Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2018.
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Effect of Corrosion on Bond between Steel and Concrete of Corroded and Inhibitive Reinforcement Embedded in Reinforced Concrete Structures in Accelerated Corrosive medium[Full-Text ] Charles Kennedy, Latam Leelee Prince, Ugo KingsleyThis study evaluated the experimental effect of corrosion on bond existing between steel and concrete interface of corroded and resins / exudates coated reinforcement with ficus glumosa extracts from trees. Resins / exudates paste were directly layered on reinforcing steel of varying thicknesses of thicknesses 150µm, 250µm and 350µm, embedded into standard cube size of 150 mm x 150 mm x150 mm.
Effect of Corrosive Environment on Reinforced Concrete Structures Pullout Bond Strength of Corroded and Resins / Exudates Coated reinforcement[Full-Text ] Charles Kennedy, Gbinu Samuel Kabari, Achieme Lewis ObaCorrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete is one of the principal factor that caused the splitting failures that occurred between steel and concrete, the used of epoxy, resin/exudates has been introduced to curb this trend encountered by reinforced structures built within the saline environment. This study evaluated the pullout bond strength in concrete cube members of corroded and coated members with Symphonia globulifera linn trees extract of varying applied thickness of 150µm, 250µm and 350µm , embedded in concrete and exposed to corrosive environment , accelerated potential of corrosion for 60days after initial 30days normal cure to assessed the bonding strength of reinforcements. Results obtained showed presence of corrosion in uncoated members. Pullout bond strength test results of failure bond load, bond strength and maximum slip were 21.30%, 36.80% and 32.00% for corroded members, 36.47%, 64.00% and 49.30% for coated members respectively. The values of corroded members were lower compared to coated members. Results showed that resins / exudates enhances strength to reinforcement and serves as protective coat against corrosion.
EFFECT OF AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES ON THE HEAVY METAL LEVELS IN CEREALS (MAIZE AND MILLET) GROWN WITHIN AYAMELU L.G.A. ANAMBRA STATE[Full-Text ] Okeke O., Ezeh E., Effiong I. And Emeribe I.E.Studies were carried out to determine the effect of agricultural practices on the heavy metal levels in cereals (maize and millet) grown in farms within Ayamelu L.G.A., Anambra State, using relevant analytical procedures and instrumentation. The mean levels of the physicochemical properties (pH, electrical conductivity, bulk density, organic carbon, moisture content, nitrogen content, pore space and organic matter) of the soil samples applied inorganic fertilizer, inorganic manure and the control were statistically significant (p < 0.05).
COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND HEAVY METAL LEVELS IN POTABLE WATER SOURCES IN AWKA AND NNEWI METROPOLIS[Full-Text ] Enukorah E.A. and Ozuah A.CStudies were carried out to determine the physicochemical parameters and heavy metal levels in the potable water samples in Awka and Nnewi metropolis using standard operational procedures and instrumentation. The mean levels of the physicochemical parameters and metals analyzed in the water samples in Awka metropolis were; 6.16 – 6.48,16.22 – 21.33µS/cm, 11.28 – 13.90mg/l, 17.76 – 19.17mg/l, 26.09 – 29.29mg/l, 44.39 – 53.68mg/l, 73.91 – 101.78mg/l, 60.11 – 80.16mg/l, 0.010 – 0.015mg/l, 0.025 – 0.034mg/l, 0.001 – 0.003mg/l, 0.003 – 0.006mg/l, 0.003 – 0.005mg/l and 0.001 – 0.005mg/l for pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, total solids, water hardness, sulphates , chlorides, nitrates, phosphates, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn and Sb respectively.
EFFECTS OF CHEMICAL TREATMENT AND RESIN CONTENTS ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BREADFRUIT HULL PRODUCED MEDIUM DENSITY PARTICLE BOARDS[Full-Text ] Okeke O., Ezeh E., Effiong I. and Anya O. UStudies were carried out to determine the effect of chemical treatment and resin contents on the mechanical properties of breadfruit hull medium density particle boards. Increase in UFresin loading from 5 to 15% was found to significantly decrease the physical (TS and WA) and equally increase the mechanical (MOR, MOE and UB) properties of the breadfruit hull produced panels. Hence, the physical and mechanical properties of both the treated and untreated fibre panels were found to be statistically significant (p < 0.05) as the UF resin loading was increased from 5 to 15%.
Deliberative Democracy in Digital Era[Full-Text ] Epin Saepudin, Karim Suryadi, Elly MalihahThe development of science and technology communication that takes place very quickly has changed the patterns of citizen life, including in the exercise of democracy. The aim of study is capture the model of deliberative democracy which takes place in digital era, where social media presence has been facilitating the occurrence of their citizens without discussion limited to space and time. This research using phenomenology method with the subject of research is social media users. The results showed that the model of deliberative democracy in digital era provides a new understanding that networking aspirations, build participation and public engagement in development can occur in a more effective and efficient. The presence of digital media into new means of delivering the creation of government policy in tune with the expectations and citizen needs.
Analysis of Agricultural Drought Occurrences in Northwestern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Garba M.I, Usman M.T, Abdulkadir A, and Ojoye S, Drought is one of the most important natural disasters. It shows its influences slowly over time and is one of the most costliest natural disasters of the world that affects more people than any other. It occurs in virtually all climatic zones, but its characteristics vary significantly from one region to another. The aim of this research was to analyse the occurrences of agricultural drought events in Northwestern Nigeria. Rainfall data from Nigerian Meteorological Agency was used in establishing the occurrences of drought events in the study area using the Monsoon Quality Index (MQI).
Fuzzy Logic Controlled Unity Power Factor Converter[Full-Text ] Zeynep Bala Duranay, Hanifi Guldemir, Servet TuncerA fuzzy logic controlled unity power factor ac-dc boost converter is simulatedin this study. The dynamic behavior of an ac-dc boost converter is analysed with respect to the state of the switching element. The power factor relationship between the current and voltage is given. Fuzzy logic controlled unity power factor ac-dc boost converter is constructed and simulated. The controller is designed to drive the converter to operate in continuous conduction mode with near unity power factorwith controllable output voltage. Simulations are made using Matlab/Simulink simulation package. Various reference voltages and load values are used in the simulations to see the influences of the reference and load changes. Simulation results are presented.
Chloride Inducement on Bond Strength Yield Capacity of Uncoated and Resins / Exudates Inhibited Reinforcement Embedded in Reinforced Concrete Structures[Full-Text ] Charles Kennedy, Gbinu Samuel Kabari, Ogunjiofor Emmanuel Ifeanyi, Okabi Ifeanyi SundayThe primary causes of the reduction of service life, integrity and capacity of reinforced concrete structures in the marine environment of saline origin is corrosion. This research work experimented on the preventive trend of corrosion using inhibitors of inorganic origin from tree extracts of acardiun occidentale l. resins / exudates. Resins / exudates paste were directly applied on the reinforcement as coating materials with thicknesses of 150µm, 250µm and 350µm, embedded in concrete cube and immersed in sodium chloride (NaCl) and accelerated for 60 days. Results obtained on comparison showed failure bond load, bond strength and maximum slip decreased in corroded specimens to 21.30%, 38.80% and 32.00% respectively, while coated specimens 51.69%, 66.90%, 74.65%, for non-corroded specimen, 27.08%, 55.90% and 47.14%. Entire results showed lower percentages in corroded and higher in coated members. This justifies the effect of corrosion on the strength capacity of corroded and coated members.
Sustainable Management of Isolated Subsurface Heterogeneous Mediums: A Case Study in Tyass Area, Iraq[Full-Text ] Najah M. L. Al Maimuri, Arkan Radi Ali, Ahmed Mahdi, Kareem Fadil Abood, Abbas Ahmed HussianA hydrogeologic model has been developed for rehabilitating subsurface bearing layers that isolated by no flow boundaries which preventing lateral seepage such as antic or sink lines of mountainous topology or artificial barriers.
THIRLWALL LAW : VALIDITY OF THE LAW IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] ADESETE Ahmed Adefemi, Abolade Modupeoluwa, Fagoke Femi, Nwachukwu Christian, Ogungbemi Tosin, Ojo Dolapo Yetunde, Onyejeaka Emmanuel, Osinloye Lanfe, Phillips MartinsThe thirlwall law is also called the balance of payment constraints model. The basic model is anchored on the dynamic Harrod foreign trade multiplier, which is also known as Thirlwall law or the 45 degree rule, developed through the pioneer efforts of Thirlwall (1979).
A REVIEW AND RESEARCH DIRECTION OF GREEN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN KENYA[Full-Text ] Achuora John OdoyoGreen Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has appeared as an ecological novelty which incorporates ecological concerns into supply chain management. GSCM has gained popularity with both academic and practitioners. The purpose of the study is to briefly review the recent literatures of the GSCM and also determine the new direction area of this emerging field in Kenya. A detailed review is used to sort out the literature and develop the research direction of the study. The review is focused on development of GSCM in a developed and Kenya as a developing country including all those researches which are relevant to ecological and societal sustainability towards supply chain management. It shows the lack of researches to examine the adoption and implementation of GSCM practices especially in developing countries such as Kenya. Thus, the study bring forward a proposed research direction on GSCM adoption and implementation in Kenyan’s manufacturing industries.
Production of Biodiesel from Jatropha Curcas L., and Engine Performance with Blends Fuels[Full-Text ] Alberto Julião Macamo, Carlos Lucas, Salvador Mate, Satoshi Kato, Yoshimitsu KobashiConsumption of the fossil fuel increases in proportion to energy demands all over the world as well as in the Republic of Mozambique. The Biofuels produced from Jatropha seeds attracts attention as alternative fuel compared to fossil fuel. Production of Jatropha in Mozambique started in 2007 with the government promoting the agricultural process but with little efforts as for the technology development for processing the seeds produced. In this paper, the issues of producing vegetable oil from Jatropha Curcas seeds, using both mechanical extraction methods are addressed. Studies of the biodiesel production, the engine performance and exhaust emission with Jatropha extracted oil used as the fuel for diesel engine were conducted.
The Idea of Cosmic Robotics[Full-Text ] Ashutosh KumarThe cosmic robots (an Artificial Intelligence robot) will be a kind of robot which will be getting the free available energy, i.e. cosmic energy from the universe. This energy will help a robot to stay active and conscious. If we will able to achieve our goal then a robot can take decision like human beings do.
Survey On-The Black Hole[Full-Text ] V.Mani PrashanthIt is a hole in the space which does not appear to our naked eye. The Black Hole was created by a bombarding the atoms, when the planets are going to death then it causes a explosion and forming of Black Hole. The Black Hole will have a spread that can absorb the light also. We cannot estimate the speed of the Black Hole. Because of so much speed we can pass throughout some millions of light years away, then we can pass some other galaxy. Here, if we can pass through the Black Hole first ,the hole absorb into it may be so fast, by passing into it slowly heat will increase. At final stage a lava like material which cannot be damaged by lava heat flow,then we can pass through the black hole and a millions of light years away. But ,it is not possible to get such a material from the earth. But ,we can prepare a rocket which can pass with a light speed but present technology i.e.,2017 it may not possible. It is an estimate that 2020-2030 we can prepare a rocket which is going to move with a light speed.
Temperature Effect on the Products Yield from Pyrolysis of Cassava Peels[Full-Text ] Kehinde M. ADELEKE, Olukunle E. ITABIYI, Olutosin O. ILORIThe growing world population, industries, technological advancement and transportation had brought energy demand under an increased pressure recently. This research work investigated the temperature effect on the products yield from pyrolysis of cassava peels. A suitable electrically operated pyrolysis furnace was used in obtaining various constituents (Char, Tar and Syngas) from cassava peels of 500 grams weight at a ranged temperature between 400-800 0C at 10% moisture content for 40 minutes. The compositions of the products obtained at different pyrolysis temperature were compared in terms of weight and percentage yield. At a temperature of 400 0C lesser tar and syngas were produced with the char yield of 81.92 percent. There was reduction in yield of char at a pyrolysis temperature of 500 0C with increase yields of both tar and syngas. The percentage yield by weight of both char and syngas was found maximum at 730 0C. It was discovered that ash begins to form at around 730 0C which signifies the end of pyrolysis process. Finally, it was observed that the yields in weight of products obtained from pyrolysis of cassava peels increases with increase in pyrolysis temperature till 730 0C
MEASURING AND ANALYZING THE HUMAN PULSE SIGNAL USING AN ELECTRICAL MODEL AND THE MATLAB[Full-Text ] Eng. Sona Al-Younis, Eng.Loay Hussein, Dr.Ahmed QandilHuman health is a critical issue to monitor and diagnose, through analyzing data extracted from Bio-signals (Arterial Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Body Temperature, Oxygen Concentration in Blood, and Sugar Level in Blood….). This paper introduces simple techniques to measure, analyze, and display some of these Bio-signals. A Pulse Oximeter device was designed , then the output signals were entered to the PC using a suitable USB cable , and with the help of the software tools specifically MATLAB codes ,these signals where analyzed using Signal Processing Toolbox. Finally the analyzed results and the input data were displayed on the PC screen using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool in MATLAB, enabling the user to interact with a mini easily used screen.
Two Dimensional non-Newtonian MHD Boundary Layer Flow over a Flat Plate with Moving Wedge with Power Law Fluid[Full-Text ] Balbheem SaibannaIn the present paper, we give numerical solution of the Falkner-Skan equation for the study of two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics steady boundary-layer viscous flow over a wedge in the presence of non-Newtonian power law fluid which is represented by a power-law model. The outer free stream velocity is defined in the form of a power-law manner i.e., it varies as a power of a distance from the leading boundarylayer
STUDYING AND BUILDING LINKED PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT CLUB MODEL BETWEEN AN GIANG UNIVERSITY AND OTHER SPORT ORGANIZATIONS IN THE LONG XUYEN CITY OF AN GIANG PROVINCE[Full-Text ] Dao Chanh Thuc, Nguyen Van TangThe study aims to research on the effectiveness of sport club model which associate between An Giang university and other sport organizations in Long xuyen city, An Giang province. The study was conducted through some methods, namely integrated research and relevant literature reviews, experts interview, modeling, pedagogical, medical and psychological examinations, pedagogical experiments and statistical mathematics. The author has demonstrated the effectiveness of linking sport club model with specific, scientific and logical results.
REVIEW ON MEDICINAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF NATURAL POLYMERS[Full-Text ] Dr. Shubhra PandeyThis article is focused on two main natural polymers namely sodium alginate and pectin. Both natural polymers are widely used in pharmaceutical industry, to enhance therapeutic activity of final dosage forms. Both polymers are used as pharmaceutical aid.
A STUDY OF THE MEASURE OF SIGNAL STRENGTH OF SOME SELECTED GSM NETWORKS IN ESUT COMMUNITY AND ITS ENVIRONS[Full-Text ] Chima, A.I, Ayantunji B.G and Onyia A.IThis paper assesses the signal strength of some selected GSM network service providers in Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT). The latitude, longitude and altitude of the reference positions where the study area will be carried out were picked with global positioning system. The data used were downloaded from the Automatic Weather Station and Signal Strength Meter in the Department of Industrial Physics Enugu State University of Science and Technology. The signal strength of MTN, AIRTEL AND GLO were measured over a period of 7 Months. The data were analyzed and compared with each other to check their performances and the strength of their networks for this period. The result showed that the network with the highest signal strength has the best quality of service and this network was found to be AIRTEL with signal strength of -61dbm on the average followed by MTN -68dbm and GLO -75dbm with the lowest signal strength.
INFLUENCE OF PROBLEM-BASED CLASSROOM INTERACTION PATTERN AND STUDENTS’ GENDER ON SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT AND ATTITUDE TOWARDS LEARNING OF CHEMISTRY[Full-Text ] DR. S. M. RAIMI, SODAMADE AThe study investigated the effects of the use of problem solving instructional strategy on students’ performance at cognitive and affective levels of educational attainment. In actual sense, the study determined the impact of the use of modified Selvaratram-Frazer model for solving quantitative chemistry problems on senior secondary school students’ achievement in quantitative analysis and their attitudes towards practical chemistry. 206 senior secondary students drawn from four local government areas of Oyo state, Nigeria participated in the study.
Comparative Analysis of the Mechanical Properties of Cast Irons Produced from Erythrophleum Suaveolens Charcoal and a blend of Okaba Coal with E.s charcoal[Full-Text ] Olorunnishola, A.A.G, Seidu, S. O Cast iron scraps sourced from car engine blocks were melted in an erythrophleum suaveolens cupola furnace. The experiment was firstly conducted by melting a predetermined quantity of metal (17 kg) with 3 kg of Es charcoal per charge on one hand while on the other hand, mixture of Ok/Es (2.5 kg of Okaba coal + 0.5 kg of Es charcoal) was burnt as fuel with the same quantity of metal maintained. Both processes were accompanied with 1 kg of limestone per charge. After casting, strips of metal sample 16 mm diameter and length of 130 mm were cut from Es and Ok/Es ingots.
New way to increase the efficiency of Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum as biofertilizers on wheat by using extraction of okra bark and Turmeric[Full-Text ] Dewan , M.M. ; Alwan , K.F. and Alsahaf , F.H.This study was conducted to increase the spores adhesion of biofertilizers (Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum ) on wheat grains by using okra bark (Abelmoschus esculentus ) and Turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria ) extractions as warning color and their effect on growth of pathogenic fungi (Pythium aphanidermatum and Rhizoctonia solani ) , biofertilizer fungi and wheat growth .
Modi ed Algo Method[Full-Text ] Muhammad Khubab SiddiqueIn this paper, we establish a modi ed new iterative method for solving nonlinear equations extracted from New iterative Method. Modied Algo method has convergence order 2:6180 and e ciency index 1:680 . The proposed method is then applied to solve some problems in order to assess its validity and accuracy.
THE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT OF POLICY IMPLEMENTATION FOR CIVIL STATE APPARATUS (CIVIL SERVANT) IN CENTRAL JAVA PROVINCE[Full-Text ] Sigit, Moh; Warella, Y; Sundarso; Sri Suwitri.The main problem in the field of apparatus that has become an obstacle in Central Java into development implementation caused by those various things as follows: The performance of public service and apparatus haven’t satisfy and measure, the apparatus work ethic has not shown a professional performance, poor quality of competence and certification expertise, the high number of retirements, and the cadre recruitment and career System is not yet measurable.
Generator Engine Performance and Exhaust Gas Emissions, Using Biodiesel from Jatropha Curcas with Kerosene Blends[Full-Text ] Alberto Julião Macamo, Carlos Lucas, Satoshi Kato, Yoshimitsu Kobashi, Jesse Armando Jaime DomboThe needs of various lighting systems and transport increasing every day in the world and in developing countries such as Mozambique, therefore, several motor vehicles increase, while the conventional fuels such as fossil diesel will getting scarcer gradually with time. In this case, there is a need to study alternatives that can cope with conventional fuels.
THE LIVING ENVIRONMENT OF URBANISM IN KOSOVO[Full-Text ] Armend FazliuABSTRACT: Providing housing, after providing food and clothing living, is one of the basic needs of human life.
Depositional History and Neo-tectonics of Rajshahi and Nawabgonj District- Miniature of Barind Tract, Bangladesh Using Sub-surface Geology[Full-Text ] Shahtaj Karim, Dr. Mrinal Kanty Roy, Dr. Md. Sultan-UL- Islam Rajshahi and Nawabgonj district occupies a portion of Barind Tract. Depositional environment and neo-tectonics of the area analyzed with the help of bore log data. About 80 no of bore logs were collected from BMDA and BWDB. Subsurface geological condition, their architectural elements as well as depositional environment was derived from those lithologs. The study area divided in to four informal units named Unit-A, Unit-B, Unit-C and Unit-D. Unit-D is further subdivided into two subunits as Subunit-1 and Subunit-2. Subunit-1 is being deposited during Recent time and Subunit-2 was deposited during Pleistocene period. Below this Unit-C, Unit-B and Unit-A is found which have been deposited during Mio-Pliocene period.
False-Skill Employment Management System[Full-Text ] Okoro U.R, Izang A.A, Damaru D.A, Onaolapo W.J and Osinaike O.EThere are several processes and technological tools used in hiring an employee and managing various skills. Recent advancement in employment technology and job search procedure has mandated a shift in paradigm for skill and competency management. Companies require specific level of competency in various types of skills.
Pullout Bond Splitting Effects of Reinforced Concrete Structures with Corroded and Inhibited Reinforcement in Corrosive Environment of Sodium Chloride[Full-Text ] Charles Kennedy, Akatah Barry Mark, Ishmael Onungwe, Akpan Paul PaulinusThis study investigated the effect of corroded and inhibited reinforcement on the stress generated on pullout bond splitting of non-corroded, corroded and resins / exudates paste coated steel bar of 150µm, 250µm and 350µm thicknesses from three trees extract of symphonia globulifera linn, ficus glumosa, acardium occidentale l. Uncoated and coated members were embedded into concrete cubes and exposed to laboratory severely / corrosive environment and enumerated the effects on surface condition of reinforcing steel for 90 days after initial 30 days curing and 60days ponding in an accelerated medium. Results obtained showed potentiality of corrosion on uncoated concrete cube members. In comparison, failure loads of Symphonia globulifera linn, Ficus glumosa, Acardium occidentale l are 36.47%, 32.50% and 29.59% against 21.30% corroded, bond strength are 64.00%, 62.40%, 66.90 against 38.88% and maximum slip are 89.30%, 84.20%, 74.65% against 32.00% corroded. Entire results showed values increased in coated compared to corroded specimens resulted to adhesion properties from the resins / exudates also enhances strength to reinforcement and serves as protective coat against corrosion.
Comparative Residual Yield Strength Structural Capacity of Non-corroded, Corroded and Inhibited Reinforcement Embedded in Reinforced Concrete Structure and Exposed to severely Medium[Full-Text ] Charles Kennedy, Ishmael Onungwe, Akatah Barry Mark, Akpan Paul PaulinusThis study investigated the residual yield strength structural capacity effect of non-corroded, corroded and inhibited steel bar. Three trees extract resins / exudates paste of Symphonia globulifera linn, ficus glumosa and acardium occidentale l were directly coated to reinforcement with 150µm, 250µm and 350µm thicknesses, embedded into concrete beam and initially cured for 30days in clean tap water and exposed to corrosive pond for 60 days for corrosion acceleration. Results obtained showed that corrosion potential was recorded on uncoated reinforcement with cracks propagations while resin coated showed resistance.
Effectiveness of Human Amniotic Membrane in Wound Healing[Full-Text ] Gbeneol J. TombariThe use of human amniotic membrane in wound treatment has earned historical background. The presence of key growth factors such as EGF, FGF, TGF, HGF, in amniotic fluid and membrane accounts for its clinical effectiveness and mechanism of action. This study examined the effectiveness of human amniotic membrane in wound healing and its implication in surgery. 65 patients who had wounds from surgery and other known and unknown sources were treated using human amniotic membrane.
Optimization of Energy Consumption in Opportunistic Routing Using Sleep Mode in Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] RUPALI HARBOLAWireless Sensor Network consist of a load of tiny nodes with sensing, computation, and wireless communications capabilities. Hence with the increase of these capabilities in every field, energy consumption is rising as an important issue in a wireless sensor network. However, on the basis of literature review large amount of work has not yet been done on low-duty-cycle wireless sensor networks in which nodes stays active in very less number of time slots and stays asleep mostly. Such a technique, while prolonging the network lifetime, and decrease the energy consumption of the nodes.
A pathway to Big Data Analytics from Information age to Data age : A Study[Full-Text ] U. Padma Mohan , S. SagarWith the widespread use of databases and their exponential growth in their sizes, today organizations are faced with a problem of information overload. Enterprises are increasingly looking to find actionable insights into their data. Business Intelligence uses descriptive statistics with data with high information density to detect trends, uncover patterns and relationships. The techniques of capturing raw data at sources, storing and analyzing the data for corporate decision making from these volumes of data has activated the development of Big Data Technology. This paper presents theoretical overview of the tools , techniques, challenges and applications of Big data.
Developing methodology for observation of plankton in Tapi River using Scanning Electron Microscopy[Full-Text ] R.D. Kamboj, Vijay Makwana, Bhoomi Patel & Soham BrahmbhattScanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is one of the techniques used to study inter alia the morphology of plankton. In this paper a simplified sample preparation technique using Critical Point Dryer (CPD) and Sputter Coater (SC) method, for SEM study of Plankton is proposed. The samples of fresh water planktons, including phytoplankton, zooplankton and diatoms of Tapi River in Gujarat have been studied.
Reactive Power Compensation Improvement Technique for Injection Substations in Nigeria[Full-Text ] D. C. Idoniboyeobu, B. A. Wokoma, S. EvohThe contemporary power system is intricate in structure, it comprises of enormous number of distinct static and dynamic devices. The ever increasing demand for electrical power by consumers on the existing AC transmission power system via injection station due to urbanization poses challenges of voltage thicker, voltage instability, overloaded lines and congestion of lines thus exceeding their thermal limits which result to malfunction and eventually breakdown of transformers due to stress. In this research work, the shunt compensation method is adopted to compensate reactive power, electrical buses and fitter in conjunction with a family of flexible alternating current transmission systems (FACTS) is used to design a system to counter the challenge at the injection station, MATLAB is used to verified the functionality and effeteness of the designed on AC transmission network.
Financial Literacy of SME Managers in Developing Economy: A Case of Tanzania[Full-Text ] Juma Buhimila Mabula, Han Don PingDeveloping economies particularly in Africa suffer from many financial system impediments. The general issue has a permeable impact on the way SMEs managers act on the role of firm financial management, therefore having well placed financial literacy level becomes an issue at stake. In this study of financial literacy for SMEs managers based in Tanzania, we use descriptive statistics, ANOVA and logistic regression to analyze the level of financial knowledge and behavior in different constructs. We discover the medium level of financial literacy and the differences between the levels of financial literacy of various groups shows the importance of financial education provision and enablement of access to financial education and financial products for firm managers. The study calls for integrated efforts by the government, regional and multilateral organizations, funders and individuals to curb the situation.
Effects of Sulphate in sea water on mechanical strength of concrete under various environmental conditions[Full-Text ] Abdulaziz Alrowaih, Ahmad A. SulaimanThis paper investigate the effects of Sulphate compound in sea water on the mechanical strength of concrete through experimentation. Factors affecting action of Sulphate ions on concrete such as porosity, use of pozzolans, salt concentration and environmental cycles were also studied.