Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2014 Edition
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Peroxidase activity and phenolic content in Barley and Wheat infested by Cecidomyiid insects[Full-Text ] Rabiaa Eddoha, Saadia Lhaloui, Mohamed Elabbyui Boubker Nasser and AbdelKhalid EssamadiTwo species of Mayetiola (Cecidomyiidae), M. destructor (Say) and M.hordei Keiffer are the most destructive insect pests of wheat and barley, respectively, in Morocco. Infested plants are stunted, will stop growing, and eventually die. The objective of the present study was to understand mechanisms of cereals’ responses to induced stress by these pest’s attacks and determine the peroxidase activity and phenolic content in infested wheat and barley plants. Two susceptible cultivars were used in this experiment; Nesma, a bread wheat variety, and Kanby, a barely. The peroxidase activity and phenolic content in the infested and check plants were measured. The results showed that peroxidase values of infested barley and wheat plants ranged from 700 to 1850 and from 1380 to 2100 U/g fresh weight, respectively, while the total phenolic content ranged from 200 to 320 and from 300 to 450 µg/g fresh weight, respectively. A linear relationship existed between peroxidase activity and total phenolic content in both barley and wheat infested and not. The present experiment showed that the peroxidase activities and the total phenolic content were significantly increased after infestation of barley and wheat by the two insect species.
History of P versus NP Problem[Full-Text ] MamtaIn this paper a brief history of famous P versus NP problem is discussed. Does P = NP? emerges as great challenge of science. The research work done by prominent experts of the field and theories given by them are concluded. This paper is prepared for non-specialists so I try to keep it as non technical as possible. Further predictions done by some great mathematicians are also given.
Slicing of Graphical Password for Privacy-Preserving in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Ashwini G. RautCloud computing is a computing paradigm, where a large pool of systems are connected in private or public networks, to provide dynamically scalable infrastructure for application, data and file storage. A pool of abstracted, highly scalable, and managed compute infrastructure capable of hosting end-customer applications and billed by consumption. Cloud computing is an efficient solution for the easiest and fastest storage and retrieval of data. The main issue in cloud computing is security. Access to computer systems is most often based on the use of alphanumeric passwords. However, users have difficulty remembering a password that is long and random-appearing. Instead, they create short, simple, and insecure passwords. Graphical passwords have been designed to try to make passwords more memorable and easier for people to use and, therefore, more secure [1]. Also For providing more security we are using the slicing concept. In case of slicing we are slice the graphical password and stored it in database on different location.
Larvicidal activity of rhamnolipid biosurfactant produced by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia .[Full-Text ] Korade Deepali, Puranik Sneha, Patil SuchetaMosquitoes pose a serious health problem throughout the world as they serve vectors for spreading human diseases like malaria, dengue fever, filariasis. Conventional control strategy involves application of broad-spectrum chemicals and pesticides which produce undesirable effects in environment and human health. Thus, bioactive compounds produced by bacteria like rhamnolipid biosurfactant exhibiting larvicidal property could be an effective and eco-friendly solution. For this purpose, 84 isolates obtained from oil contaminated samples and screened. One potent biosurfactant producer isolate selected, identified to be Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was used for biosurfact production. The crude biosurfactant produced was characterized as rhamnolipid and used further to test its larvicidal properties. The mosquito larvae in similar stage of lifecycle were subjected to different concentrations (1-10 mg%) of crude biosurfactant with distilled water as control. The larvae were observed for a period of 72 hours post application and LC50 and LC100 of the biosurfactant were calculated. Results suggested that mortality rate increased along the increase in time and concentrations. LC100 was exhibited by 1 mg% and 2 mg% biosurfactant concentrations by 72 hrs. These findings infer that biosurfactant can be used for curbing the mosquito larvae at lower concentrations.
Data Mining Usages in Knowledge Management: A Review Study[Full-Text ] Brij Kishore, Dr. Raj Kumar, Reshu Grover, Anurag MalooData mining is one of the most important steps of the knowledge discovery in databases process and is considered as significant subfield in knowledge management. Research in data mining continues growing in business and in learning organization over coming decades. This review paper explores the applications of data mining techniques which have been developed to support knowledge management process. The journal articles indexed in ScienceDirect Database from 2007 to 2012 are analyzed and classified. The discussion on the findings is divided into 4 topics: (i) knowledge resource; (ii) knowledge types and/or knowledge datasets; (iii) data mining tasks; and (iv) data mining techniques and applications used in knowledge management. The article first briefly describes the definition of data mining and data mining functionality. Then the knowledge management rationale and major knowledge management tools integrated in knowledge management cycle are described. Finally, the applications of data mining techniques in the process of knowledge management are summarized and discussed
Comparative Adsorption Isotherm Study of the Removal of Pb2+ and Zn2+ Onto Agricultural Waste[Full-Text ] Olalekan A.P., Dada A. O., Okewale A.O.The removal of lead (II) ions (Pb2+) and Zinc (II) ions from aqueous solution by phosphoric acid modified rice husk has been investigated. Isotherms studies were carried out by considering the equilibrium sorption of Pb2+ and Zn2+. The adsorption isotherms of Pb2+ and Zn2+ ions fitted the Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich models well. The highest coefficient of determination values (R2) for Pb2+ was obtained from the Temkin model as 0.997 while that of Zn2+ was obtained from the Langmuir model as 0.990 respective-ly. The maximum adsorption capacity predicted by the Langmuir Isotherm for Pb2+ and Zn2+ are 142.857 mg/g and 100 mg/g respectively. Isotherm parameters estimated from Langmuir, Freundlich Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich showed better adsorption of Pb2+ than Zn2+ under the same experimental conditions. The study showed that rice husk modified with phosphoric acid is an effective low-cost adsorbent for the removal of Pb2+ and Zn2+ from wastewater.
Experimental Investigation of Yield Strengths of Steel Reinforcing Bars Used in Nigerian Concrete Structures[Full-Text ] Anthony Nkem Ede, Oluwarotimi Micheal Olofinnade, Opeyemi JoshuaConcrete is the most widely used construction material in the world and is best used in conjunction with reinforcing steel for optimal results. But a lot of behavioral and durability issues affect the performance of this composite material. The level of understanding of these durability issues depends on the sophistication of the environment of application of the material. In the developing nations such as Nigeria, where the incidence of building collapse is very frequent and over 95% of the cases of collapse affect reinforced concrete structures, a lot need to be done to understand effectively the true causes of the building collapses. Among these include the behavior of the reinforcing steel adopted in Nigerian construction industry. This research evaluates the behavior of reinforcing steel used in Nigerian concrete structures. The research considers the test results of 12mm and 16mm reinforcing bars adopted for structural purposes within Lagos State environment which have experienced the most cases of building collapse in Nigeria. A total of 433 samples from sites located in 10 Local Government Areas of Lagos State were analyzed with statistical tools. About 42% of the 12mm bars and 46% of 16mm bars failed to meet the BS code prescription of 460N/mm2 yield strength and about 28 % and 33% of 12mm and 16mm bars, respectively, failed to meet the Nigerian’s professional’s prescription of 410N/mm2.
Synthesis and Characterization of mono-, di- and trinuclear Ruthenium(II) complexes[Full-Text ] B. Senthamarai Kannan, D. Suresh KumarThe synthesis of mono-, di- and trinuclear series of [{Ru(phen)2}(L1)](ClO4)2 (R1), [{Ru(phen)2}2(L2)](ClO4)4 (R2) and [{Ru(phen)2}3(L3)](ClO4)6 (R3) heteroleptic oligo-ruthenium(II) polypyridine complexes is undertaken. The synthesized organic precursors, 2-benzyloxy-1-formylnaphthalene (P1) and 1,4-bis(1-formyl-2-naphthyloxymethyl)benzene (P2), are characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction pattern: Monoclinic P21/c. The divergent method has been adopted for synthesizing these heteroleptic oligo ruthenium(II) polypyridine complexes via pre-synthesized organic precursors and ligands followed by characterization.
Propose a Model for Securing SMS[Full-Text ] Dr.Shaimaa H. Shaker, Dr.Hassan A. Jeiad, Fatimah A. HassanThe short message service (SMS) is one of the highly used mobile services for communication between parties. Each message can contain at most 140 bytes (1120 bits) of data, the equivalent of up to 160 English characters, or 70 Arabic or Chinese characters. This paper reviews the SMS architecture, security threats during its transmission and a proposed model of SMS encryption and authentication. It involves suitable encryption and decryption Algorithms using asymmetric cryptography and suitable HMAC algorithm as a message digest .The proposed model provides the confidentiality, integrity and authentication using modified RSA-2048 and SHA-256.
TO INCREASE THE STABILITY OF A TRACTOR BY INCREASING THE ADHERENCE WEIGHT[Full-Text ] Ashish DewanganRollovers account for more than half of these fatalities, despite decades of effort by tractor manufacturers and farm safety professionals to eliminate these tragedies. Driving too close to an incline or embankment, driving too fast when negotiating a curve, driving the tractor with a loaded front-end loader in the raised position, uneven braking while traveling at high speeds, and losing control of the tractor due to excessive load on the drawbar are the major causes of side rollovers. Center of gravity must lie inside the stability baseline area. From the time the tractor begins to rollover, the incident can take as little as 1.5 seconds. This can be prevented by increasing the weight on front wheel axel. We find that this can be done by using water filled tires on front wheel and for further increasing the weight we can use magnesium chloride (MAG) as an additive. MAG can increase the weight of water filled the tire about 20%, also it is a good antifreeze mixture which proved to be useful if we use water filled tire along with MAG in low temperature zone.
Performance of Concrete Containing Rice Husk Ash in Lining of Open Channel[Full-Text ] Saleh. I. Khassaf, Ali. T. Jasim, Fatimah.K. MahdiControl of water losses by lining canals is one of the important aspect to solve problem of Seepage from irrigation canals. In this research work was experimentally carried out to study the performance of concrete containing Rice Husk Ash (RHA) in lining canals, due to its great availability and low cost. In the presented research concrete specimens was molded with 10%, 20%, and 30% of (RHA) replacing the cement. Tests of water absorption, sorptivity and coefficient of water absorption indicate that it were decrease with the increase of RHA% until 20%. from the result of ponding test it can be concluding that it was a clearly reduction in the rate of seepage losses with the increase of RHA% replacement concrete until 20% where the reduction was recorded to be 34% and 67% for 10% and 20% RHA respectively, while when the %RHA increased to 30 the rate of seepage losses was more than it was in the control mix, where it was increased to 26% than that in the control mix for the older age thus, it can be concluded that used of rice husk ash (RHA) as partial replacement to 20% of ordinary Portland cement in concrete lining canals will reduce the rate of seepage losses from canals and improvement the properties of concrete which used in the lining canals.