Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2014 Edition
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Effect of Zingiber officinal (ginger) on parasitological and biochemical parameteres of mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni cercariae[Full-Text ] Samir A.Taha and Gehan L.EL-EnainThe present study was undertaken to evaluate the antischistosomal properties of ginger (Zingiber officinal) against Schistosoma mansoni in infected mice, including determination of total protein, albumin levels, the activites of ALT, AST, ACP and AKP enzymes and the electophoretic pattern of total protein in the serum of infected treated mice.
Improving the Operating System Resource Management by Processes Simulation[Full-Text ] Muhammad Imran, Wadee AlhalabiMultiprocessing systems are in focus for every high performance processor family. With multiprocessing comes the problem of scheduling which we have tried to address in this paper. In this paper, we have explained the resources and processes simulation that we have designed to optimize the process scheduling task of operating systems. This explains how to model and simulate a system to evaluate its performance and utilization and then analysing the results to go for the improvements in the real system. We have taken three independent processes and five resources which consist of one or more instances, for our experiment and evaluation task. This paper presents the implementation done in the C language provides option for the work to be adapted for modeling and simulation of any other scheduling tasks that need to be performed by the OS. Then a proper set of results can be interpreted for target system improvements.
A Roadmap on the Low Power Static Random Access Memory Design Topologies[Full-Text ] Jyoti Yadav, Toshiyanka Goswami, P.Bhatnagar, S. Birla and Neeraj Kr. Shukla The increasing demand for more and novel applications in electronics systems have persuaded the semiconductor technology towards scaling of devices to accommodate a large number of circuit component in a single Integrated Circuit. Thus high density and faster chips have become semiconductor industry’s requirement. But faster circuits need more power to work properly and hence reduces the battery lifetime. This paper provides a systematic overview of Static Random Access Memory based on semiconductor technology (45,65,130 and180 nm), Bit-Cell type (1T,2T,3T upto 14T), various circuit design techniques (power gating, dual Vth, body biasing, MTCMOS, Sub threshold, etc.) for ultra low power applications, eg. Bio-medical, Wireless sensors, Multimedia applications. Recent trends of shrinking the semiconductor devices into nanometer regime lowers the operating power requirements. This lower operating voltage(Vdd) starts offering other challenges such as speed, stability. It is seen that if speed is increased then power also increases. If access time is decreased , the noise margins also increases. If Vmin is reduced then reliability improves.
Remote Access through Operating System Virtualization[Full-Text ] Pranali Jambhulkar, Urmila ShrawankarOperating System (OS) virtualization refers to the abstraction of an operating system from any underlying hardware architecture. OS virtualization is needed as it provides feature of transparent migration of applications. Ubiquitous computing where computing is made to appear everywhere and anywhere. The infrastructure of ubiquitous computing which exploits virtualization to make computing. In order to enable ubiquitous environment and servers to be shared the application of various operating systems with the desktop of user. Using the ubiquitous environment, the applications could be run in the host system without installation. The key concept of the system it to operate the desktop of user by any portable devices like smart phones or tablet through web browser irrespective of the location of user.
Quadrotor Comprehensive Identification from Frequency Responses[Full-Text ] Abubakar Surajo Imam, Robert BickerDesign and development of a quadrotor model-based flight control system entails the use of the vehicle's dynamic model. It is quite challenging to use the physical laws and first principle-based approaches to model the quadrotor dynamics as they are highly nonlinear, characterized by coupled rotor-airframe interaction. However, system identification modeling method provides a less challenging approach to modeling the dynamics of highly non-linear systems such as a quadrotor. This paper presents the frequency-domain system identification procedure for the extraction of linear models that correspond to the hover flight operating conditions of a quadrotor. Frequency response identification is a versatile procedure for rapidly and efficiently extracting accurate dynamic models of aerial vehicles from the measured response to control inputs. During the extraction of the quadrotor's model, flight test manoeuvres were used to excite the variables of concern for flight dynamics and control by adopting a systematic selection procedure of the model structure for the parameterized transfer-function model and the state-space model. The technique provides models that best characterized the vehicle's measured responses to the controls commands, and can be used in the design of a flight control system.
Technical and Economic Assessment of Photovoltaic for Electricity Supply - A Case Study on the Electrical Distribution Network of IRAN[Full-Text ] Navid Taghizadegan, S. R. Mousavi-Aghdam, Sakhavat Saghi, Mohammad NajafiIran is a country in terms of geographical area is hot and dry, and getting more sun light during different months of the year. In Iran Except for the Caspian Sea coast Across the country Percent of Sunny daysare63 to98% in year. The greatest source of energy is solar energy that energy emitted from the different forms is used in order to provide the required energy fossil fuels. Since the Electricity production is One of the bases of the economic power of a country Because of the Has been Attention Increase in electricity production and value added in recent decades. Mean while, with the collection and access to advanced technology, Implementation and use of clean energy and renewable energy systems for human needs has been a significant growth. This paper introduces a new system of photovoltaic systems as an energy we will evaluate Technical and economic assessment of photovoltaic cells for the study case.
Virtual Priority Assignment Policy to Distributed Real-Time Transactions[Full-Text ] Sanjeev Kumar Singh, P. K. Singh, R. K. SinghIn a distributed environment, tasks generally have processing demands at multiple sites. A distributed task is usually divided into several cohorts, each to be executed in order at some site. This paper deals with an important aspect of distributed real time transaction processing in distributed real-time databases, namely the problem of assigning priorities to transactions. In distributed real time database systems deadline of transactions as well as cohorts affect other transactions during their execution. We perform experiments in three environments: task model, main memory database model and disk resident database model. Our new results show that virtually assigning the priorities of transactions, depending on their behavior, gives a substantial improvement in the number of transactions that meet their deadline in all the three environments.
Network Virtualization in Open flow Networks- A Review[Full-Text ] Gowri Prasad, Swapna B SasiThis review paper presents a study about network virtualization in open flow based networks. It describes in detail about open flow networks and presents a detailed study of some of the existing approaches to network virtualization in open flow networks after investigating data path virtualization and control channel virtualisation. Different methods for resource allocation and separation in virtual networks are also covered as part of this paper.
Antidiabetic effect of Eclipta alba[Full-Text ] Ayodhya Singh, Anjali Singh, Vandana DwivediEclipta alba (L.) is small branched annual herbaceous plant with a long history of traditional medicines uses in many countries mainly in tropical and subtropical regions. It is widely distributed throughout India, China, Thailand, and Brazil. The herb has been known for its curative properties and has been utilized as antimytotoxic, analgesic, antibacterial, antihepatotoxic, antihaemorrhagic, antihyperglycemic, antioxidant, immunomodulatory properties and it is considered as a good rejuvenator too. Recent studies showed an antivenom property & corrosion pickling inhibitor action on mild steel in hydrochloric acid. A wide range of chemical compounds including coumestans, alkaloids, thiopenes, flavonoids, polyacetylenes, triterpenes and their glycosides have been isolated from this species. This contribution provides an comprehensive review on ethnomedicinal uses, chemical composition, and the antidiabetic property as medicinal plant. Oral administration of leaf suspension of E. alba (2 and 4 g/kg body weight) for 60 days results in significant reduction in blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin HbA(l)c. The extract decreases the activities of glucose-6- phosphatase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, and increase the activity of liver hexokinase. Thus, oral administration of E. alba possess potent antihyperglycemic activity [1].
Inferring User Search goals Engine Using Bisecting Algorithm[Full-Text ] Deepali Agale,Beena KhadeDifferent users may have different search goals when they submit broad-topic and ambiguous query, to a search engine. The inference and analysis of user search goals can be very useful in improving performance of search engine. To infer user search goals by analyzing search engine query logs a novel approach is proposed. First, we propose a framework to find out different user search goals for a query by clustering the proposed feedback sessions. Feedback sessions are built from user click-through data and can efficiently reflect the information needs of users. Second, then propose a novel approach to generate pseudo-documents by using feedback sessions for clustering. For clustering we use a new algorithm which is bisecting K-means algorithm. At the end, a new criterion “Classified Average Precision (CAP)” is proposed to evaluate the performance of inferring user search goals.
Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation[Full-Text ] Avinash Mishra, Swaraj save, Rohit SenThe rapid development of high switching frequency power electronics in the past decade leads towards wider application of voltage source inverters in AC power generation. Therefore, this prompts the need for a modulation technique with less total harmonic distortion (THD) and fewer switching losses. Space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) provides a better technique compared to the more commonly used PWM or sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) techniques. SVPWM is a more sophisticated technique for generating a fundamental sine wave that provides a higher voltage, high reduction in the dominant harmonics and lower total harmonic distortion when used in an inverter. In SVPWM the complex reference voltage phasor is processed as a whole, therefore, interaction between three phases is exploited, and this strategy reduces the switching losses by limiting the switching. This paper will analyze the working and design of SVPWM and will provide comparative analysis of improved quality with the conventional methods.
MHD Unsteady Memory Convective Flow through Porous Medium with Variable Suction in the presence of Radiation and Permeability[Full-Text ] Suresh RanaA free convective unsteady visco-elastic flow through porous medium bounded by an infinite vertical porous plate with variable suction, constant heat flux under the influence of transverse uniform magnetic field along with permeability in the presence of radiation has been investigated in the present study. The suction velocity of the porous medium fluctuates with time about the constant mean. Approximate solutions for mean velocity, transient velocity, mean temperature and transient temperature of non-Newtonian flow are obtained. The effects of various parameters such as Pr (Prandtl number), Gr (Grashof number), M (Hartmann number), ? (frequency parameter) and k (permeability parameter) and F (radiation parameter) on the above are depicted.. Expressions for fluctuating parts of velocity ‘Mr’ and ‘Mi’ are found and plotted graphically and effects of different parameters on them are discussed. Skin friction amplitude and phase are shown graphically and discussed in detail
Comparative study of the efficiency of metal uptake Enhancers with EDTA Phytoremediation of Pb using Brassica.juncea (Indian mustard)[Full-Text ] Sidi. ShahenazThe effects of application of natural metal uptake enhancers like garlic and lime were investigated. Garlic being more effective than lime. It induces the metal tolerance in the plant cells and thereby facilitates metal sequestration. Plants were grown in garden soil (VNSGU, University campus, about 250 grams.), in plastic cups. The seeds were sown and spiked with 5, 50,500ppm of lead stock solution. Metal uptake enhancers were added one week before harvest and the plants were grown for a total period of 21 days. Comparison was done with synthetic chelator-EDTA which was the most effective followed by garlic, lime and citric acid. Metal was analyzed using ICP.
Encoding Techniques for stable Video Streaming over heterogeneous wireless networks[Full-Text ] Shibi.K.JohnThe wireless channel used for communication in different network varies in their Bandwidth, supported Bit rate and Unequal Error Protection coding techniques. An important issue of supporting multi-user video streaming over wireless networks is how to intelligently utilize this available network resources while, at the same time, to meet video’s QoS (Quality of Service) requirement. In this proposal we go throw various schemes in order to achieve the maximum number of paths from all found node-disjoint routing paths for maximizing multimedia streaming data transmission and guaranteeing the end to end transmission delay in wireless networks.
Optimal Placement of STATCOM in Unbalanced Distribution Networks ConsideringVoltage Stability[Full-Text ] Ali Sadeghizadeh, Mahmoud ZadehbagheriIn this paper, optimal placement of STATCOM in unbalanced distribution networks to improve voltage stability has been done. Target of placement is modified profile of voltage buses network and minimizing losses. Optimal placement by forward-backward propagation has been done based on Genetic Algorithm, and simulation on an unbalanced distribution network 19-bus by MATLAB is done. Simulation results show that the optimal placement of STATCOM could injected reactive power into the network and is causing voltage stability causing the voltage stability. The simulation results prove Improve the voltage profile and the validity of the performance.
Obesity and metabolic syndrome among Egyptian adolescents[Full-Text ] Fahmy T. Ali, Mervat A. Ismail, Eman M. Abd EL-Azeem, Asmaa M. Abdulla, Dina M. Seoudi, Seham Abd EL- Rahman.A considerable increase in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) has been reported in parallel to the increasing frequency of childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study provides current estimates of the metabolic syndrome and some of its individual components in obese Egyptian adolescents. A total of 93 persons were submitted to this study and were classified into two groups. The first one included 53 obese patients without MS. Second group included 40 obese patients with MS. Both were compared with control group (40 healthy persons). All were cross matched regarding age, sex and race. The studied subjects were investigated for serum C-reactive protein (CRP), adiponectin and homocysteine (Hcy). In addition, some lipid parameters via total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein (HDL-c), low density lipoprotein (LDL-c) and triacylglycerol (TAG) were also determined to reflect the presence of dyslipidemia.
Analysis & Designing of RF transistor as an Amplifier with its parametric limitations[Full-Text ] Asst.prof Purvi ZaveriAmplifier play a critical role in acommunication system.They are used to increase the voltage,current,and /or power of a signal, in both transmitters and receivers.RF amplifier is used at the front end of the receivers.Important properties of amplifiers include gain,input and output impedances measured using S-parameters,noise figure,stability,bias networks,interface with other circuit (ports).When designing a linear narrow band amplifier,the ggoal is to produce a design that is well matched at the design frequency and has a good gain and low noise at that frequency.The S-parrameters are a function of bias condition,so the result using a set of S-parameters are only valid at the bias conditions at which the S-parameters were measured or simulated.In this paper,using bilatersl approach RF Amplifier is designed using RF transistor BFP 640(product of Infineon Technology).The BFP 640 gives maximum gain with higher noise figure by keeping VSWRin as constant whereas,plot of VSWR (input/output) variations are observed separately.
A Survey of Duplicate And Near Duplicate Techniques[Full-Text ] Rahul Mahajan, Dr. S.K. Gupta, Mr. Rajeev Bedi World Wide Web consists of more than 50 billion pages online. The advent of the World Wide Web caused a dramatic increase in the usage of the Internet. The World Wide Web is a broadcast medium where a wide range of information can be obtained at a low cost. A great deal of the Web is replicate or near- replicate content. Documents may be served in different formats: HTML, PDF, and Text for different audiences. Documents may get mirrored to avoid delays or to provide fault tolerance. The problem of finding relevant documents has become much more prominent due to the presence of duplicate data on the WWW. This redundancy in results increases the users’ seek time to find the desired information within the search results, while in general most users just want to cull through tens of result pages to find new/different results. This survey paper has a fundamental intention to present an review of the existing literature in duplicate and near duplicate detection of general documents and web documents in web crawling.
The effects of steam valve on load economic distri-bution in steam powerhouse using bats algorithm[Full-Text ] Mahmoud Taheri , Javad Olamaei , Mahmoud ZadehbagheriBecause of the advancement of technology and industry, continued access to electrical energy has become one of the essential re-quirements of the world. So, continue a large part of manufacturing activity, economic, social and agricultural is not possible without improvement of electrical energy. In this paper, a mutation operator based on three separate corrections is suggested to add to the original Bats Algorithm (BA) with an effective way to improve the algorithm performance. Also, the Bats modified algorithm (MBA) is implemented for solving complex non-convex and uneven RCED by three testing system. Finally, the results of modified algorithm are simulated and the convergence of the MBA is compared with BA to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed algorithm.
Automatic lung CT clustering using MKM Algorithm Optimized by PSO[Full-Text ] SaeidFazli, MitrajafariAutomatic detection systems in medical sciences improve the accuracy of the diagnosis and reduce the time of analysis. This field in lung disease referred to computer aided diagnosis (CAD) system. Lung nodule detection is the most important task of these systems. CAD systems used the combination of image processing techniques in order to detect the lung nodules. Lung CT image clustering is one of the most important steps in CAT systems. The accurate clustering method reduces the complex following steps and reduces the rate of fault. In this paper we propose an improved MKM clustering method which resolves the weakness of the previous methods and provides an accurate segmentation. In conventional concept of moving, the members in cluster with highest fitness are forced to move to the cluster with the lowest fitness. In the enhanced version of the Moving K-Means algorithm the members move in a defined range. We use particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm to optimize the range of the moving radius. Our proposed optimization algorithm with PSO clusters the CT images into the homogenous segment and resolves the problem of the dead center and the trapped center. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The resultant of moving radius range shows that the proposed algorithm fulfilled the relationship condition with optimum value of R=1.8998? e-4 and (R) ´=5.6045 e-4
Fault Diagnosis of Mechanical Machines Based on Symbolic Value Partition Technique and the Generalized Distribution Table[Full-Text ] Hossam A. Nabwey and Mahdy S. El-PaoumyThe task of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of rotating machinery is both significant and important but is often cumbersome and labour intensive. Automating the procedure of feature extraction, fault detection and identification has the advantage of reducing the reliance on experienced personnel with expert knowledge. Various diagnostics methods have been proposed for different types of mechanical machines. This paper presents a method to extract fault diagnosis rules for mechanical machines. First, a decision table for fault diagnosis is obtained by discretization of continuous symptom attributes from original data; second, the discretized fault symptom attributes are reduced using rough set methodology; finally, a set of maximally generalized decision rules is generated by using a rule induction algorithm based on the symbolic value partition technique and the Generalized Distribution Table (GDT). The proposed method effectively reduces both the number of attributes and the size of attributes domains. Furthermore, it help computing smaller rule sets with better coverage and better classification accuracy rates compared with those of the attribute reduction approaches which only reduce the number of attributes
FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY (FPGA): A TOOL FOR IMPROVING PARALLEL COMPUTATIONS[Full-Text ] Mrs. O.A Abisoye, E.O Justice Emuoyefarche, Mr. Blessing AbisoyePlatform Multicore Processor, Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs) Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), Graphic Processing Unit(GPU), Vector Processor, Massively parallel processor (MPP), and Symmetric Multiprocessor (SMP) have become key components for dealing with parallel applications. Within parallel computing, there is a specialized parallel device called Field Programmable Array (FPGA) remain niche areas of interest. While not domain-specific, it tends to be applicable to only a few classes of parallel problems. This research work explores the underlying parallel architecture of this Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The design methodology, the design tools for implementing FPGAs is discussed e.g. System Generator from Xilinx, Impulse C programming model etc. FPGA design in compares with other technology) is envisaged. In this research work FPGA typically exploits parallelism because FPGA is a parallel device. With the use of simulation tool, Impulse Codeveloper (Impulse C), FPGA platform graphical tools that provide initial estimates of algorithm throughput such as loop latencies and pipeline effective rates are generated. Using such tools, you can interactively change optimization options or iteratively modify and recompile C code to obtain higher performance.
Effects of Exposure to Constructivist Instruction on Interest of Male and Female Science Students.[Full-Text ] Ibe, Ebere and Abonyi O. SThe study investigated the effect of exposure to constructivist instruction on interest of male and female science students. Quasi-experiment of the pretest- posttest non equivalent control group research design was used. Three research questions answered using Mean and Standard Deviation (SD), and three hypotheses tested at .05 level of significance using ANCOVA guided the study. The subjects were 162 Upper Basic secondary two students from four intact classes, selected by purposive sampling of four schools, out of 23 coeducational JS schools in Ohafia Local Government Area of Abia state, Nigeria. Four schools were randomly assigned two each, to constructivist instruction and traditional (lecture method) groups. Instrument for data collection was Basic Science Interest Inventory (BSII), a four point rating scale response options. BSII had 30-items validated by four science educators in the University of Nigeria. The reliability was established using Cronbach Alpha and an internal consistency of 0.98 was found. Students’ regular teachers exposed to training handled the teaching. The major findings were that students exposed to constructivist instruction developed higher interest in science than those exposed to lecture method. There was no significant difference between the compared mean interest scores of male and female students. Constructivist instruction was superior to lecture method irrespective of student’s sexes. Recommendations were made based on the findings.
Socio-Demographic Domain of Mental Health: An Empirical Study of Adolescent Population.[Full-Text ] DR. ZEBA AQILMental health is more than the absence of mental illness and can be defined as The emotional and spiritual resilience which allows us to enjoy life and to survive pain, disappointment and sadness; It is a positive sense of well being and underlying belief in our own and others’ dignity and worth. The 1999 surgeon general’s report on mental health defined mental health as “successful performance of mental function resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relationship with other people and the ability to change and to cope with adversity”. Since then late 1950, several conceptual frame works have addressed positive mental health. These frame works include a range of emphasis, such as cultural definitions of mental health, subjective sense of well being and capacity for coping and resiliency in the face of stresses.
Accuracy Load Flow Of Iraqi 400 Kv supper Grid[Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdulkadom alyasiri, Asst. Prof. Dr. Jameel K. Abeed, Asst. Lecturer Sameer I. Abood The aim of this paper is to develop a mathematical model and a computer program to determine the limits of load flow result deviation for electrical power network. This work basically a comparison consists of load flow method Newton Raphson and fast decoupled .The comparison concerns the voltage magnitude, voltage angle, the generated reactive power of PV –buses and the active and reactive power losses. The accuracy of the fast decoupled method tested compared to the classical N-R considering the operative Iraqi national network (400 KV) power grid as a test case. The programs used in this work are implemented using (MATLAB).
Application of aqueous plant extracts as Biological stains.[Full-Text ] Korade Deepali, Sonawane Lalita,Mahale DeepikaAqueous extracts from local dye yielding plants: Henna leaves, Madder stem and Flowers of Hibiscus, Bougainvillea, Fire flame bush and Madder were used for histological, fungal and Paramecium staining. The acidic cytoplasmic natural stains of Rose and Bougainvillea showed best results for fungal and plant tissue staining, whereas Rose, Hibiscus and Henna (instead of Eosin) were foremost for animal histological staining in combination with haematoxyline.
Theory of Bio-Radiation: Lifton[Full-Text ] S. K. Srivastava, Yashodhara Verma, Avinash VarmaA biomolecule present in living beings and a molecule present in non- living material differ in respect of having growth and consciousness. This paper presents the theory of quantization of Lifton, a biomaterial particle. The quantized particle Lifton is the content of bio-radiation. In earlier studies the importance of the biomaterial particle has been observed as a biocatalyst and in the activities of human life and death systems. The dynamics of bio-radiation quantized particle has been found different than the ordinary radiation quantized particle, photon. The difference lies in their energy values and methodology followed. The photon energy h ? (? = 1/ t) differs from the Lifton energy ?T ? . However, the dimensions of Plank’s constant ‘ h ‘ and SYA constant ?T is same (Energy x time) , i.e .the dimension of action. Any action of Nature and Universe may be described on the basis of Order-Disorder Transformation (ODT)theory of the author(SKS)as observed earlier[http://it.science.cmu.ac.th/ejournal]of Order- Disorder Scientific Philosophy.