Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2018.
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Assessment of Domestic Water Consumption Quantity in The Jalalabad City, Afghanistan[Full-Text ] Khalid Khan BilalAccess to a suitable water quantity to fulfill daily water needs is right of every human being. Defining the required demanding water quantity is very significant for a water supply department. In case of Jalalabad city, it is still a challenge to The Water Supply Department and supporting donors & organizations that how much optimize and suitable quantity of water to be delivered to each household in the city to satisfy the residents’ needs.
Effect of Family Forgiveness on Anger and Marital Satisfaction of University Employees[Full-Text ] Mohsen Kord, Mahmood S. Khan, Minoo Sharbafshaaer, Tufel AkhtarBackground: Forgiveness in terms of decreased negative motivation, or forgiveness (e.g., revenge, avoidance) toward the transgressor. Anger is an emotional state that may range in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage. Marital satisfaction is important for the good perfor- mance of the individuals in these tasks; this paper intends to examine the relationship between forgiveness, anger, and marital satisfaction.
A Comparitive study on TSP[Full-Text ] MariyamTraveling salesmen problem is the most important and familiar problem in order to get the optimal and short- est path to reach at the goal point. To achieve this objective multiple ap- proaches has been developed. In this paper we are comparing di erent ap- proaches from the collection of many algorithm and approach to present that all of these are providing best results of optimization.But these ap-proaches having best and optimal re-sults.
How Men and Women Treated Differently in Media[Full-Text ] Ayesha GhazalMedia plays a critical and powerful role in the development of public consciousness because of the ability of mass media to fix different stereotypes and concepts in the public opinion. In the present modern world, the life pace has increased to a significant level due to which, the flow of information has increased and in this regarding stereotypes have significant importance for the normal function of society. Thus, media can play a considerable role in the cognition process and different things happening in the world to make effective decisions. The role of media in the process of communication is very high and they are associated with the homogeneous phenomena to present different facts and also allow the exchange of information.
Prescribing Aerobic pace training to the National Swim Team of Faroe Islands[Full-Text ] J. Jaime Arroyo-Toledo, Jóannes Huusgaard Ã. Fløtti, Pál Vitalis Joensen, Dánjal Martin Hofgaard & Rókur à JákupsstovuSwimming is a popular competitive sport, high influenced by the endurance. The aim of the present research was to determine values as critical swimming velocity (VCrit) and the correlation among to the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and Heart rate at anaerobic threshold (HRAnT); in elite national swimmers of Faroe Islands. There were 17 (11 female, 6 male) volunteer participants (age 17.25 ± 1.01 years; height 169 ± 10.20cm; body mass 61.33 ± 9.90kg). The results of the correlation analysis showed signiï¬cant correlations between VCrit and HRAnT (r = 0.79, p<0.01); between VCrit and RPE (r = 0.73, p < 0.01); In addition, the HRAnT was correlated to HRmax (r = 0.52, p < 0.05). We conclude: estimation of VCrit its and easy, reliable and simple way to prescribe the onset of anaerobic training.
Developing Customer Trust Model and Its Implication on the Improvement of Customer, Commitment, and Loyalty at PD. Bank Bahteramas in Wakatobi Regency Southeast Sulawesi Province[Full-Text ] PROF.DR. HASANUDDIN, PROF.DR. H. DEDY TAKDIR SAIFUDDIN, PROF. DR. H. L.M. HARAFAH, PROF.DR. ADNAN HAKIMThis research was conducted in PD. Bank Bahteramas in Wakatobi Regency Southeast Sulawesi Province with purposes to build customer trust model as well as to determine and analyze the implication of customer model trust implementation on increased customer commitment and loyalty. It is used primary data and then it is processed and analyzed by using descriptive analysis method and then FGD to decide the model to build customer trust in PD. Bank Bahteramas Wakatobi. It decides a model called as Customer Quadrilateral Trust Model. Results of significant test analysis prove that the implementation of customer quadrilateral trust model can improve customer commitment and loyalty in a significant level in PD. Bank Bahteramas Wakatobi. There are still some weakness of the customer quadrilateral trust model, namely it gives less attention to communication and interaction aspects so that it is necessary to develop it further in following research using triangle model.
Developing Multiple Intelligences on Instruction to Build Four Education Platforms of Vocational Schools Students in Kendari[Full-Text ] La Ode Muharam, Wa Ode HijrahThis research aims at developing multiple intelligences as one of learning strategies to build up four qualified education platformsfor vocational schools’ students in Kendari. Multiple intelligence is a concept which enhances all the students’ potentials to develop the four education platforms in learning, in order that it can result something meaningful in their lives, such as learning to know, to do, to live together, and to be which is manifested on science subject with the energy changes as the lesson topic.The research method is experimental design which employs pre-test and post-test with control group. The sampling is undertaken by using random sampling. In this respect, XI Bbecomes the experiment class while XI Cas a control group. The result of this study indicates that the development of multiple intelligences on science subject with energy change lesson on vocational students in Kendari can generate the four education platforms. The statistical calculation also devotes that experimental class gains higher score than control class.
Design of Vehicle Health and Position Telemetry System for Management[Full-Text ] Abdul Malik, Syed Waqar Shah , Abdul Jabbar KhanTo manage and monitor a machinery especially vehicles using manual processes is very difficult. Especially the enterprises comprising of large fleet of vehicles face the tasks of prime management. To deal with such proble, a telemetry system is needed to envision the optimal management by monitoring the condition and position of the vehicles by real time monitoring.
Effects of a PID Controller in Closed Loop Feedback System[Full-Text ] Udeh Tochukwu Livinus, Prof. Natalya Zagorodna, Dibi Tamunomiebaka, Dr. Friz, Udeh Emeka LonginusThe PID controller is a simple system. Well-developed architectures exist for building complex systems from the bottom up by combining PID controllers with linear and nonlinear elements such as cascade, mid-range, selector control, and gain scheduling.
Prevalence of Nosocomial Infection at NICU in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Islamabad[Full-Text ] Muhammad Ali, Amjad Ali Nosocomial infection is the most common cause of mortality and morbidity in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and is comparatively high as compare to adults. This study focuses to find out the prevalence of nosocomial infections at NICUs of a tertiary care hospital, and the contributing bugs were identified in order to provide possible solutions to control the infections.
Phylogenetic Delineation of Salmonella serovars using Multiple Locus Sequence Typing (MLST)[Full-Text ] Balasubramanian Suryalakshmi, Mareeswaran Hema, Velayutham RajapriaMultiple Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) based on fliB, fliD, metR, ompS, phoQ, rfaF and yehU genes were developed for differentiation of salmonella serovars. The complete genome sequences were available for 55 different salmonella serovars at the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database. Single locus gene markers like rnpB gene, operons of 16s rRNA and 23s rRNA were unable to distinguish all the 55 serovars of Salmonella. Hence the seven novel genes which include both virulent and housekeeping genes were used in MLST technique and the discriminatory power of MLST was found to be 0.998.
Impact of Digital India by 2019[Full-Text ] LuvyThe Digital India program has been propelled with an aim of changing the nation into a digitally enabled society and learning economy. The Digital India program would guarantee that Government administrations are easily accessible to citizens electronically reducing the paperwork. It would as well bring responsibility and transparency through the mandated delivery of services electronically; a Unique ID and e-Pramaan in view of credible and standard based interoperable and incorporated government applications and information basis. This paper endeavors to feature the effect of Digital India by 2019. It also expounds on the diverse possibilities of the program for the general population of the nation.
A Web-Based Clinical Decision Support System for the Management of Diabetes Neuropathy using Naive Bayes Algorithm[Full-Text ] Shade KUYORO, Folasade OSISANWO, Monday EZE, and Atisi FRANKLYN Diabetes Neuropathy is a chronic health problem with devastating, yet preventable consequences. Due to this shortage of specialists, there is a need for a Clinical Decision Support System that will diagnose and manage diabetes neuropathy. This work therefore aimed at designing a web-based Clinical Decision Support System for the management of early diabetes neuropathy. Four pattern classification algorithms (K-Nearest Neighborhood, Decision Tree, Decision Stump and Rule Induction) were adopted in this work and were evaluated to determine the most suitable algorithm for the clinical decision support system. Datasets were gathered from reliable sources; two teaching hospitals in Nigeria, these were used for the evaluation Benchmarks such as performance, accuracy level, precision, confusion matrices and the models building’s speed were used in comparing the generated models. The study showed that Naïve Bayes outperformed all other classifiers with accuracy being 60.50%.
Drought characterization in Ahmar dryland area of Morocco[Full-Text ] Alahiane Kamal, El Mzouri El Houssine, Maadid Hanane, El Hani Sliman, Koulali YahyaThe agriculture in dryland areas is inherently sensitive to climate conditions, and is among the most vulnerable sectors to the risks and impacts of global climate change. The objective of this study is to characterize drought periods and severity, rainfall patterns and the evolution of length of growth period in the arid dryland Ahmar area plain of Morocco. The climate data covers the last forty-three years period (1975-2017).
Identifying Competitors based on user reviews using Sentiment Classification Methods[Full-Text ] Dr. V.P. Gladis Pushpa rathi, D.R.Pradheep, M.Sreenivasulu Reddy, C.Venkatesan, R.P.KarthikFor any competitive business to get success, it should fetch longing customers to make a profit out of it. Determining the competition of businesses from their services perspective claims to have a high success rate in terms of accuracy. The proposed system allows the customers choose the business which is highly competitive in the market. It can be achieved through the use of various sentiment classification techniques to rate the business from the user reviews data sets.
Combines the method of Duval Triangle 2 and theory of Correlation Coefficient to Diagnose the Operation Status in On-Load Tap Changers’ Equipment with Dissolved Gases Analysis[Full-Text ] Ming-Jong LinThis paper takes advantage of the characteristics theory of the correlation coefficient to develop a practical approach of diagnosis On-Load Tap Changers’ Operation Status in oil-immersed transformer. In this paper, three references data were taken as the random variables of correlation coefficient from the literature of the ANSI/IEEE C57.139 specification, namely - the danger level of it’s for the threshold dataset, coking and arcing of failure datasets. Those references performed correlation coefficient with the sample oil data in a program individually. This approach was been verified from the databases of IEC TC 10 database and Taiwan Power Company, which has the accurate degree better than tradition approaches. The advantage of this approach is not only shows each gas concentration of the sample data and the reference data, but also the diagnostic text on report. The accurate degree is confirmed up 96.1% from IEC TC 10 database and Taiwan Power Company data. Thus it illustrates that it can an alternative tool for On–Load Tap Changers’ Operation Status diagnosis.
Structural Characterization and Magnetic properties of Chromium substituted Nickel nano ferrites[Full-Text ] Rapolu SridharMixed Ni-Cr nano ferrite system having the compositional formula NiCrXFe2−XO4 (Where X = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 and 1.0) were synthesized using Citrate-Gel auto combustion method. The structural characterization was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD). X-ray analysis shows that the samples are cubic spinel structure (single phase) without any impurity peak and average crystallite size was in the range 8.55-10.36nm. The X- ray density, bulk density and porosity were calculated. Magnetic properties were measured at room temperature in the applied field of ±6KOe. The obtained M-H loop area is very narrow, hence the synthesized nano ferrites become soft magnetic materials with less magnetization. Magnetic parameters such as saturation magnetization, magnetic moment and Y-K angle were measured and discussed with regard to Cr3+ ion concentration. The Curie temperature is measured from Loria-Sinha method. The observed results can be explained on the basis of composition.
CHANGES IN BLOOD PARAMETERS AND LIVER ANTIOXIDANT ENZYMES IN HAEMOPARASITE INFECTED ABATTOIR CATTLE IN IBADAN METROPOLIS, IBADAN, OYO STATE, SOUTH WEST NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Amuda Tharheer OluwasholaThis study investigate the prevalence of haemoprasite as to its relation with the haematological condition and the liver function of the slaughtered abattoir cattle in Ibadan metropolis Ibadan Oyo State, Nigeria. A total of 227 cattle were examined between August and November 2016. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein of the cattle at point of slaughter in 2 bottles one containing ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and another plain.
Optimization of edge detection algorithm for digital images through dynamic programming[Full-Text ] Anju Mishra, Kushagra Goel, Pankaj SharmaMost of the edge detection algorithms are optimized with classic techniques and I proposed the “optimization of edge detection algorithm for digital images through dynamic programming.
Stroke Prediction Models: A Systematic Review[Full-Text ] Jeena R S, Dr SukeshKumar AStroke is one of the foremost causes of adult disability in many of the developing countries. Diagnosis of stroke during the initial stages is crucial for timely prevention and cure. Various conventional statistical methods and computational intelligent models like Framingham model have been developed for predicting the risk of stroke. These risk prediction models can aid in clinical decision making and help patients to have an improved and reliable risk prediction. This paper explores the various prediction models developed so far for the assessment of stroke risk.
EFFECTS OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT ON EMPLOYEE WORK COMMITMENT AND PERFORMANCE AT COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER IN NORTH KONAWE REGENCY[Full-Text ] Bakhtiar AbbasThis study aims to know and analyze: (1). effects of career development on employee work commitments. (2). effects of self-development on employee work commitments. (3). effects of work commitment on employee performance. (4). Effect of career development on employee performance and (5). Effects of personal development on employee performance at Community Health Center in North Konawe Regency. The design of this research is causality research.
Experimental Investigation on Vortex Tube Refrigeration System[Full-Text ] Abhinav GiriA vortex tube is a device which produces cooling at one end and heating at the other end simultaneously by pumping of heat from low to high temperature which takes place in the absence of any moving part. This paper represents the parametric evaluation of counter flow vortex tube through number of experiments by adjusting the control valve position for the pressure range of 0.5 to 3 bar.
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON LOCAL AND FOREIGN TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANIES IN MALAYSIA[Full-Text ] MD. IFTEKHAR MIAH The purpose of this research is to determine the factors that would influence the customer satisfaction toward telecom industries in Malaysia. The main objective of the study is to identify these factors and the level of their influences over customer satisfaction who are receiving the telecommunication services.
Assessment of Radiation Related Health Risks of Quarry Sites in the Vicinity of Lapai, North Central Nigeria[Full-Text ] M.T. Tsepav, A. Yakubu, A. S. Gene and Usman AbbasHumans are exposed to radiation in their environment with or without their consent since natural radiation is an unpreventable event which comes, sometimes, with health related risks. There is therefore the need to continuously monitor our environments for risk assessment of radiation induced health hazards.
Regeneration of the Oldest and Prime Central Business District (CBD) at Dhaka, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Ayesha Siddika, Musarrat Zaman, Jyoti Bikash DasThis paper explores the regeneration procedures of the oldest and prime Central Business District (CBD)“Motijheel” situated at Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. Dhaka is 8th among the megacities and it is characterized by high density and overcrowding, environmental degradation, severe traffic congestion and haphazard planning. To keep pace with the modern developed world, Dhaka needs to adopt proper planning process and techniques. Motijheel is a busy, dynamic business and commercial center, but becomes calm and lifeless after office time.
Electro Coagulation Applications in Water and Wastewater Treatment: A Review[Full-Text ] Megha Jagwani, Er. Devendra DohareAim of this work was to review studies, conducted mainly during 2007-2011, on the wide and versatile range of EC applications employed in the purification of different types of water and wastewater. The EC applications discussed here were divided into 5 following categories: Pulp and paper industry wastewater; Oily wastewater; surface water & other natural water; other types of industrial wastewater and Heavy metals
Optimization of Selected Parameters of Sorghum Threshing Unit[Full-Text ] Abich S. O., Ngunjiri G. M. N., Njue M. RManual methods of sorghum threshing in Kenya causes grain loss of up to 4% of total sorghum production. Optimization of selected machine parameters was conducted for a prototype sorghum thresher developed using engineering principles. The optimization was based on experiments conducted using Taguchi technique. The parameters: peg spacing, drum diameter and drum peripheral speeds were investigated. Taguchi L9 orthogonal array was specifically selected for the experiments in order to maximize threshing efficiency and throughput per unit energy consumption and minimize grain mechanical damage.
Code Clone Detection System using hybrid technique along with optimal intelligence techniques[Full-Text ] Mehak Shahzadi, Kainat, Saira MunirA lot of search about code clones, detection systems, techniques and tools are available world widely. Code clones are the duplicate code of source codes which are formed by copying and pasting code fragments of different programs into new programs to avoid writing and wasting time. It also reuses of codes with some modifications in original source codes. So. Due to the copy paste, reuse and minor modifications in original source codes causes many defects into the software. code clones are verified as a main source of defects, which means they cause problems into the implementation and maintenance of software.
Water Education in Timor Leste[Full-Text ] Zulmira Ximenes da Costa, Valente FerreiraThis paper presents water education issues and challenges in Timor-Leste and the way forward to introduce water education into school curricula. Subjects related to water education are not properly integrated into the curricula of all education levels, from primary schools to universities. The water subjects do not form one independent discipline of the school learning process, but are only taught as part of other disciplines, like biology, environment, geographic and natural sciences including geology. The final part of this article discusses the water subject at university levels such as in biology, civil engineering, agriculture and geology.
Enhanced LSB technique for Audio Steganography Using Random sample Encoding[Full-Text ] Ashraf A. Hosny, Wael A. Murtada, Mohamed I. YoussefLeast Significant Bit (LSB) hiding technique is the most simple and efficient technique used for audio steganography. The idea be-hind this research is to improve the conventional LSB technique by increasing the capacity of the hidden data and to get minimum effect for audio signal, which is used to hide data. The approach proposes two steps; the first step is to randomize the selected frame that is used to hide data while the second step to embed the message bits in the deeper layers of samples and alter other bits to decrease the error, to achieve higher capacity and robustness.
Pathogenetic Method of Complex Treatment in Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea Patients[Full-Text ] Olga Olisova, Elena Snarskaya, Lidia Shnakhova, Tatiana RusinaRosacea is a wide-spread dermatosis which a multifactorial disease. The clinical efficiency of wideband light emission in treatment of rosacea provides excellent results during long-term treatment courses. The minimal course should include 5-8 sessions. In the modern settings, it is necessary to develop combined effective treatment methods to achieve the clinical effect in a shorter time. We have designed the pathogenetic combined treatment method that includes a combination of wideband impulse light emission with topical application of 0.5% brimonidine tartrate gel in patients with erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (ETR).
Inference on quantile residual life with left-truncated and right-censored data[Full-Text ] FENG Hailin, GAO Wei, MA jiulongThe left-truncated and right-censored data is a kind of common important test data in the eld of biomedical and engineering reliability research. A quantile residual life prediction model is established for the left-truncated and right-censored in this paper. In the prediction model, with the aid of Cox model as an auxiliary mode to estimate survival function, meanwhile the unknown parameter estimation method is proposed by combining with the characteristics of the left truncated data. Furthermore, the asymptotic properties for the proposed estimator are derived.
Implementation Constraints and Opportunities in Developing Expert System Solutions for Diagnosis of Common Diseases Found in Taraba State[Full-Text ] Aliyu Sani Ahmad, Mu’awuya Dalhatu, Anas Usman Inuwa, Hambali Moshud AbiolaDigital age has reform decision making especially in medical field through information and communication technology which become inevitable part of our lives. this paper illustrates the implementation constraint that encompasses developing Expert System for diagnosis of common diseases usually found in Taraba State. The paper, shows how fuzzy expert works through four distinct phases. It is discovered that the ratio of doctors to patients and the ratio of hospitals to doctors in Taraba is too low.
The effects of combined (aerobics and stretching) exercise on selected health related physical fitness in the case of wolaita sodo university gymnasium staff participants[Full-Text ] Belayneh TsegayeThe study was designed to investigate the effect of combined (aerobics and stretching) exercises on selected health related physical fitness in the case of wolaita sodo university gymnasium staff participants who were subjected to similar intensity, duration, frequency, and type of exercise. The research applied experimental research design. For this study combined exercise (aerobics and stretching) 3days per week for 10 weeks was given as a training for 24 individuals who are participating in the gymnasium of wolaita sodo university. Participants were selected by using available sampling techniques.
Quantitative Image textural analysis of Time dependent Surface structural changes of Gutta Percha in two different solvents -- SEM study[Full-Text ] Hemani, James David Raj, M. Sornam, Poornima Devi.MGutta Percha (GP) has been the choicest endodontic restoration, when coated with a sealant for better binding and adhesion with the canal walls. The filling hardens on setting eliminating any chance of micro leakage. In the event of a failure of the treatment, removal of the filling to reattempt endodontics is a necessary mandate. Eugenol an organic solvent and xylene, a chemical solvent have been in use, to soften the GP to aid removal. Removal, however is not easy, and quite laborious even with the contemporary rotary instruments and the search for an efficient solvent to aid rotary is an ongoing research.
Probability Models: A Tool for Modelling The Diameter of Triplochiton Scleroxylon K.Schum[Full-Text ] Ojedokun J. P., Akanni O. O. and Fantola J.ODiameter distributions are important tools in forest resource management and its interpretation affects silvicultural decisions. Stacy distribution is a three-parameter distribution that is transformed into two-parameter Gamma and Weibull distributions to model the diameter of Triplochiton scleroxylon K.Schum tree in Onigambari forest in the Southwestern part of Nigeria. The data exhibit positive skewness which necessitates the usage of the distributions. The parameters of the models were estimated using Maximum Likelihood Estimation method and the comparison of the models was based on goodness-of-fit statistics.
Seasonal Variations in the Physico Chemical Parameters of Middle Region of Pamba River, Kerala, India[Full-Text ] Ninu Thomas, Nelson P. AbrahamWater is the essential commodity that organisms need for their survival and growth on earth. The availability of quality drinking water is indispensable for the survival of mankind. So quality of drinking water sources should be checked regularly for both physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters to prevent water born diseases. Since river water is the main water source for drinking and irrigation purpose, its monitoring is very much inevitable. The present study deals with the assessment of seasonal changes in water quality of Pamba River at selected sites in the middle course of the river.
Statistical Analysis of Students’ Perceptions on the Implementation of Entrepreneurship Education Programme in The Polytechnic Ibadan, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Fantola J.O., Oyagbemi A.A. & Akanni O.O.The negative consequences of unemployment and increasing number of people living below poverty line are enormous on the individuals and the nation at large as youth unemployment constitutes a formidable challenge for national governments. The research studies the students’ perception on the implementation of entrepreneurship programme in the Polytechnic, Ibadan. Two instruments (QUESIE and QUEFIE) were used to obtain relevant information from both the students and the lecturers/facilitators.
PALM AND HAND GEOMETRY FEATURES HAND RECOGNITION USING[Full-Text ] ABDULLAHBiometric recognition is an emerging technology and attaining high performance from last several years. Our proposed system focuses on multiple features derived from a single template. The aim of this work is to combine palm print and hand geometry feature to achieve accuracy and high performance. The features of interest in proposed system are hand geometry, palm length, palm width and palm ratio. Hand geometry consists of hand length, hand width, fingers length and fingers width.
Oral manifestations of exam/prof induced stress[Full-Text ] Ammara ismail, Fatima Javed, Memoona IsmailStress affects mind and body in various ways. There are different types of stress. This study emphasizes on stress due to exams and its effects on oral cavity. Multiple conditions are seen as a result of stress during exams. Out of 109 candidates 91% were affected. Pathophysiology of various conditions is also discussed.