Volume 12, Issue 4, April 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 4, April 2021
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On approximate controllability of nonlocal impulsive fractional stochastic differential equations of order q ? (1, 2] with infinite delay and Poisson jumps in Hilbert space[Full-Text ] Krishnan ThiaguIn this work, we established the approximate controllability of second-order (q ? (1, 2]) nonlocal impulsive fractional stochastic differential equations with infinite delay and Poisson jumps in Hilbert space.The approximate controllability of the established control system is evaluated by using the q-order cosine family of operators, stochastic analysis techniques, a new set of sufficient conditions are derived for the approximate controllability. Finally an application is added to illustrate the main theory.
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF OPERATING SYSTEMS SCHEDULING ALGORITHMS[Full-Text ] Abubakar Sani Jato Scheduling algorithms allow one to decide which threads are given to resource from moment to moment. Various process scheduling algorithms exist and this research will focus on the scheduling algorithms used for scheduling processes in an operating system namely First-Come-First-Served (FCFS), Round Robin (RR), Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling algorithms. Each algorithm has been discussed and a comparison will be made on the basis of average waiting time which is significant in processes scheduling. In fact, compared to other papers, this research will make use of more types of scheduling algorithms for the analysis.
LOGISTICS EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] AGBEDE, Moses Oyeyemi, FASEESIN OlabisiLogistics sector plays a very cogent role in promoting economic growth and development of any nation. The inefficiency in logistics system could have a grievous impact on growth of the economy. This study investigated the effect of logistics efficiency on economic growth in Nigeria from 1981-2018. The study employed Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS) technique with the use of time series data sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin and Word Bank Development Indicator 2018.
Using Essence to Help GSD Teams to Select The Most Appropriate RCM Method for them[Full-Text ] Sidra Zubair, Muhammad Saud Khan, Abdul WahabIn last few decades Global Software Development (GSD) has become an important practice in the Software Industry. Organizations are adopting GSD because they can avail the opportunities of multi-site development like low cost and time, achieving high product quality and access to skillful resources. No doubt there are a lot of benefits of GSD, but this kind of software development is also facing many challenges and Requirement Change Management is one of the most significant challenge they have to face.
Study on Software Quality Factors and Metrics to Enhance Software Quality Assurance[Full-Text ] Rana Muhammad Ammad, Muzamail Rafique, Saleem Zubair Ahmed These days software Quality Assurance is highly used in the fields of science and medicine. Software quality assurance deals with the specific requirements of customer or user’s necessities and expectations. It can be a mixture of so many factors. The basic purpose of writing this paper is to extract the most effective factors and metrics which are considered helpful for enhancing the software quality assurance.
AN ANALYSIS OF COST AND ECONOMIC RETURNS OF POULTRY FARMING IN NAMAKKAL DISTRICT OF TAMILNADU[Full-Text ] M. SUBHA, Dr. V.MALLIKAIn India, Poultry sector occupies an important role in all classes of people in the society particularly by the economically weaker section of the society and also bring about desired level of socio-economic changes in rural areas which are vital for rural development and rural prosperity. In Poultry farms, 80 per cent of the employment were directly generated and 20 per cent in the provision of feed, pharmaceuticals, equipment and other services. The annual growth rate of Egg production was 6 per cent per year. The main objectives of the study are to analyse the cost and Economic Returns of the Poultry Enterprise in Namakkal District of TamilNadu from July 2019 to March 2020.
Una mirada alternativa al COVID-19: el lenguaje potencial del SARS-CoV-2[Full-Text ] Rodolfo AlvarezEl propósito de este artículo es otorgar algunas aproximaciones conectadas al lenguaje potencial del SARS-CoV-2, el virus que causa el COVID-19. Esperamos que esta investigación contribuya a la comprensión del virus desde una perspectiva alternativa, y que algunas de las aproximaciones que se discutan ayuden a encontrar nuevas formas de luchar contra el COVID-19, y finalmente erradicarlo.
Prisoner’s rights in India and International scenario: A demanding change and perspective[Full-Text ] SWAPNIL RAJ KAUSHIKIndia shares the universally held view that a sentence of imprisonment would be justifiable only if it ultimately leads to the protection of society against crime. Such a goal could be achieved only if incarceration motivates and prepares the offender for a law-abiding and self-supporting life after his release.
IoT Cloud-Based Remote Patient Health Monitoring and Alarm System[Full-Text ] Md. Tanvir Amin, Jarin Sobah PeuUsing cloud computing and furthermore the Internet of Things (IoT), the world is changing nowadays. The development and revolution of modern technology caused by IoT and the cloud made our lives easier. Technology is changing each year, so there is an attempt to consume new technology in several areas to boost human life quality. Specific of the numerous research fields which are essential in our healthy life is the healthcare sector. Our project’s main theme is to design a remote healthcare system using IoT and cloud, which monitors patients continuously 24 hours and sends information to doctors and registered hospitals.
Vision Based Gait by using Smart Phone Technology - Incidence of first time Stroke – Post Analysis[Full-Text ] AHA (American Heart Association) reports that 7.2 million Americans have suffered from stroke and about 0.795 million people are confronted by stroke either new or recurrent every year [1]. Developing countries like India, numbers of stroke patients are increasing every year at the incident rate of 119-145/100000 on the basis of recent population studies. The literature shows that stoke is one of the most life threatening disease in the world and is forecasted as the second leading cause of mortality since 2016 to 2030. [2-3] The high risk of stroke among the aged people started due to modern life style, which lead towards the scientific research on gait pattern monitoring. After rehabilitation 50% of stroke patients faced somewhat levels of motor disability and another 50% are halfway reliant in Activities-of-Daily-Living.
An appraisal of Audio-Visual Translation, Implications of Subtitling from Hausa of Sub-Saharan Africa to English[Full-Text ] Zaki, Muhammad Zayyanu , Anthony Nwanjoku This research paper titled An Appraisal of Audiovisual Translation, Implications of Subtitling from Hausa of Sub-Saharan Africa to English explores the spectacular developments in Translation Studies that have occurred in the field of audiovisual translation (AVT) or film translation, most notably subtitling. Subtitling involves converting speeches of actors or characters (characters) to written texts in a movie below the screen.
GERMINATION AND SURVIVAL OF SEEDS OF FIVE ACACIA SPECIES UNDER NURSERY CONDITION IN POTHWAR[Full-Text ] Mohammad Umar Farooq, Maqbool Shahbaz, Nosheen Khan, Ijaz Ali and Fawad AnwarThe study was conducted in the field area of agro-forestry nursery in Range land Research (RRI), in NARC, Islamabad. The area experiences a mean annual rainfall of about 959 mm with average annual temperature of 21.4 °C in Pothwar region, the climate in this region is warm and temperate. In winter, there is much less rainfall than in summer.
Analysis of Fiscal Independence in Subulussalam City[Full-Text ] Ben Bettohen Bintang, RahmantaRegional expansion is done to open up opportunities for society empowerment efforts and increasing development intensity in order to prosper the community. Economic growth is one of main aim for Subussalam as the city that was formed since 2007, so the government must be able to increase income and reduce poverty.
Structure of the Chain Management Concept[Full-Text ] Alexey P. TyapukhinPurpose of this paper is to develop the structure of Chain Management concept including Value Chain Management, Demand Chain Management, Supply Chain Management and Integrated Chain Management, based on unified components, objects, and blocks of Management. Following results, which have features of scientific novelty, were got: the list of main Management com-ponents that are targeted Management actions; the classification of basic concepts of Chain Management and its objects; the list and content of Chain Management blocks, including its main processes; and the structure of Chain Management concept. The prerequisites are created for digitalization, computer-aided design, and optimization of Management components, objects, and blocks.
Flyyta - A static site generator[Full-Text ] Abhishek Mogaveera, Devika OlkarStatic websites are still top-rated in the business environment. They offer ease of development, present low security risks, and can generate value rather quickly due to informational content being quite significant. It helps with building a reputation amongst the target audience and generating new leads. With the rising need for content marketing, dynamic websites became popular as they allow one to present actual information.
Internet of Things in Healthcare and Medical Science[Full-Text ] Anshika Sengar, Kapoor Sharin Shashi, Abhishek ChauhanIn the current era, there is a requirement of a system with connected devices, persons, time, places and networks, which is completely incorporated in what is called as Internet of Things (IoT). IoT has been implemented in various domains such as agriculture, healthcare, industries, home automation, environment monitoring, smart tourism, etc. IoT has been implemented in the field of healthcare with various applications leading to the introduction of new technologies like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), sensors, Nano-technology and many more.
Analysis and Design of Reinforced Earth wall[Full-Text ] Vijay Kumar, Dr. Bharat NagarThe main objective of this research work is to use the available limited land space for engineering task as Reinforced Earth wall for grade separator in roads/highway projects. Reinforced Soil wall is an improved step of Cast in situ Retaining wall with limited time and resources, which tends more progressive and productive with less skilled workers on site. Design of RE wall is done by elaboration of various field data and objective of grade separator construction by M/s IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd at Ch. 411+935 of NH-08 (Old). Design and analysis of RE wall manually is typical and done as step by step.
A Study on the Nature of Differential Equations and the Characteristics of their Solutions[Full-Text ] M. D. Haque, Nurul Islam, Akher Chowdhury, MS Hossain, Samir MuradAmong many purposes of science, analyzing nature may be the most important and beautiful part. We all know that Differential Equations (DEs) are the mathematical expression of many natural phenomena. In modern science, analyzing tools like calculus, measure, sequence, series etc. have been used very frequently. Every analysis of Des has only one goal which is to get the solutions of a DE. In fact, most of these Des don’t have exact solutions and many methods have been introduced to get some good solutions.
Assessment of macrozoobenthos in Bodo Creek: A Review[Full-Text ] Dumbari Koote Nkeeh, Aduabobo Ibitoru Hart, Ebere Samuel Erondu, Nenibarini ZabbeyMacrozoobenthos are invertebrates that live in or on the bottom substrates including sediments, rocks, snags and aquatic plants, of aquatic ecosystems for at least part of their life cycle. They can be seen with the naked eye and usually greater than 5mm in diameters. They include aquatic worms (flatworms, eelworms and segmented round-worms) and premature forms of marine insects such as stonefly and mayfly. Others are crafish, mollusks such as clams, bivalves and snails.
DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS OF A SELF-STARTING ONE-STEP CONTINUOUS HYBRID BLOCK COLLOCATION INTEGRATOR FOR INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS[Full-Text ] DUNYA, ThlawurMany real life problems are usually resolved into mathematical models, called differential equations. Solving differential equation implies solving the problems represented by them. The paper reports the development and applications of a self-starting implicit continuous hybrid block collocation method (CHBCM) for integration of initial value problems of ordinary differential equations. Power series polynomial was adopted as an approximate solution. Using interpolation and collocation at selected hybrid points, a class of self-starting one-step hybrid block method was obtained.
The impact of fouling on the steam condenser and cooling tower performance – Sabiya power station a case study in Kuwait[Full-Text ] Abdulaziz Aldhafeeri, Gamal Yassin Salamh, & Hamad AldhafeeriThe purpose of this research is to study the impact of the development of mud deposits and marine organisms in the combined cycle power plants inside the steam condenser tubes and the cooling tower. The research was carried out on the station of Sabiya as a model of the stations of the State of Kuwait. This study showed that after 8 months of intensive annual maintenance and cleaning of steam condenser tubes and the cooling tower, the highest concentration of mud deposits and marine organisms was, and the results also showed that the condenser's highest efficiency is 96.99 percent and the vacuum efficiency is 99.95 percent and it was immediately after cleaning, while it reached the condenser's highest efficiency.
Graphical Elements that can invoke trust in online Web Shops[Full-Text ] Diya Jhalani Has there been any instance where you’re just scrolling through websites for one thing but ended on another website ? Online websites have become a part of our daily routine , Investigating which parts in a web business experience, from a client's perspective, that influence trust is in this manner significant. The site page can be compared to the appearance of an actual store, however an organization needs to have other trust demonstrating components in an online store since a customer can't contact the item or have an eye to eye discourse with the sales representative .
Innovation[Full-Text ] Ribdi Nafea Ribdi Manea AlsaediInnovation is the artery and the influencing factor in society’s and it is the solution to many diseases, technical and economic ills.
The Effect of Ferric Oxide Nanoparticles with Selected Local Additives on the Rheological Properties of Water Based Drilling Mud[Full-Text ] Igbinere S. A and Ohenhen IThe success of well drilling operations is heavily dependent on the drilling fluid because drilling fluids cool down and lubricate the drill bit, remove cuttings, prevent formation damage, suspend cuttings and also cake off the permeable formations, thus retarding the passage of fluid into the formation. During drilling operations through induced and natural fractures, huge drilling fluid losses lead to higher operational expenses.
0.1 and 0.2 mm thin sheet of Zinc (Zn-30) used as a physical filter in Tc-99m SPECT imaging, may results to reduce scatter components[Full-Text ] Syed Ayaz Ali Shah, Dr. Waqar Adil Syed, Dr. S. Inayatullah Shah, Mahar Fayaz Hussain, Syed Mahtab Ali Shah and Rahila Shah. The proposed work is concerned with designing of Zinc (Zn-30) material based physical filters of different thickness, to utilize in most of Tc-99m SPECT imaging to compensate scatter events, generally described as SPECT inherent drawback. As currently available SPECT conducting systems (scintillation cameras) usually involves to use sodium iodide activated thallium NaI(Tl) crystal detectors, which has poor energy resolution as compare to other sort of crystal detectors. Due to poor energy resolution of currently engaged crystal detectors almost all SPECT examinations results unreliable, due to inclusion of scatter component in SPECT data acquisition.
Assessment of Energy and Cost Optimization of Seraph Nigeria Limited for sustainable Growth[Full-Text ] J. Agabi and A. KuheThe study aimed at assessment of energy and processing cost optimization of Seraph Nigeria Limited (SNL), producer of soya oil, for cost reduction. The objectives of the study include; determining the contributions of energy sources to production, and secondly, to minimize processing cost. The materials used for study were; utilities nameplates, fuel receipts, electricity bills and raw material purchase receipts and output records.
The role of Natural killer (NK) cells as APCs, Cytotoxicity, Immuno-regulatory in Innate and Adaptive immune as Potential Therapeutic and Preventive Target in Infectious Diseases[Full-Text ] Dr. Zelalem Kiros BitsueNatural killer (NK) cells are lymphocytes of the innate immune system that are critical in host defense and immune regulation. They are activated or inhibited through the ligation of germline-encoded receptors and are involved in mediating cytotoxicity, in producing cytokines and in providing co-stimulation to cells of the adaptive immune system.
KINETICS AND MECHANISTIC STUDIES ON THE ALKALINE HYDROLYSIS OF ETHYL PYRIDINE-3-CARBOXYLATE IN SULPHOXIDE – WATER MEDIUM[Full-Text ] Madhuri Kumari and Somesh ShashiThe kinetics of alkaline hydrolysis of ethyl pyridine -3- carboxylate in aqueous dimethyl sulphoxide(DMSO) medium. The ethyl pyridine -3- carboxylate is a safe substance. Dimethyl sulphoxide is a dipolar, aprotic and protophillic solvent. The kinetics of the reaction was studied by mixing 10 ml of reaction mixture (Ethyl pyridine -3- carboxylate and NaOH) with 10 ml of 0.1N HCl and excess of alkali was titrated by means of 0.05N baryta solution. The rates of kinetics were followed by changing the ionic strength of the solution, DMSO percentage composition, temperature and dielectric constant of the medium.
Activity Analysis and Enhancing Security Using Image Processing[Full-Text ] The rise of technology bring into force loads of types of tools that aspire at more security. Using Face Recognition and Detection system demonstrates the way of unauthorized person movement in a place at that moment. A database of people's face is maintained by the system that handles face detection. When a face needs to be predictable a snap of the one`s look is taken and evaluated to the appearance present in the database to observe if a match is found. There are typically 3 parts related to a face recognition system like Face detector, Eye localize and Face recognizer.
Construction Approach of Deep Mountainous Tunnel Shaft having Interlacing Surrounding Rock Grades[Full-Text ] Emmanuel Rukundo, Shen Yusheng, Zhou Pengfa, Zhu Shuangyan.Interlacing surrounding rock grades in a tunnel shaft poses challenges during construction; the study aims to determine the appropriate construction mechanics, secondary lining thickness and the safety factor. Based on Huayingshan mountainous tunnel shaft engineering for Nanchong- Dazhu-Liangping expressway in Southwest China. The circular shaft tunnel’s internal force analytic solution was derived out. Meanwhile, using numerical methods, theoretical solutions are compared with numerical results.
Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on Fusarium Basal-Rot of Onion[Full-Text ] Abd-Elbaky ,A.A., Shereen E. M. EL-Nahas, Maggie E. M. Hassan, Abeer F. DesoukeyThis study was conducted to use silver nanoparticles as a non-traditional method for managing plant diseases and to study their effect on the growth and incidence of Fusarium basal-rot of onion caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cepae. Dakahlia isolate of F.o. f.sp. cepae was the highest pathogenic isolate to onion plants, whereas Nobaria isolate was the lowest pathogenic isolate. The results of growing the treated onion transplants with silver nanoparticles and transplanting them in soil infested with the causal fungus showed that the tested concentrations resulted in significant reduction in the total count of fungi and F.o. f.sp. cepae, the infection by basal-rot compared with control treatment..
Retinopathy based Diabetes Recognition using Convolution Neural Network[Full-Text ] Aneesh Khanusiya, Vijay SavaniDiabetic retinopathy (DR) is a visual threat problem for diabetic patients and a major cause of blindness in adults of working age. Early diagnosis and appropriate cost-effective treatment can reduce the number of visual impairment events induced by DR. In standard manual decision making, the results supported by the computer greatly improve the accuracy and speed of DR recognition. This article introduces a convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify the DR levels that are prepared and evaluated on large data sets. Our model uses gradually accurate retinopathic imaging data and a good relationship between the two eyes, using high-resolution retinal background images of the left and right eyes as a contribution. An information test is applied in the preparation model to decrease the information imbalance issue.
Formal invoicing mistakes and the impact on VAT[Full-Text ] Jaroslav Jaroš, Andrea Corejová, Jana JarošováPursuant to the provisions of Section 71 of Act no. 222/2004 Coll. on value-added tax, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "VAT Act"), an invoice is any document or notification that is made in paper or electronic form under the VAT Act in force in the domestic country or the law in force in another Member State governing the invoice.
AN OVERVIEW OF MATERNAL MORTALITY MONITORING MODEL USING KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY IN DATABASES (KDD)[Full-Text ] OKORONKWO, M.C; OMANKWU OBINNAYA CHINECHEREM, AND OKONKWO RAPHEL OBIKWELUAn overview of maternal mortality monitoring model using knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)is an important indicator of a nation’s health care delivery system and the level of the society’s development. Previous efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on the reduction of maternal mortality in Nigeria have shown only marginal reductions in the last five years, making the MDGs targets by 2020 clearly unachievable using current strategies alone (Mid-Point Assessment Overview, MDGs Nigeria, 2008), hence this study
Review of various CAPTCHA generating systems and vulnerabilities[Full-Text ] Pratik KaharCAPTCHA, a mechanism to check human as a user over internet. Currently available in many forms, text, image, audio etc. But attackers are able to break this mechanism using ML methods. ML instead can be use for protectection. Vulnerabilties assement and model development can be done using ML.
Rational Reliability Analysis in Nuclear Power Plant[Full-Text ] Vedant Rajesh RasalThe growing interest in nuclear power from the past few years has led to an increased number of concerns of the power plant utilities and the general public about the safety of the power plant and its operational reliability. Reliability analysis is completely essential in modern-day science where complex devices are used for scientific purposes. Reliability monitoring will help in nuclear safety in many ways as it will not only tell the cause of the failure but also tell how the cause can be eliminated.
Building Experiences for Brands Using Digital Marketing in HORECA Sector[Full-Text ] Sneha Gupte , Devina AgrawalWith technology taking giant strides, people are becoming more tech savvy. When it comes to digital world, standing out from the crowd is a challenge. The goal of this paper is to understand how brands are building customer experiences with digital marketing in the Hospitality industry. We aim to focus on HORECA which means Hotels, Restaurants and Cafés, that is the Dutch version of the abbreviation unlike the English Abbreviation of Hotels, Restaurants and Catering.
Designing Software for Teaching Economics and other Social Science Courses in FCT College of Education. Zuba[Full-Text ] OLADITAN SAM TUNDE, YAHAYA JAMES, ABDUL ADAMUThis paper aims to establish the impact of designed information and communication technologies (ICT) software on teaching and learning in colleges of education in Nigeria. The thrust of the paper is to help higher education teachers know, and be able to deploy certain ICT software towards shifting from teacher-centred pedagogy to learner-centred instruction for increased quality of teaching and learning.
Implementation of Vehicle Tracking and Accident Detection System Design Using MSP430 MCU with MySQL[Full-Text ] Dakshi Goyal, Divyashree Jena, Jasdeep Kaur, Maninder KaurAccidents, one among leading causes of loss of life, are unplanned, unpredictable, and circumstantially avoidable. Vehicular accidents account for one of the leading causes of deaths in the metropolis, owing mostly to the carelessness or absent-minded driving techniques of the victim(s). Substance abuse and alcohol are also leading causes of road crashes. Accidents call for dire need for urgency in acquiring help during the emergency.
Simulation Protect the Pox Controller from DDoS Attacks[Full-Text ] Sally A. Al-Hasnawi, Mahmood K. IbrahemDistributed Denial of Service is one of the harmful attackers which send a lot of requests to the target until it can control that target. The controller is the heart of the network topology in Software-Defined Network (SDN), and because the controller centralization control so must protect the controller from that attacks to increase the security of the controller. In this paper, the mechanism of protection from DDoS attacks in software-defined networks (SDNs) is investigated. A software-defined network that contains the mechanism of protection from DDoS attacks by specifying the max number of requests that reach per interval from each host is simulated and analyzed.