Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2014 Edition
Publication for Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2014 is in-process.
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A Combined Approximation to t-distribution[Full-Text ] Naveen Kumar Boiroju, R. RamakrishnaIn this paper, a simple function developed for computing probability values of t-statistics. This function corrects the function proposed by Gleason (2000) with good accuracy and also it provides comprehensive t-statistic probability values without further check of the statistical tables. Probability values for any t-test statistic could be readily obtained from the suggested function and the proposed approximation guarantees atleast three decimal point accuracy, which is more than sufficient to compare the probability value with the level of significance in statistical hypothesis testing.
Design Feed Forward Neural Networks To Solve Control Problem In Electric Power System[Full-Text ] Luma. N. M. Tawfiq & Manar. I. IsmailThe main aim of this paper is to use artificial neural networks to solve control problem in electric power system, since the neural networks are universal and effective means for the different control problems. The use of such method of the artificial intelligence allows solving the reactive power and voltage control problem with higher level of its reliability and quality. The solving of the reactive power and voltage control problem is to increase the electric network effectiveness. It allows to reduce the electric power losses, substation loading and to improve the electric power quality. In this paper, the main principles of such control is considered on the basis of the neural networks.
Effect of Multiple Intelligence- Based Instructional Approach on Secondary School Students’ Achievement in the Learning of Difficult Biology Concepts [Full-Text ] Okoli Josephine Nwanneka, Okoli Stella ObianujuThe study determined the effect of Multiple Intelligence Based Instructional Technique (MIBIT) on students’ achievement in the learning of difficult biology concepts. Two research questions were asked and two research hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The research design was a quasi – experimental study. The sample was made up of seventy four (74) senior secondary one (SS1) students from two randomly selected co-educational secondary schools from Aguata Education Zone of Anambra state. The Biology Achievement Test (BAT) was the instrument used for data collection. Test re-test was used to determine the reliability of BAT which yielded the coefficient of internal consistent of 0.92 . Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses at p<0.05. The result of the findings indicated that MIBIT enhances academic performance in difficult biology concepts. Gender was discovered to have no significant influence on students ’academic performance. No interaction effect existed between MIBIT and gender on students’ overall cognitive achievement. Conclusion from the findings led to various recommendations, some of which are that biology teachers should adopt the MIBIT in the teaching of difficult biology concepts in order to carter for the diverse learning styles of students in their classroom and enhance their students’ performance. Curriculum designers should integrate MIBIT in the curriculum and teachers should be sponsored to workshops and seminars on how to improve their teaching skills using MIBIT.
Time Contraction: The Possibility of Faster Than Light without Violation of Lorentz Transformation or Causality and the Vacuum Energy Dependent[Full-Text ] Azzam AlmosallamiFaster than light is impossible according to the special relativity theory of Einstein SRT. In this paper I’ll propose a new concept in physics called “time contraction”. This concept will solve many problems in physics related to faster than light without violation Lorentz transformation or causality. According to this concept, it is possible measuring the speed of an electromagnetic wave or a particle which owns rest mass greater than zero to be faster than the speed of light in vacuum without violation of Lorentz transformation or causality. Time contraction is proposed by a new understanding to the Lorentz transformation equations depending on the concepts of quantum theory (Copenhagen School). It is a new formulation to the time dilation and the length contraction and the speed of light which are vacuum energy dependent. By this new formulation, I could rescue the special relativity from the Twin paradox, Ehrenfest paradox, Ladder paradox and Bell's spaceship paradox. Furthermore, I could reconcile and interpret the experimental results of quantum tunneling and entanglement (spooky action), —Casimir effect, Hartman effect— with the SRT in this paper.
Performance Enhancement of Fabricated and Simulated Inset Fed Microstrip Rectangular Patch Antennas[Full-Text ] Ahmed Ibrahim Salem, Amgad A.Salama, Alla M.Eid, M. Sobhy, A.watanyMicrostrip patch antennas have become the favorite of antenna designers because of its versatility and advantages of planar profile, ease of fabrication, compatibility with integrated circuit technology, and conformability with a shaped surface. In this paper Microstrip feed Rectangular patch antennas RMPA are fabricated and simulated for various applications. The antennas are fed by differ-ent feeding techniques including Inset feeding technique. The advantage of Inset feed is that it can be easily fabricated and simplicity in modeling as well as impedance matching. The proposed patch antennas are designed and simulated on HFSS simulation software and fabricated to operate at frequencies 5GHz and 10 GHz.These antennas are designed using dielectric substrate RT/duroid 5880 whose permittivity er = 2.2. The simulated results for antenna parameters such as gain, return loss, radiation Pattern, Polar Plot, VSWR and further the performance of the inset feed techniques were discussed. VSWR of the frequency range 5 GHz is 1.08 and for the designed RMPA at frequency 10 GHz it is 1.56. The Return Loss of the 5.4 mm inset center fed rectangular patch antenna at frequency 5GHz records the best performance among the inset deviated from center and the ordinary fed around 0.1. The measured return loss for fabri-cated antennas is very close to the simulated for patch antennas.
LOW POWER FLIP-FLOP DESIGNS FEATURING EFFICIENT EMBEDDED LOGIC[Full-Text ] Shefalie Vincent, Bisni.O, Lubna KareemA DML mode logic is introduced here which improves the speed performance of the design, also achieving significant energy consumption reduction. The large capacitance in precharge node is eliminated by the DDFF and DDFF-ELM designs by following a split dynamic node structure. The DDFF offers power reduction. The DDFF-ELM reduces pipeline overhead. 4-b Johnson up-down counter is used to magnify the performance improvement of the designs, to which the DML logic is introduced. An area, power, and speed efficient method is presented here that incorporates complex logic functions into the flip-flop. The DML logic used in DDFF-ELM helps to achieve low power and high speed requirements.
lUser based Query suggestions using graphs[Full-Text ] Mr. Chandan Wagh, Prof. Vivekkumar ShrivastavaAs numbers of users of Web are rising daily and data which are navigating worldwide are in unstructured form, there should be some method which can take out applicable structured data from formless web data. Today, numbers of web based method are available to suggest data to web users like suggesting songs, movies, images, software, and queries etc., but this suggestion cannot be correct because web data are unstructured. No matter which types of data we are using for suggestion, essentially these data can be cast into various types of Graphs. We devise new approach called User based Query Suggestion which uses Graph Diffusion algorithm with user profile hits to suggest accurately similar quires to user.
Use Of Balaban Index, Zagreb’s Index And Kier & Hall’s Valency Connectivity Indices In Modeling Cardiotonic Agents- Cardio-Selective ß-Blockers[Full-Text ] Teena Pareek, A.V. Bajaj, Dheeraj MandloiWe have attempted to develop Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) to predict Cardiotonic Activity of Cardio-selective ß-blockers. The results have shown that Cardiotonic activity of Cardio-selective ß-blockers can be modeled excellently in tri-parametric models in which Balaban Index F, Zagreb Group index-M1 and Kier & Hall’s zero-order valency connectivity index played a dominating role. The predictive ability of the models is discussed on the basis of cross-validation method. The superiority of these indices over several other topological indices is critically examined. The values obtained for the best model are- R2 = 0.8634, Adjusted R2= 0.5913, Coefficient of variation= -1.3450 and F-ratio= 9.197.
Overcoming the lack of Numerical Confidential on Big Data by Introducing Shuffling in MapReduce Algorithm[Full-Text ] B Thirunavukarasu,K. Sangeetha, Dr T. Kalaikumaran, Dr. S.KarthikIn any engineering field the data associated with knowledge is important one for taking decisions for solving problems in the current system development. The numerical confidential on certain big data gets vulnerable. The algorithm used in big data is MapReduce algorithm. This algorithm does not provide with the effective numerical confidential. So Shuffling of data can be done in order to overcome the numerical confidential on big data. Shuffling on data could be made on certain algorithm including Minimal MapReduce algorithm.
Lossless Data Hiding and Data Extraction using Line Based Cubism[Full-Text ] D. Kishore Kumar, Geogen GeorgeNew type of computer art, called line-based cubism-like image, and a technique to create it automatically from a source image. The method finds line segments in the source image by Canny Edge Detection technique and Hough transform, combines nearby line segments, extends the remaining lines to the image boundaries, and re-color the created regions by their average colors, to create an abstract type of the original source image as the desired art image. Then, by utilizing the characteristics of the Cubism-like image creation process, a data hiding technique has been proposed. Based on the minimum color shifting of the values of 1, the technique embeds message data into the pixels of the regions of the generated art image while keeping the average region colors unchanged. Key Exchange algorithm is used to make sure the safety of the data. The data embedding process is proved to be lossless by theorems so that the cover image can be recovered perfectly after the embedded message data are extracted.
Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Penicillium citreonigrum and Fusarium moniliforme Isolated from El-Sharkia, Egypt[Full-Text ] Fahmy T. Ali, Hussein H.El-Sheikh, Mostafa M. El-Hady, Mahmoud M. Elaasser and Dalia M. El-AgamyBackground: Although nanoparticles can be made using various physicochemical methods that remains expensive and involves the use of hazardous chemicals. Biological synthesis of nanoparticles appears as a suitable process since it requires less energy, is environmentally safe, emerges as an eco-friendly, scalability, exciting approach, it has low manufacture costs of scalability, and better nanoparticle stabilization, compared to chemically synthesized nanoparticles.
Muffins and cookies produced from chickpea Flour[Full-Text ] Ines C. Gonzales, Hilda L. Quindara, Fernando R. Gonzales and Esther T. BotangenChickpea (Cicerarietanum L.) is a newly introduced crop in the Philippines particularly in Benguet. It is a cool season crop and initial results showed that higher yield was obtained under Benguet conditions which ranged from 800-1,200 kg/ha. It has high protein content and dietary fiber.
An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Web Navigation Patterns with a Path Traversal Graph[Full-Text ] Ms. N. G. Sharma, S. R. LomteWith the expansion of e-commerce and mobile-based commerce, the role of web user on World Wide Web has become pivotal enough to warrant studies to further understand the user’s intent, navigation patterns on websites and usage needs. Using web logs on the servers hosting websites, site owners and in turn companies, can extract information to better understand and predict user’s needs, tailoring their sites to meet such needs. The former mining algorithms do not provide a clear picture of the intentions of the visitors and suffer from drawback of either repetitive database scan or high memory load.
Cyclostationary Features Based Spectrum Sensing For Cognitive Radio[Full-Text ] Swash Sami Muhammed, Sarmad Nozad Mahmood, Aydin AkanA cognitive radio is a communication wireless system that can control on its transmitter parameters according to sensing the environment in which it operates to maximize the efficiency of spectrum utilization. The aim is to make wireless communication possible with less interference. In our work we have investigated one of the functions of cognitive radio called spectrum sensing. We have specifically used the method of Cyclostationary feature for detection. Randomly generated information is modulated by BPSK, QPSK, BFSK, QFSK, BASK, or QASK, then passed through additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. The received signal is then processed by cyclostationary detector which uses an adaptive thresholding on the cyclic spectral density. Simulation results on spectrum detection rate for different signal to noise ratios are demonstrated.
Grey Cast Iron Categorization using Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] Amany Khaled, Mostafa Rostom A. Atia,Tarek MoussaGrey cast iron (GCI) takes part in a wide range of applications in industry specially automotive one due to its unique properties like castability, machinability, low melting point and low cost as well. It’s used in manufacturing engine block, clutches, cylinder head, drum brakes, etc. The cooling rate of GCI affects its microstructure. Consequently, mechanical properties of GCI show strong deviation with the change in the texture of its microstructure. The main challenge with GCI is that surfaces are section sensitive i.e. cutting direction of sample gives different shape of microstructure. Although manual assessment to images gives accurate results, it's susceptible to human error, lack of experience and variation of the operators’ performance. Thus, automated image processing has a great contribution in this area. It reduces the amount of time required and increases the accuracy of extracted data. Since artificial neural networks (ANN) are always used in cases that are prone to uncertainty and decision making, software for image processing based on artificial neural networks will be introduced to categorize grey cast iron samples.
Proposed Approach to Enhanced Multimedia Information Security[Full-Text ] Ankita Awasthi, Amit SaxenaThe concept of image security and the word cryptography might be intimidating and complicated. The objective of the research is to design an idea that helps the user and the operations to achieve images security. Nowadays, information or image security is becoming more important in data storage and transmission. Images are widely used in several processes. Therefore, the protection of image data from unauthorized access is important. Steganography plays a significant role in the field of image hiding. Image hiding or encrypting methods and algorithms range from simple spatial domain methods to more complicated and reliable frequency domain ones. Most of the available steganography are mainly used only for single technique at a time but in this research, a new approach is propose to improve steganography technique. This approach is combining two techniques one is cryptography then followed by steganography. In cryptography, symmetric key cryptography are using to encrypt original image to produce cipher image and then this cipher image pass through steganography to produce final image . Performance of the propose approach is also analyzed and showing the expected results based on selected parameters. Expected results are proving the higher security and effectiveness in the performance.