Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2014 Edition
Publication for Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2014 is in-process.
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Feasibility of Temperature Sensors in Railway Coaches[Full-Text ] Vishal SharmaThis project is useful in case of fire in railway coaches, where on line monitoring of current temperature conditions is performed and at the same instance effective possible remedies can be taken. It introduces the user to the simplest possible software solution for basic 1-WireTM communication between a microcontroller and any number of DS18x20 or DS1822 temperature sensors and provides a simple and low cost solution to automatically monitor temperature inside railway coaches and thus provide an alarm in case the temperature exceeds the acceptable values which can set by the user.
Fused (Π) Identification[Full-Text ] Meena AroraFused Identity card aims to make the process of identification of an individual easier. It is a Web Based Solution for an employer to find the employees of the required profile. Employer looks at the fused ids of the employees and analyzes them for interpretation. Using this we can get various useful information about an employee working within an organization such as the information access rights, Designation, certifications experience and the number of years spend by him/her working in the same post without having any written data using color coding, along with the information which we obtain from a basic identity card like name, photo identification.
Analysis and Detection of Emotional states of a person by extracting Pitch and Formants with respect to Assamese Language[Full-Text ] Laba kr. Thakuria, Prof. Pran Hari Talukdar.Pitch and formant frequencies are important features in speech which are used to identify the emotional state of a person. The Pitch and Formants are first extracted from the speech signal and then their analysis is carried out to recognize 3 different emotional states of the person. The emotions considered are Neutral, Happy and Sad. The TTS-GU database has been used for the analysis. The Cepstral analysis method is used for pitch extraction and LPC analysis method is used to extract the formant frequencies.
A Survey:The Next Generation Of High Quantum Performance Of Quantum Computing Devices[Full-Text ] Ms.Rashmi Dubey, Ms. Sugandha Agarwal,Mr.Rajesh SinghThis Research paper gives a review of Quantum Computing Devices How they uses quantum mechanical Phenomena to performs operations on data through Superposition and entanglement? What makes them different from Classical computer? How Q-bits play a necessary role? This review paper will also answer the needs of quantum computation and the benefits of its application and processing power as compared to the classical computer. Quantum Computers are working on qubits that makes it immensely powerful and even make Quantum Computers to break one of the secure Public-key cryptography RSA. What makes them so powerful? And what are the areas of Quantum Computing device in which it can be fruitful. This paper introduces all pros and cons of quantum computing and tell us why upto certain bits Quantum Computers are infeasible to build.
Comparative Study on Titania Nanoparticles Synthesized by Mechanical, Sonomechanical and Sol-gel methods[Full-Text ] Shamim Ahamad Khan, Irfan Ali Khan, Mohd. Sajid Khan, Manaal ZaheraTitania nanoparticles synthesized by three different methods like mechanical method (high energy ball milling or HEBM), sonomechanical method and sol- gel method. In this work, the high energy ball milling (HEBM) was applied to synthesize nanoparticles (NPs) of TiO2 from its microcrystalline powder for 10, 20 and 30 hours respectively. The titania NPs also synthesized by sonomechanical and sol-gel method. Eventually, they were characterized by X- ray diffraction (XRD) and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. XRD results stated the complete phase formation of titania nanoparticles and comparatively correlated the crystal size. UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy determines the energy band gap of titania nanoparticles by using Tauc Relationship.
An Investigation on Real Time Power Management for Street Light System[Full-Text ] Prof. Tulshidas R. Mane, Prof.Parmeshwar Manegopale, Deepraj Deshmukh Out door lighting in most of the rural and urban areas in India are not energy efficient. As it is the indispensable part of the rural and urban infrastructure. Hence there is tremendous potential for the improvement and proper maintenance without altering present out door lighting system. This paper focuses on the problems like power saving, power theft, security, and immediate response to problems. Here we suggest a system which can monitor and control power continuously. An experimental system of wireless sensor network can be developed to study the feasibility for out door monitoring and control system. It also helps to design a highly secured and efficient system which can save power, as is the prime demand to meet the present increasing power needs. The important phenomenon of the paper is to consider the prime things while designing new system, that can read, corrects and as well as control utilization of power efficiently. This system consists of a base station (also called as control center) and a sensor node at each of the remote station (also called as feeder enable box). The base station monitors and controls all out door lights at real-time. This paper presents a modern and secured street lighting control system with Embedded system based AC regulator system for lighting applications. The system guarantees energy savings due to power dimming op-tions to avoid unnecessary glowing of bulbs during night hours according to traffic safety and lighting comfort and ON OFF timings in the morning & evening hours.
Performance Analysis of Cryptography Methods for Secure Message Exchanging in VANET[Full-Text ] M. Alimohammadi and A. A. PouyanVehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) are becoming more popular as the accident statistics increase. VANET as a comprehensive system provides many of safety applications to save people lives, eliminate accidents and damage to the vehicles and people and also prevent wasting time due to busy traffic and time consuming services for drivers. From one side, safety applications due to their high sensitivity should be resistant against various attacks and on the other side, privacy of drivers including location and identifier information should be preserved in the network. So for preventing many of attacks and also preserving privacy of drivers, many protocols need an infrastructure for key distribution, revocation and secure exchange of the messages containing private information. Protocols for secure communications in this infrastructure use some sufficient cryptography based methods. Some security mechanisms used for encrypting and authenticating V2V and V2I messages comes with overhead in terms of computation and communications. Therefore, for feasibility and better performance of cryptographic based protocols, we should investigate operation of different cryptography based methods. Selected methods due to high mobility nodes in the network or high speed vehicles, should have a very little processing time, have a small key length, do not increase the length of created message as much as possible and have an acceptable level of safety over the key lifetime. This paper provides a comprehensive comparative analysis between most common symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography algorithms on the basis of the parameters: speed; block size and key size. Simulation programs are implemented using Openssl library and c programming on Ubuntu 12.04.
A New design using CLRCL Full Adder Logic in 180 nm Technology[Full-Text ] Keshav Kumar, Amit GroverThis article explains a low complexity full adder design using 10 transistors having higher computing speed, lower operating voltage and lower energy consumption. The simulation results, based on 0.18um process models indicate that the proposed de sign has the lowest working Vdd and highest working frequency. Apart from this, the performance edge of the proposed design in terms of speed and energy consumption become even more significant as the word length of the adder increases.
Vitreous Enamel Coating on Mild Steel Substrate: Characterization and Evaluation[Full-Text ] Md. Abul Hossain, Aninda Nafis Ahmed and Md. Anwar Arfien KhanVitreous enamel plays an important role in the coating production process in steel-enamel interfaces. In this study a new technology process has been formulated by improved coatings rather than the conventional vitreous coatings. Therefore, composition, as well as preparation of coating materials, techniques of application, evaluation and characterization of coating materials has been reported. Some physico-chemical, thermal, as well as physico-mechanical properties such as adhesion mechanism between enamel and steel substrate, thermal expansion coefficients, acid resistance, hardness, impact strength, thermal shock resistance along with the TGA/DTA and XRD analysis were investigated on enamel-steel interfacing coats. The data obtained from that investigation were compared with the data reported from conventional vitreous enamel coatings. The results clearly showed that the experimentally developed coating posses superior coating properties for enameling of mild steel substrates, which is useful for domestic and industrial applications.
Detection of Defects in Structure of fibre by Using Fibre Optic Pressure Sensor[Full-Text ] Prof.Dimple K. BaraliyaMicrobend due to pressure have been created in a 55µm graded index multimode optical fiber with spatial periodicity ^=5.5mm enclosed in the araldite sample. When optical fiber having microbends applied high pressure, it may break and if optical fiber enclosed in solid structure without micro bend was applied high pressure then the sensitivity is lower. In this paper, an aggregation of micro bend sensor and high performance structure in the aerospace, of sensing high pressure on a structure with the sensitivity of a micro bend sensor without damaging the fiber. It gives pressure up to 1.8 Mpa with regeneration within ±5% measurable degree. The intermediate sensitivity of the fiber optic pressure sensor is 5.6 /Mpa on an arbitrary series.
Exploration of Lean Principals in Higher Educational Institutes Based on Degree of Implementation and Indigence[Full-Text ] Parminder Singh Kang, Lawrence Mukhongo ManyongeIncreased competition and scarcity of resources in global markets has augmented the problems for manufacturing industry, which has forced organizations to adopt new tools and techniques in order to find the proactive solutions. In Past, manufacturing industry has exemplified that the key to survive in highly competitive and rapidly changing environments is to implement the more effective, proactive and long term solutions to a problem. Similar to the manufacturing organizations, higher educational institutes are facing similar challenges such as increased competitions, higher quality of service at competitive cost and variability in customer demand in terms of requested services. In fact, in terms of problem landscape, associated problem variables and goals for higher educational institutes are similar as of manufacturing industries. The only difference is the way these are interpreted and represented. Lean principles and waste used by the manufacturing organizations are used as basic building block for this research. The main objective of this paper is to illustrate the waste in higher educational institutes with respect to the three fundamental elements i.e. Students, Research and Staff. This can provide the basic framework for other process improvement implementations in higher educational institutes. Along this, the other most important aspect is the indigence to implement Lean based approaches and up to what extent as well as effectiveness of implementation in terms of invested time, resources and money. The scope of this paper is limited to interpret the waste in higher educational institutes, which can act as basic framework for other process improvements in the educational industry. This is step forward to implement Lean based structure to the higher educational institutes in order to maximize the revenue, throughput and customer satisfaction with high quality products and minimize the cost and waste, which one of the objective of any organization.
A Comparison of Image Fusion Methods for IKONOS Imagery[Full-Text ] Nidhi Gareja, Hardik M. DhamechaImage fusion technique is used to integrate a high-resolution panchromatic (PAN) image and a low-resolution multispectral (MS) image to generate a multispectral image which have higher spatial resolution than original MS while preserving spectral information. There are several methods exist such as Intensity-Hue-Saturation(IHS), Generalized IHS, Brovey transform and PCA. This paper presents a comparative analysis of several image fusion methods.
Secured Electronic toll collection using RFID and mobile application[Full-Text ] Prof. Ramkrishna Vadali, Amey Shinde, Pratik Ghuse, Shashikant More and Dinesh TopeThe electronic toll collection using RFID & mobile application is a technology that will allow user to make the payment of highway tolls automatically. This terminology will in turn save the time as well as the money by decreasing the waiting time as well as the queues of vehicles at the tollbooth. The RFID tag will be deployed by the toll authority by embedding unique identification number (UIN) and customer’s details into the tag. The deployed active RFID tag will be attached to the windshield of the vehicle. Whenever the vehicle passes through the tollbooth, tag data will be read by RFID reader & same will be sent to the server for verification. Server will check tag details & depending upon the type of the vehicle, the toll amount will be deducted from the user’s account. The notification about the toll amount deduction will be sent to the cus-tomer via SMS and email as well. The developed android application will be used to recharge the customer’s account.
Mobile GIS and Open Source Platform Based on Android: Technology for System Pregnant Women[Full-Text ] Ayad Ghany Ismaeel, Nur Gaylan HameadThe statistic of World Health Organization shows at one year about 287000 women died most of them during and following pregnancy and childbirth in Africa and south Asia. This paper suggests system for serving pregnant women using open source based on Android technology, the proposed system works based on mobile GIS to select closest care centre or hospital maternity on Google map for the pregnant woman, which completed an online registration by sending SMS via GPRS network (or internet) contains her name and phone number and region (Longitude and Latitude) and other required information the server will save the information in server database then find the closest care centre and call her for first review at the selected care centre, the proposed system allowed the pregnant women from her location (home, market, etc) can send a help request in emergency cases (via SMS by click one button) contains the ID for this pregnant woman, and her coordinates (Longitude and Latitude) via GPRS network, then the server will locate the pregnant on Google map and retrieve the pregnant information from the database. This information will be used by the server to send succoring to pregnant woman at her location and at the same time notify the nearest hospital and moreover, the server will send SMS over IP to inform her husband and the hospital doctors. Implement and applied this proposed system of pregnant women shows more effective cost than other systems because it works in economic mode (SMS), and the services of proposed system are flexible (open source platform) as well as rapidly (mobile GIS based on Android) achieved e.g. locally registration, succoring in emergency cases, change the review date of pregnant woman, addition to different types of advising according to pregnancy.
Moving Obstacle Avoidance in Indoor Environments[Full-Text ] Ahmad Alsaab, Robert BickerThis paper deals with a problem of autonomous mobile robot navigation among dynamic obstacles. The velocity obstacle approach (VO) is considered an easy and simple method to detect the collision situation between two circular-shaped objects using the collision cone principle. The VO approach has two challenges when applied in indoor environments. The first challenge is that in the real world, not all obstacles have circular shapes. The second challenge is that the mobile robot cannot sometimes move to its goal because all its velocities to the goal are located within collision cones. For indoor environments some unobserved moving objects may appear suddenly in the robot path; particularly when the robot crosses a corridor or passes an open door. The contributions of this paper are that a method has been proposed to extract the collision cones of non-circular objects, where the obstacle size and the collision time are considered to weigh the velocities of the robot, and the virtual obstacle principle has been proposed to avoid unobserved moving objects. The experiments were conducted within indoor environments to validate the control algorithm proposed in this paper, and results obtained showed the mobile robot successfully avoided both static and dynamic obstacles.
Semantic Analysis of Tags to Renovate Folksonomies in Social Tagging System[Full-Text ] J.Annie Jeba Dafney, A.Lourdes MaryGrouping resources into set of classes allows easy access to the resources we use in our day-to-day lives. This classification makes the search faster and easier. The process of classifying the resources manually becomes expensive. This cost effectiveness switch to automated classification of resources which depends on the content of the data. This paper deals with the semantic analysis of tags. Collaborative tagging system allows any user to annotate the web resources. The user annotations can be useful to discover the aboutness of resources and also helps to ascertain classification. The social tagging system focuses on using support vector machine (SVM) as a state-of-the-art classification algorithm. We have two large scale social tagging data sets to interpret the characteristics of social classification. This System supports user defined annotations which immensely renovate folksonomies.
A Study on Hubbert Peak of India’s Coal: A System Dynamics Approach[Full-Text ] Sanjib Kumar NandiAmerican geophysicist M. King Hubbert in 1956 first introduced a logistic equation to estimate the peak and lifetime production for oil of USA. Since then, a fierce debate ensued on the so-called Hubbert Peak, including also its methodology. This paper proposes to use the VENSIM model to simulate Hubbert Peak, particularly for the India’s coal production. At first the peak determined with intrinsic growth rate 0.062 and ultimate re-serve 285 billion tons. The Hubbert Peak for India’s coal production appears to be in 2059 with a value of 3040.86 million tons. Later, sensitivity analysis has been made with different ultimate reserves and intrinsic growth rates.
Study of adsorption isotherms and thermodynamics for heavy metal removal from aqueous solutions using Canna indica biomass[Full-Text ] Archana Dixit, Savita Dixit, C.S. GoswamiSurface water bodies like lakes, ponds, and streams anchorage the survival of aquatic life flora and fauna and maintain ecological balance. Due to urbanization population explosion, and industrialization, the water sources are getting polluted, present paper is an attempt to evaluate the adsorption of heavy metals like cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), and lead (Pb) by the dry biomass of Canna indica commonly called keli. Very less literature is available on the adsorption capacity of this plant though is found in excess in Indian climate. Living C.indica plants have minor capacity to absorb heavy metals from waste water. The present experimental study was conducted to assess the adsorption capacity of dry biomass of C.indica to compare and identify their potential to improve the water quality by removing the impurities. The paper critically evaluates the water purifying capacity of dry biomass of C.indica. It also evaluates the extent up to which heavy metals can be removed by the dry biomass of this terrestrial plant in a given period of time.
Sample Based Curve Fitting Computation on the Performance of Quicksort in Personal Computer[Full-Text ] Dipankar Das, Arijit Chakraborty, Avik MitraIn this paper we have used curve fitting technique for analyzing the classical Quicksort algorithm and its performance in worst case on personal computer. The proposed generic model can be viewed as: Time ~ f (Number of Elements). We fit the data points (Time vs Number of elements) in twenty one different models from various types of fit such as Polynomial, Exponential, Power, Gaussian and Fourier. This analysis leads us to identify the best model amongst these models. We found that a model of Fourier series is the best fit.
Unripe Pods of Prosopis cineraria used as a vegetable(sangri) in Shekhawati region[Full-Text ] D.Panwar, Kailash Pareek, C.S.BhartiShekhawati region of Rajasthan specially in Thar desert of Sikar, Jhunjhunu, Churu (Sardarshahr) (Picture)are endowed with fertile vegetation and give extent help to human beings, livestock and the nutrient deficient soils. The local people like to use the vegetation of unripe fruit (sangri) make vegetable and health care, ripe fruit known as ‘Kho-Kha’ orally eaten by children and cattle. People successfully manage different diseases using plant-based medicines. Recently survey for ethno botanical plants among the people of these localities recorded the use of many species of dicotyledonous plants. Indian and traditional systems of Medicine are among the well known wide desert area of medicine. Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani has been also necessary information on systems has also been provided. The arid plant Prosopis cineraria (Fabaceae) is known as Khejri/Shami/ Janti or the ‘kalp virkash’ of Indian thar deserts. The unripe and dried pods are consumed as a vegetable and leaves as traditional medicine. The antibacterial activity of the various extracts of the stem bark of Prosopis cineraria the leaves (green and dried) are also benefit fodder for cattle feeder. Roots of this plants are benefits for nitrogen fixation. Rajasthan (Sikar, Jhunjhunu, Churu) has the distinction of producing 17 of the total 60 varieties of Indian spices which are being regularly utilized for special desert cuisines most common of them is panchkuta/sangri vegetable.
Optimization of Land Grading Technique by a Mathematical Modeling[Full-Text ] Dr.Najah M.L.Al-MaimuriAn Optimization mathematical model of land grading technique based on the theorem of least square is developed. The methodology is fundamentally depended upon the minimization of the summation of cuts and fills.
Effects of Mastery Learning Approach on Students’ Achievement in Physics[Full-Text ] Sunday A. Adeyemo, Ph.D, Veronica F.T Babajide, Ph.DThis study investigated the effect of Mastery Learning Approach (MLA) on students’ achievement in Physics. Using stratified random sampling, a total of 160 Senior Secondary school II Physics students from four selected Senior Secondary Schools in Bariga and Somolu Local Government Areas of Lagos State was used for the study. Two research questions and hypotheses were formulated and tested respectively. The study was a non-randomized pre-test post-test control group design .Students in the experimental groups was exposed to MLA teaching method while those in the control groups were exposed to the Conventional Teaching Method (CTM). The instruments used in the study were Physics Achievement Test (PAT) to measure students' achievement and a questionnaire on 4-point scale was used to measure their attitudes towards Physics. The instrument were pilot tested;r value for PAT=0.7 using split half method and r=0.83 for questionnaire using Cronbach Alpha. T-test, Pearson Correlation and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used in analyzing the data. The result showed that students exposed to MLA performed better than those taught using CTM. Also students with positive attitudes towards Physics performed better than those with negative attitudes towards Physics. Consequently, it is recommended that MLA should be encouraged in schools for improved students’ achievement and positive attitude towards physics.
ANALYSIS OF A DISCRETE PARAMETRIC MARKOV-CHAIN MODEL OF A TWO UNIT COLD STANDBY SYSTEM WITH REPAIR MACHINE FAILURE[Full-Text ] RAKESH GUPTA and PARUL BHARDWAJThis paper deals with the cost-benefit analysis of a two-identical unit cold standby system model assuming two modes- normal and total failure of each unit. To repair a failed unit a repair machine (RM) is required which is good initially and can’t fail until it begins functioning. During the repair of a failed unit, the RM may also fail. A single repairman is always available with the system to repair a failed unit as well as the failed RM. The random variables denoting the failure and repair times of RM and the units are independent of discrete nature having geometric distributions with different parameters. The various measures of system effectiveness are obtained by using regenerative point technique.
Intranet Mailing System[Full-Text ] Mrs.Dhanamma Jagli, Minal Patel, Chaitali Tambe, Shrimant Gauda, Suchita RawoolThe Intranet Mailing System is applicable within an organization only. In this fast growing world where every qualified person is in urgent need of a job, they join places, working at odd times. The organization has shift times and it becomes difficult for an employee of the shift to communicate with another employee of a different shift. In these circumstances the Intranet Mailing System proves its worth; if the organization has an Intranet Mailing System facility available to all its employees then each employee can register himself/herself and send mails to any other registered employee and thus making the communication easier.
LOW POWER SRAM ARCHITECTURE AT DEEP SUBMICRON CMOS TECHNOLOGY[Full-Text ] T.SANKARARAO, S.SEKHAR DILEEP, P.ADITYAThe growing demand for high density VLSI circuits the leakage current on the oxide thickness is becoming a major challenge in deep-sub-micron CMOS technology. In deep submicron technologies, leakage power becomes a key for a low power design due to its ever increasing proportion in chip?s total power consumption. Motivated by emerging battery-operated application on one hand and shrinking technology of deep sub micron on the other hand, leakage power dissipation is playing a significant role in the total power dissipation as threshold voltage becomes low. Due to the trade-off between power, area and performance, various efforts have been done. This work is also based to reduce the power dissipation of the VLSI circuits with the performance up to the acceptable level. Here we proposed Novel SRAM architecture called IP-SRAM with separate write sub-cell and read sub-cell. In this paper we designed the total 8 bit SRAM architecture with newly proposed techniques and compare this one with conventional SRAM architecture and we observed that the total power consumption is reduced. Here the total architecture was designed with 180nm technology. These results are compared this with deep submicron technologies.
QUALITY AND RELEVANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION[Full-Text ] Sri Rintu Saikia, Dr Pranjal BezborahWe conceptualize “quality” as the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. “Relevance” refers to relatedness, appropriateness or suitability of something taken in its context . Education is expected to help learners identify, enhance and utilize their rational, creative, social and moral powers in a manner that fulfills them individually as well as facilitating national development. Such empowerment would lead to independence or autonomy in thought, belief and action. Quality and Relevance concerned education would therefore emphasize independent, analytical and creative thinking that leads to transformation of the learner to become an autonomous and responsible actor in human affairs.
SOME FIXED POINT THEOREMS IN L-SPACE[Full-Text ] ANJALI SANTIn this paper the concept of L-SPACE is introduced and common fixed point theorems proved for commuting mappings in L-space.
A Fangled Greedy Approach For Protein Pattern Matching[Full-Text ] Ramya.V, VidyaPriya.VMolecular biologists often search for the important information from the databases in different directions of different uses Pattern Matching an automated data analysis technique, usually performed on a computer, by which a group of characteristic properties of an unknown object is compared with the comparable groups of characteristics of a set of known objects, to discover the identity or proper classification of the unknown object. The sequence pattern match algorithm proposed in this paper searches for matches between patterns. With the increasing need for instant information, pattern matching will continue to grow and change as needed from time to time. To extract pattern from a large sequence it takes more time, in order to reduce searching time an approach is proposed that reduces the search time with accurate retrieval of the matched pattern from the given sequence of any size, the greedy method is used here to perform the pattern matching.
Scenario of paper waste recycling and reuse practices in Khulna city of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Riyad A.S.M.Everywhere you look you see one thing: paper. From posters and notebooks to cardboard boxes and magazines, paper is part of our everyday lives. Used paper and paper products are important raw material for paper and board industry. Recycling paper conserves natural resources, saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and keeps landfill space free for other types of trash that can't be recycled. This study helps to scrutiny the existing management process and introduces a new proposal of sustainable management scheme to increase the capacity of the existing recycling and reuse practices. A structured questionnaire survey has been conducted in Khulna city located in the southern part of Bangladesh and ranked third largest city in the country and wastes collected from different paper industries were segregated and weighed. The total waste generation rate in Khulna city area was estimated to be 0.35 kg/cap/day and hence the total yield of waste in the city area was found to be 520 tons/day where only paper wastes contribute to almost 9.5% of this total amount. This large quantity of paper contents present in the Khulna's waste composition indicates the necessity for frequent collection and removal. This also indicates the potentials of recycling of paper wastes for resource recovery. Paper mills purchase additional post-consumer waste paper based on fiber strength, fiber yield and brightness according to the type of product produced. Khulna Newsprint Mills (KNM) a prime newsprint paper producing industrial unit of Bangladesh in the public sector. For the reuses of paper waste materials and products, a chain system was found to collect reusable wastes under a total number of 49 identified PRM with about 136 persons directly or indirectly involved in the scheme. This study revealed that apparently a silent, systematic, smooth, and clean recycling chain has been established in Khulna city area under private initiatives, whose sustainability was confirmed over the years in the country without any official or formal funds. However, proper adjustment between the higher and lower chain in the materials flow path, as well as personal hygiene training for the workers, would further improve the achievements of the established recycling scheme.
Microencapsulation of Paprika (Capsicum annum L) Oleoresin by Spray drying[Full-Text ] Krithika V, Radhai Sri S, Ravindra Naik and Thirupathi VSpice oleoresins exhibit sensitivity to light, heat and oxygen and have lower shelf life if not stored properly. The technique of microencapsulation provides a better stability and in addition controls the release of bioactive compounds. Paprika oleoresin with 1,00,000 CU was encapsulated at three concentrations as 5, 10 and 15 per cent based on carrier. Quality characteristics of the microcapsules revealed that the storage life of Paprika oleoresin was maximized by encapsulating Paprika oleoresin (5-15%) in miniature sealed capsules with a matrix material (Gum Arabic) in order to protect destructive changes and also to convert it into a free flowing powder. Scanning Electron Microscopy study showed that microcapsules obtained from oleoresin encapsulated with 10 and 15 per cent, had superficial indentations and dents similar to honey comb structure, as well as lesser cracks and breakages on the surface, which ensured greater protection to the core material. Of the three concentrations of microencapsulated paprika oleoresin (MPO), oleoresin encapsulated at 10 per cent had better scavenging activity. HPTLC analysis confirmed the presence of major phytochemicals namely alkaloids, flavonoids and carotenoids in the microencapsulated paprika oleoresin.
Detection Inflection s-shaped model Using SPRT based on Order Statistics[Full-Text ] Dr. R. Satya Prasad and Y.SangeethaTo assess the software reliability by statistical means yields efficient results. In this paper, for an effective monitoring of failure process we have opted Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) over the time between every rth failure (r is a natural number >=2) instead of inter-failure times. This paper projects a controlling framework based on order statistics of the cumulative quantity between observations of time domain failure data using mean value function of Inflection S-Shaped Model. The two unknown parameters can be estimated using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE).
Risk of Cardio Vascular Disease in Subjects with Helicobacter pylori Infection[Full-Text ] Vipin Viswanath, Sunil Rao Padmaraj, Vijayakumar. TAn attempt was made to detect the presence of IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies to H.pylori by ELISA techniques in 180 subjects (90 men and 90 women) selected at random from a coastal village of Kerala. IgM antibodies against H. pylori were not detected in any of the samples indicating that non of the patients was having any recent infection. More than 30% of the subjects were positive either to IgA or IgG antibody to H.pylori of which more than 11% were positive for both IgA and IgG antibodies. There is a slight female predominance especially in the case of IgA antibodies. H. pylori patients with CVD and without CVD from the above group and equal number of healthy age and sex matched controls were evaluated for lipid profile. High sensitive CRP were statistically higher in H.pylori subjects than the controls. The lipid profiles of H.pylori patients with and without CVD were statically different from that of the controls. It was concluded that H.pylori contribute to the pathogenesis and progression of CVD and hence the treatment for H.pylori should be initiated in all patients who are positive to H.pylori so that the progression to CVD can be prevented.
Lifton, A New Biomaterial Of Life And Death Systems[Full-Text ] S. K. Srivastava, Yashodhara Verma, Avinash VarmaTissues are biomaterials, which play important role in complex and intricate system of human body. The two ways by which generally death can be confirmed are (i) when cardiac (heart) Beat stops and tissue stops function (cardiac death) and (ii) when brain tissue stops its Function (brain death). Blood pressure and body temperature play vital role to sustain Life and death. The dynamics of living biomaterials is complex in nature. All living beings on Earth possess some physical principles of conservation and transformation of matter and Energy. Life is maintained by transformation of energy from the sun.