Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2014 Edition
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Bioactive Secondary Metabolites: An Overview[Full-Text ] Abhishek Sharma, Naleeni Kumari, Ekta MenghaniHuman mind has been successfully controlling every component of ecosystem, whether it is biotic or abiotic. The components which are not been even visible, the microbes have been exploited by science. In present sciences, there is no field in which microbially obtain products are not used from medicine to agriculture, food additives to even fuels, agrochemicals. Many advances have been developing in antibacterial drugs. With development in scientific techniques there has been great improvement in methods of production in microbial metabolites.
Expansion of generalized polynomial set in terms of Jocobi and Sister Celin’s Polynomials.[Full-Text ] Rakesh Kumar SinghRecently, we introduced “An unification of cirtain generalized polynomials set with the help of generating relation which contains the generalized Lauricella functions in the notation of Burchnall and Chaundy [2]. It is shown that this polynomial, set happen to be a generalization of as many as forty orthogonal and non-orthogeenal polynomials. In this paper, we introduced the polynomials set in terms Jocobi and Sister Celin’s polynomials.
Managing knowledge to promote sustainability for infrastructure development in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Dr. Amaeshi Uzoma FrancisThis study examines the major issues facing knowledge management for corporate sustainability and infrastructural development in developing countries focusing on Nigeria. Our goal is studying the relationship between the dimensions of knowledge management (management, ideas, missions, learning organization and work of group as the independent variables and the individual entrepreneurship of personnel of industrial projects as the dependent variable. The variables like generic state, age, education and CV are known here as adjustment variables. This work is survey type using standard questionnaires; descriptive and inferential statistics on the population of the study. Data were analyzed with the help of SPSS. Our results show that knowledge management, ideas, missions and work of group have effect on entrepreneurship development; and there is a meaningful relationship between them, but there is no connection among management, strategy and learning organization. In order to achieve entrepreneurship development we recommend an adoption of more radical approaches in handling the theme of sustainability of Projects: new project sustainability models built on intrinsic sense of duty attained through individual and organizational based processes. This study is therefore, expected to arouse new interest among scholars, development practitioners and students of research about re-mapping the traditionally established paths towards project sustainability.
Evaluating the performance and Scheduling the access requests in cloud storage by using CloudSim Toolkit[Full-Text ] M.Haritha, N.J.SubashiniCloud computing is a rising technology. In which virtual machine migration and dynamic resource allocation can place a main role to produce services to the user. The user will send their access requests to the constantly to the cloud when migration was working. So here we are going to schedule those access requests to ensure the performance of cloud storage system [7]. Our main goal is to implement the scheduling algorithm for migration of Hosts. So here we could establish the connection between system availability and resource availability to improve the performance of cloud storage. The scheduling algorithm can be implemented in CloudSim toolkit. It supports both system and behaviour modelling of cloud system components such as data centres (DC), Hosts, Virtual machines (VMs).
Transition properties of ?-ray Emitted from levels in 90Mo using ( s)/J method[Full-Text ] Wafaa Ahmed Azeez, Bashair M.saied, Taghreed A.YounisThe d-mixing ratios have been calculated for several ?-transitions in 90Mo using the s/J method. The results are compared with other references the agreement is found to be very good .this confirms the validity of the s/J method as a tool for analyzing the angular distribution of ?-ray.
Intuitionistic Fuzzy P-Ideals of BCI-Algebras with Interval Valued Membership& Non Membership Functions[Full-Text ] Ragavan, Satishkumar and SilambarasanThe purpose of this paper is to define the notion of an interval valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy P-ideal (briefly, an i-v IF P-ideal) of a BCI – algebra. Necessary and sufficient conditions for an i-v Intuitionistic Fuzzy P-idealare stated. Cartesian product of i-v Fuzzy ideals are discussed.
On Intuitionistic Fuzzy R-Ideals of Semi ring[Full-Text ] Ragavan.C, Solairaju.A and Kaviyarasu.MIn this paper, we introduce the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy ideal and intuitionistic fuzzy R-ideal in semi ring and investigate some properties of intuitionistic fuzzy R-ideals of semiring.
Pulmonary Function Test in Normal Healthy School Children[Full-Text ] Kundan Mittal, Tanu Satija, Jyoti Yadav, K B Gupta, Anupama MittalPulmonary function tests were studied in 1000 (500 boys and 500 girls) healthy school going children of Rohtak (Haryana) of 10-14 age years. Recording was done by portable Spirolab 1spirometer. Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1), Forced Expiratory Flow (FEF25-75%) showed a significant correlation with age, weight, height, body surface area and body mass index in both sex except for correlation of FEF25-75% with BMI in females. In males, FVC and FEV1 had the best correlation with body surface area followed by weight and age in both males and females. The correlation of FEV1/FVC% with age, weight, height, body surface area and body mass index was not significant. The mean values of all pulmonary function measurements were higher in boys as compared to girls but statistically significant difference (p<0.001) was found for FVC and FEV1.
Structural, Transport and optical properties of Nanostructured vacuum evaporated Bi2Se3 thin films[Full-Text ] V. T. Patil, Y. R. Toda, D. N. GujarathiThin films of bismuth (III) selenide were deposited thermally onto amorphous glass substrates at a pressure of 10-5 torr. X-Ray diffraction analysis was used for identification of the material obtained. Surface morphology of the films was determined using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). Optical, electrical and photoluminescence properties of the films were investigated. According to the resistance–temperature measurements, Bi2Se3 thin films are typical semi-conducting materials with calculated activation energies of 0.031095 – 0.07664 eV and the majority charge carriers are electrons. As-deposited films are characterized with band gap energy of 1.4 - 2.25 eV. Fermi energy was evaluated as 0.0784 to 0.0272 eV and absorption coefficient was found to be 0.173 – 0.059. The emission peak at 598.35 nm of Bi2Se3 attributed the edge emission to transitions associated with donor/acceptor exciton. The peak observed at 671.48 nm shows reduction in band gap. So, this emission can be identified as radiative decay of free exciton of Bi2Se3.
Design of an automatic brake control system using artificial neural network.[Full-Text ] Eneh I.I. and Okafor P.U.An automatic brake control system using artificial neural network was designed to reduce acceleration from a predetermined speed once it detects an obstacle 250m ahead. Two inputs and one output parameters; position, velocity and brake, were designed using Fuzzy logic toolbox, to develop the car brake controller while Simulink based on back propagation training algorithm was used to train the network. After extensive training, the fuzzy controller was replaced by the neural network controller in the drive system simulation.
Histological Analysis Of The Effects Of Smokeless Tobacco On The Ovaries Of The Non Pregnant Female Swiss Albino Rats[Full-Text ] Dr. SynaPervaiz Singha, Dr. AfrozSaleemKazi, Dr. Usha Isaac BACKGROUND: Smokeless tobacco contains higher quantities of nicotine than most cigarettes. Low fertility rates & adverse reproductive outcomes are associated with its use. An effort is made to evaluate the effects produced by the locally available brand of smokeless tobacco on the ovaries of the female Swiss albino rats.
Methods of Estimation of the differential variability of Sea surface Temperatures using Numerical Modelling[Full-Text ] Mr Avinash ShahKnowledge of sea surface temperatures (SSTs) has importance for humankind with many valuable social and economic benefits. The SST is a crucial component in many physical, biological, and chemical processes within the Earth system. It is one of the most important properties governing the exchange of energy between the atmosphere and ocean and as such is of paramount importance in air-sea ux calculations. A good knowledge of SST is therefore germane in our understanding of upper ocean physical, biogeochemical processes, and air-sea interaction. SST is a variable widely used for describing ocean circulation and dynamics. It has an important role in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) as a boundary condition in General Circulation Models (GCMs) and therefore is valuable for weather forecasting. For example a necessary condition for the genesis of tropical cyclones is that the SST be above approximately 26C and SST maps are used to evaluate oceanic heat content, which is important for predicting hurricane intensity development. It also has an important role in climate science where it is viewed as a key indicator of climate change and variability developed in even better than the earlier detailed in page 16 of the synopsis.
The Influance Of Garlic (Allium Sativum) Oil As Quanching Medium For Heat Treatment Of Plain Carbon Steel[Full-Text ] Sani. A. SalihuIn this work, the garlic oil was evaluated as an alternative quench medium for hardening of plain carbon steel. The steel was heated to 860oC and socked for an hr, quenched and tempered separately in water and garlic oil. The mechanical properties (strengths, hardness, impact and ductility) of plain carbon steel (0.42%C) were investigated under two different quenching media (water and garlic oil). The investigations centered on water and garlic oil quenched and tempered conditions (3000C, 3500C, 4000C and 4500C). The results show that tensile strength of 2706.8 N/mm2 was obtained from sample quenched and tempered at 300°C in water, while garlic oil gave lowest tensile strength value of 1906.9 N/mm2 when tempered at 450°C but the highest impact strength of 28 J. .The highest hardness value of 52.2 HRA was obtained from the sample quenched in water and tempered at 300°C, while the lowest hardness value of 41.6 HRA was also obtained from sample quenched in garlic oil and tempered at 450°C. There were variations in microstructure of tempered samples from the two quenchants used in this study. The tensile strength and hardness values were decreasing while impact strength and ductility appreciably increase with increasing of tempering temperature due to the decomposition of martensite. Result indicated that water quenched steel produced its best properties in strength and hardness, while garlic oil quenched steel has its best property in impact strength and ductility.
Vibrational Analysis Of P-bromo Benzoic Acid And P-fluoro Benzoic Acid And Simulation Of FTIR and FT-RAMAN Spectra Based On Scaled Quantum Force Fields[Full-Text ] N.Jayamani, N.GeethaA solid phase FTIR and FT-Raman spectra of p-bromo benzoic acid (p-BBA) and p-fluoro benzoic acid (p-FBA) were recorded in the region 4000-400cm-1 and 4000-50cm-1 respectively. The spectra were interpreted with the aid of normal coordinate analysis following full structure optimization and force field calculations based of DFT using standard B3LYP/6-31G** basis set combination and was scaled using various scale factors yielding fairly good agreement between observed and calculated frequencies. The effects of bromo and fluoro substitutions on the structure and vibrational requencies have been investigated. The Infrared and Raman spectra were also predicted from the calculated intensities.
FEA of the crankshafts Design by using Ansys workbench For nickel chrome steel and structural steel[Full-Text ] Ashwani Kumar Singh, Praveen Kumar Singh, Akash KumarTripathi, Ajeet Yadav, Shyam bihari lalIn this present work statics analysis was conducted on a nickel chrome steel and structural steel crank shafts from a single cylinder four stroke engine. Finite elements analysis was performed to obtain the variation of stress magnitude at critical locations. Three dimensional model of crankshaft was created in Pro/E soft ware .The load was then applied to the FE model and boundary condition where applied as per the mounting conditions of the engine in the ANSYS Workbench.
Stress Analysis Spur Gear Design By Using Ansys Workbench[Full-Text ] Pradeep Kumar Singh, Manwendra Gautam, Gangasagar, Shyam Bihari LalA gear is a rotating machine part having cut tooth, which mesh with another toothed part in order to transmit torque. Gears are mainly type like spur gears, helical gears, double helical gears, bevel gears, crown gears, hypoid gears, worm gears, rack and pinion, epicyclic gears etc. The application of these gears fled from tiny wrist watches to huge machinery equipment gears from vital elements of mechanism in many machines such as automobile, aerospace industry, rolling mills, hoisting and transmitting machinery, marine engines, and the like. Parallel and co-planer shaft connected by gears are known as spur gear. Spur gear have straight tooth and are parallel to the axis of the wheel. Spur gears are most common type of gears. A pair of spur gear tooth in action is generally subjected to two types of cyclic stress: contact stress and bending stress including bending fatigue.
Structure-Based Web Pages Clustering[Full-Text ] Leila Shahmoradi, Somaieh Goudarzvand, Soheila BagheriRecognizing similarities among the documents of a set is one of the objectives of retrieving information. The information related to the similarities of web pages can be used to present similar documents to users in order to retrieve considered information. In the present study, a new algorithm has been proposed to cluster web pages based on their structure. The proposed algorithm is based on hierarchical clustering designed based on SCAN algorithm. Cross-page link and in-page link structures have been tested to create a new similarity function and clustering algorithm based on volume criteria has been created for web pages in order to determine hierarchical relations. As the research findings reveal, the proposed method is effective to be used in uncovered structures of web pages in some organizations` websites.
Ancient DNA and Neanderthals Mystery[Full-Text ] Shirshendu Kundu, Srikanta Thakur, Shakilur Rahman, Prof.(Dr.)Sanchita Bandopadhyay & Dr.Bidyut BandyopadhyayAncient DNA is DNA isolated from ancient specimens .It can be described as any DNA recovered from biological samples that have not been preserved specifically for later DNA analyses. The analysis of DNA recovered from archaeological and historical skeletal material, mummified tissues, archival collections of non-frozen medical specimens, preserved plant remains, ice and permafrost cores, Holocene plankton in marine and lake sediments, and so on are ancient DNA samples.
Methods to find improvements in Weather forecast in India (specific to Ahmedabad region)[Full-Text ] Rakesh Shah, H M Patel, Avinash Shah, Gaurangi Prajapati , Sanchita Mitra and Anil KadiaThis thesis is a contribution to the subjects of midlatitude atmospheric dynamics and targeting observations for the improvement of weather forecasts. For the first time the fullspectrum ofsingular vectors of the Eady model are considered. The importance and implications of the un shielding and modal unmasking mechanisms to the computed singular vectors are discussed. The computed singular vectors are used to analyse the vertical structure of the singular vector targeting function commonly used in observation targeting, in a vertical cross-section. Through comparison of this vertical cross-section to the dynamics of singular vectors, inferences about the scale and qualitative behaviour of the perturbations to which particular regions are ’sensitive’ are made. In the final section of the thesis, a new targeting method is introduced. This new targeting method utilises a set of evolved singular vectors to approximate the background errors within the region identified by a set of targeted singular vectors as dynamically connected to the verification region. The two sets of singular vectors can then be used as a computationally inexpensive means of predicting the reduction of forecast error variance that will be obtained from a given deployment of observations. This method differs from previous targeting methods as it makes no use of stationary norms or Kalman filter theory. It allows for both a dynamically determined estimate of the initial condition errors and allows for the operational data assimilation to be taken into account. Another major difference between the new targeting method and existing methods, is that it explicitly predicts the reduction in forecast error variance as the difference between the forecast error variance with and without the targeted observations. This additional feature introduces the potential for the prediction of instances where adding observations is likely to lead to an increase in the forecast error variance in the verification region.
Secure Cloud Computing Using Encryption and Decryption Method[Full-Text ] Dr. Yashpal singh, Ms. Pritee Gupta, Ms. Mrinalini shringirishiCloud computing, the long-held dream of computing as a utility, has the potential to transform a large part of the IT industry, making software even more attractive as a service and shaping the way IT hardware is designed purchased. Developers with innovative ideas for new Internet services no longer require the large capital outlays in hardware to deploy their services and human expense to operate it. They need not be concerned about over provisioning for a service whose popularity does not meet their predictions, thus wasting costly resources, or under provisioning for one that becomes wildly popular, thus missing potential customers and revenue. Moreover, companies with large batch-oriented tasks can get results as quickly as their programs can scale, since using 1,000 servers for one hour costs no more using one server for 1,000.
Coastal Aquifer Vulnerability Evaluation Of Bonny Island, Niger Delta, Nigeria[Full-Text ] OSADEBE, C.C.; FAKEYE, A.M. AND AKINLUYI, F.The objective of the study is to evaluate the hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer confining layer (aquitard) in Bonny Island in view of the possibility of surface pollution due its large reserve of crude oil and natural gas and companies with industrial plants. The investigation involved boring of six boreholes to a depth of 30m using dismanteable percussion rig. The field data were obtained from six hours pumping test conducted on the boreholes at a constant discharge rate of 32.5m3/hr (780m3/day). The De Glee method for steady state drawdown in an aquifer with leakage from a confining layer (aquitard) was adopted for the analysis of data and determination of hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer and confining layer. The permeability values of the confining layer vary between 9.55x 10-4 m/day and 1.33 x 10-2 m/day with an average value of 5.61 x 10-3 m/day while the permeability values for the aquifer vary between 4.83 x10-2 m/day and 103 m/day. The transmissivity values of the confining layers vary between 9.55 x 10-4 m2/day and 2.13 x 10-1m2/day with an average value of 5.39 x 10-2 m2/day and between 8.21 x 10-1m2/day and 4.22m2/day for the aquiferous zone. The values for the aquiferous zone are high, suggestive of a highly transmissible aquifer in the area. However, the average transmissivity value of the confining layer in borehole No3 is relatively high, indicating the possibility of occurrence of leakage especially when there is influence of gravitational and capillary forces on the moisture movement of the underlying soil through the pore spaces. The leakage factor values vary between 1.00m and 15.0m for confining layer. The hydraulic resistance values for confining layers vary between 9.39 x 102 day and 3.32 x 103day. Although, the permeability and transmissivity of the confining layers are low, the capacity of the layer to transmit water through leakage is sufficiently high especially within the location of borehole No3.
The effects of femtosecond laser on retina[Full-Text ] Dr. Hashim Fathi YassinFemtosecond laser plays an important role in cataract surgery, but retinal safety limits for near infrared laser employed in surgery are not well accuracy . This search determined retinal injury thresholds for protection from light scattering on bubbles and tissue fragments producing by laser cutting.
Encryption Of Data Into A New Pattern Which Depends On Password Content Set By User[Full-Text ] Uday BhaskarEncryption of data is important to maintain privacy and secure important data. We generally use a password to protect our important and confidential files but think of a encryption which depends on password content set by user to encrypt the contents of the file into a highly secure encryption. In this proposed method of encryption the data is first converted into a newly designed 4 bit format, further it is then changed to a Gray code format of 4 bits and finally every 2 bits is paired as one, this makes every letter equivalent to 8 bit. This encryption provides a better way to secure data using new format of coding.
Implementation Of A Sixth Order Active Band-pass R-filter[Full-Text ] Igwue, G. A., Amah, A. N. and Atsuwe B.A.In this paper, an active band-pass R- filter output response at different values of center frequency using MAPLE programming is carried out. A sixth order active band pass R-filter are constructed at center frequencies of 10 kHz and 100 kHz and quality factors of 2, 5, 7, 8 and 10 and roll off rate of 20dB/decade. The architecture used is the multiple feedbacks. The filter parameters and values for the passive components were calculated, the gain and phase response were then simulated with MAPLE programming. The simulation shows that at high Quality factors, the bandwidth of the filter response reduces considerably while its frequency selectivity increases without a shift in its center frequency. This is an indication that the filter will function well at high frequencies and perform poorly at lower frequencies. This result also shows that the R-filter is most selective at a quality factor of Q=8 and centre frequency of fo = 100KHz
Advanced Design Of Hybrid Vehicle With Improved Materials[Full-Text ] SURAJ BHARADWAJA TRIPATHY, SUBHAJYOTI PARIDAThe enormous amount of gases emittted by the limitless amount of automobile has created an suffocating situation in the Morden day society.The rate of pollution by the automobile industry is so high that the harmfulll effect can not be prevented but it can be controlled.So a question arises here is that is it possible to make the entire automobile mechanism ecofriendly ? Is it possible to control the emission of poisionous gasses from the vehicles ?The only way that it can be done is through the hybrid vehicles.So in this paper the desine of an advanced hybrid vehicle with improoved materials is done.Here in this paper the hybrid vehicle is designed by means of the interaction between the mechanical linkage and electrical system.The advanced version of materials that can make the vehicle more effective and comfortable is mentioned in a detailed manner.
An Approach for Noise Removal from a Sequence of Video[Full-Text ] Reeja S R, Dr. N.P KavyaIn this paper, various noise removals are compared with rectangular area matching technique. Thresholding is used for estimating these noisy sequences of frame. Noise is a prominent factor that reduces video quality. The various steps for video noise removal are thresholding, filtering and aggregation. All these steps are explained below. The quality of the video is very good, compared to the other paper which is mentioned in literature survey and peak to signal to noise ratio is evaluated.
Surface and dispersion properties of dodecanol and tetradecanol based glucoside surfactants[Full-Text ] Geetha D, Rashmi TyagiThe sugar based alkyl polyglucosides have been synthesized from fatty alcochols and dextrose on laboratory scale to find the optimum molar ratio of the paratoluene sulfonic acid catalyst for the synthesis in lower reaction temperature and pressure. The chemical structures and purity of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The surface and interfacial properties like critical micelle concentration, free energy of micellization, surface excess concentration and surface area demand per molecule were determined. These sugar based surfactants have been found to exhibit good surface tension, emulsion stability, foaming and wetting power. A new approach through nephelometric measurements has been followed to measure the dispersion power and the synergy with sodium dodecylglucosides. A good amount of synergism was found between the alkyl polyglucosides and the anionic sodium dodecyl surfactant. Biodegradation studies showed that the primary biodegradability of the synthesized surfactants was above 80%.
Representation of spatial proximity for various spatial data using Geometric methods[Full-Text ] M. Venkatesan, VivekanandKhyadeCo-location pattern is the subsets of Boolean spatial features whose instances are often located in close geographic proximity. Representation of proximity in geospatial data using conventional data models is not consistent. Neighbourhood is a major challenge and key part of spatial co-location pattern mining. Neighbourhood may be defined using topological relationship, metric relationship and combination of both. In most of the co-location mining, the neighbourhood was defined by user. In this paper, we are proposing Delaunay triangulation approach to model the neighbourhood between the objects. Delaunay triangulation is a structure representing the neighbourhood of objects in a succinct and unambiguous manner [7]. This approach eliminates the parameters from the user to define the neighbourhood of objects and avoid multiple test and trail repetitions in the process of mining. A Delaunay triangulation based co-location mining algorithm is developed to mine co-location patterns from complex spatial data.