhalidThe main goal of this research is to develop an electric dobby system that would have better performance than mechanical dobby. The system developed during this research work, is installed on the loom to design weave patterns in the fabric.
Efficient Technique for Collecting Data in Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Anamika Pandey, Suman Srivastava, Ashu GuptaWe are going to focus on the technique for collecting data from sensor nodes that increase the lifetime of wireless sensor networks. In early day’s research, every sensor nodes collect raw data from the environment and directly send it to the base station.So more energy are consumed to transfer all these raw data to the sink. In proposed scheme, many different sizes of clusters are created. Each cluster has different number of cluster members and single cluster head. Here number of raw data is collected by each cluster member and then all that cluster members perform local approximate data collection technique on raw data within their cluster. Each cluster member find local approximate data value and send these approximate values to their cluster head .Now cluster head performs global approximate data collection technique on local approximate data values and find global approximate value.Now send this global approximate value to the base station. The approximate data collection approach reduces the redundant data within the networks and makes the wireless sensor networks more energy efficient.
CHANGE DETECTION OF BUSU RIVER COURSE IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA- IMPACT ON LOCAL SETTLEMENTS USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS TECHNOLOGY[Full-Text ] Tingneyuc Sekac, Sujoy Kumar JanaWater borne accelerated erosion is more significant than any other geomorphologic agents. The present study aims to investigate the amount and nature of shift of the Busu River in Lae City, Morobe province, particularly at temporal interval of 6 years and also to ascertain the possible reasons behind such changes. Such changes of the river course are affecting the livelihood of the local people and also repeatedly damaging and shifting the river banks which lead to destruction of the prevalent land use land cover of the area. People have been forced to migrate permanently due to this hazard. The identification of changes of river course and the kind of impact it has on local settlers happen to be the main objective of this research project. Constructive suggestions for control the bank erosion and resultant shifting of Busu River have been given. An attempt has been made here, to use GIS and RS techniques for change detection of river courses using past and present geographical data sources of river courses 6 years interval data have been used to identify changes in river stream and the impact on local settlers around Busu River.
Effect of VAM fungi on enhancement of chlorophyll pigment in Abelmoschus esculentus L.[Full-Text ] M . S . DaradeThe effect of VAM fungi on enhancement of chlorophyll pigment in three cultivars of Okra was studied . The experimental data revealed that, in Parbhani Kranti variety less amount of total chlorophyll content (0.317 mg) was recorded in control plant while the maximum chlorophyll content (0.501 and 0.382) was noted in plants inoculated with Glomus fasciculatum . In Arkanamika the total chlorophyll content was maximum in plants inoculated with Glomus fasciculatum and Gigaspora gigantea, which was much more than the non-inoculated plants. In Selection – 51, the total chlorophyll content was maximum in plants inoculated by VAM fungi., In Parbhani kranti Glomus fasciculatum was found effective in enhancement of total chlorophyll content as compared to Gigaspora gigantea. while in Arkanamika and Selection – 51, Gigaspora gigantea was found to be most effective than the Glomus fasciculatum in enhancement of total chlorophyll content.
Film Qualification and Electrical Characteristics of Al Doped PbTiO3 Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistors[Full-Text ] May Aye Khaing, Than Than Win , Yin Maung Maung and Ko Ko Kyaw SoePolycrystalline Pb(Ti 0.94 Al 0.06 )O3, PTA6, a ferroelectric oxide was prepared by high temperature solid state reaction route. Fabrication process of a single-transistor type ferroelectric field effect transistor (1TFeFET) memory with (PTA6) film was prepared by non-expansive and unsophisticated techniques. The film qualification was studied from C-2 vs V linear graph. Ferroelectricity and non-volatility of PTA6 films were analysed by means of P-E hysteresis loop. Hysteresis loops measurement were performed with Sawyer-Tower circuit at 100 kHz and 10 V. Electrical characteristics (drain & transfer) of all films were measured. The FeFET with PTA6 at 600°C exhibited the smallest value of threshold voltage (3.33V). The mth power of PTA6 cell at 500°C indicated the most suitable for parabolic behaviour. According to the experimental results, the laboratory prepared transistors were utilized for 1T of non-volatile ferroelectric random access memory (NVFRAM).
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