Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2014 Edition
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A Fast and an Accurate CORDIC Modulus Extractor Implementation Using FPGA [Full-Text ] Mohammed Rizk, Ahmed Hossin, and Alaa HafezThe paper is devoted to design and implement a fast and accurate CORDIC modulus extractor for radar MTD using field programmable gate array FPGA. Modulus extractor receives real and imaginary part from Doppler filter bank and produce a modulus output suitable for amplitude processing by constant false alarm rate processor CFAR. This implementation contributes a fast propagation delay for this extractor and gives an accurate results for the modulus and angle output. This prototype of hardware implementation of CORDIC algorithm used Spartan –III series FPGA, with constraint to area efficiency and throughput architecture. The extractor results show that the conversion time is with less than 0.025% in angle measurement and 0.9% accuracy in modulus measurement which is suitable for real time applications in radar and missile control applications.
A Review on Optimization of Inter Symbol Interference for Transmitter and Receiver of CDMA, UWB and OFDM for High Order Modulation Technique[Full-Text ] Suman, Er.Rishipal, Arun kumar, Dr.Manisha GuptaWith the increase of growing demand of high data rate in mobile communication. The technology like CDMA, OFDM, and UWB will play an important role to satisfy the demands of peoples. One can generate a high browsing speed using a higher order modulation scheme but the inter symbol interference will be more that may effect the performance of a System. This review focus on the designing of CDMA, OFDM and UWB Transmitter and Receiver for higher modulation scheme with better optimization Techniques to reduce ISI as compared to existed one.
Laboratory Studies on the Capillarity of Water & Some Selected Liquids[Full-Text ] Ebuka ChukwulobeThe Laboratory studies on Capillarity of water and some selected liquids involved investigating and analyzing the capillary actions of the liquids. The result obtained shows that at constant temperature, the potential energy of a capillary risen liquid is constant. The result shows that besides surface tension of a liquid, the density of the liquid is a determining factor of the capillarity of the liquid or its capillary rise in a particular kind of capillary material. Ebukapillarity (i.e False Capillarity) was deduced, hypotheses and Formulas were generated to show the mathematical relation of these and other derived relevant parameters.
Preparation of Sewerage Project for Urban Areas[Full-Text ] Er. M.Vaitheeswaran and Dr. R.R. KrishnamurthySewerage system is an important part of Nation’s infrastructure and plays an essential part in maintaining public health. While planning for development of a place the sewerage is remains to be out of focus, the due negligence leads to flooding, pollution, collapse and blockage. The current rate of development in par with planning without forecasting the needs of the society pose to be challenge for implementing planning strategies. The remedial measure is to stop littering the waste in the open environment like roads, water bodies pollutes hence pollution can be brought under control. In order to maximize the efficiency of water and waste water systems by proper techno-economic designs, execution, O&M & Conservation of water bodies would reduce the ground water pollution and by and large the environment. Water & Waste water schemes should be executed simultaneously and connectivity of individual households should be included in project itself as both the components are hand-in-hand, Government of India & State Government, need to enforce water Departments/agencies to sanction schemes simultaneously with sewerage projects and not in isolation.
Promotion of heat transfer using twisted tape to generate additional turbulent[Full-Text ] Qasim Al-Saiman, Ossama ThamerHeat transfer enhancement techniques refer to different methods used to increase rate of heat transfer without affecting much the overall performance of the system. These techniques are used in heat exchangers. Some of the applications of heat Exchangers are-in process industries, thermal Power plants, air-conditioning equipments, refrigerators, radiators for space Vehicles, automobiles etc. These techniques broadly are of three types viz. passive, active and compound techniques. Three cases of heat transfer enhancement by turbulence promoters were adopted in order to increase the thermal performance of a double pipe heat exchanger effective length, 30 mm outer pipe diameter and inner pipe diameter (20 mm). Twisted tape of 10 mm width and 3.5, 4and 5 twist ratio were used as turbulence promoters to augment heart transfer inside the inner tube of heat exchanger at a Reynolds number range of 5000 to 35000 based on smooth tube diameter. Two new types of turbulence promoters are used to enhance heat transfer in the inner tube of the same double pipe heat exchanger. The first was by Twisted tape of (twist ratio= 4) and 1100mm length set up on the inner tube. The second was by Twisted tape of (twist ratio= 3.5) with five hole on it and 1100mm length at the same position. The third was by Baffled Reduced Width Twisted Tape (twist ratio= 5) with five holes, holes of diameter 6 mm were drilled at midpoint of two consecutive strips of BRWTT. Water was used as the working fluid in the two sides. Variation in the experimental conditions was attained by changing the mass flow rates of unenhanced side and changing the inlet temperature of hot fluid. These conditions were followed in order to increase the data points in addition to observe the effect of these conditions.
Proposed Medical Diagnosis System Using Ripplet Transform[Full-Text ] Hagote Kiran KedarnathContent based image retrieval (CBIR) approach permits the user to extract an image from a huge info based upon a matter .An economical and effective retrieval performance is achieved by choosing the only remodel and classification techniques. However, this transform techniques like Fourier transform, cosine Transform, wavelet transform suffer from discontinuities like edges in photos. to beat this disadvantage use Ripplet remodel (RT) has been enforced in conjunction with the neural network based classifier spoken as Multilayered perceptron (MLP) for locating an honest retrieval of image. Medical image fusion mistreatment pulse coupled neural network and changed abstraction frequency supported the ripplet transform. the source medical image are first decomposed by discrete RT(DRT), the low frequency sub bands (LFSs) are fused using the max selection rule. For the fusion of high frequency subbands (HFSs) a PCNN model is utilized The performance of the planned theme is evaluated by varied quantitative measures like Mutual data (MI), abstraction Frequency (SF) and Entropy (EN).
Soil Erosion Zonation Mapping in Parts of Hulgi Watershed using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques – A Case Study[Full-Text ] Chaitra R, Chandrakantha GSoil erosion is a continuous process that is relatively unnoticed in the Western Ghats region of Karnataka. Soil erosion is one of the most significant and widespread form of soil degradation that has environmental and economic impacts. Economically, soil erosion affects the productivity of land and hence conservation strategies assume lead roles in the development programs. It is therefore desirable to identify soil erosion in a watershed in order to plan structural works and other means of reducing the problem. The present work is a case study undertaken in parts of Hulgi watershed, a tributary of Bhadra River in the Western Ghats region. RS and GIS are employed to prepare thematic maps such as drainage, LULC, hydro geomorphology, slope, soil, and geology maps. These thematic maps are integrated on GIS platform after assigning weighted capability values to each unit in all the layers. Soil erosion zonation map prepared for the watershed indicates that 49%, 24%, 14% and 13% of the total geographical area is prone to very high, high, moderate and low soil erosion respectively. The present study demonstrates the efficiency of RS and GIS in generating soil erosion zonation mapping. Such maps are valuable resources for action planners to suggest suitable measures for overall development of the watershed.
Structural Characteristics of High Strength Palm Oil Fuel Ash Self -Compacting Concrete[Full-Text ] Olatokunboh OFUYATAN, Festus OLUTOGE, Adeoye OLOWOFOYEKU and Anthony IVOKESelf-compacting concrete is a fluid mixture suitable for placing in structures with congested reinforcement without vibration. This paper reports on a research project on the structural characteristics of high strength palm oil fuel ash self compacting concrete. The parameters investigated were compressive, flexural strength and workability. The workability was determined using slump flow, slump T50 flow, L-box, and V-funnel. For the compressive strength 150x150x150mm cube specimens were used and beam size150x150x750mm were cast for flexural test. The concrete mix was cast with cement partially replaced with palm oil fuel ash up to 30% at intervals of 5%. Conplast SP432MS (superplasticiser) was used as admixture. Water cement ratio of 0.35 was adopted and concrete mix of 1:2.5:3. The results showed that SCC had 90 day compressive strength of 80.5N/mm2; the ultimate failure load for SCC was 130kN with a deflection of 11.24 and NC 100kN, deflection of 8.37; the passing ability, filling ability and segregation resistance are well within the limits. The performed tests showed that the compressive strength and workability of self-compacting concrete in this investigation is better than that of normally vibrated concrete.
AVL Tree Based Approach for Efficient Mining[Full-Text ] Renju Samuel , V.Ulagamuthalvi , P.AshaIn the modern world the process of identifying the required items from a large dataset leads to a large amount of time. The concept of Data Mining is normally used to isolate the required item from a large database. In this paper a new form of isolating the data from a database is used. The traditional Apriori Algorithm is used to generate the Association rules by obtaining frequent itemsets of 1 combination, 2 combinations and so on based on the minimum support count. This study aims to propose a modified Apriori algorithm in which generation of Association rules is by using a Boolean Matrix representational scheme. At first the data representation takes place via the generation of an AVL tree which is used to balance the given data. Then the Boolean Matrix gets generated from the AVL tree and then association rules get generated from the matrix. Its shows clearly that the computation time has improved for the modified algorithm when compared to the traditional Apriori Algorithm
Evaluation of Spatial Variation of Palm Oil Mill Ef-fluents (POME) in Cross River State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Oko, Comfort N., Eni, D. Imoke and Oka, Peter OnenThe study examined the spatial variation in palm oil mill effluents (Pome) in Cross River State. The extraction and purification processes of palm oil generate different kinds of wastes known as palm oil effluent (Pome). The impact of Pome on the soil cannot be over emphasized; hence the need for proper treatment measures to reduce its degradational effect when discharged unto the soil. Soil auger was used to obtained surface soil samples of 0-15cm depth from six selected study locations. They samples were air dried at room temperature, ground with wooden roller and sieved through a 2mm mesh before taking it for physico-chemical analysis. The research revealed that the proportion of clay, silt and sand varies greatly between seasons in Cross River State. The values of clay ranged from 2-12%, silt 8-2% and sand 67-90%. Bulk density ranged from 1.14-1.46g/cm3 and porosity 45-57%. The research further revealed that POME has a very high biochemical oxygen Demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD), which is more than what is obtained in the municipal sewage. The high organic matter is due to the presence of different sugars such as Arabinose, Xylose, Galactose, Glucose and Monose. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to highlight which of the soil properties contributed significantly to the spatial variation across the study locations. The treatment of Pome is incredible, if a friendly and healthy environment devoid of pollution is to be met. The researchers recommends that palm oil mill effluent (Pome) be properly managed and discarded to avoid spillage of effluent onto the soils to reduce clogging of soil pores. Attempts should be made to convert palm oil mill effluent waste into useful products such as feed stock and organic fertilizer.
Trade policies and multilateral trade agreement. A theoretical and prospective paper on globalization[Full-Text ] Dr. Solomon ArhinMultilateral trade agreements are between many nations at one time and because it involves more than one country, they’re very complicated to negotiate since every nation is autonomous in their choices with whom they want to have a trading deal with. Once all participating countries sign the agreement, multilateral trade agreement becomes very powerful tool for trade. One can draw a dichotomy between multinational trade and trade policies, the latter usually formulated by public officials of each country. Without strong and firm trade policies guiding multilateral trade, the trade objective will be undermined and defeated. This paper will primarily discuss and focus on various aspects of NAFTA as detailed out by some researchers in their emerging theories.
The Importance of Modern Information Technology in the Education of Communication Theory: Applications and 3D Methods[Full-Text ] Sabah Mohammed mlkat AL-Mutoki, Ahmed Dheyaa Basha, Satar Habib Mnaathr, Ali Idham AlziadApplying of Communication theory via Modern Information Technology (MIT) in the education is an important main course, especially in communication engineering which contributes in introducing the basic theory of this course. This study firstly discusses some problems relates in course of traditional teaching. Secondly, three -dimensional method (3D) considers a new teaching method is brought to the progress of the education toward the forward in order to overcome the problems. Eventually, the applications of three -dimensional methods are explained.
Yield Performance of Chickpea (Cicer arietanum L.) Varieties Across Locations of the Philippines Cordillera Region[Full-Text ] Ines C. Gonzales and Fernando R. GonzalesThe multi locational yield trials were conducted in three municipalities of Benguet (La Trinidad, Loo Buguias, Pito, Bokod), Langagilang, Abra and Tabuk, Kalinga from October to November 2010. Kabuli type varieties, ICCV 92311, ICCV 95334 and ICCV 07307 were the earliest to reach 50% flowering and harvesting. Plant maturity was generally earlier in warm places like Abra and Kalinga regardless of variety used. Kabuli type varieties are generally taller with wider canopy. Results showed that taller plants with wider canopy are produced in cooler areas of Benguet while short plants with smaller sized canopy was observed in warm areas like in Abra and Kalinga. Desi type ICCV 93952 and kabuli type ICCV 95334, ICCV 07307 had the highest number of pods with more filled pods produced per plant while the number of unfilled pods per plant was not affected by the varieties used across locations. The 100 seed weight was significantly heavier in big-seeded kabuli type ICCV 95334 and ICCV 07307 in all locations. Desi type ICCV 93952 and kabuli type ICCV 95332, ICCV 07307 had the highest grain yield per plot and computed yield per hectare across locations. Generally the yield per plot and computed per ha was higher in colder areas of Benguet than in warmer areas of Abra and Kalinga. Based on the results desi type ICCV 93952 and kabuli type ICCV 95334, ICCV 07307 can be productively grown in Benguet but could also be grown in warmer areas like Apayao and Kalinga but with minimal yield.
Gender Equity In Employment And Appointment To Management Positions Of Science And Technology Staff In Federal And State Universities In South East Zone Of Nigeria: Implication For The Attainment Of The Millennium Development Goals[Full-Text ] Okoli, Josephine N., Ifeakor, Amaechi CThe study investigated gender equity in employment and appointment to key management posts of staff science and technology departments in federal and stale Universities in South East zone of Nigeria. The design adopted in this study is an Ex-Post-Facto design. Four research questions guided the study. The study was carried out in nine universities in five states in South East Zone of Nigeria. The population for the study was made up of nine deputy registrars (personnel) from the nine universities four federal and five slate universities) in South East Zone of Nigeria. The entire population of nine registrars served as the sample for the study. The instrument for data collection was a guided figure based recording sheet developed by the researchers. The instrument was lace validated by two experts (Measurement and Evaluation and two science educators in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. Owing to the nature of the instrument the reliability was not established. Data collected were analysed using frequency tables and percentages to answer the research questions. Results showed that there was no gender equity in employment and appointment (to key management posts) of science and technology affirmative in Federal and State Universities in South East one of Nigeria. Implications of this findings on affirmative action on gender equity in employment and appointment to posts as stated in the. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) also were discussed. Recommendations were also made among which were: that universities management should develop policies that allow females to balance their work and family responsibilities more easily so as lo ensure gender equity in employment and appointment to management posts. Also the Federal government of Nigeria on its part should develop and enforce policies that ensures that the 30:70 gender equity affirmative action as stated in MDGs is achieved by 2015 as earlier proposed by the Federal government of Nigeria.