Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2017.
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Response of Moringa oleifera Lam. (Drumstick) plant on inoculation with Frateuria aurentia (Potassium mobilizer) and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizomicrorganisms (PGPR.)[Full-Text ] Tameezuddin Khan Ghori and D.AnusuyaBesides the raw material available remains of fruits and vegetables which can be used as raw material for the composting. Moringa oleifera (Drumstick) belongs to family Moringaceae. It is a nature’s most nutritious vegetable tree with high medicinal value. Despite of this, little has been done on the agronomic requirements for this crop. Twelve treatments arranged in complete randomized block production design. From the results it was found that treatment T2A-(K.m.+P.f.) +V.C.and T2C-(K.m.+P.s.b.)+V. C. shows better result compare to T1C-(K.m.+P.s.b.+T.v.) +V. C. Frateuria aurentia a potassium mobilizer along with PGPR shows better results.
STRATIGRAPHY OF QUATERNARY DEPOSITS OF NARMADA VALLEYCENTRAL INDIA[Full-Text ] Dr. A. A. KhanThe SONATA LINEAMENT ZONE embodies the two Quaternary basins of tectonic origin on the two margins of Sapura Crustal Block. The Satpura block traversed by enechelon system of faults and lineaments is characterized by thinner crust (33-38 km deep, basement depth >2.5 km) with series of ENE-WSW trending gravity high (viz. Sendwa, Khandwa, Chicholi, Tikaria etc.) with amplitudes of 10-35 mgal. The chain of gravity high indicates extensive magmatic and emplacement of derivatives at shallow crustal levels. The associated Narmada South (Satpura North) fault and Satpura South Fault marking the two hinges of the Satpura block are fundamental in nature and extend to Moho level. The Narmada Quaternary basin in the north and Tapti-Purna basin in the south are two Graben which formed prominent loci of sedimentation in lineament zone. The area of lineament zone studied tectonically encompasses two crustal provinces of Central India Shield, namely, the Northern Crustal Province (NCP) and the Southern Crustal Province (SCP). The two provinces are separated by a crustal level shear zone, referred as Central Indian Suture. The zone has been a major locus of episodic tectonism with evidences of reactivation.
A Simulation Design of LTE Communication System under Adaptive Modulation Schemes[Full-Text ] Vaishalee kumawat, Pallavi PahadiyaLong-Term Evolution (LTE) is a standard for high-speed wireless communication for mobile phones and data terminals, based on the GSM/EDGE and UMTS/HSPA technologies. It increases the capacity and speed using a different radio interface together with core network improvements. The LTE standard uses three different modulation schemes to adapt to various channel conditions in order to improve achievable data rates. These modulation schemes are the QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM.
A Review on Methods to Improve Map Reduce Performance[Full-Text ] Ayesha Saad, M. Akheela KhanumThe “Big Data” term refers to a collection of large datasets that may not be processed using traditional database management tools. The Map Reduce programming paradigm used in the context of Big Data, is one of the popular approaches that abstract the characterstics of parallel and distributed computing which comes off as a solution to Big Data. Improving performance of Map Reduce is a major concern as it affects the energy efficiency. Improving the energy efficiency of Map Reduce will have significant impact on energy savings for data centers. There are many parameters that influence the performance of Map Reduce. We conducted a systematic literature review to assess research contributions to Map Reduce. Based on the survey conducted it was observed that various parameters like scheduling, resource allocation and data flow have a significant impact on Map Reduce performance.
Supply Chain Sustainability: Integration of the Modern Supply Chain[Full-Text ] Muhammad Farasat Khan, Muhammad Faizan Khan, Samreen Yamin KhanThe world is changing in to a global village and the business strategies are changing dramatically with time. This has given rise to surging competition among companies resulting into formation of complex processes and systems. Thus competitive pressure has a great impact on supply chain and its sustainability. In this case study we have analyzed the major challenges of supply chain integration which is the calibration and coordination of a supply chain. The study suggests some key challenges such as lack of agility and supply chain visibility, inflexible capacity management, fleet, procurement and supplier management and the effect of bullwhip. The research methodology has been devised upon gaining expert opinions followed by questionnaire from industry experts and the students of the vary domain. Finally data analysis was conducted to evaluate the opinions and construct a viable solution for the cause of supply chain sustainability. The overall finding was that 77% of the responses collected to every answer had an agreement with the variables inefficiency leads an adverse effect on supply chain, suggesting that it’s efficient management could lead to supply chain sustainability. The study has helped in hatching a solution in form of Platform as a Service (PaaS), for which the limitations and the new horizons are discussed in form of key recommendations. The final outcome suggested that PaaS can foster Supply Chain Sustainability.
Protein Protein Interaction Identification using Weighted Graphs by Random Walk[Full-Text ] M.Thillainayaki, M.HemalathaProteins in the same protein complexes should highly interact with each other but rarely interact with the other proteins in protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. All interaction network weighting schemes have been proposed so far in the literature in order to eliminate the noise inherent in interactome data. Visualization representation of data visually and is an important task in scientific research. PPI are discovered using mass spectrometry, or in silico predictions tools, resulting in large collections of interactions stored in specialized databases. Using Random walk on weighted graphs for identifying the interaction easily between Protein subsets and measuring the evaluation performance of proteins, Graphs for PINs visualizing the high number of nodes and connections, the heterogeneity of nodes (proteins) and edges (interactions), the possibility to annotate proteins and interactions with biological information that enriches the PINs with semantic information, and maintained as a separate databases for easy retrieval information of proteins from various Protein da-tabases.
Road Sign Detection Using Cascade Classifier[Full-Text ] Dr. D.K. Shedge, Blessy Mathai, Prasad Barude, Shivam Katkamwar, Anjali RanjanIn modern era, road conditions have undergone drastic improvements. So, on driver's point of view there might be chances of neglecting mandatory road signs while driving. The proposed system in this paper, helps the driver in detecting road signs and avoid road accidents which helps driving comfort and increased safety. In the detection module segments, the input image is in YCbCr color space, and then it detects road signs by using the cascade classifier. The road sign recognition system is to be divided into two parts, the first stage includes the detection part which detects the signs from a whole image, and the second part is classification stage that classifies the detected sign into one of the reference signs which are present in the database. The extensive experimentation has shown that the proposed system approach is robust enough to detect and recognize road signs under varying lighting, rotation and translation conditions.
Challenges and security issues in implementation of Hadoop technology in Current Digital Era[Full-Text ] Dr. Vinay Kumar, Dr. Meenu Dave,Ms. Arpana ChaturvediWith the advent of technologies managing the tremendous amount of over flown and exponentially growing data in terms of storing and organizing it with utmost security is the major area of concerns. This exponentially growing data due to IoT has led to many challenges for the government and non government organization. Security threats forced to all the private and government organizations to develop their own Hadoop based cloud storage architecture .In Apache Hadoop architecture; it creates various clusters of machines and coordinates efficiently the work among them. The main role players in this are its two components, Hadoop Distributed File System-HDFS and Map Reduce. HDFS is the primary storage system used by different applications of Hadoop; it enables reliable and extremely rapid computations. HDFS provides rich and high availability of data to different user application running at the client end. Map Reduce is a software framework for analyzing and transforming a very large data set into desired output. This paper focus on the overview of HDFS 0 and HDFS 2 architecture, roles of various components of Hadoop, failures that can affect the clusters of Hadoop, various mechanisms to protect clusters, ways to which replicas are managed to provide high availability of data under all complex circumstances .We also discussed in this paper the overview of Hadoop analytics like Hive, Pig, Sqoop etc which can be run on data.
LITERATURE REVIEW ON USE OF GROUND NUT SHELL ASH AND COAL ASH TO MODIFY THE PROPERTIES OF SOIL[Full-Text ] Manjurhussain , Bhatt Khushbu, N.B.ParmarUtilization of industrial and agricultural waste products in the industry has been the focus of research for economic, environmental, and technical reasons. Construction and subsequent maintenance of pavements in good condition has become quite problematic especially in areas where soft or expansive soils are available below the sub grade. During rainy season the natural sub grade soils become soft and pose serious problem, strengthening of sub grade soil appear to be the only solution for keeping the pavement of surfaces serviceable.The performance of COAL ASH stabilized soil was evaluated using physical and strength performance tests namely; plasticity index, specific gravity, compaction, California bearing ratio (CBR) and Unconfined compressive strength. This research is aimed at evaluating the possibility of utilizing groundnut shell ash (GSA) in the stabilization of soils.
Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Adsorption of Basic Blue 41 on Used Black Tea Leaves [Full-Text ] Mohammad Abul Hossain, Md MohibullahThis study presents the feasibility of used black tea leaves (UBTL) as a low cost adsorbent for the adsorptive removal of Basic Blue 41 (BB41), a common pollutant in the textile waste water. In batch process, the effects of concentration and temperature on the removal process were investigated. Experimental results were evaluated using different kinetic model equations. At an optimum pH of 2.0, the adsorption followed pseudo second order rate equation for different initial concentrations. The equilibrium amount adsorbed was recorded as 23.5 mgg-1 at 30 oC which increased with in-creasing temperature. Calculated activation energy and the thermodynamic parameters suggested that the adsorption of BB41 is endothermic, spontaneous and physical in nature. The study revealed that the UBTL as a potential adsorbent for effective removal of BB41 from aqueous solution.
Assessment of the survival and growth of Alnusacuminata trees planted as Riparian buffer strips around Lake karago in Nyabihu district, western province Rwanda[Full-Text ] Sauti RaymondNowadays, people are usually unwilling to adopt the techniques to protect the environment. This study was undertaken to assess the survival and growth of Alnusacuminata planted in 2006 as riparian buffer strips around Lake Karago in Nyabihu district, Western province. The data collection was conducted in May, 2014 .The data was then analyzed by using Genstat 14th edition SP1 for Windows software where significantly different means were separated using F.pr at p≥ 0.05. Based on the findings, the statistical analysis revealed a difference in survival and growth in diameter at breast height (DBH) and in height of Alnusacuminata trees planted in the two strip plots: lower and upper around Lake Karago. The survival rates are 94.59% and 91.62% for upper and lower strip plots respectively. The growth in diameter shows that the DBHs of Alnusacuminata trees in lower and upper quadrants were not significantly different as F.pr= 0.231>0.05. Despite the Alnusacuminatatrees in the upper strip plot having been better surviving and attaining the greater DBH, lower height means of 16.78m and 17.25m in upper and lower transects respectively have been recorded. It can therefore be concluded that there is no significant difference in survival, height, diameter, density, basal area and volume of the trees planted in two distinct strip plots, upper and lower, around Lake Karago where F.pr. in survival is 0.280; F.pr. in height is0.479; F.pr. in diameter is0.231, F.pr. in density is0.386, F.pr. in basal area is 0.06 and F.pr. in volume is 0.304 which are all greater than 0.05.It would be worthwhile to recommend a better protection of the trees planted as riparian buffer strips around Lake Karago from animal grazing and vandalism which could lead to reduced tree growth and also the use of multiple specific rather than a single species buffer strip for better lake conservation.
Genetics and Biotechnology of Sandalwood (S. album L.)[Full-Text ] Tanzeem Fatima, Vageeshbabu S. Hanur, Ashutosh Srivastava and M. Srinivasa RaoGenetic improvement of trees, especially forest trees, is an important but neglected and often overlooked research priority, due to several reasons. Modern biotechnology has revolutionized all fields of biology, more so the plant biology, with profound transformational potential to address concerns and to derive opportunities. Judicious application of biotechnological tools can bring about comprehensive changes in the field of genetic improvement of trees. Different methods of molecular biotechnological interventions are needed for the improvement of trees, depending upon tree species, its genetics, its commercial and conservational priorities and response to genetic selection systems. Brief encounters with the myriad of complexities of genetics of heterozygous and heterogeneous perennial trees, w.r. t. sandalwood, are presented. Selected examples of potential genetic and molecular biotechnological interventions in tree improvement are discussed, including molecular genetics of sandalwood oil biosynthesis, rapid multiplication/micropropagation of elite clones, molecular detection and genotyping, tree polymorphism and association mapping, in vitro germplasm conservation, tree “omics” and designer GM trees.
Comparative Study on the Software Methodologies for Effective Software Development[Full-Text ] Sabbir M Saleh, M Ashikur Rahman, K Ali AsgorThe software development models, which are also known as Software Development Life Cycle. There are too many software development models now, mainly waterfall, spiral, Rapid Action Development etc.; now a days Scrum, Kanban and Extreme Programming are widely used, which are in Agile Family; by the software industries. These prototypes have advantages and disadvantages as well. In this paper we will discuss about waterfall, Scrum, Kanban and Extreme Programming; the main objective of this investigation is to symbolize different models of software developments and make a judgement amongst them to show the functionalities of each model separately and thoroughly. And we hope that this study will help the software industries to take the correct decisions about software development models before running a development for new software.
The State of IPv6 Deployment: A global Review [Full-Text ] Stephen Ugwuanyi, Fouead Attaran, Syeed Hussaini, Ahmed MerehilReports on the depletion of internet address space by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, IANA since 2011 has been a major concern for both the network users and Internet Service Providers, ISP. This situation has pushed organizations and professional bodies to finding better transition strategies to move from IPv4 to the new protocol IPv6; which is an incompatible protocol with the IPv4. This perhaps, is one of the reasons which have affected the realization of the proposition that the internet would be fully migrated to IPv6 in 1999 in the Request for Comments, RFC 5211. This paper is an overview of this new evolved Internet Protocol IP, with emphasis on determining the level of IPv6 deployment in the world in terms of programme and devices that are now IPv6 enabled. The challenges faced with the various adopted transition mechanisms while describing the best practices in the deployment and gives an insight into the question if the IPv6 is now the backbone protocol of the world internet.
Low Power Low Voltage 4/5 Dual Modulus Prescaler using Hybrid Master Slave Flip-flop[Full-Text ] Sakshi Bhargava, Mrs. Uma NirmalThe paper represents a 4/5 dual modulus prescaler circuit with use of hybrid master slave flip-flop and is simulated I 180n CMOS process technology. As a result, the average power consumption of the prescaler is 0.02mW and the propagation delay is of 12ns. The supply voltage of complete circuit is 0.9V and at 20 GHz Clock frequency. The new approach of our divided-by-4/5 dual modulus prescaler has been compared with other recent implementation showing that the proposed circuit successfully tradeoff between various parameters lke power and frequency.
Effect of external shading device materials on air temperature of perimeter zones of commercial buildings with glazed facades[Full-Text ] Fariha SerajCommercial buildings of Dhaka city are characterized by excessive use of glazing. The glass surfaces create indoor thermal discomfort by increasing solar gain and the consequence is extensive use of air conditioning systems. It requires high energy demand and use of natural resources to satisfy comfort requirements. Shading device as a major element of building fenestration plays a significant role to reduce the solar heat gain. Among the variables of shading design, e.g. height, width, depth, material, material is less considered or considered for aesthetic rather than a key variable to control indoor air temperature. To reduce the cooling and lighting energy demand, effective shading design is necessary. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of external shading device types and materials on controlling indoor air temperature. The three dimensional model of the two case spaces were created in Autodesk Ecotect Analysis 2011 to perform simulation. Indoor air temperature and the surface temperature of the shading devices for south and west oriented facades were observed for different shading typology and materials by simulation. Results show the relationship between orientation, typology and material. Most efficient shading devices are- horizontal louvers on horizontal plane and egg crate for south and west façade respectively. It was also found that the material with high thermal mass performs better than the low thermal mass materials.
Isolation and screening of biodegrading bacteria from kitchen waste and optimization of physiochemical conditions to enhance degradation[Full-Text ] Huma Anwar, Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Dr. Muhammad Saqib, Dr. M. Adnan Ashraf, Dr. Khurram IshfaqKitchen waste is the left over organic matter of unwanted raw or cooked food and major part of domestic waste with a potential to cause health issues if not handled properly or left for natural degradation of several years. Keeping in view enzymatic secretion of microorganisms, biodegradation is considered as an important strategy to overcome waste related problems. In the present study, samples were collected from waste receiving dustbins of Fatima hall mess, UAF, Pakistan. Eight different bacterial isolates were identified on nutrient agar media by morphological, colonial and biochemical characterization. Biodegrading ability of these isolates was screened by measuring zone of clearance and halo formation around growth on specific media. Amylase, protease and cellulase secretion of isolated bacterial species indicated their ability for kitchen waste degradation. 500g Kitchen waste was used in five different trials separately at different pH (5.7, 6.5 and 7.0) and temperature (37oC, 40oC and 45oC). Acid, heat and freeze-thaw methods were used to enhance degradation. 55g (11%), 100.9g (20.18%) and 3g (0.6%) weight reduction was calculated without consortia by thermal, acid and freeze-thaw pre-treatment respectively. 59.29g (11.85%), 39.91g (7.98%) and 37.63g (7.5%) weight reduction was observed within 7 days in three different trials with consortium. 7.0 pH and 45oC temperature was found optimum for biodegradation by consortium of Serratia spp., Pseudomonas aeruginose, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus megaterium.
Traffic Control System For Two Way Lane Based ON GSM Module[Full-Text ] Md.Ismile BakthAnsaryThe increase in the number of vehicles has led to Traffic congestion. During the busy hours of a day, the traffic is at its peak and there are various problems related to traffic congestion. One such problem is fuel consumption. An average of 90 minutes is spent daily by a vehicle in congested traffic. People forget to switch off the engines which cause wastage of the non-renewable resources such as petrol, diesel and LPG.For the emergency conditions such as ambulance, fire engines to pass through, and the congestion poses a hindrance. To recover for the lost time spent in congestion people tend to hurry and disperse the congestion, causing accidents. Bangladeshi roads witness one accident every day.To overcome these problems, a system has to be designed which can alert for congestion. “Traffic congestion alert system using GSM” does the needful and thus helps in reducing the traffic congestion.
Finite Element Analysis of an Excavator Arm using CAE Tool[Full-Text ] Asit Kumar Choudhary, Gian BhushanBackground:Excavators are earth moving equipment and the main component for completing its function is arm; which directly affect the working performance and reliability of the excavator. However,using the finite element method for structural analysis of excavator arm is the premise for the structural design of the arm. Objective:In this paper,we have carried out, finite element analysis of excavator arm by using CAE tools.The tools being used are CATIA, HYPERMESH and RADIOSS LINEAR.The obtained FEA results have been compared with the similar work carried out on the CAD model using ABAQUS.Method: By using, CAE software Pro/E,the three dimensional (3-D) model of working mechanism in big arm of an excavator, was established.
FORMATION OF NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS USING WASTE ENGINE OIL[Full-Text ] Mahmudov H.M.,Ismayilova M.K.,Hasanov S.HThe present work deal with the development of new chemical method to prepare green fuel by using waste oil products , such as waste engine oil.Nanostructured composite was prepared via treatment waste engine oil ( WEO) by metal oxide nanoparticles, with diameter 20-50 nm. Effect of concentration of Al2O3 nanoparticles on WEO has been studied by FT-IR spectroscopy method .The thermal behaviour of nano- complexes formed with metal oxide nanoparticles was studied by derivatograph.The thermal decomposition of the complexes was also investigated. It is shown that with 0,0001-0,0 wt. % Al2O3 contents in composite are observed most effective changes in rheological and thermal physical parameters.The received results are explained with the supramolecular structure of the materials.
Manufacturing Firm Productivity: AnEmpirical Study on Textile and Clothing mills of two different industrial zones in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Syduzzaman, SusmitaPaul and Mritika RoyThe garment industry has played a pioneering role in the development of industrial sector of Bangladesh. Though it took a rather late start i.e., in 1976 but it soon established its reputation in the world market within a short span of time. Resultantly now Bangladesh is the second largest exporter of readymade garment products trailing China. As China is finding it challenging to make textile and foot wear items at cheap price, due to rising labor costs, many foreign investors, are coming to Bangladesh to take advantage of the low labor cost. Though Bangladesh produces garment with lowest cost but poor productivity. To survive and prosper in today's economic times, companies should utilize its resources to generate more value added output. Only then the productivity will be high enough to accelerate the economic growth cycle. Most of the companies of Bangladesh are not conscious about productivity analysis. That’s why they lack behind in competitive market. The objective of the study is to introduce productivity, importance of productivity and its measurement technique so that companies can find their competitive position in the market. We have conducted this research on two representative Textile and Clothing Mills from two different industrial areas by collecting data through questionnaire. We have found difference in productivity between these two mills due to various reasons. We have also found that they are not concerned about productivity measurement. This research finding has very significant impact on the Textile and RMG industry because it will define the importance of identifying the economic position of any company.
A Miniaturized Non-ResonantLoaded Monopole Antenna for HF-VHF Band[Full-Text ] Mehdi KarimiMehr, Ali AgharasouliIn this paper, a new technique for wideband impedance matching of short monopole antennas in the HF-VHF bands is proposed. This technique is motivated by the challenge of obtaining low VSWR values in small and low frequency antennas. The proposed network topology consists of two lumped elements: an inductor cascaded with a transformer. An analytical model is provided to obtain the proper values of these lumped elements. The small monopole antenna is designed, fabricated, and tested in the HF-VHF band and a good agreement between the simulated and measured results is achieved. Moreover, it is also shown that a critical improvement of the antenna matching is obtained by adding a pure resistor in the middle of the antenna, without significantly reducing the antenna gain.
Optimal Configuration of Distribution System for Voltage Profile Improvement in Bulk Power Consumption Zones[Full-Text ] K.K.S.V.V. Prakasa Rao, V. C. Veera Reddy This paper addresses the problem of optimal reconfiguration of distribution networks for improvement of voltage profile. The networks have a radial topology and proposed procedure finds a reconfiguration where the voltage magnitudes at the nodes are improved. This paper presents the developed methodology, which is based on genetic algorithms; furthermore, the electric distribution system is represented as a graph, and the evaluation of the network configuration is based on providing the mesh information of the system. Case studies are presented for 3-Feeder test system, a 33-bus IEEE test network and a launch complex test model, demonstrating the effectiveness of the implemented methodology.
Performance Analysis of the Partial Transmit Sequence using modified Clipping Algorithm for PAPR reduction in OFDM[Full-Text ] Garima Tare, Mahesh GaudOrthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a promising multicarrier modulation technique for high data rate communication. Unless, OFDM faces the peak-to average-power ratio (PAPR) problem that is a major drawback of multicarrier transmission system which leads to power inefficiency of high power amplifier (HPA) and also demands the large dynamic range of digital to analog converter (DAC) at the transmitter. A number of schemes have been proposed to reduce the PAPR problem. The clipping technique is one of the scheme to reduce the PAPR problem in OFDM system. This paper presents the performance analysis of partial transmit sequence using modified clipping technique to reduce the PAPR problem. The PAPR reduction capability of this technique is demonstrated by presenting simulation results of PAPR.
Improved Real-time Multiple Face Detection and Recognition from Multiple Angles[Full-Text ] Preeja Priji, Rashmi S NairThe proposed thesis is a real-time multiple face recognition system from an uncontrolled domain such as a surveillance camera or drone camera. The traditional methods make use of edge detection for face detection and pixel matching for recognition. These methods produce a lot of false positives. For accurate detection, Artificial neural networks are used. These techniques require more resources and is slower since convolutions has to be applied to every pixel subset. The proposed method uses a combination of Viola Jones algorithm to detect faces and Convolutional Neural network to refine the detected faces by removing false positives. The method is more accurate than traditional methods and faster than Artificial Neural Networks since only the detected subset is subjected to ANN. The ROI is automatically detected for all faces Each detected face is then recognized using eigen face recognition method. The proposed method can also learn similar faces automatically by referring previous frames. Each time a face is not recognized by the system in an angle yet it is known in other angles, the system auto learns the face to be the frequently recognized face. The system is built on Emgu CV and C# which makes it highly reliable and faster in Microsoft Platforms.
WATER FOOTPRINT CONCEPT AS A SOLUTION FOR WATER SCARCITY IN ASIA[Full-Text ] Dragan Cigoja, Bing Wu, Lynette Umuratwa, Philip Ochieng Ogada, Sosthene MuberaIn the world of science, Water Footprint is well known but if we look into the very essence of this tool what can we expect as a foundation? Is it a tool for a deep scientific research about humanity impact assessment on the fresh water resources or perfect tool for raising awareness among the humanity and especially policy makers about world water scarcity and increase cooperation between countries? This study determines the percentage of data uncertainty and whether there is a possibility for improving this indicator. Furthermore, it is studied how this indicator can help to save water resources in fast developing countries as China and India, whose development is based mainly on the exports. The previous findings clearly indicate that virtual water trading on the global level can help the countries with water scarcity problems to mitigate that condition through trading with water abundant countries. There is still a gap in many publications; it is not yet clear whether the area in which the water footprint estimation is performed belong to water abundancy or water scarcity area. Finally this study will consider all these findings and emphasize the importance and relevance of this indicator for future sustainable development.
Strength Properties of Concrete Containing Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregate Replacement[Full-Text ] Duna, Samson and Musa, AbdullahiThis paper presents the results of the investigation into the strength properties of concrete containing coconut shells as coarse aggregate replacement. Control concrete with normal aggregate and binary concrete mixes (containing 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 % coconut by weight of coarse aggregate ) were produced and cured for 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 days respectively. A total of one hundred and five (105) cubes and beams were cast and tested for compressive strength, flexural strength as well as the density. The results showed that generally strengths decrease with increase in coconut shell content and increase with prolong curing period.
Characterization of Soil Depth to Coral Bedrock and Bedrock Roughness in Jozani Groundwater Forest, Zanzibar, Tanzania[Full-Text ] Masoud S. Said, Balthazar M. Msanya, Johnson M.R. Semoka, Salim M.S. MaliondoSoils formed on coral terrain have a wide range of depths to coral bedrock and percentage of coral outcrops. Cliffs and other featuresof seawater abrasion, limited root zone, habitation and distribution of specific plant species are among the common conditions on Zanzibar coral landscapes.The current study was intended to characterize the relationship between soil depth to coral bedrock (SDCB) and bedrock roughness (BR) and determine features which are related to seawater abrasion at Jozani Groundwater Forest (JGWF). Such conditions and features have varying spatial distribution and magnitude which are likely to affect plant growth and species distribution in JGWF. The study area was divided into 320 grid points that were used as probing points for determining SDCB and BR. Global positioning system (GPS) model GARMIN etrex 10 was used to locate grid points, while a long graduated stick was used to measure depths from soil surface to coral bedrock at each point. SDCB was calculated as an arithmetic mean of measured depths and BR as standard deviation of measured depths. ArcGIS 10.1 was used to map SDCB and BR of JGWF. Kichangani in Tumbatu Islet was visited to gather information related to abrasion that took place on coastal coral bedrock. Minimum values of SDCB and BR obtained from JGWF grassland were used to rank and categorize SDCB and BR in JGWF. Results from probes on the 302 grid points showed that JGWF has range of SDCB of about 0.35 - 1.4 m and above (>1.4 m) and BR of 0.1 - 0.4 m and above (>0.4 m).Trends of SDCB and BR values in JGWF were complex, decreasing towards the cliff on the West and towards North-end, but increased in the opposite direction. It was concluded from this study that there are complex relationships between SDCB and BR on coral land and that the relationships can be captured, ranked, and mapped. Such relationships affect plant growth and species distribution. Again, flat platform which was found at Kichangani and grassland of JGWF is an evidence of seawater abrasion on coral bedrocks.
Etiological Profile of Optic Neuropathy in Tertiary Hospital in Eastern India- A Cross Sectional Observational Study[Full-Text ] Ritwiz bihari, Rahul pandeyBackground- Optic neuropathy refers to damage to the optic nerve due to any cause (inflammatory or non-inflammatory). Optic neuropathy can be clinically diagnosed by diminution of vision, dyschromatopsia, and uniocular visual field defect (in unilateral optic neuropathy) with or without afferent pupillary defect and change in optic disc appearance. There is no uniform availability of reliable data on optic neuropathy. Most of the studies concentrate on individual etiologies of optic neuropathy. Hence, in the present study, the clinical, biochemical, electrophysiological and imaging profile of optic neuropathy was studied along with age and sex distribution.
Copper-cobalt-bearing mineralization in the Mwashya subgroup: probable solution to the renewal of mining reserves in southern Katanga[Full-Text ] Albert Komba Kitenge, Pierre Mashala Tumone, Alphonse Kaputo Kalubi, Christian MwabanwaMutabi The copper-cobalt-bearing mineralization of southern Katanga is generally located in the middle Roan formations called the Mining Subgroup (R2); however, other non-negligible concentrations are increasingly found in many other geological formations of different kinds and ages.
THE IMPACT OF VALUE ADDED TAX ON THE NIGERIAN ECONOMIC GROWTH[Full-Text ] Dr. Patrick .I. Zayol ,Anwese .F. Terlumun,Kenneth .T.JohnsonThere is much literature on the impact of Value Added Tax on the Nigerian Economic growth. However, these literatures suffer from one challenge to the other. These challenges include time range, methodology used and so on which does not reflect the current economic realities. This study explored the impact of VAT on economic growth in Nigeria using empirical studies. The review recommends that further studies should be carried out using current data and appropriate study design so as to gain firm understanding on the impact of Value Added Tax on the Nigerian economic growth.
Adsorptive removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution by graphene oxide modified membranes[Full-Text ] N.P. Khumalo, S.D. Mhlanga, A.T. Kuvarega, G. D. Vilakati, B.B. Mamba, D.S. DlaminiHeavy metals are a concern in the environment as they accumulate and are non-biodegradable and thus bio-toxic. Many technologies have been employed for the removal of heavy metals in the environment. However, adsorption process is arguably the most promising and effective fundamental approach for the removal of heavy metals in wastewater treatment processes. This research is based on modification of PSf polymer membranes with GO for applications as adsorbents for metal ion removal from water. Incorporation of GO in PSf improved the hydrophilicity of the membranes. SEM analysis showed porous membrane surfaces with uneven pore distribution. Pb2+ adsorption (>80%) was pH dependent and followed the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. It was demonstrated that the hybrid membranes can be used for removal of metal ions from wastewater.
Social Recruitment: A novel technique to hire the potential knowledge workers[Full-Text ] Kumar Nityan Suman, Pragati, Kanaad Pathak, Animesh GiriIn this model; we propose an innovative recruitment system based on job seeker’s social networking profiles like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. It is aimed to develop an advanced understanding to the recruiters regarding recruiting prospective candidates using various data mining and machine learning techniques. Using classic data mining techniques, user profiling and machine learning methods this will enable recruiters to effectively select appropriate job seeker for their organization in an automated manner.
A Novel Method for Ciphering a Message Based on QR Codes[Full-Text ] Basheer N. Ameen and Sawsan K. ThamerIn this paper, we have introduced a new data-hiding algorithm, where message is converted to QR code (Quick Response Code). QR Codes are mainly used to carry or store messages because they have higher or large storage capacity than any other normal conventional ‘barcodes’. In the present work the authors have introduced the encryption technique by inverting in two special selected areas to generate one ciphered QR code as in sender side. The resulted QR code may be sent to destination or may be saved for future use. In this encryption method authors have used bit-manipulation, byte-reshuffling and generalized this method. The ciphering method used here has been tested on different plain texts and it was found that the method is unbreakable using traditional cryptanalysis techniques like frequency analysis, plain-text attack, Differential attack, Brute-force attack, etc. So that data cannot be easily retrieved without adequate authorization / permission. In this paper, we have introduced a new data-hiding algorithm, where message is converted to QR code (Quick Response Code). QR Codes are mainly used to carry or store messages because they have higher or large storage capacity than any other normal conventional ‘barcodes’. In the present work the authors have introduced the encryption technique by inverting in two special selected areas to generate one ciphered QR code as in sender side. The resulted QR code may be sent to destination or may be saved for future use. In this encryption method authors have used bit-manipulation, byte-reshuffling and generalized this method. The ciphering method used here has been tested on different plain texts and it was found that the method is unbreakable using traditional cryptanalysis techniques like frequency analysis, plain-text attack, Differential attack, Brute-force attack, etc. So that data cannot be easily retrieved without adequate authorization / permission.
Torque Ripple Comparison Of Direct Torque Control Of Two Level Inverter Fed Three Phase Induction Motor Using SPWM & SVPWM[Full-Text ] Sarika E.PThis paper proposes torque ripple comparison of Direct Torque Control of induction motor drive system based on conventional hysteresis controller scheme and modified DTC schemes with pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques such as sinusoidal PWM and space vector PWM . Direct Torque Control (DTC) is a control technique used in AC drive systems to obtain high performance torque control. The main principle of DTC is based on simultaneously decoupling the stator flux and electromagnetic torque. DTC drives utilizing conventional hysteresis comparators suffer from high torque ripple and variable switching frequency. The proposed schemes reduces torque ripples and preserve DTC transient merits such as fast torque response. In the work, modeling of two level inverter , modeling of 3 phase induction motor ,DTC schemes with conventional hysteresis controller, modified DTC employing sinusoidal pulse width modulation and space vector modulation controller have been done, analyzed and compared using Matlab/Simulink software.The torque performance of 2 level inverter fed induction motor with both SPWM and SVPWM is then compared. Simulation results show that torque,flux ,stator current waveforms improve when space vector modulation scheme is employed.
SYSTEM OPERATION CONTRACT FOR CONCURRENCY CONTROL IN A DISTRIBUTED DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MODEL[Full-Text ] C.C OGBONNA , P.O ODO, S.I EZICHI, S.A UGWUThe first task of a database designer is to produce a conceptual model that reflects the structure of the information to be held in the database. A common approach to this is to develop an entity-relational model, often with the aid of drawing tools. Another popular approach is the unified modeling language. This work presents the deriving system operation contract for concurrency control in a distributed database management system from database management system model. The aim of this paper is to provide a roadmap on how a complex and software system can be analyzed and designed from the system model to system operation contract which is the gap between the requirement and the design in the software development life cycle.
Performance of Fourth Year High School Stu-dents of the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University South La Union Campus La-boratory High School through the Daily Re-looping and Explicit Timing Strategy in Teach-ing[Full-Text ] Jefferson D. IsidroUsing pre-test posttest experimental design, the study focused on the Daily Relooping and Explicit Timing strategy to improve the academic performance of students of DMMMSU-SLUC-LHS students. Specifically, it looked into the profile of the 40 student-respondents, their performance in the pretest and posttest and in the different formative and summative tests and the significant differences in the performance of the two groups of students with reference to the different variables. The results in the posttest given showed that the experimental group performed better than the control group in terms of their academic performance. Significant relationships were found between the respondents’ profiles; Attitude in Math, Multiple Intelligence and Third Grading Grades to their academic performance. These results were processed using SPSS software version 21. Based on the results, the researcher concluded that the daily relooping and explicit timing is an effective strategy in the teaching and learning of topics in Mathematics.
SEMI-EMPIRICAL MODEL FOR TACHYCARDIA ORIGINATED FROM FITZGHEW-NAGUMO EQUATIONS[Full-Text ] Volynski R.,Ben-Asher J., Gulko N.Spontaneous fluctuations that can be observed in cardiac dynamics, like tachycardia, are very dangerous, and may case cardiovascular collapse, cardiac arrest and death. The problem is extremely complicated, as result of huge number of influencing factors, when their role has not been adequately studied. It this context some researchers are trying to use ideas borrowed from chaos theory for a more in-depth understanding of tachycardia. However, this approach requires a cautious attitude for the following reason. It is known that one of the characteristic features associating with the transition from regular oscillations to chaotic ones is the doubling of their period. It means that in chaotic processes, the frequency of oscillations decreases with time. So, for the equal time periods there are less oscillations than during the regular regime. But the main fact of tachycardia is, as we know, that the number of its oscillations is sharply increasing. Such heart rhythms, especially those that are long enough to affect the heart’s function, can be deadly.The goal of present work is to provide an appropriate mathematical description for the tachycardia phenomenon without using ideas from the chaos theory. It should take into account the main property of tachycardia: an increasing in oscillations number per same time period in comparison with the case of a healthy heart. For obtaining the goal, we use the semi-empirical model originated from the Fitzhugh-Nagumo system of two coupled ordinary differential equations.