Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2020
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INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS IN URBAN AREAS[Full-Text ] NAIMAH ALMAS, TOOBA REHAN HAQQIThis paper evaluates the impact of informal settlements established on the economy of Pakistan. The economy has been impelled by the growing nature and amount of slum areas. For the purpose to keep it brief the city of Karachi has been taken under study. Main variables which are considered includes; population living in slums, total labor force of slums, labor force employed, labor force unemployed and the nature of Pakistan’s economy.
COMPARATIVE HARDNESS OF ALUMINUM ALLOY OF MOTORCYCLE BRAKE HANDLE PRODUCED FROM CLAY, CEMENT BONDED SAND WITH IMPORTED BRAKE HANDLE[Full-Text ] Ukachi P.A., Fatona A. S. and Olakolegan O. D.One of the most acceptable process of foundry production process is the use of sand in moulding. It is done by ramming a prepared sand around the pattern. The withdrawal of the pattern leaves a cavity (shape) in which molten metal is poured into it, after solidification, it is extracted and fettled to suit the purpose it is made to serve. This work ex-rayed into the production process of motorcycle brake handle using clay and cement as bonding material.
Microbial Load of Ready to Drink Palm Wine Sold in Ekpoma, Edo State[Full-Text ] Iyevhobu Kenneth Oshiokhayamhe, Obodo Basil Nnaemeka, Omolumen Lucky E, Irobonosen Osazee Israel, Eboiyehi Israel Oseyaede, Ebaluegbeifoh Lucky OsemuPalm wine is a popular traditional alcoholic beverage consumed by more than 10 million people in West Africa. It is a sweet, effervescent drink obtained from the sap of the oil palm, Elaeis guineense and raphia palm, Raphia hookeri. The aim of this study is to evaluate the microbial load of palm wine sold in Ekpoma, Edo State. Identification of yeasts, Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and Acetic acid bacteria (AAB) was employed. The yeasts isolated were evaluated at different times of the day (Morning, Afternoon and Evening) by determining their pattern of fermentation and assimilation of several sugars and also the usage of various carbohydrates.
Simultaneous Reconfiguration and Optimal Capacitor Placement for Loss and Cost Reduction in Radial Distribution System[Full-Text ] S.AnithaPower delivered to the consumers faces many disturbances in the distribution path. Power loss reduction and improvisation in voltage profile is necessary to provide power with good power quality. Individual network reconfiguration or capacitor placement cannot be effective during heavy loads. In this paper, Simultaneous reconfiguration and capacitor allocation in radial distribution system is carried out to minimize the real power loss and operating cost by using Johnson’s and Modified Whale’s Algorithm. Therefore, the proposed method is tested on standard IEEE 33 and 69 bus systems and their performances are compared with results obtained by Harmony Search and Simulated Annealing Algorithm.
Remote Health Service Delivery Mechanism Using Vehicle Routing And Dijkstra Algorithm In Akure Metropolis[Full-Text ] A.D. Babalola, K.F Akingbade, A. J. Yakubu, F.T. OyedijiHealth services in Nigeria are one of the major factors why the majority of the populace are going abroad. Developing a service delivery mechanisms in health care management limit the challenges of travelling abroad for medical checkup. In the rural community in Nigeria, most people find it difficult to visit the hospital when they are ill. They prefer to use the local medication than visiting the health centres for proper medication diagnostic due to lack of money.
NOVEL QUANTUM GRAVITY APPROACH TO EVALUATE THE DIMENSIONALITIES AND THE GEOMETRICAL PROFILES OF THE CHEMICAL REACTIONS[Full-Text ] C BHATTACHARYAThe physical parameters with which the subject of ‘Chemical Kinetics’ deal are principally the rates and rate constants, the order and the activation energies of chemical reactions.
An economic analysis of Ksheera sagar scheme in Y.S.R . Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh, India[Full-Text ] Indira D. Suresh J. Ravindra reddy Y. Ravi A. and Sharma G.R.K This paper addresses the economic analysis of Ksheera sagar scheme which was implemented by the Government of Andhra Pradesh to improve the economic and nutritional status of farmers in rural area of Andhra Pradesh. A total of 100 respondents were selected randomly of Y.S.R. Kadapa district. Out of which 50 were beneficiaries and 50 were non- beneficiaries who were selected for comparative assessment of cost and returns, calorie intake and factors influencing the per capita income.
Assessment of Renewable Energy Potential and Projection for Intervention of Hybrid Mini-Grid Technology in few Un-Electrified villages of Kurung Kumey district, India[Full-Text ] Er. Bamang ApoIntegrated technology intervention for sustainable environment which is most fitted for the very remote rural community is Mini-Grid (fed by Hybrid Power Systems i.e. Hydro, Wind and Solar energy). The power generated from the Mini-Grid will help in empowerment in the plan-ning process, development of ST community’s requirement and last mile delivery of intervention. The same will lead to socio-economic development by utilizing local resources of target communities.
IMPACT OF MOTIVATION ON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF EMPLOYEE: A CASE STUDY OF CENTRAL BANK OF SOMALIA[Full-Text ] Awale Abdiwahab MouminThe study examined that impact of motivation on the productivity of employee using Central Bank of Somalia. Quantitative method was used and the employed descriptive analysis, factor analysis, reliability test, correlation test and regression analysis.
DATA CENTERS ON MOON[Full-Text ] A AKILData is a crucial part of the present world; users save the data either in their physical devices or on the cloud. The cloud data will be stored in the data centers and these data centers are present in the unknown location and thus, the users believe that the data present in the data canter is secured. The location of the data centers is usually not revealed so that the location is unidentified, and the data will be safe.
E-Learning: Instructional Scaffolding tool in Teaching[Full-Text ] Kenneth P. De la Piedra, Michael Harold R. PagsuyuinExtracting information is now easier and more efficient. Thanks to our rapidly changing and progressing development of technology and its simplicity to share information can be the basis that students can use to learn and absorb the lessons with just a few clicks and taps of buttons and code. And with this, changing our ways of learning can be proven beneficial judging from all the research provided before about visual learnings expanding to a wide variety of students in simple preference, cognitive function and convenience to students. Non-linear text refers to the visual learning representation used to assist the learners. It may include graphs, pictures, and tables.
A Simple and Compact Dual-Band BPF with High Frequency Ratio to Support Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Applications[Full-Text ] Ahmed Lateef Khudaraham, Dhirgham Kamal NajiTo fulfill the simulation requirements for the fast progress of wireless communication systems, the cohabitation of microwave and millimeter-wave technologies becomes very trendy. This paper represents a dual-band BPF by using parallel coupled microstrip lines and inserting multi-stubs to enhance the overall filter performance. The proposed filter can operate at microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies simultaneously.
Simulation based comparative study of Gasoline Direct Injection and Multi-Port Fuel injection engines[Full-Text ] Nikhil KattiSince the discovery of IC engines, decades of research have been focused on improving the performance and efficiency of the engine. In the recent decade, there have been increasing concerns regarding the environmental effects engines have and hence there is a need for more fuel-efficient and fewer emissions in an engine. GDI engines have played a major role in the past decade to improve upon the fuel economy with cleaner emissions
PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS OF HOLETA TOWN USING STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MODEL (SWMM)[Full-Text ] WAGARI EJIGU CHALI, MOLTOT ZEWDIEThe general objective of the study was the Performance Assessment of Urban Drainage Systems of Holeta Town using the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM). The catchment that contributes runoff areas, weighted runoff coefficient was delineated using Arc GIS 10.3 tool. The Stormwater Management Model (SWMM 5.1) was applied to simulate the water level in the links and junctions by considering the current land use condition.
Digital financial services and quality service delivery in Rwandan com-mercial bank: Case study Bank of Kigali[Full-Text ] Hategekimana AimableDigital financial services have a profound contribution to quality service delivery in Rwandan commercial banks. Using the survey research design, the study examines commercial bank user’s perceptions of digital financial services, and quality service delivery in aspects like the Automated Teller Machine, telephone banking, internet banking, retail service and points of sale.
Development of Fuzzy Inference Systems for Accurate Pedestrians Detection in Traffic Areas[Full-Text ] Musibau Adekunle IbrahimFuzzy inference systems have been successfully applied in different fields such as automatic control, data classification, decision analysis, expert system, and computer vision. In this paper, fuzzy inference models have been developed to reveal traffic situations and behavior in some highway locations.
Improving Security in Video Steganography using Blowfish Algorithm and MLSB Technique[Full-Text ] Sapanpreet Kaur, Mandeep KaurVideo steganography is the system that deals with secure transmission of secret information behind any cover object. In the process of video steganography ,frames of a video file has been extracted and utilized for embedding of secret information. In the process of video steganography , huge amount of data can be easily transmitted over the network. Various frames can be used for hiding secret information .In the processing of video steganography ,various approaches have been proposed in recent research that are based on statistical, region based approach, LSB, 2LSB, Randompixel and 4LSB have been used mostly for videos steganography.
CONTROL OF THE VSC-HIGH VOLTAGE DIRECT CURRENT WITH ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK (ANN) TO IMPROVE THE TRANSIENT STABILITY OF THE NIGERIAN 330KV TRANSMISSION SYSTEM AT MURKUDI BUS/JOS-MARKUDI TRANSMISSION LINE[Full-Text ] OKOLO CHIDIEBERE C, OGUNGBENRO OLUWASEYI A, EZEUGBOR IFEANYI C, OKEKE OBINNA NThis paper presents the application of intelligent Voltage Source Converter – High Voltage Direct Current (VSC-HVDC) for the improvement of the transient stability of Nigerian 330kV transmission system of Markudi bus. PSAT environment was used as a toll to model Nigerian 330kV transmission system The system load flow was also simulated. The critical Markudi bus was determined by performing the eigenvalue analysis of the system buses.
Hybrid Radio Frequency Identification Access Control and Security Monitoring System[Full-Text ] Sagir Lawan, Aminu Rabiu Ladodo, Ashraf Adam AhmadThe ease of light weapons diffusion from armoury has added a dangerous dimension to insurgency in many countries. The growing number of small arms in circulation not only diminishes the prospects of ending on-going unrest, but also increases the probability of new conflicts breaking out.
PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACT BREACH[Full-Text ] Imdad Saria,Muneer Saba,Abid Fareeha,Rana Ayesha, Shahzad AyeshaIn this research we have examined psychological contract breach .Numerous researchers have tried to characterize a psychological contract and the vast majority of these definitions have resounded comparative subjects, which incorporate desires, convictions, correspondence, and commitments. For this examination, the definition that will be used states that a psychological contract is a worker's faith in a corresponding commitment between the representative and the association (Rousseau, 1989).
FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE CORBELS STRENGTHENED WITH CARBON FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER BY USING ABAQUS[Full-Text ] Wana Dagim, S. Karunanidhi, G. GajalakshmiThis research is devoted to investigate the effect of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) strips on the behavior and load carrying capacity of the strengthened concrete corbels. Numerical investigation was carried out. The experimental program variables include location, direction, amount of CFRP strips, and effect of shear span to effective depth (a/d) ratio on the behavior of strengthened corbels. All corbels had the same dimensions and flexural reinforcement and they were without horizontal shear steel (stirrup) reinforcement.
SUBMITTED FOR COVID 19 AND its REMEADY[Full-Text ] Dr SAROJ KUMAR KHANThe first and most prevalent method to detect the virus in individuals is based on detecting genetic material specific to SARS-CoV-2 viruses in a person’s nasopharyngeal secretions.
The Puzzle of Covid-19 on Bank’s Loan Book in Kenya[Full-Text ] Mutembete B MathiasEmergency of COVID-19 has disrupted world economies and could be a serious challenge to retail banks and micro finance institutions. According to an article published on 27th February 2020 by Peter Lee, banks came into the coronavirus pandemic much stronger than they went into the global financial crisis but will the capital and liquidity buffers they have built be sufficient to see them through the most dramatic economic crash in history?
Design Of Structural Components Against Blast Load[Full-Text ] Vedant Pawar, Vasheemraja Gani Abdul, Prof. Nilesh BaglekarBombing and explosion severely cause human, infrastructural and economic loss. Also irresponsible elements in the society can cause damage to the infrastructure which can result in human as well as economic loss.
Cryptocurrency and Its Awareness in India[Full-Text ] Shubham Wani, Aditya Nihlani, Pallavi Rai, Tanmay Raghuwanshi, Rohan AgarwalIn 2017, the term 'Bitcoin' was looked through multiple times more than the term 'Kardashian', So what is the bitcoin? Or then again some as saying digital forms of money and what number of individuals think about it and what do they think about it. Is Bitcoin the following financial air pocket?
A Review on Surface Roughness (Ra) Ranges for Some Finishing Processes[Full-Text ] Mohammad Dashti, Abdulaziz AlbannaiThe surface finish has a huge impact on machined parts characteristics like wear resistance, fatigue strength, corrosion resistance and power loss due to friction and loss of energy. Unfortunately, conventional machining methods like turning or milling can’t meet this requirement.
STUDENTS' ATTITUDES ON PEER VIOLENCE[Full-Text ] Vedrana Šuvar, Ivana Babić, Edin MujkanovićNowadays, peer violence is a phenomenon we encounter on a daily basis, to which many children are exposed. In order to prevent it in time, it is extremely important to recognize it and observe it from a child's perspective. The aim of this study, which was conducted among primary and secondary school students, with regard to age and gender, type and location of the school, was to investigate how peer violence is viewed by those who are most exposed to it, as well as to examine the occurrence frequency of certain forms of violence.
An Empirical Assessment of the Impact of Merger on Lending Behaviour of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Sadat Ibn Adam and Mustapha Namakka TukurThis study conducted an empirical assessment of the impact of Merger on lending behaviour of selected Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria from 2006 to 2016 using a panel data collected from the financial statements of the banks over the study period. Multiple Regression is used in the forms of pooled Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Fixed Effect Model (FEM) and Random Effect Model (REM) to analyse the data. Diagnostic tests in the forms of Hausman and Breusch Pagan Lagrange Multiplier Tests were conducted to select the best models.
Molecular Docking: Novel Drug Discovery And Drug Designing Tool[Full-Text ] Vaibhav Amilkanthawar, Dr.Shubhangi Daswadkar, Vasanti patil, Lalita JoshiMolecular docking is making model of the structure which is formed by interaction of two or more structure by computational means. The main goal of the molecular docking is to predict the 3D structure of molecule with maximum site of attachment. Docking makes the various probable and acceptable structure of the molecule and then they are rank accordingly how they are available in nature with the help of scoring function.
Development of an improved Automatic Water Level Controller[Full-Text ] P.B. MogajiThis report contains the analysis and description of the design as well as the performance improvement of an autonomous water level control system. The system is aimed at providing an appropriate control for delivering water to an overhead tank when empty and an automatic means by which the pump can be stopped as soon as the tank is full.
The Pathogenesis Factors and Mechanisms of COVID-19, Methods and Small molecules as COVID-19 Immunotherapy and modulatory[Full-Text ] Zelalem Kiros BitsueCytokines are critical players in the activation, regulation of immune responses. With the help of these soluble factors, immune cells undergo proliferation, activation, differentiation, and inactivation or even cell death. Among various types of cells involved in immune responses, CD4 T cells play central roles in immune response and regulation.
Menstrual hygiene and Socio-Cultural Impacts on Women during Menstruation; the Case of Wolaita Peo-ple, Southern Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Santime Sagaye, Melkamu Worku, Ayelech TeklemariamMenstruation is a natural process that occurs in the life of every woman, but it is commonly associated with di-verse misconceptions, social taboos, and harmful practices that adversely affect women’s health. Evidences show that those misconceptions are becoming visible in many cultures, and the issue is not allowed to be discussed openly. The multiple socio-cultural impacts negatively affected women and adolescent girls during menstruation have not been got the scholarly attention in the study area.
Performance Evaluation of Unsymmetrical High-Rise Building with Different Types of Structural Techniques for Critical Load Condition[Full-Text ] Akshay S. Patil, Roshni JohnPresently, high rise buildings are generally constructed with a central core that helps transfer the load to the foundation. The frame tube and tube in tube structure have been commonly used in high rise buildings too. As per modern load conditions, columns take care of all gravity load and transfer it to the foundation and lateral load is resisted by tube structure, bracing system, outrigger system and by using other techniques.
EFFECT OF SAFETY ATTITUDE ON EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION OF SELECTED FOOD AND BEVERAGE COMPANIES IN LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Oboh, SylvesterGetting the best out of an employee and making them fulfilled has consistently been a noteworthy test a business faces in the present competitive condition. It is in this way turned out to be basic for organizations to understand the importance of employee satisfaction and furthermore implement the key methods through which an employee can be impacted to create a positive safety attitude that can prompt higher employee satisfaction. The likelihood of working environment accidents to happen is high due to the nature of work in food and beverage organizations which includes complex exercises, hardware materials or machines, and risky gear.
A New Approach towards Hurricane Risk Reduction and Preparedness, Based on Near-Real-Time Impact Analysis: Hurricane Dorian Bahamas 2019[Full-Text ] YingYing Yew, Rafael Castro Delgado, Pedro Arcos Gonzalez Hurricanes are usually measured using wind speed intensities. The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, which is currently being used in the United States and The Bahamas, mainly for a hurricane emergency response and preparedness for evacuation. However, it does not quantify the humanitarian needs at the point of impact or estimates the losses prior to the Hurricane landfall. This is a real challenge for various stakeholders in decision, and policymakers, especially in risk reduction and preparedness.
LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL OFFICER IN LAGUNA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY SANTA CRUZ MAIN CAMPUS[Full-Text ] Sierra Marie S. Aycardo PhD, Christian P. San Luis, Jessica A. RoqueThe research entitled, “effectiveness of G.U.I.L.D.S leadership style in the students of senior high school in Laguna State Polytechnic University, Sta. Cruz, Campus.” is focused on the effectiveness of the leadership style of the G.U.I.L.D.S (Governance with Unity in Leading ‘Da Students) officers in the senior high school particularly. The descriptive method of research is used and applied in the study. Survey-questionnaires were used as the primary source of information.