Volume 10, Issue 4, April 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 4, April 2019.
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Effect on Noise Power Output of X-Band Argon Gas Discharge Tube Noise Source with Different Argon Gas Pressures[Full-Text ] Narendra Y. Pawar, S.A.Gangal, A.D.ShaligramGas discharge tubes containing inert Argon gas at 8,16,32,64,128,256 torr respectively when excited with appropriate DC voltages produces steady state gas discharge plasma containing light radiation and wideband microwave noise. Individual tube coupled with X-band microwave cavity or waveguide with appropriate coupling factor and volume of gas discharge produces wideband white noise.
A study of Platinum metal surface as a component of fuel cells[Full-Text ] K. N. NigussaAdsorption energies of small molecules carbon monoxide and hydrogen are studied using density functional theory and the neural network method of generating higher dimensional potential energy surfaces. Various lower index surfaces of platinum metal are considered, and the adsorption energies appear to increase according to: Pt(211) > Pt(100) > Pt(110) > Pt(111) with the adsorption of both molecules.
Security Attacks and Challenges of Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Mubashir Tariq, Faisal Mehmood, Muhammad Tahzeeb ul Hassan, Wasim Abbas Ashraf Wireless sensor networks is an emerging field to research and development, due to a large number of application avail benefits from such systems and has lead to the development of tiny, cheap, disposable and self contained battery powered computers, known as sensor nodes, So the demanding and challenging part of wireless sensor network is security makes it more severe constraints than conventional networks. However, there are several types of sensor network , helps to trace the challenges to make secure network. In this paper, we investigate the security related issues and challenges in wireless sensor networks. We identify the security threats, review proposed security mechanisms for wireless sensor networks.
Optimization of drilling Parameters for GFRP Composite using Taguchi method[Full-Text ] Abeer S. Eisa The surface roughness (Ra) and delamination factor (df) are vital problems in any drilling operation of (GFRP) Composite materials. These elements cause structural integrity reduction and poor assembly as well as the potential for long-term performance deterioration. In this research, the optimization of drilling parameters using Taguchi technique, to obtain minimum both of surface roughness (Ra) and delamination factor (df). ANOVA uses to analyze the data obtained from the experiments and determine the optimal parameters in the drilling of GFRP composite materials.
Surface Roughness and Delamination Analysis in Drilling of GFRP and AL/Sicp Composites with Different End[Full-Text ] Ahmed M. Easa, Abeer S. EisaIn the present research the influence of the input process parameters; three of cutting speeds, five of feed rates and three cutters (end mill) of different diameters on the process responses, i.e. the surface roughness (Ra) and the delamination factor (df) of the drilled hole for the two types of composites GFRP and AL/SiCp are studied. From the deep analysis of the results, the feed rate and the cutter diameter are had a large effect on surface roughness (Ra)and delamination factor (df), while both are increased with the increase of cutter diameter and the used feed rates. The average values of results for surface roughness (Ra) and delamination factor (df) when drilling GFRP composite are bigger than that values of AL/SiCp composite at all used cutters, cutting speeds and all used feed rates. Used of cutting speed (2500 rpm), the cutter of the small diameter ? 8mm and low feed rate (10mm/min) are suitable for drilling GFRP and AL/SiCp to get a better surface roughness of drilling hole.
Evaluation of the Surface Roughness And the Delamination in Drilling Hole of Al/SiCp MMCs[Full-Text ] Abeer S. EisaIn the present research, the analysis of the experimental results has been carried out to study the influence of the following input process parameters; three of the cutting speeds, five of the feed rates and five of the drill tools (HSS - different point angles-same diameter) on the process responses, i.e. the delamination factor (df) and the surface roughness (Ra) of the drilled hole. The drilling has been carried out on the plate of AL/Sicp metal matrix composite MMC, when using three of volume fraction ratios. The analysis of these results indicated that the delamination factor (df) is increased with the increase of; the feed rate, the tool point angle, the cutting speed and with the increase of volume fraction ratios. Also, the surface roughness (Ra) of the drilled hole is increased with the increase of; the feed rate, the tool point angle and with the increase of volume fraction ratios, but decreases with the increase of the cutting speed.
A Congestion Control Multiple Route Establishments Routing in MANET[Full-Text ] Kanchan Narware, Rajat paliwal, Chetan AgrawalThe congestion is occurring due to limited capacity of link between the nodes in mobile ad hoc network (MANET). The problem of congestion is resolve by proving the alternative path through AOMDV routing protocol in network. If one of the establish path is break due to congestion then instantly the other path is available for deliver data to destination. The AOMDV establish the minimum three paths in between sender and receiver. In this research we proposed the congestion control scheme that controls the rate of data sending by managing the queue level in network.
Effects and promotion of Earthworm on municipal sewage sludge degradation[Full-Text ] Nasasira Boeres, Fu Xiao yongThere are several techniques available for dealing with the municipal sewage sludge received during waste water treatment. Since municipal sewage sludge is a waste with high organic load generated in large quantities, a biological approach such as vermicomposting that uses Earthworms to degrade and partially digest the waste sludge was studied. To determine the effects and promotion of earthworms on degradation of municipal sewage sludge, obtaining a stable product with a high agronomic value by mineralize the essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from the sludge and reduce its risk to the environment.
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE ON SMALL SCALE ENERGY PRODUCTION[Full-Text ] Tarique Ali Mazari, Dr. Tanweer Hussain, Muhammad Sharif JamaliThis research work is conducted for computing the performance of vertical axis wind turbine. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software is used to analyze the mechanical performance of VAWT. The two bladed and three bladed VAWT performance is calculated by simulating each VAWT by using CFD software. Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs), can be installed in the locations where the wind speed is low.
Plate Modal and Lateral Vibration Displacement Sensors[Full-Text ] Aniket Pinjan and Marcellin ZahuiPlate vibration characteristics such as mode shapes and deflections or natural frequencies and damping factors can be measured with accelerometers, laser based systems, and other sensing technologies. The work presented in this paper is about the direct measurement of the deflection curve of a vibrating plate using piezoelectric films. The sensor consists of an array of PolyVinyliDene Fluoride (PVDF) film patches bonded to the surface of the plate. The patches are oriented such that the piezoelectric axis 1 is along the plate axis of interest to minimize the effect of the strains from the piezoelectric axis 2.
Real Time Detection and Reporting Of Road Potholes[Full-Text ] Meghana M Magaji, Sai Arjun Chakravarthula One of the major problems in developing countries is maintenance of roads. Poor road conditions cause discomfort to the passenger, damage to vehicles, and increase the chances of road accidents. Therefore, it is desirable to have a mechanism to report potholes on a large scale occurring in the routes on which people wish to take in real time. Also understanding conditions of road surface is very important for road maintenance and management. To ensure road surface quality it should be monitored continuously and repaired as necessary.
Fabrication and Testing of a Strain Gage Load Cell[Full-Text ] Ahmed Aladdin Ibrahim, Abd AlKareim Sadoon MuhsenIn this work, a strain gage load cell was designed, constructed and subjected to experimental tests. The load cell consists of a square-section mild steel hollow tube, two electrical resistance strain gages and a digital strain meter. The two strain gages were bonded on opposite sides of the square section hollow tube with their longitudinal axes coinciding with the longitudinal axis of the tube. The two strain gages were connected to a digital strain meter in a half-bridge circuit configuration to measure the compressive strain res
Automated Hamon Transfer Standard for High Resistance Traceability in the Range from 100 MO to 10 GO[Full-Text ] Rasha S. M. Ali and M. Helmy A. RaoufA new automated Hamon transfer standard (NAHTS) has been presented in this paper as a novel contribution to provide parallel, series, or series/parallel configurations automatically. Also by using our NAHTS, the National Institute of Standards (NIS), Egypt capability and traceability of the dc resistance measurements have been extended to 10 G? instead of 100 M?. Design of the demonstrated NAHTS is mainly based on one micro-controller and eleven reed relays.
Air Conditioning Using Exhaust of a Vehicle[Full-Text ] Naveen Kumar, Satyam Upadhyay, Vaibhav Setia, Sunil Kr. Patel, Rahul SainiVarious irreversible procedures in as far as possible its ability to accomplish an exceptionally adjusted effectiveness. The fast extension of gases inside the barrel creates high temperature contrasts, violent smooth movements and substantial warmth exchanges from the liquid to the cylinder crown and chamber dividers. These quick progressions of occasions occurring in the chamber make growing fumes gases with weights that surpass the barometrical dimension, and they should be discharged while the gases are as yet extending to set up the barrel for the accompanying procedures.
Dynamics of Peri Urban areas of Indian Cities[Full-Text ] Pallavi TiwariWith the increasing urbanization, cities are continuously sprawling outward with expanding urban boundaries. This over spill of population is accommodated within the peri-urban interface of cities. Peri-urban is characterized as having a transformative nature, attributed to a lot of physical, social and environmental changes occurring in those areas and also the fact that what is peri urban today would be urban tomorrow which makes it significant when it comes to spatial planning.
DELAYED TOXICITY OF PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS[Full-Text ] 1. Most ofthe psychiatrists are unaware as what is a perfect mindsince they are taught only to diagnose an abnormal or imperfect mind. We all are well aware that there are countless or squillion human minds across the globe which are normal or even brilliant. The question then arises as to what actually is a perfectly normal human mind!
Technical Impacts of Integration of Microhydro Distributed Generation with Power Distribution System: A Case Study[Full-Text ] Sajid, M. Iftikhar Khan, Anis Ur Rehman In this paper technical impacts of the integration of microhydro as Distributed Generation (DG) with distribution network has been studied. An eleven kilovolt distribution system of Dir-Upeer valley located in northern region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, has been taken as a case study. Upper Dir has a huge potential for small and microhydro power (MHP) production especially in summer season, where there is an abundant water falls in hills.
Solution for Gauss Circle problem for integer value of R and it’s application in finding the number of quantum states available to a particle in 2-D box[Full-Text ] Determination of number of integer pairs of (x,y) coordinates in the region bounded by the circle of radius R is gauss circle problem. As we know the number of energy states available below an energy level is for a particle in the box problem is the number of non-zero integer values of n_x and n_y satisfying the equation n_x^2+n_y^2≤N, where 〖 E〗_N=Nâ‹…E_1. In this paper to evaluate the number of quantum states available by considering energy levels in 2-D as spatial coordinates and hence solving the gauss circle problem and calculating the integer pairs inside the circle in 1st quadrant a more precise answer is abstracted. In this paper program for solving the gauss circle problem for an integer value of radius and evaluation of quantum states available is presented. The data achieved by the program is further analysed graphically.
The Internal Quality Assurance System at College of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP)[Full-Text ] Subaidah, Bambang Suratman, MurtadloHigher education is part of the national education system which has a role in educating the nation's life and advancing science and technology including increasing the nation's competitiveness in facing globalization in all fields. The long-term goal of this research is to improve the quality of universities, especially STKIP, so that it can produce professional teachers .
Phenolic Compounds, Antioxidant Activity and Fatty Acid Compositions of Commercial Cold-Pressed Hemp Seed (Cannabis Sativa L) Oils From Turkey[Full-Text ] Zeliha Ustun-ArgonHemp (Cannabis sativa L) is one of the oldest plants which has been used throughout history by people for food, textile, and medicine due to its important components. Hemp seed oil has become more popular with a polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and linoleic/linolenic acid ratio which is ideal for a healhty human diet and cold pressed oil is preffered for supplements and pharmaceuticals. In this study different samples of cold pressed hemp seed oil from Turkey have been evaluated for fatty acid compositions, DPPH radical scavenging activity. Phenolic components determined with LC-QTOF-MS. PUFAs were found between 71.75-74.79% and linoleic/linoleic acid ratios were between 2.96-3.27. DPPH scavenging activity 38.24±2.44-51.23±0.582 %. Phenolic compounds have identified with Metlin_Metabolomic and For_Tox databases and 51-89 different components were defined.
Impact assessment of tropical cyclone MORA along the coast of Bangladesh and recovery measures[Full-Text ] Foyjonnesa, Irfan Raju, Farhana Zannat Eti, Md. Mahabub Alam, Gour Chandra PaulIn this study, the cyclonic storm (CS) MORA, a category 1 tropical cyclone that hit the coast of Bangladesh in the morning of 30 May 2017 is simulated numerically as well the impacts of this storm are assessed and recovery measures are presented. It was seen that due to adopt some necessary measures taken by the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh depending upon the warning system produced by the storm warning centre of Bangladesh Metrological Department (BMD), the number of death was found to be decreased.
Tumor segmentation and Isolation Analysis[Full-Text ] Agrim NautiyalImage processing is a vast area with numerous applications in our day to day lives.
THE PREVALENCE OF MASTITIS AND ITS ASSOCIATED RISK FACTORS IN LACTATING DROMEDARY CAMELS IN AND AROUND HARGESA, SOMALI-LAND[Full-Text ] Abdikarim O.Mogeh, Awot.Teklu, Mohamed. D. OglehIn spite of it living in harsh env ronments of semiarid and arid zones, the dromedary camel is able to produce milk in valuable quantity. Camel milk is one of the main components of diet of the nomads in semiarid and arid zones and is an essential food for livelihood of people and it may be the only milk available in the Hargeisa district where other milking animals cannot be maintained. However, like other dairy animals, dromedary camels could be affected by ud-der infections such as mastitis
The Language of Our DNA - Scalar Energy[Full-Text ] Jere Rivera-DugenioAccording to researchers Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, DNA is influenced by words and frequencies. According to their research, the key lies with the other 90% of the non-coding for protein DNA, often misrepresented as “junk DNA”, that serves as data storage and communication. The research of Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Dr. Pjotr Garajajev suggests that living chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers using endogenous DNA laser radiation. In simpler terms, words and sentences of our human language can recode our DNA
Performance Analysis of Fir Filter Using Different Multipliers for Image Processing[Full-Text ] Geetha K, Dr. Lakshminarayana MThe processing of image or signal on a FPGA is the very difficult process, filters plays important role in any DSP application, the filter architecture contains the many components in that the multipliers plays an vital role ,the filter performance is mainly depends on the multiplier circuit and its performance if the multiplier circuit is complex it requires more area, more power consumption and lesser speed but the VLSI design mainly concentrates on less area, less power consumption and more speed, so to get the best solution for this problem we have choose this proposed method.
Methods to find Absolute Velocity of any object moving in space[Full-Text ] Vipin EAbsolute Velocity is the velocity of a body measured with reference to the absolute space. Absolute velocity of a body in space has become an essential parameter for modern space application. By fixing an absolute direction and velocity frame will simplify the motions in absolute space. Constancy of speed of light in vacuum and its directionality is can be used to find absolute velocity of anybody moving in space.
A forecast evaluating using Dynamic forecasting and Static forecasting model[Full-Text ] Shayla Naznin, Gowranga Kumar PaulIn economic sector, remittances plays an important role .Remittances has a great contribution in our GDP. So for the development of country Remittances is important. From different countries we earn different amount of remittances which have relation among them or may not. If we can forecast using an appropriate model then we can know how much remittances come in future years and contribute in economy.
A Case Study - Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Traumatic Ocular Defect[Full-Text ] Ahmed Amin Moselhy, DDS, MS, Phd, and bNasser Aly, DDS, MS, PhdEnucleation of the eye is often indicated after ocular injury or for the treatment of intraocular tumors, severe ocular infections, and painful blind eyes.A prosthesis is an artificial substitute that is implanted into, or integrated onto a human body part to replace the missing natural organ, for the purpose of restoring a specific function or a group of related functions.
Walkability Assessment in Housing Schemes Using Global Walkability Index and GIS based Spatial Analysis[Full-Text ] Arwa Tariq, Nimra Ejaz, Sana GhazanfarWalkability refers to the safety, security, and convenience of traveling by foot. It is the extent to which the built environment is friendly to the presence of people living, shopping, visiting, or spending time in an area. It can be generally defined as the measure of suitability of an area for walking. The study assesses the walkability in neighbourhood design of Garden Town and DHA-EME Housing Society using GIS Based Spatial Analysis Technique and Global Walkability Index. Furthermore, questionnaire based surveys have been conducted for exploring the users perception regarding existing condition of pedestrian facilities. The GIS Based Analysis for assessing the walkable community facilities has been made on the basis of location standards given in National Reference Manual (NRM) and Walkability Index.
Determination of Mass of Electron[Full-Text ] Gunjan Raj Tiwari, Bal Krishna AcharyaWe present an efficient way to compute the mass of the electron, a fundamental particle of matter. The main goal of our work is to find out the mass of electron without depending on its charge and specific charge. Still, in this modern era, the mass of the electron is found out complicatedly by using the conclusion of Millikan's oil drop experiment and JJ Thompson's experiment which contains some limitations
Development of Road Cleaning and Scrap Collecting Robotic Vehicle[Full-Text ] Ayush Goel, Vipul Verma,, Peeyush Kr Gupta, Vishal GuptaThis paper shows the advancement of Road Cleaning and Scrap Collecting Robotic Vehicle and its different usages. As neatness of our condition has its own ideal conditions which makes it a basic topic of research nowadays as it goes under Swacchh Bharat Abhiyan, an activity taken by the legislature of India additionally it favours green collecting structures and we pointed conveying cleaner streets by utilizing least endeavours.
Prediction of surface roughness for milling of GFRP composites using R.S.M. and ANN[Full-Text ] Abeer S. EisaSurface roughness prediction for the end-milling process, is a very important economical consideration in order to decrease the production cost in manufacturing environments. In this research, prediction of surface roughness (Ra) for GFRP composite material based on cutting parameters; cutting speed, feed rate, volume fraction ratio and cutter diameter are studied. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) are used to present the application of predict surface roughness for end milling process.
Study of Railway Accidents[Full-Text ] Aniket Dhaygude, Yogesh Deokar, Nirbhay Baste, Rushikesh Dengale,Prof. Milind daradeOver the last decade many railway accidents and fatalities have occurred in Pune and worldwide. Following these train accidents, there has been a large amount of public debate about safety management on the Indian railways. These accidents have raised issues regarding the effectiveness of the safety management of the railway system. This paper presents a summary of the results of a preliminary systematic analysis of several Pune rail accidents of central railway as well as local railway bogies, i.e. those at Pune Junction platform and on the tracks which run within the limits of Pune municipal corporation.
Comparative Study of Performance of Modified Asphalt Mixtures Using Different Traditional and Nano Additives[Full-Text ] M. G. Al-Taher, Hassan D. Hassanin, Mokhtar F. Ibrahim and Ahmed M. SawanThis study investigates the performance of Hot Mix Asphalt concrete mixtures modified using different types of traditional and Nano additives. The traditional modifiers include rubber, polyethylene and lime while the Nano modifiers include Nano Silica and Silica Fume. The performance of the modified mixtures was comparatively evaluated in order to find the best modifier. The evaluation was done through conducting the comparison between results obtained on samples using Marshall, Indirect Tensile Strength, Direct Compression, and Wheel Tracking tests. The used samples were prepared and compacted at the optimum modifier percentage previously founded by other research studies.
(KAP)Survey on the usage of plastic bags, their disposal and impacts on the en-vironment: A case study in the Capital Secretariat, Sana'a, Yemen[Full-Text ] Jibreel, Mustafa & Al-shwafi, NabilResearch and policy interest in questions of environmental pollution is growing, especially plastic bag pollution. this international concern on the effect of plastic pollution in general lead to the announcement of the theme "beat plastic pollution'' for the World Environment Day 2018. The situation is indescribable in economically poor countries like Yemen where trash disposal and recycling are not highly regulated the proliferation of plastic bags has created a dramatic environmental pollutions and health problems. In Capital Secretariat most people use plastic bags for shopping purposes and keeping Qat. however, their excessive use leads to a large amount of plastic bag waste.
Computer Literacy of Non-Information Technology Students: Basis for Curriculum Enhancement[Full-Text ] Marlon I. TorresThis paper adopted the descriptive method of research. The researcher used questionnaires to gather data together with interview and observation. The interview technique was used to validate data that has been gathered in the questionnaires. The aim of the study was to determine the level of computer literacy of non-information technology students. The study involved the third year non-information technology students in the different campuses of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology during the first semester school year 2012-2013.
Optimal Location of FACTS Devices for Performance Enhancement of Jeddah 380 kV Power Grid[Full-Text ] Abood AL-Dossary, Khaled Sedraoui, Abdulaziz OthmanThis paper focuses on the enhancement of the Jeddah 380kV power systems performance through the incorporation of the appropriate flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices. The optimal locations of the FACTS devices in the network are determine through sensitivity analysis. Newton-Raphson load flow analysis incorporating the FACTS devices is performed on the Jeddah 380 kV power grid. These results are then used to investigate the effectiveness of the optimally located FACTS devices, namely Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) and the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), in the Jeddah grid for the enhancement of the load flow and reduce the power losses in the transmission system.
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and Radiation Effect on the Casson Nanofluid Flow over Linear Stretching Sheet[Full-Text ] Hazoor Bux Lanjwani, M Imran Anwar and M Saleem Chandio, Sumera Dero and Liaquat Ali LundIn this paper, Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of the Casson based nanofluid has been studied in presence of thermal radiation effect towards a linear stretching sheet. The governing equations are reduced in the form of the ordinary differential equations by using similarity transformations. The reduced equations are solved by shooting technique with Runge Kutta method MAPLE software implementation. In order to validate the accuracy of shooting method, numerically obtained results of the skin friction and the Nusselt number are compared with three-stage-Labattoo-three-A-formula in bvp4c ODE solver and found in the excellent agreements.
Real Time Determination of an Information Content of an Audio Signal a Multidomain Approach[Full-Text ] Engr. Olawore Jelili O.Ability to examine a signal in time, frequency and time-frequency domain gives some statistical features about such signal .It provides valuable insight into the properties that are difficult to discern in a particular domain and the cause for poor and bad performance of such signal. Acoustic analysis of a speech signal in time, frequency and time-frequency is explained briefly.
Modeling and Forecasting Weather Parameters using ANN-MLP, ARIMA and ETS model: A case study for Lahore, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Dr Bushra Shamshad, M Zubair Khan, Zara OmarThis paper demonstrate a comparison of Artificial Neural Networking Multilayer Perceptron (ANN-MLP) with automatic Exponential Smoothing Algorithm (ETS) and Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models for forecasting the key weather parameters of Lahore, Pakistan. Models are developed by considering average of monthly maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, wind-speed and amount of precipitation For developing the models, thirty years data (1987-2016) comprising are used. ANN-MLP is a mathematical technique and ARIMA and ETS are statistical techniques.
Artificial Neural Network based Intelligent Waste Segregator[Full-Text ] Nitha Elizabeth John, Sreelakshmi R, Swetha R Menon, Varsha SanthoshIn today’s fast-paced world, we are facing an escalating problem in ensuring efficacious and sustainable management of waste. This is a result of rapid increase in urbanization and industrialization. India ranks second in the world after China, in terms of population and this rising population has given way to an increase in the use of resources and ultimately resulting in a proportional increase in waste generation. Waste management has gained popularity as an issue that requires immediate attention and action. Waste segregation is the most important step in this process.
Sofosbuvir for Hepatitis C Genotype 2 or 3 in Patients without Treatment Options[Full-Text ] Dr.Muhammmad Waqas Aslam, Dr.Laique Imran, Dr. Zunaira Idrees Background: Patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 2 or 3 for whom treatment with peginterferon is not an option, or who have not had a response to prior interferon treatment, currently have no approved treatment options. In phase 2 trials, regimens including the oral nucleotide polymerase inhibitor sofosbuvir have shown efficacy in patients with HCV genotype 2 or 3 infection.
A Comparison Study of Penetration Testing Tools in Linux[Full-Text ] Mr. Lijo Zachariah, Prof. Sudeshna Roy Penetration testing also known as Pen Test is very searing concept in the area of security testing nowadays. With the change in the way computer systems are used and built these days, security takes the limelight. It is the sequence of activities which is accomplished by authorized simulated attack on computer system, network or web application to find vulnerabilities and susceptibilities that an attacker could exploit.
Self Diagnosing and Optimizing Features of an Industrial Process Control[Full-Text ] Kamalu Ugochukwu .A and Okerulu Charles .ISelf diagnosing and optimizing features of an industrial process control has been achieved, it is a modern industrial process control system, which aims at providing energy efficiency, safety improvement, consistent product quality, reducing manufacturing costs and finally providing better environmental performance. In order to achieve this work, several technologies were considered in the methodology: for both self diagnosing and self optimizing, vibration analysis, oil and wear particle analysis, thermography, acoustic emission (AE) analysis information processing Sensor Actuator system (ISA), Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Model Based Self optimization (MBSO) were considered respectively. The results obtained were satisfactorily as the system was able to predict breakdown and rectify it, thereby eliminating unscheduled downtime.
CREATING TRIP GENERATION MODELS FOR UNPLANNED CITIES[Full-Text ] Metwally G. M. Altaher, Ahmed Mohamady Abdallah, Mohamed Abdelghany Elsayed, Abd El-Rahman Baz Abd El-Samii MahfouzUnplanned cities, like Zagazig, are suffering from traffic congestion, trip delaying, and accidents. This may be caused by harmful impact of the continuous constructing random projects and activities which maximize the number of trips generated in the city and change its distribution from time to time. Trip generation is the first and biggest challenge in transportation modeling process. This stage is used to predict all generated trips including those starting inside and outside the study area. Many terms are used to express trip generation based on its origin - destination, or production- attraction as a reference.