Volume 10, Issue 4, April 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 4, April 2019.
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The Classification and Feature Extraction Technique for Plant Disease Detection[Full-Text ] Satjot Kaur, Kiranpreet KaurThe image processing is the technique which is applied to process the digital information from the images. The plant and the crops are ruining because of the excessive use of fertilizers and insecticides. The plant disease detection is the technique which is applied to detect disease from the input images. In this work, technique is applied which is based on textural feature extraction, segmentation and classification. The GLCM algorithm is applied which extract textural features from the image. The k-mean clustering algorithm is applied which segment input image.
IMPLEMENTATION OF VILLAGE FUND POLICY IN KONAWE REGENCY SOUTHEAST SULAWESI PROVINCE[Full-Text ] Tauwi, Samdin, La Ode Mustafa R, Syahri Nehru HusainThis research aims to illustrate and analyze actual actions taken by policy implementers; identify and analyze public value that is promoted dominantly in the implementation of policy; and any factors giving effects on implementation of policy Village Fund (VF) in Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. This research used quantitative research design with descriptive method. The data include primary and secondary data. There are 15 people as the research informants that are determined by purposive technique. Data collection techniques are participative observation, in-depth interview and document study. Data analysis technique is interactive model qualitative analysis. Data validity checking include credibility, transferability and dependance.
Daylight analysis for multifunctional residential space in warm, humid climate[Full-Text ] Asha Sapna A P, and Jitha SDaylighting is the controlled admission of direct sunlight, natural light, and diffused-skylight into a building to reduce electric lighting and saving energy. Daylighting has a unique role in human well-being. Particular emphasis is given to daylighting while designing a building when the aim is to maximise visual comfort or to reduce energy use. This paper presents a study to analyse the lighting levels of a multifunctional room in a residential space in Indian warm, humid climate. The distribution of daylight is investigated by setting up a reference grid on the room layout. The planar illumination levels (horizontal working plane) analysed in each grid with the help of a lux metre. The output is compared with the recommended values of illumination specified in Bureau of Indian Standards IS SP: 41 (S&T) 1987. The additional artificial lighting required can be further identified with reference to the values.
Radix-2 FFT Routine Derived from CORDIC Algorithm For Surface Electromyography[Full-Text ] Reshma.R, Anju MIFFT,is one of the most important operations in modern digital signal Processing and communication systems. It is one of the most used algorithms for calculating the Discrete Fourier Transform due to its efficiency in reducing computation time. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used in a wide range of applications, such Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) principle based mobile communication. Electromyography popularly known as EMG is a medical procedure that evaluates the health condition of muscles and the nerve cells that control them. These nerve cells are known as motor neurons. Each nerve cell transmits electrical signals that cause muscles to contract and relax. EMG translates these signals into graphs or numbers, helping doctors to make a efficient diagnosis. This project is about calculating muscle fatigue using EMG. The electric signal transmitted by the muscles will have lot of noises. This project proposes an ideal FFT Core implemented using CORDIC algorithm as a solution for the same.
Random Forest Classifier Based Approach for Next Genera-tion Sequecing Gene Data Classification[Full-Text ] A. Q. M. Sala Uddin Pathan, Md Hasnat Riaz, Mohammad Humayun Kabir, Md Javed HossainNext Generation Sequencing (NGS) opens a new door to the researcher by permits high throughput of gene data sets at low cost with high accuracy. This analysis produces a massive amount of biosequence which required enormous storage capacity. Several methods have been proposed in terms of assembly and alignment to limit the storage problem and classify the pathogen. In this paper, for classifying specific pathogen, we described a Random Forest based alignment-free approach that converts the base sequence into different lengths k-mers.
Investigation of Geotechnical properties of lateritic soil from Iwo road located in Ibadan, Oyo State, Southwestern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ologun.S., Okon J.E., Monde M.J., Aboluwarin O.M.Laterite is a highly weathered material, rich in secondary oxide of iron, aluminum or both. This study reports an investigation of lateritic soils on the geotechnical properties. Test such as Sieve analysis, Atterberg limit, Compaction, California Bearing Ratio for the soil was conducted for the sample collected. The sample soil were collected at 0.25m deep at different locations in Iwo road area of Ibadan Oyo State. All analysis were carried out in accordance with the British standard.
An initial assessment of the impact of coal mining on the Khe Cham washing plant (Vietnam)[Full-Text ] Pham Van Chung, Cao Xuan Cuong, Nguyen Quoc Long,Duong Thuy HuongSurface subsidence due to underground mining is a frequent problem that mine surveyors normally deal with. When some indicators like ground cracks occur, it is necessary to have a quick assessment of surface subsidence. In this case, the similar zone method proposed by D. A. Kagacovski is commonly used. By this method,the borehole data of overburden strata is used to estimate angles of movement of the subsidence trough. This article presents the result of the initial assessment of surface movement due to excavation at the Khe Cham underground mine, Quang Ninh province. With movement angles of subsidence trough estimated using stiffness coefficients of the overburden strata, it is obvious that the Khe Cham washing plant is within the dangerous deformation area due to the underground mining activities. The assessment in this study can be used to choose a reasonable solution of excavation for the safety in both underground working and surface areas.
Haematological effects of chloroquine and naphthoaquinone on Plasmodium berghei infected male mice[Full-Text ] Nkereuwem ETUKUDO, Olufadekemi KUNLE-ALABI, Opeyemi AKINDELE, Folasade BOLARINWAIncreasing reports of the re-emergence of chloroquine- and naphthoquinone-susceptible malaria has rekindled interest in these drugs. Both drugs have previously been reported to cause haematological derangements similar to those usually associated with Plasmodium infec-tion. It is thus not clear if the haematological changes observed during malaria are solely due to the parasite or to treatments as well. This study was therefore conducted to investigate the effects of chloroquine and naphthoquinone on haematological indices in parasitized and non-parasitized male Swiss mice.
Linkage between ASIAN and USA Stock Markets: A Cointegration Approach[Full-Text ] Samreen Fatima, Rafia, Shafi, Tayyab Raza Fraz, CPEC, a joint venture of Pakistan and China, has now become the most highlighted issue around the globe. In the last three decades China has emerged as one of the largest economies of the world. Chinese market has great potential to capture many markets of the world. CPEC on one side will open many markets for China and on the other side it will become a continuous source of threat to many markets around the globe. Chinese stock market may be considered an influential market with respect to many Asian and USA markets.
Determining the Critical Success Factors for ICT Project in (Abuja) Nigeria[Full-Text ] Babadoko D. Mohammed,Ikechukwu A. Diugwu
This paper determined the critical success factors for ICT project in Abuja, Nigeria. Structured questionnaire were distributed to ICT expert handling projects in ICT or ICT related project that are practicing in Abuja, Nigeria for at least for the past ten years. Fifty questionnaires were distributed to each of these organizations Nigerian communications satellite limited, Nigerian Information Technology Development Agency, Nigerian Communications Commission, Ministry of Communications and Galaxy backbone and interviews were conducted with some expert of ICT project and the One hundred and seventy-one completed questionnaires formed the basis of the study and the data obtained were analyzed using Relative Importance Index (R.I.I), Frequency Index and Severity Index.
Nursing Student’s Knowledge about Outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Corona Virus[Full-Text ] Thamer Salem Alghamdi, Mr. Alaa Iqab Abu Jaber, Abd Al-Hadi HasanAim of the study: This study aimed to investigate the nursing students’ level of knowledge regarding Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) outbreaks and their preparedness for enrollment in clinical training during epidemics. This study also aims to provide possible guidelines or policies that will help clinical instruction during infection outbreaks.
Image Steganography Using Pixel Manipulation and Shuffling[Full-Text ] Vikas Sharma, Utkarsh Srivastava and Shubham AggarwalSecurity of the information or any sort of data is crucial for the transmission and reception from end to end without any risk of breach in privacy. Steganography is the safest data hiding technique deployed that gives almost an invisible form of information exchange method on the web using different data concealing techniques. It takes numerous digital images for hiding any information in the form of text via pixel manipulation.
RESERVOIR PERMEABILITY DETERMINATION USING POROSITY LOGS (OTUMARA FIELD)[Full-Text ] ODUADA Ubabuike; T.K. S. ABAM and WOPARA Onuoha FidelisThis study explores various techniques for applying well logs and other data to the problem of predicting permeability in uncored wells in Otumara fields, Onshore Southern Niger Delta. Data utilized for the study included well logs and core data. Lithology was determined from gamma ray log. Hydrocarbon presence was determined using resistivity log while porosity was determined from density log. The results from wireline logs revealed that the cored sections are predominantly sandy.
ONE POT THREE COMPONENT SYNTHESIS OF PYRANOPYRAZOLE[Full-Text ] AMMONIUM CHLORIDE, KHANDU D WARAD, R P PAWAR, CHANDRASHEKHAR G DEVKATE, RAJIV V KHOBAREA simple and green one pot protocol for the synthesis of various pyranopyrazoles derivatives catalyzed by ammonium chloride has been developed. Operational simplicity and environment-friendly green approach are the advantages of this method.
Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises, Growth of SMEs and Economic Development of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Amina ManzoorThis study is to investigate the impact of innovation in SMEs and other related factors on SMEs growth and effects SMEs growth and other related factors on the economic development of Pakistan. Secondary data has been collected; period of 10 years from 2006 to 2015.
Comparative Reliability Assessment of A Solid and Nail-jointed I-Section of Nigerian-Grown African Birch (Anogeissus leiocarpus) Timber Column[Full-Text ] WILSON Uwemedimo Nyong, ADEDEJI Adeola A., ORIOLA F.O.P, SANI, John E., ALOMAJA Jonathan AAnalogous to the built-up sections in structural steel, built-up sections for timbers can be achieved by joining different timbers in any desired choice of geometry with the intent of primarily increasing the sections of the timber beyond the naturally existing ones thereby consequently improving their capacities.
Security and Challenges in Privacy Preservation of unstructured data using Pseudonymization and Data masking techniques[Full-Text ] Dr. M.Suresh Babu, Suneetha. V, P. NeelakanteswaraProtecting sensitive data is a challenge. And, the historic digital transformation has made this challenge even greater by the exponential increase in data. The amount of sensitive data to be protected increases at almost unbelievable rates, the data comes in numerous forms, and while data needs to be safe from cybercriminals, it must also be available to use in an ever increasing number of applications as enterprises pursue their digital transformation.
Exploring the Distributed Max Flow Algorithm for IoT Networks[Full-Text ] Main Uddin, Md. Hasnat Riaz, Nishu Nath, Md. Auhidur RahmanFor any kind of IoT network, we want maximum flow from source to destination. It is a classical optimization problem. In case of the static network, we can easily implement the classical max-flow algorithm. However, in the distributed environment, we can’t implement classical max-flow algorithm directly. The main challenges are any node can join or leave at any time and node mobility. To get the max-flow in the distributed network with minimum overhead, we investigate the flooding method considering the three different types of distributed network environment based on the well-known classical max-flow algorithm such as Dinic’s, Ford-Fulkerson and Edmond-Karp algorithm. However, our implementation is not restricted to any kind of particular max-flow algorithm.
ACCELEROMETER BASED WIRELESS GESTURE CONTROLLED ROVER[Full-Text ] Kalavakunta V. Pavan Kumar, Ch. Thrinadh, V. Sailaja, D. Ganesh, B. ManikantaHere, in this project we have demonstrated the working of accelerometer based gesture controlled rover using arduino. Here the movement and the path of rover is controlled using simple gestures, with help of accelerometer. The systems sensitivity is defined and adjusted using the Arduino coding as per the requirement. Here we have used RF transmitter and receiver systems to attain maximum efficiency in real time applications. The hand gestures are transmitted through transmitter section that contain accelerometer and voltage level corresponds to movement of robot along X and Y axes are compared by a pre instruction, following which corresponding instructions are transmitted through the RF transmitter to control robot. The robot receives the instructions. The motor driver IC drives motors corresponding to instructions received and changes the path of the rover.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for Printed Devnagari Script Using Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] Aparna Patil, Prof. M. D. IngoleThere are about 300 million people in India who speak Hindi and write Devnagari script. Research in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is popular for its application potential in banks, post offices, defense organizations and library automation etc. However most of the OCR systems are available for European texts. In this paper, we have proposed a technique for OCR System for different five fonts and sizes of printed Devnagari script using Artificial Neural Network. The recognition rate of the proposed OCR system with the image document of Devnagari Script has been found to be excellent.
Employee Motivation: A Comparative Analysis of Banora Textile and Sapphire Textile Mills by Applying Applications of Two-Factor Theory[Full-Text ] Sumra Haleem Shaikh, Eng. Haseeb Shaikh, Eng. Sumair ShaikhThe theme of research is to compare the two textile industries by applying Herzberg two-factor theory to improve the motivation of employees. Questionnaires were employed for data collection purpose. Data was analyzed through quantitative techniques such as Reliability test, Pearson correlation, Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA), t test and multiple regression techniques. The results have shown that Herzberg two-factor theory is positively effects on employees’ performance.
Impact of Referral Bonus on (RHP) referral Hiring Process with Moderating Effect of Organizational Justice: A Case Study of Telecom Companies of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Fahad Rashid, Dr. Irfan ZafarThe stimulus to carry out this research to find out referral bonus can impact the referral hiring process in the telecom sector of Pakistan. Referral hiring is the phenomenon of hiring practices where the current employee of the organization has referred to the new employee for the recruitment process. According to the current estimation it is observed that more than 50% to 30% employees are recruited with help of the reference of the current employees. This study has taken the organizational justice in the moderation role, to see if an organization is not being fair in paying employees substantial referral bonus amounts, referral bonus types and on timely manner then how it will affect the referral hiring process within an organization. Data was collected from four major telecom companies which are Warid, Zong, Telenor and Ufone.
IOT BASED GRASS CUTTER WITH SOLAR PANNEL[Full-Text ] MAMTAJ ALAM,VIRENDRA VIKRAM SINGH,CHANDAN,VIVEK YADAVIn this research paper we are describing latest features and technology used in newly hand made GRASS CUTTER which is totally based on IOT (INTERNET OF THINGS) and ROBOTICS .Special feature of this grass cutter is that, it can be controlled from any part of world because it is connected from internet. We can even control it from our cell phone which is very common gadget installed in everyone pockets
An Investigation of the Padma River Water Quality Parameters near Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant: A case of study for Nuclear Power Plant grade water[Full-Text ] Md. Nur Salam, Md.Farhan Hasan, Md. Akhlak Bin AzizWater samples collected from five different points near under construction Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant were tested in this work to assess the availability of nuclear grade water. The average value of pH was found to be 8.02, mean value of Electrical Conductivity (EC) was found 430 μS/cm, Total Dissolve Solid (TDS) 215 ppm, Salinity 0.8, total Alkalinity 79.6 ppm, total hardness 149 ppm and Chloride Content was found 16.87ppm.
An Intelligent System for Automatic Footdrop Correction in Stroke Patients using FES: A Pilot Study[Full-Text ] Naveen Gangadharan, Sivakumar Balasubramanian, George Tharion, Judy John, Thangavelu Senthilvelkumar, Suresh DevasahayamStroke patients suffer initial post-stroke hemiparesis often leading to motor impairments of the contralateral limbs, who often demonstrate impaired ankle-foot function, commonly termed as footdrop / dropfoot, consequences being foot slap, toe-drag and hip-circumduction.
Optimizing of BPRS Finance in the MSMEs Growth in Makassar[Full-Text ] FasihaIndonesian economy during the current economic recovery continues to grow, but the growth is worrying because it is caused by the consumption sector and not the production sector. Although the MSMEs sector is important in the national economy, a group of MSMEs is very difficult to get loans of requirements to be met by the debtor. Sharia rural bank or SRB is one of the Islamic Financial Institutions expected to play a role in the growth of MSMEs
PCA application for the job satisfaction levels of pharmacists in Karachi[Full-Text ] Sidra Ghayas, Sidra Ayub, Najaf Farooq, Suboohi SafdarJob and career satisfaction depends on employee’s personal experiences. Job satisfaction is achieving positive outcome from the estimation of one’s job experience. It is basically the extent to which individuals like their jobs. The qualities that provoke satisfaction in employees comprises of appreciation of their merits, freedom, facilities, job security and other employee’s benefits
Calculation of the Unknown Criteria Weights Under the Neutrosophic TOPSIS and the Neutrosophic VIKOR MCGDM Problems[Full-Text ] Hagar G. Abu-Faty, Nancy A. El-Hefnawy, Ahmed KafafyThis paper presents three different proposed methods for determining the suitable criteria weights with the nature of being completely unknown or partially known. These weights are applied to the Neutrosophic TOPSIS and the Neutrosophic VIKOR separately for solving the Multi Criteria Group Decision Making (MCGDM) problems and ranking the alternatives
Throughput optimization in DSRC for collision avoidance[Full-Text ] Addah Kyarisiima, Dr. Abraham Nyete, Prof. Vitalice K. OduolAs a standard way of moving vehicles’ communication, VANETs (Vehicular Networks) have been characterized with enormous ability to increase the effectiveness of traffic and enhance the safety of cars on roads. Connected vehicle technology aims at dealing with important road transportation issues that concern environment and safety. Vehicular network density varies depending on the traffic load which can be high in the city, or low in suburban areas.
Incandescent Light Radiation On A Flat Plat Collector With Variation Inlet Water Temperature[Full-Text ] Halim, Andi Erwin Eka Putra, Syukri HimranCollector flat plates used to heat water. Heat captured by using radiation falling on the surface of a glass cover, some directly reflected some absorbed and continued to plate absorbent. The purpose of this research to determine the efficiency of the collector by heating inlet water temperature effect. Research conducted lights intensity 1000 W/ m2 distance 25 cm to collector by four-warming inlet water temperature 30 oC, 40 oC, 50 oC, 60 oC, at flow rate 0.6 L/min, 0.8 L/min, and 1 L/min.
CHARACTERIZATION OF THE NATURAL PESTICIDE 6-DESOXYCLITORIACETAL: A QUANTUM STUDY[Full-Text ] David Lopes Santiago de Oliveira, Emanuelle Machado Marinho, Carlos Lacerda de Morais Filho, Márcia Machado Marinho, Othon Souto Campos, Emmanuel Silva MarinhoCurrently Brazil occupies a prominent position in the world supply of cereals, fruits and other products of plant origin, so it is necessary to use insecticides to control pests. Billions of dollars are spent on trying to control insects and misuse and indiscriminate over several decades has caused several problems, contamination of water and soil are just a few examples
Power quality assessment in a stand-alone photovoltaic / battery system supplying an asynchronous motor through an adjustable speed drive[Full-Text ] E. Tchoffo Houdji, D. Yamegueu, G.B. Tchaya, M. Kamta, Haman-Djalo, G.J. KayemThe issue of electric power quality is gaining importance as the society is increasingly becoming dependent upon the electrical supply. For example, a small power outage could have a great economic impact on industrial consumers. More generally, new equipments are more sensitive to power quality variations. In this paper, the influence of the irradiance fluctuations on the power quality of a photovoltaic / battery system powering an asynchronous motor is assessed.
FRMA: Farming Resource Management and Analysis[Full-Text ] Ananya Bal, RohitanshuKar, Adeep Biswas, Akshit Grover, NavinAgarwalla, JishuDohare, JayantPatidar, V. SanthiInternet of Things with Cloud technology and Machine Learning with Big Data capabilities have emerged to help us improve productivity in agriculture. We review works which have carried out research on these technologies being applied to farming and their impact on agriculture. The works have been analyzed and categorized into the following categories (a) Internet of Things in intelligent farming; (b) Machine Learning in intelligent farming; (c) Applications of compound technologies in intelligent farming. The works reviewed will give the reader a comprehensive idea about how Internet of Things devices and Machine Learning are improving agricultural productivity and farm management. Machine learning algorithms process the data being collected by sensors to help solve many problems faced by farmers.
TOWARDS ENCOURAGING THE ATTITUDINAL BEHAVIOUR OF NEUROLOGISTS DURING DIAGNOSIS OF STROKE DISEASE: EEG PERSPECTIVE[Full-Text ] Igwe, Joseph Sunday, Alo Rita Uzoma, Agwu Chukwuemeka and Ituma ChinagolumThe manner and approach our medical practitioners in developing countries such as Nigeria attend to their patients leaves much to be desired. Advanced countries have a better approach when it comes to handling sick people. Neurological ailments like stroke are the worst hit because most of the patients found themselves in situation where they cannot properly describe the nature and history of the disease that is affecting.
THE IMPACT AND CHALLENGES OF DIGITAL MOBILE MAPS IN Africa[Full-Text ] IGWE J.S., Ezeaku ChizobaDeveloping countries in Africa are benefiting immensely from the digital globalization ushered in by the evolution of mobile phones. There is hardly any sphere of life where digitization via mobile devices is not making gainful waves. One area that is beginning to enjoy high patronage especially in Africa is digital mobile mapping. This paper discusses the impact of digital mobile maps with emphasis on selected countries in Africa such as South Africa, Nigeria, and Uganda. It also exposed the bottlenecks militating against its widespread and acceptance. Suggestions were also on possible solutions to problems that will enable Nigeria and Africa at large to leverage the enormous potential and advantages presented by the advancement in digital mobile map technology.
To Compare Rolling Force, Torque and Power of Pure Aluminium and Stainless Steel in Cold Rolling Process[Full-Text ] Roman Kalvin, Muhammad Waqas Mustafa, Waqas Javid, Tauqeer Ashraf, Inzamam Shoukat, Muhammad Talha RiazOn the basis of cold rolling process, a rolling force, torque and power of pure aluminum and stainless steel was investigated. Our aim is to compare these factors for stainless steel and pure aluminum by using experimental method for pure aluminum & ANSYS for stainless steel. Factors which influenced rolling force including radius of roll, stress coefficient & deformation resistance.
Fluctuations in Chip Formation with Alterations in Cutting Conditions during Turning Operation using Aluminium 6061[Full-Text ] Roman Kalvin, Bilal Qayyum, Zaryab Lall, Taha Baig, Muhammad Waqas Mustafa, Muhammad Shoaib Sajid, Muhammad Talha RiazTurning process is conducted on cylindrical job of material Aluminum 6061 for the extraction of chip in different cutting conditions. Cutting conditions variation is limited to alteration in feed rate and cutting speed. Macroscopic evaluation involved direct measurement of chip thickness via instrument of minimum precision 0.01mm.Chip thickness obtained implemented direct relation between with feed rate and partially direct relation at lower cutting speeds. This can be provided by shear forces involved along the shear plane angle.
Secure Data Storage in Cloud Computing using RSA Algorithm[Full-Text ] Y. Kiran Kumar, Dr. R. Mahammad ShafiCloud Computing is a way to enhance the facility or add capabilities with liveliness without investing in new infrastructure, training new human resources, or licensing latest software. It extends Information Technology’s (IT) existing capabilities. In the preceding few years, cloud computing has full-grown from being a promising business concept to one of the fast growing sector of the IT industry.
Rise of Growth Centers: Current Trend in Strategic Spatial Planning[Full-Text ] Anwesha AditiUrbanization is the current emerging problem in today’s world and metropolitan cities face the adverse outcomes of urbanisation whereby they become dominant centers of commercial and administrative units leading to crowding and congestion at an unprecedented scale. Cities are initially smaller outgrowth areas which eventually grow into new growth centers that are properly planned and segmented around big metropolitan cities to reduce the burden upon them and act as nodal points of development for other smaller settlements who earlier depended on metro cities to fulfill their basic requirements.
Automatic Calculation of Disc Foveal-Angle[Full-Text ] Mona A. Mohammed, Nancy M. Salem, Mohamed El DosokyStrabismus refers to a condition in which eyes are misaligned. Proper alignment of eyes is important to avoid seeing double, to experience good depth perception and to prevent developmental or learning delays and consequences of anxiety. The earlier the treatment, the better the results, it may be caused by overactive or underactive eye muscles. The position of the fovea with respect to the optic disc (OD) is used to identify whether the image is normal or abnormal ocular torsion (Extorsion or Intorsion). In this paper, a method for automatic Disc Fo-veal-Angle (DFA) calculation to detect the type of ocular torsion is proposed. First step for DFA calculation is the OD localization by using the Canny edge detector followed by a circular Hough transform. Second step is to localize the fovea, where the Wellner`s adaptive thresh-old is used followed by Canny edge detector and circular Hough transform. A set of 1250 fundus images are used from two publicly available datasets (DRIVE and MESSIDOR) in addition to a local dataset. Results show that this method is reliable and accurate for the DFA calculation and for the detection of the ocular type.
Phenolic Compounds, Fatty Acid Compositions and Antioxidant Activity of Commercial Cold-Pressed Grape Seed (Vitis vinifera) Oils From Turkey[Full-Text ] Zeliha Ustun-ArgonGrapes (Vitis vinifera) are one of the largest fruit crops in the world and its consumed both as fresh fruits or processed products such as wine, jam, juice, grape seed extract, oil, vinegar. Grape seed oil is one of the most important by-product of grape juice and wine processes due to its beneficial health effects, flavor and special characteristics for food applications.
Neuropsychological Syndrome and long term effects of Exposure to Organophosphate Pesticides in Humans[Full-Text ] Dr.Maida Zameer, Dr. Sunbal Siddique, Dr.Maria BaigOrganophosphorous compounds, the anticholinesterases, produce significant morbidity and mortality in Pakistan. Neuropsychological assessment was traditionally carried out to assess the extent of impairment to a particular skill and to attempt to determine the area of the brain which may have been damaged following brain injury or neurological illness. With the advent of neuroimaging techniques, location of space-occupying lesions can now be more accurately determined through this method, so the focus has now moved on to the assessment of cognition and behaviour, including examining the effects of any brain injury or neuropathological process that a person may have experienced.