Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 Edition
Publication for Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 is in-process.
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Impact of Altitude on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Sra Ghurgai (Takatu mountain range) Quetta, Balochistan.[Full-Text ] Shazia Saeed, Muhammad Younus Khan Barozai, Alia Ahmad, Syed Haider ShahThe objective of this study was to investigate the changes in soil physical and chemical properties across three different elevation of an area and the effect of environmental variables on the soil properties. Soil samples were collected from 3 locations located in the mountain range known as the Sra Ghurgai (Takatu range) at 1660-2133 m a.s.l. The results revealed that the soil physio-chemical properties of collected samples show significant correlation with the elevation gradient. Organic matter content of soil and Bulk Density were negatively correlated to the altitude it decreases as altitude increases with the rate of correlation coefficient -0.989 and -0.999 respectively. Soil Organic Carbon increased with increase in altitude at correlation coefficient 0.826. CaCO3 shows negative correlation decreasing with increase in altitude at the rate of correlation coefficient -0.990. Soil pH shows minor changes with the elevation gradient. EC were minimum at 1804m and maximum at 1660m with the rate of correlation coefficient -0.095. Silt had significant correlation and variation with elevation it increases with the increase in altitude with the rate of correlation coefficient 0.997 while the Sand and Clay shows negative correlation decreasing with the increase in altitude with the rate of correlation coefficient is -0.999 and -0.989 respectively. While the Micro-Macro nutrients of soil samples also show significant results toward altitude gradient. The percentage of available Phosphorus, Zinc and Copper content in the soil increased with increasing altitude with the rate of correlation coefficient 0.923, 0.995 and 0.999 respectively. While the percentage of available Iron, Manganese and Potassium show some different pattern it increased at between the elevation that is 1804m with the rate of correlation coefficient is -0.322, 0.009 and -0.181 respectively. All the physical parameters and Macro-Micro nutrients showed significant (P< 0.001) while some chemical parameters were significant at (P < 0.05. P< 0.01 and P< 0.001).The future trend of this study will play an important role in understanding the change in soil properties and its impact on plants genetic diversity and phytochemical variation with altitude gradient.
On Reducing the Route Discovery Overhead in DSR Protocol using Rough Set theory[Full-Text ] S. Sathish, K. Thangavel The design of ad-hoc routing protocols has received a lot of attention due to the rapid and unpredictable mobility of a node. Protocols were designed to overcome the overhead in maintaining unused information and that helps to improve the performance. Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes that can dynamically form a network. This definition implies that there is no permanent topology, centralized administration and standard support services. Broadcasting the route request enables the overhead in reactive routing protocol. The DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) protocol is sending route request packet to all the neighbor nodes when it needs to find destination. It will totally diminish the performance of network and consumes much of the bandwidth. In this paper, we made an attempt to reduce route request packets in multicast by using equivalence classes of rough set theory among the neighbors of a node. Simulations show that the new modified algorithm performs better than the DSR and Enhanced-DSR algorithm.
Assessment of Students’ Achievement in Computer Programming: An Inquiry into some Influencing Factors[Full-Text ] Ismail. O. Muraina, Mukaila. A. RahmanThis study inquired into some influencing factors that affect students’ achievement in computer programming courses. Two hundred students formed the sample for the study. Data were collected through the use of both achievement test and questionnaire. The results of regression and structural path analysis indicate that Practical Class makes the strongest unique contribution towards achievement of students in Programming Languages. Next to this is Student Interest while Laboratory Usage contributed the least. The other two predictors did not make any statistically significant contribution towards students’ achievement. The results also made it clear that laboratory usage had positive relationship with availability of compilers while availability of compilers was negatively related to quality of instruction.
Study and Analysis of a Bi-directional Radio with Fiber Multiplexing System for Communication Services[Full-Text ] Satbir Singh, Shashi B. Rana and Saurabh KherRadio with fiber technology is used widely for the distribution of microwave signals for coverage and capacity at medium to longer distance. In this paper, a simulation-based approach for design and analysis of a 10GHz bi-directional radio over fiber multiplexing communication system has been achieved at a bit rate of 10Gbps for broadband communication services like cellular, cable television (CATV) and Wi-Fi system. Furthermore, it has been investigated that with increasing the distance covered by the optical fiber, between the central station and the base station, the performance of the resultant RF signal degraded. The BER and quality factor of the RoF system decreases for a fixed number of channels (N=80). The maximum achieved value of the Q-factor for uplink connection is 9.60 dB and its minimum achieved value for downlink connection is 8.32dB at a fiber length of 2 Km. The bit error rates for uplink and downlink connections at an optical distance of 11 km remains same. The net loss measured for the received power level is 8.79dBm.Further, it has been investigated that the dispersion of single mode fiber has significant impact on the performance of RoF system. The Q-factor value of 8.91 dB has been achieved at dispersion level of 16.75ps/nm/km for RoF system.
Finding Fake Logo Using CDS Logo Detection And Recognition Algorithm[Full-Text ] B.Suganya and A.C.Santha SheelaThis paper deals with finding fake logo by matching and recognizing it with the ori\ginal logo. This is done by dividing the image of logo into rows and columns and thus each cell has its index value .Taking the index value of each cell which belongs to the image of logo to be verified check it with the original image index value of the corresponding cell. From the relation between index values of both the original logo and the one being considered we could decide it whether it is fake logo or original logo. If the index values of all the cells are exactly matching with the actual logo then it is considered to be original logo, otherwise it is the fake logo. This process is achieved by using CDS logo detection and recognition algorithm.
RSINER: Randomised Selection Of Intermediate Nodes For Efficient Routing In MANET[Full-Text ] Mr.Madhusudhan H , Ms.Arudra AMANET Mobile Ad Hoc Network is equipped for each and every device in the network to maintain the information required for the proper route that does not create the traffic issues. One such issues can raise to forming the proper path from one device to the other. Usual way of routing in MANET is followed by hop-by-hop way of fashion or the route can be formed by considering the anonymity location in the network. This both way of route is easily vulnerable for accessing the data from the third party. Where in ,the hop-by-hop fashion always consider the same node for each and every time to transfer the data which can be easily opened for attack. Where as the anonymity location route for data transfer does not provide the security as well as protection and privacy between the two devices. And hence to overcome this we introduce RSINER were it partition the network in to zones consisting of different nodes and one node from each zone acts as a relay node and start to transmit the data to the other zone ,where as the node in the opponent zone also consists of relay node that accepts the data. But the existing routing and anonymity protocols does not provide any sort of security or the protection to the relay node which is transmitting the data henceforth RSINER overcomes this complexity by offering the verification and confirmation for both the devices at two end and henceforth provides the high efficient route which drops the high cost required for data transmission.
Dynamic Analysis of Marine Cable[Full-Text ] Rajesh MondalThis paper will focus on a dynamics analysis of a marine cables which are mainly used in offshore and subsea applications (i.e. Mooring Line, Riser, ROV umbillicals, pipeline etc). We considered an Euler Bernoulli beam cable model which is derived based on Newton’s second law of motions and beam cable equilibrium conditions in continuous system. Different beam cable model and end conditions are adapted to recognize our physical problems and also boundary conditions, assumptions are adjusted to obtain solutions. The models are solved both mathematically and numerically. We estimated structural reliable parameters like displacement, natural frequency, damping etc and it is visualized graphically.
Time Dependent reliability method for a Reinforced Concrete Coastal Structures due to Combine Overtopping and Structural Failure[Full-Text ] Rajesh MondalThis paper introduces a time-dependent reliability method to predict the probability of failures due to the increased wave overtopping and decreased structural capacity. Severe sea environmental conditions, sea storminess, global warming effects on sea levels, tidal effects etc has resulted in higher occurrence of wave overtopping and greater magnitude of hydrodynamic action on coastal defenses. The conditions has been aggravated for reinforced concrete coastal structures due to the seawater induced corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete which reduces the load carrying capacity of the structure. A stochastic process is proposed to model the time variant and random nature of severe waves. Also proposed is a structural deterioration model to allow for seawater induced steel corrosion in concrete. It is clear in the example that the increasing wave heights, rising sea level and increased sea storminess reduce the safety and serviceability of coastal defenses.
Liability of Online Service Providers and the Impact of Rapid Growth of Internet: the Online Infringement Issues[Full-Text ] Saqib Zaheer CheemaThe paper examines the rapid growth of technology in present scenario and infringement of copyrights in the cyber world. It would not be erroneous to say that the technological development is much faster than law. The main focus of paper is to analyze the role of intermediaries, the impact of fast growing internet technology and to determine the liabilities of ISPs and end-users; who is the real infringer. It is very hard to watch the user’s activities on the internet and novel changes in technology makes it challenging to even trace a primary infringer. The online issues that are going on will get complicated in future. The universal mechanism of intellectual property rights are still baffling with the definition of various rights that is provided to the copyright owners and ironically saying the answer would be available for these complexities when the massive infringements of protected work take place. Current scenario is very complex as on the one hand it deals with the question of freedom of expression whereas on the other hand issues of law of torts and IPR are also at stake. Although, the developed states are trying to capture the monster but still need to improve the legislation procedure.
Effects of Niobium Doping on Microstructure of BaTiO3 Based Ceramics[Full-Text ] A. N. Ahmed, H. M. M. A. RashedBeing an electroceramics barium titanate has dielectric, photorefractive and piezoelectric properties which can be modified if it is doped with donor ions such as Nb5+ . In addition to that controlling sintering parameters in an optimized condition can remarkably improve microstructure of the ceramics which directly influences the electrical properties. In this work, based on the formula BaTi1-xNbxO3; x=0.004, 0.008, 0.016, Nb doped BaTiO3 was prepared through the process of calcination. Consistency of calculated and experimental values of constituents was checked by XRF. XRD data confirmed the formation of perovskite Nb doped BaTiO3 structures. Above 90% of theoretical density was achieved for samples having different doping level and different sintering temperature ranged from 1425 to 1475 °C. Consistency of the particle size distribution of raw materials and product has also been observed after particle size analysis. Grain growth behavior was also observed when microstructures were studied by scanning electron microscope SEM. Furthermore, in order to generate the significance of variables, a statistical modeling by ANOVA, analysis of variance has been performed on different sintering parameters and frequencies for some particular set of data. Stronger effects of sintering temperature, Nb concentration and frequencies have been found on density, grain size and dielectric constant respectively.
Story Board Creation by Using Image Segmentation[Full-Text ] Avanti Ralegaonkar, Nitin PiseIn present world we are standing by such a generation of internet where sharing of photos and videos has become very easy. Thanks to great improvement in technology, different websites and various application they provide. Also credit goes to awareness among people and comfort they find in using these facilities. In today’s world people share photos (i.e. images) for any and every occasions and places they visit and while doing so they mainly specify captions as place name or occasion but not much detail is said about the actual photo (i.e. image and its contents). Present methods of searching images over the internet emphasize on file names / captions rather than actual content which leads to inaccurate results. So here, we are proposing a solution for this problem that will generate more accurate results while searching for images which is based on contents rather than additional information and thus giving end user more appropriate results. Entire work is divided broadly in two simple steps; 1. Extracting objects from input image 2. Generating keywords for them and storing them in human understandable language.
Ontology Based RT-Delphi With explanation Capabilities[Full-Text ] Ahmed OmranReal-Time (RT) Delphi approach is widely used method for knowledge acquisition process. The current RT-Delphi approach ignores con-sidering the unifying domain concepts and their attributes. This limitation can provide the contradiction of the domain experts' judgments and increasing misunderstandings when talking about specific topics. In addition, the current RT-Delphi ignores the explanation capabilities for consensus results, which it is vital for policy/decision makers to be more confidence. The core of this research is to develop ontology-based RT-Delphi with explanation capabilities. We applied the developed approach in to two crucial important case studies in Egypt, which are food security and water security.
Automated Toll Collection: A review[Full-Text ] Ms Tarannum Sheikh , Dr Naveen Hemrajani , Ms Nilam Choudhary, Mr Gaurav BagariaThis paper discusses the Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) and Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFIT). The proposed system eliminates the need for motorists and toll authorities to manually perform ticket payments and toll fee collections, respectively. Data information are also easily exchanged between the motorists and toll authorities, its various components and working is briefly discussed in this research paper. Benefits to different users are also elaborated in this article.
Critical Encryption With Steganography[Full-Text ] GONDI BHARGAVESHSteganography is the art of hiding information and an effort to conceal the existence of the embedded information. Steganography is often confused with cryptography because the both are used for used to protect important information. It serves as a better way of securing message than cryptography which only conceals the content of the message not the existence of the message. In Steganography original message is being hidden within a carrier such that the changes so occurred in the carrier are not observable. On the other hand Cryptography basically means art of protecting information by converting it into unreadable format. Cryptography and Steganography are present in different domains of network security and often used as separate techniques to provide confidentiality and security of data. So in this paper we discuss how images can be used as a carrier for protect-ing the data and how encryption can be applied on the data hidden in the Stego image.
Effect of Shot Peening on the Endurance Limit of Fiber Glass Composite Material[Full-Text ] Ahmed N. Al-Khazraji and Mahdi N. M. ShareefShot peening is one of the common cold processes that used to improve the fatigue life of the metals. But, studying the effect of this process on the variation in properties of composite material is still insufficient. This work was investigated the effect of shot peening experimentally on fiber glass (E type) with polyester with volume fraction of 33 %. The results showed that the best improvement obtained in the endurance limit was at 6 min shot peening time with a percentage of 25 % more than that of without shot peening. While the improvement in mechanical properties was obtained by 5 %. The verification of experimental results was done using ANSYS.14 workbench with a good agreement in behavior between the experimental and numerical.
Location Based Tracking Application Using Android Mobile Operating System[Full-Text ] Apoorva Vengurlekar, Kiran Shukla, Dnyaneshwar J. Dhangar The motivation behind this system is that to develop a user friendly environment so on demand track the location of the user and help in various ways. The proposed system is implemented in android using location based services, SQLite database. With the location based services we can implement wireless communication and location positioning technologies. The proposed system sends current location of user to the nearest police station as well as respective numbers using GPS (Global Positioning System) along with his unique id. For authentication speech recognition is used.
Integrating Wireless Communication and Broadband Powerline Communication: Applications of Networking of Depreciation Data Acquiring System [Full-Text ] Sabah Mohammed mlkat AL-Mutoki, Ahmed Dheyaa Basha, Satar Habib Mnaathr, Baqer Turki AtiyhaThis study focus on the core point of view of the uplink channel of broadband Powerline Communication (PCo) and meter device for reading from the society to the control master station is wireless that is mean, the concentrator connects directly to the master station using by the internal wireless module. A new networking point of view was suggested in this study to contribute in solving the uplink channel problem in case poor signal areas or non-signal faced in the on-site application. At the present time, Wireless Communication (WCo) modules of the concentrator in this respect are installed as separated modules. Meanwhile the uplink (WCo) and the local (PCo) were accomplished by the internal gateway of concentrator specifically. To choose a building with a suitable (PCo) and set up a Powerline broadband is private gateway and (WCo) module (with antenna) on good or high window with very good signal, but with adherent little shelter to make an “upside –down” communication structure. While the downlink from the major station to the concentrator is reversible at the same time also if compared with the original mode, the obstacles and difficulty of constructions on resources and workforce of new point of view are more cost-effective; from the standpoint of the working principle, in the two-way transition of the Powerline by carrier communication (broadband). While the wireless access point can be chosen easily and the information is often much reliability, security and stability. In addition the data transfer rate is very high; moreover the bandwidth resources can be fully used.
A Survey-Paper on Filtering Datasets Using Frequent Patterns to Obtain Representative Pattern Sets[Full-Text ] Mrs.Soumya.N.G, Mr.Rajashekar S A, Mr. Mahesha H.SFrequent pattern mining is an important problem in the data mining area. Frequent pattern mining has been a focused theme in data mining research for over a decade. Frequent pattern mining often produces an enormous number of frequent patterns, which imposes a great challenge on visualizing, understanding and further analysis of the generated patterns. Finding a small number of representative patterns to best approximate all other patterns becomes an important task. This paper gives a relative study on different techniques that can be used in order to find minimum number of representative pattern sets where closed sets play an important role.
Efficient Multi-Cloud Storage System[Full-Text ] Tushar Wable, Mahesh Gavhane, Hemant Jadhav, Gaurav Deokar and Prof. Sanjay AgrawalNow a day’s cloud computing plays a major role in IT Industries and Personal use. It is not used for business activities but it is now also used for educational purpose. Cloud computing is just internet based computing, you can say it is another property of internet. Customers plug into “cloud” and acess applications, services which is priced and on demand. One of the prominent service offered in cloud computing is the cloud data storage, in that, subscribers do not have to store their data on their own servers, where instead their data will be stored on the Cloud Service Provider’s servers. In cloud computing, subscribers have to pay the service providers for this storage service. This service does not only provides flexibility and scalability for the data–storage, it also provides customers with benefit of paying only for the amount of data they need to store for a particular period of time, without any concerns for efficient storage mechanism and maintainability issues with large amount of data storage.
Visitors Satisfaction on Service Quality Using Factor Analysis: A Case Study of Islamic Heritage Park[Full-Text ] Sabri Ahmad, Nurulhayah MuhamadThis research paper seeks to determine the factor of visitor satisfaction on the services quality offered in the Islamic Heritage Park. Satisfaction factors will be determined using factor analysis. The respondents in this study were the tourists who come to visit the Islamic Heritage Park. This study used a questionnaire survey which will be given to visitors at random to assess their factor of satisfaction. Data were analysed using factor analysis to determine the major domains of visitor satisfaction in the service of Islamic Heritage Park. The study reveals that eight factors extract from the analysis that together accounted 73.904% of the total variance. These factors have been categorized as facilities, monuments, service given by staff, restaurant, transportation, shop (souvenirs, handicrafts), safety and visitors-friendly and lastly tourist guide.
Performance Analysis of Convolutional and Gray Coding Techniques in Wireless Communications[Full-Text ] Simon W. Pallam, George A. Audu, Saidu Y. Musa, Ibrahim M. VisaMultipath fading effects are posing immense problems to transmitted signals over channels in wireless communication systems. These problems have to be corrected or controlled in order to have a reliable signal transmission in wirelesss communication channels. In order to overcome the problem of multipath fading effects, a reliable coding technique has to be engaged in the design of a wireless communication system. In this paper, a performance analysis of Convolutional and Gray coding techniques are investigated in terms of number of errors and bit error rates (BERs) using Rayleigh multipath channel. After the simulation of the two techniques, investigation reveals that convolutional coding is more preffered to Gray coding in a wireless communication system due to its low BERs.
Analysis of the influence of EDM parameters on surface Quality, MRR, EWR and Micro Hardness of AISI O2 (1.2842)[Full-Text ] Mr. Anand .N. Nikalje, Dr. Umesh V. HambireThe adequate selection of manufacturing conditions is one of important aspects to take into consideration in the die sinking.elecltrical discharge machining (EDM) of cold working tool steels, as these conditions are the ones that are to determine such important characteristics as surface roughness, electrode wear (EW) and material removal rate ,among others .In this work, a study was carried out on the influence of factors of intensity like peak current(I), pulse ON time (Ton) and duty cycle (n) over the listed technological characteristics. The cold work tool steel used in this study was O2 (OHNS) of BOHLER mostly used in press tools .Accordingly Mathematical models will be obtained using the technique of design of experiments. The Objective of this work is to investigate the effect of current(I),Pulse On Time(Ton),Duty Factor(n) on Material Removal Rate(MRR), Electrode Wear Rate(EWR), Micro Hardness & Surface Roughness during EDM .
Customer And Inventoy’s Strategies[Full-Text ] Hamad Mohammed AbouhenidiIn this research, we propose a customer strategy based on Hisco Inc’s financial analysis. The objective of this study is to give top management some recommendation based on customers’ classification. From the proposal of the customer’s strategy, we analysis and classify the customer into four categories Cost to Sever, Growth Potential, Net margin and Loyalty. We select the most important categories that affect in Hisco profitability which are Cost to serve and Net Margin. We develop frameworks for Cost to Serve and Net Margin to see who the customers who are profitable and have high margin.
On the massive nature of photon[Full-Text ] Arka Dev RoyThe idea drawn from Einstein’s special Theory of Relativity, holds that photons are mass less particles and that, every particle that travels at the speed of light must accordingly be mass less. This assumption led to the Neutrino Mass problem-If it has mass? Now, as we know, the values of the mass of electrons, protons, alpha-particles, etc. to a tremendous degree of accuracy, their velocities can also be changed by the application of electric and magnetic fields .Thus, we usually tend to visualize them as tiny particles. In presenting the present article, our hope is that this may aid or contribute significantly in solving the said problem of “How can a massive particle travel at the speed of light?” From different perspectives of existing knowledge in physics and the physical nature of particles it is generally assumed that the mass of the photon must be zero. Albeit, it has never been proven and it is never possible to prove innately that the photons are mass less it is generally accepted that photons travelling at the velocity of light must be mass less since they are long-ranged. Nevertheless, throughout the article we will endeavour to show about the history of light, types of masses and their intuition for the introduction of mass to the photon and some techniques for calculating the possible upper limits of mass of the photon.
Chemical Analysis of Pazhayar River In Tamilnadu, India[Full-Text ] K.Jemila Rose and P.KokilaIn Pazhayar river of Kanyakumari District, a study on physico-chemical and biological characteristics of river water and its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes. Ecological parameters like dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, Biochemical oxygen demand and chemical parameters like total hardness, Total alkalinity, chloride, nitrate, phosphate and physical parameters like, PH, turbidity were analyzed and the results were studied to ascertain the drinking water quality. From the study, it is inferred that the river water is under very poor condition. Preventive measures should be adopted for control the pollution in this river.
An Explicit Finite Difference Scheme for 1D Navier- Stokes Eqauation[Full-Text ] M.A.K.Azad, L.S. AndallahThis paper concerns with the numerical solution of one dimensional Navier-Stokes equation (1D NSE) for using Orlowski and Sobczyk transformation (OST). The transformation reduces the NSE into the Burgers equation .We study an explicit finite difference scheme (FDS) for the numerical solution of the reduced 1D NSE as Burgers equation and study stability condition for the scheme. We determine the stability condition as the numerical scheme for the reduced model Burgers equation is the same as that of original Burgers equation. Accuracy and numerical feature of convergence of the explicit scheme is presented by estimating their relative errors. We determine the computational time to implement numerical scheme for reduced NSE and numerical scheme for original NSE for making a comparison.
Herbal Plants for Insect Pest Management[Full-Text ] Jangam S.S*, Chaudhari P.S, Chaudhari S.V, and Baheti K.G.The present study focused on developing effective ant repellent from herbal plant extracts. In present research work, plant extracts such as Cucumber, Ginger, Garlic, Lemon, Mentha, Neem & Eucalyptus have been tested for their ant repellant as well as insecticidal activity. The extracts of mentioned plants were prepared by grinding with water. The aqueous Extracts were sprayed on almond plant leaves whiteflies to check their insecticidal activity. The aqueous extracts were treated individually as well as in different combination against whiteflies and ants (15) at dose levels of 1%, 5%, 10%. Observations were made at 5 min of time of intervals for total period of 15 min. Highest % repellency was recorded in cucumber-mint (100%) , lemon-garlic (100%), garlic-mint (100%) & all plant mixture (100%) extracts at 10 % concentration. The aqueous extracts combination of Neem + Eucalyptous as 10+10, 20+20, 50+50 & 100 + 100 were tested on colonies of white flies on almond plant. The minimum % repellency was shown by lemon-mint (67%) extracts. As the dose increases, the repellant effect also increased. The use of such plant extracts can control the population of serious pests like aphids and mealybugs in an environmental friendly way.
News Application For Fast News Alerts Based On Ontology Theory And Autonomic Rss: Discarding Irrelevant News[Full-Text ] Mrs. Shraddha Khonde, MS.Ankita Amburle, Ms.Prachi Kshirsagar,Ms.Samruddhi Bhilare, Mr.Chinmay DeshpandeNews Application For Fast News Alerts Based On Ontology Theory And Autonomic RSS: DISCARDING IRRELEVANT NEWS is an application that accepts and processes requests from the patron: end users. Besides the local server database (for storing keywords).This application also integrates databases from online news and newspapers. To maintain the speed of the news retrieval we aim at building a parser to parse the RSS of various international news papers. The search engine such as Google, Bing, yahoo enables users to express search query by means of one or more keywords. This paper proposes a system called generalized inverted list for keyword search. The main function of inverted lists is to enable fast full text searches at increased speed when a document is submitted to database. Since inverted lists are large, some techniques are projected to reduce storage space and disk I/O time. However, we propose more efficient index structure called GINIX (Generalized inverted index) that groups consecutive ID’s in inverted list into intervals to save storage space. The system performance can be increased by using two scalable algorithms. The evaluation results shows that GINIX requires less space and improves the keyword search performance compared with existing inverted indexes.
A Performance Analysis of Searching Algorithm in Distributed System[Full-Text ] S.Ramaiah, S.Ramaiah, N.Jaya krishnaThe caching mechanism is used to develop the server load balancing retrieval models. We are focusing on the user who can search through keyword in search engine, and also the user how many times they accessed data will be stored in cached information. The search engine follows some common techniques, the collection of data to a set of data objects or data sets that are stored by the machine, but in this method there is no data retrieving easily. So we use the ESC information to deal with two important issues in cooperative cache management. The placement algorithm controls where the information is cached in the network clients and is driven by two principals. Information should be cached in the nodes where it is most often accessed and it distrusted into the several clients and information frequently accessed should be cached at least one node and also they will be having the log of the system. Through this the server can do server load balancing and accurate search concepts will be implemented.
Explore HASBE Scheme for Fine- Grained Access Control of Outsourced Data in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Dhanya V KurupCloud storage enables users to remotely store their data and use the on-demand high quality cloud applications without the burden of local hardware and software management. Though the benefits are clear, such a service is also relinquishing users’ physical possession of their outsourced data, which inevitably poses new security risks towards the correctness of the data in cloud. In order to address this new problem and further achieve a secure and dependable cloud storage service, we propose in this project a flexible distributed storage integrity auditing mechanism, utilizing the homomorphism token and distributed erasure-coded data. The proposed design allows users to audit the cloud storage with very lightweight communication and computation cost. The auditing result not only ensures strong cloud storage correctness guarantee, but also simultaneously achieves fast data error localization, i.e., the identification of misbehaving server. Considering the cloud data are dynamic in nature, the proposed design further supports secure and efficient dynamic operations on outsourced data, including block modification, deletion, and append. Analysis shows the proposed scheme is highly efficient and resilient against Byzantine failure, malicious data modification attack, and even server colluding attacks.
Review of Defect Detection and Classification Methods for Fabric[Full-Text ] Gaidhani Kavita GajananIn recent years, it is a newer research hotspot using digital image processing technology to identify the sources of fabric defect in textile enterprises. Adopting image-recognition technology, through the fabric digital image preprocessing and recognition using feature detection and extraction of the fabric. Then the defect related information is stored in order to achieve automatic fabric defect detection which ultimately improves the efficiency of defect detection. Fabric defect detection system mainly includes three parts: The first, the fabric image acquisition, pre-processing part. The second, the identifier, for measurement and storage defect of fabric defect. The third, control mechanism automatically accomplished defect location and identifier. The proposed approaches have been characterized into three categories; statistical, spectral and model-based. In order to evaluate the state-of-the-art, the limitations of several promising techniques are identified and performances are analyzed in the context of their demonstrated results and intended application.
Scenario of Paper waste recycling and reuse practices in Khulna city of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Riyad A.S.MEverywhere you look you see one thing: paper. From posters and notebooks to cardboard boxes and Magazines, paper is part of our everyday lives. Used paper and paper products are importan raw material for paper and board industry.
A Study of Role Expectations and Role Performance of High School Teachers in Relation To Marital Status, Occupation of The Spouse and Educational Qualification[Full-Text ] Dr. L. Hemalatha Krishnaveni and Dr. B. Yella ReddyThe very foundation of the social order rests on citizens who are taught and trained in the class room with or without walls. Teachers, thus determine to a great extent the character, capacity and destination of a nation. The main objective of the present study is to study the influence of marital status, occupation of the spouse and educational qualification on the role expectation and role performance of high school teachers. Role expectation and role performance of high school teachers’ questionnaire developed by Mrs. L. Hemalatha Krishnaveni (2013) [1] was adopted. A sample of 900 high school teachers representing all categories of high schools is selected in Andhra Pradesh by following the standardized procedures. ‘t’ – test and ANOVA (‘F’ - test) were employed for analysis of the data. There is significant influence of marital status at 0.01 level on the role expectation and role performance of high school teachers. There is significant influence of occupation of the spouse at 0.05 level on the role expectation and role performance of high school teachers. There is significant influence of educational qualification at 0.01 level on the role expectation and role performance of high school teachers.
Advent Era of Soul Possessing Machines: Future Is Now[Full-Text ] Shyam SunderConsciousness is the mysterious aspect our of lives. There are so many theories and mathematical models which had tried to explain the phenomenon but they are not up to mark. We had found that all the explanations given by previous research are just like separate sticks of broom. In the given research we made it possible to collect all these sticks in a one broom and provide reliable explanation to the brain behavior. We had touched the every mysterious aspect of brain in the given research such as consciousness, soul, possession, sleep, dream, lucid dreaming, remote viewing and why consciousness arises from certain parts of the brain?
A Review on Optimization of Inter Symbol Interference for Transmitter and Receiver of CDMA, UWB and OFDM for High Order Modulation Technique[Full-Text ] Suman, Er.Rishipal, Arun kumar, Dr.Manisha GuptaWith the increase of growing demand of high data rate in mobile communication. The technology like CDMA, OFDM, and UWB will play an important role to satisfy the demands of peoples. One can generate a high browsing speed using a higher order modulation scheme but the inter symbol interference will be more that may effect the performance of a System. This review focus on the designing of CDMA, OFDM and UWB Transmitter and Receiver for higher modulation scheme with better optimization Techniques to reduce ISI as compared to existed one.