Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016.
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New Secured Data Sharing Technique Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography and F5 Steganography[Full-Text ] Sayantan Majumdar, Abhisek Maiti, Saptarshi Das, Achintya DasIn the present study the authors have introduced a new technique for sharing secret data inside a JPEG image. An Android phone may be used to decode the data from the shared image. The secret message is first encrypted using AES [1] where ECDH [2] is used as the key agreement protocol. The original data is also digitally signed using ECDSA[3] where SHA-256[4] is used as the hash algorithm. The generated cipher, secret key, signature and public key files are compressed into a zip file. This zip file is further embedded in a JPEG image using F5 steganography[6]. The entire method has also been implemented for the Android mobile environment. This method may be used to transfer confidential message through Android mobile phone.
Physico-chemical analysis and study of different parameters of hopcalite catalyst for CO oxidation at ambient temperature[Full-Text ] Shweta SinghThe influence of the experimental parameters like molar ratios of precursor, calcinations temperature, calcinations time, catalytic activity and aging time of binary copper manganese oxides for CO oxidation in dry air at room temperature has been investigated. The catalysts were characterized by means of BET, SEM, and X-ray diffraction. All results were compared with a commercial Hopcalite sample. The effect of doping of promoters in the catalyst such as Silver, Cobalt and Gold has been evaluated and found an apparent result. XRD noticeably indicate that as the crystal nature of hopcalite decreases in the consequence of its activity increases owing to increase of surface area, which was confirmed by BET analysis.
Relay Selection Scheme based on Maximum Likelihood Technique over Frequency Selective Fading Channel[Full-Text ] Ahmed El-Mahdy and Ahmed El-BaklyCooperative relay-aided transmission schemes have emerged as promising techniques for harnessing spatial diversity in wireless systems. In these schemes, the destination combines signals from the source and the intermediate relaying nodes that overhear the source, which exploits the broadcast nature of the wireless channel. In order to save power and cost and to enhance the spectral efficiency, only one relay is selected for sending the signal to the destination. The chosen relay must provide a reliable transmission. In this paper, a proposed relay selection scheme based on maximum likelihood (ML) approach over frequency selective fading channel is introduced. The proposed scheme does not require knowledge of instantaneous signal to noise ratio (ISNR) either between the source and relay or the relay and the destination. The performance of the algorithm is measured in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER) and for decode-and-forward (DF) and amplify and forward (AF) protocols. Moreover, the outage probability and the ergodic capacity are evaluated for the selected relay. Power allocation is applied in order to achieve the best power distribution between the source and the relay. The power is distributed based on minimizing the bit error rate at the output of the system.
Vitamins C and E can ameliorate the negative effect on the body temperature and serum chemistry of Wistar rats infected with T. brucei brucei (Federe strain)[Full-Text ] Dare Aderemi Theophilus; Ajakaiye, Joachim Joseph; Benjamin, Sunday Martina; Dare Aderemi Theophilus: Bizi, Lawan Ramatu; Shuaibu, Yahya; Kugu, Bashir Adamu; Mohammad, Bintu; Muhammad, Asmau Asabe, Mazadu, Richard MelemiEffect of oral administration of vitamins C and E on the body temperature and serum chemistry of Wistar rats infected with T. brucei brucei (Federe strain) was investigated. Twenty five Albino Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups of five animals each. Group I was administered with 0.5 mL normal saline only, group II was inoculated with 0.1 × 106 of T. brucei brucei only. Groups III, IV, and V were administered the same dose of parasites as in group II, and in addition, they were administered with 150 mg/kg b.w. of Vitamin C; 150 mg/kg b.w. of Vitamin E, and the combination of both Vitamins in the last group, respectively. Body temperature increased consistently in all groups except group I. However, there was a significant (P< 0.05) difference in all treated groups compared to group II on day 28 post-infection. ALT was significantly (P< 0.05) lower only in the group treated with combined vitamins compared to group II. AST and Creatinine decreased significantly (P< 0.05), whereas the decrease recorded for Urea was highly significant (P< 0.01) in all the treated groups compared to group II, values recorded for ALP followed the same pattern but in a converse direction. In conclusion, the administration of vitamins C and E, particularly in its combined form ameliorated the negative effect on the body temperature and serum biochemistry profiles of the infected rats.
Impact of Foreign Trade on Sectoaral Components of GDP Pakistan Perspective[Full-Text ] Muhammad Ajmair, Ashiq HussainThe basic objective of this study was to check the impact of foreign trade (Exports+Imports) on sectoral components of GDP(Agricultural Sector, Industrial Sector and Services Sector). Time series annual data from 1950 to 2010 was used and Engle Granger Cointegration(Two Step) Method was employed to get results. Augmented Dickey Fuller test was applied to check the stationarity of variable. E.Views version 8 was used to analyze the data. All variable except foreign trade (ftrd) were stationary at first difference and foreign trade was stationary at level. Regression analysis was consisted on two steps. In first step long run relationship was checked which was positive and significant. Residuals (ect) were generated from and checked for unit root. Error correction term(ect) was stationary at level; it is the precondition of existence of long run relationship between dependent and independent variables. In second step, error correction model was estimated to check the short run relationship. Significant relationship was found between dependent and independent variables as the coefficient of error correction term(ect) was negative. Negative coefficient is the precondition of existence of short run relationship.
Literature Survey of Multiband Antenna for Wireless Applications[Full-Text ] Divya MathewAn antenna that works on different standards is required to reduce cost and complexity. Thus multiband antenna that works in different frequencies of wireless standards is desired. The antenna discussed in this paper covers various frequency ranges for WLAN/WiMAX/GPS applications. It gives the understanding of radiation pattern for multiband wireless applications. It shows the importance of partial ground plane in antenna design. The impedance bandwidth, current distribution, radiation pattern, gain and efficiency of different antenna are reviewed.
The Islamists Challenge and Ethnopolitical Situation in the Middle East After the Arab Spring: Implications for Central Asia[Full-Text ] Farkhod KarimovThis research attempts an analysis of the key issues in contemporary regional security system in the Middle East through the prospects of ethnopolitical and religious situation in Egypt and Syria, those factors that lead to changes in regional security architecture after the Arab Spring. Today the nature of security challenges confronting Middle East societies has changed significantly. Multiple security challenges characterized by complex interrelationships between internal problems, regional challenges, and global pressures continue to define the way in which regional states respond to and manage the dynamics of regional order in the Middle East. The magnitude of the problem, however, seems to have increased. This paper looks at the transformation of ethnopolitical situation in the Middle East. What are some of the weaknesses that affect today’s situation? What is the solution? What are the implications for security and stability in the Middle East? What are the implications for democracy? What is the future of ethnic and religious minorities in the Middle East after the Arab Spring? What needs to be done to enhance legitimate and build stable ethnic equal institutions there? So, this paper will examine the link between democratic governance-building in Middle Eastern states and political participation of ethnic and religious minorities in this process.
Solar Tracker Design for PV System using Microcontroller ATmega16[Full-Text ] Arun Kumar Rath, Gurdev Sahoo, Gayatri Dash, Sachin Tiwari, Satish SinghThe main aim of conducting this project is to utilizing the sunlight energy into electricity in dc form .For that reason, the sunlight direction should be matched with normal to the photovoltaic modules/cell. As the intensity of sunlight on earth’s surface is varied at different projection that makes it difficult to track required direction. To overcome this difficulty, the solar tracker should be provided to drive PV modules/cell in the respective direction. In this, the solar tracker is implemented based on microcontroller ATMega16 and the position is adjusted based on the Digital Light Sensor response .The Digital Light Sensor is able to regulate the movement of photovoltaic modules based on the intensity of light through motor drive. This is smooth and safe to track and easily accessible and reliable. It can also be installed on vehicles for tracking in cloudy condition.
Chemical Degradation and Mass Balance Study of Entacapone API by HPLC[Full-Text ] Sachin Zade, Padma There Sunanda Aswale, and Shashikant AswaleBy looking the importance of HPLC technique, a simple, linear and accurate related substance method was developed for the quantification of Z-isomer impurity and 3, 4-dihydroxy-5-nitrobenzaldehyde intermediate in entacapone active pharmaceutical ingredient by using high performance liquid chromatography technique. Separation between impurities and Entacapone was achieved on Phenomenox Kinetex C18, (100 x 4.6) mm, 2.6 micron column. Mobile phase consisted of 0.1% Orthrophosphoric acid in water: Methanol in ratio 58:42:0.1 in isocratic mode for RSD of standard. Gradient method used for sample preparation and blank with flow rate of 0.8 ml/min at 300 nm and column oven temperature at 50°C. RSD for standard preparation under system precision and percentage recovery was observed with in acceptance range. RSD for retention time was observed 0.05% which shows reproducibility during replicate injections. Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) was achieved at 0.1 ppm and 0.2 ppm level respectively which indicates the lowest level of detection and quantification. The linearity range was achieved from 0.2 ppm to 0.75 ppm level for entacapone, Z-isomer and intermediate. After successful development of this method chemical forced degradation performed by external acid, alkali and peroxide treatment. No any degradation peak was interfering with any impurity. This newly developed innovative method found suitable for analysis of Entacapone API.
Cyber Crimes[Full-Text ] Sara AlkhateebThe world becomes closer as the Internet usage is growing daily. One of the Internet quality is to make the world a smaller place to live in for its users. Today, our society require a degree of connectivity between governments and citizens. The internet provides this connectivity and gives users many other benefits. However, The Internet provides a fertile environment for the growth of crime, ranging from stolen identity to phishing to Children abuse. With increased levels of awareness, cybercrimes have gathered a significant interest in research, industry, and normal people society. This paper analyzes cybercrime challenges and concerns, which included, cybercrime markets, cybercrime types, and cybercrime laws.
Efficiency of some fungicides, plant extracts, chemical inducers and plant hormones on the management of damping-off and root rot diseases of Khaya senegalensis under greenhouse conditions[Full-Text ] Habashy Sh.R, Abd El-Mageed M.H; Fawzy R.N; Eid Kh.E; El-Sheme H.S.AThis study was conducted at Plant Pathol. Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt and El-Orman potency, Min. of Agric. at Giza, Egypt during the two successive seasons of 2008 and 2009. The experiments were carried out under greenhouse conditions to investigate the effect of soil types and some seed treatments on Khaya senegalensis root rot disease, their interactions on the growth and chemical constitute of K. senegalensis seedlings. Seedlings of K. senegaleinsis showing root rot symptoms were collected from nurseries at Giza, Qalubyia and Ismailia governorates.
Small and Medium Enterprises Financing and Forecasting the Economic Sustainability of Bangladesh: A Bayesian VAR Approach[Full-Text ] Tasnim Mafiz, Murshida KhanamSmall and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are considered as the major catalyst and a key factor for the development and sustenance of any developing country like Bangladesh. The purpose behind the study is to investigate the role of SME financing in the achievement of economic growth of Bangladesh. This study examined the role of SMEs in the achievement of economic growth in Bangladesh using a Multiple Linear Regression Model which revealed a positive impact of the amount of loans to SMEs on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Bangladesh as well as a negative impact of interest rate has been found on GDP. Stationarity has been checked using Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test and Phillips-Perron Test. Hence, Granger Causality test has been performed to check the Directionality of Loans to SMEs and Real GDP of Bangladesh and a bi-directional causality has been found. Finally, to forecast the economy based on the performance of SMEs, a Bayesian VAR (2) model has been used, which showed an upward trend in the economy of Bangladesh on the upcoming twenty years.
Bioenergy: The Current Energy Source[Full-Text ] Thamer AltuwaijriThis research paper discus the advantages and disadvantages of the current energy source, bioenergy.
Business Ethics and Scandal[Full-Text ] Ayman AlahmadiEthics in business is vital in safeguarding the quality of its conduct. Business is a complex field and its intersections with other field such as economics, commerce, sociology among others are proof enough of the immensity of its scope. Hence, a properly envisioned and articulated ethical framework must be in place in order to keep its practices in check as well. This must apply to the multitude of new models and techniques in this field.
Significance of Internet of Things (IoT): Preview of Porter's Five Forces Model[Full-Text ] Faisal KhojaDigitization is revolutionizing the rules of business competition with the existing companies being the most at risk in falling behind. The development of products for smart, connected devices, what are embedded in wider systems, is radically reshaping businesses and competition. This paper sorts to establish the significance of Internet of Things in business competition with respect to Porter's five forces model.
Effectiveness of Work Groups and Teams in Businesses[Full-Text ] Faisal KhojaThis research paper presents an integrative outlook on work groups and teams in businesses. The piece discusses how competitions in the external environment of a business create the need for a team and group effectiveness, which is a core element of a successful business in terms of growth, innovation, profitability and productivity. It points out how team members from various departments of a business who share similar interests and goals are able to build up a relationship to achieve the business targets effectively.
Evaluation of Champion Brand[Full-Text ] Mesfer AlsubaieChampion brand is a company that manufactures and sells sports apparel. It was founded about 100 years ago, but a lot of sports apparel companies, which was founded after Champion had overpowered Champion in attracting customers. However, Champion still can restore its old glory by applying the strategies proposed in this study.
A Review on Power System Stability using Different FACTS Devices[Full-Text ] Atul M. Gajare, Dr. R. P. SinghNow a day’s power demand increases and widely expanded in the power generation and transmission and distribution system sector. But to maintain the stability and steady state operation of power system causing from disturbance or oscillation, faults and suddenly changing of the load, voltage instability, voltage sag, disturbance in frequency, stability is the most important factor regarding to power system. Due to instability, different problems come forward in power system such as fluctuation in voltage and frequency, which may cause damage or failure of power system. Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices are used to solve the problems of modern power system (generation and transmission system) which leads in improvement and development of performance of the power system. Various types of FACTS devices consist of Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM), Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC), Static Series Synchronous Compensator (SSSC), Static VAR Compensator (SVC), Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), Thyristor Controlled Series Reactor (TSSR), Thyristor Controlled Voltage Reactor (TCVR), Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) and another more devices. This paper describes the performance of study and comparison of various FATCS devices and their effect on power system stability enhancement. In addition, this paper reviews about different power system stabilizer using various FACTS devices.
Is Adverse Selection present in the Affordable Care Act?[Full-Text ] Alsaadi BadrThe procurements of the statute identifying with some of the components of a compelling cost control program—including procurements identifying with unfavourable determination, diminishing regulatory costs, relations with suppliers, and number of members—have as of now been portrayed in this report.
Communication Difference between Men and Women in Social Media[Full-Text ] Fahad AlzahraniThe widespread use of social media affects the behavior and preferences of the contemporary users. Social Net-working Sites offer a platform for males and females to present themselves in a way they would like to be seen by other people. Some authors indicate that self-presentation in social media differs across genders, with women placing a higher emphasis on the presentation of their profile and personal information. This paper focuses on the exploration of current literature to identify the major gender differences in social media use. Reviewing the current literature, the paper highlighted the major findings: females are wealthier but less risk-taking; females attract positive behavior; females demonstrate homophily, whereas men are heterophiles; males tend to slowly respond to female friendship initiatives; men spend less time in social networks than women, but use them more rationally. The analysis of the articles showed that the majority of them focus on the identification of gender differences in social media use, though psychological aspects should also be considered when studying this topic.
Home Automation and Smart Home Control[Full-Text ] Gargi Saraf, Akash JakkanThis paper presents “Home Automation and Smart Home Control System”.This system is a low cost and flexible, but yet secures cell phone based home automation system. This system controls physical devices using an Arduino and Bluetooth module controller that connects to your cell phone and lets you switch things on and off using Bluetooth. The heart of this project is the Arduino Mega 2560 board. Home appliances are connected to the input and output ports of Arduino while the cell phone and Arduino are connected wirelessly through Bluetooth. The other aspect of this project is home security. This module with the help of sensors and LCD helps to heighten home security. Password security is applied to secure authorized users to get into the home. This system is a combination of luxury and safety, which provides surveillance for intelligent home safety with high availability and reliability.
When Technologies manipulate our emotions – Smell Detection in Smart Devices[Full-Text ] Joshua Sopuru, Arif SariSmart devices have greatly transformed our lives; smart devices have affected the way we think, interact, and process information. As technology continues to grow, we expect more transformation caused by improved technologies. Videos, Images, sounds etc. are exchanged easily from one end of a smart device to a receiving end. However, the transfer of smell (Odour components) is still a major challenge in making devices “really smart”. This research seeks to lay a framework for the identification of odour component and the transfer of odour formulas among smart devices. The research proves that, with an assumption that if odour formulas can be transferred, the corresponding odour can be recreated on destination device using these formulas.
Energizing the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for Better Performance[Full-Text ] Arif Sari, Behnam Rahnama, Ibukun Eweoya, Zafer AgdelenSecurity is a never ending challenge. The security researchers must be steps ahead to avoid attacks and threats, thereby keeping businesses running and avoiding calamities. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is to this rescue after its official acceptance and recommendation by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001. However, timing attacks have called for a modification to it to retain its potency and effectiveness. This research boosts the Rijndael by incorporating an invented playfair ciphering into the algorithm using 256 ASCII codes. The concept counters possible leakages from the S-box lookups from the cache. The research introduces mixcolumn in the last round against the standard to make it a constant time algorithm. The encryption and decryption were validated. Previous researches implemented Architectural and operating system modifications, placing all the lookup tables in CPU registers, Parallel Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation , Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) implementation, the Dynamic Cache Flushing Algorithm but none keeps AES assets of good speed and memory conservation; most especially in embedded systems.
Unified 3-Tier Security Mechanism to Enhance Data Security in Mobile Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] Zeynep Büsra KIRENCIGIL,Onurhan YILMAZ,Arif SARIThe wide range of security mechanism proposals in wireless networks provide variety of impractical solutions for different security gaps due to the nature of the network infrastructure. Proposed mechanisms deployed in different layers classified as link, end-to-end and message segments in the proposed mechanisms stated in the literature. Security mechanisms deployed on wireless networks mainly focus on crypto algorithms for message encryption. Different mechanisms such as link encryption, message encryption and end-to-end encryption mechanisms provided to enhance data transfer security in Wireless networks. This research classifies the security mechanisms into 3 different categories for wireless networks as link, end-to-end and message encryption and proposes 3-tier mechanism by combining identification, authentication, and authorization mechanisms for each of the message, end-to-end and link encryption mechanisms. The proposed 3-tier mechanism structure is examined through OPNET simulation experiment and suggestion was made on theoretical aspect by providing new security insights.
VAN based theoretical EDI framework to enhance organizational data security for B2B transactions and comparison of B2B cryptographic application models[Full-Text ] Onurhan YILMAZ, Zeynep Büsra KIRENCIGIL, Arif SARICryptography is a very powerful tool for Business-to-Business (B2B) data transaction security. The overall volume of B2B transactions is much higher than the volume of Business-to-Consumer (B2C) transactions and data security is very important due to volume and value of data in B2B transactions. Organizations that use cryptographic data security models to enhance security for business transactions deal with variety of unauthorized data manipulation problems. Researchers have proposed variety of cryptographic solutions to enhance security for B2B transactions. Companies should include cryptographic security models into organizational security policy to enhance security for transactions. This research paper highlights the detailed comparison of pros and cons of available cryptographic methods used to enhance security for B2B transactions and proposing theoretical Value Added Network (VAN) based Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) framework in order to enhance security between B2B transactions.
Seroprevalence of anti-HCV antibody among Students of Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria[Full-Text ] C. A. Omatola, C. K. Mofolorunsho, A. G. Agieni, M.O. Okolo, P.O.Adejo and M. M. MainaHepatitis C virus (HCV) infection alongside its associated sequelae is a disease of major public health concern worldwide. This research aims to detect the sero-prevalence of anti-HCV antibody and risk factors of HCV infection amongst students of Tertiary institution in Kogi State, Nigeria. Blood samples were collected from 200 consented students and assayed for anti-HCV antibody using the ABON® HCV-Ab ELISA test kit manufactured by Abon Biopharm, China. Student’s socio-demographic data and information considered as risk factors were collected from each participant using a structured questionnaire. The overall sero-positivity rate was found to be 4.5%. HCV prevalence was highest among students that were aged 21-25 years and analysis by sex showed that more females 5(4.7%) than the males 4(4.3%) students were infected with HCV. There was no statistically significant association between HCV infection and age as well as gender (P>0.05). However, HCV infection was found to be statistically associated with history of blood transfusion (P=0.004). The sero-prevalence rate of 4.5% in this study is alarming considering the fact that this is the group that is most sought when there is need for blood donation. Hence, adequate public awareness is advocated in order to educate students of tertiary institutions on ways of preventing and controlling the spread of the virus.
Asthma Monitoring Using Web Based Information System And Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] S.Mathankumar, K.Natarajan, Amrutha Treesa KurianAsthma is one of the widespread chronic diseases. Rising prevalence increases the burden of personal disease management, financial expenditures and workload, both on sides of patients and healthcare systems. According to the World Health Organization asthma is a serious public health problem with over 100 million sufferers worldwide. It continues to be one of the major causes of hospitalization of children in many countries. Asthma is the leading cause of absenteeism from school and the third leading cause of work loss. It ranks among the most common chronic conditions in the US, affecting an estimated 34.1 million persons in 2015. The number of reported adults and children diagnosed with asthma in 2015 was 17.5 million and 7.1 million, respectively. Moreover, the number of visits (to physician offices, hospital outpatient and emergency departments) with asthma as primary diagnosis in 2014-15 was 18.0 million. In the same year, the number of discharges with asthma as first-listed diagnosis was 456,000 with an average length of stay being 3.4 days.
Environment Control and Measurement System using Internet of Things[Full-Text ] Ashwinkumar Pawar, Gautam Lohiya, Ankit Thumbre, Deepak Prajapati, Rupali KaduEnvironment Control and Measurement System is used to measure the environmental parameters of a room such as temperature, humidity, gas levels and light intensity. The system tries to maintain the values of these parameter in a desired range or comfort range by automatically controlling the appliances of the room. Whenever a parameter value exceeds the threshold level of comfort range then an appliance gets automatically turned on to bring that value back in the comfort range. After the value is brought back to midpoint of the comfort range the appliance turns off. We can also control appliances manually via internet. The values of environment parameters are uploaded on an open database platform available on the internet. Here the data is represented in a graphical format which can be viewed anytime, anywhere. A gsm is used so that the user gets updates via sms when a particular parameter exceeds the comfort range. The user can also receive sms containing the current values of all the parameters. Thus an user friendly system is designed which is both cost effective and power efficient.
A Lattice Diminishment Bolstered Mimo Channel Equalizer[Full-Text ] Saurav kumar, Kanniga .EWith the advancement in the wireless technology, the era of science in the world has changed radically. Wherever we see there is a use of wireless technology deployed to ease the work of mankind. The advancement in the 5th generation mobile wireless technology inspired us to do a research in the field of lattice diminishment.
Consumer behavior and its determinants in technology oriented online service delivery channel[Full-Text ] Dr. Indrajit SinhaE-business is rapidly spreading in service industries. Customer that adopt this innovative way to buy services like eticketing like airline,railway, bus ticket, .Some Customer in the same profile adopt online transaction at different rates. Despite the rapidly changing landscape of on-line competition, many fundamental issues regarding the adoption of electronics based online services by Indian consumer remain unclear.Why do some customer actively accept and adopt to online services and others adopt at latter stage.After reviewing research paper in the area ofdiffusion of technlogy, technology acceptance model TAM and online shopping models, this paper has dealt with determinants like perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust.Results of this study has established that prospective Indian consumer will adopt to online service namely air/railway ticketing, booking of cab etc. only when they find it ease to use, there are usefulness and have relative advantange and they also find system to be trustable.
Analysis of Erosion wears on coated and uncoated ductile material[Full-Text ] Sandeep Kumar, Mr.Kulbhushan SharmaThe base material is taken as steel for the study of erosion wear of pumps and piping system. To improve the wear resistance of 18Cr8Ni steel powder coatings is done by HVOF thermal spray coating method. The erosion wear evaluated with varying the parameters impact angle, flow rate and time and using jet tester as test apparatus. Weight loss of specimens is the measure of erosion wear. In present erosion wear study, 18Cr8Ni steel used as base material. This material is currently being used for fabrication of pumps for different applications and under water parts in hydroelectric projects because its nickel content, associated with low carbon ensures better erosion resistance, weld ability, ductility, impact resistance and fatigue resistance properties. This steel alloy has also good corrosion resistance to fresh water and performs well under erosion-corrosion phenomena. The alloy is specially designed for all applications requiring high mechanical properties combined with high toughness and may be used in erosive - corrosive conditions. Typical applications are shafts or pump impellers, particularly for hydraulic applications.
The relationship between the corporate strategy and capital structure[Full-Text ] Sultan Omar alamoudiThis paper reacts to the general call for mix in the middle of money and methodology research by inspecting how monetary choices are identified with corporate system. Specifically, the paper concentrates on the connection between capital structure and methodology. Corporate systems supplement customary money ideal models and broaden our understanding into a company's choices with respect to capital structure. Value and obligation must be considered as money related instruments and in addition key instruments of corporate administration. Obligation subordinates administration exercises to stricter administration, while value considers more prominent adaptability and basic leadership power.
Privacy and Security Issues[Full-Text ] Musaab AlawadIn this paper we have discussed the privacy and security in detail. The different aspects of the privacy and policy are discussed. These are also discussed in accordance to the protection by law. We have discussed the detailed difference between the privacy and policy as many people use to consider it as the same thing. In the further discussion the privacy law and its implications are also discussed. The child protect and consumer protection is also discussed as these are also very important. In the last part of this paper, we have also discussed the different issues which the users have faced in accordance to their personal information.
Theshortlist[Full-Text ] Abdullah AlrubayshTheshortlist.com is a theoretical company that services businesses and provides recommendations as well as managerial services. Theshortlist.com is contemplating going global, and the following paper will explore the threats and opportunities of engaging in such a venture. Many of the aspects of international marketing are reviewed and recommendations on how to proceed are offered. International marketing has a twisted path to success, but having an outline and a plan can alleviate some of the more treacherous turns and smooth some of the more rugged passages.