Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2014 Edition
Publication for Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2014 is in-process.
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Developmental Features and Implementation Challenges of Electronic Pest Control Devices in Developing Countries[Full-Text ] Ibrahim A.G, Oyedum O.D, Awojoyogbe O.B, Okeke S.S.N.This work presents the makeup and striking advances recorded in all spheres of electronic pest control. Challenges hampering the smooth implementation of the gains of electronic pest control devices especially in developing countries were highlighted. It was recommended that more work be done in this field by researchers and governments of developing nations in order to domesticate the gains of this technology.
PC Based Low Cost Energy Meter Billing System for Home and Commercial Buildings[Full-Text ] Subrata Biswas, Mubinul Haque, Arafat Kabir, Md. Iftekhar Alam, Avijeet BanikMeter reading is an important part of billing system for residential and commercial buildings. The importance of an effective and efficient billing system cannot be over emphasized. This is very critical as small errors can lead to substantial loss of revenue. This often does not reflect the exact or true electricity consumption of such buildings, resulting in an inefficient bill mainly due to human errors. Thus, it is essential to have an efficient and effective system for this measurement purposes. This paper is about the design and construction of a personal computer (PC) based power monitoring system. It is made up of integrated circuits, active and passive hardware devices and a Visual Basic software program which is used for programming the PC serial port. This design monitors the amount of electrical power used, up to 600 watt, transmitting data through a central receiving unit connected to a PC via USB serial (COM) port. The PC displays and stores the data for future recall and simple cost analysis. The device is used to measure accurately the electric power consumed by a residential or commercial buildings which is more economical compared to the electromechanical devices. Utility companies can directly monitor and control electrical power supply billing of its distributed consumers without engaging the services of human oriented meter readers. The meter displays the consumed power per minute. The potential of the developed system are mainly the advantages of virtual instrumentation, flexibility, lower built cost and high performance, high accuracy in power monitoring and power management.
Optimization of Offset Operation in MicroTurn CNC Machine[Full-Text ] Prof.Elango.V, Prof.Jagadeesh.D, Prof.Saravanan.G, Prof.Balasubramani.KThe research is to reduce the frequent offset problem in cnc machine during turning operation. The offset problem is occurred mainly due to tool wear rate. This paper reviews brie?y the research of sensing of tool wear condition in turning. The two methods, trial and error method and the acoustic emission sensor method are used to sense the tool wear rate and reduce the frequent offset problem in cnc machine.
Protective effect of black tea extract during chemotherapeutic drug induced oxidative damage on normal lymphocytes in comparison with cancerous K562 cells[Full-Text ] Debjani Ghosh, Subrata Kumar Dey, Chabita SahaDaunomycin and adriamycin have been widely used as chemotherapeutic drugs against varied number of cancers, however, non-targeted cytotoxicity has been limiting their therapeutic ratios. In the present study, protective effect of black tea, rich in natural antioxidants has been investigated against drug induced oxidative damage in normal lymphocytes and compared with erythroleukemic K562 cells. Pre-treatment with black tea extract (BTE) significantly reduced loss of cell viability, generation of ROS, mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA damage, activation of caspase-3 and apoptosis in normal lymphocytes compared to K562 cells. HPLC analysis confirms that extracellular BTE penetrate the cell membrane in both types of cells and also regulate the activity of endogenous antioxidant enzymes. The changes in the mRNA expression of bax, bcl2, p53 and Nrf2 were also followed to evaluate regulation of drug induced apoptosis by BTE. The findings demonstrate that black tea is a promising chemo-protective agent which can be supplemented along with chemotherapeutic drugs to reduce oxidative damage to non-targeted cells.
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Solar Module in Matlab-Mathworks environment[Full-Text ] Yamina KhlifiThis paper presents a mathematical modeling and simulation of a photovoltaic solar module. Mainly an accurate mathematical model for computing Maximum Power output of a photovoltaic PV module is presented. The model for PV panel is developed based on the single-diode photovoltaic model, found in the literature, including the effect of the series resistance. A typical 60 W photovoltaic panel is selected for simulation in Matlab-Mathworks environment. The essential parameters, required for modeling the photovoltaic module, are taken from datasheets provided from manufactures’. Current-Voltage and Power-Voltage characteristics are obtained, for the selected module, from simulation and compared with the experimental curves. On the other hand, this model is used to compute and to investigate the variation of Maximum Power output of a PV module with temperature and irradiance intensity levels. A validation of the proposed mathematical model is performed by an interactive analysis and comparison between simulation results and the typical PV module datasheet. The simulation results are well matched with the experimental data.
A Review: Image Segmentation Using Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Anubha Kale, Mr. Himanshu Yadav, Mr. Anurag JainImage segmentation is an important and difficult task of image processing and the consequent tasks including object detection, feature extraction, object recognition and categorization depend on the quality of segmentation process. In this paper we suggest Genetic Algorithm to solve the problem of image segmentation. The problem was treated as optimization problems based GA. GAs is used to segment an image by using an optimization function without any threshold values. GAs based image segmentation can provide more accurate results than traditional segmentation methods. The genetic procedure provided a faster convergence to the optimal solution. This is because the sampling strategy allows exploring the solution space by a strategy that is not biased. The preliminary results indicate that GA-based methods perform better than the traditional methods in terms of quality. Also, by developing hybrid algorithms such as GAs and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) we can reduce the processing time and increase the visual quality of the final segmentation underscoring the advantages of hybrid algorithms.
A Novel, Cost-Effective and Scalable Helping Aid for the Specially Abled[Full-Text ] Jayaraj Sajjanar, Darshan Deshpande, Sachin S M, Rakesh Gulaganji, Pavan MahendrakarThis paper presents a general framework for developing a helping adi for the specially abled by capitalizing on the various advancements that have come into the computer arena.
Assay Method of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Entacapone by High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Technique[Full-Text ] Shashikant Aswale, Sunanda Aswale, Sachin Zade, Padma There, Rajesh Hajare and Aparna DhoteA simple, linear and reproducible assay method was developed for the quantification of entacapone API by using high performance liquid chromatography. The method was developed by using Phenomenox Kinetex C18, (100 x 4.6) mm, 2.6 micron column. Mobile phase consisted of Water: Methanol: Orthrophosphoric acid in ratio 50:50:0.1 with flow rate of 1.0 ml/min at 300 nm and column oven temperature at 50°C. RSD for standard preparation under system precision was observed 0.10%. RSD for retention time was observed 0.15% which shows reproducibility during replicate injections. The linearity range was achieved from 200 to 600 ppm level for entacapone. Comparative data of method and intermediate precision shows average assay value 99.81% on as is basis. The method was applied for quantification of assay of entacapone API.
Development of an E-Nose Using Metal Oxide Semiconductor Sensors for the Classification of Climacteric Fruits.[Full-Text ] Ashok Kanade and Dr.A.D.ShaligramThe present work deals with the development of an artificial olfactory system as a nondestructive instrument to be used for classification of different fruits and exploration of its application in measurement of fruit ripening stages. The fruits chosen for this study are Guava, Orange and Banana. The developed system comprises of an array of eight metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors, odor delivery system, interface circuit board, data acquisition card and self programmed Data acquisition as well as analysis software using LabVIEW. The design of this tool focused on studying the response of a sensor array to various VOC vapors released by fruit during ripening and optimizing the data acquisition, signal preprocessing, storage, feature extraction parameters using principle component analysis. It was found that developed e-nose can discriminate the patterns of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from three fruits taken for experimentation. These three fruits, as analysed by the principal component analysis (PCA). With further validation and development, this e-nose may become very useful for monitoring the exhaled as a screening device for discriminating the fruits. This e-nose can also be used for classification and grading of different climacteric fruits on the basis of their ripening stages.
Adoption of Information System by Indian Hospitals; Challenges and Roadmap[Full-Text ] Ranjeeta Basra KorgaonkarWith the introduction of HIS in hospitals, there has been considerable improvement in quality and standard of patient care being provided by hospitals. Information systems have also been helpful in efficient hospital management. There are innumerable other benefits such as ease in collection and retrieval of accurate and complete medical information of patients, lower operational and treatment costs, less time to retrieve patient medical data, easier interpretation of clinical data and availability of warnings for exceptional medical cases, such as, drug to drug interaction and other safety and interaction alerts, faster return on investment, lesser pilferage and revenue leak incidences etc.
EFFECT OF DEVIATIONAL CURING ON THE STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE[Full-Text ] Anitha.M.Pujar., Dr. K. B. PrakashConcrete failures at site are associated to several reasons; right from concrete mix design, properties of materials used, mixing, placing, compaction, curing procedures and many more. There are many misconceptions about the duration of curing of concrete, especially when we refer to site conditions. Improper curing is considered as one of the significant reasons for concrete failures in columns, beams, slabs, pavements, etc, evident in the form of cracks, which are easily noticeable by the naked eyes. Unfortunately, curing is not given much importance on most of the sites which leads to reduction in the durability of the structure.
CONCENTRATION OF RADON AND ITS PROGENY LEVELS IN AIR IN THE DWELLINGS OF MORADABAD OF WESTERN U.P[Full-Text ] R B S Rawat, Arunesh Saxena, Parag Mishra and V K SharmaThis study assesses the indoor radon and its progeny in some dwelling in Moradabad of Western Uttar Pradesh by using LR-115 plastic track detector. The measurements were made in 66 residential houses from January 2012 to December 2012 hanging twin cup radon dosimeter at a height of 1.5-2.0 m from ground level. The twin cup radon dosimeter can record the values of radon, and its decay products separately. The graphs were plotted for radon concentration versus number of houses for different seasons. The resulting radon concentration level due to radon varied from 18.14 Bq.m-3 to 22.62 Bq.m-3. The observed radon concentration inside the houses of Moradabad were found to be lower than the ICRP recommended value of 200 Bq.m-3 and thus are within safe limits.
Design and Analysis of a Low Actuated Voltage RF MEMS Shunt Capacitive Switch for Ka Band[Full-Text ] Abhilash Vats, Vaishali Sharma, Anubha Dogra, Nipurn Kumar and Prashant Kumar GuptaRF MEMS Switches are one of the most prominent and remarkable future micro-machined products that have gain attention in last year’s. This Paper presents design, analysis and proposed fabrication process and simulation of a low actuated voltage shunt capacitive RF MEMS Switch. The Air gap in between the membrane and CPW signal line is 1.5 µm. The lowest actuation voltage of switch is 2 Volts. The proposed fixedfixed flexures beam design provides excellent RF Characteristics (Isolation -44 dB at 26.5 GHZ and insertion loss -0.26 dB at 26.5 GHZ). The results show that the proposed switch is suitable for Ka- band applications.
Special Relativity Contradicted by Oscillation[Full-Text ] Tapan Kumar GhoshThis paper deals with breakdown of Lorentz tansformations before oscillatory sequence of events. Lorentz tansformations are the basis of Einstein's special realtivity.Till to date none has found any pitfall in the theory. Any contradiction pointed towards the theory either ended in an apparent paradox or ended in a misunderstanding of the proposer himself. But the author here shows how the Lorentz transformations wrongfully transform even the simplest oscillatory motion rendering two sides of the transformed equation not equal. Therefore the author proposes this conjecture for settling the dispute and invoke new thinking. Einstein's theory although is the theory of clock synchronisation but is helpless before any kind of oscillation. In reality without oscillatory sequence of events we never can construct a clock and Lorentz transformation is expected to support this; but it is unfortunate that the matter turned really grave when Lorentz transformations want to transform an oscillation from one inertial frame to another. Perhaps Lorentz transformations are not final statement of transformation of event from one inertial frame to another.
Synthesis, Characterization & Anti-Bacterial Studies of Mannich base N-(phenyl(thioureido methyl) benzamide and its Metal Complexes[Full-Text ] M.Sivakami, M.VijayaChandrasekar, Ramya Nair and B.NatarajanA novel Mannich base of N-(phenyl(thioureido methyl)benzamide (BBTU) and its coordination complexes with transition metals Mn,Co,Ni,Cu & Zn have been synthesized and characterized on the basis of elemental analysis, molar conductance, magnetic susceptibility measurements, UV-visible, IR , NMR & Mass spectral studies. The ligand (BBTU) and metal complexes were tested for antimicrobial properties.
Automation of Attendances in Classrooms using RFID[Full-Text ] Hassanin M. Al-Barhamtoshy, Abdulrahman H. Altalhi and Abdulfattah S. MashatThis paper automates to design and implement students’ attendance management system taken into consideration easy access and time saving. The system will be used in faculty of computing and information system (FCIT) at King Abdulaziz University (KAU). Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and wireless technology are two technologies which will be applied as infrastructure in the indoor environment. University Based Services (UBS) and tag IDs of the RFID are being used in this paper, in order to determine the attendance list for academic staff. Once the academic staff enters a classroom, he will be able to register student’s presence. Therefore, an academic system for identifying and tracking attendance at computing college at KAU will be described. Therefore, hybrid RFID and Wireless LAN (WLAN) technologies will be implemented in FCIT academic environment.