Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2014 Edition
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Carbon Balance Estimation of Agricultural Practices through Evaluation of Paddy Cultivation Processes – A Case Study in Murshidabad District, West Bengal (India)[Full-Text ] Soumyajit Bhar, Abhijit DasOver last 4-5 decades, rampant usage of energy has significantly increased GHG emissions from agricultural sector. Though currently available estimates don’t focus only on agriculture and also don’t include its carbon capture potential. Hence the picture presented is an incomplete one. On the other hand a more direct & focussed study has been conducted to measure the carbon balance of agricultural practices by incorporating the carbon capture potential of agriculture. This estimate will possibly provide a more appropriate picture of the existing status of agricultural emissions in-comparison to the other GHG emitting sectors.
Feature Based Kannada Character Classification Method of Kannada Character Recognition[Full-Text ] Sandhya.N, Krishnan.R, D.R.Ramesh BabuIn Kannada language there are more than 510 character sets to be recognized including the vowels, consonants, consonant modified by vowel and consonant conjuncts the classification of characters becomes difficult. In this paper we present a new classification method of Kannada characters which can be used as a preliminary step for recognition. An analysis of Kannada characters was done and syntactic features were identified. Firstly the basic features present in the vowels are identified in the exact position of the character and recorded. Then by using a decision tree the characters are classified. The experimental results show the syntactic based method using basic features gives high contribution and reliability for Kannada character classification.
Effect of Crystallization Time on the Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zeolites from Kaolin and Bauxite[Full-Text ] B. Kwakye-Awuah, E. Von-Kiti, R. Buamah, I. Nkrumah, C. WilliamsKaolin and bauxite were used as alumina and silica sources to synthesize zeolites hydrothermally. The source materials as well as the synthesized zeolites were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX) and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). XRD spectra of the bauxite showed Gibbsite phase whereas that of kaolin gave 32.4 % quartz and 67.6 %. The main phases of zeolites obtained after hydrothermal crystallizations were zeolite types LTA, analcime and zeolite X. Longer crystallization time resulted in phase change of the zeolites into sodalite. Hence, natural raw materials such as bauxite and kaolin have the attractive features of providing the staring reagents for the synthesis of ultrapure synthetic zeolites.
Comparative Analysis of Proposed ANN Model of Hybrid Network with Existing Models[Full-Text ] R.Rajalakshmi, Dr.S.Thirunirai SenthilPrediction of stock market returns is an important issue in finance. Artificial neural networks have been used in stock market for prediction during the last decade. Studies were performed for the prediction of stock index values and daily direction of change in the index. This work compares three different ANN models and makes these models to train with the past historical data of 10 years stock price datasets of HCL and the prediction of future stock price of HCL has been found. The Root Mean Square error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Performance (MAPE) of two metrics are used to calculate the error rate value of each model. Multilayer perceptron (MLP) with Back propagation and Flexible Neural Tree (FNT) has higher error rate than the proposed Hybrid Network model (Functional Link Fuzzy Logic Neural Model). Implementation of Fuzzy Logic in Functional Link Artificial Neural Network Model (FLANN) reduces the convergence problem and fuzzy values gives higher accuracy in the output layer. As from the comparative study of three models result states that the Hybrid Network Model (FLFLN) is the optimal model which has lesser error rate than the existing models.
Hybrid method for Image Denoising based on Wavelet Thresholding & RBF network[Full-Text ] Mohd Masroof, Mohd Suhail, Mohd Nadeem KhanDigital image denoising is crucial part of image pre- processing. The application of denoising process in satellite image data and also in television broadcasting. Image data sets collected by image sensors are generally contaminated by noise. Imperfect instruments, problems with the data acquisition process, and interfering natural phenomena can all degrade the data of interest. Furthermore, noise can be introduced by transmission errors and compression. Thus, denoising is often a necessary and the first step to be taken before the images data is analyzed. In this paper we proposed a novel methodology for image denoising. Image denoising method based on wavelet transform and radial basis neural network and also used concept of soft thresholding. Wavelet transform decomposed image in to different layers, the decomposed layer differentiate by horizontal, vertical and diagonal. For the test of our hybrid method, we used noise image dataset. This data provided by UCI machine learning website. Our proposed method compare with traditional method and our base paper method and getting better comparative result.
Slip Effects on Steady Flow Through a Stenosed Blood Artery[Full-Text ] Manish Gaur & Manoj Kumar GuptaThe effect of slip boundary conditions on the blood flow taking blood as a Casson fluid has been studied. It is observed that axial velocity, volumetric flow rate and pressure gradient decrease along the radial distance as the slip length increases but the wall shear stress increases with increase in slip length. All the results derived are presented analytically and graphically by selecting suitable parameters.
Finite Difference Scheme for the Zakharov Equation as a Model for Nonlinear Wave-Wave Interaction in Ionic Media[Full-Text ] Arun Kumar and Ram Dayal PankajIn the paper, the coupled 1D Zakharov Equation (ZE) is considered as the model equation for wave-wave interaction in ionic media. A new six point finite difference scheme, which is equivalent to the multi-symplectic integrator, is derived for the model equations. The numerical simulations are also presented for the model.
B2B target market strategy impact on Asia[Full-Text ] Swapan Kumar Saha, Md. Abid Hasan Rahat, Suman Chowdhury, Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman, Chandan Kumar SarkarBusiness to business marketing primarily refers to trade dealings between two businesses. This business can be between manufacturers and wholesalers or between wholesaler and retailers. To get a position in b2b market you have to thing over the target market strategy.Business-to-business marketers target only other companies; they have significantly small targeted market than customer marketers.Target market segmentation is closely linked with the positioning strategy of a company.
Multilinear Algebras and Tensors with Vector Bundles of Manifolds[Full-Text ] Md. Abdul Halim, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Sajal SahaIn this paper some important aspects of tensor algebra, tensor product, exterior algebra, symmetric algebra, module of section, graded algebra, vector subbundles are studied. The purpose of this paper is to develop the theories which are based on multi-linear algebra and tensors with vector bundles of manifolds. A Theorem 1.34. is established by using sections and fibrewise orthogonal sections of an application of Gran-Schmidt.
Medical Image Fusion Based on Wavelet Transform[Full-Text ] Hari Om Shankar Mishra, Smriti Bhatnagar, Amit Shukla, Amit TiwariThe objective of Image fusion is to combine information from multiple images of the same scene in to a single image retaining the important and required features from each of the original image. Nowadays, with the rapid development in high-technology and modern instrumentations, medical imaging has become a vital component of a large number of applications, including diagnosis, research, and treatment. Medical image fusion has been used to derive useful information from multimodality medical image data. For medical diagnosis, Computed Tomography (CT) provides the best information on denser tissue with less distortion. Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) provides better information on soft tissue with more distortion [1]. In this case, only one kind of image may not be sufficient to provide accurate clinical requirements for the physicians. Therefore, the fusion of the multimodal medical images is necessary [3]. This paper aims to demonstrate the application of wavelet transformation to multimodality medical image fusion. This work covers the selection of wavelet function, the use of wavelet based fusion algorithms on medical image fusion of CT and MRI, implementation of fusion rules and the fusion image quality evaluation. The fusion performance is evaluated on the basis of the root mean square error (RMSE) and peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR).
PWM Boost Inverter at VAR mode in Rural areas.[Full-Text ] Rafia AkhterThe electrical infrastructure around the world is based on AC voltage, with a few exceptions, with a voltage of 120 Volt or 230 Volt in the distribution grid. But In Rural areas where the power supply is not available, there energy demand has to fulfill by renewable energy sources like solar/wind etc. Among these two sources solar energy is preferred as it is easily available in every part of the country in the world where as wind energy is restricted to the coastal area only. On average, most of today’s grid-tie PV inverters operate an average of 6-8 hours per day. In order to increase the utilization of grid-tie PV inverters, they can be operated in reactive power compensation mode when PV power is unavailable. While injecting reactive power into the grid can be easily realized by applying the appropriate phase shift between current reference and grid voltage, the task gets more complex when PV power is not available since the inverter needs to draw power from the grid, regulate the DC bus, and inject the desired level of reactive power. The paper presents development of a utility interface solar power Inverter that converts a solar energy directly to 220 V ac in Grid / DG power supply and enables inverter to absorb little active power from grid, regulate its DC bus voltage within limits, and inject the desired level of reactive power for a Solar lighting system used in rural areas.
A Survey Paper on MONA: Secure Multi-Owner Data Sharing for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud[Full-Text ] Mr. Parjanya C.A, Mr. Prasanna Kumar M, Mr. Mahesha H.SCloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm in which resources of the computing infrastructure are provided as services over the Internet. As promising as it is, this paradigm also brings forth many new challenges for data security and access control when users confidential against untrusted servers, existing solutions usually apply cryptographic methods by disclosing data decryption keys only to authorized users. One of the biggest concerns with cloud data storage is that of data integrity verification at untrusted servers. To preserve data privacy, a basic solution is to encrypt data files, and then upload the encrypted data into the cloud. To resolve this problem recently the best efficient method MONA presented for secured multi owner data sharing in however we identified some limitations in the same approach in terms of reliability and scalability. Hence in this paper we are further extending the basic MONA by adding the reliability as well as improving the scalability by increasing the number of group managers dynamically.
Intelligent data gathering in distributed wireless sensor environment - A Real Scenario[Full-Text ] Bhat Geetalaxmi Jayram, Dr. D.V.AshokaIn Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), gathering sensed information and relay it to the Base station using multi-hop communication in an energy efficient manner is of prominent importance [1]. A novel approach for Intelligent Data Gathering in WSN is proposed in this paper. This scheme implements sensing of the intelligent data by sensor nodes and Data Gathering at the Base station using respective algorithms. Hardware implementation results prove that proposed scheme is effective to collect Intelligent Data at the Base station. The proposed algorithm is implemented using JN5148 microcontroller based Base Station (Access Point). Future work focuses on tackling with the undesirable situations like Data Redundancy and Congestion to improve the life time of the WSN.
Quadrotor Aerodynamic Analysis for Flight Control System Design[Full-Text ] Abubakar Surajo Imam, Robert Bicker, Ian PottsDesign of a disturbance-rejection flight control system for a quadrotor requires the knowledge of the vehicle's aerodynamics that accurately describes the aerodynamic behaviour of the vehicle. For outdoor applications, wind velocity is the greatest external disturbance variable that affects the performance of a quadrotor by impinging the rotors' thrust, resulting in an increase or a decrease in the overall thrust and non-uniform thrust on the rotors, and subsequent decline in altitude. This paper presents the aerodynamic analysis of a quadrotor by examining the effects of wind velocity on the vehicle using the virtual blade modeling (VBM) techniques. The goal of the study is to capture the effect in the dynamic model of the quadrotor with the view to designing a robust flight control system.
Optimization Handover Procedure in IEEE 802.16E Netwok[Full-Text ] Misbah Abdelsalam Misbah Emhammed, Dr.Ho Yih HwaMobile WiMAX is a broadband wireless access technology having the ability to carry voice, data and video services. When a mobile station shifts from one serving station to another, a handover operation takes place which has a critical effect on real-time applications. This study discusses some of the general aspects of handover in mobile WiMAX networks, the IEEE 802.16/WiMAX network architecture and the MAC layer features that enable handover mechanism. There is also an analysis of the effect of the packet size of generated packets per second and the effect of mobility with focus on the impact of packet size and mobile speed. Currently, the WiMAX standard asserted that hard handover is compulsory; therefore the focus of this study is hard handover while Macro diversity handover and fast base station switching are not the primary focus in this report.
A Survey on Information Hiding Techniques in Digital Media[Full-Text ] Snehal Ghormade, Bhagwat KakadeSecure data transmission has been a significant problem throughout human history. It is often thought that communication may be secured by encrypting the traffic, but this has rarely been adequate in practice. From ancient times, the art of hiding is always preferred upon enciphering the secret information because hiding arouses less suspicion as it conceals its very existence. This paper is a brief review of different data hiding techniques within an image which elaborates the suitability of wavelet transform for efficient and robust data hiding. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the existing literature available on different data embedding algorithms.
The Similarities and the Differences in the Functioning of the Euripean Right Wing: An Attempt to Integrate European Conservatives and Chritsian Democrats[Full-Text ] Kire Sharlamanov, Aleksandar JovanoskiThe text reviews the attempt of the European Conservative and Christian Democratic Parties to construct a common platform within which they could more effectively defend and develop the interests of the political right wing in the European Parliament. The text follows the chronological line of development of events, emphasizing the doctrinal and the national differences as a reason for the relative failure in the process of unification of the European right wing. The subcontext of the argumentation protrudes the ideological, the national as well as the religious-doctrinal interests of some of the more important Christian Democratic, that is, conservative parties in Europe, which emerged as an obstacle of the unification. One of the more important problems that enabled the quality and complete unification of the European conservatives and Christian Democrats is the attitude in regard to the formation of EU as a federation of countries. The weight down of the British conservatives on the side of the national sovereignty and integrity against the Pan-European idea for united European countries formed on federal basis, is considered as the most important impact on the unification of the parties from the right ideological spectrum on European land.
Spectral properties of Dy3+-doped potassium niobate silicate glasses for white light emission[Full-Text ] M. Murali MohanThis paper reports on the preparation and characterization of different concentrations of Dy3+-doped potassium niobate silicate glasses (KNbSi). Raman spectrum was recorded to find the structural units in the present glass. The Judd- Ofelt (JO) theory has been used to determine the intensity parameters (O2, O4 and O6) from the spectral intensities of absorption bands. The emission spectra revealed two sharp peaks at 485 nm (blue) and 577 nm (yellow) by the excitation with 378 nm radiations. The CIE co-ordinates (x, y) for different concentration of Dy3+- doped glasses were calculated along with the correlated color temperatures (CCT). In addition, the lifetimes of 4F9/2 level were measured by monitoring the 4F9/2 ? 6H15/2 emission transition (486 nm). The decay times of the 4F9/2 level for different Dy3+ ion concentrations are found to be single exponential at lower concentrations (<_ 0.5 mol %) and gradually changed to non-exponential for higher concentrations (<_ 1.0 mol %). The non-exponential nature of decay curves fitted to Inokuti-Hirayama model for S = 6, confirmed that the energy transfer between the excited Dy3+ (donor) and unexcited Dy3+ (acceptor) ions is of dipole-dipole type. From the magnitudes of yellow to blue (Y/B) intensity ratios, CIE chromaticity coordinates and correlated color temperatures (CCT) it is concluded that Dy3+-doped KNbSi glasses are potential for the development of white light emission.
Modeling and Simulation of Natural gas dehydration reactor[Full-Text ] N.S.YousefNatural gas is an important source of primary energy that, under normal production conditions, is saturated with water vapor. Water vapor in a natural gas stream can result in line plugging due to hydrate formation, reduction of line capacity due to collection of free water in the line, and increased risk of damage to the pipeline due to the corrosive effects of water. Therefore, water vapor must be removed from natural gas to prevent hydrate formation and corrosion from condensed water. Gas dehydration is the process of removing water vapor from a gas stream to lower the temperature at which water will condense from the stream; this temperature is called the ‘‘dew point’’ of the gas. There are several methods of dehydrating natural gas. The most common of these are liquid desiccant (glycol) dehydration, solid desiccant dehydration, and refrigeration. Molecular sieves are considered as one of the most important materials that are used as solid desiccant materials in industrial natural gas dehydration. In the present study, a steady state mathematical model was developed to simulate an adsorption process for dehydration of a gas stream in a fixed bed reactor using molecular sieves. Pressure drop inside the bed was calculated by Ergun equation. Heat transfer outside the solid particles was assumed to be convective and inside the particle was assumed to be diffusive. The results obtained from the mathematical model were verified against the ones obtained from a Liquefied Natural Gas Company in Egypt. The model predictions agreed well with the industrial data and the percentage error was very small. The percentage error in case of applying momentum balance equations was -6.7% and -2.9% in case of applying heat balance equations. The error in case of applying heat balance equation was less than that applied by momentum balance equation. Different parameters such as bed voidage, particle diameter, superficial gas velocity, gas density, and gas viscosity were studied to determine their effects on the pressure drop inside the reactor. It was found that pressure drop increases linearly with increasing superficial gas velocity, gas density, and gas viscosity and decreases linearly with increasing bed voidage, and particle diameter. The most effective parameter on the pressure drop is the bed voidage.
BI-CRITERIA SCHEDULING OF SCIENTIFIC GRID WORKFLOWS[Full-Text ] Ms.Deepavarthini, Mr.udhayakumarCollaboration has become a dominant feature of modern science. Many scientific problems are beyond the realm of individual discipline or scientist to solve and hence require collaborative efforts. Meanwhile, today’s science becomes increasingly more data-intensive, resulting in a rapid transition from computational science to e-Science (or digital science). Recently, scientific workflows have emerged for scientists to integrate distributed computations, datasets, and analysis tools to enable and accelerate scientific discovery. The convergence of the above two trends naturally leads to the concept of collaborative scientific workflows. This paper presents a disciplinary definition of this term, discusses the opportunities, requirements, and challenges of collaborative scientific workflows for the enablement of scientific collaboration, and concludes with our ongoing work in this direction.
DATA DISTRIBUTION STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE THE DISTRIBUTORS CHANCE TO ASCERTAIN THE LEAKER[Full-Text ] S.V.Ramanan, V.UdhayakumarSometimes sensitive data must be handed over to supposedly trust third parties. With the extensive application of database systems, the owners of the databases have urgent requirements to protect their copyright of databases. Some of the data is leaked and found in an unauthorized place the distributor must assess the likelihood that the leaked data came from one or more agents, as opposed to having been independently gathered by other means. Although watermarking techniques have been successfully utilized for copyright protection of multimedia data, yet the research of database water-marking technique is still facing a lot of challenges due to the differences between the relational database and multi- media data. This paper focus on detecting when the distributor’s sensitive data has been leaked by agents, and if possible to identify the agent that leaked the data. We present a model for calculating “guilt” probabilities in cases of data Leakage.We also present algorithms for distributing objects to agents, in a way that improves our chances of identifying a leaker. Finally, we also consider the option of adding “fake” objects to the distributed set. Such objects do not correspond to real entities but appear realistic to the agents. In this paper, we develop a model for assessing the “guilt” of agents. We also present algorithms for distributing objects to agents, in a way that improves our chances of identifying a leaker.
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY FOCUSSED ON IMPROVING EFFICIENCY OF SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY USING CONVENTIONAL COOLING METHOD[Full-Text ] Ms Richa Srivastava, Mr Sanjeev KumarRenewable Energy System emerges in the present scenar-io as the most viable solution to the prevailing energy demand supply imbalance. Photovoltaic system presents a practical solution to the energy crisis prevailing in the en-tire world and is capable of being used effectively by converting the solar radiation into electricity used for powering the various household appliances.
Physico-mechanical and Thermal properties of Hydrogenated Nitrile Rubber based polymer Nano silica composites[Full-Text ] K.Rajkumar, Chandresh D., P. Thavamani, P.Pazhanisamy and P.JeyanthiHydrogenated Nitrile Butadiene Rubber [HNBR] is a special class of nitrile rubber that is hydrogenated to increase the thermal stability. The elastomer is known for its physical strength and retention of properties after long time exposure to heat and solvent. This paper concentrated with the preparation of nano silica based HNBR rubber composites with different loading of nano silica. The effects of the nano silica loading on the mechanical, thermo-physical and on thermal stability of the composites were studied. The results were explained by rheological, physical and thermal studies. The transport properties of the of HNBR-Silica nano composites were investigated at different temperatures and was found that introduction of small quantity of the nano fillers leads to significant decrease in the solvent uptake. Dispersion and interaction parameters of the rubber –nano fillers were characterized with the help of XRD and SEM.
Leakage Power Optimization by Sleepy Keeper Gate Replacement Techniques[Full-Text ] Ms. Rupali Asati, Prof. Neeraj SinghPower dissipation becoming a limiting factor in VLSI circuits and systems. Due to relatively high complexity of VLSI systems used in various applications, the power dissipation in CMOS inverter, arises from it’s switching activity, which is mainly influenced by the supply voltage and effective capacitance. One of challenge with technology scaling is the rapid increase in sub threshold leakage power due to Vt reduction. Leakage power dissipation is a component of static power dissipation in CMOS circuits. It is caused by the presence of leakage currents in the MOS transistors. Leakage power can be reduce by Stack, Sleep and Sleepy keeper transistor techniques. Sleepy Keeper technique provided lesser static power dissipation and lesser static power delay product in comparison with the other techniques. The main advantage of using Sleepy Keeper technique is that it retains the logic state and also lowers the sub threshold leakage power dissipation. It has been shown previously that the stacking of two off transistors has significantly reduced sub-threshold leakage compared to a single off transistor.
Experimental Investigation of Strength Parameters of Concrete Partially replaced cement by Rice husk ash & Bagasse ash[Full-Text ] AnnapurnaB.P, Syed Afzaal Gazanfar, N. Jayarammappa.NFrom the previous investigation it has been understood that many engineering properties of the normal concrete can be improved by incorporating agro industrial sites. The present experimental studies are carried out to understand the fresh properties (workability) & hardened properties (compressive strength and flexural Strength parameters) of Concrete partially replacing cement by Rice husk ash (RHA), Bagasse ash (BA) and combination of Bagasse ash & Rice husk ash(BA+RHA) with six different replacement levels of 5%, 10%, 15% , 20 % 25% and 30%.The concretes partially replaced by Rice husk ash (RHA), Bagasse ash (BA) and combination of Bagasse ash & Rice husk ash(BA+RHA) are designated as Rice husk ash concrete (RHAC), Bagasse ash concrete (BAC) and Bagasse ash + Rice husk ash concrete (BA+RHAC) respectively and for 0% replacement (no replacement) the concrete is designated as normal concrete(NC).The study is carried out for two grades of concrete of M25 and M70. The hardened properties (compressive strength and flexural Strength parameters) of M25 and M70 grade of concrete are studied on specimen cured for 56 days.Tostudy the effect of curing period on strength of concrete the compressive strength of M25 grade concrete is studied on specimen cured for 28 days and 56 days .For the study of compressive strengthens and flexural strengths Cube specimens of 150x150x150 mm and prisms specimen of size 100x100x500 mm are casted respectively. The RHAC (Rice husk ash concrete) achieves higher strength,BAC (Bagasse ash concrete) achieves least strength. ForM25 concrete the replacement of cement by Rice husk ash (RHA), Bagasse ash (BA) and combination of Bagasse ash & Rice husk ash(BA+RHA) up to 15% is advantageous as the strength is higher than normal concrete. ForM70 concrete, replacement of cement by Rice husk ash (RHA), Bagasse ash (BA) and combination of Bagasse ash & Rice husk ash(BA+RHA) up to 10% is satisfactory as it achieves a strength of 85% to 80% of normal concrete.