Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2014 Edition
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Image watermarking Algorithms to Protect Image Piracy: A Review[Full-Text ] Yamang Patel, Rashmi Dubey, Sugandha AgarwalWith the Current Trends of development of information technologies and multimedia, the use of data which is digital increasing every day. So it becomes very difficult to prevent multimedia information from piracy of data and also it ischallenging task. Now a days Copyright owners is tensed about protecting any of illegal repetition oftheir information/data. Hence, facing all these problems development of the techniques is must. Digital watermarking is a solution to prevent the multimedia data. In this paper, an overview of watermarking is proposed and implemented. In proposed watermarking method,the original image is rearranged using random sequence and DWT (Discrete Wavelet transform) is applied on rearranged image. ThenDCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) and SVD (Single Value Decomposition) are applied on all high bands LH, HL and HH. Watermark is then embed to it by modifyingthe singular values of these kind of bands. Extraction of watermark is done by the inverting of watermarkembedding process. For choosing of these three bands it gives facility of mid-band and pure high band thatensures that good imperceptibility andprovide more robustness against different kinds of attacks.
A comparative study on the algorithms for data privacy and security in cloud computing[Full-Text ] Syed Shafaque Fatma, Meera NarvekarCloud computing is a technology expected to redefine the advances in information technology. In data privacy protection and retrieval- control is one of the most challenging research works in cloud computing. Cloud computing offers an innovative business model for organizations with minimal investment. Security is one of the major issues which affect the growth of cloud. An important problem in this environment is to protect the user privacy while querying the data from the cloud; to address this researcher have developed many techniques, but the problem with those techniques is the heavy computational and bandwidth costs which are unacceptable to the users. This paper gives an overview of some schemes which address the problem of bandwidth and computational costs.
A Novel Strategy for Applying Vector Control Methods in Motoring Mode[Full-Text ] Navid Taghizadegan, Sakhavat Saghi, Mohammad Najafi, Akram AsghariIn this paper, a novel strategy for applying vector control methods for BDFM is investigated. It is always intended in vector control methods to calculate torque and flux of the machine by transforming the machine equations into a proper system. The main idea is taken from the control method for direct current motors. It is notable that this method has more complexity than scalar control methods, and it is used in applications¬ requiring accurate¬ and fast response. Furthermore, there is no mutual inductance between two windings of stator. To achieve this, the winding of each phase is formed by a number of coils in series. The arrangement of these coils is in a way that the resultant of induced voltages in the winding of each phase due to the field of other winding is zero.
A NUMERICAL EXPERIMENT ON BURGER’S EQUATION[Full-Text ] Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Saiduzzaman, Sobuj kumar Ray, Shifat AhmedThere are many equations in mathematics which are used in our practical life. Burger’s equation is one of them which is a good simplification of Navier-Stokes equation where the velocity is one spatial dimension and the external force is neglected in absence of pressure gradient. This equation is used to analyze traffic congestion and acoustics. It occurs in various areas of applied mathematics, such as modeling of various problems in fluid dynamics and traffic flow etc. Due to the complexity of the analytical solution, one needs to use numerical methods to solve this equation. For this we investigate finite difference method for Burger’s equation and present an explicit central difference scheme. We implement the numerical by computer programming for artificial initial and boundary data and verify the qualitative behavior of the numerical solution of burger’s equation.
Loss Reduction with Optimization of Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution Using Genetic Algorithm and Comparison with ABC Method - A CASE STUDY[Full-Text ] Ehsan Rostami Salari, Behnam Jomehzadeh Mahani, Behrooz Jomehzadeh Mahani, Mahdiyeh EslamiIncreasing application of capacitor banks on distribution networks is the direct impact of development of technology and the energy disasters that the world is encountering. To obtain these goals the resources capacity and the installation place are of a crucial importance. In this paper a new method is proposed to find the optimal and simultaneous place and capacity of these resources to reduce losses, improve voltage profile Using Genetic Algorithm and Comparison with ABC Method. The advantage of ABC algorithm is that it does not require external parameters such as cross over rate and mutation rate as in case of genetic algorithm and differential evolution and it is hard to determine these parameters in prior. To demonstrate the validity of the proposed algorithm, computer simulations are carried out on actual power network of Kerman Province, Iran and the simulation results are presented and discussed.
Ranking Algorithm RA-SVM for Domain Adaptation: A Review[Full-Text ] Paras V. Kothare, Yogesh K. Gedam, Ratnadeep R. DeshmukhDifferent new vertical domains are coming everyday so running a broad-based ranking model is no longer desirable as the domain are different and building a separate model for each domain is also not beneficial because there much time required for labeling the data and training the samples. In this paper we are handling the above problem by regularization based algorithm called as ranking adaptation SVM (RA-SVM), the algorithm is used to adapt existing ranking model of broad-based search engine to new domain. Here performance is still guaranteed and times taken to label the data training the samples are reduced. The algorithms only requires prediction from existing ranking model and do not require internal structure of it. Adapted ranking model concentrate on specific domain to achieve better results which are relevant to the search, further it reduces the searching cost also as the most appropriate search results are shown. Single ranking model is not good for training the search engine as the information retrieval is complicated, Domains are highly great, used in the global search engines and the data set is also large. So we can’t generalize the information well for specific search intensions. That is why we are moving towards training the global ranking model for each specific domain for fetching the appropriate information from each respected domain for doing so we are using robust supervised classification algorithm. The parameters learned during the model adaptation and ranking SVM from global ranking model are capable retrieving the required information. Adapting the model is lot easier than building a unique ranking model for each domain.
Study of multilevel inverter and analysis of three levels Inverter (FCMI)[Full-Text ] Amarjeet.S.PandeyThis paper deals with the study and analysis of three level flying capacitor inverter topology. These are increasingly being used in medium and high power applications due to their advantages such as low power dissipation of power switches, low harmonic contents and switching redundancy. By using the MATLAB/simulink simulation software which includes the triggering circuit, the design of FCMI was successfully done with respect to the resistive load.
Control Models in Software Engineering[Full-Text ] Akshay Sharma, Manushi ShahThis research paper gives you the brief idea of the different control models used in software engineering and its types. Control models are widely classified into centralized and event-based control models. Centralized models are classified into call-return model and manager model whilst event-based models are classified into broadcast models and interrupt-driven models. Every model has its own application and expertise.
Review on Vibration Based Condition Monitoring of Rolling Element Bearing by numerical method and Its Validation by Experimental Approach[Full-Text ] Sakshi Kokil, Prof.Dr. S. Y. GajjalBearing is very important part in whole machinery as failure in bearing leads to failure in machinery. Vibration analysis is effective method to detect fault in bearing. Vibration analysis is done by condition monitoring effectively by which location of fault & cause of vibration can be easily detected. It makes use of vibration signatures to calculate characteristic fault frequency. Recent trend in vibration analysis is use of numerical method with the help of finite element method. This paper sums up some of the recent research and developments in rolling bearing vibration analysis techniques by numerical approach and its validation by experimental approach.
A Survey on Retrieval Techniques[Full-Text ] Miss. Yogini Dingorkar, Mr.Ankush Maind, Miss.Roshni TalmaleTo obtain high query performance the efficient information retrieval must be needed. Today there are various methods are proposed for storing and retrieving the data. Many of this technique use compression while storing which require decompression while searching. To improve performance of the searching various union and intersection algorithms are available. The different encoding methods are presented to improve the compression ratio which works on indexes of the words. Inverted lists are usually needed to retrieve the documents. Inverted indexes are very large, so that various compression techniques have been studied to reduce the storage space and disk IO time. To improve the performance various reordering techniques are also presented. This paper gives comprehensive review on various searching, compression, reordering techniques which helps to generate efficient indexing while storing and retrieving.
A SURVEY ON SECURE AND PRIVACY IN SOCIAL NETWORK WITH GROUP MATCHING TECHNIQUES[Full-Text ] Sneha k.Wahane, Prof. Jayant RohankarGroups are commonly used in social networks. In order to choose a suitable group to join, a stranger who is still outside of a group may have the need to figure out matching information about the attributes of all the group members based on its own at-tributes. However, privacy is one of the most important issues, how can we allow the stranger to find out matching information between itself and a group without gaining private attributes is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose secure and privacy-preserving group matching scheme, where the privacy of both a stranger and group members in social networks are preserved. By leveraging attribute based group signatures, stranger is able to collect exact matching information while the private information of this stranger and group members are not revealed. Batch verification is proposed to significantly improve efficiency of the matching process.
Intrusion Detection and Forensic Analysis on Database using Log Mining Approach[Full-Text ] Agrata Jain, Sneha Saswade, Yogesh Phalke, Chaitanya GholapThe demand for secure storage of data has become necessity of our time. Financial records, medical records and legal information are all in need of secure storage.In the dynamic world economies and the era of globalization, data outsourcing is unavoidable. Security is the leading concern in data outsourcing environment, since data is under the custody of third party web servers.In current scenario, third party can access and view data even though they are not authorized to do so and allowing the employee of the organization to update the database. This may lead to serious data tampering, data theft or data leakages causing severe business loss to data owner. An important element of any strong security solution is represented by intrusion detection (ID) systems, which detects anomalous behavior by applications and users. In our project, we have proposed a novel solution to detect database intrusion using Log Mining technique. Log files are unalterable files at runtime, automatically created by Web servers. Main use of log file is to keep trace of transactions performed on any web applications. We consider purchaser database at server-side and compare this with the transactions traced from the log files, with the help of which database tampering can be determined for any indifference found. Finally, with the help of forensic analysis algorithm, we will figure out who did the tampering. Hence the system administrator and the data owner will have a secured system with our model.
Wind Energy - The Worlds Fastest Growing Renewable Energy Resource- An Overview.[Full-Text ] Md. Moyeed AbrarEnergy is a major input for overall socio-economic development of any society. Wind energy is the fastest growing renewable energy resource. As the most mature and presently the most cost effective renewable energy source, wind energy is generally recognized as a key solution in the fight against climatic change and the desire to free society from its dependence on fossil fuels. Wind technology has improved significantly over the past two decade, and wind energy has become increasingly competative with other power generation options. Of all renewable energy sources wind power occupies a unique place due to the combination of two attributes: technological preparedness and the fact that is inherently site specific. The wind direction is found using a Wind vane and the wind speed is measured using a Wind guage or Anemometer. In this paper a general overview is presented on the importance of wind energy in power generation. The paper also focuses on the production of wind power using the related technology-wind turbines and discusses the role of wind energy as a key renewable source in India.
Design and Implementation of Speed Regulation of Z-Source Fed Induction Motor[Full-Text ] Ritesh Chhapre, Satyadharma BhartiInduction motors which are used as electrical drives show good potential and used widely in electromechanical systems in var-ious industry due to its own characteristics viz. durability, ruggedness, reliability, mechanical structure, low maintenance and comparatively low cost. Induction motors are now preferably used in a new generation of electrical transporting systems such as cars, buses, and trains. The present work emphasize on a novel technique to deal with voltage and current source fed induction motor problems regarding speed regulation using Z-source inverter. DC input voltage can be boosted up by Z -source inverter with no requisite of step up transformer or DC-DC boost converter , hence it prevails over the margins of output voltage of conventional VSI as well as decrease its rate. A comparison among conventional DC-DC boosted, Z-source inverter and PWM inverter illustrates that Z source inverter requires least semiconductors and control the cost of circuit, which are the main cost of a power electronics system which result in increase of concentration on z-source inverter.
A Review on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm[Full-Text ] Sharandeep SinghDuring last few decades researchers and young scientists have presented different versions of PSO approach. Scientists have successfully solved several real life, industrial, insurance and other marketing problems with the help of these versions. In this article a review of several hybrid versions of PSO have been presented.
Effect of Triangular Wake Splitter on Flow and Heat Transfer over a Circular Cylinder for Various Chord Lengths[Full-Text ] Vivek Shrivastava, Pavan Badami, Saravanan V, K N SeetharamuThe present work is an initiative towards improving heat transfer and reducing drag for the case of flow past cylinder by utilizing triangular wake splitter. Flow and heat transfer analysis has been carried out for three configurations-circular cylinder and cylinder with triangular and rectangular wake splitter from which it has been observed that cylinder with triangular splitter is the best configuration. Hence in the present study we have carried out flow and thermal analysis for triangular wake splitter of different chord lengths. Study has been carried out for low Reynolds number 5, 20, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100,200. Flow and thermal analyses have been performed for the case of constant wall temperature. Fluent 6.2.16 is used for the purpose of analysis. An incompressible SIMPLEC finite volume code employing a non-staggered grid arrangement is used. Second order upwind scheme is used for convective terms. Time discretization is implicit and a Second order Crank-Nicholson scheme is employed. Effect of wake splitter and wake splitter chord length on wake formation, vortex generation, coefficient of drag, local Nusselt number, coefficient of pressure heat transfer coefficient, overall heat transfer has been numerically studied and variations have been plotted. Validation has been carried out for average Nusselt number on single cylinder for Reynolds number 200 and coefficient of drag for Reynolds number 5 to 100 and results were found to be in good agreement with available experimental and numerical work. Heat transfer with triangular wake splitter has been found to be 17%, 53.4%, 115.7% more and drag coefficient 1.176, 7.92 and 9.01 times lower compared to bare cylinder for three different chord lengths. Performance of triangular wake splitter has been found to be similar to rectangular wake splitter. Results point towards cylinder with triangular wake splitter being more efficient than other configurations.
Design Study of high reflectivity Birefringent mirrors[Full-Text ] Farah.Ghanim .KhalidMultilayer mirrors that maintain or increase their reflectivity with increasing incidenceangle can be constructed using polymers that exhibit large birefringence in their indicesof refraction. The most important feature of these multilayer interference stacks is the indexdifference in the thickness direction (z axis) relative to the in-plane directions of the film. This z-axis refractive index difference provides a variable that determines the existence and value of the Brewster's angle at layer interfaces, and it controls both the interfacial Fresnelrefection coefficient and the phase relations that determine the optics of multilayer stacks. These films can yield optical results that are difficult or impossible to achieve withconventional multilayer optical designs. The materials and processes necessary to fabricate such films are amenable to large-scale manufacturing .In this research use the (MATLAP) to calculate and design this type of reflection surfaces then we study the main parameters effect on it .
Fabrication of a hydro cooling system to mitigate dry matter loss of stored wheat grains in silos[Full-Text ] S. B. Navaratne and M. Saja Sheriff AliA prototype hydro cooling system was developed using fourteen copper and five Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tubes, length and diameter of these tubes were 914, 8mm & 914, 12.5mm respectively. All copper tubes were wrapped individually with linen cloth properly and kept them together horizontally in a cylindrical manner while leaving a 0.7-10mm gap between all tubes using pieces of hollow metal sheet to facilitate movement of air currents over the linen cloth wrapped copper tubes. The underside of the all PVC tubes were made perforated with small openings (0.25mm) and these tubes were also inserted horizontally between copper tubes in a manner to damp the linen cloth when water is running through the PVC tubes. All tubes were housed horizontally again in a large PVC tube with an adequate space between tubes and the housing. Two axial blowing fans (230v, 2800rpm) were attached to the hydro cooling system to blow air over and through the copper tubes. When water was flowing through the PVC tubes, tiny water droplets are coming out and drench with the linen cloth, wrapped over the copper tubes.
Smart Grid[Full-Text ] Abdulelah Mohammed AlnasserSmart grid (smart power grids) is the intelligence of the grid, also known as "grid 2.0". Smart Grid is built on the basis of integrated, high-speed bi-directional communication network, through advanced sensing and measurement techniques, the application of state-of-the-art equipment and technology, advanced control methods and state-of-the-art decision support system technology to achieve reliable grid security, economical, efficient, environmentally friendly and use security goals, its main features include self-healing, motivation and including the user to defend against attacks, power quality to meet the users' needs in the 21st century to allow the access of the various forms of electricity generation, start the power market and asset optimization and efficient operation. The smart grid is an overview of the next generation power system, which is characterized by the use of communications and information technology in the generation, transmission and electricity and other sectors more.
BASIC TECHNIQUES OF PHYTOREMEDIATION[Full-Text ] Shivendra Sharma, Hardik PathakThe rapid increase in population coupled with fast industrialization growth causes serious environmental problems particularly soil pollution. Farmers generally use fertilizers to appropriate soil deficiencies. Since the metals are not degradable, their accumulation in the soil above their toxic levels becomes an indestructible poison for crops. There are a number of conventional remediation technologies which are employed to remediate environmental contamination with heavy metals such as solidification, soil washing and permeable barriers. But a majority of these technologies are costly to implement and cause further disturbance to the already damaged environment. Phytoremediation, Phytoextraction or phytominig, Phytostabilization, Rhizofilteration, Rhizodegradation, Phytovolatilization is evolving as a cost-effective alternative to high-energy, high-cost conventional methods. These are considered to be a “Green Revolution” in the field of innovative cleanup technologies. Constituents amenable to phytoremediation include Pb2+ ,Sr, Cd2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Cr6+, U, Sr. The plant affected soil environment can convert metals from a soluble to an insoluble oxidation state As, Cd, Cr 6+, Pb, Zn. Therefore, the process of remediation using micro-organisms represents a promising, largely untapped resource for new environmental biotechnologies.
Design and Verification of AES encryption with new approach for S-Box[Full-Text ] Bhupendra Badoniya, Ravi MohanInformation security has become a very critical aspect of modern computing systems. With the global acceptance of internet, virtually every computer in the world today is connected to every other. While this has created tremendous productivity and unprecedented opportunities in the world we live in, it has also created new risks for the users of these computers [2]. The users, businesses and organizations worldwide have to live with a constant threat from hackers and attackers, who use a variety of techniques and tools in order to break into computer systems, steal information, change data and cause havoc [2]. The paper work aims at designing and implementing a secure data communication between any two users based on the realization of advanced Symmetric-key Cryptographic algorithm called Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) on an FPGA based processor.
Sodium Aliginate as Corrosion Inhibitor for Carbon Steel in 0.5 M HCl Solutions[Full-Text ] Ameena Mohsen Al-BonayanThe corrosion inhibition of carbon-steel in 0.5 M HCl by sodium aliginate has been investigated using weight loss method, potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) techniques. Results obtained showed that sodium aliginate are good inhibitor and its inhibition efficiency increases with increasing sodium aliginate concentration and decrease with increase in temperature. Moreover, polarization studies clearly revealed that the presence of sodium aliginate changes the mechanism of hydrogen evolution and the metal dissolution i.e. they act as mixed type inhibitors. EIS study showed that charge transfer resistance increases with the increase of sodium aliginate concentration but the capacitance of double layer decreases. The adsorption of sodium aliginate obeys Langmuir’s adsorption isotherm. The activation parameters were determined and discussed. The mechanism of adsorption had been explained on the basis of chemical structure of sodium aliginate. It was found that there is a good agreement between the different tested techniques.
Spatial Cloaking algorithm for location privacy preservation[Full-Text ] Suchita R. Shastry, Dr. A. B. BagwanLocation based Servers (LBS) include services to identify a location also responsible for answering the queries, may disclose user’s sensitive information. Mobile users expect to access services relevant to their locations, and also want preserve their privacy without disclosing their exact location. The spatial cloaking method provides way the where the location of the user get blurred. Location Anomymizing Server (LAS) is trusted third party which cloaks the user’s location and sends to LBS. Peer to peer network (P2P), communication between the peers becomes time consuming and communication overhead. In this paper we have proposed the method where instead of communicating with peers, user directly communicates with LBS. Also mobile client is directly communicating with LBS without the interference of third party trusted server, location Anonymizing server (LAS). In this paper, we have presented two algorithms where first algorithm which where the LBS provide the direct list of in ascending order. The second algorithm for query processing generates the region of different shapes. Hence adversary cannot disclose the user’s exact location.
An efficient OFDM carrier system design using parallel architecture[Full-Text ] Achish R.A Robin , R.Rajesh kannaThe objective of this design is to made a design of 128/64 point Fast Fourier transform processor to support future generation Multiple- Input Multiple Output Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MIMO -OFDM). 1n wireless local area network base band processor the architecture produces high complexity. The pipelined mixed radix multipath delay feedback (MRMDF) FFT architecture is proposed to provide as higher throughput rate combining the characteristics of both Single path Delay Feedback (SDF) which is used to reduce memory size . The proposed processor not only supports the operation of FFT in 128 point and 64 point but can also provide different throughput rates .And also less hardware complexity is needed in this deign compared with conventional four. This approach will also reduce the power consumption. The proposed FFT Processor is designed and implemented in VHDL and the simulation results are presented. This paper discusses the effect of carrier frequency offset and its estimation method.
Optimization of balancing for a mixed multi model assembly line[Full-Text ] Anoop Kumar Elia and Dr. D. ChoudharyThe fundamental of Assembly line balancing problems is to assign the tasks to an ordered sequence of stations, such that the precedence relations are satisfied and some of the measurements of effectiveness are optimized. (e.g. to minimize the number of work stations; minimize the balance delay; minimizing line balancing loss, idle time mini-mizing, minimizing cycle time etc). The problem of Assembly Line Balancing deals with the distribution of activities among all the workstations so that there will be maximum utilization of human resources and facilities without affecting the work sequence. In this work, a mixed multi model assembly line (MMuALB) is optimized for the best performance. Four models with different quantities of production are treated for assembly line optimization. Initially, the average of task times of all the four models is computed in order to allocate the tasks to stations. The total number of stations required for allocation is also optimized. Once the allocation of tasks is completed, based on the averaged task times the load balancing is calculated for each station, for each model and for all the station models. The idle time of each station model is reduced by an iterative algorithm by incrementing the quantity of the appropriate model. A generic assembly line of Buxey 29 tasks problem is solved for allocation of tasks of each of the four models for the least idle time of the stations.
Assessment of Radiation Variations with Dis-tance in the Vicinity of GSM Base Stations An-tenna[Full-Text ] Mamilus A. Ahaneku, Anthony N. Nzeako, Udora N. NwaweluElectromagnetic radiations from GSM (global system for mobile communications) base stations were measured at far fields at a distance above 50 meters away from the base station using hyper log antenna with Spectran 6080 (spectrum analyzer). The uncertainty of the measurement was taken into consideration during conversion from peak powers to peak power densities. In this paper, we analyzed the measured field values to see how the values differ and compared the field measurement with the simulation results. Also, the field result was compared with international safety level standard as given by ICNIRP, and was found to be about 0.06% lower. The result also showed that the peak power density decreases as we moved away from the base stations. The total obtained radiations level within the environment stood at 5.2284 mW/m2. This is even below the safety standard level as recommended. Finally, we looked at the implications of such variation within the environment.
Two Piece Multinormal Distribution[Full-Text ] Dr. Parag Shah, Dr. C. D. BhavsarWe have extended the univariate binormal distribution to two-piece multinormal distribution. The density function of two-piece multinormal distribution is given and the maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters when the variance - covariance matrix of two components of multivariate normal distributions are proportional to each other, are obtained. Its truncated distribution and estimation of parameters are also considered in this paper.
Virtual Keyboard[Full-Text ] Nikhil Koul, Pranav Nawathe, Pranav TulpuleOur paper, the ‘virtual keyboard’ will discuss a new technology in human machine interface. Instead of using the mechanical keyboard having moving parts and buttons, this gadget projects an image of a keyboard for the user’s reference. Using a camera and digital image processing algorithms the user’s input is detected.