Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016.
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The relationship between Assets and Liabilities in The Balance Sheet[Full-Text ] Sultan AlamoudiAs an abstract to the above discussion, we may summarize that the financial benefit of anything which is possessed by the organization is known as Assets. The financial estimation of an obligation or commitment owed by the organization to some other individual or association is known as Liability.
Budgeting Issues[Full-Text ] Khoolud Mohammed AlamoudiThe United States’ funds for public school caused a dilemma in education services that provided in poor-community schools. The obvious differentiation between schools in wealthy- districts and poor-districts is an evidence of title I budget misusing. Even after the states efforts to ensure an equal educational opportunity for all children, and the No Child Left Behind act NCLB the problem still remain.
Disadvantages And Benefits Of Mobile Processing[Full-Text ] Dr Gulab Singh ChauhanMobile computing is human–computer interaction by which a computer is expected to be transported during normal usage. Mobile computing involves mobile communication, mobile hardware, and mobile software. Communication issues include ad hoc and infrastructure networks as well as communication properties, protocols, data formats and concrete technologies. Hardware includes mobile devices or device components. Mobile software deals with the characteristics and requirements of mobile applications. Advancements in technology have enabled portable computers to be equipped with wireless interfaces, allowing mobile networked communication. This combination of mobility and networked communications will give rise to a range of new applications and services. However, the challenges involved in establishing this goal prove to be non-trivial. This article identifies and briefly discusses some of the issues of mobile computing.
Co-Teaching Issues[Full-Text ] Manal AlbarakatiNowadays, the legalizations allow children with special needs to attend public school where they can be educated with non-disabled children and receive supports and services as needed. However, in 1975, the passage legalization of Public laws PL. 29 has required for implementing an instructional model to give students with disabilities an opportunity education in a least restrictive environment (LRE) in a general education setting.
Acculturationas one of the Keys to Success for Expatriate Managers[Full-Text ] Murtadhi Hussain AlFayezCultural assimilation is the procedure that is connected with social, behavioral and mental alteration of the individual's experience as a consequence of intercultural associations. The test point in such manner is that cultural assimilation technique that ostracizes receive might altogether test their qualities and trusts. Since qualities and values constitute the most vital measurement of one's close to home honesty, I trust that effective cultural assimilation is one of the key elements that guarantees achievement of the expatriate's task.
What factors create and sustain an organization’s culture? How important is the role of organizational leaders?[Full-Text ] Murtadhi Hussain AlFayezConventions and traditions exist in the organizations. The leaders of the association more often than not have a general thought of how the association ought to address the issues of outside adjustment. These issues are: improvement of objectives and technique of the organization; advancement of objectives and intends to accomplish objectives; advancement of the assessment arrangement of the organization; advancement of remedial strategies, i-e strategies for correcting mistakes. Corporate culture is the method for comprehension and entrance.
Privatizing Health Care and the Role of Health Organizations[Full-Text ] The informing premise at for this proposed study is that health care has been reduced into being a privilege and no longer a right of the people. This will be buttressed in relation to the larger issue of privatization of social services where health service is a part. Given this setup, healthcare quality can only achieve concord in relation to the paradigm offered by the current privatized economy.
SnapCuts[Full-Text ] Mohammed AljasimWomen are not by any means the only ones who need professional hair care service - men need to look great, as well. In this way, there is great interest for barbershops that emphasis on male demographic. Providing hair care services that meets the desired look of people has become vital in today’s society. Hair salon services and products are important to running barbershop business. Whether you own a barbershop or planning to open one, it's critical to know how the industry currently operates and where the market trend is going. Finding out about the general business, alongside composing a marketable strategy that incorporates this knowledge, offer you some assistance with determining whether or not the beauty industry is the right business for you.
Perception of Visually Impaired adolescent girls about co-operation of peer group and society support[Full-Text ] Madhavi.KThe present study was an endeavour to explore the perception of visually impaired adolescent girls about the co-operation of peer group and support of the society. A questionnaire consisting of 36 items was developed through standardized procedure and used for data collection. The sample of the study was consisted of 120 students ages ranged from 15 to 22 years. The respondents belong to different socioeconomic status, locality etc. The present study unfolds various aspects of the co-operation of peer group and society support to visually impaired female students. This study indicates that lack of social support by society to visually impaired students especially those students who stay longer hours in hostel, experience most of the problems.
A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY OF CLINICOPATHOLOGICAL SPECTRUM OF CARCINOMA BREAST IN HAMIDIA HOSPITAL BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, INDIA[Full-Text ] DR. MRS. ANURADHA CHAUDHARY, DR. ARVIND RAI, DR. UDIPT SHRINGI, DR. DEVENDRA CHOUDHARY, DR. MOOLCHAND SONGRAData on the demographic profile of breast cancer patients from Hamidia hospital Bhopal higher referral center. Our hospital caters to patients from an urban population of the lower socioeconomic status and is a representation of cases at a tertiary care hospital in Bhopal. In Bhopal, breast cancer is 2nd most common cancer (22.2%) among the female followed by cervical cancer (24.9%), ovary (6.1%), mouth and esophagus (5.8%).
What are the four major dimensions of the culture studied by Geert Hosted? What is the cultural profile of the United States and Mexico?[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman AlswaidanA small power distance culture has a tendency to keep up moral obligation a self-governance. A determinant of an overall population's motivation presentation: a manly culture underscores status got from pay rates and position; a femininity culture underlines on human relations and individual fulfillment. United States has high Individualism (IDV) situating that shows overall population with high individualistic perspective and decently flexibility of expression. The United States has Dimension of Masculinity (MAS) with a situating of 62. The men govern a basic piece of the expansive range group and constrain arrangement. Power Distance is the measurement with the most lessened (40) situating for the United States. Instability Avoidance (UAI) Dimension for the US with a situating of 46 which has feeble situating. Mexico's most hoisted Hofstede Dimension is Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) (82), speaking to the wide range low resistance for frailty. As a result of high Uncertainty Avoidance trademark, the expansive range open doesn't rapidly perceive change and is amazingly hazardous removed. Mexico has a low Individualism (IDV) situating (30). The expansive range open develops tried and true connections where everybody assumes liability for persons from their group. This mirrors the general public encounters a more elevated amount of sexual orientation division.
EVALUATION OF INFILL DRILLING OPPORTUNITIES USING RESERVOIR CONNECTIVITY ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Azuokwu, A.A; Yerima, Y. Ngubi, F. W, Obeta, P. OInfill drilling involves drilling new wells in an existing field within the original well patterns for the purpose of more efficient recovery of petroleum from the reservoir. If the reservoir is incompletely swept, infill drilling provides an opportunity to increase the rate of production in the field and also to add to reserves. Cases of successful and unsuccessful infill drilling program have been reported.
CONSTRUCTION OF IRREDUCIBLE POLYNOMIALS OF DEGREE n IN Z_2.[Full-Text ] Muhammed Bello, Mustapha DanjumaAn irreducible polynomial is, roughly speaking, a non-constant polynomial that may not be factored into the product of two non-constant polynomials, that is a polynomial is said to be reducible over a given field if it is expressible as a product of lower degree polynomials with coefficients in that field.Irreducible polynomials are the most widely used in approximating some functions such as the use of splines, encoding objects and give information about some other objects among others. For instance the characteristic polynomial of a matrix or linear operator contains information about the operator's eigen values. And the chromatic polynomial of a graph counts the number of proper colorings of that graph.