Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2017.
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Synthesis and Evaluation of Anti-Microbial Activity of 2-(4-methylphenyl)-3-(5,5,7-trimethyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1,3-benzoxazol-2-yl)-1,3-oxazolan-4-one.[Full-Text ] S.Damodhar; Guguloth Ravi; Ravinder Nath.AA new series of novel 2-(4-methylphenyl)-3-(5,5,7-trimethyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1,3-benzoxazol-2-yl)-1,3-oxazolan-4-one 9(a-j) in good to excellent yield by the reaction of 4-amino-5-(5-methyl-1-phenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)-4H-1,2,4-triazol- 3-ylhydrosulfide with a variety of Aromatic aldehydes. The compounds of all the novel new compounds were confirmed by 1H, IR,13C-NMR, MS spectral and elemental data.
K-ANNOMITY AND RANDOMIZATION FOR PRIVACY HYBRID METHODOLOGY IN DATA MINING[Full-Text ] Ramiza Ashraf, Rabia Shafqat, Muhammad FayyazThe purpose of this research is to transform the data in original form that is in unsecured form while doing the mining procedure and protect different attacks that involve in privacy theft and work on preserving privacy in a better way. In recent years, quick developments in the field of privacy preserving monitors because of the progress in the skill to store data. Privacy preserving has become increasingly more general because it allows sharing of privacy sensitive data for investigation purpose. People today have become aware of the privacy conflicts of their sensitive data and are very doubtful to share data. Current techniques are different among each other with respect to number of conditions such as, data quality, privacy level and performance. These techniques face different types of difficulties like, homogeneity and background knowledge concerns. The main problem is the misuse of data and cause of data misuse is mining procedure. In this research work a hybrid methodology of k-anonymity and randomization was used for different privacy protective difficulties. The recommended approach secures individual information with no loss of data which makes ease of use of information.
Reducing the Bit Error Rate of a Digital Communication System using an Error-control Coding Technique[Full-Text ] Dauda E. Mshelia, Peter Y. Dibal, Samuel IsuwaDigital communication systems have played a vital role in the growing demand for data communications. In communication systems when data is transmitted or received, error is produced due to unwanted noise and interference from the communication channel. For efficient data communications it is necessary to receive the data without error. Error-control coding technique is to detect and possibly correct errors by introducing redundancy to the stream of bits to be sent to a channel. In this paper error rate reduction is simulated and analyzed using hamming code in MATLAB/Simulink environment. It was found that the injected bit errors reduced considerably using a hamming code.
PERFORMANCE OF CHANNEL ALLOCATION SCHEMES IN CELLUALR SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Ch.Aparna Harshitha, T.Lalitha Phani Deepthi, Ch.Meena, G.Vasavi, Dr.Y.S.V.RamanOne of the main goals in cellular network design is to provide high quality and efficient communication using limited resources, such as an available radio band width. The role of channel assignment strategy is to allocate channels to cells so as to minimize call-blocking probability, delay probability to maximize the quality of service. Different strategies have been proposed to optimize the utilization of the spectrum. The main strategies are fixed channel allocation (FCA) strategy and Dynamic channel allocation Strategy (DCA). In this work, call blocking probability using Hybrid Channel Allocation (HCA) has been analysed. In HCA the ratio between fixed to dynamic channels (representative ratio) is an important parameter and it depends on traffic load. The results show that HCA gives better performance that too with more number of dynamic channels than fixed channels. The simulation has been done in MATLAB software.
Geochemical and Mineralogical Investigation of Kaolin Occurrence around Ugiamen Area, Southern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Oyebamiji Abiola, Hu Ruizhong,Falae Philips and Okunlola OlugbengaGeological, mineralogical and geochemical studies were carried out on twelve kaolin samples around Ugiamen area, southern Nigeria in order to determine their characteristics, the ore genesis and possibly economic viability of the deposit. Quantitative and qualitative mineralogical investigations reveal kaolinite as the predominant mineral followed by quartz and muscovite as accessory minerals. There is gradual transition zone between the kaolin and its parent rocks which shows the residual origin of the kaolin. Variable amount of major oxides such as Mgo, CaO and Na2O were lost as a result of the weathering process, whereas SiO2, Al2O3, LOI and LREE were enriched in the residual kaolin. Chondrite-normalized REE pattern of the kaolin samples shows an overall enrichment of LREE and depletion of HREE, also slightly negative Eu-anomaly probably originated from the parent rocks. The findings of the present study indicate evident characteristic feature of intense weathering and also the influence of the acidic nature of the source rock in the study area.
Statistical analysis of Linear Stability Continuous Time Series Between Two Vector Valued Stochastic Process[Full-Text ] M.A.Ghazal, A.I.El-desokey, A.M.Ben ArosThe continuous expanded finite Fourier transform of strictly stability (r+s) vector-valued time series are considered, under the assumption that some of the observations are missed . The asymptotic moments are studied. We will our theoretical study to two cases Economy and Electricity Energy.
A MULTI-MODAL BIOMETRIC SYSTEM COMBINING FACE AND IRIS[Full-Text ] Radhika Sarmokaddam, Prof. Praful BarekarMultimodal biometric systems are considered the simplest way to reduce the constraints raised by single traits. In our system, we've got developed an algorithm that extracts the features from face and iris for person authentication. Face is one among the foremost widely used biometric features due to its ease of capture on the other hand iris recognition is one among the foremost accurate biometric modalities having verification results near 98%. Human faces and irises are often considered as important biometric traits in many applications like airport management boards, criminal investigation. Additionally, since the face and iris modalities are acquired at the same time using constant camera, the proposed theme is motivated to construct a sturdy multimodal biometric system. so the proposed theme can be applied much in individual and multimodal face-iris recognition systems by extracting facial features and then fusing them with iris patterns. For the extraction of face feature we are exploiting local Binary Patterns (LBP) approach. The iris features are extracted using Daugman’s Gabor filters based approach. Exploiting this info, we've got developed a multi-modal (combining face and iris) system based on score level and decision level fusion to efficiently fuse face and iris modalities.
Classification of Brain Signals of Event Related Potentials using Different Methods of Feature Extraction[Full-Text ] Ishfaque Ahmed, Muhammad Jahangir, Syed Tanveer Iqbal, Muhammad Azhar, Imran SiddiquiElectroencephalographic (EEG) recordings and processing open a window to have glance onto the commands running in human brain associated with task or thought. Non-invasive acquisition of EEG data has no harms or potential risks to the subject therefore it is best for the development of brain computer interface (BCI). Recorded brains waves are alternating voltage appearing on the human scalp associated with voluntary (event-related-potentials) and involuntary (artifacts) tasks of the brain. In this manner, the EEG signals existing on the surface of the scalp are in the form of mixture. Features of interest are extracted from the raw data by applying various mathematical models. In this study, non-invasive EEG data recorded from a healthy subject for up movement of right hand is processed using two feature extraction algorithms. This study also introduces a new algorithm based on independent component analysis (ICA) using co-efficient of determination. Results obtained by using proposed ICA algorithm are found to be in good agreement with those obtained using EEGLAB.
CC and MLO Compressions in Virtual Mammography with the Surface Evolver[Full-Text ] M.Z. Nascimento, V. Ramos BatistaThis paper is a continuation of a long-term research devoted to Virtual Mammography, and here we give details already published in a previous short version. At the present stage we have obtained a fully virtual mammography procedure that faithfully reproduces all shapes of the breast and in its inside tracks the cancer at any step. The cancer is then precisely located for the surgery and can be removed through a small incision. So the whole structure is preserved and cured as an integral benefit to the patient. We utilise the Surface Evolver, a general purpose simulator that allows short codes and the addition of geometrical elements, which in our case represent different internal parts of the breast. Moreover, with a professional mammographer we studied CC and MLO compressions of a transparent breast phantom containing artificial nodules. Their displacements were tracked with a millimetre scale printed on a transparency sheet. Nodule displacements are ruled by physical and geometrical formulas that are now implemented in our simulator. In our first version they had not been equated yet. Here we describe how to derive these formulas. We have improved our virtual mammography procedure with the addition of geometrical elements and of equated nodule trajectories. This new version presents many progresses compared with our previous paper. Here we still work with the direct virtual mammography. In a forthcoming paper we shall present the reverse procedure, which starts from CC and MLO images that show a malignant tumour. Its coordinates will be given as the input for our simulator to output its correct location for the surgery, namely when the patient lies on the operating table.
The Economic Impact of EU and NATO Sanctions on the Russian Economy[Full-Text ] Ismaila Bojang, James OkrahThis paper assesses the impact of the EU and NATO sanctions on the Russian economy. An examination of the data revealed that the sanctions have directly impacted on various sectors of the Russian economy. Notable among them were the financial sector which includes the banks, major publicly owned companies in the fuel/energy sector as well as the military and technological equipment. These sanctions severely constrained these sectors as they struggled with lack of funding and investment. The economy also witnessed huge capital flight or outflow at an estimated value of $7.8bn, which was further compounded by gross negative capital inflow in the form of FDI’s (foreign direct investments).
The Impacts of European Integration on Efficiency of European Railways[Full-Text ] Tae Hun PARKThis paper covers main ideas such as the impact on the railways after the introduction of EU directive 91/440/EC, the efficiency improvement of the railways after being members of EU and etc. This paper uses the DEA method to evaluate and compare the efficiency of 7 railways’ transport service in European Union. The reason for analyzing 7 railways is that France and Germany are the founding countries since the beginning of the EU and Sweden had a membership of the EU in 1995 on behalf of Western Europe and that Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia joined the European Union in 2004 on behalf of Central & Eastern Europe. Using data over the period 1997~2009, the results indicate that it cannot be found that the efficiency of EU railways has been improved after EU introduced EU directive 91/440/EC and the railway in Central & Eastern Europe joined the EU. The railway system is mostly considered in terms of not as pure economic aspects, but as political objectives to be managed like the PSO (public service obligations) in strong domestic resistance. And in reality, it seems that the Directive of railway undertaking is not compulsory and only provides for wide-ranging discretion regarding the implementation process at national level.
IMPLEMENTATION OF LEAN CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY[Full-Text ] Smita YamgarConstruction projects in India are being delivered on tight timelines and slim margins. Conventional methods of delivering projects are no longer adequate and contractors are exploring alternate delivery methods. This paper discusses the experiences of the General contractor in delivering a commercial project in Pune, Maharashtra. The scope of the project was a turnkey project of six buildings on average of six floors along with 2 canteens with underground parking to be delivered in thirty six months. Project value was 374 Crore having built-up area 296022 sq.m. with more than 2000 labours at a site.
The impact of certain conditions and medications on the production and secretion of saliva[Full-Text ] Prof.dr Abdyl Izairi, Prof. dr Maja PandilovaXerostomia is defined as a condition or feeling of dry mouth resulting in biochemical changes in the amount and composition of the saliva which may present further complications in the oral health.
Numerical investigation of the dynamic response of lathe steel waste concrete subjected to blast loading[Full-Text ] Olawale S, Ofuyatan O, Omeje MThe current work investigates the blast resistance capability of lathe steel waste composite concrete (LSWCC) using finite element numerical analysis. The static compressive, tensile and flexural strength of the composite concrete at varying percentages of lathe steel waste were experimentally determined. The static compressive strength for concrete with lathe steel waste percentage between 0% and 2% by weight at increment of 0.5% varies between 24.45MPa to 29.7 MPa with the maximum value of 35.93MPa at 1.5% of lathe waste contents. The dynamic numerical analysis shows clearly that lathe steel waste reduces the displacement considerably and the peak values of acceleration, velocity, shear force and moment occurred at 1.5% volume fibre content.
Analysis of heavy metals in sediment in selected Nigerian deep offshore[Full-Text ] Oji A. and Otaraku I.J.The concentrations of heavy metals in sediments in some selected deep offshore locations in Nigeria including Cadmium (Cu), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb), Barium (Ba), Zinc, (Zn) and Iron (Fe) havebeen determined. The concentrations of heavy metals at 30 different sampling points werestudied using ATI Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The sampling was done in two seasons, dry and wet and compared with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration limit. The dry season sediment sample result showed the highest concentration of Cd,Cr, Cu, Ni,Pb, Ba, Zn and Fe as1.82mg/kg, 3.39mg/kg,8.41mg/kg,26.0mg/kg,23.53mg/kg, 0.90mg/kg, 0.90mg/kg, and 12.43respectively. The concentrations of the heavy metals during the wet season were 1.00mg/kg, 3.41mg/kg 8.55mg/kg, 20.40mg/kg,12.45mg/kg, 0.86mg/kg, 22.30mg/kg, and 920.40mg/kg, respectively.The dry season results implies that the Cd and Ni are above the Threshold effect concentration, Cr, Cu, and Pb are below the lowest effect level. While for the wet season the Cd is within the Threshold effect concentration, Ni is above the Threshold effect concentration, Cr, Cu and Pb concentrations are below the lowest effect level.
Appraisal of Foreign Direct Investments in the Oil and Gas Industry for Sustainable Livelihood in Abia State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ifeanyichukwu K. Ibekwe, Jacob B. OrieThe Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry, which was birthed and dominated, since inception, by foreign direct investments (FDI) is the bulwark on which the Nigerian economy has rested for about six decades now. Despite the huge financial resources earned by the country, the communities where oil and gas hydrocarbons are found and exploited have not fared well. The objective of this study therefore, is the evaluation of the impacts of FDI in the oil industry on the livelihoods of households in the oil-bearing communities of Abia State. A hypothesis was formulated to guide the study, namely: FDI in the oil and gas industry in Nigeria have not significantly impacted on the sustainable livelihoods of households. Two types of data were collected for this study. These are: discrete data (including data on oil and gas installations such as oil wells, pipelines, among others) and continuous data (examples include data on quantities of crude oil produced and exported, the volume and value of FDI inflows). A combination of the survey and participatory research appraisal methods was used to collect the primary data analyzed. A total of 392 copies of the questionnaire were administered in Umuorie, Owaza, Umuokwor/Obiga and Uzuaku/Imo River communities. Data for the study were also obtained from secondary sources such as publications by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), among others. Multiple regression technique was used in testing the hypothesis. The results showed that FDI-driven oil production operations have significantly impacted on the sustainable livelihoods of households in the oil-bearing communities of Abia State. The study recommends an immediate clean-up and remediation of oil-impacted soil, the urgent cessation of gas flaring through the process of leap-frogging by oil companies, to low-carbon, environmentally-friendly clean technologies and an environmental sensitive index (ESI) mapping of all areas of operation of oil companies, before and especially, after oil spills.
Performance Evaluation of Some Mobile Adhoc Network Routing Protocols[Full-Text ] Awodele O., Kalesanwo O., Osisanwo F and Kuyoro A.The introduction of adhoc networks into wireless communication opened up a new dimension because devices can communicate without any centralized system. The nodes on this type of network are responsible for forwarding and receiving packets and are very mobile. This type of network is easily deployable and self-configuring because it adapts to the rapid change in topology. Routing protocols designed for the network differ and they face diverse challenges as a result of the unpredictable change of the topology and link instability. Routing is one of the challenges that adhoc network face and effective routing mechanism helps to improve the successful deployment of the network. This research was carried out to evaluate the performance of some routing protocols in adhoc networks by using simulation approach. The different protocols evaluated are the AODV, TORA, DSR, OLSR, DSDV. The performance of these protocols were evaluated using the throughput, end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio as the performance evaluation metrics. NS 2.35 was the simulation tool that was used to carry out the simulation for the two different network environments (High and low traffic environments) that were simulated. The result shows that the TORA and the OLSR generally outperforms other protocols evaluated in the reactive and the proactive protocols respectively when the traffic on a network is high whereas, the TORA and the DSDV generally outperforms other protocols evaluated in the reactive and the proactive protocols respectively when the traffic on a network is low.
Design and Implementation of RF Remote temperature speed controlled Fan[Full-Text ] Chukwunazo J. Ezeofor, Onengiye M. GeorgewillThis paper presents the design and implementation of RF remote temperature speed controlled Fan. Most of the fans installed at home and offices are operated manually and physically challenged persons find it stressful to control the fan operating at a distance around them. Also, at night people find it difficult to wake up to reduce the speed or to switch ON/OFF the fan while they lie on the bed. This issue has called for serious concern and Radio Frequency (RF) remote temperature speed controlled fan is considered and developed. The system will enable the physically challenged persons or individual at night/day to control the speed of fan operating around them without moving close. The system has transmitter and receiver units. The transmitter unit is the RF remote device which enables the operator to adjust the speed of the fan. The receiver unit attached to the body of the fan receives the RF signal and controls the fan speed as selected by the user. When installed, the temperature sensor in the receiver unit reads the room temperature automatically and regulates the speed of the fan. If the room temperature increases, the speed of the fan will also increase. The fan operates in two modes namely manual and automatic. In the manual mode, the speed of the fan is regulated by the user by using the RF remote device whereas, in the automatic mode, the receiver control unit controls the speed of the fan with respect to the current room temperature sensed. The fan is designed to switch off when temperature drops below a set-point, in order to conserve energy
Spectral efficient and Interference free spectrum sharing in Cognitive radio using Signal Space Diversity[Full-Text ] Salina Mansuri, Pratibha nagaichThe development of the new technologies in the field of communication has created an explosive demand in terms of high quality services. In this study paper, spectrum sharing protocol is introduced which is based on signal space diversity (SSD) for cognitive radio networks. Spectrum scarcity and underutilization in wireless networks, arising day by day due to traditional static spectrum allocations which have been into consideration from last decades. The proposed network consist of one primary transmitter and primary receiver pair and one secondary transmitter and secondary receiver pair which help in coordination before transmitting its own signal on the primary user's spectrum. In our research work transmission is done in three signalling intervals which avoid any mutual interference between users and the SSD which is provided by coordinate interleaved orthogonal design (CIOD) whose purpose is to increase the transmission rate of the primary users. The output probabilities of both primary and secondary users are mathematically derived and analysed using MATLAB simulations. The results will show that significant performance improvement is provided by the proposed protocol.
Performance of OFDM in Time Selective Multipath Fading Channel in 4G System[Full-Text ] Kratika Gupta, Pratibha NagaichA comprehensive description of 4G system has been discussed in this paper. With the explosive demand for higher data rate networks, OFDM has emerged as a key technology for 4G standards like 3GPP LTE, IEEE 802.16m WiMAX and IEEE 802.11n WLAN.
Simultaneous Atomic Absorption Spectroscopic Quantization Survey of Toxic Metals in Poultry Feed and Their Translocation in Various Tissues of Chicken in Lahore Region of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Jaweria Shamshad, Jawayria Najeeb, Muhammad Naeem, Muhammad Nawaz ChaudhryAddition of trace minerals in appropriate concentrations is an inevitable requirement for achieving the optimal growth and development of poultry birds. However, their excessive intake presents serious carcinogenic and toxic threats to the consumer’s health. For keeping this borderline concentration in check, investigation was carried out over feed, eggs, liver, leg and heart tissue samples of chicken and a mineral profile, highlighting the concentration and translocation of trace mineral and electrolytes within the samples, have been built. Quantization of Aluminium, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Iron, Lead, Nickel, Zinc, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium was done by using techniques of atomic absorption spectrometry and flame photometry; and mean concentrations obtained were compared with allowed Maximum Permissible Limit (MPL) set by EU standards. Data acquired showed an alarming increase of Lead and Antimony levels in samples while other minerals content fell quite low than the set limits. In fact, Iron and Chromium concentrations were so scarce to provide their nutritive value to the consumers. This study not only addresses the pivotal health concerns these toxic trace metals could have over consumers but also shed light over the existing nutritious value of commercially available poultry products.
Partial OFDM Demodulation for Frequency Synchronization of WSN[Full-Text ] Anjali Gupta, Shivangini MauryaWireless sensor network is the emerging technology and is adopted quickly due to its variety of environment and flexibility towards users. However, these networks consist of tiny size nodes, economical designing of devices or nodes that possess several prevention as limited bandwidth, limited processing power, short battery life and less storage capacity. Synchronization of a Wireless Sensor Network is a crucial task and is based on a precise syntonization of all clocks within the network.
Impact of Sectarianism on National Security and Society of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Syed Subtain Hussain ShahThis paper covers the problems related to religious sectarianism in Pakistan specially its impact on national security and society of Pakistan. It is a fact that Pakistan was not witness of large scale sectarian massacres before late 1970s. The massive violence occurred in the country after the Zia’s Islamization, Afghan war and Iran’s Revolution and Arab’s reaction on it. Many other factors including political instability, refusal of basic rights and social and economic injustice, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, poor health facilities, inactive local bodies and unequal education system contributed to the aggression. Ideology of Pakistan is above of sectarianism and Islam also condemns the violence but the religious scholars of different sects could not play their effective positive role while some of the religious elements fuelled the violence by delivering hate speech and spreading aggressive literature. Partial acts of Media, interest groups and the sectarian organizations led to brutalities. The sectarianism not only badly damaged the image of the country but also gravely affected the society. The sectarianism today is also threatening national security as the sectarian groups established their links with foreign militant organisations. A comprehensive policy is required for protection of national security by creating a peaceful society, renewal of national unity, guarantee of rule of law, building of the institutions, providing the social justice to the people and maintaining good governance.
A Novel Fuzzy Based Control Strategy For Three Phase Inverter In On Site Generation System[Full-Text ] Abera Jote, Dr. Katta RaviThis paper presents a fuzzy based three-phase inverter in distributed generation which can be implemented for both islanded and grid-tied operations. With no need for switching between two Corresponding controllers or critical islanding detection. In the proposed strategy the three-phase inverter is regulated as just current source by inner inductor current loop in grid-tied and for islanding mode a voltage loop in the synchronous reference frame will automatically regulates the load voltage. This paper proposes a unified load current feed forward to maintain the grid current waveforms in grid-tied mode and load voltage waveforms in islanding mode to be undistorted even under nonlinear local load. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is validated by the simulation.
Environmental Ethics: Municipal solid waste disposal verses the protection of the critically endangered Leptotila wellsi[Full-Text ] Lendon A. Bullen, Geasean Johnson, Joy Ann M. DeGuzmanFor decades, municipal solid waste (MSW) management in Grenada has strongly relied on the use of the Perseverance dumpsite as the country’s main area for disposal. The establishment of a sanitary landfill in 2001 was meant to mitigate against the environmental impacts caused by the dumpsite’s use, however,its abrupt operational failure led to MSW disposal operations being reverted to the dumpsite. The habitat of the endangered Leptotila wellsi (Grenada dove) is centered between these sites and has directly felt the negative impacts of the environmental degradation and the increased presence of its predators. This paper aims at providing an ethical analysis that prioritizes the protection of this endemic species, and makes a plea for the stop of such activities within the vicinity of its habitat. Arguments were made in defense of the species’ protection and were based onthe taxonomy of values in wildlands, moral obligations and various religious/biblical viewpoints. The results indicated that the MSW disposal operations in its current state and locationfailed to meet many basic environmentally ethical requirementsand therefore justified the prioritized protection of the vulnerable species.
An Approach towards Reliable and Cost Effective Dynamic City level Traffic Mangement using RFID-Sensors for developing and populated countries like INDIA[Full-Text ] Jeet Thakur, Sweta Singh, Jay BoradeTraffic congestion is a major problem in many cities of India along with other developing countries across the globe. Inefficiency of signals and a plethora of vehicles plying on the road has led to traffic congestion, which is a grave situation. One of the major problems with Indian cities is that the existing infrastructure cannot be scaled, and thus the only option available is better application of traffic management, along with better traffic sense. Traffic congestion has negative impacts on a country’s ailing economy, the environment and the overall quality of life. Hence it’s time to effectively manage these problems. There are various methods available for traffic management such as video data analysis, infrared sensors, inductive loop detection, wireless sensor network, etc. All these methods are effective methods of smart traffic management, and have proven to improve the concerns that have affected the country. On the other end the problem with these systems are installation time, the cost of installation and its high maintenance cost. The following paper introduces an optimized solution which uses Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), which can be coupled with the existing signaling system that can act as a key to smart traffic management in real time. This methodology provides a well-defined solution which is cost and time efficient. This will require less time for installation with lesser costs as compared to other methods of traffic congestion management. Use of this new methodology will lead to reduced traffic congestion, Bottlenecks will be detected early and hence early preventive measures can be taken thus saving time and money. The methodology is researched in depth and proves to curb this persistent problem in India and other countries like India.
Process Control - automation[Full-Text ] Dr. Pelluri RahiNowadays several Controlled Processing Systems are very common in our daily life from wakeup to sleeping time, e.g., Cooking Ovens - Time and Temperature Control, Washing Machines - Time Control. In Process Industries Control of Pressure, Temperature, Level, Flow and Humidity, PH like Process Parameters is very essential factor of Quality of the Product. Our Human Body Organisms also need control of Sugar Levels in the body and BP level etc., for Good Health. Automatic Control with suitable Sensors is the Automation of Process Control.
A Comparative Analysis of Short Range Wireless Protocols For Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Md. Taslim Arefin, Mohammad Hanif Ali, A.K.M. Fazlul HaqueWireless sensor networks are becoming very popular recently due to their performances, functions and intelligence. Intelligent sensor nodes form a network which can be used to transmit and receive real-time traffic for remote monitoring, automation, diagnostics etc. Short range wireless communication is the best suited protocol for deploying such network. Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11), Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.1) and ZigBee (IEEE 802.15.4) are three protocol standards for short-range wireless communications with low power consumption. This paper has focused a comparative analysis between those protocol standards in order to evaluate their main features and behaviors. Several performance metrics such as Transmission time, Bit Error Rate, Received power, Packet Delivery Ratio and Power consumption has been used in this paper.
QoS Comparison of Proactive & Prevent Scanning Handover Schemes in WLAN[Full-Text ] Ifeanyi Chinaeke-Ogbuka, Ogechukwu Iloanusi, Augustine AjiboThis paper, critically, compares the Quality of Service (QoS) of two handover schemes namely proactive scanning handover scheme (PAHS) and prevent scanning handover scheme (PRHS) in wireless local area networks (WLAN). These schemes are employed within the scanning phase of the handover process which contributes to more than 90% of the handover delays. Two QoS indicators are examined: Access point resource utilization and Traffic losses. The two algorithms are modeled and simulated using blocks from the MATLAB/Simulink Simevent library and data obtained and analyzed in Microsoft Excel. Three access points AP1, AP2, and AP3 are used. The results obtained show that at traffic intensity of 942000, resource utilization of AP1 for PRHS and PAHS are 0.056 and 0.0683 respectively, at traffic intensity of 484500, resource utilization of AP2 for PRHS and PAHS are 0.0287 and 0.035 respectively, at traffic intensity of 969470, resource utilization of AP3 for PRHS and PAHS are 0.0574 and 0.0701 respectively. The PRHS and PAHS offered traffic losses of 0.684 and 0.746 respectively at traffic intensity of 2250416. The results clearly show that the PRHS is superior to PAHS in terms of reduction in traffic losses during handover while the PAHS offers better utilization of access resources.
Spaced Learning Strategy in Teaching Mathematics[Full-Text ] Ace T. Ceremonia, Remalyn Q. CasemStudents’ low mastery of the lesson in Mathematics is one of the alarming problems confronted by Mathematics teachers. It is in this light that this study was conceptualized to determine the effectiveness of spaced learning strategy on the performance and mastery of DMMMSU Laboratory High School students (Grade 7) in Mathematics. This study used the true experimental design, specifically the pretest-posttest control group design. The main instrument used to gather data was the pretest-posttest which was subjected to validity and reliability tests. It was found out that the experimental and control groups were comparable in the pretest and posttest. Comparison on their gain scores revealed significant difference with the performance of the experimental higher than the control group. It was also found out that the effect size of using the spaced learning strategy was large. This indicates that the intervention is effective in increasing the performance and mastery of high school students in Mathematics. It is recommended the use of the Spaced Learning Strategy to improve the performance of the high school students in Mathematics.
Integrated Assessment of Project Management in relation to Quality Management with-in Construction Projects focusing the Iron Triangle[Full-Text ] Jam Shahzaib Khan, Manthar Ali Keerio, Sajjad Hussain Mangi, Sarang Khan Sario, Najjeb Unar, Fayaz Muhammad SarioThe research evaluates the trends and techniques for success criteria of project management and development of life-cycle. It focuses on time; cost & quality with the emerging trend of the iron triangle from the last 50 years the “TIT” have been indivisibly linked with measuring the success of project management. Research in this area so far has mainly been devoted to identifying causes of time, cost and quality overruns. There is limited research geared at studying factors inhibiting the quality management and ability of practitioners to effectively control their projects. To fill this gap, research has been conducted on construction project within Pakistan, which was followed by face-to-face interviews with experienced construction project stakeholders. A brief interview with all stakeholders has evaluated that the contractor has lack of knowledge of project management & project delivery method skills. From the evaluation of the project several deficiencies are assessed within project. It is suggested that project participants can use the information from this thesis to identify deficiencies in their project-related activities and therefore, take the appropriate action to improve their management practices in future projects.
Molecular docking of potential curcuminoids inhibitors of the NS1 protein of dengue virus[Full-Text ] Aurineide Ribeiro Lima, Jacilene Silva, Lucas Lima Bezerra, Márcia Machado Marinho, Emmanuel Silva MarinhoDengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS) are considered the most medically important and widespread mosquito-borne viral diseases.Dengueis an arbovirus that has a large occurrence in humans around the world. It is an infectious and debilitating disease caused by the dengue virus (DENV), by an arbovirus belonging to the family Flaviviridae and to the genus Flavivirus. The genome of this virus (DENV) encodes a long polyprotein, which is cleaved by viral and cellular proteases, giving rise to three structural proteins and seven non-structural proteins, among which is an NS1 protein, which is a highly protein Conserved, does not act in the stage of viral replication, being also linked to virulence and morphogenesis of the virus. Thus, knowing that NS1 is a protein that plays an important role without DENV virus, acting on the replication of its viral genome, it was sought to use it as a target molecule in molecular docking tests, to identify binding molecules that They can interact with this protein and may be potentially active against this virus. As the binding molecules are introduced two curcuminoids, Curcumin and Monodemethylcurcumin. By means of the donation between this target molecule and these binding points, it could be observed that for both couplings it has ten attractive twists between these molecules. (NS1), a bond between the H6 of the curcuminoid binder with a phenylalanine (PHE) 565 E chain of the protein, obtained the lowest value for a distance (3.5 Å). As for monodemethylcurcumin with the protein, the shortest distance obtained (3.8 Å) was observed at the binding of H15 of the ligand. Monodemethylcurcumin with the amino acid Glycine (GLY) 408 of the D chain of the protein. These ligands, therefore, are shown to be promising for Docking tests with a dengue virus (NS1) protein.
Nodes-ConnectorsNetwork of Public Spaces as aManifestationof Power in Cairo’s Heterotopias[Full-Text ] Ahmed Abdel-Rasoul, Ass. Prof. EslamNazmy S.Heterotopia is where every community lives, works, and socializes,withinwhich there is a network of public spaces supportingits social life, as well as connecting it -the heterotopia- to other heterotopias withina metropolitan. Cairo, as well, is a metropolitan with distinct heterotopias, that, in turn, representing the manifestation of power shaped their public spaces’ network. Nodes and connectors are a new typology,introduced by this paper, constituting the network of public open spaces within each heterotopia to understand the manifestation of power over their articulation. Two distinct heterotopias are investigated:MadinetNasr which represents public-sector-power over itspublic spaces’ production;and New Cairowhich represents the empowerment of private-sector over the same. Through this investigation,it is concluded that in Cairene context since 1952, public sector is more concerned about the resilience of movement forindividuals by providing accessible public spaces (connectors)to ensure the proclaimed equality and global connectivity, however, it’s not concerned about the social nature of the public spaces (nodes typology). While private sector, on contrary, gives more concern about the social nature of nodes typology regardless giving equal opportunities among the whole society to access these nodes through their connectors network.
Practical Design of Shield Tunnel Lining[Full-Text ] Chetan AggarwalSegmental lining is the support system for shield TBM excavated tunnels. Pre-cast concrete segments are assembled inside the shield, to form a ring. The segmental ring becomes the support structure of the tunnel.The 2 dimensional uniform beam model and 3 dimensional segmental lining model subjected to various loads are reviewed in this article. Real time example of an irrigation TBM tunnel crossing under two broad gauge rail lines has been considered. Present study has been carried out with 2 dimensional segmental lining model subjected to static loads, 3 dimensional construction stage analysis and segmental lining subjected to dynamic train loads.
Bixinoids potentially active against dengue virus: a molecular docking study[Full-Text ] Jacilene Silva, Aurineide Ribeiro Lima, Lucas Lima Bezerra, Márcia Machado Marinho, Emmanuel Silva MarinhoDengue fever is a disease caused by arboviruses, belonging to the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus, presents four serotypes (DENV 1-4), being transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti (female). The Flavivirus genome contains a single open reading frame, which encodes a single polyprotein and is then cleaved to generate three structural proteins that make up the viral particle: C (capsid), E and prM and seven non-structural proteins: NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B and NS5. Protein E, approximately 60 kDa , is the largest structural protein in the virion, accounting for the fundamental biological properties of the virus. Its structure consists of three distinct domains: domain I or central domain, domain II and domain III, where domain III of protein E (ED3) is involved in receptor binding and is the highest target of neutralizing antibodies. The bixin and norbixin binders are major carotenoids found in Bixa orellana L. (urucum) belonging to the Bixaceae family, one of which is liposoluble and the other is water soluble, respectively. These substances are responsible for the reddish coloration of annatto, a plant native to South America. In this work, the interaction between the DENV-4 protein and the Bixin and Norbixin ligands, using computational simulation, aiming at molecular Between bixinoids ligands and dengue virus protein serotype four (DENV-4). The present study was developed in four stages: (1) Obtaining the structures of Bixin and Norbixin ligands in the chemspider repository (http://www.chemspider.com/); (2) Preparation of bixinoid ligands using Arguslab software; (3) Obtaining the protein from DENV-4 in the protein data bank repository and preparing it for docking; (4) Molecular protein-binding docking using the Chimera software. After completion of the molecular coupling between bixin-protein, the following values were found; RMSD l.b: 3,601 Å and RMSD u.b: 9,113 Å, Score of -4.3 and 17 active twists. As well as the values found for the molecular docking between the norbixin ligand and the DENV-4 protein were; RMSD l.b: 2,699 Å and RMSD u.b: 3,609 Å, and Score of -5.2, it being possible to identify that both ligand-protein complexes reached 17 active twists in the Chimera software. Using the Arguslab and Chimera software, it was possible to determine the spatial orientation of the bixinoids ligands to the active site of the DENV-4 protein, where the obtained distances of 2,4 Å between the protein and the Bixin ligand and 2,3 Å between The protein and the Norbixin ligand, indicate stability of the binding-protein compound, which reflects in great possibilities of the dockings realized to be used in the production of new drugs against dengue fever.