Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2014 Edition
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Geotechnical Characteristics of the Barton Clay[Full-Text ] Allamin Muhammad, Aminu Abdullahi Isyaku & Adedayo AgboolaThe geotechnical properties of the Barton Clay from the Hampshire Basin in England are Presented. Barton Beds are importan lithologies for many prominent micro and macro fossils in Britian.
CHARACTERIZATION OF GROUND WATER QUALITY FOR IRRIGATION IN HAFIZABAD DISTRICT[Full-Text ] Zahid Pervaiz, Shahzada Munawar Mehdi, Tasveer Zahra Bokhari, Ashfaq Ahmad Rahi, Uzma Younis, Javed Iqbal, Aftab Ahmad Sheikh and Muhammad Aslam A total of 215 advisory water samples were received from two tehsils of district Hafizabad namely Hafizabad and Pindi Bhattian during the year 2006-07. The water samples were analysed and classified for EC (Electrical Conductivity), SAR (Sodium Adsorption Ratio) and RSC (Residual Sodium Carbonate). At district level among them 20 percent fit, 28 percent marginally fit and the rest of 52 percent were unfit for irrigation purposes. In tehsils, Hafizabad and Pindi Bhattian 22 and 15 percent water samples fit, 31 and 12 percent marginally fit and 47 and 73 percent were unfit respectively. Out of 112 unfit water samples, the RSC of 67% samples were higher followed by EC+RSC (24%), EC (6%) and combined effect of EC+SAR+RSC (3%). The unfit samples in tehsil Hafizabad were due to RSC (75%) followed by EC+RSC (20%) and EC(5%) whereas in Pindi Bhattian 45% due to higher RSc followed by EC+RSC (35%), EC (10%) and EC+SAR+RSC(10%).
Comparison of Satellite Images[Full-Text ] Syed Arsalan, Shaikh Muhammad NadeemThis paper deals with the research in the compairision of satellite images. Our world is developing day by day, every thing in this world changing continuously. If we observe a specific area or region of our world, then we can easily find the change on that area. Karachi is the fast growing and developing, by image processing, we are observing the change in population, built up areas and vegetation. We find these changes in Karachi by images of lansat 7 satellite, we have the data of landsat 7 imageries of 1990 and 2000. We are comparing this data after image processing. For processing the image we have the ERDAS IMAGINE 9.1 software and we are using supervise classification technique basically. We can forecast future trends of the city expansion in terms of population, built up areas and vegetation.
Development of Okike’s 2-Tail Reversed Cipher Algorithm[Full-Text ] Okike Benjamin, Garba EJDToday, many cryptographic algorithms exist that may be deployed to conceal cyberspace information from unauthorized access. There is no doubt that some of these algorithms can easily be decrypted, there are others that may prove difficult decrypting. This work looks at a new encryption technique that may be used to encrypt information on the cyberspace from illegal accessors. This new technique deploys randomly generated numbers to encrypt information that may travel over the web. Because this new technique employs random numbers for its encryption process, it will be very difficult to decrypt.
Strategic Change: The Influence of Managerial Characteristics and Organizational Growth[Full-Text ] Asma Chaudary, Aima Fatima, Dr. F. ZafarStrategic change in the organization is best seen as a Multidimensional observable fact comprises of environmental configuration and internal knowledge. After matching this conceptualization of change with a model of organizational knowledge, we achieve a better perceptive about the types of change strategies that firms will pursue, the processes they should use to execute strategies and the expected performance outcomes from these strategies. This study examined how top management and chief executive team characteristics cooperate with firm performance to influence strategic change. Results indicate that poor performance, long chief executive and top management team tenures, and high diversity in top management team tenure are associated with greater levels of strategic change. In addition, poor performance moderated the relationship between managerial characteristics and strategic change, increasing the likelihood of the latter.
Data Security using Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] Mr. Mohana, K. V. K. Venugopal, Sathvik H. N.By making use of Genetic Algorithm, Optimization problems can be solved and the best fit individual can be selected out of a given population. Artificial Neural Networks, a part of Artificial Intelligence, are used to simulate Human Intelligence on a machine. Cryptography is the science and art of encrypting data so that only the intended receiver can decrypt and retrieve the original data. This paper makes use of both Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Networks for encryption and decryption of digital data. Genetic Algorithm is firstly used to generate two random numbers, both of which are later used as initial parameters for the Neural Network. The weights and bias of the Neural Network are created using the initial parameters by a specific procedure as decided by the user. The receiver who knows the initial parameters can decrypt and retrieve the original data, but the one without those parameters cannot retrieve the original data. This ensures optimal security of data over an open channel.
Fundamentals and methodology of chromatic monitoring: Review[Full-Text ] MA AlSaedi, MM YaacobThis paper deals with a short review on Fundamentals and methodology of chromatic monitoring. The chromatic approach shows the ability to quantifying information content of signal by chromatic parameters hue (H), saturation (S) , lightness (L) and x, y, z which can be related to characteristics of signal.
Partial Discharge Signal Analysis Using Wavelet Transform Technique: Review[Full-Text ] MA AlSaedi,MM YaacobPartial discharge (PD) signals are electrical discharge , which partially can bridge the insulation between two conductors . For such non-stationary signals, the wavelet transform (WT) is more suitable than the traditional Fourier transform (FT) as it provides information in both time and frequency domains. In this paper is described short review of wavelet transform in the suppression of the main types of noise that can affect the observation and analysis of PD signals in high voltage apparatus.
Review on Partial Discharge Detection Techniques Related to High Voltage Power Equipment Using Different Sensors[Full-Text ] MA AlSaedi, MM YaacobThere is a high risk of insulation system dielectric instability when partial discharge (PD) occurs. Therefore, measurement and monitoring of PD is an important preventive tool to safeguard high-voltage equipment from wanton damage. When operating an equipment or a power system at high voltage, problems associated with PD can be tracked down to electromagnetic emission, acoustic emission or chemical reactions such as the formation of ozone and nitrous oxide gases. High Voltage equipment and High Voltage installation owners have come to terms with the need for conditions monitoring process of PD in equipment such as power transformers, gas insulated substations (GIS) and cable installations. This paper reviews the available PD detection methods (involving high voltage equipment) such as electrical detection, chemical detection, acoustic detection and optical detection. Advantages and disadvantages of each method have been explored and compared. The review suggests that optical detection techniques provide many advantages from the consideration of accuracy and suitability for the applications when compared to other techniques.
Authentication in Online Banking Systems: Quantum Cryptography Perspective[Full-Text ] Anand Sharma, S.K.LenkaOnline banking systems allows consumers to access their banking accounts, review most recent transactions, request a current statement, transfer funds, view current bank rates and product information and reorder checks. These services that are offered by online banking systems are changing and being improved because of the intense competition between the banks. The major concern in online-banking is security threat specially the user authentication. Banks use either symmetric cryptography or asymmetric cryptography for this but due to the advent of sophisticated technology and cryptanalysis techniques, security solutions are not unconditionally secure. Here in this paper we are going to analyze the use of quantum cryptography for the authentication purpose.
Studies on Structure and Dielectric Properties of (BaxSr1-xTiO3) (x=0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7)[Full-Text ] P. Sreenivasula Reddy and T. Subba RaoBarium strontium titanate (BST) a sample with the molar formula BaxSr1-xTiO3 in which x varies as 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 were prepared by standard double sintering ceramic method. From XRD, the tetragonal perovskite phase formation was confirmed. The lattice parameters a and c were calculated from the XRD data. As a function of frequency and temperature, the dielectric constant and Dielectric loss were studied in the frequency range 1 kHz to 1 MHz.
Length weight relationship and condition factor of Tor putitora from Jhajjar stream[Full-Text ] Bipu Khajuria, Seema Langer, Rahul SharmaLength weight relationship of Tor putitora was studied from Jhajjar stream, a tributary of river Chenab. A total of 60 specimens were collected from March, 2012 to Feb, 2013. Total length of the specimens ranged from 9.2 cm to 18 cm. Multiple regression analysis was done by using SPSS software to compute the degree of relationship between length and weight and exhibited highly significant correlation (p<0.001). The values of length weight relationship according to formula was observed to be Log W = -1.899+2.922 Log TL, where b = 2.922 showing isometric growth pattern and coefficient of correlation R2 = 0.7953. The condition factor also varied month wise.
Time-resolved X-rays emission and laser to X-rays conversion efficiency of metallic targets[Full-Text ] M. Rafique, M. Shahid Rafique, M. Bilal Tahira, Muneeb Irshad, Shahbaz MajeedThe laser to x-rays conversion efficiency of laser induced plasma has been investigated. Three metallic targets Al (13), Cu (29) and W (74) were irradiated with Nd: YAG laser (1064 nm) under vacuum ~10-4 torr. The x-rays emission is monitored by an X-rays detector (modified PIN photodiode) filtered with 10 µm Al sheet. The conversion efficiency as well as total x-rays energy is strongly atomic number dependent of target material. The measurements are also
Factors Influencing Interests the Lower Income Community toward Simple Rental Flat in Surabaya, Indonesia[Full-Text ] Palupi Sri Narisywari, Happy Ratna Santosa, Ispurwono SoemarnoThe housing needs of low income community is an important thing to be fulfilled. The government has facilitated the housing need for lower income group by providing the simple rental flat. Initially, Surabaya Government having problems in changing community perception toward rental flats. Based on cultural aspect, most of lower income community is tend to stay at landed house. Nowadays lower income group are more understand the difficulty of finding and using urban land because of the high price. Its problem made the rental flat becomes interesting for lower income community. This study is to explore the influencing factors of low income community that choose to live in simple flat rental. This research used statistic descriptive, cross tabulation analysis and descriptive analysis methods. The result shows that the external factors that pull respondent to live in flat is because of the affordable of flat rental price. The influence of family factors and the influence of friends / neighbors are also external factor that push the flat occupants choose to live in flats. The clean and adequate condition in simple rental flat becomes interesting factors for low income community to live in simple rental flat.
Analysis with Integration of Reverse Engineering & Additive Manufacturing of an Appendix[Full-Text ] L.B.Raut, S.R.JagtapEngineering consists of different fields including Bio-medical engineering also. Bio-medical engineering has variety of applications. The different knowledge related to medical information, the various medical images and different materials used in medical science are very easy to achieve with the help of biomedical engineering. Now days, applications of CAD are widely used in this biomedical engineering field. There is need for the integration of CAD and biomedical field. This integration is termed as bio-CAD. Reverse engineering includes 3D scanning and CAD modeling of an appendix. It also includes analysis of an appendix in a human body for a particular internal pressure. It includes meshing of an appendix with the help of designing packages. It also includes pressure distribution and stress distribution on entire surface of an appendix. Hence the analysis of an appendix is very essential for solving various cases in medical science field. It will surely help the doctors for their complicated medical cases.
Numerous Approaches to Overcome From Black Hole Attack in MANET[Full-Text ] Prema Jagtap , Seema Ladhe ,Sachin ChavanMobile Ad hoc network (MANET) has many applications. Police and military make use of it such as connecting each other or connecting units to each other on the battleground. MANET also useful during disaster relief operations, urgent business meeting, etc. Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks are autonomous and decentralized wireless systems. To maintain information security three major requirements should be fulfilled i.e. confidentiality, integrity and availability. Security of the MANET has been challenged by malicious attacks in MANET i.e. eavesdropping, spoofing, control packet modification and denial of services(DOS). This paper we primarily focus on the black hole attack in MANET and methods used to overcome this attack. The main impact of this paper is we yield detail comparison of various approaches used to avoid and mitigate this attack.
Characterization of Aeromonas hydrophila type strains isolates from industrial wastewater Hilla - Iraq[Full-Text ] Suad Ghali Kadhim ALahmed, Anwar Kadhim AL-saffarTwenty one strains of motile Aeromonas species were isolated from Industrial wastewater Al- Furat Company Hilla- Iraq. The Study aimed to evaluate the possible ecological effect of the industrial waste water released from Company . Samples were monthly taken started from may 2013 to October 2013 . The results showed that the natural properties of waste water were variable due to the nature of the materials dumping in the derange stream . It was found the pH ranged from (1.5 - 5.2 ) , conductivity reached to 3100 Ms / cm while the higher concentration of COD, TDS , Cl , SO4 , Ca and Mg were 140 , 1953 , 335 , 738, 200 and 104 mg/l respectively. A. hydrophila suspected isolale was screening by traditionally tests and then confirmed by Vitek 2 system and PCR technique (16S r RNA gene). In this study A. hydrophil strains are highly resistance to several antibiotics that was considered as pathogen for human being causing several disease.
IDENTIFICATION OF GENOMIC SEQUENCES USING CORRELATION TECHNIQUE[Full-Text ] K Satya Sravya, G Raghava, K Gireesh Varma, G Prudhivi Raj, G Santhi KumarIn this paper genomic sequences are analyzed by developing the pattern filtering approach. By using this approach the distance of certain pattern is first translated into a “gap sequences” consisting of integer numbers. These patterns result in different gap sequences, comparing of two genomic sequences can be made based upon the processing of gap sequences which are generated by a set of pre-selected patterns. For the enhancement of two sequences “correlation technique” is applied used for checking the similarity between two genomic sequences. Conventional techniques of non-numeric data analysis consist of assigning numeric values to non-numeric symbols and using numeric techniques for processing the resultant sequences.
Real Time Approach of Piezo Actuated Beam Using G-Programming[Full-Text ] S.Saju B.E.,M.E.,(Ph.d), G.Uma Maheswari, R.Hemamalini, S.VasugipottramaraiPiezo-actuated beam is used for wireless seismic measurement and indication using Lab VIEW. Principle of piezoelectric materials has been utilized here i.e. Piezoelectric materials deform when a voltage is applied to them and inversely will produce a voltage when they are deformed. For this reason, they can be used as both sensors and actuators. Here, Lab VIEW 2013 version, NI ELVIS (Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite) and Bluetooth device connected with PC has been utilized for acquiring and indicating vibration. The developed design is expected to be used universally for measuring seismic waves and also in Industrial applications for the measurement of micro vibration.
Upgrading of Activated Sludge Systems Using Immobilized Nitrifiers in Polymer Pellets[Full-Text ] Khaled Zaher Abdalla, Khaled KhafagyThe presence of excess nutrients in wastewater can cause eutrophication. Also, the presence of ammonia in some polluted surface water bodies lead to difficulty in chlorine disinfection. In conventional treatment processes, it is difficult to maintain high efficiency of simultaneous removal of ammonia and total organic carbon in a single reactor, because the simultaneous growth of nitrifiers and heterotrophs in the same reactor often leads to low nitrification. The use of immobilized microorganisms has been gaining importance because the activity of specific microorganisms can be enhanced to perform certain reactions; thus immobilized nitrifying cells in polymer pellets for enhanced nitrification can be used. Pellets made of synthetic polymers are superior to natural polymers in terms of strength and durability; their estimated life span is about 10 years. In this paper, nitrification using immobilized nitrifiers was examined by upgrading an activated sludge system using polyethylene glycol (PEG). The experimental work was carried out in Hitachi treatment plant. The results of the experimental works showed that PEG is a suitable material for immobilizing nitrifiers in terms of physical and biological character¬istics, and the pellets with diameters (2 to 3) mm are fluidized sufficiently in the nitrification tank. High removal efficiencies of total nitrogen were obtained. The removal efficiency depends on hydraulic retention time, and recycle ratio. The reactor volume required when using immobilized nitrifiers can be reduced to be half that required by the conventional system, leading to reduction in the initial costs.
Cost-effective Refrigerator Using Thermoelectric Effect and Phase Change Materials[Full-Text ] Adithya Venugopal, Karan Narang, Ken Prakash, Mukund JoshiRefrigeration, by definition, is the process of lowering the temperature of an item below what it would have normally been by storing it in a system that is designed to cool or freeze its contents. Contemprary refrigerators that utilize compressor based cooling fail to retain their efficiency when their capacity is reduced. In this context, our project aims at providing an alternate, more efficient, means of cooling by making use of the Thermoelectric Effect as opposed to the conventional methods that are prevalent today.
Biomechanics, an aspect of the relationships between Wood Anatomical parameters and Mechanical Strength in Ten Nigerian Timber Species[Full-Text ] G.C AJUZIOGU. G.E.ODO, M.O. NWOSU, U., NZEKWE, C.C., ONYEKE , P.M., EJIKEME , ONYEONAGU C.CWood anatomical characteristics of ten commercial timbers of Nigeria: Ceiba pentandra; Diospyros mespiliformis; Afzelia africana; Brachystegia nigerica; Gossweilerodendron balsamiferum; Periscopsis elata; Khaya ivorensis; Milicia excelsa; Mansonia altissima and Gmelina arborea were determined and their potentials in the prediction of five strength parameters: compression; cleavage; shear; indentation and tensile were assessed. The anatomical characteristics showed variations in fibre length; fibre diameter; fibre lumen diameter; fibre cell wall thickness; number of fibres per field of view; number of vessels per field of view; vessel diameter in the tangential direction and in the derived values: Runkel ratio; slenderness ratio and coefficient of flexibility. Variations occurred also among the species in all the strength parameters assessed, which include compression; tension; indentation; cleavage and shear. The statistical analysis showed significant differences among the means tested for in the ten timber species (P= 0.05). Anatomical parameters with highly significant correlations - positive or negative were of good strength predictive potentials. The strength prediction equation (Y= bx + a) was derived for each of the strength parameters assessed and the validity of these equations determined. When the mean of any of the anatomical parameters (x) is substituted in the equation, the corresponding strength could be worked out. Species with longer fibres offered less resistance to compression, indentation and tensile forces. Fibre diameter showed no significant correlations with any of the strength parameters and therefore was not of any predictive value. Species with narrower fibre lumina offered more resistance to compression, cleavage and tensile forces. Timber species with thicker fibre walls were more resistant to compression and tensile forces, but less resistant to indentation force. Species with more fibres per field of view were more resistant to compression and cleavage forces. Timber species with many vessels per field of view offered more resistance to compression, indentation and tensile forces, but low resistance to cleavage force. Timbers whose vessel diameters are wider in the tangential directions offered lower resistance to compression, cleavage and tensile forces. Among the three derived fibre values assessed, slenderness ratio had no strength predictive potential. The other two, coefficient of flexibility and Runkel ratio had good strength predictive potentials which seemed antagonistic in nature. While species with high coefficient of flexibility offered low resistance to compression, cleavage and tensile forces but high resistance to indentation force. Species with high Runkel ratio gave high resistance to compression, cleavage and tensile forces.
EVALUATIONS ON THE EFFICACY OF SOME BIOPESTICIDAL POWDERS ON THE NATALITY (BIRTH RATE) OF Callosobruchus maculatus (F) (COLEOPTERA: BRUCHIDAE) IN SOME LEGUMINOUS GRAINS.[Full-Text ] G E Odo, F.N Ekeh, N Ivoke, C. S. Ubani, Nweze,N.O, Agwu,E.J, E E, Osayi and Haruna,A.S.Evaluations on the efficacy of some biopesticides viz Aframomum melegueta seed, Capsicum nigrum seed, Allium sativum bulb, Zingiber officinale rhizome, Azadirachta indica leaves and Ocimum gratissimum leaves and pirimiphos methyl powder in the suppression of a grain pest Callosobruchus maculatus damage in stored leguminous grains viz: Vigna unguiculata, Cajanus cajan and Vigna subterranean in various concentrations was investigated. The biopesticides used was applied at the rate of 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 grams while the synthetic pesticide (Primiphos methyl) was applied at 0.1g per 20grams of each of the grains. Split plot design of six treatments replicated three times was adopted. Three pairs of one day old adult C. maculatus were introduced into each jar, when eggs were noticed (within 7days) the adult C. maculatus was removed. The experiment was allowed for one month period to observe all stages of development and emergence of new adult C. maculatus. Maximum suppression of natality of C. maculatus was observed with pirimiphos methyl where very few eggs emerged in all the grains viz: 2.00 ± 0.21 for Vigna unguiculata, 2.00 ± 0.21 for C. cajan and 3.00 ± 0.21 for V. subterranean but no adult emerged in all the grains viz 0.00 ± 0.00.The biopesticides used acted variously where the best results that yielded least C. maculatus was seen in Aframomum melegueta for all the grains at the highest dose rate viz: 11.75 ± 0.08 at egg stage and 8.00 ± 0.00 at adult stage for V. unguiculata, 13.25 ± 1.38 at egg stage and 8.50 ± 0.05 at adult stage for C. cajan, 12.00 ± 0.00 at egg stage and 8.75 ± 0.95 at adult stage for V. subterranean followed by Capsicum nigrum, while the biopesticides that suppressed least C. maculatus was seen in Zingiber officinale in all the grains viz: 20.75 ± 1.80 at egg stage and 11.75 ± 0.08 at adult stage for V. unguiculata, 29.50 ± 8.67 at egg stage and 19.75 ± 0.50 at adult stage for C. cajan also 26.25 ± 0.02 at egg stage and 16.75 ± 0.08 at adult stage for V. subterranea. All other biopesticides behaved alike. There was no significant difference in the actions of the biopesticides.. The proximate analysis of the legumes revealed that the protein content of V. unguiculata was more than others. The phytochemical analysis revealed that Alkaloids, steroids, glycosides and terpenoids were present in the biopesticides. Aframomum melegueta and Capsicum nigrum gave maximum suppression of natality of C. maculatus almost like the synthetic pesticide and therefore recommended.
STUDY ON THE PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF GROUNDWATER IN MALURU TALUK (KARNATAKA)[Full-Text ] Sripathy.L and Naveen chandraA systematic physico-chemica study of the quality of the ground water, obtained from different sources in and around MaluruTaluk, a suburban Bengaluru, has been carried out. Water is a crucial for the sustenance of life on the earth. Millions of people living in rural and urban areas the tube well water has become very essential these days, According to surveys, ground water accounts for nearly 50% urban water requirement and 80% of rural needs. Keeping in view of the above, an attempt has been made to evaluate the physico-chemical properties of ground water samples collected during pre-monsoon in the year 2012 from twenty tube wells located in and around Maluru. The physico chemical properties have been studied with respect to Temperature, turbidity, pH, TDS, salinity, EC, total hardness, total alkalinity, the concentration of metal ions Ca+, Mg+, Na+, K+ and concentration of Cl-, F-, have been determined . These results are compared with standard results as given by BIS and WHO. The analysis of results indicate that the water samples lie within the permissible standard limits. However some water samples are contaminated above the permissible limit.
Noise Reduction of High Density Impulse Noise using First Order Neighborhood Mean Filter[Full-Text ] Sagar Chouksey, Dushyant Verma, Ashutosh Chouksey, Garvit Rathi,Uday Pratap SinghIn this paper, a new algorithm has been proposed for the restoration of gray scale and color images which get highly corrupted by fixed value impulse noise (salt and pepper). This paper is designed to get better result at high density noise in corrupted images. There are two steps in the proposed algorithm for de-noising the image first step is to detect that the pixel is corrupted or not and the second step is to replace the pixel if it is corrupted by mean of its neighborhood pixels. The proposed algorithm considers first order neighborhood pixels for detecting the noisy pixel and mean filter is considered. Proposed algorithm is compared with all other standard and well known algorithms and found to have better result at high noise densities i.e. 80-90%. The proposed algorithm shows better results than Median Filter (MF), Adaptive Median Filter (AMF), Progressive Switched Median Filter (PSMF), Decision Based Algorithm (DBA), Modified Decision Based Algorithm (MDBA), Modified Decision Based Unsymmetrical Trimmed Median Filter (MDBUTMF), and Modified Non-Linear Filter (MNF). Different grayscale and color images are tested by using the algorithm and it gave better Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Image Enhancement Factor (IEF) at low, medium and high noise densities.
Biodiversity of Fungal forms in soil of Wardha City (M.S.)[Full-Text ] Dr. Dalal.L.P. and D.G. Bhadange.An experiment was conducted during the year- 2011 to explore the different form of fungi. In present investigation Aspergillus sp. and Penicillium sp. were found more prevalent in soil mycoflora of different areas of the city. A marked variation in soil mycoflora in different areas were also found in different months. Fungal species like Aspergillus sp., Penicillium , Mucor sp., were reported more prevalent in the months of July to October 2011. Some fungi were more restricted and reported in particular environmental conditions like Rhizopus sp., Pyricularia and Monilia sp. were restricted in particular months of a year. It was also reported that some fungal species were less prevalent like curvularia lunata and Helminthosporium. In Present investigation it was reported that fungal species like Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus and Mucor sp; and Rhizopus sp. were more prominent in all types of environment of soil of Wardha City (M.S.) and shown biodiversity in fungal soil mycoflora.
Clinicoradiological correlation of children between 2 months-5 years with clinical features of pneumonia in emergency settings[Full-Text ] Dr Joginder Silayach, Dr Kundan Mittal, Dr Pankaj Abrol, Dr Rohtash Yadav, Dr Anupama MittalBackground: The role of chest radiography in all the children who present with cough and fast breathing for the diagnosis of pneumonia still remains an enigma. Objective: To study association between clinical and radiological features among children aged 2 months to 5 years presenting with features of “pneumonia”. Study design and setting: A cross-sectional study was conducted in pediatric emergency of a tertiary care, teaching hospital of North India. Participants: A total of 150 children aged 2 months- 5 years presenting with cough and fast breathing in the preceding 7 days [World Health Organisation definition of pneumonia] were enrolled in the study. Methods: The baseline clinical features at presentation were recorded. The enrolled participants were subjected to chest skiagram and based on the radiological presence of consolidation and/or asymmetric infiltrates were divided into two groups-“CXR positive pneumonia” and “CXR negative pneumonia”. The clinical features were compared between the groups. Results: The prevalence of radiographic pneumonia was found to be 40/150 (26.7%). Presence of nasal flaring (p=0.038), grunt (p<0.001), decreased breath sounds (p<0.001), crepitations (p=0.002) and wheeze (p=0.013) were associated with radiographic pneumonia. On regression analysis, decreased breath sounds [OR (95% CI): 0.021 (0.006-0.075)] (p<0.001) and presence of crepitations [OR (95% CI): 0.868 (0.182-4.149)] (p=0.859) were significant predictors of pneumonia. Conclusion: The yield of CXR in detecting pneumonia among children presenting with cough and fast breathing was 26% and presence of radiographic pneumonia were predicted by clinical presence of decreased breath sounds and crepitations.
Congenital Lobar Emphysema: A Commonly Misdiagnosed Entity[Full-Text ] Dr. Kundan Mittal, Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Dr. Joginder Silayach, Dr Anupama MittalCongenital Lobar Emphysema (CLE) is a rare cystic malformation of the lung which is often misdiagnosed and managed as pneumothorax. We are describing a case of a 45 days old baby who presented to the emergency department with sudden onset of respiratory distress. On the basis of the chest X-ray (CXR) pneumothorax was suspected and an intercostal drainage (ICD) tube was inserted. But clinical and radiological non-improvement even after placement of an ICD tube raised the suspicion of CLE which was later confirmed by CT scan. Despite the opportunity to diagnose CLE on a simple investigational modality like CXR, cases of CLE tend to be misdiagnosed as pneumothorax very commonly and a high index of suspicion is required by the treating paediatrician.
Efficient Approach for Single Camera 3D Images System[Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. Dr. Dhafer R. Zaghar, Dr. Ekbal Hussein, Hala A.A. NumanThe 3D techniques today has a wide range of applications, especially in medical and art, so it is one of the most promising technologies and important for the future. The error in disparity map and highly computational cost and execution time are the major obstacles in the applications of stereo vision to extract 3D. Catadioptric stereo system has newly acquired an increasing importance in 3D. The two captured images can be easily obtained at the same time without the need of exact multi-camera synchronization and calibration. Additionally, catadioptric system required 10 Degree Of Freedom (DOF), while stereo cameras have 16 DOF. This paper proposed an algorithm to find the 3D information of scene by using mirror reflections of that scene. It will use the geometry of catadioptric stereo with two planar mirrors and single camera to show the epipolar constraints and estimate the fundamental matrix and the relative orientation. The proposed algorithm has three additional points to improve the previous works. First point is the calibration process obtaining intrinsic parameters; second point it will speed up execution time by using Sobel filter with vertical edge detection. Third point it will use the adaptive block size with vertical edge detection matching technique to find the disparity map. The significance of this work is reduction of the execution time and the error of the catadioptric stereo vision algorithm.
Exergy Analysis of Gas Turbine Power Plant[Full-Text ] Mehta Parth N., Dr.Mehta N.S., Panchal C.P.The exergy analysis is carried out by conducting mass energy and exergy balance of each component in the gas turbine plant. Parametric analysis of the influence of various factors namely compression ratio, compressor inlet air temperature(AT) and turbine inlet temperature (TIT) on irreversibilites of each and every component of gas turbine plant is carried out Exergy analysis revealed that most sensitive components in gas turbine plant were combustion chamber.
Study of miscibility and interaction in poly Acrylic Ac-id-polyvinyl acetate blend using Density and Viscosity Technique[Full-Text ] Dr.C. Nagamani, Meghana Dravida SeetharamThe density and the viscosity measurements of polymer blend solutions form an important tool for the evaluation of parameters which give an insight into the nature of miscibility and molecular interactions in polymer blend. Inthe present investigation, densities and viscosities have been measured in 4% solution of polyAcrylic Acid and Poly vinyl Acetate in DMSO using calculated and reduced viscosity parameters varations with composition of blend shows nonlinear increase or decrease with molar concentration which suggest immiscibility or semicompatibility among the component polymers. Two immiscible polymers are need to be compatibilized in order to be used in commercial applications. The nature of solvent-polymer polymer –polymer interaction and the effect of Temperature on the molecular interaction of PAA-PVAc inDMSO have been studied.