Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2015.
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Design, construction and Testing of a strain gauge Instrument[Full-Text ] Oluwole O.O, Olanipekun A.T, Ajide O.OThe research work is on the design, construction and testing of a quarter bridge strain gauge based measuring instrument. This was achieved by dividing the whole measurement system to power section which consist of batteries, voltage regulators and operational amplifier, arithmetic, logic section consist the microcontrollers that arithmetically compute the strain, and finally input and output section for user dialog. The governing equation for the design revolves around Hooke’s law and ohm’s law. In the design we considered the instrumentation of the measuring strain gauge system which includes the Wheatstone bridge set up, microcontroller, IC programming followed by simulation using proteus design software. After the construction we carried out a uniaxial stress analysis testing with the designed strain gauge measurement instrument on a clamped wooden beam that has a modulus of elasticity 10700 N/〖mm〗^2, length of 250mm and cross-sectional area of h = 4.5 mm , b = 25mm applying load in an incremental succession, the strain and stress at different load interval is then determined. Theoretical strain calculation is then used to validate experimental analysis. For applied load 0.9806N we have the experimental strain value to be 250.14×〖10〗^(-6) while the theoretical strain value is 271.54 ×〖10〗^(-6) and for applied load 1.4709 the experimental strain value is 362.12×〖10〗^(-6), while theoretical strain value is 407.31×〖10〗^(-6). Experimental strain and theoretical calculated strain value obtained agreed to some extent.
Design of Adaptive Controller for a Level Process[Full-Text ] Avinashe K K, Akhil Jose, Dhanoj M, Shinu M MThis paper presents the application of adaptive controller for a non-linear process and analysing the effect of the controller for the system. The controller chosen is a direct model reference adaptive controller (DMRAC) for adjusting the feed forward gain using MIT rule. The non-linear system considered is cylindrical tank. The model reference adaptive controller is designed and implemented in real time by using LabVIEW. The result shows that model reference adaptive controller shows better results than conventional Proportional Integral (PI) controller.
An Efficient Load Balancing in Public Cloud using Priority based SJF Scheduling[Full-Text ] Suchita Khare, Asst. Prof. Shatendra DubeyCloud Computing enables various users to share resources and exchange information over internet. But several issues arises during the sharing of resources such as load balancing over cloud. Hence various techniques are implemented for the balancing of users during sharing of resources. Here in this paper a new and efficient technique is implemented using hybrid combination of scheduling using priority of resources access and shortest access time of the resources. The proposed technique implemented here provides efficient load balancing as well as provides less waiting time and have efficient response time.
Application of Micro Computer Tomography (µ CT) in Resolving Barren Measures Shale Properties[Full-Text ] Annapurna Boruah and S. GanapathiThe microstructure of Barren Measures Shales of Raniganj Field has been investigated using micro-computed tomography (µ CT). The results show fabric anisotropy and complex pore structure among the different shale samples imaged. The shales of Barren Measures are primarily composed of varying amounts of clay minerals, quartz, and kerogen with a range of porosity 3 to 5%. Pores are isolated and interconnected including intergranular, matrix hosted and/ or organic matter hosted in nature. Three-dimensional internal structures of the shales were generated from serial sectioning and imaging of the samples and it depicted kerogen and pore connectivity across the volumes. The internal microstructure of shales is essential in understanding the micro scale reservoir heterogeneity. It controls the key aspects of reservoir development and fluid flow through the shales.
Feasibility of Harnessing Renewable Energy at an Off-grid Community in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Gbalimene Richard IleberiDue to high cost of fuel and fluctuating oil prices, integrating renewable energy into an existing diesel power system seems economical in the long run in meeting the load demand of off-grid rural settlements. This study analyzed the prospects of utilizing renewable energy resources in an off-grid remote community in Nigeria. Two scenarios were considered in this study using the HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable) software; the diesel-only system and the diesel-wind-PV system. Economic parameters of NPC (net present cost) and COE (cost of energy) were used to compare these scenarios to determine the viability, feasibility and the most cost effective approach. The result shows that at the current diesel price of £0.67/L, it is feasible to utilize renewable energy in the community, and that despite the high initial installation cost of renewable components, the diesel-only system is about 1.3 times more expensive than the diesel-wind-PV system, making it quite an expensive option to continuously rely upon.
A Security Analysis of Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud Service[Full-Text ] Mr. N NIRANJAN RAO, Mr SREERAG P.S, Mr. SHRIHARI M.RCloud services such as Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud and IBM’s SmartCloud are quickly changing the way organiza- tions are dealing with IT infrastructures and are providing online services. Today, if an organization needs computing power, it can simply buy it online by instantiating a virtual server image on the cloud. Servers can be quickly launched and shut down via application programming interfaces, of- fering the user a greater flexibility compared to traditional server rooms. A popular approach in cloud-based services is to allow users to create and share virtual images with other users. In addition to these user-shared images, the cloud providers also often provide virtual images that have been pre-configured with popular software such as open source databases and web servers.
FEA of Piston Ring by Using ABAQUS[Full-Text ] Neeraj Pandey, Neetesh Kumar Yadav, Amit Kumar Singh, Ranjeet Paswan, Anshu Pandey, Alok Kumar Pandey, Shyam Bihari LalThe objective of undertaking this paper of “Structural Analysis of Piston Ring” is to study and evaluate the performance in real working conditions of the piston ring in internal combustion engine. In this paper, the wok is carried out to measure the stress and temperature distribution on the surface of the piston ring. The analysis predicts that due to stress the top surface of the piston ring may damage or break during the working conditions, because the damaged or broken parts are so expensive to replace and generally are not easily available. The part model of piston ring is most complex and important part therefore for smooth running of vehicle piston ring should be in proper working condition. FEA of piston ring is done with boundary conditions, which includes pressure on piston ring during working condition and created using Creo. 3 D model is imported to the Abaqus and FEA is performed. By identifying the true design features, the extended service life and long term stability is assured.
Study of Different Chemical Treatments for the Suitability of Banana (Musa oranta) Fiber in Composite Materials[Full-Text ] Md. Mamunur Rashid, Sabrin A Samad, M. A. Gafur, A. M. Sarwaruddin ChowdhuryThe present works demonstrate banana fibers which were chemically modified with 7.5% NaOH & 0.055% KMnO4. The effects of modification were determined by measuring various physical and mechanical properties such as moisture absorbance, tensile strength, % elongation break and characterized by various methods such as SEM, IR etc. The ultimate tensile strength of treated fibers was lower than that of raw fibers. Percentage elongation and moisture absorption increase on treatment.
Phonon Dispersion and Heat Capacity in Poly N-Isopropylacrylamide[Full-Text ] Rushi Ghizal, Ghazala .R .Fatima, Seema SrivastavaA study of the normal modes of vibration and their dispersion in Poly N-Isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAm) based on the Urey–Bradley force field is reported. It provides a detailed interpretation of IR and Raman spectra. Characteristic feature of dispersion curves such as regions of high density-of-states, repulsion and character mixing of dispersive modes are discussed. Predictive values of heat capacity as a function of temperature are calculated.
Intelligent traffic signaling system based on vehicle demand for excessively populated developing countries[Full-Text ] Iftekhar Mahmud Towhid, Nishu Nath, Nusrat Jahan ChowdhuryDeveloping countries like Bangladesh use fixed cycle-fixed split scheme for signaling which is a very inefficient way and results in delay at the intersection, poor throughput and traffic congestion. So our research was focused on reducing traffic congestion in urban roads of Bangladesh and the end result proposes a customized traffic signaling scheme with indulgent phase design that allocates varying and adequate green time to any phase based on actual traffic flow demand. It emphasizes on optimizing uninterrupted traffic flow, minimizing delay time at the intersection and maximizing system throughput. This model collects real time data from traffic nodes using detection devices, designs suitable phases by efficiently calculating movement demands and chooses the right phase, cycle time and split times. At the end of the paper, it is shown that the proposed model works better than other orthodox models.
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MATHEMATICAL MODEL AND CFD SIMULATION OF A PEBBLE BED HEAT REGENERATOR[Full-Text ] Kuldeep Panwar, D. S. Murthy, Hitendra Pal Gangwar, R. KumarThis paper aims to provide the comparison between results obtained by the CFD simulation of a cylindrical pebble bed thermal regenerator and results obtained by a mathematical model to simulate the operational behaviour of a pebble bed thermal regenerator. A cylindrical regenerator model of 7ft length and 8 in diameter is used to simulate the behaviour of heat regenerator during both cooling and heating cycle. Hot flue gases are made to enter at 200 0C at an average flow rate of 365 l min-1. The mathematical model is developed by energy balance along a elemental volume and the results are compared with the results obtained by commercial Ansys fluent software. CFD simulation of the model shows the excellent accuracy and shows negligible deviation with the simulation results of mathematical model.
A Novel Biometric Approach to Facial Signature Authentication Based on Thermal Imaging[Full-Text ] Shanmuga Sundaram.K, Pradeep.K, Vignesh.V, Roji MarjorieA new thermal image resolution construction together remarkable characteristic removal and also similarity dimensions for face credit is actually offered. The particular research premise would be to enumerated algorithms that ought to get rid of vasculature information, art the thermal makeup trademark, and also understand the individual. The particular counseled formula is actually fully consolidated and also consolidates this important methods associated with characteristic removal throughout the employment of morphological employees, subscription hiring this ridge entire body Snapshot Sign up, face segmentation hiring localized span set up warn shape segmentation, noise treatment hiring anisotropic diffusion filtration system, photo morphology hiring leading head wear segmentation, article processing hiring hit or maybe overlook modify and also coordinating throughout remarkable similarity procedures projected for this task. The particular story technique in rising the thermal trademark web template hiring four pictures gripped in numerous instants associated with interval guarded in which unpredicted adjustments from the vasculature previously mentioned interval didn't modify this biometric coordinating treatment for the reason that authentication treatment relied simply on reliable thermal attributes.
Re-Refining of Spent Lubricants: Single Step Percolation through Activated Adsorbents[Full-Text ] Farah Inamullah, Muhammad Ashraf Kamal and Syed Mumtaz Danish Naqvi This article describes a simple single step process for re-refining spent lubricants involving percolation through activated alumina, magnesite and sodium carbonate. Properties of recovered oil are comparable to that of the properties of commercial base oil. UV and FTIR examinations of the finished oil show minimized amounts of carcinogenic PAH whereas metal content removal is from 94 to nearly 100%. Adsorption through magnesite gives the highest yield about 95%.
SCIENTIFIC RAMANUJAM?...[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaRamanujam is Aethiest? (or) Theist?... This is the heartbeats revealed to the author of this Research article… Ramanujam (Raman + Anujam) shall be considered as universal artist. The value of universal constant may vary but the law of universe is always constant. As a layman what I know about Ramanujam is …
Comparative Analysis and Performance Evaluation of CMOS based Adders w.r.t Speed, Delay and Power Dissipation[Full-Text ] Jasleen Chaudhary, Sudhir SinghAddition is representative of many arithmetic processing operations that must be carried out in portable digital systems[13,14], and the speed and power consumption trade-offs in adder hardware are of interest to portable digital system designers Adders are key components of digital design and architecture and microprocessors. Apart from the basic Addition they also perform other operations such as Subtractions, multiplication, division, address calculation[1]. Adders of various bit widths are frequently required in Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuits from processors to Application Specific Integrated Circuits. In most of these systems the adder lies in the critical path that determines the overall performance of the system. In this paper, different type of 8-bit full adders are analyzed and compared for transistor count, power dissipation, delay and power delay products. The investigation has been carried out with simulation runs on Tanner environment using 180nm & 90nm CMOS process technology at 2V. The result shows that the carry skip adder has the lowest power-delay product.
Tools for Requirements Management in GSD: A Survey[Full-Text ] Muhammad Mukhtar, Zishan Hussain Chuhan, Zulfiqar AhmadThe software requirement specification (SRS) is a volatile document. Even well documented SRS evolves and grows throughout Software Development Life Cycle. Requirements management plays an important role to manage evolution and growth in SRS. Managing requirements in manual ways becomes very difficult especially in global software development due to some additional factors (time zone difference, cultural issues, geographical boundaries, etc.). To overcome this difficulty software industry moves to automate the requirements management. In this research activity, our focus is to survey about tools to automate the requirements management in global software development (GSD). We consider existing tools in this survey those are not developed for GSD and evaluate them on defined parameters in the context of GSD. In short our goal is to validate the existing tools for GSD.
Synergistic Analysis on SSH, SST and Chlorophyll Concentration for Upwelling Region in Arabian Sea[Full-Text ] V.Ashok Subramanian, A.Sethupathy, R.ManikandanIncrease in sea surface temperature with global warming has an impact on coastal upwelling. Past two decades (1988 to 2007) of satellite observed sea surface temperatures and sea surface height anomaly provided an insight into the dynamics of coastal upwelling in the Arabian Sea, in the global warming scenario. The Arabian Sea is one of the least studied basins of the world ocean. The altimeter data has been viewed using BRAT software and sea surface temperature data has been converted to raster image using Marine Geospatial ecology Toolbox. These high resolution data products have shown inconsistent variability with a rapid rise in sea surface temperature between 1992 and 1998 and again from 2004 to 2007.
ENCRYPTION METHOD FOR SECURE DATA TRANSMISSION USING DNA BASED CRYPTOGRAPHY[Full-Text ] Sathish.V, Subash Kumar.V, Thirumalaivasan.R, Pavithra.S, SitaDevi BharatulaIn today’s world, security is very fundamental and significant issues of data transmission. Technology advancement is occurring daily in order to find a new cryptographic algorithm. Data security is concerned with the areas of data transmission. Recent advancements in cryptography has led to new techniques called DNA based cryptography. Here idea of molecular biology is applied and an efficient way is proposed. In existed AES method is well suited for security applications. In our proposed system we improve the performance of the system we propose Triple AES based DNA key cryptography. In our new proposed implementation provides better and faster results in environment, hence data security is high.
Finite Element Analysis Of Disc Brake using ANSYS WORKBENCH Software[Full-Text ] Shailendra Pratap Gautam, Sateesh Chandra Yadav, Salim Akhtar,Vimlash Sahani,Sandeep Tiwari, Deepak Kumar Yadav, Shyam Bihari LalThe aim of this paper was to investigate the structural fields of the solid disc brake during short and urgent situation braking with structural material. We will take down the value of friction contact power nodal displacement and buckle for different pressure conditions using analysis software ones the value at the hand we can determine the best suitable material for the disc brake with higher life distance.Temporary structural analysis of the rotor disc of disc brake is aimed at investigation in to usage of structural gray cost iron materials is required which improve braking efficiency and provide greater stability to vehicle. We did this investigation by using WORK BENCH ANSYS 15.0 .
The diagnostic utility of bone marrow trephine biopsies, at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital: an eleven years retrospective review[Full-Text ] A. B. ZARAMI, G. T. MARAMA, A.A. BUKAR, A.I. ADAMU, N.A. SATUMARI, M. AHMED.Bone marrow aspirations and biopsies are indispensable diagnostic tool in the evaluation of various haematological disorders, non-haematological malignancies and patient follow-up in the 21st century, however, this investigation is sub optimally utilized in most centres. The study design is cross sectional eleven years retrospective review of trephine biopsies from achived records (2003-2013) at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital.One hundred and four cases have been recorded and highest rate of biopsies of 26% in 2011 was observed with lowest rate of 1.9% in 2004. Only 8.6% of cases were reported as inadequate. The common age group that was biopsied is 51 years and above accounting for 32.7% with male preponderance. Trephine biopsies are underutilized in this environment, looking at advances in molecular haematological diagnosis in this era. There is the need to optimize referral system especially in non- haematological diseases in the tertiary health centres.
Enhancement in K-Mean for Data clustering: A Review[Full-Text ] Preeti Puri, Isha SharmaClustering is the most commonly used method for grouping of related observations in a data set. The K-Means method is one of the mostly used clustering techniques for a variety of applications like defect detection, networking etc. In this paper we are proposing a method for making the K-Means algorithm more efficient and effective so as to reduce the complexity. Clustering algorithm forms a vector of topics for each document and measures the weights of how healthy the document fits into each cluster. Clustering can help marketers discover interests of their customers based on purchasing patterns and characterize groups of the customers. Clustering is an unsupervised classification method aiming at creating groups of objects, or clusters, in such a way that objects in the same cluster are very similar and objects in different clusters are quite distinct. In this paper the Cluster analysis or clustering is used so as to set the objects into group clusters and then those clusters into sub clusters.
Present scenario of cybercrime in INDIA and its preventions[Full-Text ] Shubham Kumar, Dr.Santanu Koley, Uday KumarThe internet in India is growing rapidly. It has given rise to new opportunity in every field like – entertainment, business, sports, education etc. It is universally true that every coin has 2 sides, same for the internet, it uses has both advantage and disadvantage, and one of the most disadvantage is Cyber-crime. We can say, cyber-crime is any illegal activity which is committed using a computer network (especially the internet). Also, cyber-crime involves the breakdown of privacy, or damage to the computer system properties such as files, website pages or software. In India most of cyber-crime cases are committed by educated person (some cyber – crime requires skills). So, it is required the deep knowledge about the cyber –crime and it prevention. Also, in India most of the cases found where, crimes are committed due to lack of knowledge or by mistake. In this paper, I have discussed various categories and cases of cyber-crime which is committed due to lack of knowledge or sometimes due to intention behind. I also, suggested various preventive measures against these unlawful acts in day to day life.
An Electronic nose with LabVIEW using SnO2 Based Gas Sensors: Application to test freshness of the fruits[Full-Text ] M.S. Kasbe, S.L.Deshmukh, T.H.Mujawar, V.D.Bachuwar, L.P. Deshmukh and A.D. ShaligramIn this paper, various ripening stages (under-ripe, ripe and over-ripe) of banana and guava are studied. The present work is an electronic nose, which consists of a semiconductor gas sensor array and an artificial neural network (ANN). An electronic nose is used to detect the freshness of non-destructive fruits. A gas sensor array (SnO2 type) detects aroma which is emitted from the fruits in the different ripening stages of the fruits. The typical gases emitted from the fruits, e.g alcohol, methane, carbon dioxide, ammonia and carbon monoxide, have been detected by the sensor array. An artificial neural network is designed in LabVIEW software. A comparison is also made between the various ripening stages of both the fruits. We claim the novel system which is of low cost and requires minimum space. DAQ card is used to interface an array of MQ-gas sensors and (computer) LabVIEW software.
Construction and Operation of a Clap Light Switch[Full-Text ] Obot, E. P., Asuquo, U. E. and Oku, D. E.A clap light switch which can light a bulb when one claps hand has been constructed. The device can be used to “ON” or “OFF” a bulb in our home and also for security purposes. For instance, when armed robber's invade a building, the security man clap his hands to “ON” a bulb inside the building for the people inside to be alert. The system consists of dynamic microphone which picks up the sound of one claps and produces a small signal, that is amplified by the succeeding transistor stage. Two transistors cross-connected as a bistable multivibrator changes state at each signal and one of these transistors drives a heavier transistor which controls the lamp or bulb.