Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2015.
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Using Statistics to Understand Extreme Values with Application to Hydrology[Full-Text ] Akanni O.O., Fantola J.O. and Ojedokun J.PEnvironmental issues are extremely important to human existence. These issues vary from various pollution levels to climate change. They bring hazardous impacts to man in both developed and developing countries most especially when extreme cases are experienced. These extreme cases are more dangerous in developing countries than in developed countries due to inadequate monitoring research and projection. It is therefore necessary that we quantify these extreme changes in environmental problems statistically; these efforts will be tailored towards achieving sustainability using the appropriate statistical methodologies.
Continuous Water Distribution Network Analysis Using Geo-informatics Technology and EPANET in Gandhinagar City, Gujarat state, India[Full-Text ] Brinda H. Dave, Gargi Rajpara, Ajay Patel and Manik H. KalubarmeIn the present study, the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) LISS-IV data covering Gandhinagar city was analyzed for understanding the road transport network, study area and various infrastructure in the city. CARTOSAT Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data and LISS-IV data were used to generate 3-D visualization image of LISS-IV image of Gandhinagar city. The specific objective of this study was effective planning, development of water distribution network and water distribution system analysis using EPANET software. For this analysis, the present data of water distribution system was acquired from Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation (GMC), Road and Building Department and Town Planning Department, Govt. of Gujarat, Gandhinagar. The population forecast of Gandhinagar City for next three decades was carried out using three methods namely, Arithmetic Increase Method, Geometric Increase Method and Incremental Increase Method. The water demand for next three decades for the estimated population was also carried out. The Google Earth Image of Gandhinagar city was downloaded and the elevation of nodes, length of pipe was recorded for 285 nodes and equal number of pipes. These data was used in EPANET Software for analysis of pressure, head loss and elevation. This analysis resulted in pressure and elevation at various nodes and head loss at various pipes. The results of data analysis in EPANET Software indicated that there is less head loss which is very essential for continuous pressure required for continuous water supply system in Sector-8, Gandhinagar.
A Proposed Clustered Knowledge Management Development Framework (CKMD)[Full-Text ] Nahla Bishri, Sally Elghamrawy, Ali EldesoukiKnowledge Management (KM) is a paradigm that seeks to improve the organization performance by maintaining and leveraging the present and future value of knowledge assets. Knowledge management is not a single paradigm but it is an integration of fields of study. This paper provides a framework for enhancing knowledge management performance using clustered knowledge base. This clustered knowledge management framework (CKMD) may help in the development of KM as we divided the framework into five main phases, each phase consists of sub modules explaining the entire processes in the module. This partitioning is useful for increasing the specificity of the framework as each module will have its separate tasks and algorithms. In addition this framework has the ability to cluster the knowledge extracted, which will help in knowledge utilization process to make decisions.
Resource Allocation in Project Scheduling application of GA[Full-Text ] CH. Lakshmi Tulasi, A. Ramakrishna RaoThis paper presents the Genetic algorithm as a potential method for estimating the weightages of the activities for the multiple resources. Project network is taken as an example to explain. A linear equation formulation is used to find the weightages of the activities by GA involved in the project network. Using the weightages of the activities of the network rank the activities, scheduling the activities and obtaining the project duration for the network.
Pathway analysis tools: a comparative study over the generations[Full-Text ] Dhusia Kalyani, Rizvi Ahsan Z and Ramteke Pramod WPathway analysis has become the most popular choice for gaining insight into the underlying biology of differentially expressed genes and proteins, as it reduces complications and has increased descriptive power. Curators of the metabolic pathway database work to present this information in an easily understandable pathway-based framework. Curators are required to define pathway limitations and classify pathways within a limts of pathway ontology to maximize the utility of the pathways to both researchers and the pathway prediction software. These apparently effortless tasks pose several challenges. This review describes these challenges as well as the criteria that need to be considered, and the rules that have been developed by these curators as they make decisions regarding the representation and classification of metabolic pathway information in different pathway analysis tools.
S-Curve Analysis of a Monopulse RADAR Receiver to find its Tracking Zone[Full-Text ] Vishal Das, Debasish Bhaskar, Rabindranath BeraThis paper is now catering for development and modeling of Monopulse RADAR having capability of collision avoidance and also helps driver to track the other vehicle with the help of PCM (Phase-Comparison Monopulse). The operation is based on tracking the passing vehicle and is also modeled having the capability to measure the bearing angle of the passing vehicles. Tracking of one vehicle to another is very complex due to the environment; this tracking can be done with the help of Monopulse antenna pattern and utilizing this Monopulse sum & difference channel signals. Out of the difference and sum channel samples, the angle error can be generated which can be used in ADAS.
Data Fusion in WSNs: Architecture, Taxonomy, Evaluation of Techniques, and Challenges[Full-Text ] Marwah Almasri and Khaled ElleithyIn WSNs, the most critical issue is energy consumption as sensor nodes have limited resources. The sensors collect data from the environment where they can fail due to variations in pressure, temperature, and electromagnetic noise. All these can result in misleading readings and measurements where a lot of energy is consumed. Therefore, data fusion is used to overcome these challenges as it assures the accuracy and the efficiency of gathered data, and eliminates data redundancy which results in saving power, thus improving the overall network performance. This paper provides a survey of research related to the data fusion domain to explore many aspects of data fusion in terms of architecture, taxonomy, and techniques and methods. It also evaluates and compares these techniques as it investigates the advantages and the drawbacks of each, and emphasizes the applicability of these techniques in the WSN domain. Finally, it presents the data fusion challenges in WSNs.
Quad Band Triangular Ring Slot Antenna[Full-Text ] Sekhar M, Chaturvedi T, Siddaiah PA single layer single patch Quad band triangular ring slot antenna, with linear polarization is proposed which is most suitable for X-band, Ku-band and K-band applications. Impedance bandwidths of 5.56 %, 12.74 %, 11.11% and 3.81% were achieved at central frequencies 8.1 GHz, 15 GHz, 19.22 GHz and 22.77 GHz, with gains of 6.01 dB, 4.20 dB, 4.67 dB and 6.74 dB, respectively. This antenna is made by cutting a triangular ring slot in a triangular patch. The structure has the following advantages: (1) the feed is simple, (2) the antenna has single layer, (3) the structure of the antenna is simple, (4) the antenna is inexpensive. All the simulations are been performed by using commercial electromagnetic software HFSS.
Network Mobility in Intelligent Transportation System[Full-Text ] K. AarthiWith a rapid development of the mobile technologies, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) plays an important role in shaping the future ways of Transport Sector and Mobile Networks. To maintain the Internet connectivity of a cluster (group) of nodes in ITS, whereas the Network Mobility Basic Support (NEMO BS) is adopted as a mobility management protocol for the moving Networks. Even though NEMO BS provides mobility for Mobile Network Nodes (MNNs) in a moving network, Mobile Router (MR) need to participate in mobility signaling but packet loss in NEMO increases dramatically during the handover. Enhanced FMIPv6 based on NEMO (EfNEMO) is an efficient fast handover scheme significantly diminishes the tunneling burden and handover latency. In this paper, we proposed EfNEMO is used to reduce the tunneling and handover latency of the data. It also includes the analysis of data packet cost and data packet loss. In addition, the Greedy interference Avoidance algorithm is used to reduce the interference occurs during the data packet transmission. This algorithm works depends on codeword matrices and it is formed by using iterative method. The experimental results show that our greedy algorithm technique provides a well-defined vehicular environment suitable to avoid the interference in mobility.
Evaluation of Testing Procedure for Dynamic Modulus of Asphalt Concrete[Full-Text ] Akhtar Ali MalikThe strength of asphalt concrete can be measured in terms of its dynamic modulus that is appropriate for structures subjected to earthquake and impact loading caused by both the moving vehicles and aircraft’s. Presently a large number of testing procedures are available for calculating the dynamic modulus of asphalt concrete. All these procedures are evaluated in this paper.
A Model for Compressive Strength of Concrete by Using Cylindrical Samples of 4 x 8 Inch[Full-Text ] Akhtar Ali MalikCompressive strength (Fc) of concrete is an important strength parameters used in the design of many civil engineering structures. For its evaluation a large number of testing procedures are available. Among them compressive strength test described in ASTM C39-86 recommends 6*12 inch cylindrical samples, which need more material and are difficult to handle as well. In order to overcome this difficulty, the effect of sample size on Fc was investigated and a prediction equation developed that replaces the use of 6*12 inch samples with 4*8 inch samples.
Cost Optimization of Abrasive water jet CNC water filtration Process by Using Self proposed Technique[Full-Text ] Mohd Nadeem Khan, Shahnawz AlamAbrasive Water jet machining is a non conventional metal removal process as well as one of the best manufacturing processes suitable for machining on very hard material. The objective of experimental investigation is to practical optimization of water purification techniques, which is the main problem, by which the maintenance time increases which directly affect the productivity of the shop floor. The problem is focused on The water is used from ground water by submersible techniques, the water from ground is not in good condition it contain many impurities so here we have to purified the water by RO filtration plant which is installed in the setup. The main objective is here before supplying the purified water to the machine it is again filter by specified inbuilt filter which costs are too high and its life is too much low as 40-50 machine hours maximum and it is imported by machine manufacturer abroad most of the time due to which the productivity is affected.In this context we had used some conventional filter setup before these inbuilt filters by which the filters life will improve and which will results to increase the productivity. In this context the cost benefits are also compared.
Economic Analysis of a Computer System with Software Up-Gradation and Priority to Hardware Repair over Hardware Replacement Subject to Maximum Operation and Repair Times[Full-Text ] Ashish Kumar, Monika S. Barak & S.C.MalikThe main objective of this paper is to make economic analysis of a computer system of two identical units- one is operative and other is kept as cold standby. In each unit h/w and s/w fails independently directly from normal mode. There is a single server who visits the system immediately to conduct preventive maintenance, h/w repair, h/w replacement and s/w up-gradation. The preventive maintenance of the system is carried out after a maximum operation time. If repair of the h/w is not possible by the server up to a pre-specific time (called Maximum Repair Time), it is replaced by new one with some replacement time. However, s/w up-gradation is made whenever s/w fails to meet out the desired function properly. Priority to h/w repair is given only over h/w replacement. The failure time of h/w and s/w follow negative exponential distribution while the distributions of preventive maintenance, h/w repair, h/w replacement and s/w up-gradation times are taken as arbitrary with different probability density functions. Graphs are drawn for a particular case to show the behaviour of MTSF, availability and profit function with preventive maintenance rate and fixed values of other parameters.
Autism Child Survey and Discussion[Full-Text ] Ramya,Dr.SavithriLearning disability (Dyslexia) is a neurological disorder. It affects the brains ability to receive process, store, respond to and communicate information. It is a language based disability in which a person has trouble understanding written words. It may also be referred to as reading disability or reading disorder. Some states and schools do not allow the term dyslexia to be used to describe a student’s reading difficulties. Our dyslexia information statistics tells us that 70 – 80% of people with poor reading skills across the world. In India 12 million children were affected from dyslexia. This paper presents a brief overview of dyslexiaand how it affects the population by adopting Artificial Neural Network techniques which has been appliedsuccessfully to solve problems in numerous fields. This methodology helps to identify and diagnosis problem using Artificial Neural Networks.
Effects of prestress on a hyperelastic, anisotropic and compressible tube[Full-Text ] Dr Edouard DioufWe consider a hyperelastic, compressible, prestress and circular tube subjected to finite torsion and axial stretch. The mechanical response of the material is describes by an Ogden strain energy function with unidirectional reinforcement. The nonlinear equations governing the boundary problem are solved numerically by using the Runge-Kutta method. The effects of the prestress on the stress distributions are presented and permit to study a prototype vascular prosthesis of small diameter.
Study the Increasing of the Cantilever Plate Stiffness by Using Stiffeners[Full-Text ] Jawdat Ali Yakoob, Iesam Jondi HasanThe present work is aimed to study the static bending analysis of the rectangular cantilever plate with different shaped stiffeners. The rectangular thin plate is considered and its deflection due to acting load at the free tip is simulated by static analysis using FEM and (ANSYS) software then compared with exact analysis. The analysis is performed for the rectangular plates with different cross-section area stiffeners. The stiffeners area added to the plate area, or the cross section area of the plate with and without stiffeners kept constant to keep the plate weight constant. The plate and stiffeners assumed to be as rigid coupling. The static deflection is performed for different geometries of stiffeners. The boundary conditions for all plates considered as cantilever plate.
In Silico Interaction Analysis of Intracranial Pressure Reducing Agent Mannitol and its Derivatives with Human Serum Albumin[Full-Text ] Usman Sayeed, Qazi Mohd. Sajid Jamal, M. Salman Khan, Gulshan Wadhwa, Mohd.Haris Siddiqui and Salman AkhtarThere is no specific treatment for Japanese encephalitis and treatment is supportive; with assistance given for feeding, breathing or seizure control as required. The recent data reported that mannitol (MNT) diluted into the human serum reduce the intracranial pressure, which may be effective in intracranial pressure management. Therefore, the present study was designed to find out the molecular interaction of mannitol with human serum albumin (HSA). Docking results showed that mannitol was efficiently bounded with HSA. HSA Pdb Id: 1E7H docked with Mannitol like Compounds DB00742, DB03955, DB04733, and DB03206 was -6.65 Kcal/Mol. -5.46 Kcal/Mol.and -4.54 Kcal/Mol and -6.02 Kcal/Mol, respectively. The Study reveals that in silico approach can easily explore the molecular interaction of mannitol with HSA and it will lead to understand the binding pattern of mannitol with HSA.
SIMULINK Model of PV array with MPPT using Cuk converter[Full-Text ] Ramyaka Sammangi, Raghunadha Sastry R, Sambasiva Rao NSolar energy is most useful for sustainable development. The efficiency of Photovoltaic array will be maximum if it is operated at maximum power point (MPP). The output of Photovoltaic array is depends on temperature and irradiation levels so it is difficult to track MPP.Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) is an algorithmic technique that tracks MPP and force the PV array to operate at its maximum power point. In this paper we focuses on improving Perturb and Observe (P&O) and Incremental Conductance method of MPPT techniques by eliminating its drawbacks like oscillations at maximum power point, complexity . A general model of Photovoltaic system with proposed MPPT controller and Cuk converter is implemented on Matlab and a comparision between proposed P&O and Incremental Conductance MPPT techniques under constant and variable irradiation levels is done, which proves that Incremental Conductance MPPT algorithm is robust and efficient for changing irradiation conditions and P&O is simple and efficient technique for constant irradiation condition.
Synchronizing the fractional-order Genesio-Tesi chaotic system using Adaptive control[Full-Text ] Parisa Salehyan Rad, Maedeh Nikdadian, Dr. M.BahadorzadehIn this paper, we address chaos control and synchronization problems of a chaotic system. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory and adaptive theory, the adaptive control law is derived such that the trajectory of the chaotic system with unknown parameters can be globally stabilized to an unstable equilibrium point of the uncontrolled system. Meanwhile, an adaptive control approach is presented to the synchronization between two identical chaotic systems. It is shown in detail that the chaos control and synchronization phenomena of this 3D chaotic system can be realized by designing suitable adaptive control laws. In addition, numerical examples are presented to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the theoretical analysis
Enhancement of SMIB Performance Using Robust Controller[Full-Text ] N.Siva Mallikarjuna Rao, B.V.HarithaThis paper represents the use of Robust stabilisation technique to enhance the performance of Single Machine connected to Infinite bus. H∞ loop shaping Technique is used for the analysis and the controller is developed for the same. The order of the controller obtained is high and thus, model order reduction technique is used to reduce the computational effort. The results are compared with the conventional Power system stabilizer.
Rheological Study of Fillers used in PVC Plastisol for Industrial Applications[Full-Text ] Bhasha, Parul Malik, Purnima Jain and Abhijit BaruahRheological tests (Study of flow) are used widely to evaluate functional coatings in terms of their properties and performance Fillers have long been recognized as useful additives for thermoplastics and particularly in PVC for many applications due to its low cost and good mechanical properties. Ground calcium carbonate is generally used as filler with an interesting ratio performance and price; it improves physical properties, Impact strength (Particularly at low temperature). In this paper,we are concerned with the rheological properties of effect of fillers of different grades prepared with plastisizer DOP-Dioctylerepthalate (1:1 ratio)by using Stirrer.Flow behaviour is characterized by using different panels which are used in automobile applications viscosity is measured by using BF-Viscometer,spindle#7 ,study of matuaration time of fillers by using cone and plate Shear rheometer by Anton Paar and study of srtructure recovery of fillers using Three Interval Thixotropy Test (3IT). Thus,conclusion can be drawn that The viscosity of thixotropic materials does not follow the same path on structure breakdown and recovery. If modulus is high which is calculated by slope ,material is highly rigid ,it means less flexible like WSPT is very less flexible , but there will be the chances of gel formation, hence CCR 501 will be the best filler,it can be used according to the automotive applications. For PVC, the material whose viscosity is decreasing when high shear rate is applied is preferred like UBC (Under Body Coating) in automotive applications. A better understanding of the factors affecting the behavior of Plastisol will go a long way in changing the art of Plastisol formulation to a science.
A Comparative Study of a Novel Coarse to Fine Automatic Image Registration using MS-SIFT & SIFT[Full-Text ] Sneha Anne Jacob, Soumya Sara KoshyAutomatic image registration is a challenging task, especially for remote sensing images. Image registration is a process for finding the precise match between two images of the same scene, taken at the same or different times, using same or different sensors, and from the same or different viewpoints. It is very important to have a registration approach which is fast, accurate, and robust in nature. For this purpose, a novel method for automatic image registration is required. This method consists of a coarse registration step and a fine-tuning step. To begin with, coarse registration step is implemented by the mode-seeking scale-invariant feature transform (MS-SIFT) .The method presented in this paper exploits the fact that each SIFT feature is associated with a scale, orientation, and position to perform mode seeking to remove outlier keypoints inorder to enhance the registration results, hence the name Mode Seeking SIFT (MS-SIFT) .
Calculation of Nodal Pricing with Rescheduling of Generators in Deregulated Power System[Full-Text ] M.Bharathi, J.Srinivasa RaoThe main objective of deregulation is to create competitive environment between producers and consumers. The transmission congestion is one of the technical problems that particularly appear in the deregulated power system. If congestion is not managed we face the problems of electricity price improvement, security and stability problems. Congestion relief can be handled using FACTS device such as TCSC and with the optimal power flow, where electricity price will be reduced. These FACTS devices are optimally placed on transmission system using Sensitivity approach method. The proposed methods are carried out on IEEE 14 bus system by using power world simulator 17 software.
Automated GSR Based GSM Secuirity System[Full-Text ] Srijeet ChatterjeeTodays world improved security system is a huge demand.. Few of the security systems which are highly developed are very costly and is difficult to use.Common people have no access to such kinds of powerful security systems.Most of banks in the developing countries use very poor kind of security system for their lockers .It is realy a necessity to develop an easily affordable but highly powerful security system.
An Efficient Mobile Voting System Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography[Full-Text ] Monali Shetty, Priyali Patil, Akshita Gandotra, Shivam MishraThe wide-spread use of mobile devices has made it possible to develop mobile voting system as a complement to the existing electronic voting system. Mobile voting systems have the potential to improve traditional voting procedures by providing added convenience and flexibility to the voter. Voter's casted vote is protected using enhanced system security which is based on Elliptical curve cryptography scheme. Most of the Cryptographic Techniques used in many of the devices has certain limitations which make them less effective and secure. In this paper, we propose Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC) as the secure alternative for other less effective cryptographic techniques.
Performance Comparison of A 8X8 Array of SRAM Cells Designed Using Mtcmos and FinFET[Full-Text ] Nilesh DidwaniaThe down scaling of conventional CMOS has made power consumption a matter of serious concern today. The reduction in channel length results in interaction of the depletion widths of the source and drain in MOSFETs, thereby inducing faster carrier transport and hence, larger off state currents. Hence, the gate loses control on the channel. This leakage contributes significantly to static power dissipation especially when lower technology nodes are used. This motivates the need of introducing an additional gate which has improved control on the channel. One such double gate device extensively under research today is the FinFET, which is believed to be a promising candidate for replacing conventional CMOS devices to address the issue of sub-threshold leakage.