Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2014 Edition
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Security Through SSL in Cloud Computing: A Review[Full-Text ] Angel Makhaik, Pankaj VaidyaCloud Computing provides hardware and software resources as a service to client. In it, to gain access to these services one need to have Internet access. As we all know Internet is everywhere and in every home, so the number of users has increased. Due to the increase in the number of internet users, the number of online transactions are also increasing. Like user is asked to give his sensitive data, say credit card details, for some transactions. Each information which is transmitted over the web has to be traversed to many computer servers before it reach its destination. It is up to the user which webpage is secure and which is not. For such scenario SSL is a solution. This paper will give u the insight of how the data is securely sent over the internet through SSL.
A Survey of Contact Testing Techniques for the Diagnosis of Printed Circuit Boards[Full-Text ] Salim A. Jayousi, M. Saufee MuhammadThis paper studies the testing methods of printed circuit boards using direct contact techniques. Due to the complexity and the shrinking of electronic circuits, a parallel development in testing methods is highly recommended. The paper analyses two major categories of direct contact testing methods which is analog signature analysis testing and in-circuit testing. The compatibility of those testing methods with the recent circuits also checked in this paper.
Epidemic Analysis (Web Application for Epidemic Analysis and Prediction)[Full-Text ] Ankit, Aakash Pathak, Anmol Khandelwal, Ashish Sinha, Sini Anna AlexThere are times when people find themselves in a state of medical emergency and they have no idea which Is the idea hospital to get the best medical attention. Availability of an application which can process existing information and give them enough ground to choose from a set of options can have a significant impact on their lives. This will save them a lot of time and money. Also, it may even save someone’s life.
CFD Simulation of Bubbly Flow Through a Bubble Column[Full-Text ] Abd Ali, K. M.In this investigation, CFD simulation is presented to study the hydrodynamic of bubbly flow and mass transfer in bubble column using Eulerian- Eulerian Multifluid approach with a standard k- e turbulence model. unsteady state method for modeling the multiphase flow and mass transfer from air to de-aerated water and the column hydrodynamics. Understanding the complexity of the fluid dynamics and mass transfer in bubble column and is important due to its application in the chemical and bioprocess industries. Numerical simulation was carried out using COMSOL multiphysics software. The results were presented for various hydrodynamics parameters such as phase dynamics, phase velocity profile contours of fluid velocity in chosen cross-section planes of the column and concentration of gas in liquid phase .
Comparing the Performance of Data Mining Tools: WEKA and DTREG[Full-Text ] Neha Sharma, Hari OmThe objective of the paper is to compare two data mining tools on the basis of various estimation criteria. The data mining tools which are evaluated are WEKA and DTREG. These tools are used to build multilayer perceptron which is a data mining model to predict the survivability of the oral cancer patients. Oral cancer database is considered as it is estimated to be 8th most common cancer worldwide and extremely grave problem in India as well. Early detection is the only way to prevent the disease and reduce this burden. Dtreg is a proprietory data mining tool whereas weka is an open source. Classification accuracy of multilayer perceptron model developed using dtreg is 70.05% and using weka is 59.70%. 10-fold cross-validation method is used for validation by dtreg and stratified cross validation is used by weka. The data mining tool dtreg has demonstrated better results in terms of true negative, false negative, specificity, recall and area under ROC curve. However, weka displays better results in terms of true positive, false positive, precision and f-measure. Analysis run time of dtreg is less than weka and the report generated by dtreg is also more expressive and descriptive in comparison to weka, which makes dtreg a better data mining tool for multilayer perceptron models.
CAD for Detection Of Fetal Electrocardiogram from Multivariate Abdominal Recordings by using Wavelets and Neuro-Fuzzy Systems[Full-Text ] Pradeep Kumar, Dr. Sudhir Kumar Sharma and Dr.Sidheshwar PrasadThe fetal electrocardiogram (FECG) signal is outcome of the electrical activity of the fetal heart after 21 days of the pregnancy. It contains information about the health status of the fetus and so, an early diagnosis of any cardiac defects before delivery (Specially in case of labour pain) increases the chance of the appropriate treatment. In this paper we consider one signal from the thoracic and another from abdomen of the mother. The artificial neural network fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is used to obtain the FECG component from abdominal ECG recording and reference thoracic maternal electrocardiogram (MECG) signal. The obtained FECG is being enhanced by using wavelet transform.
Optimisation Of Intake Manifold Design Using Fibre Reinforced Plastic[Full-Text ] Arvindkumar K; Adhithiyan N;Darsak V S; Dinesh CIn this paper we discuss the design and manufacture of an intake system for a 600cc YAMAHA ZF engine. Intake system have a major effect on a vehicle’s engine performance, noise and pollutants. Differences in engine outputs and applications require different designs of intake-air manifolds in order to achieve the best volumetric efficiency and thus the best engine performance. As a result, the geometry of the intake system has been redesigned to result in reduced weight by using FIBER REINFORCED POLYMERS (due to lower material density and lack of welds, thermal, heat aging, fatigue, impact, creep, stress and chemical resistance), improved charge distribution, and increased torque through a wide RPM range when compared to its traditionally-manufactured aluminum counterpart.
A Comparison of Dimensional Personalities of Young Athletes and Non-Athletes[Full-Text ] Dr. Sharda ShakyaThe purpose of the study was to compare dimensional personalities of young athletes and non-athletes. The investigator selected 100 subjects from two colleges of Sakoli, Dist. Bhandara, consisting of 25 athletes and non-athletes from each college. In total 50 each from athletes and non-athletes were selected. Age of the subjects ranged from 18 to 22 years, the normality of data of each variable P, E, N and L properly distributed or not with the help of ‘t’ Ratio. Athletes are more extroverts than the non-athletes, but non-athletes are significantly more psychotic and neurotic.
Broadband Microstrip Patch Antenna For L-Band[Full-Text ] Shweta Bhatnagar, Dr.S.C. Gupta, Dr.Sandip VijayThe broadband microstrip antenna is realized by cutting the slot of different shapes like U-slot, and pair of rectangular slots inside the patch. In this paper, a half U-slot and rectangular slots cut proximity fed broadband rectangular microstrip antenna is proposed. The analysis to study the effects of slot on the broadband response of slot cut patch is presented. Through the analysis it was observed that the slot modifies the resonance frequencies of higher order modes of the patch and yields broadband response. The bandwidth of more than 700 MHz (>56%) is obtained. The antenna gives broadside radiation pattern with a gain more than 6 dBi over the operating bandwidth.
A Typical Machine Translation System for English to Kannada[Full-Text ] Mr. Chethan Chandra S Basavaraddi, Dr. H. L. ShashirekhaMachine Translation (MT) Research in India started in early 90's. Most of the operational and experimental systems are rule-based. Some important projects include: Mantra by CDAC, Pune, Anusaaraka by IlT-Kanpur and University of Hyderabad, AnglaBharti by IlT Kanpur, Shakti by LTRC, IIIT Hyderabad, MaTra by CDAC, Mumbai, ANUVAKSH by CDAC, Pune. IL-IL MT Consortia project: Language pairs include Malayalam-Tamil, Marathi-Hindi, Bengali- Hindi, Telugu-Hindi, Tamil-Telugu. E-IL MT Consortia project: Language pairs include English Hindi, Marathi, Oriya, Urdu and Bengali. Barriers in good quality MT output can be attributed to ambiguity in natural languages. Ambiguity can be classified into two: Structurally ambiguous and Lexically ambiguous. Structural ambiguity:"I saw the man on the hill with the telescope". Lexical ambiguity: Book that flight, I walked to the bank (homonymy), Bangalore is the capital city of Karnataka (polysemy), Cleaning fluids can be dangerous. The previous example illustrates the following facts Kannada follows SOV order as against SVO order of English. Kannada is a free word order language, Kannada is agglutinative, Difference occurs in Syntactic level i.e. word ordering Morphological level. The above facts justify the need for an efficient Syntax reordering module which takes care of syntactic differences. Morphological generator which takes care of complex morphology of the target language. Thus there is a need for the typical machine translation system for English to kannada and vice versa.
Design and Analysis of the Pressure Vessel[Full-Text ] Sandeep Gond, Akhilesh, Anoop Singh, Vinod Sharma, Shyaam Bihari LalThe pressure vessel contains high pressurized fluid so that the selection of material and the design of the pressure vessel are most important. The pressure vessel contains high internal pressure. It must passes the sequence of hydrostatic test this test gives the capability of the construction to survive internal pressure. The analytical design of the pressure vessel is by using as per ASME code sec VIII division I. The dimension and stresses which works on pressure vessel can be found out by ASME code. These stresses are studying by using FEM and equate with theoretical value.
Gesture Recognition: Prologue[Full-Text ] Manisha chahal, B Anil Kumar, Kavita SharmaThis paper discuss of basic of gesture recognition (GR) concept its various types, methods and approaches for recognizing a gesture as well as its application. Basically Gesture Recognition means identification and recognition of gestures of body motion, which can originate from face or hand. Gesture recognition it is also a topic in computer science engineering and language technology which interpret human gestures via mathematical algorithms. Recognition of human activity is an attractive goal for computer vision. The task of gesture recognition is made challenging due to complex background, presence of nongesture hand motions, and different illumination environments. Currently GR focuses in the field include emotion recognition from the face and hand gesture recognition .GR enables humans to interface with the machine (HMI) and interact naturally without any mechanical devices. The applications of gesture recognition are infinite, ranging from sign language through medical rehabilitation to virtual reality.
Multi-parameter monitoring & controlling for a Boiler using PIC controller[Full-Text ] Saurav Kumar MohantyIn today’s modern world, mechanical strength is only one of the many criteria, which decides the superiority of any boiler. There are many other more important aspects like efficiency, availability round the clock, ease in maintenance, environmental compliance, etc. The modern day high pressure boilers which are provided with optimised heat transfer areas for its rated duty require some of the important operating parameters to be controlled closely to maintain a steady output. Thought instrumentation is a very vast subject to be discussed, this paper highlights a few of the important instrumentation and control loops that are required for safe, economic and reliable working of the boilers.In this research project we are monitoring and controlling six important parameters with which the process output will be steady output.Here we are using sensors for the parameters are Temperature sensor,Pressure sensor,Oxygen sensor,Humidity sensor,Level sensor & load cell. This project used PIC microcontroller, sensors output produce the analog signal, This signal directly connected to PIC microcontroller. Controller output connect to RS232 with Pc using LABVIEW material. The results of simulation show that, after the fluctuations in the early control period, the controlled parameters tend to be stabilized guaranteeing the process quality in boiler.
A Byte-Oriented Multi Keys Shift Rows Encryption and Decryption Cipher Processes in Modified AES[Full-Text ] Nada Hussein M. Ali, Abdul Monem S. Rahma, Abdul Mohsen Jaber, Sufian YousefImplementing AES for security over data provides benefits of less memory consumption and less computation time as compared to other algorithms. The security of AES relies only on keeping the key secret, whereas the algorithm itself is fully public. The cipher process uses the Shift Rows transformation where the bytes in the last three rows of the state array are cyclically shifted while the bytes in the first row are not shifted. The AES shift-row transformation is a byte oriented, while the proposed algorithm is bit oriented .The present work is aimed to achieve higher complexity compared to original AES without incurring additional time for encryption and decryption processes. Such complexity was justified by applying the Modified Shift-Row transformation. The proposed algorithm has been applied to the variable length sizes of audio files. A comparison between standard AES, and the modified AES Shift-Row transformation in time delay, has shown marginal change. In the standard AES, the Shift-Row transformation uses a single key for encryption and decryption process, while the modified AES uses five different keys in each round for both operations.
Simulation of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter Based DSTATCOM[Full-Text ] Ram Mohan Rao Makineni, C.Nagendra Bhaskar, Md.Yusuf sharifThis paper presents an investigation of five-Level Cascaded H – bridge (CHB) Inverter as Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM) in Power System (PS) for compensation of reactive power and harmonics. The advantages of CHB inverter are low harmonic distortion, reduced number of switches and suppression of switching losses. The DSTATCOM helps to improve the power factor and eliminate the Total Harmonics Distortion (THD) drawn from a Non-Liner Diode Rectifier Load (NLDRL). The D-Q reference frame theory is used to generate the reference compensating currents for DSTATCOM while Proportional and Integral (PI) control is used for capacitor dc voltage regulation. A CHB Inverter is considered for shunt compensation of a 11 kV distribution system. Finally a level shifted PWM (LSPWM) and phase shifted PWM (PSPWM) techniques are adopted to investigate the performance of CHB Inverter. The results are obtained through Mat lab / Simulink software package.
Modeling and Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference for Broadband Powerline Communication[Full-Text ] Syed Samser Ali, Amitabha Bhattacharya, Dipak Ranjan PoddarThe power line has been extensively studied as the media for broadband data communication over the band of frequencies up to 30 MHz. This requires mains injected radio frequency levels that are Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) critical, with common-mode currents on wires. Power line cables are often unshielded, thus becoming sources and targets of electromagnetic interferences (EMI). Phase 1 of NTIA’s study addresses issues deemed most important to formulation of a regulatory framework that would limit the risks of local interference from outdoor elements of power line systems. This paper represents a theoretical model for electromagnetic interference from power lines in the near field. Simulated results using MATLAB can be considered as a good approximation to find out the near-field values and it can be deduced that the deployment of power lines for broadband services will not cause much debated interference problems for the radio receivers placed in the near field.
Evaluate the Airflow Propagation on the Buildings Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)[Full-Text ] Ehab Hanafi Mahmoud, Mohamed Ali Barakat, Hany El-Hady Ibrahim, Eman Ali IbrahimStudying airflow around and through the buildings regards today from the most complicated studies, which there is no simple equations can predict airflow pattern and its behavior among buildings layout. Airflow affected by many factors like building shapes, heights, interior distances between buildings, wind direction, urban setting position and so on. The investigation of the airflow impact on the buildings provides specific measurements of the airflow properties without compromising appearance and utilities of the buildings and the architectural implications of such geometric.
Ground Water Quality Improvement of Jaffna Penensula of Sri Lanka by Regulating Water Flow in the Lagoon Mouths[Full-Text ] Janen SS, Sivakumar SSWithin Jaffna peninsula there are three lagoons, Thondamanaru lagoon, Upparu lagoon and the Valukiaru lagoon with water spread area of 78, 26 and 14 squar killo meteres respectly. These three shallow lagoons cover around 11.8% of the penensola’s land area of 1036 square killo meter. These lagoons are having sea mouths at Thondamanaru, Ariyali and Arali in the vicinity of Indian Ocean which covers the penebsula by 160 km of coastline and no location of penensula is more than 10 km away from the coast. Hence it is very much susceptible to the salt water intrusion in to the land area. The water resource mainly the underground water in Jaffna Peninsula is totally polluted due to prolonged negligence and improper management of existing barrages at the logoon mouths and the salt water intrusion was taken place. In addition to these garbage and soakage pit pollution and increased usage of fertilizer chemicals also affected the quality of ground water. As a result, people are facing problem in getting good quality water in their wells. Due to the salt water intrusion, hundreds of acres of lands, hundreds of wells are in abandon stage. There is a positive relationship between the level of salt water intrusion in Jaffna peninsula and the operation of the gates of Thondamanaru, Ariyali and Arali barrages. There is strong evdince from a survey conducted recently that a good correlation can be found for the entire lagoon system operation with the level of salt water intrusion effect of Jaffna peninsula. This paper outlines the research methodology and its direction towards the problem accreditation of an on going research to address the problem and to find a solution to this long standing crucial issue of the people of Jaffna peninsula of Sri Lanka.
Experimental verification of STATCOM for Power Quality Improvement[Full-Text ] N. Santhosh Kumar, Prof K.B PorateThis paper aims in presenting the importance of presence of STATCOM for enhancement of power quality of existing transmission network. STATCOM is used for controlling various transmission parameters such as shunt impedance, line voltage, current, active and reactive power, oscillation damping etc. Experimental controlled reading of STATCOM is obtained with the help of lab model for various parameters. Controlling is done with the help of IGBT based converters through DSP kit (for controlling firing angle of converters).This paper also presents a lab prototype of STATCOM.
A Review on India’s Renewable Energy Potential[Full-Text ] Reji ShajiIndia with a population of 1.2 billion is one of the biggest and fastest growing economies in the world. There is always a very high demand for energy, which is currently met mainly by coal, oil and petroleum, which apart from being a non-renewable; it is also harmful to the environment. Thus, it is vital that India obtains energy security without affecting the ever-booming economy, which would mean that alternative energy sources be found. This would mean that the country must switch from the nonrenewable energy - crude oil and coal - to renewable energy. The Government of India has already made several provisions, and established many agencies that will help it achieve its goal of becoming one of the world's leading clean energy producers. Renewable energy is energy from a resource that is replaceable by existing flows of energy, such as sunshine, wind, water, biological processes and geothermal heat flows. These energy resources might be used directly or indirectly as forms of energy. In this paper, the potential and technological possibilities in this direction are discussed in the Indian context.
Evaluation of heavy metals in soils and wild plants in an abandoned battery waste site.[Full-Text ] S. Oni, O. Ogunlaja and O. LadokunThis study assessed the concentration of heavy metals in soil and wild plants in an abandoned Battery slag deposit site in Nigeria. 40 soil samples at the depth of 0-15 cm and 40 wild plants parts based on the available specie were randomly collected. A geographically similar, unaffected area, located about 10 km away from the center of the polluted site, was chosen as a control site. Samples were analyzed for lead, cadmium, chromium and nickel using standard analytical methods.Soil pH and organic matter for investigated plots ranged from 5.8-6.8 and 1.52-3.24 respectively while that of control site ranged from 5.6-7.5 and 1.5-4.1 respectively. The mean concentrations of Pb, Ni, Cr and Cd in the soils were 3262.0 ± 8212.99mg/kg, 27.89 ± 10.23mg/kg, 21.65 ± 6.25mg/kg and 0.60 ± 0.49 mg/kg respectively. The mean concentrations of Pb, Ni, Cr, and Cd in plants shoots were 259.21 ± 1012.55mg/kg, 7.30 ± 10.39mg/kg, 6.64 ± 10.55mg/kg and 0.90 ± 1.17 respectively. The mean concentrations of Pb, Ni, Cr and Cd in plants roots were: 1515.78 ± 4776.0mg/kg, 12.86 ± 16.06mg/kg, 4.60 ± 3.52mg/kg and 0.76 ± 1.20mg/kg. Soil and plant materials (Shoot and Roots) for heavy metals concentration showed significant (?? < 0.05) when compared with control
Maternal Employment and Poverty : A Case Study of District Lahore[Full-Text ] Samra Khalid and Uzma ShahidThis comprehensive paper analyses the role of Maternal Employment in tackling poverty and raising social mobility of district Lahore, Pakistan. This is vital for our economic restructuring and achieving women participation in income earning activities. For this analyses, Study splitter the data into two categories, employed and unemployed mothers Using primary data the author elucidate the impact of maternal employment on poverty reduction and rising social mobility This paper further examined that total household income and saving is not equal in term of working and non working mothers which shows that maternal employment has strong influence for household income. Analysis indicates that more income and ability to buy for children. Most of the women identified having more income as a primary benefit of work for them, their children and their families. The empirical results indicate that high level of women employment poses a benefit to families, child development and child cognitive abilities.
Optimum Water Resources Management (OWRM) in the Middle-East & Nile[Full-Text ] Najah M. L. Al-Maimuri, Arkan Radi AliAn optimization water resources management study is developed in the Middle-East region and Al Nile Valley. It is based on assessment of hydrologic element of a specified area within the region, development of groundwater model, conjunctive use study, and rebalancing of the resulting water resources. Al Adhaim basin of 4110.28 km2 which is located in northern-south of Iraq is chosen as sample of study for the availability of data. It is found that the optimization technique and rebalancing of the hydrologic elements in the considered area saves 282.8 million m3 per year of surface releases, reduces operation time of Kirkuk Irrigation Canal (KIC) to 6 months per year, and treats the problems of water table rise due to the excessive surface water releases.