Volume 10, Issue 4, April 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 4, April 2019.
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Extramerital Affairs and Family Disruption[Full-Text ] Ambreen FatimaIllicit relationship of one of the spouses outside the marriage without any regard of societal norms, cultural boundaries and religious sanctions is called extra material affair. Extra material affairs may be defined as emotional, romantic or sexual relationship between a married person and someone else other than the person’s spouse. Simply a lustful, emotional or romantic attachment of wedded couples out of the martial boundaries is called extra material affair(Martin, 1989).Marriage is religiously, socially and legally accepted and endorsed relationship between men and women.
Study and Control of DHT11 Using Atmega328P Microcontroller[Full-Text ] Rajesh ShresthaHere digital portable Temperature and Humidity Sensor is designed by using the DHT11 (Temperature and Humidity) sensor and ATmega328P Microcontroller. The accuracy in temperature is ±10 similarlly the accuracy in Humidity is found to be ±10 .It can measure temperature of range 00C to 600C and humidity of range 0% to 95% The power supply of 5volt and 1 amper is used to drive the Arduino Uno ,DHT11 and the 16x2 LCD display to display the Temperature and Humidity.
Random Task Scheduler Algorithms as a Comparison and Access to the Best to Use in Real Time[Full-Text ] Haeder Talib Mahde AlahmarToday's real-time systems are the core of most ICT applications. The rapid development of such systems has attracted researchers' attention to optimize performance and to minimize as much as possible the problems and disadvantages they suffer in order to improve their performance in proportion to the volume of tasks entrusted to them.
Behavior of Flat Slabs using Ultra High Strength Concrete under the Effect of Eccentric Punching Shear[Full-Text ] Hany Abdelaziz, Omar El-Nawawy, Hossam El-Karmoty and Ayman Abu-BeahThis paper is to investigate the behavior of the punching shear strength for ultra high strength concrete (UHSC) flat slabs subjected to eccentric loading with and without shear reinforcement. Also study the application efficiency of using UHSC for strengthening normal strength concrete (NSC) flat slab to punching shear under centric loading by adding a layer of UHSC as a drop panel. In this study, An experimental program included four half scale specimens (1400x1400x120) mm.
Modeling, Simulation & Analysis of the Applicability of Wavelet Transform Technique for Automotive Radar Signal Processing[Full-Text ] Nathaniel U. Nathaniel, Evans C. Ashigwuike, Umar I. SadiqOne of the applications of radar sensor is in vehicles: future technology has proposed self-driven vehicles. The radar sensor is to be used in detecting obstacles and providing accurate information about the vehicle’s ambient environment, so as to activate appropriate control commands. This sensor will also need a computing platform that can ensure real-time processing of the received signals. Previous works encounter problems in the areas of having appropriate algorithm, chip-set, memory, etc. that are capable of performing these tasks sufficiently.
Performance Analysis of Control Channel in LTE[Full-Text ] Imran RafiqMain purpose of LTE Network is to provide higher average throughput for both uplink and downlinks. The performance of LTE Network is dependent on efficient utilization of resources. Control channels play a key role in enhancing the throughput high gains. This research work is mainly focused on the downlink control channels which are analyzed to minimize their impact on the LTE system performance. The simulation is done by setting certain parameters on LTE-Sim simulator and throughput gains are measured using a scheduler.
Smart Home Implementation[Full-Text ] Agrim NautiyalHere we propose a smart fingerprint based biometric attendance system that works over IOT so that attendance can be monitored from anywhere in the world. Our system uses a microcontroller based circuit with fingerprint sensor, push buttons, power supply, power supply and wifi modem to interact with internet based system. We here use IOTGecko to develop the online attendance display system.
Flood Scenario and its Risk Management, Policy, Practices in Nepal[Full-Text ] Bitu Babu ShreevastavThis review paper is prepared as a part of Ph.D. study course which has been carried out at Institute of Forestry (IOF), Tribhuvan University (TU), Dean’s Office, Pokhara, Nepal. It is the first review paper prepared after the approval of Ph.D. proposal during defense presentation at IOF, Pokhara.
Dynamic Thresholding of Vehicle Activated Signs[Full-Text ] Hussain Saleem, Sadia Imam, Narmeen Shah, Samina Saleem, Ali Muhammad AslamThis research presents a systematic analysis and proposed development on traffic management schemes based on Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) using computing techniques. The literature revealed that the previous dynamic solutions provide results based on traffic congestion.
Strategic Data Driven Approach to Improve Conversion Rates and Sales Performance of E-Commerce Websites[Full-Text ] Hussain Saleem, M. Khawaja Shaiq Uddin, Syed Habib-ur-Rehman, Samina Saleem, Ali Muhammad AslamE-commerce is a buzzword to actually describe the electronic commerce trade activities happening between business and customers including but not limited to online shopping, digital payments, and online trading between businesses. In today’s digital age, e-commerce has been playing a very important role in areas such as retail, sales automation, and payment services. With huge amounts of data been collected from different e-commerce services available, there are multiple opportunities to use this data to analyze trends and strategize profitable activities.
Civil Use of Autonomous Pilotless Aerial Vehicle[Full-Text ] Hussain Saleem, Saad Asad Khan, Syed Akhtar Raza, Samina Saleem, Ali Muhammad AslamThe pilotless, self-triggered and self-driven, autonomous, the computer programmed aerial vehicle commonly called as “Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle”, UAV and generally known as “Drone” is one of the tremendous inventions of this century. This machine is not only small in size, but due to being a human-less, it is highly risk-free for humans as it is controlled remotely, however, work in the environment where human reach is difficult or impossible.
THE NATURAL RADIOACTIVITY MEASUREMENTS AND EVALUATION OF RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH HAZARD INDICES OF QUARRY PRODUCTS FROM SOUTH EASTERN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] B C Eke and H U EmelueThe naturally occurring radioactivity concentrations of 40K, 238U and 232Th in quarry samples from different locations in some South Eastern part of Nigeria was carried out using NaI (TI) detector. The mean values obtained for 40K, 238U and 232Th were 1,028.63 ± 27.48 Bq kg-1, 5.88 ± 3.8 Bq kg-1 and 2.65 ± 1.4 Bq kg-1 respectively. These radioactivity concentrations were used to determine the indoor and outdoor values of the following ; Absorbed Dose Rate, Annual Effective Dose Equivalent, the Health Hazard Indices and Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk using standard analytical methods.
VIBRANT SOUND BRIDGE- A CLINICAL STUDY[Full-Text ] Pradeep V R, Dr. T A. Subba Rao,The Vibrant Soundbridge is the first FDA-approved implantable middle ear hearing device to treat sensorineural hearing loss, and has been implanted in thousands of patients worldwide. It is a partially implantable middle ear hearing device initially developed by Geoff Ball (1996).
Data modeling in today’s Scenario[Full-Text ] Dr Sunita Dwivedi, Leeladhar ChourasiyaData modeling is a decisive skill for every data scientist, whether you are doing research design or architecting a new data base for any organization. The skill to think clearly and systematically about the key data points to be stored, retrieved, and also how they should be grouped and related, is what the data modeling element of data science is all about.
THIN FILM OF TITANIUM DIOXIDE (TIO2) USING SPRAY PYROLYSIS METHOD WITH APPLICATION OF LPG GAS[Full-Text ] Mrs S.R Talole and Dr. R.Y BorseMetal oxide semiconductors are device used as a gas sensor to detect the gases in an environment. They are widely used for safety because, many harmful gases present in environment.TiO2 have better stability and remarkable properties as compared to other materials.TiO2 is used for anticorrosion, self-cleaning coating, paints to solar cells, and photo catalysts.
Frequency Domain Model Identification of Quadrotor at Hover[Full-Text ] Marvi Jamali, Dr. Arbab Nighat, Muhammad Sharif Jamali Dynamic characteristics such as intensively nonlinear, multivariable, highly connected system, a quadrotor is regarded as an unstable system, even though it is essential to have a more reliable and reasonable vehicle control model that tends to be easy to use. Modeling is very necessary as model gives the complete narration of how the system complies with the inputs given. Owing to its complex structure, the quad rotor model is not really a simple task.
Behavior of Flat Slabs Using Ultra High Strength Concrete under the Effect of Centric Punching Shear[Full-Text ] Hany Abdelaziz, Omar El-Nawawy, Hossam El-Karmoty, Ayman Abu-BeahThis paper is to investigate the behavior of the punching shear strength for ultra-high strength concrete (UHSC) flat slabs subjected to centric loading with and without shear reinforcement. Also study the application efficiency of using UHSC for strengthening normal strength concrete (NSC) flat slab to punching shear under centric loading by adding a layer of UHSC as a drop panel. In this study, an experimental program included six half scale specimens (1400x1400x120) mm which divide into two phases.
Evaluation of a charcoal from cistus Ladaniferus seeds used as an adsorbent for anionic dye removal from aqueous phases[Full-Text ] H. El Farissi, R. Lakhmiri, A. Albourine, M. Safi and Omar CherkaouiEnvironmental pollution by either solid or liquid pollutants is a big problem in our ecosystem. The environmental cleanup can be carried out according to several types of processes by; solid waste discharge, coagulation flocculation, chemical precipitation, decantation, floating, filtration, etc. But all these techniques are used to transfer pollution from one environment to another. The increasing demand for adsorbents used in environmental protection processes has made their price more and more expensive, leading to further research into the production of new, cheaper adsorbent materials from non-conventional materials, concretely from biomass.
ISOLATION, IDENTIFICATION AND ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY PROFILE OF SALMONELLA ISOLATES FROM DAIRY FARMS IN AND AROUND BATU, OROMIA, ETHIOPIA[Full-Text ] ABDIAZIZ ABDULAHI, Dr. Fufa. Abunna Antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella and other zoonotic bacterial pathogens can be transferred from animals to humans through consumption of contaminated food and food products and thus present a public health risk. The increase in Salmonella resistance to the commonly used antimicrobials both in the public health and veterinary sectors is one of the major threats of health care worldwide. The objectives of this study were to isolate and identify Salmonella spps from 225 samples obtained from lactating dairy cows, personnel and equipment’s at farms, Batu, Ethiopia; and to determine the in-vitro antimicrobials susceptibility profile of the isolates.
Prevalence Rates of Bacterial Isolates Associated with Nosocomial Infection in Sputum and Surgical Wounds[Full-Text ] Mohamed Abdel-Raouf, Hisham M. Aldeweik, Mohamed S. Albannan, Dalia Moemen, Mohamed M. Zaki, and Ahmed E. AbdelkaderNosocomial infection (NI) is one of the most important problems facing the world. This work is dedicated to investigating the prevalence rates of NI in sputum and surgical wounds samples in addition to determine the impact of antibiotic disks on isolated bacteria. This study included fifty samples of sputum and thirty four samples of surgical wounds from fifty patients staying for 3 days or more in Gastroenterology Surgical Center, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.
State of cyber security: the Ugandan perspective[Full-Text ] Matovu Davis, Mugeni Gilbert B, Karume Simon, Mutua Stephen, Gilbert Gilibrays OcenThe Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects accessed through the Internet that can identify themselves to other devices and use embedded technology to interact with internal states or external conditions. IoT systems or applications are used across various sectors of the economy such as energy, construction, infrastructure, manufacturing, health, agriculture, defence, and transport, as well as public sector and consumer applications, there will be few parts of society not affected by IoT.
WAYS OF IMPROVING STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISES AT OIL-GAS INDUSTRY[Full-Text ] Ishmanova Dinora Nurmamad qiziThis article discusses the issues of improving the innovative strategic management of oil and gas enterprises in Uzbekistan, thereby increasing the efficiency of enterprises in the industry. Based on foreign experience by the author were proposed concept of the competitiveness of oil and gas companies.
DIRECTIONS OF EFFECTIVE USE OF INDUSTRIAL POTENTIAL: IN CASE KASHKADARYA REGION[Full-Text ] Mahmudov Mirabbos FazliddinovichIn the paper has been discussed the importance of industrial development in the regions and identifies the main directions of effective use of industrial potential in the regions of the country. It also covered the principles of effective deployment of industrial sectors in the regions and regional factors of industry and assessed factors, regional conditions and sources of industrial development in Kashkadarya region.
FEATURES OF CHILD BRENDING AND STEPS OF FORMATTING[Full-Text ] Odilova Sitora Sayfitdin qiziThis research focuses on the sensitivity of advertising methods to children. In addition, it is the first step in promoting brand identity among children. Marketing strategies for involving the children segment, and the outcomes from it. One of the main reasons for the fact that all the strategies for children are very effective is that they kill two rabbits with one bullet: it is mainly attraction of the younger generation, as well as contribute to the role of the prince.
MODEL OF INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF PRODUCTION CAPACITIES MANAGENENT AT TEXTILE ENTERPRISES[Full-Text ] Tursunov Bobir OrtikmirzaevichThe article examines the issues of improving the management efficiency of the production capacity of textile enterprises. The author proposed a mechanism to control the use of production capacity of the enterprise. It is revealed that the system of goals for making strategic decisions does not always have a specific form, moreover, you first need to develop the target indicators required for making decisions.
METHODS OF EXPENSES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF COOPERATION MANAGEMENT IN TEXTILE INDUSTRY ENTERPRISE[Full-Text ] Mahmudov Sherzod Sur`atovichThis article outlines the scientific and methodological aspects of the assessment of the effectiveness of business activity management at the textile industry. In the second part of the article, the issues of choosing the indicators of business activity assessment at the textile industry were disclosed. Also, an expert evaluation method was used to determine the differentiation of the business activity and the indicators of the nominal and integral indices.
Estate Mathematics: Key to Improve Students’ Performances in Valuation and Investment Decisions[Full-Text ] Paul C. Anih, Oluchi A. DialaStudents’ performances in valuation courses in the nation’s tertiary institutions are not good enough to support improved decision-making in real estate investments. Valuation courses in tertiary institution and its application in professional practice involve various mathematical calculations. Majority of the students are not mathematics-friendly and this negatively affects their performances in valuation which translates into poor decision making in real estate investments.
ASPECTS OF IMPROVING THE MECHANISM OF INNOVATION MOTIVATION ACTIVITIES AT INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES[Full-Text ] Nabieva Saidahon AbduvahabovnaThe article discusses the issues of improving the mechanism of motivation for innovation in industrial enterprises. The author provides a classification of the motivations of innovation activities in industrial enterprises. According to the author, depending on the level of the economic system, there will be various groups of motivations that encourage innovative transformations within these systems. The study revealed that the most important incentive motive for changing the level of innovation activity is an increase in the level of competition in commodity markets.
ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT[Full-Text ] Abdullayeva Dilfuza AbubakirovnaThe article discusses the organizational and economic mechanism of management of rural engineering. A statistical analysis of the development of agriculture and engineering. At the end of the article, the author has developed scientific proposals for improving the organizational and economic mechanism of managing rural engineering.
UTILIZATION OF WASTE PLASTIC IN MANUFACTURING OF BRICKS[Full-Text ] Sheshachala C H, K.B. Manjunath, Dasharatha T H, Mahendra H N, Sneha K R, Bhavani G T, Keerthi HModern world is facing a serious situation of waste management, especially plastic waste. Everyday thousands of tonnes of plastic are dumped to the garbage but there is no enough method to treat and recycle the plastic world. A large amount of plastic is been discarded or burned daily which leads to the contamination of environment and air.
Clinical and automatic evaluation of the severity of maculopathy using optical coherence tomography[Full-Text ] H.I. Abdelkader, Mona Abdelkader, Fahmi Khalifa, Doaa.gabrDiabetic Macular Edema is characterized according to Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy studies by thickening of macula.The search included two mains. Firstly, a study included comparing the retinal thickness measurements using two scanning Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) mechanisms (Radial scan – Three dimension (3D )scan) of patient with Diabetic macular edema (DME)and normal subjects, correlates between retinal thickness measurements with 3D and radial in different types of DME .
Recurrent Motifs of Political Strain in the Poetry of Faiz Ahmed Faiz[Full-Text ] Muhammad NawazThis study aims at exploring the element of political strain in the poems of Faiz Ahmed Faiz in the light of post-colonial studies swiveling round Spivak’s Subaltern theory. Faiz become a forceful voice of subalterns belonging to lower classes and the social groups who are at the margins of society. He has startling unity of political themes in his poetry. The research discusses Faiz’s those poems which highlight the ethnic violence and political exploitation in detail to present what was going around him in his time.
Dry deposition of Carbonised Aerosols and Impacts on Public Health and Environment in Port Harcourt, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Giadom, F. D.Air quality in the Port Harcourt metropolis has continued to deteriorate; due to the regularly observed intense carbonised aerosols, generally referred to as ‘black soot’ which descend on the city as dry deposition. These aerosols are tiny particles measuring 2.5-10µm circa in diameter, suspended in the lower troposphere, inhibiting cloud formation and capable of causing long term environmental and health hazards to residents.
Using of Nano Materials and Additives to Enhance the Hot Mix Asphalt[Full-Text ] Mohammed Elsadek Ouf, Ahmed Ebrahim Abu El-Maaty Behiry and Saddam ShahrahIn recent years, the use of nano materials for improving various mechanical and performance related properties of polymer-modified asphalt binders has been growing rapidly. However, few researches investigated the effects of base binder and styrene butadiene styrene (SBS) structure on the performance of polymer nano composite modified asphalt mixtures.
Correlation of Obesity and Hypertension between Normotensive and Hypertension Among Adults[Full-Text ] Dr.Laique Imran, Dr. Zunaira Idrees, Dr.Muhammmad Waqas AslamObesity is an important risk factor for many chronic physical and mental illnesses. Obesity is abnormal or excessive fat accumulation, which means it must be saved for the first time. Obesity and overweight are considered problems in high-income countries. At least 2.8 million people die prematurely each year because of overweight or obesity. Here, he talks about the relationship between obesity, and his determinants of nutrition and health are inconsistent with an editor.