Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2020
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Heat and Mass Balance Calculations for Common Haz-ardous Waste Incinerator -Ship Scraping Waste[Full-Text ] Mehjabin Z. Shaikh, Shaikh Mohammed UsmanAn estimate of heat and mass balance within a Hazardous Waste Incineration System is a very important part of designing and evalu-ating the performance of Incineration System. This study is focused on Heat and Mass Balance calculations to evaluate performance of existing hazardous waste incinerator for ship scraping waste, in terms of viz.
Analytical Methods for Amitriptyline: A Review[Full-Text ] Anbessa BekeleAnalytical Methods are broadly classified as classical and instrumental methods. The former include: volumetry (titrimetry), gravimetry, gasometry and other old methods. Under the later are embraced spectroscopic methods (UV-Visible, FS, AS, IR, NMR, MS, etc), Chromatographic methods (CC, TLC, HPTLC, HPLC, GC, etc), Electrophoretic methods (CZE) and other instrumental methods. In this paper a brief review of analytical methods applied for analysis of amitriptyline alone and in combination with other drugs in dosage forms and body fluids of human and animal model are presented.
Innovative methodology to undertake critical analysis of flue gas path to identify & quantify specific air leakages to reduce auxiliary power consumption and reduce net heat rate of thermal power plants, explained through a Case Study[Full-Text ] Mohan PatilThis is a case study of BHEL make Pulverized Coal Fired 430 TPH capacity power boiler in a Integrated power plant generating steam at 138 kg/cm2 and power of 120 MW. As per OEM design, the boiler consisted of 2 pass 4 field ESP’s to cater to the boiler flue gas. Originally, the boiler consisted of 2 pass 4 field ESP’s to cater to the boiler flue gas.
Flow Boiling in Vertical Annular Tubes Filled with porous medium[Full-Text ] A . A. Sultan, M. M. Bekheit, A. Radwan, E.S. LaftaExperimental investigation was carried out on the forced convection boiling heat transfer in uniformly heated vertical annular tube filled with a porous medium of beads.The study is concerned mainly with the effect of beads species, beads size, and annular gab thickness of the tube on the heat transfer process.
Effect of 4 Week Expiratory Muscle Strengthening On Exercise Induced Breathlessness In Normal Adults - An Experimental Study[Full-Text ] Akshata Ashok Changwani , Abhijit Diliprao Diwate , Arijit Kumar DasIn a country like India, having a population of 1.3 billion, it is declared second in the list of most populated countries in the world(1). However, with this population rate, only a handful amount to a normal healthy population(2). Even though considering them to be normal, at times, even these healthy individuals complain of problems like headache, dizziness, anxiety, stress, nausea, breathlessness and general weakness. Which, in turn, reflects the in general endurance of the individual (3).
Analytical study on the removal of arsenic species and its compound by applying magnetic field[Full-Text ] Arpit Kumar, Abhijeet Kumar, Akshat AdarshArsenic (As), one of most toxic contaminants found in water, is well known to have adverse effects, such as skin cancer, on human health. The consumption of arsenic contaminated water has led to human health crises in many countries such as Bangladesh, China, and even the western United States.
PARALLEL PLATE TECHNIQUE DETERMINATION OF DIELECTRIC CONSTANT AND STRENGTH OF PLASTIC[Full-Text ] NAJOJI, S. D. and ABUBAKAR, MA dielectric is an electrically insulating material or non-conducting material which can be polarized in the presence of an electric field. The problem of this research work is determination of some dielectric properties of plastic (polyvinyl chloride) with the sole aim to determining the dielectric constant and dielectric strength. The method used is the parallel plate technique where parallel plate capacitor was constructed from two parallel aluminum plates with a plastic dielectric material in between them.
Performance of Timber Strengthened using Epoxy and different types of steel wire[Full-Text ] Amr A. Gamal, Tarik S. El-Salakawy, Taha A. El-SayedTimber is a renewable material that overcomes pollution problems and is characterized by its lightweight and high tensile strength resistance. For several decades, timber was used in many daily life applications in buildings. The problem of increasing its strength and overcoming its decay problems still limits its use in other daily application in construction.
Study of Power Drops in a Transmission Line in The Case of Linear Antennas[Full-Text ] Vournone Marcelin, Abena Ndongo Hervé, Ngakawa Taya, Senoua César, Prof. Tchangnwa Nya Fridolin, Yonwa, Wadoufey AbbelThis paper studies the power drop in a transmission line for linear antennas. This study was conducted to recover the power lost due to infinite resistance created by the vacuum in the transmission line and was done in the Physical Science Laboratory of the University of Maroua and on the site of the 93.5FM radio station in Meiganga in the Adamaoua region of Cameroon between March 2019 and January 2020.
Good data management and governance: Data integrity[Full-Text ] Y.swetha, b.v.sandya, D. vijay kumar, S.shakir bhashaNow-a-days data integrity plays a vital role in the pharmaceutical industry. Even though industries aware of the importance of data integrity most of the companies are failed during the implementation of data integrity. The following review clearly mentioned about the good data management IJSERstates that how to overcome by some of the general considerations and expectations under each components. Clearly mentioned about ALCOA principles.
Poverty and Education in Myanmar: A Review Article[Full-Text ] Soe Myint Than, Naris PenpokaiNearly one-third of the total population live under the poverty line in Myanmar. Several scientific researchers and economic scholars identified the condition of poverty as the lack of financial resources, lack of community participation, social well-being, political, cultural and economic growth, and finally lack of education. In the current situation, national government, local and international non-government organizations develop the poverty alleviation program to achieve a better living standard.
INVESTIGATION ON STRUCTURAL, MAGNETIC AND SPECTRAL PROPERITES OF CuFe2O4 NANOPARTICLES[Full-Text ] Dr.G.ARUMUGAM, Dr.R.KESAVAMOORTHY, Dr.A.THIRUVALLUVARCu2+ and Fe3+ ions mixed ferrite nanoparticles were synthesized by sol-gel auto combustion method XRD pattern confirms the presence of single phase cubic spinel structure from XRD pattern to be 42nm to 43 nm VSM study indicates increased in saturation magnetization and decrease in coercively FE-SEM images exhibit particles with spherical shape and size ranges is found from 37nm to 46nm the two main vibrations of ferrite observed in FT-IR
The problems of communication in English and identifying the needs of the employers in acquiring English language communication[Full-Text ] Dr. Vitthal V. ParabEnglish is used for communicating with foreigners at the workplace because English is accepted as the medium of international communications in four skills; speaking, listening, reading and writing. At the workplace, the act of communication can take place in various situations. The problems of communication in English can occur. The miscommunication between native and non-native speakers may be caused by a different interpretation of the sentence caused by the way of thinking and expressing ideas.
T. S. Eliot’s Philosophy, Religion and Values of Old Nihilism in his Poetry[Full-Text ] Dr. Vitthal V. ParabCritics have left the influence of old nihilism on T. S. Eliot’s poetry largely unexplored, an idea that necessitates further inspection because it provides a consistent pre-and-post-conversion current that accounts for his propensity to see empty spaces as fruitful. Dispensing with a framework that silos Christian conversion from philosophy, I interrogate images of empty space in Eliot’s poetry and show that he views nothingness as generative in The Hollow Men and extending to the Four Quartets, effectively spanning most of his literary career.
TOM ROBBINS’ NEW SENSIBILITY & METAFICTIONAL TECHNIQUES IN ‘FIERCE INVALIDS HOME FROM HOT CLIMATES’[Full-Text ] Dr. Vitthal V. ParabTom Robbins is a representative of the so-called “hippie narrative” stream of authors who emerged in 1960s America and marked a changing spirituality in America. His novels are full of eccentric characters and absurd situations. He uses metafictional techniques to subvert the traditional norms in society and parodies subjects such as religion or politics. In his novels he uses amusing metaphors and similes, especially in his novel Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates.
The need to regulate private security in Zambia[Full-Text ] Dr Bob Ndungu; BA (POL), MBA, M Sc (Risk Mgmt), Ph D, CFELack of regulations laws in Zambia that regulate the Private Security is a critical threat to security of Zambia. This paper argues that Zambia is one of those few countries that does not have a comprehensive legal structure to regulate the private security industry. It only depends on the international and national approaches to private security, with a view of providing guidance for an effective framework capable of addressing security threats.
Design & Implementation of a Web Application for Microfinance Institution Financial Ratio Reporting[Full-Text ] Opara Febechukwu ChinonyeremMicrofinance Financial Ratio reporting is very essential as they help the management in seeing into the future of their institution and determining the current state of their institution. This research paper developed a web application that assists the personnel responsible for reporting these ratios to prepare the reports and also keep a record of the reports for easy referencing during comparison of past periods and the present period.
Electricity Generated by Sound Energy Based on the Soundelectric Effect[Full-Text ] Dev Raj JoshiAn expression is derived for the soundelectric effect for the material. Since the sound wave is the mechanical vibration having oscillation of pressure. There are two pressure acting in the metal surface that reduces the work function much lower such that sound wave can have to full fill the soundelectric effect with the positive kinetic energy of ejected electron. These two are external pressure and pressure created by particle vibration of sound wave both acting inward pressure.
Effect of direct antiviral agents on neutrophils to lymphocytes ratio in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus[Full-Text ] Mamdouh A. Sofan, Entsar A. Saad, Hatem A. El-Mezayen and Mai M. El-ghaznawyNeutrophils to lymphocytes ratio (NLR) is one of the most usefulness ratio to be systemic inflammatory markers to predict secondary occult hepatitis C infection (OCI) development after direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) therapy had been assessed in the blood of chronic hepatitis C patients (CHC) genotype 1. Herein, the usefulness of this ratio will be addressed in CHC genotype 4 Egyptian patients.
FREQUENCY OF LEFT VENTRICULAR DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION IN HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS VIA ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY[Full-Text ] Warda Kalsoom, Hasham Hafeez Hanjra,Humaira Rauf ,Syed Zain-ul-Abidin, Hajra Batool, Ayesha Amjad, Shagufta Iram, Wajiha Anwar, Ammara Javed, Munazza Jahangir, Syed Muhammad Yousaf FarooqHypertension is the major cause of congestive cardiac failure all over the world. Diastolic dysfunction is an early poor prognostic factor in hypertension and is a reversible condition. Diastolic dysfunction is very frequent and is actually sign of manifest heart weakness. Early detection and treatment is necessary to avoid cardiac complications.
The Human Rights' dynamics in the African Cities[Full-Text ] Saide JamalHuman Rights means a possible utopia of humankind and an integral part of the Rule of Law. It entails processes through which human dignity, rights and liberties are preserved. There is strong evidence in the literature to show that human rights goes beyond a simple moral claim to an integrated value and legal principles that governs the political, social and economic relations between people and the states. The objective of this paper is to explore the meaning of the right to the city in relation to human rights and, how the right to the city is claimed. We analyse the relationship between citizens, human rights and the state politics. The first part discusses the theory and practices of human rights (the philosophical foundation of human rights), its fundamental contradictions, fragilities and ambiguities, as well as the status of citizenship. The second part discusses the theories and the architecture of the modern state and its dynamics in the African cities. We arrive at the point that significant progress was made in the field of human rights and the state politics across the globe. However, the neoliberal model yet plays an important role in shaping the political environment in Africa.
Mathematical model of the early incidence and spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria combined with control measure[Full-Text ] Ogechi R Amanso, Nnaemeka S Agueboh, Peter U Achimugwu, Chibuike A Okeke, Blessing E Chukwuemeka, Kingsley C Nnamaga, Emmanuel A. Oshilim.This study shows the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 in Nigeria using a S-I-R model for a none constant population. The simplicity of the model allows for more use of estimated than assumed parameters in our computations. The available statistical information regarding COVID-19 in Nigeria from its date of arrival till 30th of March 2020 (22:00 WAT) was used to estimate some parameters, understand and predict the spread of the virus. The disease free and the endemic equilibrium points were obtained. The stability of the disease free equilibrium was investigated using Jacobian transformation. The analysis carried out using the estimated parameters showed that the disease free equilibrium point is stable.
Design and analysis of a composite T-joint used in automobile chassis[Full-Text ] Dr. J.Anjaneyulu,Niharika Kaza, Prajwala GavujiThis paper focuses on the analysis of composite T-joints which are used in automobiles under various loads, for both symmetric and anti-symmetric laminates. It is modeled analyzed using NX 11.0 and ANYSYS software’s respectively. A composite is composed of a high performance fiber in a matrix material that when combined provides enhanced properties compared with individual materials.
Rendezvous Nodes (RN Nodes) Based Cluster Head Selection and Energy Efficient Data Aggregation with Mobile Sink for Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Rajat PushkarnaWireless sensor network (WSN) consists of a group of dedicated sensors nodes which are distributed over a certain area for observing and recording the physical conditions (like temperature, sound, pressure) of the environment and organizing the collected data at a central location. These Sensor nodes are powered by a battery, so energy conservation becomes an important aspect in WSN.
Soil pH and Electrical Conductivity: A Case Study of Damaturu, Northeast Nigeria[Full-Text ] Sunday David NajojI, Moruma Ibrahim, Yakubu Babaye MahdiThe problem of environmental impacts due to soil amendments as a result of climate change, mineral content and soil texture among other factors cannot be overemphasized. The aim of this research work is to determine the spatial variations of the soil pH and electrical conductivity of stations within the study area.
A clinician's perspective on emerging concepts in Osteoarthritis[Full-Text ] Prashant Jambunathan, Manish Jindal, Navjyot KaurOsteoarthritis as a disease that has been known since man assumed bipedal status. Superimposed on epidemic of obesity, it is expected to become the fourth most common cause of disability in elderly(1). For many years it has been classified under non-inflammatory conditions and was described as disease caused by ‘wear and tear’ until the recent research into genomics followed by proteomics, made it clear that OA is much more than a simple aging process(1, 2). It involves not only the cartilage, but also the bone, synovium, ligaments and muscles.
COMPARISON OF RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY (RSM) AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS (ANN) IN OPTIMISATION OF INJECTION MOULDED POLYVINYLCHLORIDE--SAWDUST COMPOSITE[Full-Text ] ALIYEGBENOMA C. O, EKI M. U.This study focused comparison of the response surface methodology and the artificial neural networks in optimization of the injection moulded Polyvinylchloride-Sawdust (PVC-sawdust) composite. The PVC material and sawdust were mixed together to form a homogenous mixture with various percentage composition by volume as recommended by the central composite design (CCD). The two screw plunger injection moulding machine with maximum clamping force of 120 tons and shot capacity of 3.0oz was used to produce Polyvinylchloride-Sawdust (PVC-Sawdust) composite at various temperature.
EFFECTS OF INQUIRY AND PROBLEM SOLVING METHODS ON STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE AND PERFORMANCE IN TRIGONOMETRY AMONG JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN BENUE STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Akaazua, Jacob. Tertsea PhD.This study investigated the effect of inquiry and problem solving methods on students’ attitude and performance in trigonometry among Junior Secondary Schools in Benue State. The design of the study was a quasi-experimental pretest posttest research design using intact classes. The population of the study consisted of 6230 Junior Secondary School two (JSSII) students in Benue State with a sample of 211 students drawn using a purposive sampling technique.
An Observational Study to Understand the Attitude of Elderly towards Communication and Education Technology, in New Delhi, India[Full-Text ] Robins Kumar, Alakananda BanerjeeGlobally there is a rapid growth of population aged 65 years and above. The pace of the ageing population is much faster in developing countries, like India, as compared to developed countries. This demographic change will increase demand for aged care services in the future in India and hence will require increased use of technology to deal with increasing demand for long term elderly care. It is very important for the developers of technology for elderly care to understand the attitude of elderly towards the technology in India before introducing technology at large scale.
Chemical Reaction, Radiation and Heat Source Effects on Unsteady MHD Blood Flow Over a Horizontal Porous Surface in the Presence of an Inclined Magnetic Field[Full-Text ] Ekakitie Omamoke, Emeka AmosIn this paper, an analysis of chemical reaction, heat source and thermal radiation effects on unsteady blood flow through a plate channel that is parallel and horizontal with an inclined magnetic field in a medium that is porous and saturated. The governing equation that is non-linear higher partial differential equation are converted to ordinary differential equations using dimensionless variables to dimensionless equations, which is analytically solved with applied boundary conditions using velocity, concentration and temperature for the functions of y and t. Different parameters had effects on the blood flow temperature and concentration with the results discussed and illustrated graphically.
Understanding soil carbon processes in the Indian Sundarbans to abate climate change[Full-Text ] Suvadip NeogiTidal estuarine mangrove wetlands in the Indian Sundarbans form one of the most carbon (C) rich forest types in the tropics. Although there is a paucity of data for magnitude of different organic carbon (OC) fractions, distribution and their spatio-temporal dynamics in soils of the Indian Sundarbans. Studies need to address insights of long-term potentials of wetland mangrove soil C sequestration vis-à-vis climate change mitigation.
Characterizing Liquefaction Resistance Of Soil[Full-Text ] Vishal Vijay Kadne, Dr. Anand R. KattiLiquefaction hazard evaluation involves liquefaction susceptibility analysis, liquefaction potential evaluation, assessment of effect of liquefaction and study of response of various foundations in liquefied soil. These are the major concerns of Geotechnical engineers. In the present study the focus is on liquefaction potential evaluation for determination of the likelihood of liquefaction triggering in a soil in a given earthquake.
Loan-Dependent Budget and Debt Crisis in Nigeria: An Assessment of the Buhari’s Regime[Full-Text ] Judith Ngozi Okwunodu, Cross Ogohi DanielThis article examines loan-dependent budget and debt crises in Nigeria: an assessment of the Buhari’s regime. The issue of borrowing or loan-taking to finance budgets under the present government of President Muhammadu Buhari is no more news to the Nigerian citizenry. The article, in its investigation, is solely dependent on secondary data, which was drawn from online contents that address the issue of borrowing to finance budget as well as debt crises under the Buhari-led administration of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.