Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2014 Edition
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UWB antenna for Microwave screening of Breast Cancer[Full-Text ] Philip Cherian, Alka Jasmine, Mridula SA novel, coplanar, ultra-wideband, directional antenna having a size of 24mm× 25mm printed on a 1.5mm thick FR4 substrate for microwave screening of breast cancer is presented. To reduce the complexity in shape, exponential flares and curves are used in the geometry .The ground plane has been extended in both sides. Optimization is done for the gap between the ground planes. Special features for bandwidth enhancement includes rectangular slot towards bottom, rectangular and circular projections and a unique structure in the gap. The dimensions of the slot and projection has been optimized. The antenna has a near-field pattern in the end-fire direction which makes it a suitable candidate for medical imaging. The antenna is capable for wideband operation to cover 2.89-11.2GHz which includes the whole ultra-wideband frequency range.
Performance analysis of DAS Group Cell scheme aided Downlink Turbo encoded MIMO OFDMA Wireless Communication System[Full-Text ] Sohag Sarker, Shaikh Enayet UllahDistributed antennas systems (DAS) transmission has been recognized as one of the spectrally efficient techniques in future cooperative communication based cellular wireless communication systems. In this paper, we have tried to make a comprehensive study on the impact of implementing DAS Group Cell scheme on performance evaluation of downlink Turbo encoded MIMO OFDMA wireless Communication system. With both 4-by-4 transmit and receive antennas and simultaneous transmission of identical signals from three distributed antennas systems of adjacent cells , it is observable from computer simulation study that the system under consideration shows its robustness in retrieving transmitted signal in hostile fading channel.
An Efficient Scheme For Robust Image Denoising Using Probable Non Local Mean Algorithm[Full-Text ] Gopala Krishna Nagasarapu, Dr A.Senthilrajan Here in this Paper a new algorithm probable nonlocal means (PNLM) method for image denoising. Our main contributions are Point out defects of the weight function used in the classic NLM methods, Successfully derive all theoretical statistics of patch-wise differences for Gaussian noise, Employ this prior information and formulate the probabilistic weights truly re?ecting the similarity between two noisy patches. Our simulation results indicate the PNLM outperforms the classic NLM and many NLM recent variants in terms of the peak signal noise ratio (PSNR) and the structural similarity (SSIM) index. Encouraging improvements are also found when we replace the NLM weights with the PNLM weights in tested NLM variants.
Penicillin Binding Proteins: An Insight Into Novel Antibacterial Drug Target[Full-Text ] Pallavi Sahare and Archana Moon Penicillin binding proteins (PBP) have been analysed for over 40 years. PBPs are the enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of peptidoglycan in bacteria.The peptidoglycan is made of glycan chains of alternating N-acetyl glucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid, cross-linked by short stem peptides attached to the N-acetylmuramic acid. Peptidoglycan enables the bacteria to resist the intracellular pressure of several atmospheres and provides shape to the bacterial cell and isreproduced from generation togeneration. Also bacterial cell division requires the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan by PBPs during cell wall elongation and septum formation. These PBPs are divided into three classes based on their functions. The high molecular weight (HMW) PBPs that are divided into class A and class B whichplay bifunctional roles, transpeptidases (the cross-linking between glycan chains)/transglycosylases (polymerization of the glycan strand) and monofunctional transpeptidases, respectively. Some PBPs hydrolyze the last D-alanine of the stem peptide (DD-carboxypeptidation) or hydrolyze the peptide bond connecting two glycan strands (endopeptidation).The low molecular weight (LMW) PBPs are included in Class C. Because of the structural resemblance between PBPs natural substrate, the D-Ala-D-Ala end of the stem peptides and penicillin, the late stage peptidoglycan synthesizing enzymes are sensitive to penicillin with which they form a long-lived acyl-enzyme that impairs their peptidoglycan cross-linking capability. This review article focuses on detailed insight on PBP classification and mechanism, thus opening avenues for an effective and novel antibacterial drug target research and therapy.
Automatic PID Controller Parameter Tuning Using Bees Algorithm[Full-Text ] Moslem Amirinejad, Mahdiyeh Eslami, Ali NooriDespite numerous advancements in process control methodologies,Proportional–Integral–Derivative (PID) controller is still the mostefficient and widely used feedback control strategy. This is due to itssimplicity and satisfactory control performance.This paper presents an efficient and fast tuning method based on a bees algorithm (BA) structure to find the optimal parameters of the PID controller so that the desired system specifications are satisfied.To demonstratethe effectiveness of presented method, the step responses of closed loop systemwere compared with that of the existing methods in the literature. Simulation results indicatethat the performance of the PID controlled system can be significantly improved by the BA-based method.
Investigating The Delivery of High-Quality Videoconferencing over Low-Bandwidth Networks using Multicasting and Quality of Service (QoS)[Full-Text ] Ugochukwu OgbonnaVideoconferencing is a technology which enables organizations overcome challenges involving cost, logistics and safety of participants when organizing meetings and conferences. However, a major problem faced with this method is the availability of bandwidth, which is a concern for most developing countries, as video data consume huge bandwidth. The paper seeks to investigate the realization of a cost-effective network prototype capable of delivering high-quality videoconferencing, which can be implemented on low and medium-level networks and links. Preliminary research on multicast techniques and architectures and QoS strategies were undertaken in order to achieve this objective. Quantitative and qualitative tests were carried out to determine if there were any improvements in video quality before and after deployment of QoS. Analysis of results showed a significant improvement in the quality of video feeds after application of selected QoS design.
Enforcing Access Control Delegation To Secure And Preserve Privacy of Cloud Data[Full-Text ] Nicholaus Gati, K. Suresh BabuConventional access control models often assume that the entity enforcing access control policies is also the owner of the data. This as-sumption is no longer holding as it forces the data owner to do a lot of computations as the third party such as cloud only provide facilities for data storage, where the approaches to enforce fine grained access control on confidential data hosted in the cloud are based on fine grained encryption of data. Under these models the owner of data is forced to perform the fine grained encryption of data before uploading on the cloud and once user dynamics or credentials change the data owner must download re-encrypt and re-upload the data. Data owners thus incur high computational and communication costs. A better approach should delegate the enforcement of fine- grained access control to the cloud and provide a separate Access control provider, so to minimize the overheads at the data owner, while assuring data confidentiality from the cloud. The proposed approach that can well delegate the enforcement of access control is based on two layers of encryption (TLE), where the data owner performs course-grained encryption and the clouds perform fine grained encryption on top of the owner encrypted data. An efficient AES algorithm is used to provide higher confidentiality and privacy for several users in the cloud and stores the data in multi-clouds where the users can retrieve with the keys later while delegating it through access control from the cloud. To provide more protection to the cloud cloudTraceBack and Cloud protector is user to protect against XDoS/HDoS attacks. This system as-sures confidentiality, integrity of data and preserves the privacy of the end user from multiple clouds while delegating most of the access control enforcement to the cloud
Energy and Power Data Transmission Through Domestic Power Lines[Full-Text ] Christeena Joseph ,P.C.Kishoreraja, C. Subesikaran, J.Naveen KumarIn the present scenario data transformation and voice communication is done in EHV transmission line through power line carrier communication system (PLCC) for the efficient production management and safe transmission and there is no perfect tool or monitoring system available for distribution management. In this paper design and implementation of a smart power monitoring distribution system is discussed .The proposed method deals with data transformation regarding power consumption through existing low voltage distribution power lines using SCADA Technique. The advantage of using SCADA technique is that it improves the data transformation rate compared to the previous system and also is used to find out power theft.
Effects of Binary and Ternary Blend of Fly Ash and Calcined Waste Crushed Clay Bricks as Pozzolanas in Cementitious Matrix[Full-Text ] Patrick Oguguo Nwankwo, Emmanuel Achuenu and Danjuma Joseph GohThis paper presents the results of the experimental investigation of the effects of binary and ternary blend of fly ash (Fa) and calcined waste crushed clay bricks (CWCCB) on the properties of the pastes and the compressive strength of concrete. The amount of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) substitution in both blends was 50%. The calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH) 2) content of the hardened pastes were determined and analysed with the aid of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (ED-XRFS). The results showed that in both blends, there was remarkable reduction of Ca (OH) 2 with curing age. The amount of Ca (OH) 2 in OPC, CWCCB and Fa binary blends at 7days curing age, were 14.70%, 12.72% and 7.65% respectively, and 20.80%, 7.20% and 3.49% respectively, at 90days curing age. Similarly, significant reduction was recorded in the ternary blended pastes. The highest compressive strength of 21.33N/mm2 at 90days curing age was recorded for ternary concrete of 30%Fa + 20%CWCCB blend. The properties of ternary concrete can be improved with the optimum blend of Fa and CWCCB.
Morphological Study of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. from Borno and Yobe States, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ibrahim. N, Gani. A.M, Abdul. S.D, Omokhafe.K.OMorphological and Reproductive characters of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. trees were assessed for variation. The morphological characters measured were: Tree Height (TH, m), Bark Thickness (BT, cm), Canopy Cover (CC, m) and Diameter at breast height (DBH, m). Pods and seeds parameters were measured as reproductive characters. These include: Pod length (PL, cm), Pod Width (PW, cm), Seed Diameter (SD, cm), Seed Thickness (ST, cm) and Seed Weight (SW, g). Gum yield (GY, g) was also assessed. The results show that morphological and reproductive characters observed differed significantly (P < 0.05) among the trees. Performance of trees from Yobe State is significantly higher than those from Borno for all the parameters measured which include; Tree Height (5.64m), Bark Thickness (0.53cm), Canopy Cover (7.01m), Diameter at breast height (8.210cm), Pod width (2.96cm), seed diameter (1.11cm), seed thickness (0.387cm) seed weight (24.10g) and gum yield (216.50g). The variation observed may provide bases for genetic improvement of this important multipurpose leguminous tree.
Transient Stability Analysis of Synchronous Generator in Electrical Network[Full-Text ] Fetissi Selwa, Labed DjamelThe stability analysis is an important and complex part in the energy systems design. It is essential during electrical faults, that the system remains stable for not having to face a blackout that would compromise service to customers. This article studies the transient stability of electrical system based on the stability of the rotor angle while a three-phase fault, to determine the number of lines to be built under a voltage of 1200 kV and to transport a power of 9000 MW. The simulation is performed using MATLAB/ Simulink software.
Temporal Variation in the Textural Characteristics of Clastic Sediments from Geregu, Ajaokuta, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adiotomre, E. E., Ejeh, O. I, Adaikpoh, E. O.Sediment samples from a sedimentary sequence on the bank of River Ero in Geregu are evaluated to decipher the temporal variability in textures of unit layers FL_G (lowermost) to FL_A (uppermost). Sand predominates in the sediment samples and varies between 0.3 and 68.57%; particles with silt-size fraction vary between 3.01 and 26.31%. Gravel size fraction is low and occurs only in sediment samples of Units E and B, and varies between 0.2 and 4.44%. The studied sediment sequence is dominated by sand units that are very fine-grained (e.g. FL_G, FL_F, FL_D and FL_C) to fine texture (FL_E and FL_A); the only exception is Unit FL_B that is medium grain sand. This deduction corroborates the computed mean size which varies between 1.309? to 3.293?. Computed standard deviation varies between 0.622? and 2.274? which illustrates that the sediments are very poorly sorted to moderately well-sorted sand. The skewness of the sediment samples ranges between -0.235 to 0.278, and this implies that the sedimentary units are negatively skewed to positively skew. Computed kurtosis varies between 0.856 and 1.84, and based on the kurtosis values, distribution of particle size of the sedimentary units is classed as leptokurtic (e.g. FL_G and FL_D), very leptokurtic (e.g. FL_C), mesokurtic (e.g. FL_F and FL_A) and platykurtic (e.g. FL_E and FL_B). Consequently, the studied sediments are inferred to have deposited in moderate low energy environment. Bivariant plots of skewness versus standard deviation (or sorting) and mean size versus standard deviation shows that the sediments are dominantly river sands. However, the linear discriminate functions show an overlap of shallow marine and fluvial conditions of deposition for the sequence of sediments. The energy condition of the transporting medium and that of the depositional environment is inferred to be the dominant control on temporal variation in the textural characteristics of the sedimentary units.
Application of Just-In-Time Principals to Financial Services[Full-Text ] Qasim Ali Nisar, Hafiza Kiran Shakeel, Sajjad Ahmad, Kiran Niazi, Samra AshrafServices sector is considered an essential contributor in GDP of developing countries. Some of the manufacturing related concepts such as JIT have been applied in services sector to generate the same benefits. Due to globalization and continuously changing business environment, concept of ‘Just in Time (JIT)’ has emerged and is playing intensive role in business environment. It helps in creating competitive advantage by upgrading flexibility of whole system with a view to establish such a production system where consumers purchase goods exactly at the same time when they needed on low cost and predefined quality. The purpose of this study is to examine the applicability of JIT in financial services and it focused on loan approval process in banking sector. Two important dimensions of JIT; ‘Quality at Source’ and ‘Cellular Structure’ were selected to examine the magnitude of JIT application in loan approval process. Study is qualitative in nature so data collected through interviews conducted in banks. Results revealed that JIT significantly play its role in financial services and especially in loan approval process of banks. By the application of quality at source and cellular structure; banks can save time, cost and other resources along with quality standards. Results also showed that by the effective application of JIT in loan approval process, banks can make better utilization of their resources and can improve operations efficiency.
Quantity And Distribution Of The Current Sur-face And Ground Water Resources In Bahr An-Najaf In Iraq[Full-Text ] Hassan Ali Omran, Mohammed Shaker Mahmood and Ali AbbasThe hydrologic cycle describes the continuous movement of water above, on, and below the surface of the Earth. The issue of water is one of the most important matter due to a lack of water resources with hot and dry climate. Iraq is vulnerable because of its reliance degree up to 90 % on the water of the Tigris and Euphrates that originate from Turkey. This paper focuses on current and distribution of the surface and ground water resources in Bahr An-Najaf basin in Najaf, Iraq. The results indicate that the total volume of water quantity is about 180 Mm3 with monthly variation. Surface water is about 77% of the total water volume and the groundwater is about 21%.
The Use of Artificial Bayesian Intelligence for Development of Optimum Well Control Practices[Full-Text ] Abdullah Al-Yami, Jerome Schubert and Vikrant WagleMany well control incidents have been analyzed, resulting in the optimum practices, as outlined in this paper. To the best of the authors' knowledge, there are no systematic guidelines for well control practices. The objective of this paper is to propose a set of guidelines for the optimal well control operations, by integrating current best practices through a decision-making system based on Artificial Bayesian Intelligence. Best well control practices collected from data, models, and experts' opinions, are integrated into a Bayesian Network BN to simulate likely scenarios of its use that will honor efficient practices when dictated by varying operation, kick details, and kick severity.
Cloud Data Storage and Query Processing Systems: A Review[Full-Text ] Imran Ashraf, Tayyaba Altaf, Ayesha RashidWith massive increase in data size, databases have grown beyond size that can be managed at a central point. So databases need to be distributed with capabilities of scaling, aggregation and coordination. With the advent of cloud computing resources are easy than ever to access with the possibility of scalability, increased performance, automatic resource adaptation and up and down scaling. However, suitable distributed management systems need to be developed to get the desired benefits from the cloud. Effective and efficient execution of users complicated queries is a critical task of systems in cloud computing. Distributed data storage and query systems in cloud computing needs to insure two things: efficiently organized data storage and optimized query execution with reduced cost. Different systems have been developed and deployed in cloud computing for this purpose. This paper aims at discussing some most commonly used systems with their pros and cons.
Artificial Immune Systems: A Predictive Model for credit scoring[Full-Text ] Thabiso Peter Mpofu, Dr .G Venkata Rami ReddyWith the advent of the global financial crisis which hit the global economy, credit scoring has become of the essence. The global financial crisis also known as the “credit crunch” was largely attributed to the issuance of credit to individuals with no capacity to return the money. Credit scoring has become a very important task in the credit industry. Various credit scoring methods such in areas as artificial neural networks (ANNs), statistical based methods and decision trees have been proposed to increase the accuracy of credit scoring models. The proposed Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) are an artificial intelligence technique modelled on natural immune system processes have been used to solve various kinds of real life processes with success. In this paper we compare the performance of current classifiers used in credit rating against Artificial Immune Systems. Artificial Immune Systems have various algorithms used to implement them. The algorithm under consideration is the negative selection algorithm. Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) are found to be produce competitive results very close to traditional artificial intelligent systems such as Neural Networks.
A Clustering and Fuzzy Logic Based Intrusion Detection System[Full-Text ] Macdonald Mukosera, Dr G Venkata Rami ReddyAs intrusion detection systems are vital and critical components in the field of computer and network security and they form a secondary line of defense, that is they come into play after preventive measures like firewalls fail, it is important to keep on researching and continuing to seek ways for improving and enhancing these systems. In this paper we contribute to this field by proposing an intrusion detection system that uses fuzzy logic and clustering techniques. To test this proposed system, we build the knowledge of the intrusion detection system by analyzing the NSL-KDD dataset and clustered the dataset into smaller units allowing us to discover fuzzy rules for the fuzzy inference systems. The proposed system consists of multiple fuzzy inference systems with each FIS handling a particular service under a particular protocol. The experimental work was done in matlab 2014a and the results from the simulations of the proposed system shows that the proposed system have significant improvements in time complexity and detection rate yielding a low false alarm rate
Enhanced Intrusion Detection System with On-Demand Routing Protocol using Hybrid Cryptographic Technique for MANETs[Full-Text ] Avinab Marahatta, Kare Suresh BabuThe migration to wireless network from wired network has been a global trend in the past few years. The scalability and mobility brought by wireless network made it possible in many applications. Among all the up to date wireless networks, Mobile circumstantial Network (MANET) is one amongst the foremost necessary and distinctive applications. On the contrary to ancient spec, MANET doesn't need a set network infrastructure; each single node works as a transmitter and a receiver and they trust their neighbors to relay messages. Nodes communicate directly with each other when they are both within the same transmission range. Or else, they rely on their neighbors to relay messages. Self-configuring ability of nodes in MANET made it popular among critical mission applications like military use or emergency recovery. However, the open medium and remote distribution of MANET create it at risk of numerous kinds of attacks. Therefore it is very crucial to develop efficient intrusion detection mechanisms to protect MANET from attacks. In this paper, we define solid privacy requirements regarding malicious attackers in Mobile Ad-hoc Network. We propose and implement a new intrusion detection system named Enhanced Intrusion Detection System with On-Demand Routing Protocol using Hybrid Cryptographic Techniques for MANETs. Compared to contemporary approaches, it demonstrates higher malicious-behavior-detection rates in certain circumstances while does not greatly affect the network performances.
A Novel Programmable CMOS Based Function Generator Circuit[Full-Text ] Hamed S.KiaIn this paper, design and analysis of a programmable CMOS-based function generator circuit is presented. The proposed circuit implements trapezoidal and triangular functions with all parameters (slope, position, width and height) independently and continuously adjustable.