Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016 .
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Level of stress among working and non-working women in Chandigarh[Full-Text ] Kanta DeviThe current study was conducated to compare the level of stress and association among working and non-working women residing in sector 15, Chandigarh. Convenient sampling technique was utilized to select samples. A stress scale was prepared on the basis of scores to assess the stress level and categorize them. The data obtained was analyzed in terms of objectives and hypotheses using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study revealed that the stress level was higher in non-working women as compared to working women. There was significant association between stress level and age of the participants among both working and non-working women. The association between stress level and marital status there was Non-significant association between among working women but significant association among non-working women. The association between stress level and type of family revealed significant association among working women and Non-significant association among non-working women. The association between stress level and education level revealed Non-significant association among working women and significant association among non-working women. The association between stress level and family income revealed significant association among working women and Non-significant association among nonworking women.
Effect Of Material Properties On Fatigue Behavior Of Fiber Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete Beam[Full-Text ] Ahmed S. Ali , Ahmed A. FadhilConcrete structure Strengthening by using Carbon Nano tube , steel fiber and dust of cement addition that material to the design mix , are become an increasingly accepted method in structural engineering applications, especially for concrete members subjected to repeated load such as bridge girders. This research investigates the behavior of eight self-compacted reinforced concrete beams under monotonic loads. All beams have (150mm) width, (250mm) height and (1650 mm) length . that have two beam design mix ( that the reference beam ) and the other beam ( 6 beams ) we have the mix design and addition that one’s of material ( carbon Nano tube , steel fiber and dust of cement ).Two Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) mixtures are used in this study . The mixtures are designed using different material proportions to evaluate two different compressive strength (79) and (32) MPa, which is considered as a variable in present study. The results of the Practical program displayed that the beam have steel fiber reinforced strengthening increase the flexural resistance of the strengthened beam subjected to monotonic loads by repeated load tests, the number of cycles up to failure increase by (36.8%) for normal concrete and (70.7%) for high strength
Study the Causes of Biodiversity Degradation and their impacts on Wildlife in a Sacred Grove Nai-Ka-Nath, Bassi, Jaipur Rajasthan[Full-Text ] Vijay Choudhary, Varsha GuptaBiodiversity is the variety of all species on our planet. It includes different plants, animals, birds and micro-organisms, their genes, their habitats and all the ecosystems (forests, grass-lands, lacks, ponds, rivers, wet-lands etc.). Sacred groves are the fine example of in-situ conservation of biodiversity. Sacred groves are forest fragments, which are protected by religious communities, and have a significant religious connotation for the protecting community. Sacred groves are lost due to, anthropogenic interventions like shifting cultivation, overexploitation of forest produce, cattle grazing and changes in land use by converting forests to monoculture plantations agricultural lands and dwelling sites. Nai-Ka-Nath sacred grove situated in Jaipur district of the state of Rajasthan. The sacred grove has rich biodiversity. Several plants and animals that are threatened in the nearby areas are still well conserved in this grove. A historical temple of Bhagwan Shiva is situated in Nai-Ka-Nath grove and surrounded by hills. Due to anthropogenic activities like grazing, herb collection, timber and firewood collection, mining, pollution etc. the grove is facing the problem of degradation. These activities have been continuing ever since man started cultivation and exploitation of natural resources for livelihood. Due to these activities floral species like Gloriosa superba, Tinospora cordifolia, Ganoderma lucidum, Sida cordifolia, Commiphora wightii, Tribulus terrestris, Asparagus racemosus etc. and faunal species like Canis aureus, Hyaena hyaena, Canis lupus pallipes, Vulpes bengalensis, Hystrix indica, Naja naja, Psittacula cyanocephala, Coracias benghalensis, Pitta brachyura etc, are verge of extinction in Nai-Ka-Nath area. In this research we are trying to find the problems of the area, causes of biodiversity loss and their effects on wildlife.
Numerical investigation of natural convection heat transfer from V-fin arrays with constant heat flux[Full-Text ] Suha K. JebirNatural convection heat transfer from rectangular V-fins had been investigated numerically with different heat flux values (175, 350, 525, 700 and 875 Watt per square meter). fin thickness(5)mm , fin high (18)mm , space between fin and other (10)mm, The heat sink base plate was heated by an attached maximum electric heater 2225 W/m2 with an identical size as the base plate. The mathematical model of the base plate and fins are solved numerically using an COMSOL(5.0) after describing the mesh model and assume the properties of air variation with film temperature. After find the numerical results make validation between numerical and the experimental results, where found good agreement between them. Empirical correlations for the overall Nusselt number versus average Rayleigh numbers for these configurations are obtained and compared to other correlations cited in the literature. The range of Rayleigh numbers , Nusselt number and base plate temperature , 1.3*10716*107, (37 - 83) and (25.6 - 81.34°C) .
Android Application for finding Tutors using Data Mining techniques[Full-Text ] Dolly Panchal, Mili Sanghavi, ShikhaDevi Pandey, Elizabeth GeorgeThis paper explains about our application i.e., Android application for finding tutors using a data mining technique. The increasing trend of private or group tuitions has made it more difficult for a parent to find a perfect tutor for his/her child. The process of finding a tutor is time consuming. The rise in educational standards has led to the need for additional coaching along with basic schooling. An Android application for finding tutors can help a parent find tutors without consulting any third party. The application encourages parents to find tutors and tutors to find prospective students in their nearby vicinities. The tutor application also considers the fact that students need personal attention and guidance in studies. Naïve Bayes algorithm is implemented in order to compare tutor profiles. Along with the Android platform used for Graphical User Interface (GUI), SQLite is used to store tutor data. Naive Bayes algorithm classifies the tutor records and thus helps in achieving maximum accuracy. WEKA is the platform used for implementing data mining techniques. The overall aim of the data mining process is to extract information from a data set and transform it into an understandable structure for further use. When tutor registers or signs up his/her data is stored in SQLite. Parent can find tutors based on three parameters, namely area, board and preference. Based on stipulated requirements, search results are retrieved from SQLite and shall be displayed to the user.
Analyzing Network Coding in Loss wireless[Full-Text ] Essam AlmutairProviding a reliable and efficient network services in wireless is very challenging mission because of the instability nature in wireless. For this reason, communication between devices using wireless could be lossy and lead to different issues such as noise interference losing packet and channel fading. Network coding has been shown to provide better throughput, more reliability and secure data transfer in various network topologies. In this research I study the reliability of broadcasting multicasting and unicast in lossy network using network coding in the packet level where the reliability defined by the probability that every node in the network receives the packets of every other node for broadcasting and subgroup of nodes for multicasting, whereas unicast is the case when there is one or more than one sender and one receiver. Also I covered some topics in wired network that has mutual impact with wireless network. Moreover, I present information on some security issues of a network coding system. I concluded my paper by discussing the future of network coding.
A Sewing layout which is enlarged with a part of finishing can be more effective to cost reduction of Apparel Industry[Full-Text ] A T M MohibullahIn this study, a new model of sewing line is presented in the garments industry by enlargement of sewing line to finishing. The new model was designed on the basis of recorded data and studying of sewing line layout and finishing section. In this concern new model of sewing line has been done in this research work. This research paper tries to extract the common scenario of garments industry by depicting the existing condition of sewing and finishing section. However, this paper proposes a guideline for the studied clothing industry to improve the performance of the sewing line to finishing section. The performance of the new model was determined in terms of reduction of wastages, cost reduction and to evaluate their benefit on a specific application instance. The goal of new model of sewing line is to assist manufacturers to improve their industries operational efficiency and more competitive through the implementation of a new model and techniques of the continuous production process at sewing line enlargement to finishing.
A Review on Linux Distribution as Future Operating System[Full-Text ] Abhimanyu Sharma, Bhuwan Mukhia, Neha Thapa, Ravi Kr Prasad, Arvind LalOpen-source software (OSS) is computer software with its source code made available with a license under End User License. Agreement (EULA) in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, changes, and distributes the software to anyone and for any purpose. Open-source software may be developed in a collaborative public manner. Open-source software is the most prominent example of open-source development. The open-source model, or collaborative competition development from multiple independent sources, generates an increasingly more diverse scope of design perspective than any one company is capable of developing and sustaining long term. The Linux kernel is an operating system kernel used by the Linux family of Unix-like operating systems. It is one of the most prominent examples of free and open source software. Linux is, in simplest terms, an operating system. It is the software on a computer that enables applications and the computer operator to access the devices on the computer to perform desired functions. The operating system (OS) relays instructions from an application to, for instance, the computer's processor.
The Occurrence of LBP and the Level of Exposure to Possible LBP Contributors among Teenagers[Full-Text ] Dennese Jane G. Meresen, Susana P. RacadioThis study determined the occurrence of low back pain (LBP) among 158 teen students of the University of Northern Philippines and correlated this on their exposure level to the possible LBP contributors. Through a descriptive design, a questionnaire was used, and the data was treated with frequency count, mean and multiple regression. Statistics presented that most of the respondents are 16 y.o., males, are normally postured, and yet experienced LBP once in a while, upon getting up from bed, upon standing after long hours of sitting, while carrying heavy backpacks and after strenuous sports. They are moderately exposed to metabolic contributors of LBP and have a very low disability with LBP experience in the activities of daily living (ADL’s). Meanwhile, watching tv, fishing, exposure to lipids and carbohydrates, mother’s and father’s occupation on ADL’s were also positively correlated. This study concludes that most of the teens already experienced LBP but with a slight disability on the ADL’s and this correlates on their increased exposure to aforementioned contributors. Educators, health workers, and parents must be informed of this to help prevent LBP continue into adult life.
Multivariate correlation analysis for network intrusion detection[Full-Text ] Sumedh P Hanmante, Uma Deshattiwar, Renuka PawarInterconnected systems, such as Web servers, database servers, cloud computing servers and so on,are now under threats from network attackers. As one of most common and aggressive means, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks cause serious impact on these computing systems. Denial of service (DoS) attack is potential damaging attack which degrades the performance of online servers within seconds. This attack imposes intensive computation on the target server by flooding it with large useless packets. Examples of DoS attacks are Buffer Overflow attaack,Teardrop attack,etc.The target server can be forced out of service from a few minutes to even several days. This causes work down of crucial business services running on the target victim.
Data Optimization Technique for Tuning NOx Predictors[Full-Text ] Divyata Khachane, Prof. Ashok Suryawanshi, Durvesh PathakExhaust system is one of the important part of engine. Many gases are exhausted from an engine, one of them is NOX which has adverse effects on environment and human health. To reduce these effects government has developed emission regulatory standards (BSIII/ BSIV). According to regulatory standards, exhaust gases must be emitted within a specified range, to fulfil this condition some tools are available in automobile industry for checking and regulating exhaust gas. These tools are generally excel based and lots of manual work has to be done till final result. As well it requires more time to complete whole process. To overcome these disadvantages we have proposed MATLAB tool. Proposed MATLAB tool will filter test cell data and calculate the regression coefficients. These coefficients will be given to Simulink model and response will be observed.
Modified Sequence Algorithm for Computation of Optimum sequencing for Production scheduling[Full-Text ] Naga Sai Ram.G, V.S. Haswanth.G, Durga Rajesh.KThis paper focuses on the computation of the optimal sequence of the 2-Machines and n-Jobs. Conventional Johnson algorithm is long and often required time to compute them. Scaling such algorithm for m-machines n-Jobs is a bit complicated. The application of modified sequence algorithm to the n Jobs and m Machines is also made, which is the checking criteria for the n x3, n x5 and n xm scheduling problems change in the conventional algorithm by verifying the jobs value weather it is small and larger and appending them in priority sequence can help to solve such problems.
Corrosion control in oil and gas pipelines[Full-Text ] Jamil EnaniCorrosion is the main problem affecting the pipeline system in the United States. Briefly, corrosion refers to the destructive reaction of a metal with its environment. It takes place in the presence of a supportive medium, which is referred to as an electrolyte. Corrosion leads to problems such as leakages that lead to disasters such as fires and explosions. Therefore, it affects the safety concerns and standards held in oil and gas pipelines. There are different ways of preventing or controlling corrosion that mostly focus on the prevention of contact between the pipes and the medium or environment that leads to corrosion. Oil and gas pipes are made of low-carbon steel, which makes them susceptible to corrosion. The fatal consequences of corrosion reinforces the need to engage in constant monitoring, which aims at identifying the presence and extent of corrosion. This paper focuses on the specifics of corrosion in oil and gas pipelines, which will include a discussion of the reasons for corrosion, disadvantages and the methods of inspecting corrosion. The discussion will seek the views of different sources and individuals regarding different aspects of corrosion in oil and gas pipelines under analysis.
Comparative study of Pareto, Knapsack and Greedy Algorithm in the field of industrial Maintenance[Full-Text ] Amal Boukili, Mohamed Fri, Mohammed El Hammoumi, Fouad BelmajdoubIn this paper, we have compared these three methods (Pareto, Knapsack problem (KP) and Greedy Algorithm) in order to deduce which among them is the most effective. The purpose of this study is to remedy halts and unforeseen breakdowns on chains of production as well as to increase the efficiency of production, which is the major concern of the industry leaders. The choice of method of maintenance management directly affects the stability of the productivity and the cost of maintenance actions. We will compare the results obtained from these three methods: Pareto, which is widely used in the maintenance; Knapsack Problem, which is widely used in Freight management; and Greedy Algorithm, which is used in scheduling.
Parameters affecting wet ultra-fine grinding of talc ore[Full-Text ] A. M. Elbendari, S.E. El-Mofty, M.K. Abd El-Rahman, Mohamed A. Abdel-KhalekFine and ultra-fine grinding have several applications in many industrial fields such as advanced ceramics, porcelain, cement, paper coating, plastic and pigments. The stirred mills are much more efficient for fine grinding and regrinding than conventional tumbling mills. Conventional mills require long retention time and tremendous energy input for micron size production. This work aims at studying the parameters affecting wet ultra-fine grinding of Egyptian talc from Shalatin locality of the Eastern Desert to produce ultra-fine product less than 10 microns. Attritor mill (Union process type 1S) is used to achieve the desired size that is utilized as a filler material for different industrial applications such as paints, plastics, paper coating, and other advanced applications. Crushed talc less than 6630 microns used as a feed. The studied parameters were media size, stirrer speed, solid content in slurry percentage by volume, and media to talc percentage by volume. The results showed that in wet grinding, about 96 % by weight with maximum size reduction d90 and d50 were 12 µm and 3.8 µm at 180 min overall grinding time. Particle size enlargement occurred after the time aforementioned. The scanning electron microscope of ultra-fine grinding showed that distortion of platy structure occurred after 180 min. Therefore, in order to keep the platy structure and crystallinity of talc in order to be used as filler material in different industrial applications, it is recommended not to grind talc for more than this time. The submicron ultra-fine grinding products of Egyptian talc could be used in different industrial filler applications such as paints, ceramic and paper coating.
Learning Management System[Full-Text ] Wael AlabdulalyLMS or Learning Management System it is an application or an entire system used in any modern learning environment to generally administrate, manage, monitor and control the learning events.
Memory Management techniques and Processes Scheduling[Full-Text ] Wael AlabdulalyMemory management techniques, is the method responsible for managing the primary memory in computer memory management function keeps following of the current status in memory location, in case if it’s free or allocated. It measure how memory is allocated over processes, deciding which gets memory, when they receive it, and how much they are free. Processes Scheduling simply is managing the processes residing in the main memory. To express the purpose of scheduling than we can say scheduling forma layout in which the already prioritize processes are loaded into the ready queue of the system and then send for the execution. The scheduling activity usually broken down into three different levels: short, medium, and long -term scheduling. In the following will discuss process, thread, and real-time Scheduling.
Residents’ Satisfaction at Gated Communities In Egypt[Full-Text ] Dr: Eslam Nazmy Soliman Fahmi El SayedIn the late seventies, the Egyptian government decided to establish new urban communities on the edge of Great Cairo Region (GCR) to provide different types of housing, services, facilities, job opportunities and facing escalating population growth. Gated communities spread vastly in the Egyptian real estate market especially among the rich people due to privacy, prestige, quality of life, segregation, separation from their community. Soon their demands became a target model for less economic classes as well.
Pipelining: Basic Concepts And Approaches[Full-Text ] RICHA BAIJALThis paper is concerned with the pipelining principles while designing a processor.The basics of instruction pipeline are discussed and an approach to minimize a pipeline stall is explained with the help of example.The main idea is to understand the working of a pipeline in a processor.Various hazards that cause pipeline degradation are explained and solutions to minimize them are discussed.
VAMPIRE ATTACKS: EXPLORATION & CON-SEQUENCES[Full-Text ] Virjot Kaur, Priyanka Rani, Dr. Satwinder SinghThis paper provides a survey of the Vampire attacks which is the resource depletion attack. It permanently disables networks by quickly draining nodes’ battery power. All the protocols are vulnerable to Vampire attacks as they are demoralizing, challenging to detect and are laid-back to carry out using as few as one malicious insider sending only one protocol-compliant message. Here the analysis of Vampire attacks and consequences are discussed, and solution provided till date are explored.
Test Automation Tool for Electronic Control Unit’s Software Testing[Full-Text ] Rajashree M Bhide, Pratiksha Raut, Rohini S Jadhav, Vaishali S Kulkarni, Sunil L TadeWith the technology scaling down, reduced device sizes have enabled us to deploy a wide range of electronic devices in a small area. The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) along with various sensors is an integral part of today’s vehicles. To satisfy various needs like safety, comfort, environment protection, etc., the control algorithm or engine software must be highly responsive and accurate. Manual testing of these algorithms requires longer testing time and may also include manual errors. Therefore, there is a need to develop test automation tool for testing engine software in order to verify all possible positive and negative effects before testing on actual vehicle. This tool will help us to test the modifications in engine software offline in closed loop system and predict results on vehicle. Proposed test automation tool uses NI TestStand as a software platform for test sequence development. To verify developed test automation tool NI VeriStand will be used as a real-time environment and LUIS bench as a hardware platform.
AN ASSESSMENT OF THE FACTORS MILITATING AGAINST ADHERENCE TO QUALITY CONTROL IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION[Full-Text ] Longtau P., Justina A. M. Majidadi S. T. and Gillian MakwinChallenges exist of Poor construction quality requiring positive and prompt attention from stakeholders in the construction industry. Standards are not adhered to and clients are, many a times, dissatisfied with projects executed. Stakeholders in the construction industry have different perception of quality control, this has contributed to the quality of construction projects in Nigeria leading to increasing cases of building collapse. This study focuses on the factors that hinders the adherence to quality control in construction projects and the perceptions of stakeholders on quality control in the FCT and Plateau state. Data were collect through a structured questionnaire distributed to 30 construction companies and 116 stakeholders in both the FCT and Plateau state, focus group discussions were also held with relevant authorities.
Analysis of Impact of Rural Development Project: A Case Study of Renovation of Primary and Secondary Schools in Riverside Rural Communities in Cross River State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Jimmy Ijogu BasseyThis study analyzed the impact of renovation of primary and secondary schools on pupils and students enrolment and academic performance in riverside rural communities in Cross River State. The specific objectives were to determine the number of primary and secondary schools that benefited from renovation and those that are yet to be renovated, determine the enrolment of pupils and students in schools that benefited from renovation and those that are yet to be renovated, as well as analyze the academic performance of pupils and students in schools with renovation and those without. Data were collected from 24 and 16 primary and secondary schools respectively. The data were analyzed using percentage change, difference in difference and paired t-test. The findings of the study showed that the total enrolment increased at 10% and 16% for primary and secondary schools with renovation respectively, while those without renovation were six percent and 12% for primary and secondary schools respectively. The difference in difference mean enrolment and paired t-test at 5% were also significant. Also, the overall academic performance of pupils and students in primary and secondary schools that benefited from renovation were greater than those in schools that are yet to benefit from renovation as at the time of the study. Hence; renovation impact on the enrolment and academic performance of pupils and students in the study area. The study recommends that government, riverside rural communities, community based organizations and agencies that are involved in primary and secondary schools management should ensure constant renovation of school facilities.
Comparative Study of Online Shopping Experience With Specific Reference to Mobile Apps Based Shopping[Full-Text ] Madhavi Damle, Avinash Aslekar, V.S. Subrahmanyam YadavalliTechnological innovations have entirely transformed the business dynamics across all industry verticals today. These radical changes in the technology and usage of internet have considerably decreased the gap between the business and customers. In this current digital era, the increase in usage of personal digital devices continued with faster evolutions of laptops, palmtops, tablets and smart phones. E-commerce markets have emerged by leveraging the technology and increased internet usage. B2B and B2C markets have foreseen the opportunities in the online retail markets which helped them not only in getting a wide presence in the market but also in generating more products and increased customer base. In today’s world, information, communication and evolving latest technology are moving to mobile devices. Different generations of technology in the wireless communications have also improved the speed, efficiency and flexibility in the mobile internet transactions and this is to an extent, many people possess a smart phone in their pockets that are bundled with so many applications. Almost all the players in the e-commerce space have introduced their own mobile application in a move to increase their revenue in this fast moving business world. In addition to this, few companies have started concentrating more on their m-commerce business as a trend and they claiming that they get more traffic and orders from mobile applications. This paper looks at the trend in Mobile commerce market in India, which is expected to grow significantly to benefit the e-retailers industry.
Maximum Minimal Bandwidth Aware Multipath Routing protocol (BWA-AOMDV) in MANET[Full-Text ] T.Sivaraman, Dr. E. KarthikeyanA mobile Ad-hoc network is a wireless communication network. The multipath routing protocols establish multiple routes between sources to destination. Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET) are having limited battery life and band width. So, the bandwidth is the important one in design of mobile ad-hoc network. The limited band width of wireless network is the important parameter in mobile Ad-hoc network. The main objective of this paper is to develop efficient bandwidth aware routing protocol for mobile Ad-hoc networks. The source selects the primary route for data forwarding on the basis of minimal residual and available bandwidth for on demand multiple disjoint paths. The simulation result show that the performance of AOMDV and BWA-AOMDV using Ns2.34. It reduces the consumption, bandwidth aware, average end-to-end delay, routing overhead and normalized routing overhead. it also improves packet delivery ratio and throughput..
Applications on Multi Dimensional Differential Transform Method for solving Volterra Integral and Integro-Differential Equations[Full-Text ] Seham Sh. TantawyThis paper introduces the basic definitions and theorems of two and three-dimensional differential transform method for integral equations. By applying the differential transform method, the integral equations can be transformed to an algebraic equations and solving this equations, we find the approximate solutions of the integral equations.
Consumer behavior towars organic dairy products: case of Macedonia[Full-Text ] Katerina Bojkovska, Monika Angeloska-Dichovska, Tatjana Petkovska Mirchevska, Nikolce Jankulovski, Tatjana Petkovska, Elena JoshevskaThe main goal of this paper is to identify challenges and perspectives for application of sustainable marketing in order to increase demand and consumption of organic dairy products, i.e. to gain insight in consumers’ preferences, motives, attitudes and interests to buy organically produced dairy products in the Republic of Macedonia.
A new Displacement based PSO algorithm Optimised PI Controller for Speed Control of a DC Motor[Full-Text ] N Ratana Devi* and Robert L BiateManufacturing, plant processing, industrial automation, mills power servos, robotics and many more field of industries and automobiles all are possible because of drive systems run by the DC motors. Besides its salient features, in a motor control system, hundreds of problems are faced such as change in load dynamics, speed control or noise parameters. In our research work we have designed a new Displacement based Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithm (DPSO) to control the speed of a DC motor. Our proposed DPSO consider the previous and current velocities of the particles to evaluate the next position of the particles. We have used DPSO to optimise the PI controller parameters. Along with analysis of DPSO, we have done a comparative test with Standard PSO and accelerated PSO optimised PI controller. Design and simulation of controllers are done in LabVIEW VI.
Effect of Inflation on Stock Prices: Evidence from Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] N.L.C.SilvaObjective of this study is to test the relationship between inflation rate of a country and the Stock prices during a period of ten years. Monthly inflation rate is used as independent variable and All Share Price Index as the dependent variable in developing a linear regression model. Correlation between the variables provides further contribution to the outcome. Results of the study reveal a negative relationship between Inflation rate and Stock prices. Percentage change approach in the study discloses a positive relationship between growth rate of Inflation and Stock returns.