Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2015.
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Compensator for Optimum Hard Disk Drive Read/Write Head Positioning and Control.[Full-Text ] Christian C. Mbaocha, Alfred E. Onuora, Chimezirim O. AliworomMost modern day digital computers possess high speed data storage and retrieval capabilities due to fast processing speed of the microprocessors. Internal and external data storage devices in such present time computers are expected to have a corresponding speed of operation to ensure optimum performance of the computer. One of the most important internal storage devices nowadays is the Hard Disk Drive. A Hard Disk Drive requires fast and accurate data reading and writing in order to meet the data storage requirements of a digital computer. This cannot be achieved without an accurate and suitable automatic control of the hard disk drive read/write head positioning system. This paper investigates the data storage precision and efficiency of a hard disk drive read/write head positioning system. An attempt has been made to design a suitable feedback control system for optimal performance. Moreover, an appropriate compensator that ensures an optimum control of the movements of a hard disk drive read/write head with 0.1 percent overshoot, 0.2 second settling time and a rise time less than 5 seconds to a unit step input has been achieved.
Accurate Registration for Low Resolution Images using Wavelet Neural Networks: A Novel Approach[Full-Text ] Liyakathunisa, C.N. Ravi KumarAccurate registration of multiple low resolution images is of central importance in many advanced image processing applications, since capturing of multiple low-resolution images taken of the same scene results in a distortion between each image. Image super-resolution is a typical application where the quality of the super-resolved image is degraded as registration errors increase. In this paper, we have proposed a Wavelet Neural Network (WNN) based image registration, where we are estimating the relative rotation, translation and shift between the observed images and the reference image. We are able to obtain an accurate registration which is very much essential for super resolution image reconstruction. Experimental results shows that the proposed approach is superior when compared to Fourier based registration. Fourier based registration works only for clean images, i.e. images without any degradation, where as our proposed WNN based registration works for severally, degraded images viz. blur and noise.
DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF THEFT PROOF VEHICLE USING BRAKE SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Leo samson rebello.R, Keerthiga.M, Mahendran.C, Kathirvel.DThe rate of car robbery are being increased rapidly now a days and to avoid car theft a model is fabricated in car with the use of car braking system. When the owner from the vehicle locks the car the brakes are also locked by using additional key by which the brakes are applied on all 4 wheels and the movement of the car is fully arrested. When anyone car tries to break into car, the car does not move as its motion is fully locked and it cannot be tow also.In regular car braking system, there will be a tandem cylinder from which brake oil is applied in all four wheels through brake lines. In theft proofing braking system, T-joint is introduced on all four brake lines and by passed the brake oil to another tandem cylinder. So from that brake can be operated. The piston of another cylinder is pushed by using rack and pinion mechanism which is operated by electronic circuit.
Design and Optimization of Next Generation Automated Electronic Medical Expert Systems[Full-Text ] Hariprasad, Anirudh.A, Harish.SThe necessity of human needs expands exponentially with every second taht engrosses. The ease of using human-like intelligent and expert systesm in day-to-day activities is on the verge of becoming a must.
An Approach to Convert Non-Grammatical Words to Grammatical Words to Extract Sentiments using Lexicon Analysis[Full-Text ] Harmeet kaur, Abhishek TyagiWe use a lexicon based approach for discovering sentiments. Our lexicon is built from tokenization taxonomy consists of positive, negative, neutral phrases. A typical tweet contains word variations, emoticons, hash tags etc. We use preprocessing steps such as stemming, emoticon detection and normalization, exaggerated word shortening and hash tag detection.
Comparative Study of Some Virulence Factors Between Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium Isolated From Different Clinical Specimens in Najaf hospitals /Iraq[Full-Text ] Hani Hassan JubairForty two of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium obtained from various clinical specimens were identification by using vitek-2 compact system. The presence and compared of virulence factors as gelatinase, biofilm, capsule and other factor among different clinical isolates was also study. The results showed E. faecalis the high percentage (68%) in comparison with E. faecium ( 21%) and other Enterococcus species (11%) from total clinical samples. E. faecalis strains produce 81.3, 59.3 and 25% of biofilm, protease and gelatinase, respectively, as compared to 50, 10 and 10% produce by the E. faecium strains, respectively.
Impact of breaker failure on stability electricity power transmission system[Full-Text ] Jitendra Singh RajputThis paper presents the impact of substation breaker failure operation on system transient stability and the ways to enhance post-fault transient characteristics. Power System Analysis Simulation Package (PSASP) software is used to stimulate the circuit breaker failure operation in 220KV or 500KV substations. By stimulating all the possible line faults and their corresponding breaker failure conditions in Liaoning electric power grid, breakers that are most likely to cause system transient unstable are researched. Reasons of transient problems are speculated and implied, using equal area criterion. Different transient characteristics led by various fault types are compared. Also, measures that could help improve system transient stability are introduced and compared. Furthermore, a new method which is integrating Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation (TCSC) to the grid weak points is stimulated and verified. Results show that it could reduce generator angle fluctuation significantly.
Review Paper On Human Emotion Detection By Hybrid And Active Appearance Techniques[Full-Text ] Vidit Desai, Rahul Jain, Anshul Sethi, Supriya AgrawalIn modern human computer interaction systems, human emotion recognition is becoming an important feature. In various papers they propose a new and different method for automatic recognition of facial expressions related to categories of basic emotions from image data. The techniques that are presented involves the creation of an active appearance model (AAM) which is trained on face images from a publicly available database to represent shape and texture variation key to expression recognition. The results of the study demonstrates the effectiveness and use of AAMs in capturing the important facial structure for expression identification and also help suggest a framework for future development. The other techniques these papers presents is a novel approach for the detection of emotions using the cascading of Mutation Bacteria Foraging optimization and Adaptive Median Filter in highly corrupted noisy environment. The proposed method uses cascading of MBFO & AMF for the removal of noise and Neural Networks by which emotions are classified.
A Neighbor Discovery Approach for Cognitive Radio Network Using intersect Sequence Based Channel Rendezvous[Full-Text ] Tahmina Akter, Md. Delwar Hossain, Md. Rafiqul IslamIn wireless networking, The cognitive is efficient manner to bandwidth utilization. But rendezvous is the most important issue for two or more users on a common channel to establish data communication. Neighbor discovery is a critical task in cognitive radio ad hoc networks, since the secondary users operate on available channels which are dynamically changing according to the primary users activities. It can possible to communicate by using three well known mechanisms. First of all common control channel, second channel hopping procedure and broadcasting. All of these introduce few particular problems. But channel hopping procedure is able to reduce various kind of problem such as hidden terminal problem. In this paper, we propose Channel hoping but that would be efficient by this manner. These devices want to communicate each other they must have at least one common channel by which they can communicate. To find the common channel the cognitive users comparing their available channel in ascending order. So it is possible to find the intersect users between them. Then that would be essay and simple way to find the common channel to rendezvous (TTR).
IMPROVEMENT OF VOLTAGE STABILITY AND POWER SYSTEM SECURITY BY FACTS DEVICES[Full-Text ] Akanksha JainIn this pepper we are working to improve the Improvement of voltage stability and power system security by facts devices throw by last two decades, power demand has increased substantially while the expansion of power generation and transmission has been severely limited due to limited resources and environmental restrictions. As a consequence, some transmission lines are heavily loaded and the system stability becomes a power transfer-limiting factor. Flexible AC transmission systems controllers have been mainly used for solving various power system steady state control problems. Flexible AC transmission systems or FACTS are devices which allow the flexible and dynamic control of power systems. Enhancement of system stability using FACTS controllers has been investigated. This paper is aimed towards the benefits of utilizing FACTS devices with the purpose of improving the operation of an electrical power system. Performance comparison of different FACTS controllers has been discussed. In addition, some of the utility experience and semiconductor technology development have been reviewed and summarized. Applications of FACTS to power system studies have also been discussed.
Cloud Computing: Attacks and Defenses[Full-Text ] Omaji Samuel, Munan Ali Shah, Amir HayatCloud computing is described and considered to be a fast improving information technology which brought a new change and opportunity to the information technology world and in the field of human endeavor by providing environment for information and resources sharing that are delivered as a service to the final consumer over the World Wide Web on request. This could enable consumers to access and utilize their data at any point in time and also have beneficial online storage services. As a result of its numerous advantages, cloud computing is face with serious security risks. This paper reviews the research carried out in 2010-2014 and presents the classes of vulnerabilities of attacks in the cloud deployment models, their preventive measures and the performance evaluation on the types of deployment models.We also discovered a new attack surfaces on selected two deployment models describes in the section 6.3, which we recommended for future research work.
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FIBER REINFORCED HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE AND COMPARING THEM WITH NORMAL CONVENTIONAL CONCRETE[Full-Text ] VALLURI LAKSHMI NARENDRAThe study on the mechanical properties of fiber reinforced high strength concrete(FRHSC) and comparing them with normal high strength concrete(HSC) gives us the result of increasing strength by adding different percentage(%) of fibers in M70 grade concrete mix. The reason for less use of FRHSC is its high cost of fibers and it also employs higher cement content which results in increasing water absorption capasity of the concrete mix. In this study , material properties of an FRHSC containing sisal, nylon, polypropylene fibers are determined which include compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength. this fibers are relatively cheaper and mostly used fibers in concrete which are recently investigated by a few researchers. In this experimental work, there is no replacement of any material. In this study, influence of addition of 0.5, 1 and 1.5% fibers in different volume fraction in M70 grade HSC is investigated. Experimental results showed that the addition of fibers up to 1.5% together with mineral admixtures improved the compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength. The improvement in the strain corresponding to maximum compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength results was observed at all fibers and comparing them with normal conventional concrete results.
Denoising Of Impulse Noise Using Decision Tree Method And Contrasting Images[Full-Text ] Saratha Preethi.JIn Digital Image Processing, noise filtering and image enhancement plays a vital role. Image and video signals are often corrupted by Impulse noise in the process of signal acquisition and transmission. To avoid the damage on noise-free pixels, an efficient Denoising algorithm is used which consist of impulse detection and noise filtering. The proposed algorithm employs a decision-tree based impulse noise detector to detect the noisy pixels. After noise detection, image will be then given to filtering algorithm which reconstructs the noise pixel by considering the possible edges existing in the mask. The image will be contrasted to improve the quality of image.
Geomagnetic storm effects on the ionosphere over an equatorial station at low solar activity[Full-Text ] George A. ÀLÀGBÉ, Jacob O. ADENIYIIonospheric response to five geomagnetic storms at an equatorial station was studied. Ionograms recorded by the ionospheric prediction sounder (IPS 42) situated at Ouagadougou (12.40N, 1.50W, dip 5.90N), Burkina Faso, were used for this work. Ionograms for a year of low solar activity, 1995 (Rz = 18), were analysed. The peak electron density (NmF2), its height of occurrence (hmF2) and the slab thickness (TF2) are the ionospheric parameters considered. The percentage enhancement in NmF2 due to storm was generally above 50%. The magnitude of the increase in NmF2 does not appear to depend on storm strength. The increases in NmF2 were usually accompanied by decreases in the thickness of the F2 layer.
Novel Hardware Unit For Edge Detection With Comparative Analysis Of Different Edge Detection Approaches[Full-Text ] Shinde S.G, Kalpana N.HajgudeAn edge in an image is a contour across which the brightness of the image changes abruptly. In image processing, an edge is often interpreted as one class of singularities. Edge detection is an important task in image processing. It is a main tool in pattern recognition, image segmentation, and scene analysis. An edge detector is basically a high pass filter that can be applied to extract the edge points in an image. This topic has attracted many researchers and many achievements have been made.. Many researchers provided different approaches based on mathematical calculations which some of them are either robust or cost effective. A new algorithm will be proposed to detect the edges of image with increased robustness and throughput. Using this algorithm we will reduce the time complexity problem which is faced by previous algorithm. We will also propose hardware unit for proposed algorithm which will reduce the area, power and speed problem. We will compare our proposed algorithm with previous approach. For image quality measurement we will use some scientific parameters those are PSNR, SSIM, FSIM. Implementation of proposed algorithm will be done by Matlab and hardware implementation will be done by using of Verilog on Xilinx 14.1 simulator. Verification will be done on Model sim.
The Communication System of a Tele-Operated Smart Mobile Robot[Full-Text ] Nathan David,Cornelius C Agbo, Mellitus O EzemeIn this work, we present the design of the communication system of economical Smart Mobile Robot (SMR). The control of the SMR is achieved using a personal computer interfaced through the parallel port to a wireless communication module whose communication channel is radio frequency. An embedded micro-controller provides the processing capability needed for the control of the Mobile Robot. The robot is controlled remotely from a Personal Computer (PC) interface that was developed using the Visual Basic.net programming language. The design was implemented to achieve forward, backward and differential drives with provision for speed control, as well as the rotation of the SMR's camera. The image captured by the camera is to be transmitted through a wireless channel and displayed on the PC. In addition, we include some level of Artificial Intelligence (AI), in the design through the incorporation of a Proximity Sensor for obstacle detection and avoidance. The detailed implementation of the communication aspects of this project is presented in this paper.
Rate Adjustment Based Congestion Control Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Shelly Garg, Bhisham Sharma & Dr. Trilok C. AseriWireless sensor networks are mainly used for event detection having huge number of sensor nodes distributed geographically with one or more base stations. Event detection results into the congestion among sensors due to limited memory, limited processing power and shared transfer medium. Congestion leads to packet drop, power consumption and reduces reliability; hence congestion control is a necessity in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, firstly a description of the various aspects of congestion control in wireless sensor networks is presented. Then various existing congestion control transport layer protocols based on rate adjustment technique in wireless sensor networks are presented. Finally a comparative analysis of these protocols based on various parameters like congestion detection, congestion notification, rate adjustment, hop-by-hop/end-to-end, loss recovery, application type, traffic direction, evaluation parameters, bandwidth allocation, evaluation type, topology, packet size, number of sensors, buffer size, coverage area, simulation time, traffic load and simulation environment is presented.
Image Denoising by Modified Overcomplete Wavelet Representation Utilizing Adaptive Thresholding Algorithm[Full-Text ] Jitha C RFor images corrupted with Gaussian noise, the wavelet thresholding proves to be an effective approach to remove as much noise while retaining important signal features, but the performance decreases under heavy noise because the amount of noise is not considerd while denoising. This paper aims at implementing an efficient image denoising method adaptive to the noise and is achieved by using an adaptive wavelet packet thresholding function based on a modified form of overcomplete wavelet representation. The adaptive algorithm is called OLI – Shrink and certain changes have been applied to the original form of overcomplete representation so that it become perfectly compatible for the application of OLI-Shrink. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by computing the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and a new performance measure called the Universal Image Quality Index (UIQI) and is found to outperform various existing wavelet based denoising algorithms.
DEL-CMAC Protocol together with Cross-Layer Cooperative Diversity Approach to Improve the Network Lifetime of MANET[Full-Text ] Priyanka Das, Veena A. GulhaneA wireless communication network is rich in interference and noise which makes the communication in the network unreliable. There has been many active research on cooperative communication which helps in improving the reliability of wireless network. To enhance the spectral and power efficiency, lifetime of the network, and reduce outage probability, cooperative communications with relaying nodes are very effective. Relaying induce complicated medium access interactions, to handle these interactions and to capitalize the benefits of cooperation an efficient Cooperative MAC protocol is required . This paper proposes, Distributed Energy-adaptive Location-based CMAC protocol, namely DEL-CMAC along with effective cross layer cooperative diversity approach for MANET. Cross layer handles the interaction between higher layer and cooperative diversity is used for diversity gain in the network where relay nodes are used. The use of cooperative diversity in the network leads to increase in reliability in the network. The design objective of proposed work is to improve the network lifetime of MANET by reducing the power consumption and improving the throughput.
Next Era of Information Security: A Review[Full-Text ] Madhavi DhingraNow a day’s Information Security breaches are occurring on a wider scale. The incidents are not only covering commercial activities, but are also affecting the networks of several countries of the world. Web is enhancing the efficacy of everyone whether work is for local personal level or professional global level. Web has now become the information warehouse as well as medium of transferring the information. Hence web security assumes great importance in order to ensure its accuracy and authenticity. These years, several kinds of attacks are occurring on the network from smaller to big ones. In view of these attacks which are being launched every other day, the information on the web needs to be secured. The need of the hour is to understand the gravity of recent attacks and come up with requisite security solutions. This paper attempts to highlight the impact and security areas that will be concern of IT professionals in the coming years.
Mass Trasfer Study for The Adsorption of Hexavalent Chromium Using Gas Stirring[Full-Text ] M. M.Nassar, A.A. Daifullah, H.Kelany and Joseph.Y. FarahThe rate of mass transfer of adsorption of hexavalent chromium onto activated carbon (AC) in a bubble column using gas stirring as a mixing system was studied. Process parameters including the air flow rate, AC mass, initial chromium concentration and solution tempreature were examined. The external and internal mass transfer were analysed based on external mass transfer and intraparticle diffusion models. The calculated external mass transfer coefficient, Ks increased with the increase in air flow rate and tempreature while decreased with the increase in initial chromium concentration and mass of AC. The external mass transfer coefficient as function of the studied parametrs can be given by equation Ks = X (variable)Y. The intraparticle diffusion coefficient, KI was found to increase by the increase in air flow rate, initial chromium concentration and tempreature and decreasd with increase mass of AC. For the intraparticle diffusion the studied variables can be correlated by the equation KI = X (variable)Y. The results revealed that air flow rate has more influence on increasing the rate of adsorption than effect of initial chromium concentration and mass of adsorbent or tempreature .
Modelling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell - A Review[Full-Text ] Shruti yadav, Mukund Kumar singh and K. SudhakarThis paper focuses on the study of fuel cells as a renewable source of energy which is environment friendly and much more consistent in performance as compared to solar and wind energy because it is not site dependent and has higher efficiency. In this paper we compared the different type of modeling methodologies. This paper mainly focuses on detailed analysis of dynamic modeling. Dynamic modeling deals with the study of dynamic model of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) based on transfer function. The dynamic model gives detailed analysis of effect of temperature variation and effect of activation, Ohmic and concentration losses on the dynamic performances of SOFC.
Numerical Simulation of Flow in a Configuration of Combined Sudden Expansion and Contraction with Rectangular Tab[Full-Text ] Bishnu Pada Biswas, Somnath ChakrabartiIn this paper, the computational investigations have been performed to study the flow characteristics of an incompressible fluid flowing through a configuration of combined sudden expansion and contraction with rectangular tab at throat. The two-dimensional steady differential equations for conservation of mass and momentum have been solved for the Reynolds number (Re) ranging from 50 to 300, the tab restriction (TR) ranging from 0% to 40%, the tab length (Lt*) ranging from 0 to 1, the expansion length (Lexp*) of 9, aspect ratio (AR) of 2 and fully developed velocity profile at inlet. The effect of each variable on average static pressure distribution, average stagnation pressure drop and streamline contour has been studied in detail and compared with the configurations of plain sudden expansion and contraction (i.e. without tab), and sudden expansion and contraction with fence for few cases. From the study, it is revealed that the maximum magnitude of average static pressure rise for sudden expansion and contraction with rectangular tab configuration is more compared to the considered two configurations of plain sudden expansion and contraction, and sudden expansion and contraction with fence. The average stagnation pressure drop across a section and the size of the corner recirculating bubble are always more for rectangular tab configuration compared to other two considered configurations.
Electrolyte Derangement in Infantile Seizures[Full-Text ] Gireesh Kumar K.M, Snehaj Srinivas, George AbrahamA study was conducted to evaluate the electrolyte imbalances in infantile seizures. Materials and Methods: Thirty-six infants admitted at the Malabar Institute of Medical sciences Calicut formed the test group. The values are compared with that of 20 apparently healthy infants admitted for other illness. Serum ionized calcium and total calcium, sodium, potassium, Magnesium, inorganic phosphorus and alkaline phosphates were estimated in all the cases. Serum ionized calcium and magnesium were found to be altered in all the subjects even with a normal serum calcium level. Alkaline phosphatase is also found to be elevated in all test subjects. From the study it is recommend that electrolyte estimation should be carried out in all infantile seizures which will help in the early diagnosis and better treatment of infants thereby preventing further brain damage.
A Novel Artifact reducing approach based on sparse representation on jpeg compressed fingerprint images[Full-Text ] Nisha Elsa Varghese, Gopakumar G, Tinu Elizabeth ThomasAmong the biometric recognition technology, fingerprint recognition is very popular for personal identification due to the uniqueness, universality, collectability and invariance. Large volumes of fingerprint are collected and stored every day in a wide range of applications, including forensics and access control. Fingerprint image compression is a key technique to solve this problem. Among the compression techniques, JPEG compression is widely used for fingerprint compression, since it provides good compressed results. However, the standard JPEG decompression result usually contains some artifacts, such as blocking artifacts. Compression artifacts are a noticeable distortion of media caused by lossy compression technique. This artifact usually occurs when the compression ratio is high. So we can use the method of sparse representation via k-svd in jpeg compression to remove blocking artifacts in jpeg compressed fingerprint images. The blocking artifacts removal can be measured in terms of psnr and ssim vaues. The experimental results show that the psnr and ssim values shows significant improvement after k-svd algorithm in jpeg compressed image. Also watermarking in spatial domain can be applied to artifact removed fingerprint image to enhance authenticity. Matlab R2012b is used for implementation of the algorithm.
Novel technique for edge detection of vessel in angiogram images[Full-Text ] Mr. S.V.Pattalwar, Miss. Minal.P.LokhandeIn medical image processing, blood vessels need to be extracted clearly and properly from a noisy background, drift image intensity and low contrast pose. The Blood vessels of the human body can be visualized using many medical imaging methods such as X-ray, Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance (MR). Angiography is a procedure widely used for the observation of the blood vessels in medical research, where the angiogram area covered by vessels and/or the vessel length is required.
STABLE SIDE SLOPE FOR EARTHEN TRAPEZOIDAL WATERCOURSES IN SAND DUNE AREAS OF THAL REGION OF PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Engr. Muhammad Imran, Engr. Muhammad Masoud, Dr. Sajid MahmoodEarthen trapezoidal watercourses are often considered as water channels that are easy to construct and operate however they are not so simple. This is particularly the case for earthen channels in sand dune areas of thal region of Pakistan where they are subjected to a cycle of wetting and drying associated with release of water in Greater Thal Canal. This is actually a flood canal off takes at RD 180+222 from the Chashma - Jheulm (CJ) link canal near Adhi Kot in district Khushab being operated from 15 April to 15 September. Therefore, watercourses in sand dune areas have to undergo stability analysis with water and without water. One of the major parameter to be taken into account for stability is the side slope of earthen trapezoidal channel. In this respect small change in side slope of earthen trapezoidal watercourse lead to significant differences in stability, hydraulic efficiency and cut/fill volume. Geo5 Slope Stability model was used for stability analysis and Micro Soft Excel for watercourse design and calculation of Cut/Fill volume. Geo5 Slope Stability software was used to compute factor of safety by circular slip surface and polygonal slip surface. In circular slip surface factor of safety was computed using Bishop, Fellenius/Petterson, Spencer, Janbu and Morgenster-Price method, whereas in polygonal slip surface Sarma, Spencer, Janbu and Morenster-Price methods were employed to work out factor of safety. Stability analysis was performed on U/S face and D/S face for two conditions with water and without water in channel. In all the cases stability increases when the side slope (Horizontal to Vertical) of the earthen trapezoidal water channel increases leading to an increase in cut/fill volume.