Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 Edition
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Response Surface Optimization of Some Properties of Process Annealed Low Carbon Steel[Full-Text ] N.A. Raji and O.O. OluwoleIn wire drawing process, the yield strength, tensile strength and impact toughness play major role in the structural reliability of the drawn wire. Low carbon steel wiresof 0.12wt% C are used for the manufacture of plain nails. Improved yield strength and impact toughness of the nails are often desire to avoid fracture failure andbuckling. In this study, polynomial modeling coupled with Response Surface Methodology was used to study the behavior of the tensile properties and impact toughness of cold drawn low carbon steel when annealed at various temperatures and soaking time. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to investigate the individual and interaction effect of annealing temperature and soaking time as independent variables on the yield strength, tensile strength and impact toughness properties of annealed cold drawn low carbon steel. The steel wire cold-drawn to 20% was annealed at various temperatures between 500oC-650oC for soaking time of between 10 minutes-60 minutes. The influence of the annealing temperature and soaking time on the yield strength, tensile strength and impact toughness were investigated by modeling the relationship using second order quadratic polynomials to develop the response surface plots and their respective contour plots. The RSM proposes models describing the influence of the annealing heat treatment parameters on the properties of the heat treated cold drawn wires. The model was able to account for the curvature of the response and the interaction of the independent variables in the response surface. The response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize the annealing process parameters to attain the optimal values of the properties.The optimized values for the yield strength, tensile strength and impact toughness for the heat treated cold drawn wire were obtained as 678.90 MPa, 779.15 MPa and 42.65 J respectively. The optimization was achieved within the 95% confidence interval.
Impact of UPFC On Swing, Voltage Stability And Power Transfer Capability In Transmission System[Full-Text ] Mr. Rishi Kumar Singh, Dr. N.P. PatidarPower flow control, in an existing long transmission line, plays a vital role in Power System area. This paper employs the unified power flow controller (UPFC) i.e. shunt-series connected compensation based FACTS device for the control of swings, voltage and the power flow in long distance transmission line. The proposed device is used in different locations such as sending end of the transmission line, middle and receiving end of the transmission line. Here also deals with determination of the optimal location of flexible a.c. transmission system (FACTS) devices for a long transmission line for damping-out swings, voltage and power transfer improvement. Here the concept of mid-point compensation is presenting for optimal location of FACTS. The results also show that optimal location depends upon voltage magnitude and the line loading and system initial operating conditions. In this paper the two area 4-machine test system were simulated using MATLAB Simulink environment.
An Analytical Approach to Design a Cost Effective Dual Axis Solar Tracker Based on CSP and PV Technology[Full-Text ] A.R.M. Siddique, Twisha Titirsha, Syeda Sanjidah, Farhana Afrin, Asif RabbaniNow-a-days present world is facing crucial energy deficiency. Power is mostly generated using fossil fuels, which emit tons of carbon dioxide and other toxic materials. As the deposits of fossil fuel are dwindling and environment pollution has become a great threat to mankind, solar energy has become the most effective alternative to fossil fuels. Solar energy can be exploited averting environmental pollution and managing atmospheric emission. To make the best use of solar energy, we introduce a model in which both the direct and diffused solar radiation are utilized. This paper puts forward a design of an improved model of dual axis solar tracker combining with concentrated solar power (CSP) and photovoltaic (PV) technology. To increase the optimal energy generation, we propound a system which consists of dish stirling engine and PV panel. The PV panel is attached on the periphery of the parabolic dish. Apart from the mentioned design, this paper presents a structure and application of a microcontroller based azimuth-altitude dual axis solar tracker which tracks the system according to the direction of the solar radiation to increase the input to the stirling engine. An approximate cost evaluation shows that the model will be cheaper than typical solar panel based dual axis tracker.
Short-Term Economic Load Dispatch of Nigerian Thermal Power Plants Based on Differential Evolution Approach[Full-Text ] Awodiji Olurotimi.Olakunle, Bakare Ganiyu.Ayinde, Aliyu Usman .OThis paper presents the solution of short-term economic load Dispatch problems by means of the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm. This approach is an evolutionary algorithm useful in solving many real world constrained optimization problems. The developed DE based economic dispatch solution was tested and validated on the Nigerian grid system. The results obtained demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method for solving economic dispatch problems on a short-term basis.
ANALYSIS OF A THREE UNIT COMPLEX SYS-TEM WITH CORRELATED LIFETIMES[Full-Text ] Rakesh Gupta, Madhu Mahi, Arti TyagiThe paper deals with profit function analysis of a three non-identical units namely, A B and C complex system model. The units are arranged in such a way that the system failure occurs if either unit-A or both the units B and C fail totally. A single repairman is always available with the system to repair the failed units in FCFS discipline. The failure time distribution of unit-A is taken exponential whereas time to failure of unit-B and unit-C are assumed to be correlated random variables having their joint distribution as Bi-variate exponential. The distributions of time to repair of unit B and C are taken exponential with different parameters whereas the distribution of time to repair of unit-A is taken arbitrary. Various performance measures of system effectiveness have been obtained by using regenerative point technique.
Development and Validation of High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method for the Determination of Levetiracetam in Human Plasma by Electospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry[Full-Text ] Madhira V N S Ramprasad, B. Syama SundarA rapid, specific and accurate high performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of levetiracetam in K2EDTA human plasma using trazadone as internal standard was developed and validated using an Electrospray Ionization (ESI)-mass spectrometry detection. The extraction process involved a liquid-liquid extraction using a mixture of methyl-t-butyl ether and dichloromethane. Both levetiracetam and the internal standard were eluted under isocratic mode using a Ascentis 50 X 4.6 mm i.d, 5 µm column. The mobile phase composed a mixture of 10:90 % v/v 0.2% formic acid solution and acetonitrile at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/minute. A 50:50 splitter is used to reduce the solvent entering into the ESI. The injection volume is 5 µL. The runtime of the method is 2 minutes. The method showed good linearity in the range of 0.25 – 35.06 µg/mL. The mean recovery of levetiracetam from all the quality control samples is 45.29 % with a % coefficient of variation of of 7.5 % and recovery of internal standard was 74.28% with a % coefficient of variation of of 1.4 %. Matrix effects were not observed. The method is validated as per ICH guidelines
Mobile Phone Operating Systems: A Comparison[Full-Text ] Kandarp SinghContinual growth and progress are the root cause of improvement, achievement and success. Though is followed by our mobile industry. From the age of pagers to modern smart phones and keep going on the development in mobile industries have fulfill the above lines. Now a day's competition among mobile company are on their rage. Every company is willing to provide new features and easy to use interface to their customers and the most attracting feature is their performance. This paper include the various features, pros, cons of the major operating system. By analysis I hereby present the a comparison and specification to users for better judgment and selection their mobile or Smartphone regarding their use.
Object Counting using MATLAB[Full-Text ] Varun SharmaIn this a new, easy, swift and effective process for object counting in outdoor environments, invariant to extreme illumination changes is presented as an improvement to the shading model method. It is helpful in detection of object counting in a scene, for example pedestrians crossing a street, and then tracking the detected objects as long as they stay in the scene or to analyze and evaluate various color models to be used for the purpose of recognition of multicolored objects.
Coordinate Expression of Cytokeratins 7 and 20 and Other Immunohistochemical Markers in Prostate Adenocarcinoma and Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma[Full-Text ] Assistant prof. Dr. Maha Shakir HassanMorphologic features alone can usually be used to distinguish prostatic adenocarcinoma and urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder. Poorly differentiated tumors, however, can occasionally have features of both neoplasms, making determination of site oforigin difficult. Immunohistochemical studies were performed using the following panel of antibodies: cytokeratin (CK) 7, CK 20, 34bE12 , p53, prostate-specific acid phosphatase (PSAP), and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and evaluated their usefulness for distinguishing high-grade forms of these tumors.
Evaluation of Advanced Reinforcement Pattern In Exterior RC Beam-Column Joint[Full-Text ] Suhasini M Kulkarni, Yogesh D PatilDesign philosophy permits moment-resisting frames subjected to seismic loading, apart from a few exceptions, to be induced into the inelastic range where the forces that develop in parts of the structure will exceed their design values. In this phase of inelastic intensity, the beam-column joints are obliged to resist high horizontal and vertical shear stresses coming from the adjacent beams and columns. This occurs during a large number of inelastic cycles, while the joints need to dissipate large energy.
Mechanical Design of a New 200 N Force Standard Machine[Full-Text ] Ebtisam H. Hasana, A. M. Khourshidb, M. I. Mohamedc, Salah A. M. Elshourbagyd, and Ahmed A. HawamThis paper describes design, and development of the new 200 N force standard machine. The machine contains two compressive force generation systems. The first is a deadweight system that can generate forces in the range 5-100 N. The second is a substitute loading mechanical system acts as a comparator to generate forces up to 100 N. The two systems are combined to generate forces above 100 N and up to 200 N. The deadweight system consists of a weight stack, and a loading frame. The substitute loading system uses a linear loading screw to generate the substitute force and uses a reference load cell to measure the force’s value. A height adjustment mechanism was added to the machine to accommodate different sizes of force transducers. The design of all machine parts aims to maximize its stiffness, and reduce error sources.
Data Logging on Google Drive Spreadsheet[Full-Text ] Swapnil R. Katre, Prof. Mrs. Jyoti GiriThe growing demand of intelligent embedded devices in day-to-life has also increase the demand of monitoring and managing data provided by it. So, a solution to connect and store data on server space, which is link to the user Gmail services, could prove to be a great user friendly step. This solution will address the challenge of logging, securing and accessing data from remote device for Analysis. In this paper, an embedded sensor device will connect to the Google Drive. The sensor data will be uploaded to Google Spreadsheet using user credentials. The uploaded data can then be able to view, edit across the globe. Using different Google featured tools linked in Google Drive; data can be easily analyzed and represented. As Google interface are user friendly and used by many people it can be easier to adapt. Further the data can be linked with Cloud computing services, which uses technology like Big Data, Hadoop, etc for analyzing.
Finite Element Modeling Of Deformation Load in Al1200 Deep Drawing[Full-Text ] Oluwole.O.O, Falana.O.KIn industry, deformation load is usually the interest of a production engineer when it comes to the production of deep drawn products. In this work Finite Element Method has been employed to predict the deformation load in the production of 9”? holloware taking advantage of the mechanical action of the punch and the die. The chosen geometry was the axial section of a 228.6/100 (Dia/height) holloware. The geometry was drawn on the Graphic User Interface of COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS and mechanical properties of aluminium A1200, such as the Young’s modulus of elasticity (69GPa), Poisson’s ratio (0.3), density (2590Kgm-3) and yield stress (130MPa) were applied to the geometry. The choice of elasto-plasticity was applied. Geometric non-linearities present in the problem were also accounted for. A prescribed punch velocity of 65mms-1 was imposed as the boundary condition. The whole domain of the geometry was finely meshed, a Von Mises yield surface was considered and the model studied on the Graphic User Interface.The results showed that a maximum deformation force (125KN) was obtained at the inner fillet region of the pot. The values of Von-Mises /effective stress (1.603 x 105Nm-2), stress tensor (1.429 x 105Nm-2), strain tensor (1.91 x 10-6) and first Piola – Kirchhoff’s stress (1.429 x 105Nm-2) were obtained. Result from industry showed agreement with the results obtained using the finite element modeling.
Isolation, Purification and Characterization of Glucanase Enzyme from the Antagonistic Fungus Trichoderma[Full-Text ] Sonika Pandey, Mohammad Shahid, Mukesh Srivastava, Antima Sharma Anuradha Singh & Vipul KumarGlucanase enzyme isolated from Trichoderma isolates were purified to homogeneity using ammonium persulphate precipitation and Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography. Purity of the isolated enzyme was confirmed by SDS-PAGE. Enzymatic properties such as effect of temperature, pH, SDS and EDTA were determined. Molecular weight of Trichoderma isolates was found to be around 55 kDa. The optimum temperature for glucanase enzyme was 50°C and the optimum pH was 5.0. SDS and EDTA were at a concentration 0f 20 µg/ml showing an inhibitory effect on glucanase enzyme activity.
Structure Prediction and Modeling of Endochitinase Protein of Trichoderma harzianum (Th Azad) to improve Its Stability and Efficiency[Full-Text ] Antima Sharma, Mukesh Srivastava, Sonika Pandey, Anuradha Singh, Vipul Kumar and Mohammad ShahidThe study aims at exploring the genome of Trichoderma harzianum (Th Azad) and the genes involved in inhibiting the growth of soil borne pathogens using bioinformatics tools and techniques. It involves in silico homology modeling of the endochitinase protein of T. harzianum and employing the concept of Circular Permutation in an attempt to make it more thermostable and liable at vivid temperature conditions. Therefore, the specific strain (Th Azad) of T. harzianum species under study is isolated from the soil sample, identified at molecular level using especially in silico designed primers, and then using the sequence for further analysis. Conserved motif in the protein sequence of endochitinase is searched in the PROSITE database. It also helps us in determining the protein families and domains that have remain conserved throughout evolution. This particular fragment (or conserved motif) is then subjected to circular permutation at random in the protein sequence in an attempt to increase its thermostability and also enable an improved homology modeling, protein folding and protein design. Permutation by duplication has been proposed in this study to compare the original structure with the artificially engineered endochitinase model. It can be concluded that this study may result in creating a thermodynamically stable and biologically functional protein for protecting crops from soil borne pathogenic fungi. It may also help in elucidating the evolution of endochitinase protein found in Trichoderma species and in other pathogenic fungi such as Fusarium.
Performance Evaluation of DDSR via NS-3 Simulation using RSU’s in Vehicular Network[Full-Text ] Abhay Deep Seth, Ankit KhareMobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) are wireless networks without an infrastructure, which are usually set up on a temporary basis to serve a particular purpose within a specific period of time. The nodes in MANET have some mobility due to which the topology changes and move freely, where the nodes move with very less speed like 20 km/hr. But, in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) the nodes are free to move but according to road topology. And their average speeds are about 75-80 km/hr. In VANET the link breakage can be avoided with the help of the mobility pattern knowledge for neighbor nodes. In this paper, the performance evaluation of Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and modified DSR called Distance based DSR (DDSR) with RSU’s for metric Delay via NS-3.15 simulator.
Studies on acid corrosion of aluminium by a naturally occurring polymer (Xanthan gum)[Full-Text ] I.O. Arukalam, N.T. Ijomah, S.C. Nwanonenyi, H.C. Obasi, B.C. Aharanwa, P.I. AnyanwuThe corrosion inhibition of aluminium in hydrochloric acid solution by xanthan gum has been studied using weight loss measurements technique. Results show that xanthan gum inhibited aluminium dissolution in 0.5 M HCl solution and the inhibition was found to increase with increasing concentration of the inhibitor. Also, inhibition efficiency increased with rise in temperature. The activation energy, Ea as well as other thermodynamic parameters (Qads, ?Gads, ?Ho and ?So) for the inhibition process was calculated and results obtained corroborated the proposed inhibition mechanism. The corrosion inhibition of aluminium in 0.5 M HCl solution by xanthan gum has been suggested to occur by adsorption at the metal/solution interface following Temkin adsorption isotherm. Polarization measurements indicate that xanthan gum is a mixed type inhibitor with pronounced cathodic inhibitive effect.
The importance of human resources in the development and innovation[Full-Text ] prof. dr. Miroslav Lutovac , Abdulkarem Emhmed ShtawaHuman resource management (HRM) practices are generally expected to stimulate a firm’s innovation performance. However, which of these practices do really pay off? Based on a unique dataset that includes detailed information for both a firm’s innovation activities and different types of HRM practices we find that primarily new workplace organization practices seem to enhance a firm’s innovation activities. Flexible practices of working time management and incentive payment schemes show only small effects on both innovation propensity and innovation success. Further training does only affect innovation success, but not innovation propensity. Overall, we find a stronger linkage between innovative HRM practices and innovation propensity than with innovation success.