Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2014 Edition
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Building Energy Management System Using Powerline Communication[Full-Text ] Aditya Tripathi, Chenthamarai Selvam, Kota SrinivasEnergy conservation is an important aspect in today’s scenario. Many systems have been developed in order to capitalize the energy con-sumption and conserve the energy, so that the control over energy consumption can be greatly achieved. There are various costs associated with the mismanagement of energy in commercial buildings. Even with renewable energy sources for electricity, prices rarely decrease. The increasing availability and affordability of wireless building and home automation networks has increased interest in residential and commercial building energy management. This interest has been coupled with an increased awareness of the environmental impact of energy generation and usage. Although building-level automation has been around for more than 40 years, there is renewed interest in automation for residential and commercial sites, especially around smart buildings and a smart grid. Power line communication (PLC) is today a viable technology for both low speed and high speed networking. Hence, the aim of the project is implementing building automation system using Power Line Communication. This report describes the introduction to LonWorks networks and power line communication and power line communication protocols and comparison among different power line modules, the need and importance of power line communication testing followed by simple network development for monitoring and controlling the energy usage in Building Energy Management System.
Nutrient Removal in Hybrid Constructed Wetlands[Full-Text ] A.M. Rasheed, M.M.A. Mansoor, M.H.A. Ahmath, S.M. ShameerDischarge of nutrients rich wastewater directly to water bodies is a key environmental problem that leads to toxic, excessive algal growth/blooms and more importantly eutrophication. To address this concern this study is focused on use of constructed wetlands for nutrient removal in domestic wastewater. The experiments were conductedin four sets of hybrid constructed wetlands, containing VSSF and HSSF systems in series. Synthetic wastewater is fed intermittently to the VSSF constructed wetlands to achieve different hydraulic retention time of 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 days. Ammonia (NH3-N), Nitrates (NO3--N), Nitrites (NO2--N), Phosphate (PO43--P) concentrations and BOD5, D.O, pH, Electric conductivity, Temperaturewere measured at all influent effluent stations at two weeks interval.
Diseases Detection Through Smartphone[Full-Text ] Manoj Kashid ,Prerana Bachhav, Priyanka Chumbhale , Ashwini JadhavIn this paper, aspects of the design of an intelligent medical system for diagnosis of Common disease that can be detected by patient data. A number of patient cases are selected as prototype and stored in a separate database which is present in that Smartphone application. The knowledge is acquired from literature review and human experts of the specific domain and is used as a base for analysis, diagnosis and recommendations. In this Research paper is based on artificial intelligence.Artificial Intelligence means learn by knowledge. In this research mechanism for artificial doctor that based on knowledge based. This artificial doctor has the capability to give possibilities of all diseases on the basis of symptoms of patient. This mechanism asks the patient about the symptoms according to their disease. On the basis of those symptoms it will suggest about the possibilities of diseases.This mechanism helps to doctor to identify the disease of the patient.
Global Positioning System Network Reference Control Optimization Using Dilution of Precision Variances in Gidan Kwano Area, Minna, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Lazarus M. Ojigi, Etim E. Eyo, and Temel BayrakThe precision of Global Positioning System (GPS) observables depends on the satellite geometry, represented by the Dilution of Precision (DOP) values, and range of errors caused by signal strength, ionospheric delay, tropospheric delay, and satellite clock offset from GPS time, multipath effects, receiver antenna phase shift, etc. One of the ways of assessing the integrity of satellite availability, positional and navigational accuracy of GPS observation is the use of dilution of precision (DOP) during field observations. This study therefore attempts to optimize GPS Network Reference Control in Gidan Kwano area of Minna, Nigeria, using pre-observation planning and post-observation DOP variances, for selecting the optimum reference point within an established survey network, for future observations and control extension in the study area. Twenty-five (25) GPS stations were observed in rapid-static mode with Leica SR20 DGPS Receivers. The estimates of the DOPs (GDOP, PDOP, HDOP, VDOP and TDOP) showed that, post-observation DOPs have mean values of 2.0, 1.8, 1.6, 0.9, and 0.9 for GDOP, PDOP, HDOP, VDOP and TDOP, respectively, which agree with the post-observation DOPs within about 80-90%. This implies that, the PDOP developed in the pre-observation planning is valid for rapid-static or kinematic surveys in the study area but less valid for a long-duration (30-minutes and above) static survey in the study area. Based on the DOPs variance analysis for each observed network point, control point GPS14 with PDOP and GDOP of 1.4 and 1.5, respectively was adjudged the optimum point as Reference for survey network observations and extension in the study area.
Automatic Meter Reading System with Power Monitoring and Load Sharing[Full-Text ] Rohini.S, Suganya.G, Jayasree.D, Mrs.K.Fathima.M.EThe Existing domestic energy meter reading systems universally exist many problems, such as difficulty in construction, too narrow bandwidth, too low rate, poor real time, not two-way communication quickly etc. To solve above problems, this project uses the wireless technology for Automatic Meter Reading system. We are introducing a new way of communication between the EB section and the consumer using ZIGBEE technology for transmitting the customer’s electricity consumption and bill information that is calculated using PIC microcontroller. The power fluctuations are monitored using the voltage sensor and current sensor and fed to the microcontroller which indicates it to the Electricity Board. Depending on the power generation, the house hold devices are controlled automatically. From EB section the information regarding the bill amount and payment are communicated to the consumer via GSM. This facilitates the consumer such that he can request for the bill information any time by sending a message to the monitoring section.
Predicting students performance in higher education: A Data Mining Approach[Full-Text ] Ms.Khyati Manvar, Ms. Madhuri RaoTo maximize the academic output of the students who are pursuing higher education, data mining is useful for finding valid pattern and extracting useful data. Here methodology is developed to predict the final achievement status of students based on their continuous assessment (test) and attendance status. Based on various data mining techniques (DMT) rules are derived that enable the classification of students in their predicted classes.
A Production Lot Size Model for a product subject to deterioration[Full-Text ] J. Jagadeeswari, P. K. ChenniappanIn this paper, we present a method for finding the optimal replenishment schedule for the production lot size model with deteriorating items where the deterioration is continuous in accordance with a general probability distribution under Last In First Out policy (LIFO) issuing policy.
Analysis of Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithms[Full-Text ] Prof. Alpa Reshamwala, Ms. Neha MishraSequential pattern mining is an important data mining problem with broad applications. Most of the previously developed sequential pattern mining methods, such as SPAM and SPADE, explore a candidate generation-and-test approach [12] which reduces the number of candidates to be examined. In this paper, we have implemented SPADE, SPAM and Prefixspan algorithm on the two databases. One database is sign database which is taken from ASL (American sign language database) [11]. The second dataset is Kosarak dataset containing 10000 sequences of click-stream data from an hungarian news portal. Sign dataset forms the dense dataset with few distinct items and Kosarak forms the sparse dataset with maximum distinct items. From the experimental results, SPADE performs better in both the dense as well as sparse dataset taken for simulation study. Performance of SPAM is worst when executed on sparse dataset. The number of sequences generated is same in both the dataset by all the mentioned algorithms. For dense dataset prefixsapn uses less memory whereas in sparse dataset it utilizes the most. In Dense dataset SPAM and SPADE are utilizing approximately constant memory. In sparse dataset minimum utilization of memory is by SPADE.
Review of Advanced approach in Minimal Connected Dominating set based Algorithm in MANET for Efficient Routing[Full-Text ] Nimmi Gupta, Krishna Kumar JoshiA wireless ad hoc network is a notable type of network in which a collection of mobile nodes with wireless network interfaces may form a temporary network, without use of any fixed infrastructure or centralized control. The Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) is a efficient routing protocol explicitly designed for multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks of mobile nodes. A connected dominating set (CDS) is used to reduce broadcast overhead in the network. In this paper, we have narrated the design of multi-hop routing in mobile ad hoc network with the help of MCDS.
Analyzing the causes of Work Life Imbalance in Working Environment using Induced Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (IFCM)[Full-Text ] A.Victor Devadoss and J. Befija MinnieWork life imbalance is now a concern of modern life. The stress factors in an organizational setting affect one’s ability to keep a proper balance between work and life outside work. This study is going to analyze the factors which are inducing work life imbalance in organizational settings. Due to the complexity of the nature of this study, the fuzzy model Induced Fuzzy Cognitive Maps is used to arrive at an appropriate solution to the interest of the study.
Video Compression Motion Estimation Algorithms – A Survey[Full-Text ] C.Arunkumar Madhuvappan, Dr.J.RameshMotion Estimation (ME) algorithm plays a vital role in video compression. This is used to find the motion information of the video sequence represented by Motion Vector (MV). The motion estimation is the primary reason for computational complexity of video compression. Some of the motion estimation algorithms such as Block matching Algorithm, Diamond Search, Adaptive Rood Pattern Searches, Reduced Bit Sum of Absolute Difference, Multipoint and Dynamic Multipoint Diamond Search are briefly discussed in this paper. A brief review is to provide the succeeding researchers with some useful information in design of the fast ME algorithms. The performances of the various algorithms are discussed with specific attention to the important trade-off between computational complexity, PSNR, Quality and Video Resolution.
A Survey on OFDM Systems based on Wavelets[Full-Text ] N. Manikanda Devarajan, Dr. M. ChandrasekaranThe orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is used in wireless communication due to high data rate. OFDM are robustness against multi-path fading, frequency selective fading, and narrow band interference. Wavelet analysis has strong advantages over fourier transform and also allows time-frequency domain operation with flexibility. Wavelet is applied in various fields of wireless communication systems including OFDM. In this paper, various wavelet based OFDM algorithms presented, such as OFDM System using Wavelet Packet OFDM, Complex Wavelet Packet Modulation, Complex Wavelet Transform, Haar Wavelet-Based BPSK OFDM System and Wavelet Transform in MIMO-OFDM Systems.
Audio Retrieval an Application of Vector Quantization[Full-Text ] Shruti Vaidya, Dr. Kamal ShahIn today’s world, we can say that information and its processing has become the critical aspect for functioning of everything. In the early days, information was generally obtained and processed in the form of text. Today information is available in all forms namely, text, music, graphics, etc. which are a easily understandable and accurately represent information. Information is first captured then the captured information is retrieved and analyzed for further requirements. In this paper, the information that we take into consideration is in audio form. We have studied the feature vector extraction methods, similarity measurement techniques, and have also measured the performance parameters. It has been observed that the use of multiple feature vectors provides better and more accurate classification and retrieval of audios from large database.
Comparison of Arnold and Matrix Rotation Using DWT Image Steganography[Full-Text ] Ashish Chawla, Pranjal ShuklaA new method for transform domain image steganography is introduced in this paper. The proposed steganography algorithm works on the (DWT) Discrete wavelet transform with Haar Wavelet coefficients of the original image to embed the secret data (image). As compared to current transform domain data hiding methods, this scheme can provide a less noise in stego image for data hiding without sacrificing the cover image quality. This is achieved through maintaining the pixels of hiding image when scramble. This improvement to capacity-quality trading-off interrelation is analyzed in detailed and experimentally illustrated in the paper.
A FUZZY BASED APPROACH FOR PRIVACY PRESERVING CLUSTERING[Full-Text ] Syed Md. Tarique Ahmad, Shameemul Haque, SM Faizanut TauhidExtracting previously unknown patterns from massive volume of data is the main objective of any data mining algorithm. In current days there is a tremendous expansion in data collection due to the development in the field of information technology. The patterns revealed by data mining algorithm can be used in various domains like Image Analysis, Marketing and weather forecasting. As a side effect of the mining algorithm some sensitive information is also revealed. There is a need to preserve the privacy of individuals which can be achieved by using privacy preserving data mining. In this paper, fuzzy based data transformation methods are proposed for privacy preserving clustering in database environment. In case one, a fuzzy data transformation method is proposed and various experiments are conducted by varying the fuzzy membership functions such as Z-shaped fuzzy membership function, Triangular fuzzy membership function, Gaussian fuzzy membership function to transform the original dataset. In case two, a hybrid method is proposed as a combination of fuzzy data transformation approach specified in case one and Random Rotation Perturbation (RRP). The experimental results proved that the proposed hybrid method yields good results for all the member functions which are used in case one.
Recycling of Cement Kiln Dust in Red Clay Bricks and its Impact on their Physico-Mechanical Behaviors[Full-Text ] Waleed A. OgilaCement industry in Egypt produced large amounts of cement kiln dust (CKD) in the form of powder, and has to be discarded. The present work aims to study the effect of cement kiln dust on the physical and mechanical properties of red clay bricks. This could be cost effective by utilization of this material in a useful application and it can helpful in tempering the associated environmental problems. Brick samples of 70 mm, 35 mm and 20 mm dimensions were manufactured where the raw clay material was mixed with various proportions (2%, 4%, 8%, 10%, and 12%) of CKD. These mixtures were prepared in batches which mixed with water to form plastic masses and sintered in an electric furnace (950oC – 1100oC) for three hours, raw clay bricks without additives (0% CKD) were used as control bricks. Chemical and mineralogical compositions of raw materials (Clay and CKD), physical, mechanical and mineralogical composition of fired bricks were tested. The experimental results revealed that the technological properties of manufactured bricks are strongly influenced by the addition of CKD and firing temperature. The results revealed that the bricks of 2% CKD fired at 1100oC achieved the ASTM and Egyptian specifications for the low weathering and high resisting bricks, resulting great contributions to economy and ecology of Egypt.
A High End Capacity in Digital Image Steganography: Empowering Security by Mottling through Morphing[Full-Text ] Sanjay Bajpai, Dr. Kanak SaxenaOne of the many techniques to provide security during data communication is digital image steganography. Embedding capacity and distortion are the two main factors that play a vital role while hiding a message in an image. A balance has to be maintained between the two so that neither does affect the other. Proposed paper discusses the techniques which comprises of two phases that leads to formulation of very secure platform with high embedding capacity. First phase mottles the arbitrary image by morphing through two parameters – text or/and image to obtain the cover image which depends upon the features of the chosen image. Second phase embeds the text message of sufficient large length incorporating multi-keys and compound operators in the algorithm to cater robust security. A bunch of images having almost the same texture are transmitted over the network to make the extraction process further complex. Our experimental results prove the horizon touching embedding capacity with extra security layer.
Isolation of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides gr., a novel endophytic laccase producing fungus from the leaves of a medicinal plant, Piper betle[Full-Text ] A.K. Sidhu, S. B. Agrawal, V. S. Sable, S.N.Patil, V.B.GaikwadLaccases (E. C., p-diphenol: dioxygen oxidoreductase) are a group of multi-copper containing enzymes that catalyze one-electron oxidation of phenolic compounds with concomitant reduction of oxygen to water. An endophytic fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides was isolated from Piper betle, a medicinal plant and screened for laccase enzyme production.
Automatic Fresh Water Quality Parameters Measurement System for Pond/River[Full-Text ] Chitra Gautam, Dr. Shashikant Sadistap, Pankaj Kumar, K. S. N. RaoThis paper presents the development of a LabVIEW based automatic fresh water quality parameters measurement system for pond/river, which measuring three water parameters optimized by appropriate algorithms. LabVIEW virtual instrument platform, high performance PC system along with multi channel sampling chamber, DAS card, Opto-isolated I/O card, solenoid valves, sensors with transmitters and ½ HP pump are used to monitor the pond water quality parameters like dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity and temperature which determines the stress factors of fish. The software was developed in the LabVIEW platform for logging the acquired data in Microsoft Access Database and to control sampling chamber operations. Initial Field Trials were conducted at Bhubaneswar and data was collected in March 2010 to July 2010. The result indicated that the measured values of pH and DO were compared to the data of standard meters used at CIFA. It is found that the pH, Dissolved Oxygen and temperature reading of the sampled water were consistent with the standard meter readings.
Effects of Face Book on Political Behavior of Students of University of Gujrat[Full-Text ] Saima Zareen, Dr Arshad Ali, Muhammad Ali JunjuaThe study was conducted at the university of Gujrat to examine the role of social media specially face book is creating awareness among students about political system of Pakistan and possible change in political behavior of students after exposure to political content on face book. Survey research method was adopted in this research. A pilot study was conducted before choosing sample. During pilot study survey method was used to find out that student of which departments of University use face book the most. It was found that students of CS/IT and MCM department use face book. Through Survey Research, data was collected from 120 respondents, among which 67 were male while remaining 53 were female. A clear majority of 65% of the respondents belong to age group from 22-24 years.30%,19-21.56.7% of respondents belong to Urban area, 30% from Sub Urban area while only 13.3% belong to Rural area.
TRAFFIC POLICING OF IN-CONTRACT TRAFFIC IN A L2TP BASED L2F[Full-Text ] Pushpa yadavL2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) allows multiprotocol traffic to be encrypted and then sent over any medium that supports point-to-point datagram delivery, such as IP or asynchronous transfer mode. This paper represents the best features of PPTP and L2F. In this paper, we are mainly focusing on topic that how can shape the traffic for a smooth Traffic Management purpose so that we can easily confirm the amount of traffic travelled through the setup. This also ensures that the amount of traffic passed is same or varying to the amount of traffic we want to pass .At time of Congestion, this feature provides an additional benefit and helps in fighting congestion at the real time applications. Also this adds to the existing PPP authentication process and ensures a level of check from our side.
Synthesis and characterization of nano-sized copper oxide by X-ray diffraction & scanning electron microscopy[Full-Text ] R. P. Ugwekar, G. P. LakhawatThe synthesis and characterization of nanosized copper oxide have been done in the present investigation. The prepared nanoparticles are characterized using X-ray diffraction and scanning Electron Microscope. XRD pattern result shows the presence of most intense peak curresponding to (4800) crystallographic orientation of the spinel phase of CuO nanoparticles. The mean size of nanoparticles was determined from X ray diffraction pattern by using the Scherrer approximation. The particle size was calculated to be 40.086.
Occupational Health and Safety issues in the Marble industry and their potential measures[Full-Text ] Zahra, Imran, Hashmi and Nadia, AkhtarThe level of Occupational Health and Safety system depends upon the scope of the industry as it varies according to the functions and scale. Designing the occupational health and safety management systems for the small scale industries is more challenging due to their limited resources and other constraints. The basic groundwork for the proper implementation of OHS Management System in any of the industry is based on hazard identification related to the overall system. These issues will help to understand the severity of these hazards and proper control measures can be suggested accordingly. One of the main areas that are facing the negligence of government is the occupational health and safety issues of workers. This domain needs special focus to be gained. This potential and observational study targeted the workers employed in the marble industries who have been exposed to different types of occupational hazards at the workplace. The study encompasses the identification of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) hazards and implies potential measures to reduce the related risks. Based on the observation it is revealed that workers in the marble industries are not equipped with the personal protective equipments and are prone to various occupational health and safety hazards which needs to be countered.
Utility of anilides as building block to synthesize some heterocyclic compounds for biological evaluation : New synthesis of dihydropyridine , pyrazolo[1,5-a] pyrimidine and thiazolo[3,2-a] pyrimidine derivatives[Full-Text ] F. M. A. El-Taweel, A. Abou El-Farh1 and A. A. ElagameySeveral new dihydropyridine , pyrazolo[1,5-a] pyrimidine and thiazolo[3,2-a] pyrimidine derivatives have been prepared by using ß-ketoanilides 1 and arylmethylenemalononitriles 2 as starting materials and as key intermediates for biological evaluation.
Creativity and Language Learning Strategies: Toward a More Successful Language Learning[Full-Text ] Mania Nosratinia, Zahra Mojri, Elnaz SarabchianThis study investigated the relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ use of language learning strategies and creativity. For this purpose 148 male and female EFL learners, majoring in English Translation and English Literature at Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran, Iran were randomly selected and given two questionnaires: The Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) questionnaire and Creativity Questionnaire. Based on the results, there was a significant relationship between EFL learners’ language learning strategies and their creativity. Moreover, running multiple regressions revealed that social strategy predicted 79.9 percent of scores on creativity. The cognitive strategy increased the predictive power to 82.1 percent. The affective strategy added up the percentage of prediction to 82.6 percent. And finally the metacognitive strategy entered the model on the last step to increase prediction to 93.2 percent.
Application of Turnaround Management Strategies for Improved Service Delivery with Reference to Madibeng Municipality in Brits - North West Province[Full-Text ] Lebogang M. SeoketsaProblems of public service failure are very high on the political agenda in the country in different departments and municipalities are searching for effective turnaround strategies to fix or to improve these. It must be understood that although little research on turnaround in public sector has been undertaken, there is a considerable number of studies of decline and recovery in private firms.