Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2017.
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Irradiation Effect on the Structure of Indium Sulfide Semiconductor Crystals[Full-Text ] G. A. Gamal, A.El-Taher and A.A. EbnalwaledIn the present work, indium sulfide (InS) single crystals are successfully grown by the modified vertical Bridgman technique. Single crystal X-ray diffraction for the grown crystals shows that the product crystal is the orthorhombic structure of Pnnm space group. The crystals were irradiated with 100, 300 and 500 KGy to reveal the influence of gamma irradiation on their structural properties. The detailed structural analysis was done by Scherrer and Williamson - Hall plot methods. Relations between the irradiation dose and the deformation of the lattice parameters, dislocation density, grain size, microstrain, crystallinity were investigated and discussed. Unique results are found in the present study for the first time as far as we know. This study not only enriches the understanding of structure of indium sulfide crystals but also paves the way in the search for the role played by gamma irradiation on semiconducting compounds.
Novel Indexed based approach for Searching over encrypted cloud data[Full-Text ] Richa Singh Patel, Chandni NagvanshiAs the quality of cloud computing is increasing; it has revamped the read of contemporary info technology which is motivating the informa-tion owners to source their data to the general public cloud server like Amazon Drive, Microsoft Azure, Google Drive, etc.
Multimodal Emotion Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction: A Survey[Full-Text ] Michele Mukeshimana, Xiaojuan Ban, Nelson Karani, Ruoyi LiuToday, the computer and its applications has invaded our daily life, Ubiquitous Computing. The interaction between the users and computing devices is becoming similar to human-human interactions. The integration of emotion recognition in Human-Computer Interaction aims at making the interaction easier and smarter, natural interaction. This paper, presents a brief survey on current state of the multimodal emotion recognition in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research. We explain Emotion recognition as a research trend, its application in Human-Computer Interaction, its challenges and opportunities. The Human-Computer Interaction and Information Fusion Researches are also presented, and conclude with a proposition of steps to design a multimodal emotion recognition analyzer.
A Review of Pellet Production from Biomass Residue and Characterization for Application as Domestic Fuel[Full-Text ] Japhet, J. A., Tokan, A., and Kyauta, E. EBurning fossil fuels and deforestation are the major contributors to anthropogenic climate change. To mitigate these effects, biomass is one of the most prominent renewable sources, but factors such as low density and high moisture content are some drawbacks. Nevertheless, densification of biomass minimizes these disadvantages. Among the different techniques that are available, pelletizing is currently the most extended one. Between 2006 and 2012, pellet production worldwide grew from 7 to 19 million tons. However, the use of pellets is insignificant in developing countries. Many of the developing countries produce huge quantities of wood and agro residues with an interesting potential for biomass energy production, but they are used inefficiently causing extensive pollution to the environment. This work focuses on the characteristics of pellets, biomass raw materials for pellet, biomass pelletizing process and description of a typical biomasspelletizing operation. Also some aspect of research and development on the use of biomass residues for production of pellets and application as domestic fuel are reviewed and cited in this paper.
BIOLOGY AND TYPOLOGY OF CARABIDS BEETLES RIPICOLE ONE THE ZA RIVER MOROCCO (DAM: EL GHORESS)[Full-Text ] Dr. Khalid BOURAADA, Pr. Guy CHAVANON, Dr. MariamESSAFI andPr.Lahsen El GHADRAOUIWe have studied the fauna ecology of riparian carabids Beetles in the dam construction “ El Ghoress” on the Za river (Eastern Morocco). In the fauna inventory we note 41 different species distributed in 9 families who areTrechidaedominate with 12 species. The entire harvest is dominated by type of ecological riparian species and geographical Mediterranean type with species endemic Moroccan and North African. There is a clear relationship between the distribution of riparian carabid beetles and those of potential ecological factors. These beetles closely dependent of the degree of humidity of the substrate they seek their optimum water temperature gradient existing between the different sectors of water over the edges and which determine their local distribution and are at the origin of heterogeneity even within a substation that seems homogeneous.
Changes of land use with urban growth- A study on Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Imran Bin Hussain, Nobel MallickA street pattern can explain the basic characteristics of the area and also the history of it. Sometimes, changes of street pattern changes type of land use in sub urban cities. Streets and public spaces are the permanent and unchanging features of a settlement over its life time. This paper investigates the changes of land use for the modifying character of street pattern in sub-urban cities by the growth of urban economy. For this study, the Cox’s Bazar city in Chittagong is selected as the city experienced a huge growth in tourism for the last few years and millions of tourists visit Cox’s Bazar and consequently, its hotels, motels and guest houses are full every time and specially the peak seasons of a year. A quantitative analysis is done by using Space Syntax for determining the integrity of existing city. Spatial relationship is also analyzed form this research. This paper describes a rational recommendation from the axial analysis which will support reinforcement of urban economy that affects the future land use character & its growth tendency.
Inter industry financial integration; (an empirical evidence from KSE Pakistan)[Full-Text ] Irfan Habib, Faryad Hussain,Nasir Rasool, Farrukh Ullah KhanThe study examined the relationship among ten different sectors of KSE. These sectors including Cement, Chemical, Engineering, Textile-Weaving and Automobile Assembler, Insurance, Leasing, Modaraba, Close-ended mutual fund and commercial banks of Pakistan's stock market. Period of the study is from January 2004 to December 2014, data is collected from Business Recorder. Monthly data has been used to examine the relationship among these sectors. Sectoral indices were created to examine the relationship among different sectors in Pakistan. Correlation, Co integration, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), Granger causality, Impulse Response and Variance Decomposition tests are applied on data to investigate the long and short run relationship among sectors. By Co integration test it is explored these sectors are Co integrating .There is also found short term linkages between sectors by applying Vector Error Correction Model. At 5 % level of confidence unidirectional Granger casualty is also found between automobile and leasing sectors, Commercial banks and Insurance sectors, Commercial banks and Mutual funds, Mutual fund and Cement sectors, Insurance and Chemical sectors. Study help the individual, foreign and institutional investors, decision makers to diversify the portfolio advantages and learn the behavior of stock market.
GeochemistryandPetrogeneticEvolutionofRocksaroundBishewa-Ologomoarea, partofLafiagiSheet203, NorthcentralNigeria[Full-Text ] Jimoh AjadiGeochemicalanalysisof rocksamplesfromBishewa-Ologomo area was carried out for oxides of major andtraceelementsincluding rare earth using the XRFanalytical method. The granitic rocks of the area are interpreted as being formed by partial melting due to its high LREE / HREE ratios and the presenceof slight negative Eu anomalies. The result shows that the granites of this area are primarily of igneous source, but with possible sedimentary input during emplacement. The Rb versus Y+Nb, Nb versus Y and Rb versus SiO2 discrimination plots suggest that the evolution of the granitic rocks of the study area ranges from syn-collisional to volcanic arc origin. The high P2O5 values varying between 0.2%-0.57% for granodiorite, medium-grained biotite granite, quartz-mica schist and medium-coarse grained biotite-hornblende granite of the area are well above apatite saturation level of 0.14% [12]which can be correlated with progressive enrichment of the lighter REE (La – Sm) in the fractionating magma. All the metasediments of the area plot within the sedimentary field. The TiO2-K2O-P2O5 molecular discrimination diagram shows the mafic rocks of the study area areof the tholeiitic oceanic basalt origin.
Heavy Metal Contamination of Soil and Groundwater by Artisanal Activities in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria[Full-Text ] JokotadeOwoso, NkemAzike, NurudeenAkinsanya, Charles Okonkwo, TemitayoKuteyiThe release of heavy metals from various anthropogenic sources, including artisanal activities, results in widespread contamination of the environment with attendant effects on human health. This study involved the determination of physicochemical properties and heavy metal contamination of soil and groundwater from West end and Ilasamaja mechanic villages located at Gbagada and Iyana Itire areas of Lagos metropolis. At each location, topsoil samples were collected from panel beaters, welders, vulcanizers and automobile mechanic workshops. Groundwater samples were also collected from a well at each location. All the samples were analysed for Pb, Cr, Cd, Zn and Mn using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) after acid digestion. The pH of the soil samples ranged from 6.40 to 6.93 for West end and from 7.34 to 8.13 for Ilasamaja sites; while the organic matter content ranged between 3.75% and 5.31% for the two sites. Ilasamaja soil samples gave the highest mean concentrations of Zn (13500 mg/kg), Mn (7800 mg/kg), and Cr (2570 mg/kg); while Pb content (18950 mg/kg) was highest in the West end samples. The mean concentrations were in the order Zn >Pb>>Mn>> Cr for the West end and Zn >>Mn>Pb>> Cr for the Ilasamaja soil samples. Metal concentrations (mg/L) in the West end groundwater samples were 0.257 for Cr, 0.151 for Mn, 0.261 for Zn and 0.137 for Pb; and the corresponding values for Ilasamaja were 0.219, 0.498, 0.970, and 0.055. Cadmium was not detected in any of the samples. Soil contamination was assessed from calculated values of contamination factor (CF) and degree of contamination (DC). All the sites showed very high degree of contamination (DC >> 36). This is an indication of serious anthropogenic pollution from artisanal activities at the locations.
FACTORS AFFECTING HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS PERFORMANCE: THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOR, MOTIVATION, AND SCHOOL CULTURE[Full-Text ] Hendriady De Keizer, Dematria PringgabayuThis study aims to determine how big the influence of the school principals leadership, teacher motivation and school culture towards the performance of teachers in SMK ICB Cinta Niaga Bandung, Indonesia. This research was conducted in SMK ICB Cinta Niaga Bandung with census method where the sample used by a number of population that is all the teachers of SMK ICB Cinta Niaga Bandung City which amounted to 42 people. The data collection technique is done through questionnaires, interviews and direct observation and using descriptive analysis method with quantitative approach. To test the hypothesis used path analysis (Path Analysis) and simple regression using significance level α = 0,05. The results showed that principal leadership, teacher motivation and school culture had an effect on teacher performance of 82.4%..
Naive Bayesian driven Feature Extraction Model: A Comparative Study[Full-Text ] Mamta Singh, Jyoti Singh, Arpana RawalThe ongoing research on innovative Feature Extraction modeling using Naive Bayesian computations have catered to meaningful research directions in qualitative teaching learning environments. The n-attribute Feature Extraction Modeling experiments initially involve the appearance of four independent academic parameters that are totally changeable and explicitly specified, while the students pursue their academic semesters. The research experiment was also extended by adding more parameters to formulate Six-Attribute and Nine-Attribute Feature Extraction Models. The model accuracies obtained from the three variants of feature extraction models were compared. All the mentioned FE models also provided sound interpretations on the relative academic effort offset yet toput by the students, so as to come out of ‘risk’ category during their forthcoming, endsemester/annual examination.
Impact of AWGN, Rayleigh and Rician FadingChannels on BER Performance of a Cognitive Radio Network[Full-Text ] Ammar Izzeldin Mohammed, Khalid Hamid BilalThe paper discusses the model building of the cognitive radio system by using MATLAB Simulink model. This model is a useful tool for BER (Bit error rate) performance evaluation for the real data communication by the cognitive radio system under different communication channels and Multi level Quadrate Amplitude Modulation which are described in this paper. The performance measures presented in this paper are the bit error rate (BER) versusbit energy to noise power spectral density ratio (E_b/No). The simulation model built for this research work demonstrates that AWGN and Rician fading channels has better performance than Rayleigh channel.
Pollutants dispersion in tropical coastal lake based on numerical modeling approach: A case study of Nokoué Lake in the republic of Benin[Full-Text ] Firmin M. ADANDEDJI, Luc O. SINTONDJI, Daouda MAMA, Hans Jacob VESTEDIn the frame of the fluxes study in the Nokoué Lake, a numerical model for pollutant dispersion was then developed. It is coupled with a hydrodynamic model. This paper aims mainly to show the evidence of pollutant concentration evolution in the lake Nokoué under the influence of tides, flows and winds. The three dimensional (vertical, horizontal and transversal) structure of general circulation in the coastal lake is showed by a smooth mesh. This work has been carried out using the MIKE 21 for hydrodynamics and MIKE 3 coupled with MIKE 21 for dispersion study both developed by Danish Hydraulics Institute (DHI). The numerical modeling and simulations were performed using field measurements data and the results for critical scenario are presented in the paper. Different simulations have been one by varying flow and winds. The present study discusses a water quality model coupled with a hydrodynamic and advection-dispersion model to describe the important physical, chemical and biological processes. The hydrodynamic and advection-dispersion model simulates the flow forcing, transport, mixing and dispersion of water quality. The results clearly show that the phenomenon of pollutant dispersion in the lake which occurs from lower layer to upper layer by mixing because of tides, flow and winds. The performance of the model is encouraging and shows that it is reliable tool for better assessing environmental monitoring but requires the availability of more data to improve the calibration of the model for better assessing environmental pollution impact on Nokoué Lake.
Bearing capacity prediction for shallow foundations by in-situ and experimental investigation[Full-Text ] Teena John, Swapna ThomasIt is a common phenomenon that people go for thump rules if a logical application issue arises. When it deals with soil engineering, the criterion remains the same. So now days, validation of shortcuts has its own importance. In this paper the principle of indentation hardness test is used as a tool to predict the bearing capacity of soil for shallow foundations. The paper mainly focuses on the test results and its interpretations made on an in-situ method which ascertain the density of soil at a depth lesser than 2m from the ground level.
Use of CNNs for the development of multimedia applications: A Virtual Assistance System[Full-Text ] Akshay BN, Muthu Santhiya S, Vibhu A Bharadwaj, Dr. Rajeshwari HegdeComputational needs of multimedia based applications are met by multicore platforms supplemented with associated algorithmic support. In the context of Internet of Things and cloud as a connecting infrastructure, multimedia requirements pose a higher order thread owing to the huge number of nodes and connectivity. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based supplement to an IoT infrastructure is proposed as an extensible solution with assured scalability
The "SPOC" as a tool supporting the development of the entrepreneur’s "soft skills"[Full-Text ] Nadia CHAFIQ The entrepreneur is supposed to manage the unexpected, to convince, to be a leader, so many activities requiring << soft skills >> Such skills are vital in the professional life and get along with other technical skills << Hard skills >> which have however long been advantaged.
Mass Transfer in Adsorption Systems onto Granular Activated Carbon[Full-Text ] Yousr E. Khater, Rehab M. Ali, Gihan F. Malash, Ahmed A. ZaatoutRemoval of copper ions Cu (II) from aqueous solutions by granular activated carbon GAC has been investigated. Batch adsorption processes were carried out to investigate the optimum operating condition of various parameters such as adsorption time, adsorbent dosage, temperature and initial copper ion concentration. The maximum adsorption amount of Cu (II) onto GAC was found to be 120 mg/g after 30 minutes at 0.05g GAC, 300 ppm initial copper concentration and temperature of 25°C. The adsorption kinetic models were studied using four models; pseudo first – order, pseudo second - order, Elovich and Intra – particle diffusion. The kinetic data were best fitted with pseudo second- order reaction model. The equilibrium data were tested using two isotherm models; Langmuir and Freundlich. The present equilibrium data were found to be best described by Freundlich isotherm model with a high correlation coefficient. This study convinced that GAC is a promising adsorbent for Cu (II) removal from aqueous solution.
Agile Methodology: Hybrid Approach Scrum and XP[Full-Text ] Farrukh Musa, Muhammad Ali TariqNowadays, agile is the most usable process model in IT industry. There are plenty of agile methodologies in the market but all of them have some drawbacks that must be solved. Most commonly used agile methodologies are scrum, extreme programming (XP), lean development etc. This research paper is basically to introduce the new agile methodology i-e hybrid of scrum and XP that overcome the drawback and issues we face in previous agile methodologies. Further there is detail that how it works and when to use along with some advantages.
A Convex Hull Algorithm using Point Elimination Technique[Full-Text ] Dr. Sajjad Waheed, Tahmina Shirin, Md. Newaz Sharif, Md. Habibur RahamanGraham’s scan is an algorithm for computing the convex hull of a finite set of points in the 2D plane with time complexity O(nlogn). In the algorithm, points in 2D plane are sorted angle-wise and then selected as convex hull points by checking whether the points constitute right-turn or left-turn. A preprocessing technique on Graham’s Scan algorithm has developed in this paper. First, the number of points was eliminated those are not exist on the hull. To do this, a quadrilateral was created using four optimal points and then create four triangles using another four optimal points. Thus the complexity of the algorithm O(nlogn) is expected to work much faster on smaller number of points.
Student’s Understanding Problem to Genetic Engineering Subject[Full-Text ] Winda Dwi Astuti, Dwi Listyorini. DahliaThis research aim is to determine the problem about student’s understanding to genetic engineering subject. This type of research is exploratory descriptive. Data is collected by observation, interview, and distribution questionnaires. These research subject is 16 sample. The result of this research is student can understand to genetic engineering subject because of practice. The Samples say that practice need for understand this subject cause, 1) know the steps (12,5%), 2) know how to works (31,25%), 3) know the tools and materials (43,75%), 4) know the function of tools and materials (6,25%), and 5) analyze about the result of practice (6,25%). The learning method that student wants to understanding subject are lecture (18,75%), Discussion (18,75%), experiment (25%), and all three methods (56,25%).
Off-Line Arabic Handwritten Recognition Using Hybrids of Rotational Invariant Segment Features and Support Vector Machines[Full-Text ] AMER AL-NASSIRIThis contribution presents a novel approach for off-line Arabic handwritten recognition.The technique combines the use of Rotational Invariant Segment (RISF) features, chain code frequency (RFC) features,and Support Vector Machines (SVM). The segmentation system assesses a large arrangement of bent portions or strokes of the Arabic word or sub-word image by utilizing a dynamic element extraction procedure. The geometrical feature (RFC) was extracted from character image using a newly programmed Matlab function named FC(d(fr)). The SVM classifier was trained and tested by 16851 Arabic handwritten characters using two class and multiclass experiments. This approach achieved an average rate of 92.96% of the five categories of the AHD/AMSH Arabic handwritten database and as high as 97.9% with fourth age category of the database.
Environment Audit On Tyre Industry: A Case Study Of Bridgestone Pvt. Ltd Pithampur, Indore[Full-Text ] Suyash Kimtee , Er.Abhineet NighojkarThe paper reviews the initial attempts being made in India to commence the practice of environmental audit. Environmental audit is a effective management tool to provide information on practices which differ to the current procedures and to exercise effective management of the established system. The paper takes a quick look at how the discipline of audit can be viewed as management tool to improve system safety, to optimize cost and to enhance operational reliability. Rapid Industrialization leads to more exploitation of natural resources. Air and Water emission in environment has created alarming situation for all the concerned. The nature which, benefited the mankind in all respect, is destroyed by him for his personal gain. Now the consciousness at national level is increasing day by day with focus on environment and sustainable development. So an appropriate management technique is needed for the performance of environment management program. “ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT” is an exercise which integrates industry and environment. This helps in evaluating how well environmental organization, management; equipments are performing and to regulate the environment by facilitating management, control of environment practice. In India it was made compulsory to submit environmental audit report year wide Gazette Notification dated 13th March 1992. This rule has been named under Environment Protection Act.
Health Risk Assessment of Trace Metals During Pre- and Post-Monsoon Seasons in Drinking Water of Jamshoro, Sindh[Full-Text ] Amjad Hussain Memon, Allah Bux Ghanghro, Taj Mohammad Jahangir, Aftab.A.Khand, Gul Muneer lund, Qipeng YuanHuman health risk assessment of trace elements was carried out via calculating Chronic Daily Intake (CDI), Hazard Quotient (HQ) and carcinogenic risk of the trace metals. The results indicate the order of abundance of these heavy metals in the water samples as Zn > Cu > Mn > Co > Ni > As >Fe> Cd in Phase-I and Fe >Mn > Zn > Cu > Ni > Co > As > Cd in Phase-II. HQ non-carcinogenic of As was above than unity in 18 and 13 samples of phase-I and Phase-II, respectively. 12 and 13 samples of Phase-I and Phase-II crossed unity in terms of HQ for iron. The carcinogenic risk of As was higher than 10-6 for 70% and 76% of the population in August and November season. HQ oral of arsenic and iron was higher than recommended value for both weights. It can be concluded that water available to the local residents was unsafe for human consumption, suggesting these trace metals poses potential adverse health impacts on local residents of district Jamshoro, Sindh.
Prevalence, Sensitivity and Specificity of Microscopy and Rapid Diagnostic Test in Malaria Diagnosis among Pregnant Women attending Antenatal Clinic in Some Parts of Nasarawa State and Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Nneoma Confidence JeanStephanie Anyanwu, Nfuje Williana Mokoshe and Lillian Yami AdogoMalaria during pregnancy is a major health problem in endemic countries with clinical consequences including death of both mother and child. In Nigeria, statistics shows that as many as 300,000 lives especially those of children and pregnant women are lost annually to malaria. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of malaria parasites among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at the Mararaba Medical Centre, Mararaba- Nasarawa State and National Hospital, Abuja.
VARIOUS RANGES OF LIPASE ACTIVITY (Diameter Zones of Clearance) DETECTED FROM DIFFERENT SPECIES OF FUNGI PRODUCING MYCOTOXINS[Full-Text ] Ibrahim R, Lamido A,Yunusa Sama’ilaA study was carried out to isolate and identify various species of fungi associated with deteriorated vegetable oils. The deteriorated oils were screened for the presence of aflatoxins, ochratoxins and zearalenone. Fungi associated with the deteriorated oils were isolated and characterized for their identification using standard methods. Result of fungal counts from garlic oil, olive oil and soyabean oil were 12.75x10âµcful/ml, 9.22x10âµcfu/ml, and 7.38x10â¶cfu/ml, respectively. A total of eight species of fungi were isolated from the three different deteriorated oils.
An Improved Dijkstra Algorithm for Firefighting[Full-Text ] Loay Ahmed Hassan Bushara, Abuagla babiker Mohammed babikerIn this paper, briefly the efforts going toward a mathematical calculation to validate a new-Dijkstra algorithms from the original normal Dijkstra algorithm as an improvised Dijkstra. The result of this improvised Dijkstra was used to find the shortest path for firefighting unit to reach the location of the fire exactly. The idea depends on the influence of turns on the path, while there are two equal paths’, the more number of turns take more time to pass through it and the less number turns takesless time to pass through it. To apply this scenario practically we take a small real area in south Khartoum.
IOT BASED GARBAGE MONITORING SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Dr. K. Alice Mary, Perreddy Monica, A. Apsurrunisa, Chathala Sreekanth, G. Pavanumar5.In the present scenario as the population is increasing day by day, the environment should be clean and hygienic. In most of the cities, the overflowed garbage bins creating an unhygienic environment. This will further lead to the arise of different types of unnamed diseases. This will degrade the standard of living. To avoid all such situations this paper gives a clear picture of IOT based garbage monitoring system to keep environment clean and safe.
Determination of Radionuclide Concentration and Estimation of Dose rate in Industrial Wastes of Selective Industrial Area of Chittagong and Sediments of Karnapuli River near the Industrial Zone, Chittagong, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Jainal Abedin, Nurul Absar, A.K.M. Saiful Islam Bhuian, Masud Kamal, Prof. Dr. Md. Rezaul Karim, Prof. Dr. Md. Hazrat Ali MiahA study has been conducted for the determination of radionuclide concentration and estimation of dose rate in industrial wastes of selective industrial area of Chittagong and sediments of Karnaphuli River near the industrial zone, Chittagong, Bangladesh by using high purity germanium (HPGe) detector available at the Radioactivity Testing and Monitoring Laboratory of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
APPLICATION OF DATA MINING TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES IN MATERIAL SELECTION[Full-Text ] Pushpesh Pant and SriramPandeyThe purpose of this study is to investigate how data mining technique can be applied in materials informatics to extract knowledge from materials database.Studying material data sets from a data mining perspective can be usefulin material selection for design, manufacturing and other application of industrial engineering. This study employs predictive data mining technique to model a knowledge discovery system for the selection of materials that can satisfy the design specifications. Well known predictive method, Association Rule Mining (WEKA software)is used for this study. The algorithm of the association rule mining is implemented successively enabling it to unwrap the hidden pattern within the sample material database and the outcomes can be very useful for material engineers to speed up decision making process in manufacturing and other industrial engineering applications.
Effect of tie line bias control in two area load fre-quency control system using polar fuzzy controller[Full-Text ] Avdhesh Sharma, Pawan Kumar and Honey SinghWhen load on a single generator or a group of generators increases, the rotors gets slow down resulting reduction in system frequency. To overcome this problem automatic generation control (AGC) is necessary because governor control action is not sufficient. Conventional approaches to AGC controller design are based on the Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) controller structures, which do not provide always optimal and smooth controlling. To overcome these problems, a polar fuzzy logic controller (PFC) is proposed where only one gain is required to tune. PFC without biasing can restore the frequency and tie-line power in shorter possible time [15] but it can be further improved by using appropriate tie line bias control. PFC with bias factor provides quite improved frequency responses in both areas where as tie line power response is also smooth and affected insignificantly.
Similarity between Sentiment Analysis and Social Network Analysis[Full-Text ] M.Thangaraj, S.AmuthaThis paper says about Sentiment Analysis (SA) and Social Network Analysis (SNA) and its tools. In SA there are various operations done in the human being typing text using the Social Network sites. Basically the people have texts are included in following: positive, negative and neutral. Nowadays most text word can be expressed in Emoticons. In the SN sites people share advice, concerns, facts, moods, news, opinions and rumors.
Single Antenna Positioning for smallest size breast Tumor Detection[Full-Text ] MAZHAR B. TAYEL, HAZEM A. ELFAHAMIt was previously proved the possibility of using SAR as a tool to detect tumor and its location in the breast as an organism in the human body. It is one of the most expressing quantitative metric parameters specifying electromagnetic (EM) wave energy absorption. The last work showed that the use of microstrip patch antenna (MSPA) as applicators for the modeled breast helps to determine the smallest tumor size. The dependency of EM absorption on the conductivity and permittivity of the tumor are main parameters that define tumor size and location. The present paper deals with studying and analyze of antenna positioning effect. The positioning represents a new trend for breast inspection to attain 2D and 3D imaging by searching the location of tumor taking slices of breast layers and performing a rotation around the breast.
A Survey on Automotive Diagnostics Protocols[Full-Text ] AnjaliAn automobile is a complex system that has undergone over a century of evolution. Modern vehicles have Electronic Control Units (ECU) which computing devices that control set of electronic systems or subsystems. As there was increase in number of electronic components increased inside the vehicle, maintaining proper functioning of these components is a must. For this purpose diagnostics are used. Diagnostics involve remote execution of routines, or services, on ECUs. A diagnostic tester is used for check the implementation of Diagnostics in ECU’s. A Diagnostic protocol is used to describe communication between different ECU’s or ECU and a tester. There are many diagnostics protocols available now. This paper presents a survey on need of different diagnostics protocols, their uses.
Linear Antenna Array Synthesis And Null Control for Wi-Max Applications using an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization[Full-Text ] Joyanto Roychoudhary, Pushpendu KanjilalIn this paper, a novel algorithm for linear Antenna Array synthesis for Wi-Max base stations is proposed known as GA inspired Improved PSO (GA-IPSO).This novel Algorithm is able to accomplish the optimization task in a faster and effective way. We have applied this algorithm for antenna array synthesis and null control for superior performance by optimizing the elements positions(positiononly synthesis).Results quickly reveals that the proposed novel algorithm is superior in performance than any other optimization variants such as Genetic Algorithm and Differential Evolution. Two design examples are considered and the results are illustrated. Results show a very good agreement between the desired and the synthesized specifications. Also the results of optimization are compared with the uniform array case and show better side lobe level reduction and advanced null control for a fixed first null beamwidth.
Photoelectrochemical Behaviour of Pulse Plated CuIn0.6Al0.4Se2 Thin Films[Full-Text ] M.Thirumoorthy, K.Ramesh, K.R.MuraliCuIn0.6Al0.4Se2 films were pulse electrodeposited on tin oxide coated glass substrates at different duty cycles for the first time. The films were single phase with chalcopyrite structure. The crystallite size of the films increased from 15 nm – 40 nm. Optical absorption measurements indicated a band gap in the range of 1.97 eV to 2.07 eV with increase of duty cycle. Transmission spectra exhibited interference fringes. Using the envelope method, refractive index value was calculated. The refractive index increased with increase of duty cycle. Photoelectrochemical cells were fabricated using the films deposited at different duty cycle. Polysulphide redox electrolyte was used for the dtudies. Inorder to induce phtoactivity the films were post heat treated in argon atmosphere at different temperatures in the range of 450°C - 525°C. The films post heat treated at 500°C exhibited maximum photooutput. The films were photoetched in dilute HNO3. The photooutput was Voc of 0.59V, Jsc of 13.7 mA cm-2, ff of 0.65 and efficiency of 8.75 % at 60 mW cm-2 illumination from tungsten halogen lamp after photoetching.
An Investigation of Natural Transition to Mixed Heat Transfer from an Array of Modules in a Horizontal Duct[Full-Text ] Mohanad M. Nadhim, Prof.Adnan A. Abdulrasool, Dr.Yahya A. FarajThe present study is focused on studying different modes of heat transfer on a multi row of cubes fixed in a long horizontal duct simulating electronics modules used in a traditional electric device. The cubes are arranged in inline arrangement with 5x8 arrays. The active or heated module is a cube made of duralumin (95% AL) with 30mm side length in which an electric capsule is fixed. This electric capsule is fed with electric current as a part of an electric circuit. The arrangement (the array) is fixed at the lower surface of a variable height (AR) duct in the range of (3.5, 5, and 6.5). The system is operated in the natural convection, transient and forced convection modes. The Reynolds is tested within the duct and values of (Gr/ð‘…ð‘’2) is verified which gives a values within the forced convection mode. A numerical solution for velocity, temperature and turbulence level within the duct is analyzed using the commercial Ansys Fluent software. A control circuit is designed and manufactured so as to develop a closed circuit controlling the fan operation fixed at duct exit. The range of Grashof number is between (49x103 to 165x103) for five values of power input (0.36 to 5 watt), the range of velocities is (0.5 to 2.3 m/sec) and the range of Reynold number calculated depending on the hydraulic diameter is between (4,000 to 12,500).
PERCEPTION ABOUT THE USE OF PESTICIDES AGAINST HOUSEHOLD INSECT PESTS AMONG GENERAL PUBLIC OF BALDIA TOWN KARACHI[Full-Text ] Ali Javed, Seema Tahir, Tahir Anwar and Imtiaz AhmadHousehold pesticides are used commonly used but very little is known about their hazards on their exposure, in the general public. In 2015 questionnaire based study was conducted in Baldia Town Karachi which revealed that with low socioeconomic background and less educated people were not aware about pesticides hazards and unsafe practices of storage and handling cause more exposure especially for children at homes.
Graphene Decorated Quantum-Dots Filled Multiscale Nanocomposites[Full-Text ] Sanchit Katyal, Rathinjai Chauhan and Prof. Pankaj Balkrishna TambeThe field of materials has been the hot topic amongst the research community and graphene is among them which is a wonder material with many special properties, isolated for the first time only in 2004. Since the discovery of graphene, advancements within different scientific disciplines have exploded, with huge gains being made particularly in electronics and biotechnology already. The problem lies in its manufacturing as it is an expensive and tedious process. It is the thinnest compound known to man at one atom thick, the lightest material known, the strongest compound discovered (between 100-300 times stronger than steel), best conductor of heat at room temperature (at (4.84 ± 0.44 × 103) to (5.30 ± 0.48 × 103) W•m-1•K-1) and also the best conductor of electricity known (studies have shown electron mobility at values of more than 15,000 cm2•V-1•s-1). The project involves isolating graphene from graphite oxide using (modified) Hummers’ method and then using it as a reinforcement material in epoxy resin which will be further used to produce high strength composite material. The primary objective of the research is to find a point of optimality where the ratio of epoxy to graphene gives the perfect combination of strength and durability.