Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016.
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Should MNCs adopt the regulations in the country of origin or yield to hose in the country of operation?[Full-Text ] Muqrin AlhuwayshanMultinational organizations are the elements who specifically work and utilize employees in various nations. In perspective of the way that MNC's are not straightforwardly operational inside of their nation of origin, excluding (host country) components ought to also be acknowledged. The main effect is the country of origin sway or now and again called home-country sways. The country-of-origin impact can be delineated utilizing social and institutional procedures. Social techniques rely on upon the norms, qualities and demeanors of a nation. Hofstede proposed a framework known as measurements of national societies. The more unmistakable the social refinement in the middle of home and the host nation, the extreme it will be for the MNCs to switch home-country strategies for understanding. Despite the way that Hofstede and his social estimations show contrasts between nations, it doesn't independently clear up nation of-birthplace effect.
VLSI Implementation of a Different Types of Multiplier Unit[Full-Text ] Nitesh Kumar Sharma, Mrs. Jigyasa Maru, Dr. M.R. KhanThis project is primarily deals the construction of 16 bit high speed on Error resilient Multiplier. The motivation behind the investigation is that a multiplier is a very basic building block of Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and would be a limiting factor in performance of Central Processing Unit (CPU). In the past, thorough examination of the algorithms with the respect to particular technology has only been partially done.
Synthesis of Light expanded clay aggregates from Iraqi raw materials[Full-Text ] Samer Kareem Turki Khafaji and Elham Abed Al-MajedIn this study and by using available raw materials (clay) for producing lightweight aggregate in order to used them in many construction applications such as producing light weight aggregate concrete for thermal insulating purposes and lightweight in same time and also used them in multistory building as structural materials . This type of lightweight aggregate is called lightweight expanded clay aggregate (Leca) has wide ranges of uses for many reasons , easy to produce and available raw materials and it have good mechanical, physical and chemical properties.This study assesses the possible use of local raw materials (clays) for producing expanded clay pellets and test the product with American standard specifications (ASTM C330), and used it as lightweight aggregate for different construction applications like thermal insulation, lightweight structural concrete , decoration pieces ,etc. The rich calcite clay from Al-Anbar province used in this research to study their heat-treatment behavior. The rich calcite claywas bloated at 1150 C° without adding any impurities ,just mechanical treatment and perfect firing program, in order to obtain good bloating coefficient that is related with firing parameters (temperature , access time, socking time). We was obtained low density aggregate about (448 Kg/m3) from clay I and (280 Kg/m3) from clay II.
Design and Evaluation of Immersed Wideband Non-polarizing Beam Splitter Using ZEMAX Pro-gram and Needle/ Tunneling Method[Full-Text ] Ail H. Al-Hamdani, Hayfa G. Rashid, Hussein T. Hashim, Abbas T. Hashim, Hussein A. Al-HamdaniHerein a wideband non-polarizing cube beams splitters (NPBSs) for the telecommunication C-band. We engage analy-sis/simulation and design/optimization methods, using an optical design software ZEMAX-EE and Needle/Tunneling synthesis method to find optimal beam splitter parameters. Similar design parameters of minimum layers with ternary dielectric materials were introduced. The results show that ZEMAX software has the ability to design thin film non-polarizing beam splitters and in comparison to needle/tunneling method has reasonable result. Moreover, NPBSs are provided exhibiting ~ 50/50 beam ratio with reasonably tolerant deviations in angle of incidence.
Investigation of The Behavior of Reinforced Timber Beams[Full-Text ] Salah Talib AL-DamerchiThe low cost construction demand has led to utilize timber as a construction material. The need for better strength in construction material has resulted reinforcing timber with steel elements. Six timber beams, reinforced with four steel angles at their corners, have been tested to investigate the combined beams behavior. Experimental tests and finite element method have been undertaken in the investigation process. A good agreement has been noticed between the experimental and finite element method in predicting the load carrying capacity for the test beams. It has been found that the stronger bond used between top and bottom angles, the more load carrying capacity for beams can be obtained and higher beams ductility can be achieved.
Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey[Full-Text ] Mukhdeep Singh ManshahiaThe rising field of wireless sensor network (WSN) has potential benefits for real-time monitoring of a physical phenomenon. The Wireless sensors continuously monitor the physical process and transmit information to the base station. It is an information technology which integrates latest technological achievements in the network, micro-electronics and communications. Sensor nodes can communicate over the minimum distance through wireless medium and unite to accomplish a single task. Aim of this paper is give an overview of Wireless Sensor Networks.
The Effect of Etching Current Density on Porous Silicon Fabricated by Electrochemical Etching Process[Full-Text ] Asmiet Ramizy, Isam M. Ibrahim, Mays A. HammadiPorous silicon (PS) was fabricated using p-type Si with <111> orientation by electrochemical etching process (ECE) at a constant etching time of 20min and different current density of 10-40mA/cm2. The surface morphology of PS studied by atomic force microscope (AFM) verifies that average diameter and nanostructure are dependent on the etching current density, when the current density increased from 10 to 40mA/cm2 the average diameter also increased from 29.96 to 45.59nm. The FE-SEM image of the sample prepared at 20min and 10mA/cm2 shows a homogeneous pattern and confirms the formation of uniform porous structures on the silicon wafer. From XRD pattern, the peak intensity decreased and full-width half maximum (FWHM) increased with increasing current density from 10 to 40 mA/cm2 and the crystalline size also decreased from 10.8 to 2.5nm. From FTIR spectra of PS at different etching current range from 10 to 40 mA/cm2, it was found that the transmittance peaks around 997.13 cm-1 and 1097.42 cm-1 are from Si–O–Si asymmetric stretching modes, which are dependent on the oxidation degree of PS. The transmittance peaks at 624.94-630.68 cm-1 Si-H wagging mode bending in (Si3-SiH), and 810.05-813.90 cm-1 from Si-F stretching mode. Photoluminescence spectra (PL) showed that the band gap energy increased from 1.610 to 1.638eV when the current density increased from 10 to 40mA/cm2.
Novel Approach to Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Long Towers and Skyscrapers: A Non-Linear Dynamical and Analytical Study[Full-Text ] Jafar JafariRegarding the special importance of long towers and skyscrapers’ structure, seismic risk analysis is necessary for it. In the current paper, peak possible accelerations are calculated and used for structural failure analysis through seismic risk assessment of the region and site. Structural failure assessment is performed using the results of nonlinear analysis, type of mechanism and failure criteria based on appropriate methods for concrete structures. Regarding the geometrical complexity and material properties of the long towers and skyscrapers’ structure, it is described that how structural model can be developed to perform non-linear dynamic analysis for obtaining damage indices. In the current research, special attention is paid to the approach that it is possible to analyze a relatively complex structural system using compatible models with real performance that are based on simple definitions.
Learning Management System[Full-Text ] Waleed AleidLearning management system is an application software that involves documentation, reporting tracking and delivery of education content by use of electronic devices ("LSM, 2015”). The education sector has increased the use of LMS strategy to improve the education access by many all over the world. The software application involves training programs that facilitate faster and efficient use of technology to foster education ("LSM, 2015”). It also involves the use of automated records and reading materials by the distant learners who cannot access the physical schools. The following paper lays focus on how the Moodle learning management system and the alternative Canvas learning system as used to facilitate learning in schools, colleges, and other learning institutions.
A Novel Approach to Position of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Geographical Information Management (GIM) in Water Resources Studies Using Satellite Photography[Full-Text ] Naser Mohammadi Varzaneh, Alireza VafaeinezhadThe necessity of considering water resources as base of economic infrastructures' development in developing societies such as Iran is largely emerged during recent years. The necessity of development and good management in facilities allocation and utilizing native potentials and knowledge of natural geography regions are among primary managing affairs of the country.Today, planning is accepted as the most effective tools for encountering with complex problems and representing key solutions in crisis management and facilities allocation. Comprehensive and complete knowledge about geographical field of the considered location and integrated, simultaneous analysis of all effective factors on the location are necessary for planning. Such knowledge and analysis requires applying system which can be able to store all location characteristics in a data bank and to represent these information as map and tabulated information according to the demands of planner.Geographical Information System (GIS) is recognized as one of the most effective planning tools in collecting, analysis and visual representation of required information for planning during recent decades. The current paper is aimed to investigate the role and position of this information system on various affairs of water resources' studies and its effects on the development of the country.
Comparison Between Mo Addition to ZA22 Grain Refined by Ti and Ti-B Regarding its Metallurgical and Mechanical Characteristics[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. Zaid and Safwan M. A. Al-qawabahZinc and its alloys are widely used materials in manufacturing several industrial and engineering parts especially in the automobile and aircraft industries due to their due to their good mechanical strength and hardness in addition to their inherent corrosion resistance. However, they have the disadvantage of solidifying in large grains which reduces their mechanical strength, therefore they are normally grain refined by addition of titanium or titanium plus boron to their melts prior to solidification. In this paper, comparison between molybdenum addition to ZA22 grain refined by Ti and Ti-B on its grain size and mechanical characteristics in the cast condition is investigated and the obtained results are presented and discussed.
Mobile Buying and the Retail Sector[Full-Text ] Abdullah AlsitrawiThe use of technology has changed the way the companies operate in their industry. The new technological improvements forced businesses to adopt the changes and follow the need of their customers. When a company rejects to make the necessary changes, it would not be able satisfy their customers’ needs and sustain their competitive edge. Thus, it is crucial for companies to follow the trend and offer something unique for their customers, so the customers continue deal with them. The companies can fulfill their customers’ needs by changing their strategies to reach customers easier and faster, and mobile buying is only one example. As more people continue using their phone for many reasons on a daily basis, companies can make the shopping experience through phone much convenient and great.
The New Advertising Trend: QR Code[Full-Text ] Nada MohammedThis paper presents how the uses of QR (commonly known as Quick Response) codes have led to new advertising trends in the contemporary world, ranging from online payments to advertising. It discusses how the QR codes have surpassed the use of UPC (Universal Product Code) barcodes among the emerging smart phone and browsing populace. It contains how the use of QR Code in the field of marketing has resulted in increased number of marketers with innovative and creative ideas on advertising and promotion strategies. Organizations have utilized this opportunity of innovation and unique ways, not only in using QR codes but also in boosting their brand awareness.
The Role of Conflicts in Business Organizations[Full-Text ] Rabeia AlhawsawiThe major responsibility of management to establish appropriate strategies on how to minimize conflicts. Conflict is widely assumed to be disruptive however, when managed appropriately; it can make teamwork within organizations effective. This paper analysis the role of conflict within an organization
Compact Highly Selective DCS1800 Duplexer for Mobile Base Station[Full-Text ] Mohamed S. El-gendy, Haythem H. Abdullah, Esmat A. Abdallah, Hadia M. El-HennawyThis paper presents a compact microstrip duplexer used for cellular base station. The duplexer is composed of two fifth order bandpass filters with sharp edges and a T-junction. One of bandpass filters is utilized to operate in DCS-Rx band and the other operates in DCS-Tx band. Each bandpass filter is composed of a combination of two tapped-line geometry, two coupled lines structure and two ?g/2 resonators. The designed DCS-Rx BPF and the DCS-Tx BPF present a size reduction of 36.58 % and 59.15 %, respectively than the conventional parallel coupled microstrip line with the same order (N=5). The duplexer is designed and fabricated on Roger RT/Duroid 5880 with relative dielectric constant of 2.2, and substrate height of 0.7874 mm. The average measured insertion losses at the DCS-Rx and DCS-Tx bands are 1.95 dB and 2.02 dB, respectively. The minimum measured isolation between the transmitting and the receiving bands of DCS1800 is 24.88 dB. Also, the return losses for the input and the outputs indicate that the duplexer operates at the assigned Rx and Tx bands of DCS1800.
Cloud Computing- Concerns & Issues[Full-Text ] Cloud computing is a concept which lets the user have their data over the internet in cost effective, convenient and flexible way. Its purpose is to provide its user a convenient storage space. The concept of cloud computing has become under spotlight and has promising future if only the issues can be tackled through special consideration.
Lecture Capture Software[Full-Text ] Waleed AleidRecording lectures making use of lecture seize science is a usual practice at associations around the world. Certainly, recorded lectures are trendy amongst on campus scholars as well as distance novices, and scholars almost always in finding lecture capture to be a priceless finding out device permitting larger flexibility for pupils to manipulate other commitments, similar to work and loved ones existence. Pupils with physical, or studying disabilities are concept to seek out recorded lectures certainly valuable so as to manipulate the pressure of note taking at school, or managing their disabilities in relation to attending lectures. Students from non-English speak me Backgrounds (NESB) would also find this technology beneficial to their reviews. Nonetheless, lecturers stay concerned about the influence of lecture capture on attendance, pupil interactions and alterations to lecture layout deemed adversarial to present educating practices. This record targets to review literature on student use of recorded lectures, and pursuits to recognize and tackle key issues about the use of lecture seize science.
Combining Ability for Yield and Yield attributes in Maize Inbred-lines (Zea mays L.) Using Line x Tester Analysis.[Full-Text ] Omikunle, O.A. and D.K. OjoMaize is one of the major crops in the world that plays a major role in meeting the demand for food, livestock ingredients and industrial raw materials. There is need to breed for high-yielding maize genotypes to meet up with the needs of the fast-increasing population in Nigeria and West and Central Africa (WCA) in general. Seven maize genotypes were collected from the Institute of Agricultural Research and Training (IAR&T), Ibadan, Nigeria and crossed in Line x tester mating design at the Teaching and Research Farm of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria (FUNAAB) in 2014.
Cloud Computing-A Smart Way of Today's Education[Full-Text ] Shweta KaushikFor a country’s economic growth, education plays an important role. In its varying situation, there is a need of new technology to integrate with the education system. Cloud plays a significant role in today’s education. It provides the various prospects to the student as well as teacher to easy and very fast access to number of applications, platforms and resources on demand through the web. The idea behind cloud is to reduce the cost for the development, installation and its maintenance of new hardware or software. This paper emphasize on the use of cloud for the development of e-learning solution and settlement of its solution for education. The proposed system for e-learning consists some features which are necessary for developing any cloud based e-leaning solution as- a cloud platform to deliver all the education based services, an authorizing features to deliver service as per the authorization of users, an interactive tool which deliver the services to user in a simple and efficient way, secure system which provide the data encryption, identification and authorization system to deliver a sound and secure system.
Enterprise resource Planning ERP[Full-Text ] Almutairi, Mohammed Khalaf MInformation technologies are the revelation of this area. Companies should rely on the technologies to get their work done in isolation of the technologies. Enterprise Resource Planning systems are the most important software that every company should have. This paper is exploring the Enterprise Resource Planning definition. Moreover, this paper summarizes the most important advantages that Enterprise Resource Planning systems have to increase firms’ productivity. At the end of the paper, there are three examples of the most common Enterprise Resource Planning software in the market with a short description of it.
Effects of Heat Transfer of Viscous Incompressible Dusty Fluid[Full-Text ] Dr. Ravita BhardwajIf the lines of motion are parallel to a fixed plane and if the velocity at corresponding points of all planes has the same magnitude and direction the motion is two dimensional and w=0. The present problem is concerned with heat and mass transfer in free convective flow of a visco elastic dusty gas through a porous medium induced by the motion of a semi-infinite flat plate moving with velocity decreasing exponentially with time heat source parameter. It is clear that the existence of a stream function is a consequence of stream lines and equation of continuity for incompressible fluid. The expression for velocity distribution of dusty fluid, dust particle, temperature and concentration distribution are obtained. Source is a point at which liquid is continuously created and sink is a point at which liquid is continuously annihilated.
Review of Various Feature Extraction Technique & their Application[Full-Text ] Shruti Meshram, Dr. Vivek SharmaFeature extraction is a process of mapping of the creative higher dimensional signal dimensions into a lower dimensional feature space. One of the mainly difficult jobs in visual object recognition is to shrink the quantity of calculation in feature matching the process removes visual features from images using opt for computer vision methods, and processes the extracted characteristics to generate a condensed record of characteristics annotated with the frame numbers as they appear.
Risk Sharing And It’s Management In Construction Industry[Full-Text ] Suhas Kashinath BabarJoint ventures has come up a popular art of planning in an environment in which fast access to up to dated technology and emerging markets is more critical than ever before. Joint ventures are nowadays mainly used in construction projects as one important co-operation way between contractors. Risk sharing and its management play a vital role in any construction project in order to succeed thru joint venture. Joint venturing usually allows participating companies to rapidly change scope of their business. However joint venture is a risky business. The construction industry itself is associated with high degree of risk in the nature of its business activities, operational environmental and organization. Normally success of any construction project depends upon the results it is supposed to achieve. But again it would be responsibility of participating firms to manage risks that confront their project. The factors crucial to joint venture success are agreement of the contract, partner selection, negotiations, training/ equity etc.
Grid Side Converter Controller Optimized for DFIG Driven Wind Turbine Based on Type-2 Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Ossama E. Gouda, Ebtisam M. Saied, Omar. M. Salim, Mohamed I. AwaadGrid side system GSS model is studied and developed in steady state form by using phasor theory; studying the relationships between active and reactive powers, voltage, and currents at different operating modes. Then, control of the grid side converter GSC is optimized; developing the grid side dynamic model based on space vector theory. In this paper vector control technique that utilizes a rotating reference frame (dq) aligned to the grid voltage space vector is employed. This control algorithm made it possible to achieve the two main objectives of GSC: control of the DC bus voltage and assure transmission of power through the converter (along with controlled reactive power exchange). DC link bus voltage has been controlled using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controllers (IT2FLCs). The proposed IT2FLCs were designed to deal with the ambiguity appeard as a result of changes during system operation. In this paper, design of GSC controller, which is responsible for the terminal voltage control in addition to the DC link voltage regulation, is performed. The developed IT2FLC controller is simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK software for a 1.5 MW typical wind turbine to verify the performance of the controller.
Genetic Algorithms Based Orientation and Scale Invariant Localization of Vehicle Plate Number[Full-Text ] G. Abo Samra In this research, an enhancement of a previously designed genetic algorithm is introduced to detect the locations of the License Plate (LP) symbols at any in-plane rotation angle. Consequently, the unify-sort-partition-sort (USPS) crossover operator and the objective distance definition introduced in the original system are generalized to support rotation invariability. In addition, a more efficient implementation is introduced in the design of the chromosome layout and the geometric relationship matrix (GRM) to support fast evaluations and convergence in case of inclined plates and missed symbols. A verification stage has been added to filter out false positives and minimize false negatives. Encouraging results with average accuracy above 98% have been reported for a large dataset of 1500 LP samples having variability in orientation, scaling, plate location, illumination and complex background. Examples of highly inclined LP images were successfully detected proving the ability to detect LPs in emergent conditions such as accidents and crime circumstances.
Optimal Maximum Power Point Tracking of PV Systems based Genetic-ANFIS Hybrid Algorithm[Full-Text ] F. M. Bendary, Ebtisam. M. saied, Wael A. Mohamed, Z. E. AfifiThe maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique in the photovoltaic (PV) system is used to achieve maximum power from the solar PV system. In this context, three MPPT techniques, artificial neural network (ANN), fuzzy logic control (FLC) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), are implemented and their performance is investigated in terms of efficiency and response. And they are developed in MATLAB/Simulink environment. This system is developed by combining the models of established solar module and DC-DC boost converter with the genetic algorithm for the three techniques. So this paper presents a new approach based on the genetic algorithm used to perform a constrained tuning technique for the PID parameters to optimize the power output of solar panel. The dynamic model is used to design the controller parameters of the conventional PID controller. The dynamics of the DC-DC converter is non linear. Therefore, it is hard to derive desirable performance. Hence, Genetic algorithm is used to optimize the control parameters of the boost converter. In order to obtain the fitness of an individual, Simulink model of the boost converter is designed and the genetic algorithm is programmed to search for the optimal control parameters by the MATLAB built ingatool. The system is simulated under different climate conditions and MPPT algorithms. According to the comparisons of the simulation results, it can be observed that the photovoltaic simulation system can track the maximum power accurately using the three MPPT algorithms discussed. Therefore, the interest is generated to design a more effective and efficient MPPT to achieve maximum power transfer to the load.
The Impact of Applying Social Media in the Healthcare Industry[Full-Text ] Naif M. AlgashaamThis paper shows the ways of applying social media in the health care area, and also talks about the risks that would happen when applying the social media in the same industry.