Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 4, April 2017.
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Difficulties of concept of function: The case of general secondary school students of Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Walde, Getinet SeifuThis study presents investigation of difficulties of grade nine students have on the concept of function using a descriptive survey method. Both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used to explore the students’ challenges in this study. Data was collected using test, interview and teachers’ questionnaire. The four commonly used ways to represent function is then used to analyse students’ interpretation and manipulation in different contexts. The finding of the study reviled that students have difficulties in basic definition of function, to identify the difference between function and relation, difficulty to identify an equation with two variables x and y as a function or not. The students have also difficulty in verbal and graphical representation of function. Identified students misunderstanding about the function concept are: any functions should contain both x and y variables, any continuous graph are a function and a discontinuous graph is not a function. This could be because of students’ attention to the lesson, their background weakness and students limited English language skills. Based on the findings of the study different recommendations are suggested in order to solve the problems.
Exploring the Critical Success Factors for Adopting Wireless Broadband Services in Developing countries[Full-Text ] Stephen Aruwan Bitrus, Jae Jeung Rho, Raufu Oluwatoyin RaheemWireless Broadband Networks are high-speed wireless internet access and data networks. They can leverage other technologies or networks that are already in place. The advent of smart phones and other mobile handsets requires wider broadband penetration in developing countries, which would enhance the rapid adoption of the mobile phones and quickly close the digital divide. The purpose of this research is to analyze the success factors of some selected countries bring out the challenges and advice government and policy maker on how to enhance Broadband technology in developing countries. The framework of the study looked at the factors that make the pulling and pushing in the broadband environment after investing on infrastructure to bring out the output of connectivity and economic growth. The analyses of broadband technologies, a case study of three countries; Korea, Singapore and South Africa to bring out their success factors and a comparative analysis were made. A further analysis of why Korea succeeds was also made and it is our believe that this would also help policy makers to monitor trends, identify areas for policy action and benchmark their ICT developments against other markets and most importantly, help any developing nation as how to go about improving the life of its citizen through Wireless Broadband. The findings made in this study are of considerable practical importance to developing countries and particular Nigeria based on the observation made.
Isolation and Identification of Bacterial population in goat meat in Dibrugarh[Full-Text ] Sudakshina Das & Pradyut SaikiaMeat is considered as an important source of proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Due to rich composition, meat favors good environment for the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Micro-organisms that occur in meat and meat products most times are responsible for food borne illness. In the present study goat meat was collected from different market areas of Dibrugarh and samples were prepared in both raw and boiled condition. Four strains were isolated from different samples and the names of the bacterial species are Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterobacter spp and Escherechia spp. The present study reveals that raw meat is highly contaminated with pathogenic bacteria. Among the isolates, it was observed that Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli shows the presence in all the samples. Therefore, It is important to trained meat handlers regarding food safety and must give concerned to the consumers to avoid eating raw and inadequately cooked food.
Effect of Biochar on Some Soil Properties and Tomato Growth under Saline Water Conditions[Full-Text ] Gamareldawla H.D. Agbna, Albashir A. S. Ali, Mohammed M. A. Elbashier, Mohamad Bakir, Amjad, Osman, Ahmed E. A. ElshaikhPots experiment was conducted At the Key Laboratory of Efficient Irrigation-Drainage and Agricultural Soil-Water Environment- Hohai University. The aim of this study is to study the effect of biochar on some soil properties and tomato yield under saline water conditions. For this purpose biochar 0.0(T1), 0.05 % (T2), 2% (T3) and 4% (T4) with two levels of salts in irrigation water (SL1 (1) and SL2 (3 dS/m-1)) were used. The results of soil bulk density were 1.04, 1.09 and 1.20 g/cm3 for T2, T3 and T4 respectively, compared to control (1.012). The application of biochar showed a significant (P < 0.05) change in soil bulk density, total porosity among the different rates of treatments application. The results of soil particle density showed non-significant difference between biochar treatments and control, also the clay, sand and silt fraction of the soils were not significantly affected by biochar applications.
Comparison of Organic Farming and Conventional Farming In the Punjab, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Aslam Waqas, Chen Hong, Ajmal Muhmmad Maroof, Rashid Mehmood Rana, Anwaar Saima,Abid Ali In our research, the comparative analysis between organic farming and conventional farming has been made to explore the agriculture economy in one of the provinces of Pakistan known as Punjab. Like other developing countries, Pakistan’s large portion of economy is also dependent upon agriculture. So it has also adopted the ways of organic farming to increase the production, reduction of poverty and raising economic wealth to make the backbone of Pakistan strong. Moreover, with the perspective of production but results are astonishing and opposite. Instead of modern cultivation, it has reduced pesticide disease and weed not to build. It is also beneficial for the soil to in the better form of utilizing the methods of organic farming, farmers still using conventional methods of farming. Reasons have been discussed in the following sections.To perform the results, two main cities of Pakistan has been taken; Lahore and Multan and self-administrated survey is conducted in the agriculture areas of both cities to collect the feedback from the farmers with respect to organic as well as conventional method of farming.A sample of 91 questionnaires of both methods is used to conduct survey and gather the opinions of farmers and people related to agriculture.Experiments show the larger use of conventional methods of farming in Pakistan as compared to organic methods. Results of this study depict the adoption of conventional farming as compared to organic farming in Punjab, Pakistan. There are several reasons behind it which are addressed in the part of discussion.
Survey on Delay Attack Detection and Prevention in WSN Data Transport[Full-Text ] Bhushan Jichkar, Prof. D. C. MehetreWireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a large network of sensor nodes. Wireless Sensor Networks are very popular and have their special characteristics such as limited battery, limited power and limited storage that makes the energy consumption. Data transport is a core function for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) with different applications having varied requirements on the reliability and timeliness of data delivery. While node redundancy, inherent in WSNs, increases the fault tolerance, no guarantees on reliability levels can be assured. Furthermore, the frequent failures within WSNs impact the observed reliability over time and make it more challenging to achieve the desired reliability. Data transport is affecting by various attacks, such as delay attach, DoS Attack, Black hole attack, etc. This paper concentrates on the Delay attack and presents the detail study of recent techniques which were working on delay attack detection and prevention in WSN. This paper also provides the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques.
BER Comparative Analysis in BPSK, M-PSK and M-QAM Modulation of OFDM System in a Multipath fading channel using Simulink[Full-Text ] PHILIP-KPAE F.O, B.O Omijeh& ISIOTO, N. NOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing OFDM is a system in a communication used to transmit message signal (data) on multiple carrier over single communication channel. In this paper, the multipath fading channel otherwise known as the Rayleigh Fading channel is used in the modelling. The Rayleigh fading channel is characterized by the present of non-line-of-sight component. The BER of different digital modulation technique such as the BPAK, QPAK and QAM is used in an OFDM system in this paper. The BER output was compared to ascertain which is the best. The model used is the OFDM system model with IFFT/FFT application. The application used is the SIMULINK BLOCKs. The Result is then compared and conclusion drowned.
Isolation and Characterization of PGPR from Rhizospheric Soil[Full-Text ] Pratibha Sharma and D. K. ShrivastavaPGPR are naturally occurring soil bacteria which actively colonize plant root and benefit plants by providing growth promotion. They help in providing free living nitrogen fixing bacteria, increase supply of other nutrients, produce plant hormones, enhance other beneficial bacteria or fungi, control bacterial and fungal diseases and help in controlling insect pest. The present work was carried out to determine the diversity of bacterial populations in the rhizospheric soils of various vegetable crop fields located nearby Bilaspur city in Chhattisgarh, India. Ten bacterial strains out of several isolates were characterized as PGPR. These bacteria are not simply additional elements to biological diversity in the rhizosphere but are essential components to the survival of other microorganisms and plants. Bacterium provides benefits to the plant, resulting in plant growth stimulation, plant protection as well as production of antibiotics, geochemical cycling of minerals and plant colonization.
DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF KOLLICOAT IR BASED OLMESARTAN MEDOXOMIL NANOPARTICLES[Full-Text ] Sumita Singh, Kunal AroraCurrent research was undertaken with objectives, to develop a formulation as nanoparticles of Olmesartan medoxomil (OLM) by a precipitation method using Kollicoat IR polymer. Investigation was done for the effect of stirring speed & time on particle size. Particles were characterized for drug content, FTIR, zeta potential(ZP), particle size distribution (Dynamic light scattering), differential scanning calorimetry(DSC), powder X-ray diffraction(PXRD), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), solubility, in vitro release study and stability study.
ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECTS OF TRACHYSPERMUM AMMI ON ORAL MICROBES[Full-Text ] AmanthiGanapathi, Anitha Roy, RV.GeethaAim: To evaluate the antibacterial activity of Ajwain essential oil against Enterococcus faecalis and streptococcus mutans
AIR POLLUTANTS IMPACT ASSESSMENTAND SIMULATION ANALYSIS OF SOME SELECTED BUSY LOCATIONS OF BAUCHI METROPOLIS[Full-Text ] Dauda B. S, Chindo I. Y, Shibdawa M. A, Adamu H. M, Emmanuel S. W, Chioma U.OGaseous samples were collected from some sampling points 200 – 400 m apart in Bauchi metropolis. Control samples were also collected from Dass town about 47 kilometres away from the study area. The samplings were carried out in dry and wet seasons using Gas samplers which contained adsorption devices of about 5 cm long, packed with activated charcoal and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The samplers were hung on poles at the sites designated for the study. Trapped gaseous pollutants were leached from the adsorbents with hydrogen peroxide and after treatment, the pollutants were analysed with UV/visible – Spectrometer (model cecil 1000 series), at 320nm. Of the two criteria air pollutants analysed (CO2,and CO,), Carbon dioxide had the highest concentration 3.73ppm (+0.02). However, CO2, and CO were within the permissible limits of FEPA (2001) and USEPA (2008).
Elemental Total Nitrogen (TN): Total Phosphorus (TP) Ratios Influences On The Geological Metal Partitioning In Upstream River Kapsabet, Kenya[Full-Text ] Eliud Limo, P.K Kipkemboi and Kituyi LuswetiMost aquatic environments normally undergo enrichment with nitrogen or phosphorus resulting in differences in the TN:TP ratios. Ideal TN:TP ratios may affect the overall functioning of the aquatic ecosystems. In this study, the overall impacts of TN:TP were related to the metal concentration along River Kapsabet. Water was collected using plastic bottles and Total nitrogen and total phosphorus analyzed. In addition levels of metals along the sites were analyzed using spectrophotometer. The concentration of TP increased from the upstream to the downstream sites while that of TN reduced from the upstream to the downstream resulting in consistent decline in the TN:TP ratio down the river profile. There were significant differences in the concentration of TN and TP among sites (p < 0.05). In water, the means and ranges in concentration of metals were: (ïg/L): 0.24 (0.01-0.75) Pb, 0.07 (0.02-0.21) Cu, 2.78 (0.17-3.41) Fe and 0.32 (0.02-1.22) Zn. There was significant (p < 0.05) spatial distribution of metals along the river profile. In both water and sediments, site 3 and 4 contained significantly (p < 0.05) the highest concentrations of Pb, Fe and Zn associated with anthropogenic pollution. This study demonstrate gradient specific increase in total phosphorus along the river profile and associated reduction in total nitrogen resulting in the overall reduction in the TN:TP ratio along the river profile. All metals except Cu displayed increased concentration along the river profile and therefore indicate increased anthropogenic contribution to water enrichment with heavy metals. Yet, along the profile, there was an exponential increase in the concentration of essential metals with increased TN:TP ratio with no association between the TN:TP ratio and the essential Pb. These results indicate that application of the Redfield ratio (TN:TP) ratio may remedy the problem of heavy metal contamination in the aquatic ecosystems.
Design and Implementation of Smart Irrigation System Using Wireless Sensor Network Based on Internet of Things[Full-Text ] Neamet Akeel Fawzi, Ali Sadeq Abdulhadi JalalEnvironment monitoring covers wide geographic areas to monitor aspects of the environment, such as detection of forest fires, and volca-noes before they happen also plant agricultural and irrigation monitoring. It consists of a set of sensor nodes distributed in the environment to monitor environmental phenomena. In this work, a smart irrigation system is designed for rice plant farms based on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The reason behind the choice of the rice plant is that it consumes a large quantity of water in Iraq while the country suffers from water scarcity in summer period. Telosb sensor nodes were used to collect data, process, analyze and send information about (temperature, humidity, energy, light, and water level). Nodes were programmed using Tinyos 2.1.2 under Linux operating system. A middleware program was also designed using Python language which uploads data from the Base station to the cloud server. A website was also implemented based on Google cloud infrastructure, where it displays all information to farmers in the farm.
A Study on improving Query Performance using Bucketing in Apache Hive[Full-Text ] M.Suneetha, Dr. V.S.K.ReddyData is the most important in today’s lifestyle of the world. Data can be easily manageable as it stocked in database. With the help of Data Management System all the operations like retrieving and maintaining it becomes easy. But huge volume of data cannot be manageable so easily. So partitioning is the best solution for that. Partitioning is used to slice the data horizontally over the entire range or on a smaller range of values using one or more column
Generation of 3D Digital Elevation Model By Using Satellite Data[Full-Text ] Dr. SS.Manugula, G. Sai Raghu Vamsi, Gaddam Akhil Reddy, K.SaitejaAerial triangulation or aero triangulation is a photogrammetric term stands for the process of determining X, Y and Z ground coordinates of individual points based on measurements taken from a series of overlapping aerial photographs. This process hilly reduces the field survey work for measurement and observation of control points required to transfer the photo-coordinate system to the ground one. So, aerial triangulation is simply preserving time and reducing the cost of the projects.
CAMERA OBSERVATION SYSTEMS AND THE FEEDBACK ON THE HAND HYGIENE IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY AT THE NATIONAL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL 2015[Full-Text ] Dang Thi Thu Huong, Le Thanh Hai, Le Kien Ngai, Phung Van NgocHand hygiene monitoring and the feedback to healthcare workers is one of the most effective ways to improve handhygiene compliance following WHO guidance. Direct monitoring is considered “gold standard†but it is affected by “Hawthorne effectâ€. Remote video auditing (RVA) is a method using cameras installed in preferred places to record handhygiene practice and then give feedback to whom it is meant for and other related peopl. North Shore study shows no difference between 4 first weeks (30,42%) and the 16 weeks monitoring in hand hygiene compliance by RVA feeedback, but this rate increased to 80% from the 17th to 48th week . From March 2015, RVA was used in The National Hospital for Pediatrics with 7 cameras observing handhygiene compliance in the ICU.
Checklist of Cladocera and Copepoda Taxa in Iraqi Waters[Full-Text ] Feryal Ameen MerzaThe present study aimed to survey the zooplankton composition (Cladocera and Copepoda) in Iraqi waters.These datawere taken from a zooplankton surveys in Iraqi waters, involving freshwater and marine waters.A total of 185 taxa belong to 102 cladocerans and 83 copepods belong to 152 species have determined in a zooplankton checklist.Cladocera being the richest with 89 species. Among the Cladocera families, Chydoridae and Daphniidaeshoweda greater number of species, in contrast with the lower richness of Copepoda.
EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH EFFECTIVE TRAINING[Full-Text ] Rizwan AhmedThe foremost object of every organization is to improve its performance however it could actually on no account be feasible without the effective performance of employees. Therefore, the performance administration system came into effect as a administration reform to address and redress considerations, firms had about performance. In banks sector, a extensive range of reforms that concentrate on the performance have also been applied. Performance refers back to the accomplishment of anything or mere working effectiveness. In an institution performance is realized on the stages of group, process and individuals and the interrelationships among these will define the vantage elements of the institution.
PRODUCTIVITY of LIGHT-BROWN SOILS BY INFLUENCE of POLYACRILIC HYDROGEL[Full-Text ] Alla A. Okolelova, Nadechda A. Rachimova, Galina S. Egorova, Nadezda G. Kasterina, Veronika N. Zaikina, Al-Sadoon Ali Adnan TawfeeqThe sorption properties of the hydrogels of two brands “Acrilex P-150†and “Acros†with different molecular weight were studied; the direct dependence of the swelling capacity on their molecular weight was found out. A positive influence of the hydrogels on the yield of radish (Raphanus sativus) in light-chestnut soils was revealed. The efficiency of the hydrogels application in light-chestnut soils is higher under non-irrigated conditions. The prolonged action of a hydrogel in light-chestnut soils was determined.
Comparison between Conventional MRI and SWIFT MRI: An Update in Diagnosis[Full-Text ] Dr.Swapna SachdevThere are various types of diseases that predominate in Oral and Maxillofacial region, from simplest of decay to Oral Cancer are seen in different forms and are often missed out due to lack of technology to diagnose these diseases. Diagnosis which can show us the fine details involve the use of high amount of Ionizing Radiation thus increasing the dosage of radiation that can be used on a patient. MRI uses the non ionizing radiation from the radiofrequency(RF) band of the electromagnetic spectrum, thus reducing the irradiation to the patient, it mainly relies on the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance to produce a signal that can be used to construct an image. Because of its excellent soft tissue contrast resolution, MRI has proved useful in a variety of circumstances, this article focuses on an update in the field of MRI termed as SWIFT(sweep imaging fourier transform), which has virtually simultaneous excitation and acquisition of signal, it has zero echo time and has significant benefits in studying objects having very fast spin –spin relaxation times. In particular the method is expected to find extensive applications for MRI of quadrupolar nuclei such as sodium-23, potassium-39 and boron-11.
Structural Behavior of Brick Walls with Openings Rehabilitated With Steel Plates Box-Section and Steel Angles[Full-Text ] Elsamny, M.K, Ezz-Eldeen,H.A and Mahmoud, M.HIn the present study, six unreinforced brick walls with opening of dimensions 66 cm height, 86 cm width and 10 cm thickness with 25cm x 25cm opening dimensions were constructed and tested under uniform loading. One wall was tested as control wall and was loaded until failure. Two walls were loaded up to 80% of failure load till cracks occurred and then rehabilitated using (2 and 3 mm thickness) steel plate box-section inside opening welded with box-shaped steel plate. Three other walls were loaded up to 80% of failure load till cracks occurred and then rehabilitated using (30, 40 and 50mm) steel angle around opening welded with steel angle inside opening corners.
Design and Implementation of 3D FFT[Full-Text ] VRINDA KULKARNI, SHRUTI OZAMolecular Dynamics simulation is a fundamental method to know the chemical and biological systems. Molecular Dynamics simulation has long range and short range force computations. Electrostatic computations are used for computing long range force in Molecular Dynamics simulation. The 3D FFT is the base of this computation. This paper focuses on design and implementation of 3D FFT for generic number of Fast Fourier Transform points on hardware such as field programmable gate arrays. The design is partially generic. It uses standard cores for memory and one dimensional Fast Fourier Transform calculation. Rest of the modules is coded using hardware description language. As 3D FFT computation is critical and time consuming this design eases out the computation.
A Design model of a Business Intelligent System for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)[Full-Text ] Nabiha Faisal, Ayesha Anees Zaveri, Saba AkhterA local south-east Asian restaurant chain made use of a business intelligent system (BIS) in order to support the adequate and instant decisions required in a competitive environment where needs are greatly being changed on regular basis. Since BIS are greatly used in huge corporations, it was a big challenge to implement it with optimal effectiveness in a SME. The paper presents a research supported by an application software. Leading the BIS to meet the specifications of the SME to a very large extent. The research provided a strong software solution for access to knowledge bases. Furthermore, being an aide to extract expert opinion to facilitate managerial decision making.
Software Reuse: Component-Based Development Issues[Full-Text ] Hudaibia KhalidComponent-based development supports modification and also integration of reusable components in order to develop software systems with less cost and effort. Reuse of software products is reducing cost of software development, increasing productivity, and saving time. In the context of reuse, software reuse is heavily an under-researched topic.
Performance Improvement of QPSK Modem with AWGN Implemented in FPGA[Full-Text ] Umesharaddy, B.K.SujathaThis paper presents the methods to design optimized QPSK MODEM with AWGN. The Proposed methods consume less time, power and give better throughput using Spartan-3 and Sparatn-6 FPGA boards. The whole module is divided into several sub modules and those modules are designed using the verilog HDL. Finally, these modules are invoked and integrated to design top level module. Here, two different approaches are used to design the QPSK modulator and they are compared with a conventional QPSK modulator which is designed using arithmetic multipliers and adders. In one of the proposed methods, the modulator is designed by using Vedic multiplier and carry look-ahead adder and demodulator is designed using an FIR LPF with AWGN. The FIR LPF coefficients are generated in MATLAB using a rectangular window and hamming window with AWGN. In the second method, QPSK modulator is designed using multiplexers. The QPSK module is implemented on Spartan-3 and Spartan-6(Atlys) FPGA board. The whole system has been simulated in Xilinx 14.7 and implemented on to the chips XC3S400-4pq208 and XC6SLX45 - CSG324. The results show that the proposed methods can greatly improve the speed and reduce the latency and improve the frequency of operation.
Causes of death and determinants of outcome in critically ill patients[Full-Text ] R.Bouneb, M. Mellouli, H.Ben Soltane, Z.Kmira, J.Sakhri, I.Chouchène, M.BousarsarAim: We investigated the causes of inpatient death in the intensive care unit and determined predictors of in-ICU mortality
Hydroponics: Producing plants In-vitro on artificial support medium[Full-Text ] Nilanjan BhattacharyaWith the advent of civilization, open field/soil-based agriculture is facing some major challenges; most importantly decrease in per capita land availability. In 1960 with 3 billion population over the World, per capita land was 0.5 ha but presently, with 6 billion people it is only 0.25 ha and by 2050, it will reach at 0.16 ha. Due to rapid urbanization and industrialization as well as melting of icebergs (as an obvious impact of global warming), arable land under cultivation is further going to decrease. Again, soil fertility status has attained a saturation level, and productivity is not increasing further with increased level of fertilizer application. Besides, poor soil fertility in some of the cultivable areas, less chance of natural soil fertility build-up by microbes due to continuous cultivation, frequent drought conditions and unpredictability of climate and weather patterns, rise in temperature, river pollution, poor water management and wastage of huge amount of water, decline in ground water level, etc. are threatening food production under conventional soil-based agriculture. Under such circumstances, in near future it will become impossible to feed the entire population using open field system of agricultural production only. Naturally, soil-less culture is becoming more relevant in the present scenario, to cope-up with these challenges. In soil-less culture, plants are raised without soil. Improved space and water conserving methods of food production under soil-less culture have shown some promising results all over the World. Growing plants such as Zea mays (Maize), Aloe vera (Indian Aloe), Sorghum bicolor (Sorghum), artificially on sponge support in contact with nutrient medium, it was found that the growth was much more pronounced than the same plants grown on soil. In addition, since only organic nutrients were supplied, the plant products produced were purely organic.
Synthesis of some new Furyl, Thiophenyl-3- Oxopropyl Quinoline-2-(1H) one and their corresponding Pyrazole derivatives under microwave irradiation[Full-Text ] Harith M. Al-Ajely and Aymen N. YassenNew series of chalcones (5-8) and their corresponding pyrazoles (9-12) were synthesized starting from m-toluidine (1) which was treated with phosphoric acid to form the corresponding amide (2). The amide was then converted into 2- chloro-7-methylquinoline-3-carbaldehyde (3) via the Vilsmeier reaction using POCl3 in DMF. Subsequently, the formed aldehyde was treated with concentrated acetic acid to form 7- methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline-3-carbaldehyde (4) which was irradiated with substituted acetylfuran or acetylthiophene in DCE using Amberlyst 15 resin as a catalyst forming chalcones (5-8). These chalcones were then treated with hydrazine monohydrate under microwave irradiation condition forming pyrazoles (9-12).
Geotechnical Conditions and Stability Analysis of Landslide Prone Area: A Case Study in Bonga Town, South-Western Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Damtew Tsige, Prof. Emer T. Quezon, Dr. Kifle Woldearegay There were several slides and associated ground subsidence which brought significant impact on cracking of walls and floor of several private and governmental buildings in Bonga Town. The principal and secondary roads were also affected by subsidence with vertical displacement up to 1m which hampered the traffic in the town. Water pipelines along the road were disturbed by the sliding which were later repaired. Cracking of the walls and floor of more than 120 private residences and more than 10 government buildings were recorded. The main highway that connects Bonga-Tepi- Masha via Alamo and Gatiba has been disrupted at four locations. This resulted in hampering in traffic for several days. This research aimed to evaluate the cause and failure mechanism as well as the stability condition of the landslides. The study involved the investigation of the Geotechnical parameters of soil and the terrain characteristics to be used for the stability analysis of the slope, including distribution and characteristics of soils, the groundwater table, and the depth and geometry of the failures. The Slope stability analysis is supplemented by using Geo-studio 2004 software. Soil samples were collected, and were tested for grain size analysis, distribution analysis (sieve & hydrometer) plastic limit, liquid limit, plasticity index, water content, unit weight of soil, specific gravity and shear strength parameters following the ASTM procedures. Based on the findings, the landslides were triggered by heavy rainfall. Therefore, the main factors controlling the stability of slope are soil type and characteristics, slope angle, water (surface and groundwater), and slope steepness. The design of retaining wall is recommended to mitigate the impact of landslides in the study area.
Proper Lucky Labeling of k-Identified Triangular Mesh and k-Identified Sierpi Ìnski Gasket Graphs[Full-Text ] Chiranjilal Kujur, D.Antony Xavier , S. Arul Amirtha RajaLet f:V(G)→N be a labeling of the vertices of a graph G by positive integers. Define S(v)=∑_(u∈N(v))▒〖f(u)〗, as the sum of neighborhood of vertex v, where N(v) denotes the open neighborhood of v∈V. A labeling of a graph G is proper lucky labeling if f(u)≠f(v) and S(u)≠S(v) for all adjacent vertices u and v in G . The Proper lucky number of G is denoted by η_p (G), is the least positive integer k such that G has a proper lucky labeling with{1,2,…,k} as the set of labels. In this paper we compute proper lucky number η_p for k-Identified triangular mesh IT_((k,n) ) and for k-Identified Sierpi Ìnski Gasket Graph IS_((k,n)) .
The Impact Of Private Bamboo Plantation Under TBM On The Socio-economic Development Of The Rural Livelihoods In The Mohanpur-Hezamara R.D Blocks, West Tripura[Full-Text ] Anirban SenguptaTBM, the focal agency, that has and is undertaking large scale Bamboo plantation around the state of Tripura, with a goal to achieve 5000 ha of managed bamboo plantation over the 5 years and thus create a sustainable resource base. Bamboo can serve as an alternative form of livelihood to the farmers who are mostly dependent on paddy and rubber cultivation for a livelihood as well as play an important role in these regions where irrigation facilities are limited and the crops are rain-fed. In view of these details, this study analysed the effectiveness, sustainability and the future of bamboo plantation under TBM in Tripura.
Key Influence Factors of the Gold Price in Vietnam over 2011-2015[Full-Text ] Kim-Phung Truong, Ming-Hung Shu, Bi-Min Hsu, Thanh-Lam NguyenThis study aims to evaluate the key influence factors of gold price in Vietnam from 2011 till June 2015. Based on analyses of the de-terminants, this paper renders quantitative results for the influence to assist investors reduce the risk and gain return when investing in the Vietnamese gold market. Variables which are “consumer price index in Vietnamâ€, “inflation rate in Vietnamâ€, “USD/VND exchange rate†and “nominal interest rate in Vietnam†are employed to construct a model of the gold price in Vietnam. The model learns from monthly observations pertained to the last day of the month spanning the period from January 2011 to June 2015. The results show that there is a positive relationship between the Vietnam gold price and the USD/VND exchange rate. We conclude that the inflation and the nominal interest rate in Vietnam have no statistical significance upon the gold price. Moreover, when realizing the movements of USD/VND exchange rate and the CPI, the investors could forecast the gold price in Vietnamese market. Finally, the research results advise the Vietnamese government key factors for managing the domestic gold price more effectively.
Estimating Urban Heat Island Intensity using Remote Sensing Techniques in Dhaka City[Full-Text ] Nigar Sultana Parvin, Dan AbuduThis study assessed the effects of urban heat island in Dhaka city, Bangladesh from 2002 to 2014 using remote sensing techniques. Land cover changes were characterized over a twelve year period with keen interested on urban expansion and the resulting impacts created by these changes on the land surface temperatures investigated. The study also compared the land surface temperature and ground station temperature data to validate the surface temperature in Dhaka.
Impact of Nepotism, Cronyism, and Favoritism on Organizational Performance with a Strong Moderator of Religiosity[Full-Text ] Benish Shabbir, Hassan siddiqueThis study investigates the relationship among Nepotism, Cronyism, and favoritism on organizational performance with the moderating role of religiosity. It shows that Nepotism, Cronyism, and favoritism put negative impact on organizational performance and decrease productivity but religiosity at the same time weakens this negative relationship and boost employees to work positively in your organization. Target population of this research is employees of different organizations who are full time involved with their job and face this type of negativity at their workplace. Data collected from 164 employees. Data analyzes from SPSS through different tests such as regression, correlation, and moderation analysis. Result revealed that Nepotism, Cronyism, and favoritism put negative impact on organizational performance and religiosity weakens this negative relationship.
Integration of Ministry of Culture & Tourism with Hotel Industry for Sustainable Management of Turkish Hotels[Full-Text ] Ahmet Ferda SeymenThe study undertaken will make reference to the mission and function of the Turkish Ministry of Culture & Tourism by analyzing its mission and objectives. Ministry’s role within the industry is entirely on the macro level and concentrate more on preserving cultural values and heritage. While on the hospitality sector its mission is to promote prominent cultural areas and landmark locations as potential touristic spots as well as develop new sites for different touristic facilities and attractions. Mainly Resort areas and properties, Thermal properties, City, Convention and Conference facilities, Fair and exhibition hotels. The boutique hotels, restaurants, bars and entertainment facilities are provoked to promote Turkish cuisine and ethnic/local specialties country wide. Development of the facilities above are being monitored by “Classification and Criteria’s of Accommodation Facilities†and “Norms and Specifications Guidelines†of Hospitality facilities which coincide with the specs of international organizations such as UNWTO, EU norms and US specs. There is a detailed specification for each class of hotel, its rooms, public areas, employee and operational facilities.
Apparatus for measuring Thermal conductivity of fluids[Full-Text ] Mr.V.P.SURESH KUMAR, Mr.N. MANIKANDAN, Y.G.STERBIN JESO, C.SUBAKARAN, N.MUTHUKUMARIn recent years Thermal Engineering has developed in many aspects. Due to the development in thermal engineering there is a case for measuring thermal conductivity of the fluids .Thermal conductivity of fluids is measured by Steady state methods as well as Transient method. The Transient Hot Wire has been widely accepted as the most accurate technique over a wide range of fluids. Although the principle of the method is apparent simple, its experimental implementation requires suitable temperature sensing, automatic control, data acquisition, and data analysis systems. Because of the relatively short experimental times and large amounts of parametric data involved in the measurement process, computer control of the measurement is essential. A predetermined current is applied to the hot wire to produce a temperature difference across the fluids. By measuring the temperature differential the thermal conductance of the fluids may be determined.