Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016.
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Magnetic Basement Depth Re-evaluation over the Yola Arm of the Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria from 3-D Euler Deconvolution and Spectral inversion of HRAM data[Full-Text ] Emberga, T.T, Opara, A.I,Eluwa N.N, Udoka, U.P, and Inyang, G.E and Nosiri,O.PThe High Resolution Aeromagnetic (HRAM) data have been used to re-evaluate the basement depth in parts of the Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria using 3-D Euler deconvolution and spectral inversion methods. The strong regional magnetic field was separated from the residual magnetic field with a first order polynomial using Polifit program. Several clusters of circular magnetic anomaly closures with different amplitudes which occur especially in the southeastern and central parts of the area were interpreted to be lithological variations of mafic–ultramafic inclusions within granodioritic batholiths. Lineament interpretation of the aeromagnetic data revealed several linear and structural features with dominant trends in the N-S and NE-SW directions. For the purpose of depth estimation, the residual magnetic data was subdivided into twenty four (24) overlapping spectral blocks using the Power spectrum module in Oasis Montaj 7.2HJ software program. Two prominent magnetic depth source layers (magnetic basement depth) were identified with the deeper sources ranging from 1.56km to 2.92km with a mean depth of 2.37km, while for the shallower sources, the basement depth values ranges from -1.17km to 0.98km with an average depth of 0.55km.Results of the 3-D Standard Euler deconvolution revealed the presence of several geologic bodies which includes contacts, sills/dikes, pipes/cylinders and spheres. These geo-bodies are located at a depth range of 500m to 2000m(2km) within the study area. The shallow depth sources are attributed to intrusive bodies resulting from basement uplift. From the economic point of view, the basement depth in the Upper Benue Trough proper and the series of tectonic events associated with the basin do not favour the accumulation and entrapment of hydrocarbons. However, mineral ores are believed to be prevalent in the study area because of the several shallow magnetic bodies that intruded into the sediments.
EFFECT OF LOAD ON THE PERFORMANCE OF A CI ENGINE FUELLED WITH PALM KERNEL OIL, CASTOR OIL BIODIESELS AND THEIR BLENDS WITH PETROLEUM DIESEL[Full-Text ] Iortyer H. A, Gundu D.T1 and Shankyura TThe effect of load on the performance of a CI engine fuelled with palm kernel oil, castor oil biodiesels and their blends with petroleum diesel. Palm kernel and castor biodiesel were produced from their respective oils by trans-esterification process. Castor oil had high acid value of about 4.5mgKOH/g which needed pretreatment to reduce acid value to recommended value of 0.5 mgKOH/g and this was done through acid catalysis. The biodiesels were then blended with petroleum diesel in ratios of B10 to B90. These blends were then tested for chemo- physical properties, emission characteristics and engine performance analysis. The results of the test show that torque increased with load for B0-B20 while for B30-B90, it decreased; break power decreased with increased load as percentage of biodiesel increased in blends while it increased for B0-B20, BTE and BSEC increased with load while BTE decreased with load for all fuel samples; the emissions (H/C, CO, NOx, smoke opacity) decreased with increased load for all the fuel samples except for pk100 for which all the emissions increased with increase in speed. Generally, from the analysis carried out, it can be concluded that petroleum diesel (B0), B10, B20 and B30 are similar in performance and performed better averagely than others and, therefore, can be recommended for use in CI engines.
Sorption Studies of Violet Tree Root Powder As Sorbent in Oil Spill Treatment[Full-Text ] Donatus R.B., Barminas J.T, E. M RikkiThe sampled Crude Oil (CO) showed density of 0.9066 g/cm3, specific gravity 0.9077 g/cm3, API gravity 24.38 and viscosity of 6.43 N S m-2 at 30 oC. The sorption capacities shown for the crude oil by the VTRP sorbent gain increased weight at 17.80% g/g compared to unmodified VTRP with 14.5% g/g. The modified VTRP also showed sorbent recyclability up to five (5) times and of high buoyancy proven by low water uptake. There were observed variations in water uptake and enhanced sorption capacity, which were recorded as modification benefits from the modified samples. The water uptake at 4.61 g/g which decreased to 1.62 g/g was an indication of successful and effective acetylation. The success of effective oil sorption and recovery by modified VTRP have shown the oil sorption ability and therefore can be an environmental acceptable product.
Simulation Design of a Backpropagation Neural System of Sensor Network Trained by Particle Swarm Optimization[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Hanan A. R. Akkar, Assist. Prof. Dr. Aied K. AL-Samarrie, Azzad B. SaeedThe sensor network consists of two main units, they are: the sensor unit and the artificial intelligent system. The sensor unit is used for converting the output analog signal of the sensor to binary data, while the artificial intelligent system is used for processing these binary data and presenting a final decision. In this paper, a Backpropagation Neural Network is designed and simulated, which is a powerful artificial intelligent system, and it can be trained by an optimization method for updating the weights and biases of the hidden and output layers. Satlins and Satlin functions had been used as linear activation functions for the hidden and output layers. Trainpso function had been used as a training function for the proposed system, which is a particle swarm optimization method of training. It is worth to mention, that no previous research used these three functions together for such analysis. This system had been simulated and tested using MATLAB software package, the testing process had offered stimulant results, and the actual output data had fitted the desired output data, while the Mean Square Error had reached to zero with 56 iterations for getting best value of solution, where, no previous research had reached to this optimal result for such design.
Muskingum Flood routing method for the Titwala- Nashik reach ofKalu River[Full-Text ] Asif Mazhar Ansari, S.K.UkarandeFlood routing is an important aspect of hydrology which progressively determines the timing and magnitude of flood wave along a river stream.For issuing a forecast to the down-stream areas of a river, flood routing isnecessary. The inflow and out flow discharge data of riverKalu at Titwala-Nashik reach has been recorded in the month of September 2015. This paper presents the results of a study of theTitbala-Nashik reach (124 kms) of the Kalu river. The Muskingurnmethod of flood routing has been adopted. The constants parameters of Muskingum method for the entirereach were found K =5.72hr. and x=0.1.
The Lebesgue Integral and Measure Theory[Full-Text ] Sarah AljohaniThis article shows the aspects of the Lebesgue Integral and the Measure Theory, where the mathematical knowledge can be applied, how to do it and what led to the discovery of the Lebesgue Integration. The limitation of applying the theory will also be discussed. Understanding the field of mathematics would require the wholesome interest in doing calculations and solving the problems that may be difficult to solve using other methods.
Effect of Mo Addition to ZA22 Grain Refined by Ti+B on its Metallurgical and Mechanical Characteristics[Full-Text ] Adnan I.O.ZaidZinc- aluminum alloys, in general are versatile materials which are widely used in a wide variety of engineering and industrial applications due to their unique and attractive properties such as strength, toughness, rigidity, bearing load capacity, economical and clean cast ability. However, they solidify with large grain dendrites which form in the absence of grain refiners which tends to deteriorate their mechanical properties and surface quality. However, fine grain structure is achieved by the addition of small amounts of titanium (Ti) or titanium + boron, (Ti+B), into the melt prior to solidification or by subjecting the metal or alloy to severe plastic deformation, (SPD), or by combining both methods together. The ECAP, which is relatively a new method is the most common one among the SPD methods. It is an important and useful method in producing fine and ultra-fine grain size. Reviewing the available literature, it was concluded that most of the reported work, concerned with the grain refinement of the zinc-aluminum alloys, is either by addition of an individual grain refiner element alone or using heavy plastic deformation processes or combining the two methods together. Furthermore, it was found that addition of Mo at a rate of 0.1 wt. % to ZA22 and ZA22 grain refined by Ti or Ti+B resulted in grain refinement of their structures which in turn caused slight enhancement in their hardness but caused deterioration of their mechanical behaviour.
Evaluation of the CA’s Annex on Environmental Factors of the Hydropower Projects in Lao PDR using AHP Method[Full-Text ] T.OnemanisoneTo eliminate the risk of non-compliance issue for Concession Agreement’s Annex on Environmental Obligations of the Hydropower Projects in Lao PDR, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to Lao PDR (MoNRE) has mandatory monitoring the implementation of the environmental obligations set out in the Effectiveness CA’s Annex on Environmental Obligations which approved by MoNRE to Lao PDR. A Hydropower Projects Environmental Compliance Monitoring is not only conducted in accordance with the mandate, it is also promoting the Environmental Obligations Implementation via granting an award to the most suitable environmental friendly project. A multicriteria decision making (MCDM) tool, AHP is used to evaluate the Environmental Compliance and rank the best appropriate environmental friendly project among 3 case studied hydropower projects in ranges from 500-1000 MW via 5 environmental performance indicators derived from literatures as well as deriving some key indicators and parameters to be monitored under CA’s Annex on Environmental Obligations defined in Guideline and Checklist of Lao PDR. The finding shall help projects to improve the future Environmental Obligations Compliance based on these performance indicators. Also, this research on Applying AHP to Evaluate the Concession Agreement’s Annex on Environmental Obligations of the Hydropower Project in Lao PDR shall contribute to research field of management science, environmental science and other related filed like social development.
Noise & Vibration Effect of Construction Projects[Full-Text ] Dhanushka MeegaswatteMain purpose of this study is to understand the nature of the relationship between Noise/Vibration and Distance and to identify the so-cial effect which arises due to these two parameters.
Effect of Fragmentation on Loading at Obajana Cement Company Plc, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Jethro, M.A, Shehu, S.A and Kayode, T.S.Evaluation of fragmentation distribution is necessary for the assessment of the effectiveness of the blasting operation against the standard handling capacities of loading, hauling and primary crushing equipment. Investigation was carried out on this by varying these variables and mathematically estimating their outcomes using the Kuz-Ram model. Likewise, the image analysis was adopted during the blast operations using the SPLIT Desktop software. The mean sizes of each were plotted against the excavator’s digging time. The result indicated that time lag in loading the different fragment sizes had an average of 2 seconds increase for every 10cm increase in the mean fragment size. The Kuz-Ram model – a prediction model, although having the same positive trend as the actual result, was found to overestimate the mean fragment size as compared to split desktop software.
An Efficient Data Collection Method with Relocation of Mobile Node in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Praveena .R and Violet Juli .VIn recent years, the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been focused on many applications. The main task of the widely deployed sensor network is data collection. Energy efficiency is one of the studied challenges by the researchers. How to consume the energy while sensor nodes are sensing the event and again collected data back to the sink is one of the critical issues in WSN. In existing different energy efficient routing protocols are developed to increase the lifetime of sensor networks. In this paper, a new data collection method with relocation of mobile node is proposed to enhance the lifetime of WSN. The proposed method has a mobile data collector node. The mobile Data Collector Node (DCN) collects the data from the cluster heads and finally sends it to sink node. After the completion of some rounds, the mobile DCN will relocate based on residual energy of the each sensor nodes. After that the new mobile data collector collects the data from cluster head and gives it to sink node. The proposed method minimizes the energy consumption, traffic and also increases the lifetime. The simulation results show that the proposed method has better performance in terms of energy consumption, throughput and lifetime.
Jerzy Kosinsk “Life is a state of mind” (Proving it at sub atomic level)[Full-Text ] Muhammad BilalI can explain it with science, deeper to molecular level and also I got some new idea while pondering over it. Life is a state of mind means every person has its own thinking. Why peoples have difference in thinking or thoughts beside having same structures that is because of the difference in hormonal level and different chemicals. What are chemicals? Just because of the difference in chemical or molecular composition. Molecules are formed due to different atomic composition. Atoms are different because of the difference in nucleus, protons and neutrons. Similarly, every proton is different for every different atom same goes for electrons and neutrons. Even atoms having same protons and neutrons possesses a difference in them. Like we cannot say that two similar sodium or aluminum atoms exist.
Mentoring As Performance Management Tool[Full-Text ] Talal AlbaqamiThe present economic conditions contain the highest competition and tough times for the companies to become successful. There is a special management tool that helps the companies to gain better competitive environment and successful conditions that are known as Performance Management. It provides strategic and integrated processes to achieve improvements. The present article focuses on the importance of performance management for the companies along with the suitable mentoring. According to some recent studies the performance management directly influences areas such as productivity, customer satisfaction, employees’ satisfaction, financial results and product and services quality.
Comparing and Contrasting the Concept of Infinity[Full-Text ] Areej AlshareefGenerally, infinity refers to endless or unlimited ventures or aspects which exceed the size of any number. In mathematics, something small than any positive number is defined to be infinitely small. The nature of infinity initially bordered along the speculation lines of philosophers such as Eudoxus of Cnidus and Zeno of Elea. According to Eudoxus of Cnidus, the method of exhaustion is determined by small quantities that are infinite (Field, 1997). However, Zeno of Elea's ideas of infinity revolves around many paradoxes. The concept of infinity is used in mathematics and other sciences, particularly physics and it helps to derive solutions to various theoretical and practical problems. Mathematically, infinity is regarded as a number to measure endless things but it is different from the absolute numbers. Towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of 20th century, Georg Cantor attempted to develop a definite context regarding infinity in terms of cardinalities (Strogatz, 2012). The latter refer to differently sized infinite sets. For instance, one count infinite seta of integers but cannot count an infinite set of absolute numbers.
To Commute or Not to Commute: Achievement in College Algebra[Full-Text ] Areej AlshareefA student's academic achievement in college is influenced by many factors including the proximity in which they live to a campus. There are a variety of living situations and environments in which a student can live. Of these are residence halls, on campus apartments, fraternity or sorority houses, off campus apartments, living at home with his or her parents, living with a spouse and with or without children. For the purposes of this study resident halls are classified as buildings that are same sex or coeducational that are owned and managed by the university in which undergraduate and single students live. On campus apartments are classified with a similar definition in which single students of the same sex live in the same apartment. In all on campus living arrangements, at least one resident assistant is present in each building and or floor depending on the size of the building. Off campus apartments include same sex students living together as well as non-married couples. These apartments can be within walking distance of campus or driving distance. They are not overseen by the university. Older students are more probable to be married with a spouse and may or may not have children as well. They typically live in driving distance away from campus.
Preparation and evaluation of Bioceramic composite based on hydroxyapatite and titania nanoparticles for biomedical applications[Full-Text ] Ibrahim. H. M. Aly, Nasser A. M. Barakata, L. Abed Alrahim MohammedIn this study, composite material comprised of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles incorporated with bone derived hydroxyapatite was prepared to investigate the possibility of using it as bone substitute in high load bearing sites. The structure and phase composition of the produced sintered bodies were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Densification rate was evaluated by measuring apparent porosity. A mechanical characterization of the sintered samples was carried out by means of Vickers indentations and compressive strength determinations. The bioactivity was assessed by investigating the formation of apatite on the film surface after soaking in simulated body fluid. The results showed that the proposed composite present higher densification, better mechanical characteristics compared to pure hydroxyapatite. Moreover, the results also showed bone like apatite was formed on the surface of hydroxyapatite/TiO2 nanoparticles soaked in simulated body fluid. The results obtained demonstrate that hydroxyapatite can be considered suitable as filler in biomedical applications while glass-ceramic matrix composite reinforced with titania nanostructure can be used in high load bearing applications from the point of view of the biomechnical properties. This behavior suggests a possibility of a further favorable in vivo response.
What is equity theory? Why do organizational leaders and the human resources department have to pay close attention to this?[Full-Text ] HASSAN ALI ALMOMENMisguided feeling of imbalance, creating tattle, bits of gossip, concealed resistance of the organization and so forth with the mystery of earnings the staff is dependably there. It is conceivable adequately apply the hypothesis of equity in the act of human resource management to set up and legitimize the rule of straightforwardness in work inspiration. Hypothesis of equity is connected in unraveling clashes in the motivating force framework. The estimation of various types of work expenses is singular. Enthusiasm for expanding their capability does not emerge when the staff reliably connected.
Microsoft and the Sweet Spot of Sustainability[Full-Text ] Abdullah AlsitrawiThere is a huge pressure on corporations to perform well and generate a profit for their shareholders, so they will continue investing their money. It is not easy to sustain their performance due to the huge competition they face in the market. Similarly, the green environment initiatives are a great way to save the planet that we live in, and ensure the resources will be available for next generations. Additionally, the social responsibility programs are important to improve the quality life of people. Although people appreciate the companies that participate in such activities, these programs cost them a lot of money which is not favorable for many stakeholders. Thus, it is crucial for the companies to ensure that they balance their operations in order to reach the sustainability goal.
Asian Minatory- Owned Business in the U.S[Full-Text ] Osama AlshehriMinority-owned businesses are not increasing in number since 2008 because the economy in the United States, and most of the world for that matter, are yet to recover fully. The period following the recession has been characterized by very high lending interest rates in different financial markets in the U.S. and the world over. Minority-owned businesses have been struggling to circumvent the high expenses of doing business as financial institutions try to recover from the catastrophic 2008 recession. The costs of acquiring resources necessary for production, too, have been increasing progressively, limiting the number of minority-owned businesses that can be established. The rapid flow of customers that existed before the 2008 recession, too, is yet to resume to its full capacity and the reduced demand has affected the emergence of new, minority-owned businesses (Brunner, 2007). Minority-owned businesses are also facing stiff competition from larger corporations that managed to stay virtually unaffected throughout the 2008 recession. The stiff competition that exists in some industries, such as the information technology industry where large corporations such as Apple and Microsoft dominate, have stifled the growth of minority-owned businesses. It is, is right to state that only the full recovery of the United States economy will guarantee an increase in the number of minority-owned businesses.
The Importance of Adult and Continuing Education[Full-Text ] Ahmed, Rajab, Alzahrani Adult and continuing education played a significant role in the context. Adult education increases the employment prospects and the economic growth of underprivileged adult who did not get a proper education. Theoretical and practical both types of training are needed education to improve the employability of the uneducated adult. The primary principle of real learning is to allow the deprived adult to prove himself or herself as a good, efficient human being in every sense, and they should have an active approach. No program of universal compulsory education can be fruitful without the cooperation and active support of adult education.
Process View of a Supply Chain[Full-Text ] Hassan BasodanBefore going through the process view of a supply chain management, Supply Chain Management process view is an extremely important process but first, it should be clear what a supply chain management is. Supply chain management is actually best in managing goods and services in an order; it is a methodical, strategic worldwide network. It is used to send products from one end of the company to another end that is a consumer (Burt, Petcavage, & Pinkerton, 2011).
Linear Programming Model for Joint-Venture Human Resources Planning[Full-Text ] Dhaifallah Alghamdi, Malek Nofal, Quintin Williams Jr., PhD. New businesses face challenges in the planning stage and it gets more challenging when merging two companies or forming a new joint-venture. Joint ventures particularly encounter difficulties with measuring the required manpower hiring and training in order to start up efficiently. This paper describes the importance of human resources planning in joint ventures. It is followed by a linear programming (LP) model that can fit new joint ventures and provides the optimal workforce hiring & training with the minimum cost in order to start up efficiently. The goal is to minimize the cost related to workforce hiring and training while satisfying the business requirements.
The Modern Day Woman Has Made Tremendous Progress In Changing The contemporary View Of Female Gender On The Subject Of Leadership[Full-Text ] Sultan AlwadaiThe paper seeks to inform the reader regarding the progressive contribution made by women to leadership in the modern times with regard to society’s traditional view of the woman. First, in order to understand this topic concisely it is important to look at the leadership status of women in the educational setting. This is brought into context by the article by Brock Sabra titled ‘Gender Equality for Learning Leadership in Undergraduate Business’ from the Advancing Women in Leadership Journal. In the same breadth, the status of women in educational settings should impact positively on the level of transformational learning.
Brexit, the German Perspective[Full-Text ] Saleh Al MuhannaThis research paper focuses on the German perspective of a possible British exit (i.e. Brexit) from the European Union. In the aftermath of the Eurozone crisis, as well as in the wake of a migrant crisis, the future of the European Union is in doubt amongst United Kingdom voters. In June 2016, British voters will hold a referendum as to whether the United Kingdom should remain in the European Union or withdraw. Germany, being the European Union’s de facto leader nation, is under pressure from European Union member states to try to keep the second largest European economy in the Union. A possible United Kingdom exit from the European Union will have a large effect on European economies, trade, migration, as well as the European Union’s influence in the international arena.