Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2014 Edition
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Mathematical Structure of Fuzzy Modeling of Medical Diagnoses by Using Clustering Models[Full-Text ] Rana Waleed Hndoosh, M. S. Saroa, Sanjeev KumarAn Adaptive-Network-based Fuzzy Inference System ANFIS with different techniques of clustering is successfully developed to solve one of the problems of medical diagnoses, because it has the advantage of powerful modeling ability. In this paper, we propose the generation of an adaptive neuro-Fuzzy Inference System model using different clustering models such as a subtractive fuzzy clustering (SFC) model and a fuzzy c-mean clustering (FCM) model in the Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy model for selecting the hidden node centers. An experimental result on datasets of medical diagnoses shows the proposed model with two models of clustering (ANFIS-SFC & ANFIS-FCM) while comparing the same model but both with and without clustering models (ANFIS). We obtained better results of average Training error of training and checking data with ANFIS-SFC when we used a Back-propagation model of the Learning Rule, and similarly we obtained the best results with ANFIS-FCM when used with a Hybrid model. Also we have applied SFC & FCM models without ANFIS to get different matrices of cluster centers on medical diagnoses. Finally, we have displayed the surface of MF to each of the ten separate clusters of diseases with values of the objective function.
New refined Model for Mechatronics design of solar mobile robotic platforms[Full-Text ] Farhan A. Salem This paper proposes a new generalized and refined model for Mechatronics design of Solar Electric Mobile Robotic Platforms (SEMRP) and some considerations regarding design, modeling and control solutions. The proposed models are developed to help in facing main challenges in developing Mechatronics mobile robotic systems, in particular; early identifying system level problems and ensuring that all design requirements are met, and developed to allow designer to have the maximum output data to to select, design, tested and analyze overall SEMRP system and each subsystem outputs characteristics and response, for desired overall and/or either subsystem's specific outputs, under various PV subsystem input operating conditions, to meet particular SEMRP system requirements and performance. The proposed SEMRP system model consists of five main subsystems, each subsystem is mathematically described and corresponding Simulink sub-model is developed, then an integrated model of all subsystems is developed, tested and evaluated for desired system requirements and performance, the obtained results show the simplicity, accuracy and applicability of the presented models in Mechatronics design of SEMRP system applications, as well as, for application in educational process.
New Generalized Photovoltaic Panel-Converter system model for Mechatronics design of solar electric applications[Full-Text ] Farhan A. Salem To help in facing challenges in Mechatronics design of solar electric applications, including; early identifying system level problems and ensuring that all design requirements are met, this paper proposes modeling, simulation and dynamics analysis issues on PhotoVoltaic Panel-Converter (PVPC) system and proposes a new generalized and refined model for PVPC system. The proposed PVPC system model consists of three subsystems, differently, each subsystems is mathematically described and corresponding Simulink sub-model is developed and tested, then an integrated generalized model of all subsystems is developed, to allow designer to have maximum output data to design, tested and analyze a given PVPC system for desired overall and either subsystem's outputs under various PV system input operating conditions, to meet particular solar electric application requirements. Mathematical and Simulink models of all subsystems and overall system were derived, developed and tested in MATLAB/Simulink.
Comparative Analysis of Queuing and Reservation Schemes for Handover in GSM Networks[Full-Text ] Ezeja, M. O.Premature call termination takes place when a roaming user moves from its serving base station into a new one but cannot be assigned a channel in the new cell to resume its connection. This implies that the call could not be handed over to the nearest base station for connection continuity. A good number of schemes have been developed and proposed to ensure successful handover and avoid abrupt disruption. The schemes include Conventional Handover Mechanism, Guard Channel Prioritization Scheme, Call Admission Control Prioritization Scheme, Handover Queuing Prioritization and Resource Reservation Schemes. However, a comparison of the performance of queuing and reservation techniques was carried out in this work to highlight their strengths and weaknesses given predefined system parameters. The analysis showed that resource reservation schemes guarantee progressive call drop probability reduction subject only to chosen trade-off point for fresh call admission while queuing was noticeably effective only up to 25% of the queue spaces provided.
Intrusion Prevention System Using Unique Application Indentification[Full-Text ] Rupali Singh, Siddharth Lavania, Dr.Pankaj Chaturvedi, Namrata DhandaIn this paper, after analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of various Intrusion prevention systems, we are proposing a new system in which all the advantages has been considered to remove the drawbacks given by different IPS’s. We have proposed a centralized on line system to deal with global vulnerabilities activities due to intrusion. IPS clients will be having the combination of unique MAC address and IP Address of the network clients.
A Hybrid Approach for Automatic Credit Approval[Full-Text ] E. Mortazavi, Dr. M. AhmadzadehAutomatic credit approval is important for the operant processing of credit applications. It will prevent the credit card fraud. This paper proposes a hybrid approach, which combines the supervised tree classifiers with k-means clustering and feature selection to approve credit. Performance of this new approach is measured using the Credit Approval dataset and is shown to have high performance and accuracy.
3D Face recognition Robust to Expression Occlusion and Poses[Full-Text ] Miss Ashwini S Gavali, Prof. Ratnadeep.R.DeshmukhFace recognition has numerous applications in various identification and authentication system, but the accuracy of face recognition decreases in presence of large facial expression, occlusion and pose variations. This paper illustrates the use of scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) on 3D meshes to mode facial deformation caused by expression, occlusion and variation in poses. Here we used meshSIFT algorithm for feature extraction and sparse representation classifier for feature matching. Given a 3D face scan, its descriptors are extracted at first and then its identity can be determined by using sparse representation classifier. The proposed 3D face recognition system is robust to challenges such as large facial expressions (especially those with open mouths), large pose variations, missing parts, and partial occlusions due to glasses, hair, and so on. Our results is verified on Bosphorus Database, and I got approximate 92.46%accuracy on Bosphorus dataset.
Improved Burst Transmisssion Scheduling for Heterogeneous Devices[Full-Text ] Shobhit ShuklaIn mobile TV applications the encoded video streams of TV channels are transmitted to handheld devices in bursts. This is because the receivers can receive a burst of data and turn off their RF circuits, while they continue to decode the received stream. This maximizes energy saving in these low battery backup devices. Earlier scheduling algorithm has a drawback that it assumed all the receivers to belong to a single class i.e. same resolution. In reality wide range of receivers are available. So, here, another algorithm is proposed which divides each channel into multiple layers, collates those layers and transmits it on a single carrier wave. Thus, every receiver can extract exactly those layers which it is capable of decoding. This Improved Burst Scheduling Algorithm helps maximize energy saving without degrading the quality.
Manufacturing Competitiveness through Lean Principles – Analysis of Readiness Level and Comparison in Small and Medium Enterprises by Identification and Modeling the Critical Success Factors[Full-Text ] Nidhin K, Ramkumar P N, Dr. Satish K PThe purpose of this study is to identify the critical success factors influencing lean production in Small and Medium Enterprises. A survey is conducted within the manufacturing organizations of Kerala to find out the current level of Lean practices within the manufacturing organizations in Kerala. The results are then analyzed to understand the relationship between variables. This study helps to determine whether the organizations have the foundation to implement Lean Systems. The competitive market pressures and other issues challenging the survival of small and medium size enterprises have been the motivating factor for conducting this study. Lean manufacturing offers an ideal solution in initiating cost reducing strategies like, the identification and elimination of wastes and also enhancing their productivity and competitiveness.
Frequency Scaling of CPU by Utilization[Full-Text ] KEERTHI.RFrequency scaling enables the kernel to issue instructions that slows the CPU (actually to reduce the CPU’s clock speed) in a notebook computer when not in use. It will raise and lower the frequency of your processor depending on a set level of demand being made on the processor at the time. One of the reasons we want to do this would be to save energy and thus can save battery life on a laptop. Our paper makes use of the Linux kernel-Level governors for this purpose. We have devised a scaling algorithm that decides upon the frequency that dynamically needs to be set on a particular CPU core based on the utilization of the CPU core, unlike the existing ‘ondemand kernel governor’ that dynamically sets frequency of all the available CPU cores but not the one required in particular. This paper also uses benchmark to identify worst case performance loss when doing dynamic frequency scaling using Linux kernel governors and identi?es average reaction time of a governor to CPU load changes. The battery-statistics is gathered and plotted to know about battery consumption and a method to decrease the battery consumption period with frequency scaling is formulated
Enhanced Light Trapping in Thin-Film Microcrystalline Silicon Solar Cells on NanoTextured Surface[Full-Text ] Wayesh Qarony & Mohammad Hossain, M Jalal UddinThe efficient light-trapping techniques for periodically textured transparent conductive oxide (TCO) in thin-film microcrystalline silicon solar cells have been investigated. The efficiency and light-trapping enhancement have been realized by the analyzation of TCO surface morphology, where pyramidical and parabolic textured surfaces were used. The investigation was carried out based on the optical wave propagation simulation results of external quantum efficiency and short circuit current. A proposed model of thin-film microcrystalline silicon solar cell exhibits maximum current density of 27.97 mA/cm2 and around 92% of external quantum efficiency (EQE) in the spectral range of about 600 nm for the absorbing layer thickness of 1.8 ?m. The results of the model are confirmed by the experimental findings. Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) based Maxwell's equations solver has been used for the simulations and then the compilations of the simulated data were analyzed by MATLAB.
Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Arrays using simple Mathematical Block by Matlab Simulink[Full-Text ] Partha Sarothi SikderIn this paper a simple mathematical model using Matlab Simulink block of a solar photovoltaic system is considered for plotting the nonlinear I-V characteristic of photo voltaic cell. The characteristics is plotted with three given points i,e open circuit voltage of the PV array (Voc), short-circuit current of the PV array (Isc) and the maximum power delivered by the PV array (Vmax, Imax), as given by the manufacturer. The graph also validitated for data provided by the manufacturer. In this paper single diode model of photo voltaic cell is chosen for simplicity and temperature effect on the photo voltaic cell is also considered here. The PV array model shows the change of voltage, power and current for different irradiation. From the PV array characteristic curve, for different temperature and irradiation the maximum voltage (Vmax) and maximum current (Imax) at maximum power point that can be obtained from the PV cell are also shown.
New Operational Mode of Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverters for Pure Sinusoidal Output[Full-Text ] Jawad Ali, Muhammad Iftikhar Khan, Khadim Ullah JanA new operational mode for diode clamped multilevel inverters (DCMLI) based on 5-level operation is proposed. This operational mode is based on a new technique called sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM). Such operation aims to avoid the imbalance problem of the DC-link capacitors for multilevel inverters with more than 3-levels. This scheme reduces the DC-link capacitance without introducing any significant voltage ripple at the DC-link nodes. The proposed scheme can be generalized for any number of levels. Validity of the proposed operational mode of multilevel inverter is confirmed by simulations on a prototype 5-level DCMLI using MATLAB®.
Resolving Hamiltonian Path Problems, Travelling Salesman Problems, Euclidean Problems and Route Problems with Inchrosil[Full-Text ] Carlos Llopis, Silvia Llopis, Jose Daniel LlopisOne of hard mathematical problems to find a solution, it is the Hamiltonian path or the salesman problem, because when number of nodes (cities) is increasing, any system needs more time to resolve, being considered this mathematical challenge as non-polynomial complete problem (NP-complete or NP-Hard). On the other hand, lot problems can reduce to graph form, being very easy to use any Hamiltonian graph to solve them, by this reason, it is an open problem to find some technology can resolve any Hamiltonian path in approximately polynomial time (P˜NP). In this article, we can show one system, which uses Inchrosil as storage unit of nucleotides, to solve any Hamiltonian path in approximately polynomial time, by this reason, we have based in our research in all knowledge about DNA computing and mathematical equations using DNA (in particular their four characters and their association rules) to create a system can solve any Hamiltonian Graph, using Inchrosil circuits.
Bitcoin Currency[Full-Text ] Abdulelah AlmazruaThis paper defines and explains the decentralized digital currency “Bitcoin”, and highlights the most important features that Bitcoin has over other currencies. It is an attempt to explain with details how the transaction in Bitcoin occurs. In addition, the paper highlights the pros and cons of Bitcoin nowadays, and what the future might be for the digital currency.
Modeling of Semi batch Reactor Adsorption Tower for Sulphur trioxide Hydration using Vanadium Catalyst[Full-Text ] Goodhead, T. O. and Abowei, M. F. N.A semi batch reactor for the production of sulphuric acid over a range of degree of conversion ,XA = 0.95 to 0.99 and reaction time t = 30 to 1800 sec have been designed. The reactor which operates at an optimum condition of 90oC and 1.5atm is capable of producing 10,000 metric tons per year of sulphuric acd. This reactor is designed with hastelloy because it possesses an excellent corrosion and sulphuric acid resistance properties. The reactor performance equations are simulated with the aid of a Computer using MATLAB (R2007b).The results provided information for the functional parameters for the reactor which include; the reactor volume, reactor height, and rate of heat generation per unit volume of reactor. The results showed that the reactor volume which is dependent on the degree of conversion ,XA would tend to infinity at 100% conversion. The relationship between the degree of conversion, reaction time and these functional parameters are presented graphically.
PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF SELECTED BOREHOLE WATER IN UMUIHI, TOWN IMO STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] C. H. Ikeme, I. J. Dioha, K. A. Olasusi and Promise U. ChukwuStudy of water quality tells about present status of useable water for domestic as well as industrial use. Indiscriminate and wasteful water consumption and improper waste disposal practices have led to deterioration in the water quality. This study was aimed to determine water quality parameters in borehole water Samples from three different boreholes in three different locations in Umuihi town. The water Samples were collected on the 17th day of March 2014, and analysed using different types of analytical techniques. The parameters analysed include; Electrical conductivity, Turbidity, pH, TDS, TSS, SS, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, total hardness, Temperature and Alkalinity, using standard methods of analysis. The data provided by this investigation will be useful in designing water quality management issues.
Kinetics and isotherms studies on Cu2+ Adsorption unto PANa bead form from aqueous solutions[Full-Text ] I. Ismi, H. Elaidi, E. Rifi, A. labkiri, A. SkalliThese instructions give The equilibrium sorption of copper (II) into the sodium polyacrylate bead form was studied. The experimental data were fitted into following kinetic models: Lagergren pseudo-first order, the chemisorptions pseudo-second order and Elovich kinetic model. It was observed that chemisorptions pseudo-second order kinetic model described the sorption process with high coefficients of determination (R2) better than any other kinetic models. The experimental data for the sorption of copper on the PANa bead form to different concentrations of the metal solution were fitted into Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) isotherms. Of the three adsorption isotherm, the R2 value of Langmuir isotherm model was the highest. The maximum monolayer converge (qm) from Langmuir isotherm model was determined to be 9.77 mg/g, the separation factor (RL) indicating a favorable sorption experiment is 0
Comparison various UPFC based Damping Controller for low frequency oscillation[Full-Text ] Saurabh Kumar Bajpai, Harinder Sandhu, Sanjiv KumarIn this paper we have compare various UPFC based Damping controller for low frequency oscillations. We know power system is combination of generation, transmission and distribution. It is a very large network and low frequency oscillation occurrences due to loss of synchronisum, breaking of conductors. These low frequency oscillations also affected the system stability. Here we design a fuzzy logic based damping controller and phase compensation technique based damping controller for minimizing such low frequency oscillations as well as enhance system stability.comparision is done with the help of simulink.
Virgo cluster galaxies & signatures of Hubble flow[Full-Text ] Varsha Gupta, G. K. UpadhyayaE. P. Hubble revolutionized cosmology by proving that galaxies recede from us in all directions. Hubble’s work provides the first direct evidence of cosmic acceleration. His discovery had changed our understanding towards universe and opened the new way to investigate the; expanding, evolving and accelerating universe that engages today’s burgeoning field of cosmology. Extensions of Hubble’s work with advance technology have developed vast new arenas for explorations. Since Hubble several surveys have brought tremendous improvements in both quality and quantity. During the last two decades, the observational database on galaxies in a wide vicinity of the Virgo cluster has been grown significantly. Virgo cluster being the nearest and largest cluster of galaxies in the local super cluster has always been of great interest to astronomers and astrophysicists to carry out many systematic studies. It is evident that this cluster serves as an important reference for the determination of distance scale of the universe. In order to supplement Hubble’s work and to find signatures of Hubble flow in Virgo cluster and its surrounding galaxies in the present paper Hubble diagram is plotted by using data of 180 galaxies (having redshift < 1), collected from SDSS-III DR9 database. From the diagram it is inferred that at smaller distances there is strong deviation from linear relation, also 3 galaxies (catalogued as dEs) are observed in this region possessing high redshift which is quite uncommon and therefore this gives an indication that either these galaxies are not dEs or something strange is happening inside the cluster that helps these galaxies to attain such high redshifts. Whereas at larger distances less scattering and a roughly linear relation is observed in the flow, making it resembles the global Hubble flow.
The Steady-State Solution of Serial Channel with Feedback, Balking and Reneging Connected with Non-Serial Queuing Processes[Full-Text ] Satyabir Mehla, Dr. Man Singh, Dr. Gulshan TanejaIn the present paper, we have studied the general queuing model having feedback, balking and reneging in serial queuing processes connected with non serial queuing channels with random order selection for service and such models are of common occurrence in the administrative setup. We have also obtained the mean queue length of the model when queue discipline is first come first order.
PHOTO SLIDE SHOW ON GRAPHICS LCD USING ARDUINO ATMEGA 328 MICROCONTROLER[Full-Text ] Varun VaradanThere are many types of LCDs available in the market. The Graphics LCD is called Graphics because of its pixel nature. The lines LCDs only possess the ability to display the pixels in a rectangular area and pixels are discontinuous. In a GLCD, the pixels are spread all over. We can use it to display characters, graphics, as well as images. This paper aims to demonstrate the process of displaying graphical images on a graphics LCD using a simple Arduino Atmega 328 microcontroller board. The images to be displayed on the GLCD cannot be just loaded onto it directly. It has to be processed by a processing software which converts the image files(in .jpeg, .png, .bmp forms) into its equivalent bitmaps (i.e. representation of the jpeg image information in the form of binary 0s and 1s). These bitmaps are then uploaded to the GLCD which will then display the equivalent black and white output of the image. The images to be loaded onto the GLCD screen are first stored in the library of the Arduino.
A Concept of Regime Theory in Unlined Canals[Full-Text ] Dr. Arjumend MasoodThis research presents the investigation of Lacey’s Regime concepts for unlined canals in alluvial soil. For this purpose Jamrao Canal in Sindh, Pakistan which has been operating for more than hundred years was selected. Intensive use of the massive data available from water and power Development Authority of Pakistan in 1978, fresh data of all the required canal parameters were collected for the same canal in Ph.D. Research. These data were collected from the month of March to June 2011 and were analyzed. These two data was compared to investigate Lacey’s concept of “Final regime”. The observations raise some doubts on the applicability of Lacey’s Regime concept.
A Study on Second-Order Linear Singular Systems using Leapfrog Method[Full-Text ] S. Karunanithi, S. Chakravarthy and S. SekarIn this paper, we study the numerical method for solving second-order linear singular systems using Leapfrog method. And, we present two examples with initial condition [1] having two different solutions to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method under Leapfrog method. Error graphs are presented to highlight the efficiency of the Leapfrog method.
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