Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2018.
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Electrical Power Generation from Direct Carbon Duel Fuel Using Biochar from Eucalyptus, Neem and Mast Leaves[Full-Text ] Adeniyi, O.D., Idemudia G.E., Usman. A.A., Adeniyi, M.I, Paul S.H., Olutoye, M.A., Dim P.E. & Ngene PThis paper titled “Electrical Power Generation from Direct Carbon Duel Fuel Using Biochar from Eucalyptus, Neem and Mast Leaves” is a research on the use of biochar as sources of fuel from Eucalyptus, Neem and Mast (Eucalyptus, Azadirachtaindica and polyalthialongifolia) leaves for a direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC). The biomass was subjected to pyrolysed at 500oC, 600oC and 700oC with particle sizes of 0.2 mm
Integration Testing and Quality Assurance Aspects in Web- Applications[Full-Text ] Sofia Zaka, Mehreen SirsharTesting is one of the key procedures to accomplish and guarantee the nature of the products or Web based items. There are many trying difficulties required in Web-based applications. Quality assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes or defects in manufactured products and avoiding problems when delivering solutions to customers.
EFFECTS OF INTERVAL TRAINING, CIRCUIT TRAINING AND COMBINED TRAINING ON SELECTED PHYSICAL FITNESS VARIABLES AND PERFORMANCE VARIBALES AMONG WOLAITA SODO UNIVERSITY MALE FOOTBALL PLAYERS[Full-Text ] Afework AsaleThe present study was designed to analyze the influence of interval, circuit and combined training on selected skill related physical fitness variables (speed, agility, explosive power, balance, coordination and cardio respiratory endurance) and performance variables (dribbling, kicking and passing) among Wolaita Sodo University male football players. Interval training, circuit training and combined interval and circuit training were selected as independent variables for this study. To achieve the purpose of the study, 60 football players studying in the Wolaita Sodo University were randomly selected as subjects during the academic year 2016-2017. The age of the subjects ranged from 20 to 23 years. The selected subjects were randomly assigned to three experimental groups and one control group of fifteen (n=15) each for experimental group I (Group I), experimental group II (Group II), experimental group III (Group III) and control group (Group IV). Group I underwent interval training, Group II underwent circuit training, Group III underwent combined interval and circuit training for duration of 12 weeks. The control group (Group IV) was asked to refrain from any special training except their regular practice and playing schedule. All the subjects of four groups were tested on selected physical fitness variables performance variables before and after the treatment. The analyses were carried out through various statistical techniques such as the dependent t-test, the analysis of covariance (one-way ANCOVA). Whenever the ‘F’ ratio for adjusted test was found to be significant, the Scheffe’s test was applied as post-hoc test to find out paired mean difference. In all the cases 0.05 level was fixed as significant level. The results were drawn accordingly.
Motivational Strategies for Improving Performance and Productivity amongst Records Staff in Ghana[Full-Text ] Akwasi Duffour Frimpong, Baffour Ohene Agyekum, Hagar Amponsah AsareOne of the greatest challenges facing archives and other information managers in developing countries such as Ghana is the motivation of staff. Agencies, private and public alike, are set up to accomplish goals and objectives namely provision of goods and services. The link between motivation theory and practice of management is crucial to management success. The focus of the study is to gather information on the motivational strategies put in place by Management of Public Records and Archives Administration Department (PRAAD) Head Quarters and its impact on performance and productivity.
IMPACT OF LEADERSHIP STYLE ON BUSINESS PERFOMANCE WITH MEDIATING ROLE OF JOB SATISFACTION[Full-Text ] HINA JAMIL, UMMARA ISLAM, FAISAL AZAMThe objective of this study is to examine the relationship between leadership styles and business performance of multinational companies operating in Pakistan. And, to check what have leadership styles been affecting on business performance if job satisfaction as a meditating variable. This quantitative study used structured questionnaire for collection of data and data were collected from 177 respondents. For Analysis and to explore this relationship, this study used statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Finding reveals that all variables significantly correlate with each.
Studies on Linear Regression of Nematode Population in Relation with Soil Abiotic Factors Associated with Mulberry, Morus alba L. from Sillod, Aurangabad (M.S), India.[Full-Text ] Avhad Sunil. B, Hiware Chandrashekhar. JMulberry is an important plant in the economy because silk production depends on the nutritive quality of the leaves. Mulberry, Morus alba L. was selected to studies on linear regression of nematode population in relation with soil abiotic factors. The soil samples were collected from the Mulberry garden from Sillod, Aurangabad. The population was investigated at 10-15 cm depths. The result shows that, there is variation in nematode count and it is due to the effect of temperature, soil moisture and pH during the study.
Rainfall erosivity effect on Iraqi and Polish soils[Full-Text ] Nibal Kh. Mousa, Joriya D. Salman, Waleed I. Abdullah, Ali. R. AliThe study aim to study the rainfall erosivity from (1980-20100 in Iraq and Polish soils in relationships withIraqi and Polish soil textures and show the highest rainfall erosivity is in forest area and mountain in Iraqi forest area and mountain(Zakho and Kirkuk (510.2- 232.95 MJ mm ha-1 year-1)respectively, and the less in Najaf and Karbala(28.46- 30.21 MJ mm ha-1 year-1) ,While in Polish soils , In forest area and mountain in (Zakupany and more than urban area Bielsko-Biala (692.2 ;557.5 MJ mm ha-1 year-1 ) respectively ,while the less in Poznan and Warsaw (168.39-170.8 MJ mm ha-1 year-1) respectively .The high sand and silty content and low clay content increased the likelihood of erosion.
Performance Evalution Of Anaerobic Digester at Rajaram Bapu Patil Sahakari Dudh Sangh Ltd, Islampur[Full-Text ] Pratiksha S. Desai, Asso. Prof. S.V. KulkarniWith the aim of improving knowledge, about well-balanced anaerobic digestion process. All the products of a previous metabolic stage are converted into the next one without significant buildup of intermediary products. The overall result is a nearly complete conversion of the anaerobically biodegradable organic material into end products like methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia. Hence, for balancing the digestion process in a proper way after studying the anaerobic digester at Rajaram Bapu Patil Sahakari Dudh sangh ltd, islampur . Found some issues regarding anaerobic digester, the study of the effect of organic loading rate (OLR) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the performance, stability and microbial community of the anaerobic digester. The main aim of the project for proper working of anaerobic digestion process is, The variations in the organic loading rate (OLR) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) by maintaining the flow rates/ hydraulic loading rate (HLR).
PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC FERTILIZERS FROM MIXED COMPOSITION BETWEEN ORGANIC WASTE AND CLAY POWDER[Full-Text ] Sualé AMADEThe increasing production of urban waste has motivated its use as alternative sources of organic matter. Composting organic wastes is one of the oldest methods of recycling, during which the residue is transformed into organic fertilizer. The present work has as main objective: To optimize the technique of organic fertilizers production from mixed composting between organic waste and clay powder. In this work, two biodigesters were assembled on a small scale, using different initial compositions of urban waste from agricultural and clay powders.
Investigation on the Relationship between Personality Model and Management Effectiveness in Managers of Government Organization[Full-Text ] Reza Shafiezadehgarousi"Position Approach" in leadership explains some interacted factors in the effectiveness process of effective management such as characteristics and behaviors of leaders, subalterns and the position that they are interacted with. In the current research, we focus on the effects of personality characteristics of managers on their effectiveness. Today, the important issue for employment and human resources is compatibility of mental and personality traits of job applicant with the considered job, the code for modifying management and administrative systems. Among personality models, four models of Jung solution were selected including pragmatic, reasonable, social and innovative. Effectiveness indices are based on the components of Kritner and Krinschi. The results were confirmed that there is a relationship between some special personality traits and effectiveness of management. We also were found that the most effect ive personality type is Sensing - Intuition (Social) for chief administrators and Thinking - Feeling (pragmatic) for operational managers.
Investigating on the Relationship between General Styles of Decision Making for Managers in Government Organizations [Full-Text ] Reza ShafiezadehgarousiDecision making, as the essence of managers activities, is of great importance for all their responsibilities. Managers select their decision making style regarding various individual, organizational and environmental factors. The main goal of the current study is investigation on the relationships between general decision making styles of managers of National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company based on the structural reliability of questionnaire for general decision making styles. In this regard, 55 managers of the company were selected as statistical population and 5 decision making styles, namely Rational, Intuitive, Dependent, Spontaneous and Avoidant, are investigated among them. Data related to decision making style were collected by decision making style questionnaire. Regarding the fact that the results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test confirm normal distribution of data related to each style of decision making, Pearson correlation test was used to investigate the correlation between each style of decision making. The results were showed that there is a negative meaningful relationship between rational and intuitive decision making style while there are positive meaningful relationships between rational and avoidant decision making styles as well as intuitive and spontaneous decision making styles. Further, there are negative meaningful relationships between avoidant decision making style and dependent and spontaneous decision making styles. In the current research, there are not meaningful relationships between each style of decision making and two demographic characteristics, namely work experience and education of managers.
Making Alignment between Organizational Elements in the Light of Strategic Reference Points and Its Relation with Organizational Performance[Full-Text ] Reza ShafiezadehgarousiThere are numerous approaches about the reaction to the changing world. All of these approaches are meaningful only if guarantee the alignment in the organization as a fundamental principle. Researches about successful organizations showed that alignment has been considered in such organizations as a determined principle. The current research aims to investigate the role of alignment of organizational elements in improving the organizational performance. In the current research, the secondary data for Social Security Organization model was used to measure organizational performance and strategic reference point theory was used to measure the degree of alignment of four elements as strategy, culture, structure and human resources. The findings of the research indicate that there is a strong alignment between above mentioned organizational elements and there is a positive correlation between alignment and organizational performance.
Explaining Intra-Organizational and Extra-Organizational Factors Affecting Organizational Structure of Identity in Government Organizations [Full-Text ] Reza ShafiezadehgarousiOne of the most important issues in management during recent years is organizational identity and forming the identity. However, there have been limited researches in this field. Today, there is a type of tendency towards increasing rate of displacement, decreasing job satisfaction, increasing absent from work, increasing alienation from work and lack of responsibility in personnel and in general, lack of identification of members with their organization in government organizations. The necessity for increasing the information of managers of those organizations about effective factors on formation of organizational identity and potential benefits induced by strong organizational identity is clearly observed. The current research aims to investigate intra-organizational and extra-organizational factors influencing the formation of organizational identity and to represent techniques for improving this issue. The mutual relations of these factors with organizational identity was evaluated through correlation method and the obtained results were indicated that there is a positive meaningful relationship between attention of media to the organization, external view of organization, external comm unications, chief administrators team, human resources management and intra-organizational communications with organization identity.
Investigating on the Relationship between Personality Characteristics of Personnel and Organizational Conflict (Intra-Individual) in Government Organizations[Full-Text ] Reza ShafiezadehgarousiIn recent era, it is necessary to understand personality characteristics of people in many situations of life. Studies have s hown that individual and personality difference is one of the factors leading to conflict in organizations. In other words, conflict emerges because people have not agreed about goals, issues, beliefs and so on and since there are various people in organizations with different personality characteristics such as locus of control (introverted, extroverted), authoritarianism, self-esteem, compatibility with situation, being risk tolerance, etc., more conflicts can happen between people. In the current research, among various personality characteristics affecting organizational behavior, personality characteristics represented by Robbins such as locus of control, authoritarianism, self-esteem and compatibility with situation are considered and since the extent of organizational conflicts are wide, the research is limited to intra-individual conflicts. The previous researches have been shown that there is a meaningful relationship between personality characteristics and organizational conflict. The current research was performed in 2008 using sectional studies and correlation method. The results were shown that there are positive meaningful relationships between locus of control and authoritarianism of personnel (personality characteristics) and organizational conflict (intra individual) while there are negative meaningful relationships between self-esteem and compatibility with situations of personnel (personality characteristics) and organizational conflict (intra individual).
STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF NON-LINEAR PIPE BENDS[Full-Text ] KALIKI HEMANTH, M.IMTHIYAS SHERIFF, KODAM VINEETH KUMAR, M.ANANDRAJ, S.SELLAKUMARPipe bends are most important necessary for all kind of industries in terms of pipelining materials. Pipe bend is very difficult to avoid thickening on the inner side of the pipe bend and thinning of the outer side of the pipe bend. The cross section also becomes non circular due to bending process; this tend to cause ovality and thinning in pipe bends. ovality is the main cause to fail the pipe. This study is an attempt to analyze the stainless steel tube .We are going to apply both internal load and external load on the pipe. Internal load we are applying as pressure and external load we are going to applying by using spring balance.
MODIFIED CHUTE DESIGN FOR SLAG REMOVAL IN CEMENT MAKIN[Full-Text ] Slag deposition in cement factory is a problem that impacts the efficiency and operation of belt conveyor lifetime reduce. The slag deposition problem is depends on chemical composition, chute design and operating conditions. It will reduce the efficiency and capacity of cement production. Numerical empirical and traditional methods, such as slag fusibility, slag viscosity and slagging which are based on the temperature and the chemical compositions, cannot fully predict the complicated slag deposition process.
Leveraging the DPK Combustion Instabilities Characteristics to Optimize Gas Turbine Lean Premixed Combustor Performance[Full-Text ] Wilson Alli, Osagie Ighodalo, Christopher AjuwaThis paper discusses the identification of Dual Purpose Kerosene (DPK) induced combustion instabilities occurrence characteristics towards the optimisation of lean premixed combustor performance in gas turbine engines.The process involves the identification of crucial combustion instability instigators associated with DPK fuel.
Nurses communication skills in health education: patient’s perspective[Full-Text ] Iqra akramNurses are frequently described in the literature as poor communicators; however, very few studies have examined patients' experiences of how nurses communicate. Patient- centred communication is a basic component of nursing and facilitates the development of a positive nurse-patient relationship which, along with other organizational factors, results in the de-livery of quality nursing care. The purpose of this study to evaluate the nurse’s communication skills in health education: patient’s perspective, in BURN CENTER ALLIED HOSPITAL FAISALABAD. To know the impact of nursing communication in health education regarding patient perspective.
Urbanization and Change Detection of Land Use Land Cover of the Holy City Ujjain[Full-Text ] Manoj Patley, Rishabh Tripathi, Patel LokeshThe Ujjain city has its own importance in state of Madhya Pradesh as many of the religious places are situated within the city. Land use Land Cover of the city is nowadays a major concern for various aspects. As the city is having many temples with vital religious importance, the crowd comes forward at intense. A proper use of land is therefore very important to manage the space as well as the utilities in the city at time of religious occasions. A proper development plan for the urban area of the city is needed very much.
Phytochemical Profile and Antifungal Effect of (Quercus infectoria Oliv.) Plant Root Extracts on Several Candida spices[Full-Text ] Badr Qader Ismael, M. Hakki Alma, Abdullah Sh. Sardar, Ekrem Kirecci, Mustafa A Yilmaz, Metin Tansu Uguz, Tufan SalanObjective: Biological effect of the antifungal activity, total tannin estimation, antioxidant activity and phytochemical profile determination of extract
Tooth Supported Mandibular Overdenture - A concept which needs renaissance[Full-Text ] Dr. Sabiha Naeem, Dr. Ammara IsmailOverdenture is a favoured treatment option for rehabilitation of full mouth dentition in elderly patients with few remaining teeth. This clinical report describes a novel method of fabricating a tooth supported overdenture because all the factors i.e healthy roots and supporting structures, good oral hygiene, retained roots in both quadrants in the jaw with strategic distribution, were in favour of it. A multidisciplinary approach was adopted to retain the remaining teeth in the mandibular arch with the help of endodontic treatment (root canal treatment) followed by prosthetic rehabilitation.
Classification and Prediction of Diabetes Mellitus using Data Mining Techniques[Full-Text ] M. Marimuthu, S. Deiva Rani, C. Mythili, L.SwathiData mining is the search of vast datasets to extract covered up and previously unknown patterns. Classification is the one of the errand in data mining. Health care data are frequently tremendous, Complex and heterogeneous because it contains distinctive variable types. These days, learning from such data is a need.
Trend of Component Based Software Development and Traditional Software Development in Peshawar[Full-Text ] Ayesha Tariq, Dr. Samad Baseer KhanComponent based software development (CBSD) is attaining a lot of popularity day by day due to fast software development as compare to traditional software development. In this competing world, customer and developer wantsfast product development and rapid delivery. For that, CBD is one of the best option. Traditional approach is not any more fascinating to software developers. Using pre-existing components is a better option for developing software instead of coding each component from scratch.These are already components, so there is less chance of error or failure. It saves time, cost, reduces budget and delivers efficient software. Through distributing questionnaires, data is gathered from software houses. This paper shows the current trend of CBD in Peshawar region. In addition, it indicates reasons of adopting CBD by the developers.Moreover, it proves that software developers of Peshawar also agree on using pre-existing components reduces development time, cost, and improve efficiency.
Smart Computing Solution For Settling A Problem Of Cloud Computing Adoption Acknowledgement[Full-Text ] M.ELMAHOUTI, S.KHOULJI, A.BENNANI, S.BOUREKKADI, M.L.KERKEBT hand in hand with Cloud computing are both nowadays of great importance and concern. Cloud computing in particular allows for the access of information resources on demand. It can be used as a special and featured technology to accomplish needs and respond to customers’ requests through the use of a competent IT management service quality.
Comparative Investigation of Pull-Out Bond Strength Variance of Resins \ Exudates Inhibitive and Corroded Reinforcement Embedded in Reinforced Concrete Structures, Exposed to Severely Environment[Full-Text ] Charles Kennedy, Okabi Ifeanyi Sunday, Terence Temilade Tam Wokoma, Kelechi OkwulehieThe bond strength exhibited by reinforcement embedded in concrete is controlled by corrosion effects. This study investigated on the comparative bond variance of uncoated and coated steel members with three resins / exudates of trees extracts from dacryodes edulis (African Pear) UBE, moringa oleifera lam and mangifera indica with paste thicknesses of 150µm, 250µm and 350µm, embedded into concrete, ponded for 28 days initial curing and exposed to laboratory corrosive medium of sodium chloride for 60days to assess the corrosion potential probability.
Investigation on Comparative Flexural Residual Yield Strength Capacity of Uncoated and Coated Reinforcement Embedded in Concrete and Exposed to Corrosive Medium[Full-Text ] Charles Kennedy, Terence Temilade Tam Wokoma, Kelechi Okwulehie, Okabi Ifeanyi SundayThis study investigated the effect on flexural residual yield strength capacity of three different resins/exudates extract of trees of dacryodes edulis, moringa oleifera lam, mangifera indica paste coated reinforcement on the concrete beam. Uncoated and coated reinforcing steel bar with thicknesses 150µm, 250µm and 350µm were embedded into concrete beam and exposed to corrosive laboratory medium of sodium chloride for 60 days after 28 days initial curing to examined its effect on uncoated and coated on reinforcement. Results showed corrosion potential on uncoated members.
Effect of Moisture Content on the Mechanical Properties of Cucumber Fruit[Full-Text ] Okeoghene Eboibi, Hilary UguruThe knowledge of mechanical properties under compressive force is very important factor in the design and development of harvesting, handling and processing systems of agricultural products. In this study the mechanical properties (failure stress, failure energy, failure strain, maximum compressive stress, maximum relative deformation, rupture energy, rupture stress, and Young modulus) of Nandini cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) fruit were investigated. These properties were evaluated at six moisture levels (75, 78, 82, 86, 89, and 92% wet basis) under quasi-compression loading was carried out by using the Testometric Universal Testing Machine (UTM).
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a Tool for Building Brand Reputation In Fast-food Industry (Pakistan)[Full-Text ] Saima Rizwan KhanThis study aims to examine the efficacy of whole range of Corporate Social Responsibility in developing better reputation in fast-food industry. Carroll’s pyramid model of CSR was adopted to shed a light in this research that addresses all dimensions of CSR including economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities. In this context much research has been conducted in developing countries from the multi stakeholder viewpoint, but CSR is still less focused from consumer’s perspective. Findings of this research undoubtedly uncover consumer’s expectations towards CSR to encourage hotel managers to develop effective CSR strategies for better reputation mechanisms. CSR is no more percieved as a gesture of only philanthropic practices to attract the public. According to this research consumers consider the ethical responsibility the utmost requirement. This study is a source of information for marketers to be responsive towards advertising. Second, as consumers are becoming more ethical conscious this study draws an attention to the need of producing nutritious food and wellbeing for consumers.
Laser Treatment of Onychomycosis[Full-Text ] Olga Olisova, Igor Pinson, Ekaterina AnpilogovaBackground and Objectives: Onychomycosis is one of the most prevalent diseases in dermatological practice. Laser treatment of onychomycosis is the object of considerable interest. Laser therapy could be a safe and cost-effective treatment modality without the disadvantages of drugs. This study investigates the clinical effect of Q-Switched 1064/532 nm and Nd: YAG 1064 nm lasers.
The importance of monitoring haematologic changes, thrombocytopenia and monocytosis in dengue haemorrhagic fever[Full-Text ] Evi Natalia Purba, Yosia Ginting, Stephen CL Koh, Herman HarimanBackground. Dengue fever is one of the most serious consequences of mosquito-borne infection worldwide. Haematologic derangement with increased activated monocytes and thrombocytopenia and endothelial activation may be responsible for plasma leakage and shock. The aim of the study was to investigate the haemostatic changes, thrombocytopenia and monocytosis in dengue haemorrhgic fever.
Development of Computerised Students’ Results Processing System[Full-Text ] LAWAL, Idayat BolanleThis paper examined the inadequacies involved in the manual method of compiling students’ result in Kwara State, Nigeria Government Secondary Schools. To achieve that, preliminary investigations about the current manual record keeping were carried out at some selected government secondary schools in Kwara State, Nigeria. The problems with the manual result processing were identified and a new computer software application system was developed and implemented to facilitate the automated processing of the results.
Design and Implementation of Visible Light Communication Using Error Correcting Turbo Codes[Full-Text ] Hafiz Waqas Moazzam, Usman Ayub, Asad Shahzad, Mussab ShahidVisible light communication is a short range optical wireless communication technology that is used for the illumination and data communication simultaneously. It is one of the most promising technologies for the indoor wireless communication as it opens the broad spectrum for applications. The spectrum (430 – 790 THz) used by the VLC system does not overlap with other wireless technologies such as radio spectrum, and thus interference with other wireless signal is minimal. In this paper, hardware prototype is designed and implemented for VLC system. The transceiver is designed for VLC offers a data communication at a distance of 5 m. The novelty of the design lies in the application of turbo codes to improve the reliability of data communication. Simulation results are presented to represent the bit error rate (BER) analysis. Hardware implementation results are also presented which verify the transmitted data being received accurately at a distance of 5 m for indoor communication using visible light.
INFLUENCE OF SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE (SRGS) ON PROCUREMENT PERFORMANCE OF STATE CORPORATIONS IN NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYA[Full-Text ] Kelly Caroline, Achuora JohnThis study examines the influence of Supplier Relationship Governance Structure on the Performance of Procurement in State Corporations in Nairobi County, Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to establish the effect of contract management team, problem escalation path for suppliers, Supplier appraisal agreement and risk management system on the performance of procurement in Nairobi County. A descriptive cross sectional survey research design was emplyed and stratify random sampling approach was used to ensure representitiveness of the population of the the study.
Experimental Study of the performance of a Box Solar Cooker[Full-Text ] Dr.Ahmad Qandil, Eng. Sona Al-Younis, Dr. Ahmad Saleh, and Muhammad HassonThe purpose of this study is to present an investigation for the thermal performance of a box solar cooker in Jordan climate conditions, by studying the effect of adding three highly reflective aluminum sheet reflectors, that are fixed with the calculated slopes. Also changing the number of the glass plates covering the top of the box cooker in order to specify the conditions in which the cooker has its maximum thermal performance. By controlling the degree of the reflector slope and noticing the changes in water temperature, box temperature, ambient temperature, solar radiation and wind speed. A digital thermocouple, day star meter and an anemometer were used to collect the data.
Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy, the Devadasis, and the Events that shaped Post-Colonial Bharatanatyam[Full-Text ] Bindu S. RaoDr. Muthulakshmi Reddy plays a very important role in the way Bharatanatyam was perceived post-independence, especially by many noted historians, columnists, researchers, academicians, and the general media responsible for bringing out everything about the re-christening of Bharatanatyam. Pre-Independence, dancing in private parties had become a form of entertainment, that most reformist had raised their voice against.
Retroperitoneal sarcoma: Case report and review of the literature[Full-Text ] Henri Kolani, Earta Gega, Dr.Ejona Celiku, Prof. Etmont CelikuBackground: The evaluation and treatment of retroperitoneal sarcomas are challenging because the tumors are relatively rare and frequently present with advanced disease in an anatomically complex location.
The Effect of Price, Brand, and After-Sales Service to the Purchasing Decision Motorcycles Yamaha Matic at PT.Hasjrat Abadi Branch Kendari[Full-Text ] Dzulfikri Azis Muthalib, Abdul Hakim, Rince Tambunan, Melati, Ismail Khalid NThis research aims to determine and describe the effects of price, brand and after sales service on purchase decision of Yamaha Matic motor cycle in PT. Hasjrat Abadi Branch of Kendari. Research populations are all of the customers in PT. Hasjrat Abadi Branch of Kendari. There are 93 customers as the research samples in PT. Hasjrat Abadi Branch of Kendari. This research used multiple linear regression analysis. Results of the research determine that (1) Simultaneously, there are significant effects of price, brand and after sales service variables on purchase decision. (2) The price variable affects significantly on the purchase decision. (3) The brand variable affects significantly on the purchase decision. (4) The after sales service variable affects significantly on the purchase decision. Better after sales service given will lead to higher purchase decision in PT. Hasjrat Abadi Branch of Kendari.
Effects of Work Motivation, Leadership Style, and Learning Organization on Teacher Performance Mediated by Organizational Culture[Full-Text ] Herman, Buyung Sarita, Zalili Zailan, AnsirThis research aims to analyze the effects of : 1) work motivation on teacher performance; 2) work motivation on organizational culture; 3) leadership style on teacher performance; 4) leadership style on organizational culture; 5) leaner organization on teacher performance; 6) leaner organization on organizational culture; 7) organizational culture on teacher performance; 8)describe the effects of work motivation, leadership style and leaner organization on teacher performance through organizational culture. This research is based on survey to 277 teachers through Probability Sampling technique in Proportional Stratified Random sampling and Structural Equation Modelling that is used to test the hypotheses