Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 Edition
Publication for Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 is in-process.
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Prediction of Tool Wear and Tool Life with Condition Monitoring System on End Milling of EN31[Full-Text ] Vijay Arora, Gurpreet Iqbal SinghThis paper describes the tool life prediction model with end milling EN31 tool steel using P30 Tungsten uncoated carbide tool. The data set from the Taguchi method design is taken. For discussion the effects of cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut on tool life of P30 are considered. This paper suggests a novel technique for the tool wear measurement based on machine vision. Tool images are captured with cutting operations using a machine vision system for the analysis. The proposed scheme is shown to be effective for the tool wear prediction.
Efficient Framework For Resource Management In Cloud Using Hybrid Fuzzy Clustering[Full-Text ] k.Sindhuja, P.Anand RajCloud-based hosting is claimed to possess many advantages over traditional in-house hosting such as better scalability, ease of management, and cost savings. It is not difficult to understand how cloud-based hosting can be used to address some of the existing limitations and extend the capabilities of many types of applications. There are several algorithms already used for resource allocation in cloud computing. Based on analyzing these existing cloud resource allocation schemes, the new resource allocation algorithm based on hybrid fuzzy clustering will be introduced. The proposed algorithm cleverly assigns appropriate resource to the tasks that exactly satisfy its need for resource, while reserving the resources whose power greatly exceed the needs of current tasks for future use. By this way, the proposed algorithm can effectively avoid assigning powerful resources to simple and medium scale tasks or assigning poor resources to complex large-scale tasks, for they may lead to misuse of resources and failure in scheduling of tasks. The proposed algorithm is expected to have high efficiency and good robustness and will work better than other similar algorithms. The highlight of a new many-to-many stable matching algorithm that efficiently matches virtual machines with heterogeneous resource needs to servers. This work will provide a new approach for cloud based computing.
Hexavalent Chromium in Chicken and Eggs of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Shamima Parvin and M Lutfor RahmanChickens of different regions of Bangladesh were analyzed for their Cr(VI) content in the different body parts such as liver, gizzard, flesh and brain. In addition, 4 albumen and 3 yolk samples were also analyzed. The USEPA method 3060A of alkaline digestion, followed by spectrophotometric measurement of the colored complex formed with 1, 5 diphenylcarbazide (EPA method 7196A) has been used for most of the measurements. For comparison, Ion Chromatographic technique (EPA method 7199) has also been employed for some samples. All the liver samples showed the presence of Cr(VI), ranging from 0.24 - 15.0 ppm. All the samples of chicken gizzard, too, contained Cr(VI) in the range, 0.15 - 4.7 ppm. About 75% of the flesh samples had Cr(VI) in them. Most of the brain samples gave negative results. Average amounts of Cr(VI) present in these body parts were in the order: Liver > Gizzard > Flesh > Brain.
Performance analysis of Jordan Totient RSA (Jk-RSA) and NTRU[Full-Text ] Sulaiman AlMuhteb, Prof. Padmavathamma MokkalaProviding secure, efficient, reliable communication quickly is one of the significant facts of today. This work addresses the issues of performance analysis of RSA, Jk -RSA and NTRU cryptographic algorithms and concludes which algorithm is faster and consumes less time for encryption and decryption. The NTRU algorithm was chosen because its security is based on the difficulty of factoring large numbers. Jk- RSA where the modulus may have power of the two prime factors. The benefit of NTRU is lower computational cost for the decryption and signature primitives, provided that Jk-RSA is used.
Medical Image Compression using iterated graph cuts based segmentation and modified fast SPIHT encoding[Full-Text ] S.Jagadeesh, Dr.E.NagabhooshanamIn diagnostic MRI, it is routine to acquire multiple images of the same region of interest (ROI) with different segments. In such segments acquisition, joint Level Set Segmentation exploits the mutual information across the shared ROI for improved image quality in accelerated acquisitions with under sampling of each contrast. Transmission of such segments by encoding through lossy channel was implemented in SPIHT. The above methods having more redundancy bits and more reconstruction time during the implementation. To improve the segmentation and compression time, we are proposing modified fast SPIHT (MFSPIHT) encoding technique where interactive graph cut based segmented image is compressed using MFSPIHT and recovered in both loss less and lossy transmission mediums. Proposed method has shown better comparative results.
A REVIEW OF DATA MINING WITH AI[Full-Text ] Shobana B, Dr. Savithri .VThis study predicts the best supervised learning method of knowledge discovery in databases patterns. Data mining algorithms are used to extract the information and patterns derived by the knowledge discovery database process. Classification are done using predictive model of data mining techniques of back propagation algorithm and Radial basis function. The values of the features are evaluated by artificial Intellligence algorithm.
A REVIEW OF STUDY ON SEGMENTATION METHODS[Full-Text ] Shyamala V & Dr.Savithri VA systematic approach has been developed to detect boundaries using edge detection algorithm. The various edge detection algorithms are used. These algorithms outputs are helpful to detect the boundary and to evaluate the further investigation. The research results are beneficial and vital to practitioners to detect the edges of any images.
Phylloplane Flora of Some Novel Medicinal Plants of Family Ficaceae.[Full-Text ] Dr. L. P. Dalal.The Present investigation was conducted during the year 2012-2013, to study the phylloplane flora from some novel plants of family Ficaceae. It was observed that in nature the plants faces several problems in terms of attack of several pathogens, which cause the diseases. By keeping this view in mind, the above titled study was conducted to observe the relative phylloplanic flora on the sacred plants of family Ficaceae. It was reported that incidence of many fungi occurs on the surface of these plants, namely Fusarium, Aspergillus niger, Chaetomium, Aureobasidium,Cunninghemella, Curvularia , Trichoderma, Alternaria. Aspergillus sp.,Phoma, and Rhizopus sp.Therefore, it was concluded that these sp. of fungus were of common occurrence within this year on plants.
Growth Yield and Quality of Vegetables under Chemical and Organic Farming[Full-Text ] Dr. Dalal, L. P, Abhishek Mishra, and P. F. DhabardeThe experiment was carried out during winter season of 2012 to determine the effect of organic and chemical fertilizers on growth yield and quality of chilli( Capsicum annuam L.) and brinjal ( Solanum melongena L.). Three commercial organic fertilizers (Panchagavya, Sanjeevak, and Vardan)[ 4,5,6,7,8,9.] and one chemical fertilizer were used[3,4,5,6,7,8,9.]. In the final measurement both the two vegetables in organic fertilization treatments grew better and resulted in a final higher total yield, shoot length and branches than those in chemical fertilizer treatments[24,30 ], which was attributed to the high nutrient sustainability of organic fertilizer and the improved biological properties of the soil. Macronutrients contents Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), Potassium (K) and Carbon (C) were increased by the application of organic manure. Total microbial count increases by using the organic fertilizers, shown the indication of healthy soil. Results of this experiment showed that chemical fertilizers were less suitable as compared to organic fertilizers. It is recommended that vegetables can be grown successfully with supplementation of organic fertilizers.
Screening of Multi-drug Resistance of S. aureus(Rosenbach.) from Hospital Waste-A Case Study.[Full-Text ] Dr. Dalal L. P, Prof. Abhishek Mishra, R. P. Sontakke ,and Dr. P. F. DhabardeThe study was conducted during the session of 2012-2013, and aimed to collect the clinical and hospital waste samples from different sites, their isolation and identification of Staphylococci aureus(Rosenbach.), and antibiogram of Multi-drug Resistant Staphylococci aureus(Rosenbach.). Similarly, to develop the method and to reduce the rise in spread of diseases associated with hospital waste. The samples were collected in 100 ml of sterilized bottle and were transported to laboratory for analysis within 2-hours and then isolation of Staphylococci aureus(Rosenbach.), the loop full cultures were inoculated on Mannitol Salt Agar, Baired Parker Agar and Milk agar media. The pure cultures were isolated and studied for morphology and biochemical characteristics. The biochemical characteristics of all clinical isolates were studied by inoculating the cultures in Glucose, Lactose, Sucrose, and Mannitol broth respectively for IMVIC test. Cultures were inoculated in Tryptone broth, MRVP broth, or Glucose-Phosphate broth, and Simmon’s citrate agar. Coagulase and catalase studies were also carried out. All cultures were studied for colony characterization and then isolates were reported to be gram positive cocci in bunches. From the present study, it was evident that, the over use of drugs, intravenous drug abuse, incorrect diagnosis, unwanted prescription, improper use of antibiotics by patients, improper use of antibiotics as livestock food additives for growth promotion which leads to mutation and thus leading to drug resistance. For healing the wounds, cuts and scrapes of skin should be kept clean and covered with a bandage.
Performance Evaluation of Load Balancing Algorithms on Cloud Data Centers[Full-Text ] Soumya Ranjan Jena, Sudarshan Padhy, Balendra Kumar GargCloud computing is the state-of-the-art of research and challenge and one of the recent research emerging trends in the field of computer science and engineering. This work is moreover an extension of the work [1] that Soumya Ranjan Jena and Zulfikhar Ahamad have previously performed. Basically Cloud computing provides services that are referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). It has many advantages along with some crucial issues to be resolved in order to improve reliability of cloud environment. These issues are related with the load management, fault tolerance and different security issues in cloud environment. Load balancing is one of the essential factors to enhance the working performance of the cloud service provider. Since, cloud has inherited characteristic of distributed computing and virtualization there is a possibility of occurrence of deadlock. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate and discuss the critical role of load balancing of resources that plays in improving and maintaining the availability in cloud systems.
Call Admission Control in 3GPP LTE Systems at High Vehicular Communications[Full-Text ] Rajeshkumar RAMRAJ, Daryoush HABIBI, Iftekhar AHMADIn high-speed wireless communication, call dropping and blocking probability plays an important factor in providing connection-level Quality of Service (QoS). The main goal of this research is to develop an admission control algorithm to reduce call block and call drop. These parameters are mostly affected due to insufficient resources in the target cell. Radio resources management (RRM) plays a major role in providing better QoS in high speed vehicular communication. In this paper, we presents a novel CAC algorithm for high vehicular speed communication systems where the UE (mobiles) contain real time constant bit rate (rt-CBR) and non-real time variable bit rate (nrt-VBR) and the performance for these two traffic conditions are compared at different vehicular speeds.
Analysis of various Adders using Xilinx tools[Full-Text ] AnujPower dissipation is one of the momentous criteria for all the circuits implemented today in addition to area and time constraints. Area, power dissipation and delays are always a concern for researchers working in VLSI domain. Researchers are contagiously working on efficient and high performance adders as adders are basic building block of many systems. The paper presents analysis of different adders based on Xilinx tools. The comparison is based on area, power and delay. The four adders implemented for comparison are half adder, full adder, ripple carry adder and carry select adder.
TRANSIENT STABILITY ENHANCEMENT OF TNEB 400 kV TRANSMISSION NETWORK WITH SVC[Full-Text ] Er.S.Sujatha, Dr.R.Anita, Dr.P.Selvan, Er.S.SelvakumarModeling of the TNEB 400 kV transmission network with SVC using ETAP simulation software is presented in this paper. The system is analyzed under severe disturbance to study the transient behavior by simulating three phase to ground fault at various buses. To enhance the transient stability of the system, SVC are inserted and tested to show the effect of the same on the transient stability under severe disturbances. The study compares the results and effectiveness of SVC for enhancing the transient stability of the system through the critical clearing time using ETAP software. The fault clearing time is increased up to the critical clearing time to test the robustness of the system and the effectiveness of the SVC. Simulation is performed to study the transient behavior of the system. Results show that coordinated modification of exciters, installation of FACTS devices to enhances the stability of the grid to great extent.
Syphilis in the Goalpara district of Assam, India[Full-Text ] Mridul Malakar, Manjit ChoudhuryPurpose: The main purpose of the study is to check the distribution of syphilis prevalent in the district by which we can understand how to take the control measure to minimize the disease in the specified district. Method: The patients were reported to us with the help of different NGOs and physicians of the Goalpara civil hospital. The steps taken during our study were before the test patients were informed regarding the test details and then asked for consent. After consent, 3-4 ml of blood samples were collected from each patient and tested at Goalpara civil hospital by RPR test. Test results were informed to the patients and were referred to hospital’s doctors for their further treatment. The positive patients were treated at STD Clinic (newly named as sukraksha Clinic) as per doctors advice where the drugs free of cost and supplied by NACO to the STD clinic. Result: Our study shows out of 3089 (Three thousand eighty nine) numbers of patients 14 (Fourteen) numbers positive. And 7 (Seven) numbers from them were pregnant women. which shows how important to test all pregnant women for syphilis to control the disease. Again our study shows that the male reported patients were less in comparison to female patients which may be due to male patients feel shy to express their problems or may be due to male are the main income source in the maximum family. Conclusion: As per the study 50% positive patients were pregnant women, so it is necessary to test syphilis of each pregnant woman so that Spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, non-immune hydrops, intrauterine growth restriction, and perinatal death etc can be control.
The Supply Chain of the IKEA Company[Full-Text ] Hamad Mohammed AbouhenidiThis Research is based on the supply chain of the IKEA Company, which is the largest retailer company, which deals with the furniture appliance. IKEA Company have the strong and larger supply chain system in the world but due to the supplier issues, IKEA Company faced many problems because suppliers are the backbone of any organization and they provide their good and service at the international level. With the help of international logistic which deal with the inflow and out flow of the IKEA Company product and with the help of supply chain management we can collaborate with the suppliers and solve the problem of the IKEA Company (Jonsson, 2012).
ANALYSIS OF FACE RECOGNITION SYSTEM WITH FACIAL EXPRESSION USING CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK AND EXTRACTED GEOMETRIC FEATURES[Full-Text ] C.R VIMALCHANDFaces contain a great deal of valuable information in automatic image processing to extract semantic content for effective analysis and pattern recognition. It requires efficient algorithms that are capable to extract relevant semantic information. Recognizing a person on a photograph tells a lot about the overall content of the picture. The principal aim of facial analysis is to extract valuable information from face images such as position in the image, facial characteristics, facial expressions, the person’s gender or identity. Now we consider the most important approaches to facial image analysis and present novel methods based on convolutional neural networks to detect, normalize, and recognize faces and facial features. In this paper the problems of automatic appearance-based facial analysis with machine learning techniques are described and common specific sub-problem like facial feature detection, analyzing geometric features and face recognition which are crucial parts of many applications in the context of indexation, surveillance, access-control or human machine-interaction are handled. To tackle these problems a new technique called Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used which is inspired by biological evidence found in the visual cortex of mammalian brains and can be applied to many different classification problems. The proposed system is a CNN- based method for automatic facial feature detection and extraction that employs a hierarchical procedure which first detects the eyes, the nose and the mouth and then refines the result by identifying 10 different facial feature points. The detection rate is 87% to 96% for different databases tolerating an error of 10% of the inter-ocular distance. Finally a novel face recognition system based on CNN architecture learning a non-linear mapping of the image space into a lower dimensional sub-space where the different classes are more easily separable. This approach produces better result for different facial databases in detection and recognition with classical face recognition approaches using PCA or LDA.Back propagation algorithm is used as learning algorithm for CNN which is a Multi-Layer Perceptrons. A Siamese CNN is used for face verification by receiving two face images and comparing to decide if they are same.