Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2014 Edition
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Priority Assignment Based On Patronage Value[Full-Text ] Uche, P. I and Ugah, T. EWe consider a preemptive queuing system with a prioritization criterion that depends on the real cost of customers’ demands. A customer upon arrival at the service facility reveals to the “facility operator” how much worth of product he (the customer) wants to buy and pays the same, say monetary units to the operator. In addition, he pays monetary units as a processing fee (i.e. delivery charge). Based on sum of these costs, herein called patronage value, the customer is commensurately placed in the queue. By buying more of the product and hence paying more money, the customer secures a position in the queue that shortens his stay in the system. Assuming, Poisson arrivals, exponential service time distribution and arbitrary distribution of customer payments, we obtain the expected number of customers in the system as a function of their payments and the system parameters. Also, an economic model is constructed and a closed-form expression of the economic cost service rate is obtained. An illustrating example based on Poisson arrivals, exponential service time distribution and lognormal distribution of payment is demonstrated.
Issues and challenges of VoIP and the Pitfalls of MANET routing protocols in improving the QoS of VoIP flows[Full-Text ] Ms.V.Savithri, Dr.A.MarimuthuVoice over Internet protocol (VOIP) or IP Telephony is a technology that acts as an alternative approach to voice communication over Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). It supports the transmission of voice by encapsulating and routing voice packets over Internet Protocol. Its main objective is to cut off the cost for making long distance telephone calls. This paper discusses the issues and challenges of VoIP and presents the comparative performance analysis of VoIP using EMODE-1 codec with respect to QoS metrics Packet Delivery Ratio, End-End-Delay, Packet Dropping Probability, Throughput, and Residual Energy. It compares three MANET routing protocols AODV, DSR, OLSR and analysis shows that none of the routing protocols proven good for considered QoS metrics in improving the quality of VoIP flows over MANET. The resulting analysis is moderate for OLSR than DSR and AODV with respect to QoS metrics End-end-delay and Packet Dropping Probability, supporting high residual energy.
Efficient Adaptive Filtering Method to Reconstruct the Cardiac Signal[Full-Text ] C. Himabindu, T. Gowri, P. Rajesh KumarThis paper introduces a Decortication based modified robust Variable Step Size adaptive algorithm (DMRVSS) to improve the quality of an electrocardiogram (ECG). An ECG signal is a graphical representation of the sequence of depolarization and repolarization of heart. In some emergency situations the ECG signal needs to be transmitted to the clinic from the ambulance. During the transmission the tiny features of the ECG signal may masked due to channel noise. In addition to these the signal may get disturbed by some artifacts like power line interference (PLI), base line wander (BW), muscle artifacts (MA), and electrode motion artifacts (EM) etc,. These artifacts strongly affect the ST segment of the signal. In that moment the doctor may give the wrong diagnosis to the patient. So the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is necessary to be pre-processed. In this paper we are going to present various adaptive filtering methods based on a Decortication based modified robust Variable Step Size adaptive algorithm (DMRVSS). Here the main goal is to eliminate the affect of PLI and BW artifacts using Variable Step Size Least Mean Squares (DMRVSS-LMS), VSS-Normalized LMS (DMRVSS-NLMS) and variable step size sign based LMS algorithms and to decide which can give the best results with less computational complexity.
Experimental Investigation of GMAW for AISI 1045 Material using Taguchi Method[Full-Text ] RAKESH B PRAJAPATI, DISHA B PATEL, TUSHAR M PATELIn this study, the effects of various welding parameters on welding strength in AISI 1045 medium carbon steel having dimensions 200 mm x 75 mm x 6mm, welded by gas metal arc welding were investigated. The welding current, arc voltage and welding speed and gas flow rate were chosen as variable parameters. Ultimate tensile strength was measured for each specimen after the welding operations and the effects of these parameters on strength were researched. A plan of experiments based on Taguchi technique has been used to acquire the data. The experiments were conducted based on a four-factor, Five-level. An Orthogonal array, signal to noise (S/N) ratio are employed to investigate the welding strength of AISI 1045 material. Finally the conformations tests have been carried out to compare the predicated values with the experimental values confirm its effectiveness in the analysis of welding strength.
Application of Geomorphic Direct Runoff Hydrograph Model for Arid Regions[Full-Text ] Muhammad Shafqat Mehboob , Abdul Razzaq Ghumman, Hashim Nisar Hashmi, Abdul Rehman , Zafar M. A.Rainfall runoff models play a significant role in water resource engineering for future planning, management and development. This paper investigates the results obtained from two hydrologic techniques namely Nash Geomorphic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH) Model. Predictions are made for future use of Small Dams Organization Rawalpindi Division, Pakistan. Shahpur dam catchment was used as study area. Geomorphic parameters of Clark model were calculated using digital elevation model (DEM). Satellite imageries of catchment were processed using ArcGIS to estimate geomorphologic parameters. The model was applied for different storm events. Excess rainfall hyetograph was obtained from measured precipitation and direct surface runoff hydrograph was obtained by GIUH model. To check model efficiently two types of statistical parameters were used namely percentage error in peak (PEP) and percentage efficiency. The results from Nash GIUH were compared with those simulated by original Nash model and found that GIUH models are equally good even if the Nash model parameters are obtained by optimization.
Evaluation of Ground Water Quality Of M. I. D. C. Area, Roha Through Water Quality Index Assessment[Full-Text ] S. M. Tandale, Dr.H. A. Mujawar,Dr.P.B.LokhandeIn present investigation an attempt has been made to investigate the water quality by means of Water Quality Index. Physi-cochemical analysis of ground water near industrial area Dathav, Roha, Raigad were carried out for one year. The values of PH, total hardness, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, chlorides, sulfate, calcium, magnesium, biochemical oxygen demand, ammonia except at G3 sampling site were within permissible limit. The values of parameters like electric conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity were above the permissible limit. The water quality index values showed that the quality of water is good.
Numerical Simulation of Air Velocity and Temperature Distribution in an Office Room ventilated by Displacement Ventilation System[Full-Text ] Qasim Hammodi Hassan, Sabah Tarik Ahmed, Ala'a Abbas MahdiIn this study, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to simulate air velocity and temperature distribution fields for a three dimensional displacement ventilation system according to Iraqi climate. This study involved the solution of three dimensional partial differential equations for the conservation of mass, momentum, energy, turbulent energy and its dissipation rate. The finite volume method and the standard (k-e) turbulence model were employed to solve the governing equations numerically.
Reasons of Software & IT Project Failures in Pakistan’s Government Sector[Full-Text ] Hassan MahmoodSoftware Engineering has evolved and many software development techniques and models have been development to smoothing the process of software development. Even after the evolvements of these techniques and models, many software and IT projects continues to fail. By failure doesn’t mean that the project collapsed completely. Most of the software projects doesn’t complete in estimated time and budget. This text cover some different aspects with respect to reasons behind the failures of software and IT project failures and will help project managers and higher authorities in Pakistan government sector to reduce the chances of software and IT project failures.