Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 Edition
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Synthesis of Hydrous Aluminum (III) -Iron (III)-Manganese (IV) Ternary Mixed Oxide for Fluoride Removal[Full-Text ] Girma W. Woyessa, B.B.L.Srivastava, Ephrem G. DemissieHydrous Aluminum (III)-Iron (III)-Manganese (IV) ternary mixed oxide was synthesized by Co-precipitation method. It was found that the Al:Fe:Mn sample with 75:15:10 w/v ratio exhibited maximum adsorption capacity for fluoride. The use of mixed oxide for investigating fluoride removal efficiency at varied condition showed that the reaction was pH sensitive and the optimum pH was between 6.00 and 7.00. The characterization studies on the adsorbent by XRD, SEM-EDX and FT-IR analysis for fluoride adsorption were carried out to understand the adsorption mechanism. The particles were irregular in shape, highly porous. FT-IR studies revealed a little change after fluoride adsorption and showed formation of new fluoride–oxygen bond on the adsorbent surface. Applicability of different sorption kinetics model; was studied. The pseudo-second order equation described all kinetic data very well. The Langmuir isotherm equation described the equilibrium very well. The thermodynamic analysis of the equilibrium indicated that the adsorption reaction of fluoride with hydrous Al-Fe-Mn mixed oxide system for water was endothermic and spontaneous in nature. The presence of PO4-3 showed significant effect on removal efficiency of Al-Fe-Mn oxide adsorbent.
Effect of Length and Apodization on Fiber Bragg Grating Characteristics[Full-Text ] Rakesh Kumar Gumasta, Dr. Anubhuti KhareFiber gratings have a growing impact on the fiber optic communication industry. The simulation result of the reflectance of the uniform and apodized fiber bragg grating (FBG) are presented. Various apodization technique is useful to reduce secondary lobes or side lobs of reflection spectrum of fibre bragg grating. The effect of FBG length and apodization profile are presented
Testing Of Digital Circuits with Conserved Power Utilization: Jumbled Test Sequence Approach[Full-Text ] Y. Sreenivasula Goud, Dr.B.K.MadhaviReduction of power dissipation during combinational circuit testing can be a challenging task in VLSI circuits. This is accomplished by jumbling up the evaluation vector application sequence so that the current collection gives less changing activity during testing. This subsequently reduces the power dissipation of the Circuit Under Test (CUT). Jumbled test sequence approach is applied utilizing Graph Theory concept. Testing power is reduced by this algorithm without affecting the fault coverage. Fresh outcome of the proposed algorithm with ISCAS85 benchmark circuits reveal the switching activity might be decreased up to 72 times when compared to the previous research paper of this work and existing work.
An Improved Shadow Segmentation Method For Color Images Based on Intensity[Full-Text ] D. Usha Nandini, Dr. Ezil Sam Leni, A. Mary Binu AswiniShadows are difficult to detect, especially in single outdoor images. It affects the quality of images and it may lead to bad results in image segmentation and object recognition. Detecting and removing shadows cause many problems in image processing. Tian proposed Tricolor Attenuation Model to detect shadows that describes attenuation relationship between shadow and non-shadow regions. It requires rough segmentation and four thresholds. It fails to give accurate results in complex scenes. In this paper, proposed a novel method of combining intensity with tri color image. It avoids the segmentation step and takes a threshold to detect the shadow instead of four thresholds. All simple and complex shadow in outdoor images is detected and comparisons validated its effectiveness.
An Analysis of Distributed Estimation Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] A.Antony Viswasa Rani, E.BaburajDistributed estimation algorithms over Wireless Sensor Networks have been widely studied since the seminal work of Tsitsiklis. The goal of these algorithms is to make the network reach a consensus over the value of interest by means of local communications between the sensors. Currently there are no techniques for distributed estimation under dynamic communication constraints. Existing centralized multi sensor estimation techniques assume that the choice of which data to send from any particular sensor to the centralized node is fixed. This approach suffers serious disadvantages and is typically feasible for certain non critical static sensor situation. Future research is likely to focus on developing multi sensor estimation problem where there are time varying communication bandwidth constraints. This paper gives a brief survey of various distributed estimation algorithms applied to address the WSN issues like optimal design, node localization, data aggregation, clustering, node deployment, and target tracking.
Improving Service Reliability in Cloud Computing Environment[Full-Text ] Jeenia Jain, Ramandeep SinghCloud computing is a technology which is new in marketing and is used for complex systems with massive-scale service sharing and is different from grid computing, utility computing and transparent computing. Due to its large scale and complex structure, it’s not an easy task to analyse and model its reliability. As there is huge amount of applications that are deployed on a cloud, reliability, security and availability are a big concern. Cloud computing provides a mean to improve or add abilities on- demand without making an investment in setting up infrastructures, training new employees. Reasoning processing involves any subscription-based or pay-per-use support that, immediately over the online, expands its current abilities.
Data Security In Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Shivali Munjal, Ramandeep SinghDuring last few years cloud computing has been emerging from the promising business idea to the one fastest growing part of the IT industry. It is an internet based technology and one of most exciting technology of the today’s world because of its scalability, flexibility and reduced cost. Cloud vendors provide services to the users on as needed basis Paas through Iaas, and SaaS. Data is stored remotely from the user’s location. Therefore security and privacy are the major issues which hampers the growth of cloud because the companies have lots of data which includes audio, videos, text and digital images. The large number of solutions and methodologies has been proposed so far to protect the sensitive data. In this research, an image segmentation method is proposed for secure image partitioning for cloud services by using Optical character reader (OCR) and Cloud Analyst. With this methodology sensitive data is extracted from the non-sensitive one and then storage of sensitive data on the private cloud for security purposes is the main concept of this research study.
Science and Technology Entrepreneurship for Economic Development in Africa (SEEDA)[Full-Text ] Gordon M. Bubou, Willie O. Siyanbola, Moses C. Ekperiware, Seigha GumusEntrepreneurship has been proven not only to be the impetus for growth and economic prosperity, but also serves as the foundation for the transformation of the modern economies. Equally, entrepreneurism has emerged as a viable option to spur local economic development in downtimes. Nevertheless, entrepreneurs’ ability to move technology from the scientific discovery stage to commercially successful products/services is central to that transformational process. Unfortunately, there is an apparent dearth of science and technology (S&T) entrepreneurship capital in Africa. The result is the near non-existent productive capacity of the continent, with very minimal potentials for value addition, with the resultant effects of low capacity for wealth creation and increasing levels of unemployment. In this paper, we propose the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship for Economic Development (SEEDA) initiative, which is to be patterned after the Science and Technology for Economic Development (SEED) initiative of the Ibero American Science and Technology Education Consortium (ISTEC) with the objective of creating new companies with technology expertise, business knowledge and market in Africa. In section 2, we introduce the SEED initiative, and in section 3 we situate it in the context of an African technology-driven development initiative. We conclude with recommendation in section 4.
BRTCM: Black Hole Removal Using Threshold and Co-operative Method[Full-Text ] Aditya Bakshi, Atul Mishra , Heena BatraA Mobile Ad-hoc Network is an infrastructure-less network and it is prone to various attacks at due to its unique characteristics such as open peer-to-peer network architecture, shared wireless medium, stringent resource constraints, and highly dynamic network topology. Secure communication between the mobile nodes is our prime concern. MANET is vulnerable to various attacks at different layers. One of the attacks is Black Hole attack at network layer. Black Hole attack is a kind of Denial of Service attack in which an adversary node advertise itself as it is having the shortest path from source to destination in order to get selected as a part of the path through which data is to be sent. When data is sent through this node, it just drops the packet or delays it to prevent the communication. In this paper, new algorithm has been proposed to remove Black Hole nodes to provide secure communication between mobile nodes. The proposed algorithm first of all finds out the probable list of malicious node using a threshold method and then it confirms the malicious behavior of node using co-operative method. The proposed algorithm is very efficient to find out the Black Hole node than the existing solutions proposed earlier.
Survey on Data Dissemination In Education Management Information System[Full-Text ] Ruchika Thukral, Anita GoelIn education system, the collected data is processed and disseminated to be consumed by end users, like, policy makers, planners, students, parents, educational institutes, districts, states etc. The data is disseminated in different formats, like, annual digests, summary reports, report cards etc. in both printed and electronic ways. The Education Management Information System (EMIS) allows the end users to view or download the desired data. Special provisions are also made, so that data can be directly accessed by the selected end users for further analysis. The process for direct data transfer or program to program data transfer is a tedious task. It has limitations, like, hardware and software dependency of the end user on the EMIS application, requirement of database connectivity code and updates on end user’s side with every update in the EMIS application. It requires special infrastructure and professional expertise on the end user’s side. Web services allow transfer of data across heterogeneous platforms. Web services are being used in different areas for data dissemination, like, geospatial, governance and weather forecasting. Using web service for data dissemination in education system shall allow direct data access irrespective of the hardware and software compatibility at the end user's end with the EMIS. Here, we discuss the different ways of disseminating the data in the education system. In this paper, we present an overview of the process for dissemination of data for the EMIS of different countries. We also introduce using of web services for the data dissemination process in the education system.
VLSI IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTIPLE ERROR RECOVERY IN TMR SYSTEM USING SCAN-CHAIN[Full-Text ] Athira R, V J Arul KarthickScan chain based multiple error recovery technique for a triple modular redundancy (TMR) system is used to detect and correct multiple errors in TMR systems. This method uses scan chain flip flops to detect and correct faulty modules. The errors are detected at the module’s outputs. This technique can detect both multiple transient faults and latent faults. The transient faults are the temporary faults. These are detected by using the scan chain flip flops. A fault is referred to as latent if it is not propagated to the system outputs but does cause a mismatch between the states of the TMR modules. The latent faults are detected by comparing the internal states of the TMR modules. Upon detection of any mismatch, the faulty modules are located and the state of a fault free module is copied into the faulty modules. In case of detecting a permanent fault, the system is degraded to a master/checker configuration by disregarding the faulty module. This technique uses a voter circuit to detect the faulty module. This is designed and implemented using Xilinx ISE 13.2 and verified using MODELSIM 6.3g.
AN INTEGRATED WIRELESS SENSORS NETWORK BASED HOME SECURITY ALERT SYSTEM[Full-Text ] B.Naveenkumar ,S.Dhivagar , R.Perumal, S.Pradeepraj , S.E.Murthy, M.Bharathi selvarajIn recent years, the home environment has seen a rapid introduction of network enabled digital technology to establish safety and protection in Homes. The Wireless and Remote control technology provides control and monitoring with enabled devices. This paper identifies the reasons for this slow adoption and evaluates the potential of ZigBee for addressing these problems through the design and implementation of flexible home automation architecture. A ZigBee based home automation system and Sensor Network is integrated through a common home gateway. The home gateway provides network interoperability, a simple and flexible user interface, and remote access to the system. A dedicated virtual home is implemented to cater for the system’s security and safety needs. To demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed system, four devices, a light switch, vibration sensor, safety sensor and ZigBee remote control have been developed and evaluated with the home automation system.
Fuzzy Logic based Health Monitoring of Induction Machine using Lab view[Full-Text ] Indraprassad.G.T, Sakthivel.E, Ramesh.J, Janarthanan.R, Bagyalakshmi.R, Kamesh.GHealth monitoring of induction motor have been a challengIng task for the engineers and mainly in industries. There are many health monitoring methods including vibration monitoring, thermal monitoring, chemical monitoring but these monitoring methods require expensive sensors (or) specialized tools whereas current monitoring out of all does not require additional sensors. Current monitoring is non-intrusive and may even be implemented in the motor control center remotely from the motors being monitored. Motor Current Signature Analysis(MCSA) uses the current spectrum of the machine for locating characteristic fault frequencies. When fault is present, the frequency spectrum of the line current becomes different from healthy motor. These proposed methods recognize the fault signatures produced in induction motor and estimate the severity of the faults under different load conditions.
Study on Population Abundance of Papaya Mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Granara de Willink) in the North Minahasa Regency of North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia[Full-Text ] William Tairas, Max Tulung, Jantje Pelealu, S.J. RondonuwuWe have conducted a research to study on population and the level of attacks by mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus), which damages the papaya plant, in three villages of papaya production centers, namely Dimembe Village, Matungkas and Paslaten in North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province, and to assess the abundance of populations of P. marginatus in the dry season and the rainy season. The samples were taken once in June 2011. Observations on population and attack by P. marginatus in the two seasons were made at intervals of one month, starting in April to December 2011 in Dimembe Village where the population of P. marginatus was highest.
Effect of Emitted Radiation from Mobile Phones and its Base Station Antennas on Some Biochemical Parameters in Human Red Blood Cells[Full-Text ] Hathama Razooki Hasan, Ali Haneen IssmerThe effects of radiations used in global system for mobile communications (GSM) on humans are an emerging area of investigation. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to study the effect of microwave/radiofrequency emitted from mobile phones and its base stations antennas on human health. The present study included measurement of total protein concentration, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, nitric oxide (NO•), and peroxynitrite (ONOO-) concentrations in human red blood cells (RBCs) samples that were collected from 87 healthy volunteers classified into three groups: Group T (36 volunteers) who reside nearby mobile phone base-station antennas. Group M (23 volunteers) were using commercially available mobile phone heavily, and the third group was the control group (28 volunteers) who reside faraway from base- station and had using mobile phone for less, or equal to 10 minutes daily. The results indicated presence of a highly significant increase in total protein concentration, SOD activity, NO• concentration and ONOO- concentration (P < 0.05).While the results indicated non-significant differences in the protein concentration and SOD activity in RBCs samples of group M in comparison with that of control group, while a highly significant increase in both NO• and ONOO- concentrations (P < 0.05). The results proved that the long exposure to emitted radiations from base stations and heavy using of mobile phone at domestic level has negative impact on human health due to increase the concentration of peroxynitrite, which can in turn cause many diseases like cancer.
Throughput Evaluation In Heterogeneous Networks[Full-Text ] Mr. Prajwalsingh C. Parihar, Mr. Parul Sahare, Mr. Kapil Lalwani. Today’s wireless users expect great things from tomorrow’s wireless networks. These expectations have been fueled by hype about what the next generations of wireless networks will offer. The rapid increase of wireless subscribers increases the quality of services anytime, anywhere, and by any-media becoming indispensable. Integration of various networks such as CDMA2000 and wireless LAN into IP-based networks is required in these kinds of services, which further requires a seamless vertical handoff to 4th generation wireless networks
Selection of Optimum Machining Parameters For EN36 Alloy Steel in CNC Turning Using Taguchi Method[Full-Text ] Kaushal Pratap Singh, Girish Dutt Gautam, Rupesh Yadav, Lalit Bisht, Gavendra NorkeyIn this research work, L18 orthogonal array based Taguchi optimization technique is used to optimize the effect of various cutting parameter for surface roughness and Material Removal Rate (MRR) of EN 36 work material in turning operation. The orthogonal array, the signal to noise ratio and analysis of variance are employed to study the performance characteristics in both dry and wet machining conditions of cylindrical work pieces using Tin coated tungsten carbide cutting tool on CNC lathe. Five machining parameter such as spindle speed, feed rate, depth of cut, nose radius and the cutting environment (wet & dry) are optimized with consideration of surface roughness. Results of this study indicate for optimal cutting parameter, minimum surface roughness (Ra) and maximum material removal rate were obtained and developed model can be used to increase the machine utilization at low production cost in manufacturing environment.
Innovative Human Resource Management Practices[Full-Text ] Mr. MOHAMMED RAFEEQ, Mr. ZAMEER AHMEDIndia is a very fast developing country .Because of globalization everyone wants to do business with us .This has given lot of opportunities for our country to grow further but it posed lot of Challenges to establish themselves more competitive than the foreign companies. Moreover competitive pressures are built on the organizations to be proactive in diagnosing HR problems and to adopt more innovative HR practices for survival. Hence the corporate have started formulating and adapting innovative strategies in the areas such as Policies, Motivation, Relations, Change agent and Quality Consciousness. Nowadays it is not possible to show a good financial or operating report unless your personnel relations ( HR ) are in order.
Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Communications at 6.5 GHz[Full-Text ] Ms. Neha Patel, Prof.Jaikaran singh, Prof.Mukesh TiwariDue to the existence of growth in development of low cost, less weight, highly reliable, minimal profile antennas for wireless devices, it poses a new challenge for the design of antenna in wireless communications. This paper presents design and simulation of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna at 6.5 GHz for wireless communications. This antenna has 140 MHZ bandwidth, Return loss at centre frequency has less than -16.70dB. The beauty of this antenna is the use of single patch which make it easy to fabricate consequently cost of antenna becomes cheaper. The rectangular microstrip patch antenna is analyzed using High Frequency Structure simulator (HFSS) v 11.
Competencies of Emotional Intelligence for Managing Occupational Stress among Faculty Members of Private Medical and Engineering Colleges[Full-Text ] Indoo SinghResearchers have found significant relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and occupational stress (OS) among employees of various organizations, but research on this issue in higher education is limited and especially in the field of medical and engineering education it is still sparse. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to explore specific EI competencies significant in managing OS among faculty members of private medical and engineering colleges. Occupational Stress Index (OSI) and Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) were used to measure OS and EI respectively. The final sample comprised of 310 faculty members, from seven private colleges (three medical and four engineering) of Uttar Pradesh, India. Among ten competencies of EI assessed in this study, Managing Relations showed the highest correlation and emerged as the best predictor of occupational stress, followed by self motivation, commitment, emotional stability and self awareness. Implications of this research from the perspective of incorporating EI training programme for better stress management among faculty members are discussed.
Novel method for classification of Artificial and Natural images[Full-Text ] Nikkoo Khalsa, Dr. Vijay T. IngoleThe classification of images based on semantic description is a demanding and imperative problem in image retrieval system. Solitary easy features are extracted from the raw images data in order to exploit the dissimilarity of colour pattern and spatial co-relation of pixels in Artificial and Natural images. These features have poor precision if used alone but when considered collectively, it forms a more complex and accurate global classifier with enhanced precision. This paper describes novel method for classification of Artificial and Natural images with greater precision and low error rate.
Effect of Starch and Gum Arabic Binders in the Combustion Characteristics of Briquette Prepared from Sawdust[Full-Text ] Olawale J. Okegbile, Abdulkadir B. Hassan, Abubakar Mohammed, Barakat J. IrekeolaThe effect of starch and gum arabic as binders in the combustion characteristics of briquette prepared from sawdust of different ratios was investigated. Briquettes of sawdust were produced by mixing with different binders and agglomerate using starch paste and gum arabic. The mixture was compressed at 110kN using manually operated hydraulic briquette machine and sun dried. Water boiling test was employed to obtain percentage heat utilized, specific fuel consumption and time spent to boil 1kg water. The calorific value, the volatile matter and flame temperature were determined. Results showed that the briquette formed using starch as a binder performed better in all aspect than the gum arabic.
Efficient Wind Turbine Blade Design[Full-Text ] Adnan Miski, Mohammed BasheikhThere are several issues with designing an energy saving wind turbine; the first one is to find the optimal balde lenght to achieve the demanded power(60 W).
Genetically enhanced Meetei Mayek Unicode recognition using Neural Network[Full-Text ] Wahengbam Kanan Kumar, Chetan Das Gupta, Jyoti Bordoloi, Yogesh Kumar SharmaThis paper exhibits a new computing approach for implementing and simulating recognition of genetically enhanced handwritten Meetei Mayek using neural network. Around 2550 samples i.e. 75 samples for each of the 34 letters were collected from people belonging to different age group. Each of the letters needs filtering for removal of noise, pre-processing must follow before applying them to neural network. Filtering is done by using Adaptive Noise filter, while segmentation is done by using GAFCM algorithm, now each and every letter is pre-processed properly. GAFCM segmentation was proven better for MRI image processing.The same technique is applied to the letters to achieve higher accuracy. Recognition is done using Multilayer Feed forward neural network with back propagation (BP) learning. The machine learns the different patterns present in the database and the output fetched every time is tabulated which are discussed on the following segments of the paper.
Straight Line Detection AndReal -Time Line detection Using OpenGL[Full-Text ] Moumita Ghosh, Himadri NathMoulickLine recognition is an important aspect in image processing. Many line detection algorithms were introduced. Hough Transform for line detection is difficult to accelerate using the GPU because it essentially requires rasterization of sinusoids into a high- resolution raster of accumulators, which is not a suitable task for GPU. In this paper, a GPU implementation of the PClines - a new parameterization of lines for the Hough Transform. PClines are a point-to-line-mapping . The detection of lines uses the graphics processor to rasterize lines into a rectangular frame buffer which is a task very natural and effective on the GPU. The OpenGL 3.3 pipeline is used to efficiently perform the whole of the PClines-based Hough Transform on the GPU. Experimental evaluation shows that even for high-resolution input images with complicated content, the line detector performs easily in real time.
Strategies for Enhancing Human Resources Management in Electrical/Electronics Technology Education in Ebonyi State of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Dr. James E. Ogbu This study investigated the strategies for enhancing effective human resources management in electrical/electronics (E/E) technology education in Ebonyi state of Nigeria. Two research questions and two research hypotheses guided the study. The design adopted was descriptive survey. A total population of 28 E/E personnel in the state were used for the study, consisting of E/E educators/management cadre E/E personnel and none academic staff of E/E technology education in the state. Since the population was manageable, no sampling was carried out. Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while t-test statistic was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Found strategies include: the application of participative management technique, use of only technically competent administrators-not general educators, use of management by objective (MBO) and others. It was then recommended that in each specified strategy, effective remuneration and positive reward system should form the principal strategy for enhancing human resources management in E/E technology education.
Effects of bath parameters on structure characteristic of Ni-W Electrodeposited alloy[Full-Text ] Farah A. Abed and Latef M. AliThis study describes the effects of the bath parameters (temperature, current density, additive concentrations and stirring) on tungsten content and microstructures of Ni-W deposits prepared from thiourea-containing bath, on graphite substrate to protect it from oxidation at high temperature. The morphology of the deposits was studied by optical microscope (TEM) and the approximate composition by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS).Increasing the concentration of thiourea refining the structure of the deposits, while the increasing in the current density and temperature led to increase the W content with and without stirring.
TEMPERATURE ANALYSIS OF COOLING WATER SUPPLIED IN COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINE USING DIESEL AND WCO BIODIESEL BLEND[Full-Text ] Neelesh Soni and Om PrakashDue to future energy crises in the world it becomes necessary to focus the alternative of conventional fuel. To overcome the need energy due to which this crisis persists and to investigate these substitutes of conventional fuels it is also necessary to examine every aspect of performance of these substitutes in well manner so that they can fulfill the requirement of energy in an economic way. This paper is focused to analysis the thermal performance of such resource that is biodiesel derived from waste cooking oil (WCO) and its blend by setting up experimental setup in compression ignition engine.
Aerodynamic Design, Fabrication And Analysis Of Conical Probe[Full-Text ] Dr. M. Senthil KumarA single cone probe of the yaw meter is considered and has undertaken analysis using NX NASTRAN. NASTRAN is a finite element analysis [FEA] program that was originally developed for NASA in the late 1960s under United States government funding for the Aerospace industry. The size and geometry of probes shows considerable variation according to their particular use and the number of flow quantities that are required at the same time. Fundamentally, however they all exploit the distribution of pressure which occurs over a body when it is immersed in a moving fluid. These pressure variations depend mainly on wind speed so that with suitable choice of body shape and location of perpendicular holes to serve as pressure tappings,a probe may be used to calibrate in a known wind tunnel; the relationship between pressure and wind speed can then be established over a range of speeds. The design of certain probes involving simple shapes, such as cylinders or spheres, can have some basis in theory, but the final design usually becomes a compromise aimed at minimizing the effect of factors such as de-attached waves, Mach number and stream turbulence
Germination of Two Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivers Under Salt Stress Condition in Pot Trial[Full-Text ] Umber Ghafoor, Shabnam Chaudhry, Muhammad Mohsin Abrar, Abdul Manan Saeed and Abdul QuyyamThe response of two cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to NaCl salinity at germination and early seedling growth was in-vestigated. Salinity treatments S1 =8.00 dSm-1, S2 =12.00 dSm-1, S3 =16.00 dSm-1were achieved by adding NaCl in deionized water. There was a decrease in the germination %age, fresh and dry weight of radical and plumule. Whereas fresh weight of endosperm increased and oven dry weight decreased with increase in salinity levels. Among the cultivars under investigation, response of both the varieties to external salt regimes was almost same.
Effect of Electroless Cu Coating on the Mechanical properties of Al6061/SiC/Gr based Hybrid Composite[Full-Text ] Mohamed Zakaulla, A.R.Anwar khan, Sanaulla P.F, P.G.MukundaAl6061 alloy reinforced with both Cu coated SiC particles and Cu coated Graphite powder are prepared by stir casting technique. SiC particles are used to increase the hardness of composite while Graphite powder acts as a solid lubricant. SiC particles and Graphite powder are coated with a copper layer through electroless deposition method. The effect of PdCl2 concentration and time of stirring of the activated particles in electroless solution are reported. XRD analysis indicated the presence of copper on both the surfaces of SiC and Gr. It was found that density, hardness and tensile strength of the hybrid composites increased when coated reinforcements were used in compare to uncoated reinforcements. Dimple formation, voids, fractured particles and areas of brittle fracture are observed on the fracture surfaces of the tensile specimens. Copper coating on the reinforcements improved the ductility due to improved wettability.
Risk of HIV/AIDS in Clandestine Sex Workers in North East Metropolis of Kolkata[Full-Text ] MOUMITA RAGHVANIn 2005, SOHGAPH began working with the governmental wing, West Bengal State AIDS Prevention & Control Society (WBSAP&C) as partner NGO. Till now it has taken up targeted intervention among Clandestine Sex workers at 11 sites in Salt Lake City and 20 sites in Lake Town, Kolkata.