Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016.
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Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions[Full-Text ] Sarah AljohaniAnalytic geometry can be defined as a branch of mathematics that is concerned with carrying out geometric investigations using various algebraic procedures (Mark, H., & Workman, J. (2007). This paper seeks to discuss about analytical geometry of thee dimension and it will start by introducing the subject matter as well as giving a brief history on analytical geometry. The paper also gives different examples of analytical geometry of thee dimensions and how they can be used to solve various different problems.
Social needs on the uses of mathematics[Full-Text ] Sarah AljohaniThis article shows the the influence of social needs on the uses of mathematics. It discusses the effects of social needs in the uses of mathematics. The article discusses source of sponsorship, passion, agreement by mebers of the society, professionalization, male gender domination and specialization. It presents some of factors that influence the social needs by using mathematics.
Descartes effects on the world of mathematics[Full-Text ] Sarah AljohaniThis article shows, briefly how Descartes Effects on the World of Mathematics.
Mathematicians and how Geometry Changed the World[Full-Text ] Sarah AljohaniThis article shows Mathematicians and how Geometry Changed the World.
The History of Infinity[Full-Text ] Sarah AljohaniThis article shows the history of of Infinity .
Written Discourse Analysis[Full-Text ] Nouf AljohaniThe research will be focusing on the Written Discourse. It analyzes the written discourse of holiday photo cards in the chapter of “Their lives are so much better than ours”. It tries to analyses people’s lifestyle by reviewing their holiday cards. This research paper shows the trend which directs future discourses to also consider incorporating photos and other digital media on their analyses of people.
Ensuring Environmental Sustainability Through Forestry In Nigeria[Full-Text ] Pius AdeniyiThe issue of green house effect would not have been a problem if there were enough forest to curb the excess carbondioxide released into the air .The environmental benefit from the forest include land stabilization, forest hydrology, atmospheric purification ,carbon sink and check to climate change,the conservation, protection and sustainable use of the forest and application of forest technology are the most feasible and plausible approach for solving and mitigating the problem of climate change, gas flaring and other environmental degradations in Nigeria and all over the world.
The International English Language Testing System[Full-Text ] Nouf AljohaniThe research will be focusing on International English Language Testing System the research paper analyses the test in terms of principles of language assessments. The five principles include the practicality, reliability, validity as well as the authenticity of such tests. These principles are very important in determining the effectiveness of the language tests that one may be subjected.
Microbial Quality of infant formula milk powder in Baghdad City[Full-Text ] Shiamee Mohammed Abdelreda, Dr. Reyam Naji AjmiDue to the importance of infant feeding, which depends essentially of milk, which is the first in food chain and the purposes of ensuring the health and safety by getting the best product with the standard specifications to contribute to the growth of the natural progression of this study was to examine the microbiological quality of infant milk powder. A total of five types of milk powder traded in local markets and pharmacies in Baghdad, which are used as substitutes for breast milk during the first day of opening the box powders such as Total Coliform count (TC),Total Salmonella count ( TS), Total plate Count (TPC) and Yeasts $ Molds Count (YMC). Results were obtained respectively; Total plate count (<0.05 0.1x10³ cfu/g) were significantly higher than Total Coliform count (<0.05 ±1.0x10²cfu/g) and Total Salmonella count (<0.05 ±1.0x1.0cfu/g) and Yeasts and Molds (<0.05±1.0x1.0 cfu/g. All samples of infant formula of milk powders having non-significant difference. The obtained averaged results compared to Iraqi Quality Standards (IQS) values(<0.05±1.0 x10² cfu/g). Microorganisms in the infant formula cannot grow due to low humidity. Consisted studied milk samples to maintain health standards during production, so the present study was designed to assess the microbiological quality of the milk powders. This result indicated that all milk powder companies understudied are following the legal and quality standard although Total Count were within the range of IQS ( Iraqi Quality Standards) and USA Environmental Protection Agency USEPA and as indicates the hygienic condition of Infant formula milk powders without risk level for human health.
Using Hybrid Technique to Study the Changes in Al-Ahwaz Marshal Region with K-L Transformation Analysis and Unsupervised Classification process[Full-Text ] Alyaa Hussein Ali, Maysaa Raba Naeemah, Israa Jameel Muhsin, Sara Tala Mohmmed In this paper, six bands data sets taken from the landsat-7 ETM (Enhanced Thematic Mapper ).To determine the changes which occur in Al-ahwaz Marshal during 2000 and 2013. the K-L transformation has been used to detect the changes which occur during the years(2000 and 2013). The unsupervised classification process which is the modified (K-mean) is used to classify the changes occur in the marshal region and the area surrounding it. In addition the subtraction method which is one of the traditional change detection technique is used here with the K-L transformation and unsupervised classification. The hybrid methods which are the K-L transformation, the ratio with the K-mean has been implemented to produced the best change detection regions.
Non-linear Programming for a η-approximation involving generalized Invexity[Full-Text ] L.Venkateswara Reddy, Devanandam. Dola, B. SatyanarayanaA framework is used to find optimal solution for a non-linear programming problem involving generalized invexity. Mon d-Weir duality results using ?-approximation associated with primal objectives constituted using ?-approximation. Further, various equivalence relations are obtaind. Duality results are proved.
Review Paper on Fingerprint Biometric and Security[Full-Text ] Kirti Sharma, Dr. Parul AgarwalFingerprint biometric is one of the most popular system used in various authentication applications. Uniqueness of biometric data makes it very effective. The primary aim of this paper is to discuss the details of fingerprint biometrics and its comparisons with other biometric techniques. It also discusses the issues and problems related t fingerprint biometrics. One of the them is that finger surface is easily effected by outer conditions like moisture, temperature, dust etc. The other is fake and spoofed fingers. And the last but not least is the loss of privacy and security. It is also aimed to discuss the solutions related to privacy and security.
Numerical Analysis of Combustion Chamber with Methane Air Mixture for Different Inlet Air Velocities[Full-Text ] Priyank Shah, Samir Mehta, Rushikesh Gaikwad, Nitin PandeyThree dimensional numerical investigation of Can type combustor is presented in this study. This study uses CFX solver for the investigation. The objective is to study the combustion phenomenon and the effects of varying inlet velocity of air on the combustion taking place inside the combustor. Before any prototype is built for testing, it is always tested on CFD for the design conditions, operating conditions and the transient conditions. Through this study major effects on the design can be simulated quite efficiently and hence it can be analysed. This causes reduced number of revisions in the design and more compact structure. Methane-Air mixture is used as Combustion Mixture. The can type combustor is basically used for gas phase fuels like methane and propane. Reacting mixture is not premixed in this study. Parameters like inlet air velocity, swirler angle at the primary air inlet, air-fuel ratio have been varied in order to better understand the combustion phenomenon. Eddy dissipation combustion model is primarily used in this study. This study will help in finding out the range of inlet air velocity at which the predefined combustor model will be most efficient.
What is Strategy?[Full-Text ] Yazeed AlnasrallahAll strategic managers must appreciate the difference and use of operational effectiveness and strategic positioning in management. Operational effectiveness is act of doing something similar to competitors, but in an exceptional and extraordinary manner. Organizations that are successful in ensuring high operational effectiveness are successful in motivating their employees and have better planning strategies in place. High operational effectiveness leads to higher profitability for organizations. In a dynamic and hyper-competitive business environment, the productivity of a business is dependent on technological advancements and better management strategies.
Teaching And Learning Through Technology In Bangladeshi Higher Education[Full-Text ] Mansura MahmudaConventional scenario in higher education has been shifted from four- walled classroom to a no-walled virtual platform with the help of technology-based resources. These resources are being used for effective teaching and learning in the form of interactive whiteboard, multimedia projector, mobile phones, TV channels, social networking websites, MOODLE, Podcast, web quest, website, e-books, e-journals, e-encyclopedia, e-dictionary and some more virtual resources. This paper presented the proliferation of technology-based tools in the universities of developing country like Bangladesh. This paper also threw some light on this para-digm shift by employing technology –based tools and making it accessible to pupils, teachers and other stakeholders is an ongoing challenge. Being a part of this challenge most of the educationists must focus more on skill-oriented and interactive activities. Teaching and learning have been going to be more social; it’s all about access, anywhere learning and collaboration both locally and globally. This paper finally aimed to show some major limitations in implementing technology with the suggestions to over-come the barriers.
Isolation, Identification and Determination of Probiotic potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Local Curd[Full-Text ] Tasneem Chowdhury and Saiful IslamCurd is a widely consumed milk product in Bangladesh. Curd samples from sweetmeat stores in Chittagong city of Bangladesh were collected and analyzed for lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Bacterial load of the collected samples was determined by pour plate technique and bacterial count was found in the range of 3.27?105 to 1.05?106 cfu/mL indicating the samples as excellent nourishing environment. Based on their characteristic growth on MRS agar media six Lactobacillus isolates were isolated, similarly six isolates of Streptococcus were isolated on YGLA media. Antimicrobial properties of the isolated LABs were evaluated against four human pathogenic bacteria employing modified disc diffusion assay. All twelve isolates exhibited antagonistic activities against at least two or more of the test organisms. In our current study, Lactobacillus casei showed antagonism against all test pathogens. Among other Lactobacillus isolates L. xylosus, L. homohiochii and L. fermentum inhibited three pathogens, whereas L. salivarius and L. leichmannii showed inhibition against two pathogens. Among Streptococcus isolates, S. thermophilus, S. uberis, S. suis, S. faecalis and S. equnius were found to inhibit the growth three test pathogenic bacteria while S. lactis was reported to suppress the growth of E. coli and Salmonella paratyphi. The current study reports some LABs with promising antagonistic properties against test pathogenic bacteria and further investigations on the LABs will validate their appropriateness in using them for improvement of health and services.
Mining Decrepit Labelled Web Search Facial Images For Search-Based Face Annotation[Full-Text ] Leena Kale, Shyam guptaThis paper investigates a framework of search-based face annotation (SBFA) by mining sapless tagged facial pictures that are freely obtainable on the globe Wide internet (WWW). One difficult drawback for search-based face annotation theme is the way to effectively perform annotation by exploiting the list of most similar facial pictures and their weak labels that square measure usually clangourous and incomplete. To tackle this drawback, we tend to propose a good unsupervised label refinement (ULR) approach for refinement the labels of web facial pictures victimisation machine learning techniques. we tend to formulate the educational drawback as a landform optimisation and develop effective optimisation algorithms to resolve the large-scale learning task with efficiency. To additional speed up the projected theme, we also propose a clustering-based approximation formula which may improve the measurability significantly. we've got conducted an intensive set of empirical studies on a large-scale internet facial image test bed, within which encouraging results showed that the projected ULR algorithms will considerably boost the performance of the promising SBFA theme.
A Study on Biochemical Changes in Common carp Cyprinus carpio exposed to Lethal and Sublethal concentrations of an Organophosphate Insecticide, Phorate[Full-Text ] G.LakshmaiahPhorate is an organophosphate insecticide (OPI) that is widely used throughout the world and in India and Andhra Pradesh as a broad-spectrum insecticide on numerous crops including paddy and groundnut. It is a soil and systemic insecticide and miticide, used for the control of sucking and chewing insects, mites and soil dwelling pests. Biochemical (BC) alterations were studied in the blood (BL), osmoregulatory organs like gill (GL) and kidney (KY) and non-osmoregulatory organs like liver (LR), muscle (MU) and brain (BR) of the fingerlings of Cyprinus carpio (C. carpio) on exposure to acute lethal toxicity of Phorate (ALTP) for one day and 4 days and chronic sublethal toxicity of Phorate (CSTP) for 1, 7, 15 and 30 days. Both the lethal and sublethal concentrations of phorate altered the levels of blood glucose (BG) and total carbohydrates (TC) significantly (P<0.05) in the all target organs of the experimental fish in acute and chronic toxicity studies (ACTS). The alterations in the levels of BG and TC are significantly dose dependent (P<0.05).
The Last Financial Crisis and the Fed Response[Full-Text ] Abdullah AlsitrawiThis paper discusses the causes and effects of the last financial crisis (2007-2009) and the Federal Reserve’s response in order to help the economy to recover from the financial crisis. It also deliberates the Taylor rule, discusses the three factors of the formula, and to see if the reduction of federal interest rate from 5.25% to 0.25% has helped to recover the economy toward sustainable growth and full employment. At the end, I will briefly discuss the five goals of Fed, the ethical standards missed in this crisis, and some recommendations for the future.
Comparison of Analytical and Computational Vibration Analysis of Elliptical Plates with Fully Clamped Boundary Condition[Full-Text ] M Vijaya Ram ,V.N.B Prasad SodisettyDetermination of mode shapes and natural frequencies is important to design the structural components like plates, shells and beams which are generally subjected to vibration. Vibration of plates has been the study of importance due to its wide engineering applications such as aerospace, marine, and ship industries. Especially in aerospace and ship industries, it is observed that various shapes of plates do occur. Elliptical plates are used in order to avoid the high stress concentration. In recent years, the vibration, buckling and bending problems of elliptical plates subjected to different types of loads such as, the combined action of lateral load and in-plane force are being studied. In this project, vibration analysis is done on elliptical plates for different material properties using both analytical and computational analysis. The comparison of the modal behavior by using these two analyses is done.
Longwall Top Coal Caving Method for Barapukuria Coal Field, Dinajpur, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Nadia Sultana Tarakki, Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, Mohammad Tofayal Ahmed, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Md. Badrul Alam, Chowdhury RayhanThe present research work deals with the coal extraction method for the Barapukuria Coal Field, Bangladesh. Various LTCC parameters, for example top coal failure behavior, strata caving mechanism, vertical stresses and abutment stresses, were evaluated for this mine using Examine2Dsoftware for the assessment of LTCC technology. The stress response of natural caving roof were studied, by using numerical simulation of LTCC mine excavation of Stage II and III associated with magnitudes and distribution contours of vertical stress (s1), strength factor, subsidence, area of deformation and displacement of surrounding rock strata of a stage III excavation mine panel, fracturing and caving of top coal and overburden strata. The magnitudes and distribution contours of vertical stress (s1) imply that the vertical stress is more obvious in the area just above the excavation panel ranging from 1.5 to 2 m at the bottom and roof of the panel. Above the easily cavable zone of 1.5m, there lies another zone of 2 to 2.5m, between stage II and III excavation panel, where strength factor is 1.06, which could be induced to cave with the help of hydrofracturing. According to the results, by considering all factors it was found that Longwall Top Coal Caving (LTCC) method would be a preferred and alternative method for mining in seam VI’s stage III of Barapukuria Coal Mine. It will increase recovery ratesup to 75%, which will contribute additional support to further new power plants.
A Class of SEC-DED-DAEC Codes Derived From OLS Codes and Decoded With Low Latency[Full-Text ] Magesh. ERadiation-induced soft errors are a major reliability concern for memories. To ensure that memory contents are not corrupted, single error correction double error detection (SEC-DED) codes are commonly used, however, in advanced technology nodes, soft errors frequently affect more than one memory bit. Since SEC-DED codes cannot correct multiple errors, they are often combined with interleaving. Interleaving, however, impacts memory design and performance and cannot always be used in small memories. This limitation has spurred interest in codes that can correct adjacent bit errors. In particular, several SEC-DED double adjacent error correction (SEC-DED-DAEC) codes have recently been proposed. Implementing DAEC has a cost as it impacts the decoder complexity and delay. Another issue is that most of the new SEC-DED-DAEC codes miscorrect some double nonadjacent bit errors. In this brief, a new class of SEC-DED-DAEC codes is derived from orthogonal latin squares codes. The new codes significantly reduce the decoding complexity and delay. In addition, the codes do not miscorrect any double nonadjacent bit errors. The main disadvantage of the new codes is that they require a larger number of parity check bits. Therefore, they can be useful when decoding delay or complexity is critical or when miscorrection of double nonadjacent bit errors is not acceptable. The proposed codes have been implemented in Hardware Description Language and compared with some of the existing SEC-DED-DAEC codes. The results confirm the reduction in decoder delay.
Green Environment Initiatives: The Role of Government, Companies and Individuals[Full-Text ] Abdullah AlsitrawiThere is an ongoing debate about the proper role that government, companies, and people should play to keep our environment green. Due to the serious problems, the environmental agencies and organizations asked governments to intervene in order to preserve nature and its creature. Nowadays, the inadequate ways of getting rid of waste lead to pollution, which in turn causes global warming. Thus, there is a serious need to think about the atmosphere that we live in and solve the problem more efficiently.
The Impact of Reverse Logistics on Management Accounting and Customer Satisfaction on Saudi’s E-Commerce[Full-Text ] Hassan BasodanThis research proposal encompasses an attempt to investigate the impact of reverse logistics practices in managerial accounting and customer satisfaction in Saudi Arabian e-commerce. The proposal approaches reverse logistics by examining companies engaged in direct reuse, repair, refurbishing, remanufacturing, and recycling practices. Existing studies confirm that efforts to optimize reverse logistics practices can promulgate economic, governmental, and corporate citizenship benefits. A quantitative study design will be employed using a survey as a means of collecting data. Likewise, a comprehensive literature review surmising the current state of reverse logistics provides a platform from which the study will be based. The reverse logistics survey that will be used in this study has been validated and will provide the quantitative data necessary for determining if reverse logistics practices augment managerial accounting effectiveness and customer satisfaction.
Starbucks: Creating a Unique Customer Experience[Full-Text ] Abdullah AlsitrawiThere is no doubt that creating a positive customer experience is crucial for companies’ success. This is due to the fact that customers are now more knowledgeable about which company is offering a better service. To stay competitive, companies have to make sure that they reach or even exceed customers’ expectations. This helps to foster customers’ loyalty and decrease the probability of switching to other companies. Besides these factors, companies can reach their goals of increasing revenue and sales with the strong customer relationships they build. Once a company focuses on the customers’ experience, then these customers feel that they are more valuable and will continue doing business with the company.
Soft Drink Companies and the Health Effects of Soda[Full-Text ] Abdullah AlsitrawiAlthough Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are the market leaders in the soft drink/beverage industry, it is not easy to sustain their competitive edge. This is because of many factors such as customers taste, other substitute products, and government regulations on unhealthy products. The association between soft drink consumption and health issues led many people to think twice before consuming such products. It is the responsibility of associations and agencies such as the National Soft Drink Associations to ensure that safety and health concerns of people are in their top priorities. With these concerns, all soft drink companies must take these issues seriously if they want to be competitive or, at least, stay in this market.
Approach for Automated Design of Metal Pergola covered with Aluminum Composite Panels by using CAD/CAM Software TopSolid.v.6.15[Full-Text ] Ventsislav Dimitrov, Mariyana Ivanova, Rumen Yankov, Nikolay NikolovThe article proposed a detailed methodology for the design of rights, decorative, standing metal pergola, covered with aluminum composite panels, representing ending architectural solution of an office building Class A (-) prepared by Aruid - Panayotovi - sie SD Rousse. For the design of the structure is used system TopSolid.v.6.15, in combination with the module for FEM analysis TopSolid’CastorXpress. There have been strength calculations in endangered sections, through a combination of classical computational methods, using "Execute standard wizard" and strength - deformation check on Finite element method.
Strategies for organizational growth[Full-Text ] Hassan BasodanAnsoff Matrix is a tool that is used by the organizational executives as a framework to adopt the strategies for the future growth of organization. Under the matrix four strategies includes the Market development, Product development, Market penetration and diversification (Suttle, 2014).
Gillette Product and Marketing[Full-Text ] Waleed BamousaGillette is known worldwide as the most successful and leading provider of shaving care products for men and women since its inception. However, like any other business, it has faced competition in the market since 1962 from companies like Toni Company, Paper Mate Pen Company, and Schick and the Quarter. These companies saw the reluctance by Gillette to invest in research and development as an opportunity to create new products for consumers that fit their needs. An example in case is the development of a four-bladed razor by Schick in 2003, which has turned out to be one of the major competitors for Gillette.
Should Companies Start Monitoring Labor Standards within their Global Supply Chain[Full-Text ] Waleed BamousaThe question seeking to establish whether it is important for companies to monitor their labor standards within the global chain is regularly asked. In this paper, arguments are made in support of the monitoring of labor standards. Labor standards are significant because they set regulations on important aspects in the job market. Such regulations include limitations of child labor, minimum wage, overtime payments, and also on overtime payment. Monitoring, therefore, is important since it ensures that companies work by the law, as well as the set standards. Payment of employees should be stated, and so should the correct manner of hiring individuals. It is also important to ensure that children are not involved in the organizational jobs, so as to protect kids from harm.
Balance as a Principle of Interior Design[Full-Text ] Abrar AlharbiDoes it strike you why some rooms give you an instant calmness and control while others bring out the sense of anxiety and discomfort? Well, the answer is finding the right balance. Balance is may be defined as a psychological sense of equilibrium which places the parts of a visual in a pleasing arrangement. The visual balance in the room provides a sense of repose and a feeling of completion. This paper will discuss balance as an important principle of interior design.
Just In Time Inventory In Operations Management[Full-Text ] Hassan BasodanThe just in time manufacturing is termed as a continuous production systems where movement as well as processing of goods and materials occurred only when they are needed by the organization in small batch forms. Just in Time, methodology is considered as more than just an ordinary inventory system because it is a philosophy where organizations seeks continuous improvements in its processes and products in order to alleviate the quantities of waste. The basic aim or purpose of JIT is the reduction of inefficiencies and wastages, which does not add values to the product of an organization.
Ehealth Efficiency[Full-Text ] Alsaadi BadrThe use of artificial intelligence and robotics in the field of medicines can be both considered a book and a bane. Due to the limitations brought about by the use of artificial intelligence and robotics (generally considered as electronic health or e-health) this paper aims to explain why the world is not yet prepared to have robots and internet to handle their medical concerns.
The future international health service administrator[Full-Text ] Alsaadi BadrHealth service administration is one of the developing professions today. Healthcare is changing more rapidly than almost any other field. Health service professionals analyze and develop programs that protect the health of individuals, families and communities in world. Using education, IT, development of healthy lifestyles, research and program implementation, public health professionals are agents for disease prevention and health promotion.
Resolving Problems of Access Before Technological Concerns: American Healthcare[Full-Text ] ALhassan AlshrifThis paper looks at the prospects of introducing more massive changes in the technologies used in American health provision. But at the same time it focuses on possible issues and hindrances which must be reckoned with before detailing the former.
Mood Disorders[Full-Text ] Ohoud BasoudanA mood disorder- also known as bipolar disorder is a psychological disorder that is caused by the change of a person’s mood. This change can be- either an elevation or lowering. Depression is the negative change of a person’s mood where the person feels that he/she is severely dejected. Indeed, depression is a mood disorder is very common in the American population. The Atlantic Article titled- Social Media is Redefining Depression, is an article that discusses about a girl named Laura who was using the social media to display her “beautiful suffering”. Additionally, according to Bine (2013), it talks about how teenagers are using the social media and specifically Tumbrl to spread horrific images to others. In this regard, the article shows how clinical depression has been confused with the common daily challenges that are happening to teenagers. In the article, fake depressions are being displayed in social media attracting a lot of sympathy and pity. People are using the word depression when they are upset or demoralized about something without understanding the true meaning of the word.
Oil Price and its Impact on Global Economy[Full-Text ] Ahmed AlsubaieThe report highlights the fluctuations occurring in the commodity market relating to crude oil prices. It highlights the reasons behind the major fluctuations being seen in crude oil prices as well as price fluctuation relating to oil that have occurred in the past. Thus, the report also highlights the significance of the free fall in crude oil prices being seen in the present upon the global economy as well as economies of countries that have a great degree of dependency upon the income generated through the export of crude oil. The report also discusses predictions about the future trends in crude oil prices and whether the prices have bottomed out and will stabilize in future whether the volatility in prices shall continue to remain. Thus, a conclusion has been drawn based upon the findings made with regard to crude oil.
Biomechanical characterization of bioceramic composite based on hydroxyapatite and titania nanofibersfor biomedical applications[Full-Text ] Ibrahim. H. M. Aly, Nasser A. M. Barakat, L. Abed Alrahim MohammedHydroxyapatite (HAp) exhibits excellent biocompatibility with soft tissues, making it an ideal candidate for orthopedic applications. However, the low mechanical strength of hydroxyapatite ceramics restricts its use mainly to low load-bearing applications. So, in this study, composite material comprised of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanofibers incorporated with bone derived hydroxyapatite was prepared to investigate the possibility of using it as bone substitute in high load bearing sites. Characteristics of produced materials were explored through physical, mechanical and in vitro studies. It was found that characteristics of the produced glass-ceramic materials clearly showed a marked dependence upon sintering temperature. Composite have superior mechanical features and at the same time, indicates a potential ability to form a new biologically interface with hard tissue and suitability for further investigations intended for medical applications.
What is the Nature of Public Administration?[Full-Text ] Dalal AlajajiThe discipline of public administration has undergone three areas of thinking: Old Public Administration, New Public Management, and the New Public Service. A brief examination to this progression is addressed in the paper by comparing and contrasting the main tenants of each of the schools of thought.
Specifications of the Successful Health Service Administrator[Full-Text ] Alsaadi BadrThe delivery of healthcare services is profession that has been widely acknowledge as an individual career and the success in the rendering of such services has been attributed to the the individual professional. However, in an institution where so many other factors are involved and different practices and disciplines are concerned, the coordination and cooperation each individual element is needed and has to be organized and aimed at one and the same goal. The healthcare services administrator is the centerpoint of such institution. It is a great and noble profession that looks after the efficient delivery of healthcare services while being a highly recognized personal development endeavor.
Global Migration[Full-Text ] Ibrahim AlhadlaqThis research addresses the growth of global migration as will as the causes of it. Moreover, it discusses the disadvantages of global migration, and what obstacles it can cause on businesses and economies. Furthermore, this research provides solutions that might significantly help to decrease such disadvantages.