Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2020
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IMPACT OF MOTIVATION ON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF EMPLOYEE: A CASE STUDY OF CENTRAL BANK OF SOMALIA[Full-Text ] Awale Abdiwahab MouminThe study examined that impact of motivation on the productivity of employee using Central Bank of Somalia. Quantitative method was used and the employed descriptive analysis, factor analysis, reliability test, correlation test and regression analysis. The findings revealed that incentive and salary have positive connection to influence employee productivity, monetary reward and incentive have vibrant connection to impact on employee productivity, while non-incentive and employee productivity do not have significant connection to each other.
Impact of E-Assessment at Middle School Students’ Learning – An Empirical study at USA Middle School Students[Full-Text ] Hassan Khawar Mahmood, Fawad Hussain, Maaida Mahmood, Rida Kumail, Jawad AbbasJustice and the feeling of being dealt with justly is not only an anxiety reliever but also a great motivator for all human beings. Students appear in exams to get assessed about their academic learnings and understanding of concepts. Traditionally, such assessments were made through hard paper – pen tests conducted under exam conditions. Carrying out such assessments electronically is a not very old trend and such tests are termed as e-assessment, electronic assessments, and computer-based tests/ exams, etc.
To Study of Quantum Effect on Modulational Instability of Laser Beam Using Ferroelectric Semiconductors[Full-Text ] Manisha Raghuvanshi, Sanjay DixitObjective: The purpose of present paper to the study of modulational instability of high power laser radiation using ferroelectric semiconductor. In this paper fluid equation of quantum, hydrodynamic (QHD) applied parallel to the propagation of direction of x-axis and explore the modulational instability of laser radiation. We have analyzed the mechanisms of generation of electron acoustic wave due to electron pressure because of Fermi temperature.
Prospects and Utilization of Solar Energy in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Shahriar Ahmed, Md. Nur Alam Mondal, Md. Nadim Mahmud, Md. Khairum Bashar BhuiyanPower crises have become a major national problem in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is mainly dependent on fossil fuels for power generation, but fossil fuels will be depleted within a certain period of time due to its limited reserve. As a country of acute power crisis Bangladesh is now looking forward to develop its renewable energy sources in addition to its traditional sources of fossil fuels. Government of Bangladesh has already taken the initiative to produce 10 percent of total power generation from renewable sources by 2021 and increase it up to 20 percent by 2030.
Adaptive framework for enhancing customer relationship management in banking sector[Full-Text ] Dalia Hassan Nasr, Yehia Helmy, Nabil SalahThe objective of study is to analysis current situation in a bank as it’s found that the bank ranked as no1 in North Africa in 2014 then the bank’s rank degraded in the past 4 years. The researcher collected data about the current CRM in the bank, hardware, software, IT organiza-tion chart and human resources. As per analysis it’s found that the bank didn’t follow the new techniques in CRM but it has available hard ware, software and human resources that enable the bank to develop CRM. After the researcher proposed DSS solution to improve CRM.
Effect of End Conditions on Free Vibration of Thin Laminated Rectangular Composite Plates with Exact Displacement Functions[Full-Text ] Okoroafor, S.U, Ibearugbulem, O.M, Ezeh, J.C, Anya, U.CThis paper presents the effect of end conditions on free vibration of thin rectangular laminated composite plates with exact displacement function. The work aims at obtaining the exact free vibration equation of different end conditions of thin rectangular laminated composite plate which will not depend on assumed shape function rather on the deflected shape of the plates. The equation derived in this paper is based classical plate theory which is widely used for analysis of thin plate.
SURVEY ON APPLICATIONS FOR PREDICTING CALORIES AND NUTRITIONAL VALUES FROM FOOD[Full-Text ] Rachoti Biradar, Rahul Thiru, Ravi Purwar, Latha N R Recently, people are becoming used to a modern lifestyle since they can be fully consumed by busy schedules at work and at home. Obesity in adults is becoming a common problem. The main cause of obesity is a combination of excessive food consumption and lack of physical activities. Consuming food with a high amount of calories can cause several problems for our health.
Role of Computed Tomography for the evaluation of Pulmonary artery sizes in Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia[Full-Text ] Faizah Hakim, Hasham Hafeez Hanjra, Zain ul Abidin, Syed Muhammad Yousaf Farooq, Sani Zahra, Quratulain Muham-mad Akbar, Faryal Qazafi, Zareen TajImaging requirement was to determine the extent and severness of reduction of pulmonary outflow, illustration of related abnormalities and presenting degree of pulmonary atresia or discontinuity in arteries. MDCT gave structural details in this regard. So, role of MDCT was well recognized in preoperative evaluation for surgical policy in atretic patients.
MJ Factorial[Full-Text ] Mehre Nigar Jabeen In this era of the advancement of Physics, techonology and Computer science, as quantum mechanics and string theory is emerging, great demand of AI, fast search engines, there is an urgent need for the effective and efficient ways to calculate facto-rials. For replacing the time taking classical sequential multiplication for getting factorials by rapid processes, some interesting and unexpectedly general methods are used in this paper as consecutive subtraction of the power of consecutive numbers, its generalizations, using Pascal’s triangle and much more.
Cybersecurity and Multidisciplinary Students: A Survey[Full-Text ] Hina Irfan, Kashmala Jamshaid Akhter, Ramsha ShakeelThe exponential growth of the Internet interconnections has led to a significant growth of cyber-attack incidents often with dis-astrous and grievous consequences. As more and more people are connected over the Internet, understanding all levels of users including both experts and non-experts in computing system and devising security mechanisms corresponding to their confidence levels is a biggest challenge as new attack patterns in emerging technologies such as social media, cloud computing, smartphone technologies are used to exploit personal security but there’s also a lack in awareness in people specially in students which led them being exploited by other
G Protein coupled receptors Gates of Life[Full-Text ] G protein-coupled receptors are the most abundant class of receptors in the human body. These receptors are exposed at the extracellular surface of the cell membrane, traverse the membrane, and possess intracellular regions that activate a unique class of signaling molecules called G proteins. (G proteins are so named because they bind the guanine nucleotides GTP and GDP.)
Patient's Perception of Waiting Time in the Outpatient Unit at the Kendari Regional Public Hospital[Full-Text ] Fikki Prasetya, Dedy Takdir Saifuddin, Nani Yuniar, AnsirThis study aimed to analyze psychological effect of waiting environment on perceptions of waiting time for outpatients in Kendari Regional Public Hospital. Respondents participitated in this study were 384 patients, taken during study period between September-December 2019. Data analysis employed Partial Least Square Method and analyzed on SmartPLS 3 application.
Challenge-Based Learning Approach in Research (C-BLAR): Thinking –out-of-the-Box Through Creating Community-Based Research Projects[Full-Text ] Vergil L. Alon, Girlie C. PetilunaThis study pioneered the application of Challenge-Based Learning Approach in Research (C-BLAR) in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics students. This approach in research stimulates creativity of students to think out of the box; sensitive to community-based problems like environmental problems and the like by designing research projects in order to address such problems.
Impact of Business Environment & its Influence on the Operation & functioning of the World, with a special mention to UK’s Tesco Super-Market[Full-Text ] Ayeman Merchant, Janhavi GawdeFactors affecting business companies with respect to manufacturing or industrial industry often tend to work with various equipment’s, machinery and chemical-producing agents, these factors are called Natural Environment. Federal and State regulations maintain certain rules and limits for businesses to reduce and maintain the likelihood of damage to be caused.
Developing Sustainability Rating Criteria for emerging urban areas in India[Full-Text ] Sangramsinh ParmarIt is an established fact that ‘going green’ is the only way forward but how does one create a ‘liveable, sustainable, urban neighbourhood’ in an existing city? Not only do we have to address the issues of environment, energy & resources – but it will also be necessary to talk about social equity and the economics of the city.
Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Potable Ground Water in MIT and Abala, Afar Regional State, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Gebrihans Haile Gebrewbet, Abadi Gebreyesus HndeyaThis paper deals with the physic-chemical and microbiological analysis of the groundwater of MIT and Abala Afar regionals state, Ethiopia. Physicochemical parameters such pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, total solid, odder, taste, true color, turbidity, total alkalinity total hardness, Calcium Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Nickel, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Ammonium, Aluminum, Chromium, Barium, Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury, Chloride, Nitrate, Sulphate, Phosphate, Fluoride, microbiological parameters were analyzed. In microbiological analysis, total coliforms, and E. coli were determined.
Adoption of critical success factors for effective waste management in Ghana: A case of Ga-West municipality[Full-Text ] Ograh Tonny & Seidu EmmanuelWaste management (WM) is becoming key important issue in most municipalities as a result of rapid urbanization and population growth. In view of this, the study investigated waste management in Ga-West Municipality in the Greater Accra region. This study sought to critically asses how people disposed of domestic waste, how often waste was collected and disposed of, and challenges faced by Ga-West Municipal Assembly when it comes to solid waste management and suggested possible measures to tackle this menace.
VIRUSES-NEW LOOK-BLOCKING MECHANISM-2020[Full-Text ] Srirama Chandran VeeravalliViruses have been challenging humans for the past 100 or more years. Tens of varieties of vaccines have been synthesized to eradicate few viruses (ex : Polio), yet, new types are evolving onto our globe and affecting our life style (ex : Covid-19).
COMPARISION OF SPUN SILK FABRIC PROPERTIES PRODUCED USING DIFFERENT TYPES OF VOID SPUN SILK YARNS PRODUCED IN RING DOUBLING PROCESS[Full-Text ] G. Hariraj, Kiran. B. Malali, Subhas. V. Naik In order to develop the utilization of spun silk yarns in garment sector, CSTRI has developed void spun silk yarns in ring doubling process in spun silk mill by introducing PVA yarns along with spun silk yarn. For this purpose, two varieties of PVA yarns are sourced and converted into 2, 4 and 6 ply yarns and doubled along with spun silk yarn in ring doubling process, which is termed as void spun silk.
Color Psychology in Fashion Retail[Full-Text ] VandanaColor plays an important role in marketing products. It is a robust promoting tool that influences client purchases in several aspects. Marketers should explore the harmony of colours for prospering promoting of merchandise. Nearly all merchandise sold-out nowadays have colourful facades. Choosing the correct colours to use has a colossal impact on product sales. Whereas no single set of rules governs color selections, analysis has established general pointers supported the principle of associative learning, the connection between color and feeling.
Knowledge Representation in Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Using Inference Rule[Full-Text ] Edward E. Ogheneovo, Promise A. NlerumKnowledge representation is a very important concept in expert systems and artificial intelligence (AI) in general. It involves the consideration of intelligent (expert) systems and how it presents knowledge. It is best understood in term of the roles it plays based on the task at hand. A knowledge representation involves reasoning about the world rather than taking action in it.
Convex Segmentation Model for Images with Intensity Inhomogeneity[Full-Text ] Nasru Minallah and Zia Ullah, Noor Badshah and Matiullah, Samiullah KhanIntensity inhomogeneity is a challenging problem in the field of image processing. Many variational models have been developed for this purpose up to now such as Chen Vese, Li- Kim (LK)and Wu-He (WH) models. In this paper we proposed a newly segmentation model which will be capable for images with intensity inhomogeneity. Furthermore the performance of the proposed model compare to exiting models as shown in the experimental section.