Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016.
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Effects of Nanosilica Additions on Mechanical Performance of Concrete[Full-Text ] Ms. Sanju Mary Sobichen, Mr. R.Vandhiyan, Dr. E.B. Perumal PillaiThe application of nanotechnology in building materials are gaining wide spread attention in construction field. One of the most referred and used nano materials is nano-silica with particle size in nano range. In this work, the mechanical properties such as Compressive, Flexural, and split tensile strengths together with Young’s modulus of different proportions of nano-silica added concrete were experimentally studied. The workability resulted to be significantly lower than expected due to the interaction between nano-silica and liquid phase of the cement paste. The resulting reduction of workability was avoided by suitable addition of super plasticizer. The strength of the specimens has increased by adding SiO2 nano particles in the mix. SiO2 nano particles can accelerate C-S-H gel formation due to the increased Ca(OH)2 at the early age of hydration and increase the strength of the specimens. Additionally, SiO2 nano particles can able to act as a nano-filler by decreasing the harmful pores. The obtained results showed that an efficient use of nano-silica in concrete can improve its mechanical properties and also an activator to promote pozzolanic reaction.
Comparative Analysis of Neem and Lubricating (85W90) Oils as quenchants on the Mechanical Properties of Shield Metal Arc welded Duplex Stainless Steel[Full-Text ] T. K. Ibrahim, I.U. Leva, I. Iliyasu and D.S. YawasThe study has compared the effects of neem and lubricating (85w90) oils as quenchants on some mechanical properties of shield metal arc welded duplex stainless steel. The results of the studies show that quenching in neem and lubricating (85w90) oils improved some mechanical properties of the alloy after welding like toughness and ductility. The research also shows that the stress relief heat treatment gives better strength compared to those that were quenched in lubricating oil (85W90) and neem oil but the reverse is the case in terms of toughness and ductility. Finally the results indicated that quenching in lubricating oil gives better mechanical properties compare to the neem oil.
Computer-Aided Design using New Algorithms for nth Order Chebyshev Digital Filter[Full-Text ] Haider Fakher Radhi Al-SaidyThis paper describes new algorithms for constructing the transfer function of the nth order Chebyshev digital LPF using the cascade combination of second order and first order digital filters. Using computer-aided design with new algorithms for collecting z-domain transfer function of (conjugate poles and single real pole) can be achieved. Linear programing for performing the collection of cascade combination is used to create C++ program for above requirements. The algorithms are very fast, flexible , and exact. Users of the program can achieve design of different sampling frequency, cut-off frequency, magnitude of passband ripple , and order of Chebyshev digital LPF with very high flexibility.
Genetically Modified Organisms[Full-Text ] Pakize Ozlem KURT POLAT, Koksal YAGDIGMO (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. This technology include; nucleic acid hybridization, recombinant DNA, RNA, PCR, cell culture and gene cloning techniques. The studies are divided into three groups of properties transferred to the transgenic plant. Up to 59% herbicide resistance characteristic of the transfer, 28% resistance to insects and the virus seems to be related to quality characteristics of 13%. Transgenic crops are not included in the commercial production of each product, mostly commercial plant is soybean, maize, canola and cotton.
Scenario of Diabetic Retinopathy[Full-Text ] T. Janani Priya, Dr. Savithri VNearly 80% of the population in India affected with Diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic Retinopathy is an eye condition that affects people with diabetes who have high blood glucose, or sugar, over a prolonged period of time. The objective of this study is to detect diabetic retinopathy in early stage by applying systematic approach by inputing fundus image, converting image into gray-scale and enhancement of the image. Extraction of retinal features through edge detection techniques. Dilation and erosion method is applied for extracting exudates. Detects abnormal retinal features using match features template. This technique helps to accurate analysis of the severity of proliferated disease. This helps the opthalmologist to diagnose the stages of disease severity.
Performance Analysis of TCP Variants[Full-Text ] Archit MathurTCP is considered as a reliable source for end-to-end delivery of packets under congestion. In this paper, we have used NS-2 to simulate different TCP variants on a simple network topology and analyzes their performance based on throughput, packet drop rate, and latency. We compare Tahoe, Reno, NewReno and Vegas to analyze their performance under congestion and fairness between them. We have also studied the influence of queuing disciplines DropTail and Random Early Drop (REM) on TCP SACK and Reno.
Application of Geometric Process for Generalized Exponential Distribution in Accelerated Life Testing with complete data[Full-Text ] Ahmadur Rahman, Showkat Ahmad Lone, Intekhab AlamIn this paper geometric process is used for the analysis of accelerated life testing under constant stress for the Generalized Exponential Distribution using complete data. By assuming that approach the lifetimes of units under increasing stress levels form a geometric process, the maximum likelihood estimation approached is used for the estimation of parameters. In order to get the asymptotic variance of the ML estimators, the Fisher information matrix is constructed. The asymptotic interval estimates of the parameters are then obtained by using this asymptotic variance. In the last, a simulation study is performed to illustrate the statistical properties of the parameters and the confidence intervals.
A Novel Approach for Security Enhancement and Efficient Data Recovery in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] J.Velmurugan, S.Aadhithyan, T.NaveenkumarCloud Computing is a set of services and resources always offered only through internet. Here the services are always provided from the database throughout the world. In other words or simply cloud computing can be defined in simple words as service providing through internet. But the main drawback of this concept is that the security is really on the lower side as all the encryption or the decryption is done by the agent himself. This means that he has access to the vendors account at any time leaving the account holder vulnerable to all interior attacks. This paper mainly concentrates on these interior attacks where the service provider himself cannot access the account even in case of emergency without the vendors permission.
A Performance Improvement of Load Balancing and its Status Evaluation in Public Cloud[Full-Text ] Miss. Karuna Bakde, Prof.B.M.PatilLoad Balancing is one of the main challenges in cloud computing which is required the distributed the dynamic workload across multiple nodes to ensure that no single node is overloaded. Load Balancing in the cloud computing environment has an important impact on the performance. Good load balancing makes cloud computing more efficient and responsive. In this paper introduces a better load balance model for public cloud based on cloud partitioning concept with a switch mechanism for different situations to resolve the issue of load balancing in public cloud computing.
SDN – Networking Of The Future[Full-Text ] Vijayakumar R H, Beena B MHigh bandwidth in information and communication technologies are commanding new challenges to future network. The management of these networks has also become difficult. Traditional approaches for manual configuration of devices are cumbersome and error-prone. The emergence of software defined networking has become one of the most promising solutions for future network. SDN offers centralized control, reduced complexity and decrease in capital and operational costs. In this paper we provide an overview of SDN, architecture underlying SDN, and also explore SDN with an emphasis on benefits, future trends and challenges that must be overcome to move forward.
Leveraging In-Memory Computations for Climate Analytics[Full-Text ] Roshni P, Surekha Mariam VargheseBig-data analysis entered a new way for climate analytics using real time data. Variations or changes in the weather can be continuously monitored and analysed using big data techniques. Identifying the heavy thunderstorms from satellite data can prevent hazardous situations. And they are also important for climate and agricultural studies. The cloud elements that cause heavy thunderstorms are observed from infrared satellite data. These features are identified on infrared satellite data via their cloud size, shape and temperature. The cloud elements that cause thunderstorms are identified using graph automated theory called Grab ‘em Tag’ em Graph ‘em method. The specified method is parallelized in the system to improve the performance by handling enormous amount of data and their performance against conventional identification system is also performed.
Compensating Transaction Modelling for Web Services[Full-Text ] Darsana C.S., Dr. Surekha Mariam VargheseTypical e-business transactions are Long transactions, or long-running transactions in nature. It always costs a long time, maybe one hour, one day, or longer, hereby the relative resources may be locked for a long time. An E-business transaction involves a number of partners, and comprises many failure points. In the web service environment, long transactions always take a long time to finish, which demands more resources that often keep the database item locked for a long time. This would bring down the performance of the transaction processing system. To deal with this issue the transactions are divided into sub transactions and executed independently. If one sub transaction failed and others are committed, the system needs to roll back other sub transactions. However rollbacks of committed transactions are not possible. The solution is to be a compensating transaction with reverse effects. This will improve the system efficiency by avoiding resources being locked for a long duration. When building a business process, most of the time spent in dealing failure points. No guidelines are available to deal with this issue. The objective of this project is to design compensation activities for an online shopping website, which is implemented as a web service. A resource-event-agent (REA)-based value modeling, is used for this purpose. It focuses on the resources, exchanged or transformed during a business activity, providing a useful metaphor to think about compensation. A three-step compensation design approach, implemented with the help of triggers is followed.
A Task Scheduling Algorithm Based on Task Length and Deadline in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Arnav Wadhonkar, Deepti ThengThe cloud computing is the bunch of computing resources which are delivered as a service to the customer or multiple tenants over the internet. The task scheduling is the very important part of a cloud computing. The task scheduling mainly focuses on enhancing the efficient utilization of resources and hence reduction in task completion time. Task scheduling is used to distribute specific tasks to certain resources at a particular time. Different approaches have been presented to overcome the problems of task scheduling. Task scheduling improves the efficient utilization of resource and yields less response time. Task scheduling helps to reduce the completion time of the tasks.
Energy of Fuzzy Labeling Graph [EFl(G)]- Part I[Full-Text ] S.Vimala and A.NagaraniIn this paper, we introduced energy of fuzzy labeling graph and its denoted by [EFl(G)]. We extend the concept of fuzzy labeling graph to the energy of fuzzy labeling graph [EFl(G)]. This result tried for some fuzzy labeling graphs such as butterfly graph, book graph, wheel graph, caterpillar graph, theta graph, Hamiltonian circuit graph , K_(2 ) J (K_2 ) ¯ graph, K_(3 ) J (K_(3 ) ) ¯ graph and studied the characters.
SAFEGUARDING PRIVACY IN BIG Data[Full-Text ] Dr. D. USHAEnhanced connectivity and computing power, as well as increased uptake of big data technologies, not only provide opportunities for organizations but also give rise to new challenges in terms of privacy and security. Their degree introduced by analytics vary depending on the kind of processed data. Though gathering and processing of vast amounts of data is not new, the speed of processing is new. Big data is currently a major topic of discussion across many areas like scientific research, national security, government data and management. Public and private sectors use big data analytics as even long running queries are now be resolved in a tenth of a second with terabytes of directly addressable RAM. Data streaming from various sources is mostly impersonal, but the digital economy’s increasing reliance on trade of personal information is an issue. There is fear that these growing markets may infringe individual's rights to privacy and not protect their data. A record seven administrative proceedings and actions were taken by the Federal Trade Commission in 2014 [1], as contending companies failed to provide appropriate security for consumers’ personal information. These stimulated discussions between policy makers, regulators and specialists across these policy areas. The challenge is in identifying data collection that violates privacy. This paper proposes a few guidelines on privacy protection big data.
Graphical Calculation of First and Follow sets of a Grammar[Full-Text ] Dr. ASR Murty, Mr. Maria Navin J RThis paper describes a graphical method for computation of First and Follow sets of non terminals of a grammar. First and Follow sets play an important role during syntax analysis with LL and LR parsers. Calculation of First and Follow sets by traditional methods can be tedious and error prone. Though First and Follow calculation is not new, the way it is represented graphically is very much useful to a beginner for understanding the concept. In order to solve this problem a graphical method to obtain First and Follow sets is proposed in this paper. We also perform a check on the correctness of First and Follow with the representation of derivations and a study on the role of associativity for operators is presented.
Image Hiding Using Lifting Wavelet Transform [Full-Text ] Ahlam majead Kadum, Dr. Saad Najim Al-SaadHigh security technique and high embedding capacity speech steganography system based on integer-to-Integer Lifting Wavelet Transform (Int2Int LWT) is proposed. Two levels of Int2Int LWT are performed and least significant bits (LSB) used to replace bits of color image in the coefficient of detail sub-band1 and detail sub-band2. Image data is encrypted by using chaotic key generation (CKG) to rearrange pixels positions. Also two chaotic keys are used as secret keys in embedding stage. The proposed method offers lossless and unnoticeable changes in the contents of the speech file and imperceptible by human auditory system (HAS). It is possible to use speech signal as channel to send any secret message between two persons for the purpose of secret communication with good security.
What are the four major dimensions of the culture studied by Geert Hosted? What is the cultural profile of the United States and Mexico?[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman AlswaidanA small power distance culture has a tendency to keep up moral obligation a self-governance. A determinant of an overall population's motivation presentation: a manly culture underscores status got from pay rates and position; a femininity culture underlines on human relations and individual fulfillment. United States has high Individualism (IDV) situating that shows overall population with high individualistic perspective and decently flexibility of expression. The United States has Dimension of Masculinity (MAS) with a situating of 62. The men govern a basic piece of the expansive range group and constrain arrangement. Power Distance is the measurement with the most lessened (40) situating for the United States. Instability Avoidance (UAI) Dimension for the US with a situating of 46 which has feeble situating. Mexico's most hoisted Hofstede Dimension is Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) (82), speaking to the wide range low resistance for frailty. As a result of high Uncertainty Avoidance trademark, the expansive range open doesn't rapidly perceive change and is amazingly hazardous removed. Mexico has a low Individualism (IDV) situating (30). The expansive range open develops tried and true connections where everybody assumes liability for persons from their group. This mirrors the general public encounters a more elevated amount of sexual orientation division.
What are the differences among the traditional, interactionist, and managed-conflict views of conflict?[Full-Text ] Rawaf KhaiyatIn any organization in the world there are many different people from different places and has different personalities. Also, they have differences between their opinions, views and values. In this paper I am going to focus on the differences among the traditional, interactionusit, and managed-conflict views of conflict. This will help to put the right person in the right workplace.